City Council Resolution 1981-30~ • X30
HELD: SL:PTEMBER- 14, 1981
Pursuant to due call and notice th~~rer_>f, a _r_ e.~:xu.Ia~~
meeting oaf the City Council of the City of h~onticello, Wright
County, Minnesota, was duly held at the City E:~al.l in the C i_ty
on the 1.~4tra day c>f September, 1981., at .7:30 P. M. for the
purpose of opening and considering bids for r~r~d awarding t~7~e
sale of $4_:•0,000 General Obligation Improverner,t Bonds of 1x381,
Series Fs of. the City.
`T'he following members were present.: D ~ Bloni gen,
F. Fair, K. Maus, P. White and Mayor A. Griulsmo
and the following were absent: None
The City Administrator presented affidavits showing
publication of notice of call for bids on $49C;~,000 General
Obligation Improvement Bands of 1981, Series Ft of the City, for
which bids were to be received at. this meetincr, i.n accordance
with they resalutian adopted by the City Council on August 3,
1981. 'T'i;1e affidavits were examined, found to comply with tkre
provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, and were
approved and ordered placed on file.
The Cauncil proceed~ci to receive .rritil. open bids fat-
the sale of the bands. The fallowing bids w~~1~e received:
BicAczer Interest Rate Net Interest Cast
See Attached
~' /',f ~~ SPRINt ~STECi~
~~~~~-~~`~ PUBLIC. FINANCE
r ~I_ E__:
Minneapolis, Minnesota
And Associates
September 14, 1981
Moody`s Rat i nq: A
Net interest
~iddF~~.-_ ~,~~ Counons____ 'rice Cost & 'mate
Cronin & IVlarcotte, In~:~orparated
Moare, Juran and Company, Inc.
~(hc~a First National Bank of Saint Paul
r>lyth Eastman Paine 0~lebber, inc..
~`~R. 4-i. IUovick & Company, Inc.
I I . ao°r°
I .25%
i I .50%
I .75%
i0. e0~b
I i .25%
I I .50%
I I .90%
I I.00%
I I > 20%
I 1 .60%
i l .40°~
I I .25°~°
I I .50"x,
I .75`3~~
I q8~~
$4801, f~00.00
$48P~~, ~{ 14.80
(I 1 .6161"4,)
(1 I .6184%)
8000sborn '~!.~ilciir~g, Saint P~~ linnesota 550:? (~~12) 2;22-241
Daugherty, Dnwkins, Strand &
11.50°ti 1983-1985
10.9090 1986
II.00°ro 1987
11.2590 1988
11.5090 1989
11.75" 1990
11.90% 1991.
12.00°ro I992
54t~I~oQ.o0 ~3~~+,
(I ! . 902..5`x° }
Rate Year Yield
10.50%> 1983 10.00°
10.50°~ 1984 10..00%
10.50%~ 1985 10.2590
10.5090 1986 Par
10.7.5°h> 1987 Par
II.00°,4> 1988 Par
11.25°~0 1989 Par
11.50%> 1990 Par
1 i .7590 1991 Par
12.0090 1992 Par
BBI: 13.21
Av~:rage Maturity: 5.91 Years
The Council t'nen proceeded to cor7side.r and ,
the bids, after which member Bloni en _ __ _ intro<.; _,~~d
the following rc~~olution and moved a~ adoj~tori: M
$490, 000 GEA1E12AL i~F~L.It=1ATION IMF'R:)V~;M;?NT
BONDS OP 1981, Ser~_es E
}3F I T R?SOL.VF.D by t.i~e Counci]_ of t,~e City of
;~Ionticell.a, Minnesota, as follows:
1. The bid of L'~ancNorthwest to
purchase $490,000 General Oblzg-T at ion ImproverF`r,t B~.rds of 19t~1,
Series B of tYr.e City, in accordance with the notice of bon~3
sale, at the rates of interest hereinafter sF:~t forth, <.ind to
pay therefor the sum of $ 4 f30~. 400 . 4 2 is herc>'oy found,
determined and. declared to be the most favar~i~b;.e bid r<-~.^~>.ived,
and is hereby accert.ed and the bonds are herc:~by awarded to said
bidder. `The City Administrator is directed t:_o retain the
deposit cs:E said bidder and to forthwith return the yaod fait7~r
checks or drafts to the unsuccessful bidders. The bands shzill
be payable as to principal and interest at _ Ncrt:hwestern
National. Bank of Minneapo_l_is, in Minneapa? ~~_`_NIN~, or any
successor paying agent duly appointed by the City.
2. The $490,000 negotie~ble coupon <~eneral oblig:.~ti.on
bonds of the City shall be dated October I, 19~! 1 a.nd shal ]. be
issued forthwith. The bonds shall. be 9B in n~_i,rber and nt~r~,.~red
from 1 to 98, both inclusive, in t:he denomination of $5,000
each. The bonds shall mature serially, lowest nurric~ers fi.rst,.
on Februa:rv 1, in the years ~-.~nd amaunts as<->>:
$45,000 i_n each of the years 1983 anc 1984; and
$5fJ, 000 i.n each of the years 19f35 and 1992, bath
3. The bonds shall provide funds for ti~c_ construction of
various irrrprovements ir. the City. The total cost of the
improvements, whic°h shall include all costs -'numerated in
Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.65, is estimated to be at least
equal to the amount of the bonds herein authorized. tvark on
the improvements shall proceed with due diligE~nce to
4. Thcr bonds sha11 mature in t_he °•~ear;~> ,ind Z>e~zr f 1_lc~
serial nt:imbers seat forth below, and shall be~~~r interest pa.yabl e
August 1, 1982 and se.niannually thereafter on February 1 ~~nc?
August 1 of each year at the respective rate ., per annum sit
opposite the maturity years ,and serial n,irr~r.-~.s:
Maturity Fears Serial Numbers interest Rate
198:3 1-9 10.50 %
1984 10-18 10.50
198'.1 19-28 1.0.50
1.9~;r,; 29-38 ~ 0 . 50-
19 87 3 9 ~- 4 8 .f. 0. i 5`
1988 49-58 11.00
198':3 59-68 .L1 . 25 ~;
1990 69-78 11.50~~
1991 79-88 11_ . 7 ~`~
1992 €39-98 12.00`
' `~. All bonds of this issue i_n the years
1990 to 19~~2, bot~lz inclusive (boncts ntrmberec~ (~9 to 9II, both
inclusive}, s1-iall be subject t.o redempti_on ~i;:ZC prepayment_ <nt
the option of the City on February 1, 1989 inc. on any .int_e, eyst
payment d~-~t:e thereafter at par and accrued .merest. Rec3c>,~p~~i~:~n
may be i_n whole or in part of the bonds subject to prepayrnr=nt.
If redemoti.on is in part, those bonds remair,irtg unpaid wh:~:cYi
have the latest maturity date s11a7.1 be prep-: id first and :~.f
only part cif the bonds having a common maturit:.y date are c~al_l.e=d
for prepayment, the specific bonds to be prc~p~~id shall be
chosen by J_ot by the paying agent:. Publishc>d notice of
redemption shall in each case be given in accordance with law,
and mai]_ed notice of redemption shall be given to the banY
where the bonds are p~.iyable.
C~. The bonds and interest coupon:-, t o x~e is>sue:3
hereunder shall be in strbstanti a?.ly the fol'~ owing form:
No. ~
BOND OF 1981, Series B
KNO4~1 ALL .PERSONS BY THESfs' PRESEI~fT5 that the City of
Montire.llo, Wright County, Minnesota, certii_ies that i.t is
indebted and for value rer.eived promises to pay to bearer. the
principal. ::>urn of
on thc: first day of February, .19 and to pay interest thereon
from the date hereof until the principal i.s paid at the rate of
_. pE:~rc:ent ( _ w) per
annum, payable on the first day of August, 1.982 andJ
semiannually thereafter on the first day of February and the
first day of August in each year, interests t:o matu.rity being
represented by and payable in accor. dance ~~ait:h and upon
presentation and surrender of the interestk. coupons hereto
attached, as the Name severally become duce. Both principal and
interest are payable at _!~
or any successor agent duly
app roe lted by the City, in any r_oin or curr-erlcy of the L.Tnited
States of America which at the tune of pa~rment is legal tender
for pi.rblic and private debts .
All. bonds of this issue maturing s.n the years 1990 to
1992, both inclusive (bonds numbered 69 to ~~8, both inclusive),
are subject to redemption and prepayment zit the option of the
City on February 1, 1989 and on any interest:. payment date
thereafter at par and accrued .interest. f;eclernption may be in
whole ar in part of the bonds subject to prepayment. If
redemption is in part, those bonds remain:e_ng unpaid which have
the latest maturity date shall be prepaid first and if only
part of the bonds having a cormnon maturity ciat~e are called for
prepa,~rnent, the specific bonds to be prep~:~ici shall be chosen by
lot h~y the paying agent. Published notice c_~f redempti_on shall
in each case be given .in accordance with 1_a~,~, and rnailc,d notice
of redemption shall be given to the bank whf~re the bonds are
~ i
This bond is one of an issue in the total principal
amount of $490,000 ali of like date and,;or, except as to
serial number, maturity „ interest rate and redernption privi-
lege, which bond has been issued pursuant. ~t.o grid in full
conformity with the Constituti.or~ and laws ~~~f the State ofd
Minnesota for the purpose of providing money for the
construction of various improvements and is, payable out of the
Improvement Bonds Common Fund of the City This bond
constitutes a ~aneral obligation of the City, and to provide
moneys for the prompt and full. payment o:E the principal and
interest when the same become due, the fall faith and credit
and taxing powers of the City have been acrd are hereby
irre~aocably pledged.
IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED Ar7D REC_I'i'ED that a1.1 acts,
cond:i.tions and things required by the Constitution and .law: of
the State o:f Minnesota to be done, to hap,~~en and to be
performed, precedent to and in the issuane~e of~this bond, have
been done, have happened and have been performed, in regul.ar_
and due form, time and manner as required by law, and this
bond, together with all other debts of the City outstanding on
the date hereo:E and the date of its actual issuance and
delivery does not exceed any constitutional or statutory
limitation of indebtedness.
IN WITPdESS WHEREOF, the City of Monticello, ~~ric3ht
County, Minnesota, by its City Council has caused this bond to
be executed irr its behalf by the facsimile signatures of t]ie
Mayor and the City Administrator and the rlanual signature of
one of said officers; the corl~orate seal of tyre City having
been intentionally omitted as permitted by law, and has caused
the interest coupons to be executed and authenticated by the
facsimile signatures of said officers, all as of October 1,
1931 .
~__r'acsimi 1 e ~~.,~'aGSimile
City .F~dministrator Mayor
(Form of Coupon}
On the first day of August (Februa~~~y), 19 unless
the bond described below is called for ear:li.F:r redemption, the
City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, ~bai11 pay to
bearer at _ _
or any s~~ccessor paying agent duly appointed by the City, the
sum show~Z hereon for interest then due on its. ~:~eneral
Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1981, Series E',,, No. ____,
dated October ]_, 1981.
s Facsimile Facsimile ~._..
City Administrator Mayar
'T. The bonds shall be executed on rtehal:E of the City
by the signatures of its Mayor and Administrator and be sealed
with the seal of the City; provided, that one (or both) of` the
signatures and the seal of the City may be pr~inte<i facsimi.]_c~s
(if the bonds are also signed manually by at least one such
officer), and provided further that the corporate seal may be
omitted on the bonds as permitted by law. Ths interest coupons
pertaining thereto shall be executed by the }?rinted, engraved
or lithographed facsimile signatures of the P1a.yor and
8. The bonds when so prepared and executed shall be
deliver~r~d by the Administrator the purchaser thereof upon
receipt of the purchase price, and the purchaser small not be
obliged to see to the proper application thc:rerof.
9. There has heretofore been creatl~d a special fi:trtd
designated "~Cmprovement Bonds Common Fund" held and
administered by the City Administrator separate and apart from
all other funds of the City. The fund shall. c::ont:iniae to be
maintained in the manner heretofore specified unt:i_1 all of t_he
bonds heretofore, herein and hereafter aut.hor_i.zed and made
payable from the fund and the interest thereon have been ful.~_y
paid. "There shall be created and maintained i.n the fund a
sepG_r~te account to be designated the "1981 Intprovernent Bonds,
Series Ft Construction Account". The proceeds of the sale of
the bonds herein authorized, less any accrued interest received
thereon, and less any amount paid for the bc:yn~cl.s in excess of:
$480,400, plus any special assessments levied with respect too
improvements financed by the bonds and collect:.ed prior to
completion of the improvements and payment of the costs
thereof, shall be credited t.o the 1981 Impro'JE:'ment Bands,
Series F3 Construction Account, from which tYrer°e shall be paid
all costs and expenses of making the improvements listed in
paragr_a.E~h 1Q, including the cost of any cony>tz°uction contracts
heretofore let and all other costs incurred artd to be incurred
of the kind authorized in Minnesota Statute;, Section 475.65;
and the moneys in said Account shall be used i::or no other
purpose except as otherwise provided by law; ~arovided that the
bond proceeds may also be used to the extent: rzeccssary to pay
interest on the bonds due prior to the>ated date of
commencE'.ment of the collection of_ taxes or s~Fscial assessrterits
herein 1_evied or covenanted to be levied; ar~d provided further
that if upon completion of the improvements ttker.e: sha]_1 rE?rnai.n
any une~:pended balance in the 1981 Irnprovemcnt:_ Bcfnds, Series B
Construction Account, the balance (other th~_ira any special
assessrn.ents) may be transferred by the Council to t:he account
of any othez• improvement instituted pursuant. to Minnesota
Statutes, Chapter 429; and provided further. that any special
assessments credited to the 1981. Improvement. bonds, Series f3
Construction Account are hereby pledged and shall be used only
to pay ,principal and interest due on the bonds. There is
hereby pledged and there shall be credited t.a the Common Debt
Service Account heretofor created (a) all col.:Lections of
special. assessments herein covenanted to be levied and either
initially credited to the 1981 .Improvement 33o~~nds, Series B
Constrt:action Account and required to pay an_y principal and
interest due an tiie bonds or collected subs+:~q+.ient to the
completion of the improvements and payment +;f the costs
thereof; (b) all accrued interest received. upon delivery of the
bonds, (c) all funds paid for the bonds in ~:~x~Ness of $480,400,
(d) any collections of all taxes herein or Hereafter levied for
payment. of the bonds; and (e) all funds rem~ii~:ling in the 1981
Improvement Bonds, Series B Construction Acc~~o~znt after.
complet.:ion of the improvements and payment c:~f the costs
thereof, not so transferred to the account ref another
improvement. The Common Debt Service Account shall be used
solely 'ko pay principal and interest and an~~ ~7rerniums for
redemption on the bonds issued hereunder and ~~ny other general
obligation bonds of the City heretofore or her.°ea9'ter issued by
the City and made payable from said account a:~ pa°ovided by :Law.
Any sum::~ from time to time held in the Common Debt Service
Account (or any other City account wnich wi'!_1 be used to pay
principal or interest to become due on the bonds) in excess of
amounts which under the applicable federal ~~rl:~itrage
regulations may be invested without regard as to yield sha11_
not be invested at a yield in excess of the applicable yield
restrictions imposed by the arbitrage regulations on such
investments after takii;g into acr_ount any app]icable "temporary
periods" made available under the federal az•b~i_trage
10. It is hereby determined that no less than 20~ of
the cost to the City of each improvement finariceci hereunder
within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, S~>ct:ion 475.58,
Subdivision 1(3) shall be paid by special assessments to be
levied against every assessable lot, piece and parcel of land
benefited by the improvements. The City hereby covenants and
agrees ghat it will let all construction contracts not here-
tofore ]Let within one year after ordering each improvement
financed hereunder unless the resolution orcler•ing the
improvement specifies a different time limit::. f:or the letting of
construction c~orrtracts and will do and perfc~rin as soon ~~°_. t'f5~y
may be done, acts and things necessary -~o:~ the final ~~~,d
valid levy of such special assessments, and in the event th<rt
'any such. assessment be at any time held inv<~l:~d with resy,t_>ct. to
any lot, niece or parcel of land due to any error, defect:, or
irregularity, in any action or pr_oceedinys taken or to be ~-_<jkc~n
by the City or t.hi.s Council or any of the C.t~~ officers or
employees, eitt3er in the making of the asses> ~-ients or i.r~ th~.:
perform<rnce of any condition precedent thert~ta, the City <ind
this Coi.rncil wi1.l forthwith do a'~ l further ~Ac':s and t kc~ a 1.1
further prc~ceedings as may be required by l~rw to make the
assessments a valid and binding )_ien upon s~~cli prod:~~rty.
Subject to such adjustments as are required bar conditions iri
existence at the time the assessments are l~~v°tied, it is hF~r-~by
determined that t_YZe assessments shall. be pa~,~~rhle. in egt<<rl,
consecu', annual installments, with genera~l_ t=sixes for t ~
years s}sown below and with irrt.erest on the ~~:_eclirring b~~l~_i~~ce of
all such czsscyssments at. the rate of at leasi-_ _~`,} b p~~Yr ~rnnurn:
Designation Amount I_E_vy ~_frrs
Project. 1`.81-1 $ 350 , ~ 25 19 ~3:i - ~ 9 90
Project. 1981-2 $ 92,400 1.981.-1.990
At the time the assessments are in tract levied th.
City Council shall, based on the then current esti.rnated col-
lections of the <rssessments, make any adjustments in any ad
valorem taxes rep:~~.zired to be levied in order t.o assure that the
City continues to be i.n compliance with Minrse:.ota. Statutes,
Section 475.61, Subdivision 1.
11. To provide moneys for payment of the princiY~al
and interest on the bonds there is hereby lf~vi.ed upon all of
the taxable proY:aE~rty in the City a direct arrr7ual ad valorem
which shall i>e sj>read upon the tax rolls and collected with and
as part of, other- general property taxes in the City for the
years and in the amounts as follows:
Year of Tax Year of Tax
_ I_e~~~__ Coa._lection Amount
~~~.981 19 82 S 9 , 111
:L982 1983 2,972
_'L983 1984 9 , 0 ]_8
?.984 1985 9 , 262
1985 1986 9,SOi
1.986 1987 9,620
1987 1988 9,6012
19038 1989 9 , ~? .~ 3
_19~t9 1990 _y , :17 2
1990 1991 8,765
T]ze tax levies are sucYa that: if cc~17 ected it f.u11
they, tca,~:~.ther with estimated collections of: :special ~::ase::~:,
ments and ot}~er revenues herein pledged for tYce payment of t_l~c:~
bonds, will ~>roduce at least fivca percent i.r~ excess of the
amount, needed to meet when due the pri_ncif>a] ~:;ncl interest
payments on the bonds. The tax levies shall k>e irrepea].al~le so
long a.s any c>f the bonds are outstanding anti t:cnpaid, proviel~~~.3
that the City reserves the right and power t:.o reduce the lcu~~~ i es
in t'^~ r.~anner and to the extent permitted by hlinn~esota
Statutes, Section 475.6i(3).
For the prompt and fu11_ payment of: t:.he principal ;and
interest. on t_Yre bonds, as the same respectiv~n]..y become due, the
full fa i-ch, credit and taxing powers of the Ci..ty shall be t:~nd
are hereby irrevocably pledged. if the balance in the Cozrunc?n
Debt Service Account is ever insufficient tc, pay all principal.
and interest then Sue on the bonds payable t..hc~refrom, the
deficiency sl-iall_ be promptly paid out of an~r other funcz s of the
City which are available for such purpose, such other :Funds
may be reimbursed or. without interest. t rc~m the Corunon T~cbt
Service Account when a sufficient balance i~~ available tlaf~rc~in.
12. ~Che City Administrator is herF~~by di.r.zcted to file
a certified copy of this resolution with they Count}' Fiuditor of
Wright County, Minnesota, together with su~nl~ c>thc~r int=or'~rrE_a'_ i_on
as he shall require, and to obtain from the A~~dit.or h~~s
certificate that the bonds have been enterec't ~ n tine l~:ad i.tor' s
Bond Recsister, and that. the tax levy require;:3 by l ciw ]~.~s b~r:~n
13. The officers of the. City are hf}s eby autliorizr~ci
and directed to prepare and furnish to the L>si:~ch~:~ser of ti}.~~
bonds, and to the attorneys apprc>ving the LF~~g<:..lit-y of t]ie
issuance thereof, certified copies of all ~ro:~cec!ings anti
records of t2re Ci~y relating to t_Yre hands arsd to the' fr~~~r~ci.r1
condition and of the City, and such other affidavits,
certificates aru3 Lnformat:ion as rite requ:zrecl to show t~h^ fe3;.ts
relating to t_he ~~gaiity and mar};stability of the bonds as t:he
same appear from the books and records under. their custody and
control or as otherwise known to them, and ~.ll such certi f i c><3
copies, certificates and affidavits, includ:i.nc3 any ?rerE~tof"ar-
furnished, sha1.1 be deemed representations of the City as too
tyre facts recited therein.
The motion far the adoption of the for~~,going
resolution was duly seconded by m~.~mber Whi t__c:- ___ _ _ gird
upon vote being taken thereon, trre fo]_lowinc~ ~°oted in favor
thereof: All members
and the fo]_lowing voted against the same: Nona
6lhereuzzon :said resolut~_on was decl ar-ed duly p~r~~s:ad
and adopted.
I, the undersigned, being the dt~.l~~ qualified and
actirc~~ Administrator of the City of Montic.e:Llo, Minnesota, t~0
HEREBY CERTIFY that I have corn~ared the aR_t.~~ched and fore~joing
extract of minutes, with the original therc~o.~ on file i-n rily
offic+~, and that the same is a full, true a.rid complete
transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the City Caunc~.~ of
sa? c~ city, duly called anti held on the da-~:e therein indicatead,
insof<~r as such Illinutes relate to the opening anal con;.idering
of bids for, and awarding the sale of $490,000 General
Obligation Improvement Bands o.f 1981, Seri..e:> B of said City.
ir7ITNE.~S my hand and the seal of said City th~_s
l~~t'_ day of ~ i.~~~.~,.,.-, ~~~ ,_,~,. 1~~8:i .