City Council Agenda Packet 10-13-2008 SpecialCouncil Agenda: 10/13/08
Workshop on TH 25 /River Street access closure pilot proiect, City Proiect No.
2008-14C. (BW)
On September 22, 2008, staff reviewed the results of the River Street access closure pilot
project with the City Council. In summary, traffic volumes on East and West River
Streets decreased by approximately 85%, which consequently increased traffic volumes
on CSAH 75 by about 15%, while vehicle speeds on East and West River Streets
decreased by about 5 mph, with speeds on CSAH 75 remaining about the same. It was
also discussed that most of the residents of River Street who weighed in on the access
closure project were in favor of it. However, several business owners came forward at
the meeting to tell the Council they were opposed to closing access to River Street.
In an effort to address the business owner's comments, a meeting was held on September
30th. In attendance were Clint Herbst, Susie Wojchouski, several City staff members, and
Steve Johnson who owns a local business on the block west of TH 25 between River
Street and CSAH 75. Steve was representing the interests of the downtown business
owners. At the meeting Steve indicated that the business owners felt access was too
restrictive. After much discussion it was agreed that the City would consider authorizing
another pilot project aimed at increasing access for local businesses at this intersection by
allowing right-in movements from TH 25 to East and West River Streets, aright-out
movement to TH 25 from West River Street, and alert-in movement from NB TH 25 to
West River Street. However, the City would first need to consult with Mn/DOT to
determine if adding any or all of these vehicle movements back in would be acceptable to
Mn/DOT, especially in light of the fact that another pilot project would take us into the
snow season.
On October 9th staff met with Mn/DOT to discuss the requested revisions noted above.
Mn/DOT will not allow pavement mounted tube delineators to be installed across the
intersection during the winter since they have not proven to withstand plowing operations
in the past. Therefore, the movements noted above were reviewed to see which would be
allowable without the use of traffic control devices across the intersection to prevent left-
turns as is currently installed. Mn/DOT determined that they would only allow the right-
in movement from SB TH 25 to West River Street and the left-in from NB TH 25 to West
River Street. Mn/DOT feels this configuration will be adequate to prevent people from
making left-turns onto TH 25 from East and West River Street. And based on the
comments received from Steve Johnson it was felt that this configuration would allow
decent access to the local businesses.
A figure showing Mn/DOT's approved access closure configuration will be presented at
the workshop. This figure will also be posted on the City's web site once it is available,
which will hopefully be Friday, October 10th. Currently an invitation to all local business
owners to attend tonight's workshop is posted on our web site, as are the two access
configurations that were brought to Mn/DOT for approval.
Council Agenda: 10/13/08
Mn/DOT stipulated that if we wish to try the configuration that they approved we would
need to leave it in place until the snow season is over. The only other option they would
entertain would be to restore the intersection to its previous condition of a signalized, full
access intersection.
Regarding the concerns noted by several business owners that they are seeing excessive
speeds in the alley on the block west of TH 25 between River Street and CSAH 75, the
local businesses have the option to install speed bumps in the alley. Simply signing an
alley with a lower speed limit does not typically reduce speeds to any appreciable
amount, whereas the use of speed bumps in alleys has proven to be very effective in the
If the right-in turn movement to West River Street should be opened again, City staff
would recommend installing "local traffic only" and "thru traffic only" signs to help
encourage drivers that don't live in the area to take Locust or Linn Streets to CSAH 75 to
help reduce the use of West River Street as scut-through route.
A.1 Budget Impact: The estimated cost to implement the Mn/DOT approved pilot project
would be minimal and staff will complete the work with Mn/DOT's assistance.
A.2 Staff Impact: Implementing this project will require the services of several Public
Works staff members. Once it is complete the maintenance measures should be minimal.
Motion to authorize staff to work with Mn/DOT to revise River Street configuration
per Mn/DOT's approved configuration for the duration of the winter.
2. Motion to authorize staff to bring other design revisions to Mn/DOT for approval.
3. Motion to leave the intersection as is and request Mn/DOT to remove the signal
4. Motion to restore the intersection to a signalized, full access intersection.
Two (2) figures presented to Mn/DOT for review.
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