City Council Resolution 1978-01/ 1 -
BF Ii' R~OLVED, by the City Council of Mor:ticello, Pi;-~~~zsot= _...
fo_3_? ow:;:
1. ?t i s hereby found and determined that : _oti ce of a heap ' .~ _~ ~r~
the Improvement of Elm Street between the BNR tracks :~.nd ~~th qtr-. ~~*; w~',h
s~-war and water, improvement of 5th Street brtwer:.:, Fu^~ a:i~: ~rin~ :,tr~~.
Sri th scw~r and water, and irrrprovement of A~.iru~eso~ ~ t .~t-~~eri: ctti are ~ ? -,
atre~a;, with sewer, water, garb, gutter ar~d p~:rrr;~:~.:,~.,: street ir.~:: -. , .~~^e~.t
as part of 19T1-3 Street Improvement Project, ir. the ~'ity e Mor, i ~-; ~ r
to Was
_t~.a.y ma].led on March 17, ]_975 and publishf~d ire the Monticello iir~,~~:,
thF; newspaper of the City, on March 16, :~?';~?, and March :_f,~~~-7,
as require: by Mi.nne,-•ata Statutes, Chapter ta29, ~;;,-:~ ~~s .ordered by r::so3.u-
Linn of this Council adopted March 13, 1975.
<. A public hearing was held on March 27, >>-975, az~d opport,~~ri:,y
~i.ven at such hearing to all persons to make known their views or. said
improvement, and the council being .fu11y advised of the pertinent facts,
does hereby order the constrtzetion of said improveme~?t, ir. accordar?ce
Ni±h t};._: cic;scription thereof contained in said notice of hearing.
Mr. John Badalich of the consulting erxgit~eering firm of Orr-
Schnlen-Mayeron and Associates of Minneapolis, Minnesota, waa previously
author..-ized and directed to prepare final plans and specifications for said
-improvement and to submit them to the Council. and are hereby appr~;;ved.
Voting in favor: Gene Walters, .~, .j ~ phite
Opposed: Dan Blonigen
Absent: C. 0. Johnson, Arve ur r.::r-;.~
Motion carried.
;~atF :.,elution Adopted: March 2?, 1975
;,~ Wic; :r
~,,.~_,l~,merit, 3~27~78 ~