City Council Resolution 1978-13~' RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSF~SMIIVT ROLLS FOR 1977-1 and 1977-2 IMPROVII~NT PROJECT S WHEREAS THE City Council of Monticello Minnesota held a public hearing on October 2, 197$ in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 429.061 WK~:~i~ notice of said meeting was published i.n the.Monticello Times, the official newspaper for the City of Monticello, on Septerribar 11~Z 197$ W~_i;.~:A notice of said meeting was mailed to .owners of parcels proposed for assessments on September 11,., 197$ It is hereby resolved by the City Council of Monticello to adopt the assess:-~et roll for the above mentioned project and certify the same to the Cou::'.,yr Auditor for collection. Official copy of assessment roll is on file :with the city clerk. It i~~ further resolved to spread said assessment roll over .twenty (20) years with cq~.r~l principal payments and interest at the rate of six and three- quarters percent (6 3/4~) on unpaid principal balance. It ,~ ~ ;~' sc further r:~solved that to the first annual assessment insta' ~_:~,~ ~~-~ .Till be added interest f.'rom October 3, 197$ U to December 31, 1979• Ric:: ~. 'cry _Gene Walters , seconded by Philip White to adopt above resolution. .._ _ ~_. ':,y-or; Johnson, Gri,msmo, Walters, White, Blonigen. „ None. °, None. .-~^ __. .. .. ,. _ _ i. C ~.. . 2nd October, 197$ _ . ...:.~..., ._..,1, __.__ ___-____ day of mil/ c.~ G- Wi er, City A~iministrat,or ~d ~7 s ~/ 3 f3