City Council Resolution 1981-241 Member Wh;rA owed and Member Fair s nded the motion that the following Resolutio be adopted this 22nd d~af June, 1981. ~? y RESOLUTION N0. 1981-24 A RESOLUTION APPROVING ELECTION OF GARY WIEBER ~ TO BF, EXCLUDED FROM THE PUBLIC EMPI,OYF.ES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, Gary Wieber has notified the City Council. of his election to be excluded from membership in the public employees r.•c.=.tirement association and has provided this Council with a copy of his written election to do so, all as authorized by Minnesota Statutes 353.025. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council. of the City of Monticello as follows: 1. The Council makes the following findings: (a) Gary Wieber is the City Administrator of t.Yie City of Monticello, Minnesota. (b) That position is provided for in the ordinances of the City of Monticello. (c) He was duly appointed to serve in that position effective July 14, 1975, and he has held that position continuously since that date. (d) The City Administrator is the chief administrative officer of the City of Monticello. (e) Acting under Minnesota Statutes 353.025, he has elected to be excluded from membership in the Public I::mployees Retire- ment Association, effective upon his filing sucYi election with the Executive Director of that association. (f) In making this election he has agreed that: he will not at any time in the future seek any authorization to purchase service credit for any period of excluded service. fie has further agreed that this election is irrevocable. 2. Said election is therefore approved. 3. A certified copy of this Resolution shall be provided to the Executive Director of said association. The question was on the adoption of the Resolution and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof• White, Fair, Blonigen, Grimsmo, and Maus. and the following voted against the same: None i ~/ !' WHEREUPON SAID RESOLUTION WAS DECLARED DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22nd ATTEST: day of June 1981. Arve A. Grimsmo, M~a.yar ~~ ~~ ~ Ga iebe City Clerk (seal) Ia~ ~BLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASS~TION Capitol Square Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Telephone (612) 296-7460 APPLICATION FOR EXCLUSION FROM PERA MEMBERSHIP BY A CITY MANAGER Laws 1981, Chapter 254, Section 1, defines a city manager as follows: ". (1) a person duly appointed to and holding the position of city manager in a Plan B statutory city or in a home rule city operating under the 'council-manager' form of government, or (2) a person appointed to and holding the position of chief administrative officer of a home rule charter city or a statutory city pursuant to a charter provision, ordinance, or resolution establishing Bach a position and prescribing its duties and responsibilities. ." I, the undersigned, a city manager as defined, elect to bE~-excluded from membership in- the Public Employees Retirement Association. I will not at any time in the future seek any authorization to purchase service credit for any period of excludable service and I understand that this election is irrevocable. I became a city manager as defined under Laws 1981, Chapter 7.54, for the City of Monticello, Minnesota Check one: On July 14, 1975 [~ I choose to accept a refund of my accumulated salary deductions. [~ I chcose to place my account on a deferred basis. Gary Wieber Printed Name 475-50-6891 Social Security Number _ _ l~_/ L.~-G~__ ---- Signature ~~ ~~ 217-Mississi pi Dri.ve~, P.O. Box 683 Street Address Monticello, Minnesota 55362 City, State, Zip Code Subscribed and sworn to before me this ___ l~t day Of June 19 81 i Notary Public G<.f~E'~•~/ f- County - ~- My commission expires ~ -~~-~"~- ( S ~1 M~O~tffia~! A WIrONr OOUN1'll MY OOMM. OfP. JtlNS 11, lust A E GOVERNING BODY OF YOUR CITY APPROVING YOUR EXCLUSION FROM PERA MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM.