City Council Resolution 1981-03(t k:5l)hU'.l'Lf)N llI:CLAh1NC AL)L'(Zlll1CY Ul'
PIJTITlOti r1NU OROLl:].iJC PItEPAItA'1'lON Ol~ i~ll?)R'1'
L'E TT KI~~~:.C)T,'JLll BY 'I'Hl?. CITY GOUNCII. of Monticello, MinnesoCri:
1. A petit-i.on r~:~duestine the iniprovemrnts listed below Foz~ Che I>r~ ~,t~_: ~.~
i~~~dicated has bE~~.n I-i.I~~d with ri:u (.;uunci.f. an January 12 )g 81 i..,
~~F~:reby declarcti to b~ si.g,nitd by ehe required pt~rcc~nts~e o< gape°%cy aLl~~•ct~'~.I
thei:~c~by. This ~i~~;larritir>n is made in conformity i,rith rii.[ulesi)t: ~;t `i[uCt ~ -::'~?.x!35.
IMPROVLMI~:[~!'C K1:i~liES7'L:?'~
IJxtension a sewer, water, street, curb and gutter, and storm sewer
to serve Lots 1.0 through 14, Black 1, .ats 1 & 2, Block ~ .end Lots 1]. thraul;h
1S, Block 4, all in The Meadows Subdivision Plat.
2. The I,c t i t i on i s li~~rchv r~~icrrrd to John laa~lalicl~ , :~u~l 'ii,~ i s, in ' ,_~_:c t~~~;i
to report to th~° t'~uu~<< i ] lei rl~ ;ill c~~nvenicnt sl>ced advis i ~~;; tl~~~ cuuu. i ] i n ;.
I>rc limi.ntiry w::;~ .~., ;~> wi~i th~~r ~hr pro~w:;~~a im~>rov~~iucnl ~i:. ~~a:~; i}) :xud ..., i ~,
~,dhc'ther it sh~~~.ld ht_• f br ui:t~l,, ;~:, ~>ru~~os~•d ur i.n cc~nriccL i~,n wi1.h ;;~~,r,i ,_,(_I~~~r
lIIlprOVE'ment, itt'~.d Mlle ~';,[lIl'i;it~'d Ci?ti'. OC ~-hC 1L1}%rOVI'117i'nL. lL; I~'COP.',!!li'R~ll'~i,
Motion to a:'tu,i_ rc sc ~ ut i ou w.3 :; ia,ide by c _~uuc ilmu.ub~ r Phil White
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seconded by cou~,:c~iimcu;b.~r Dan_Blonige.n ,~ _~_~•
Voting in favor: t'~rve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Phil 4dhzi.e, Lran E'air, Ken r~1,~us.
Opposed: None.
Adopted 1~~~ Chc i'it~~ ~'ouncil chi.s 12th clay ul January i'a81
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c~ry wi~:b~~-~
(1981 ~~~3)