City Council Agenda Packet 09-22-2008 SpecialAGENDA
Monday, September 22, 2008 5 p.m.
Call to Order
2. Workshop on Transportation Plan.
Council Agenda: 9/22/08
Transportation Workshop. (BW)
The Transportation Workshop will include presentations and discussions on the
following topics:
1. River Street Access Closure -
On July 24, 2008 the City, in cooperation with Mn/DOT, closed access
to River Street at TH 25. This was done as a pilot project to determine
what effects this would have on traffic on TH 25 and surrounding streets.
Before closing this access the City gathered traffic data on TH 25 and the
surrounding streets, and since the closure we have gathered additional
information so that a before and after comparison could be run. This
information will be presented to the Council in greater detail during the
workshop. Perhaps the most significant statistic to note is that the
closure of River Street resulted in an 80 - 85% drop in the volume of
traffic on both East and West River Streets.
Following the closure, staff also solicited and gathered comments from
residents and others via the City's web site. This information will also
be presented to the Council in more detail during the workshop. In
summary, the majority of residents along east and west River Streets
support the closure, while several business owners in the areas have
commented that they are not in support of this closure because they are
losing business due to decreased exposure and client accessibility.
Should the Council wish to consider closing this access permanently,
staff would recommend that a Public Hearing be held first to capture all
public comment before ordering the necessary improvements. These
improvements would include the necessary roadway modifications to
allow City maintenance vehicles to turn around at the ends of River
Street, as well as removal of the signal system.
Alternatively, Council could decide to consider completing some type of
partial closure project. Staff will therefore present the Council with
some options for alternate closures at the workshop as well.
Another item that Council should be made aware of is that based on past
conversations between staff and the Wright County Engineer, the County
may require access modifications along CSAH 75, more specifically at
Walnut Street, should we limit or close access at River Street. Such a
requirement would be detrimental to traffic flow on Walnut Street and
eliminate the potential for a connection to West Bridge Park via Walnut.
Council Agenda: 9/22/08
Following the closure of River Street, staff was also directed to revise
the signing and striping on CSAH 75 to convert the westbound right lane
from a thru-right into aright-turn only lane to reduce vehicle queuing on
WB CSAH 75. Staff subsequently sent a letter to Wright County asking
them to allow these revisions be made, but the County responded with a
request of their own for additional information, which we are in the
process of completing. Should the Council still desire this lane
conversion to occur, staff will complete this information and submit it to
the Wright County Highway Department. In addition, we will request
that the County share in the costs of this work since it will benefit them
2. TH 25 Improvements -
A presentation describing the options being explored to relieve
congestion on TH 25 will also be presented to the Council during the
workshop. This includes improvements aimed at addressing congestion
over the short-term, which includes the addition of turn lanes and
retiming the existing signal systems. Potential long-term improvements
will also be presented, which would include the construction of reliever
routes requiring one or more additional river crossings. This includes a
one-way pair roadway option.
While some of these potential improvements for TH 25 have been
presented to the Council at prior meetings, the River Street access
closure pilot project may drive discussion in new directions so staff
would like to touch on these designs again, albeit more briefly.
3. Transportation Plan Updates -
Major elements of the updated Transportation Plan will be presented to
the Council during this workshop, which includes pedestrian and bicycle
facilities, as well as mass transit. The presentation will include some
discussion on potential interchange and river crossing locations. It will
also include discussion on a potential North Frontage Road that would
connect 95~' Street to East Broadway utilizing the old CSAH 75 off-ramp
alignment north of westbound Interstate 94.
The updated Transportation Plan will of course incorporate updated
traffic projections using the updated land use plan adopted with the new
Comprehensive Plan.
Supporting data will be presented at the workshop.