City Council Resolution 1978-KF,SOLUTI:C)N SELECTING PROPOSED AIRFORl ~>ITF FOR. FURTHER. STUDY 1\T PHASE I7: , W}IERFAS, t}ie Cities of Buffa_} o, Maple I.aloe and Mont.:i < e11 0, zznder mutual agreement, have i n.i t: i <~x t c~.i a ;7oi nt, use a.i.rport feasibi } it~~ study, anal WH k;(z L•;AS, -the Phase :T: portion of the c ,zd~ ha s bc~c'n completed, and W(IEREAS, citizens have expressed c one erns regard irr~f a joint use airport which cannot. be addrFSSed r~:it(~~ t,hcr information available 1'riirn Phase T cat the sti~tl~, ,zr7d WHGIZEAS, the recornmendati_ons of the joint ai.t°p~.~r•t commi_ttc:e have been received, NOW 'THEREFORE, IiE TT RESOLVED, that the t'ity~ Cozznci.l ac cept,s the recommendations of t:he joint airport <.ommittee and sel.ec:ts thc: potential. site r°eferr°ed to in Phase T as the combinc~ci site f'or t'urt:he.r stzzdy~ .n Phase. II, in order to have more nfor~rizat on on which to base future decisions. ,, °~ BE I'I' FUR`T'HER RESOLVED, that the Cit.yT Counc:i_i atzthor~i.zc and d.i_rec:t its representatives on the joint airport committee t,o proceed with Phase II of t;he study-. BF IT FURTHER KESO~,VED, that: no efforts toz,ard acquiring land or c.c.,nstructing a joi..nt zzse airport shall. be. ' made prior to the selection of arl envircrrunentall~~ approved site. Voting :irl i'avore Opposed: C. 0. Johnson Ar°vc~ C~rimsmo Gene Walters P}~-i.:Ii_p White Daniel Blon_i_gen Resolution adopted t}iis loth day of Janzrar~~, i~~~~.