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City Council Resolution 1981-251';iiEP.!:AS, 'Tllc: Count.}'/C.ity oC Monticello has al:~;'. to
the Co,:~t•u~~sioncr i,f 'l'rausnoi,tatiun l~crt• a )~,:r,'t:i+: i~ro~r, the ^!innr~_;ota Lat~;s 1~M;~i,
Ca . 33,5 Section :~ l , Suli~i i ~~:i si on ] 1 , fr,r t)1(' clcv~ lonmcnt of nineni ty Tiro j ec is
under the Grout I?i~~er I'ro~;rrli,t (tc~ln~~iiti scct~ion:a arcs: hc~I;~l;~;
ends or locate4 at City of Monticello
and known as Ell:i.son Park ) .
It'III:RE.AS, 7'1~e amount cif the c;rant 1.^~ liec:r, detcrmir;cd to 1>u 6,632._00 __ i>y
1'caS0r1 of thc~ cns;inccrin estimate.
Prow Therefc:rc . !?c 1 ~t Resolved: that the Count~~/(:i. ty of Monticello
does hcreb~~ af~f i rig: that any cost of the ~1Tcn i ty pro_j cot ir. excrs; of .}re grant
r:i]I he the rc~pons:ihility of the Co;tnty/City of Monticello ,
and that any grant t~~oni_cs alaprot~ri.rtcd for the sala project but not rcyuired,
based on the fin,~l, shall he returned to the. Plrz;:e°ota I)epartr~ient of
'1'?"an~l?ort3Ll.On .
The Droner offi c~ a 1 __ City Administrator____ i s he,`e~av a,rthori.zed to si ~n
T i. t: l e _____
and execute on ;~ehaif on the County/City o:' Montice:lo
(county of _ Wright _ _) , Gr<~nt Apree;!rent `~~~rrher
i~: th the Stage of P~linrles >ta, a copy of t,:hich r;as before t3~,e
Counc i 1 ,
(Council oz• Board j
S`I'F1"I~1; O1~ P1I\~!:~(?'Cr''c
COl1N'1~1' OF Wright (:i i l' OF Monticello
I do liea'e};v cC:rYii'v t}lat tl:e fore~;nin~~, resolution :is :r true and correct
copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by t},e Cc,ual~~j~;:ity C`i
Monticello_ ____ _ at a duly authorized ~~cre~~i r?~~ tl•f~rcof orr ;:hc
.ciC it l
day of e _~,,~ ~/ 1J
.7a ~' .a i Ur' -.-- ---
6/22/81 Res. #25