City Council Agenda Packet 09-22-2014AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,September22,2014–7p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf 1.CalltoOrderandPledgeofAllegiance 2A.ApprovalofMinutes–September8,2014SpecialMeeting 2B.ApprovalofMinutes–September8,2014RegularMeeting 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda 4.Citizencomments,publicserviceannouncements A.CitizenComments: B.PublicServiceAnnouncements: 1)IEDCIndustryoftheYearcandidates 2)BertramChainofLakesRegionalParkPhotoContest(??) 3)Absenteevoting(9/19-11/3) 5.ConsentAgenda: A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillsforSeptember22nd B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments C.Considerationofappointingadditionalelectionjudgestoserveforthe2014 Generalelection D.ConsiderationofestablishingDecember8th fortheTruth-In-Taxationpublic hearing E.ConsiderationofacceptingquoteandauthorizingpurchaseofaBobcat5600 ToolcatfortheParksDepartmentbasedonstatecontractpricingandfunded throughtheCapitalEquipmentbondfund F.Considerationofacceptingquoteandauthorizingpurchaseofaportableair compressorforthePublicWorksDepartmentbasedonstatecontractpricingand fundedthroughtheCapitalEquipmentbondfund G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-092authorizingpreparationofthe FacilityPlanamendmentandpreparationofplansandspecifications,and authorizingconstructionservicesforaddinganaerobicdigesterimprovementsto SPECIALMEETING 5p.m.-BudgetWorkshop thePhosphorusReductionImprovementsfortheWasteWaterTreatmentFacility, CityProjectNo.14C002 H.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-091acceptingbidsandawarding contractforaerationblowerinstallationandancillaryequipmentforPhase1of theWasteWaterTreatmentFacilityBiosolidsImprovements,CityProjectNo. 12C003 I.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymenttotheCoalitionofUtilityCitiesforcity shareofCUCmembershipfees J.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofcityresources foracarwashonOctober5thtobenefittheMonticelloFoodshelf.Applicant: MonticelloMonarchs4-HClub K.Considerationofapprovingpaymentofsubscription-basedfeesrelatingto FiberNetsystemmanagement,billing,andtechnicalsupportunderthecontract withFiberConnect 6.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 7.RegularAgenda: A.PublicHearing-ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-093fortheissuance ofrevenuebondsbytheCityofSt.CloudonbehalfofCentraCareHealthSystem B.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-094settingthe2015preliminarytax levy C.Considerationofapprovingamulti-yearcontractwithA+TaxiofMonticellofor publictransitserviceswithinMonticello D.Considerationofreviewingoptionsforamendingrentallicensingandnuisance codeviolationsandprovidingdirectiontostaff #1.Discussionandcommentsrelatedtoreviewofroughdraftamendmenttothe RentalLicensingenforcementordinance #2.Reviewanddiscussoptionsforamendingnuisancecoderegarding enforcementoflonggrass/weeds E.UpdateonFiberNetsystemandconsiderationofauthorizingbroadbandupgrades forFiberNetcustomers 8.Addeditems 9.Adjournment CityCouncilAgenda:9/22/14 1 5A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforSeptember22nd (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $1,139,613.77. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters PurchaseCardregisters User: Printed:09/17/2014 - 1:23PM Debbie.Davidson Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00205.09.2014 - 00205.09.2014 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1960 AAA STRIPING SERVICE CO Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 102436 4" solid line white paint; 4" broken/solid line paint 3,538.98 09/23/2014 101-43120-440990 3,538.98Check Total: Vendor:3878 ACI CONSTRUCTION, INC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 56584 Asphalt Resurface - (7,372) sq. yds; (44) heats thermal bond; T 31,678.00 09/23/2014 229-45202-440910 31,678.00Check Total: Vendor:2589 ALL ELEMENTS INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 2744 Roof Repair 118.00 09/23/2014 226-45122-440100 2745 Roof Repair @ DMV 118.00 09/23/2014 217-41990-440100 236.00Check Total: Vendor:1018 ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 19654 184 gallons road oil 598.00 09/23/2014 101-43120-422400 598.00Check Total: Vendor:3869 ARTHRITIS CLINIC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 FNM-001-1494 - refund 33.51 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 33.51Check Total: Vendor:3890 ASTECH Corp Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 081314 12C008 - Pay Voucher #1 107,156.04 09/23/2014 400-43300-459010 107,156.04Check Total: Vendor:2674 DOROTHY K BECK Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 091214 Market Token Collection Log 168.00 09/23/2014 226-00000-220100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 168.00Check Total: Vendor:1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 44684100 re sale 1,415.44 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 44684100 freight 12.80 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 44771200 re sale 3,989.75 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 44771200 re sale 224.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 44771200 freight 72.59 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 90759200 re sale -62.25 09/22/2014 609-49750-425500 90813400 freight 0.78 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 90813400 re sale 58.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 90813400 (6) asst bags 111.90 09/22/2014 609-49754-421990 5,823.01Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 47985 re sale 32.70 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 47986 re sale 903.25 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 51534 re sale 82.50 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 51534 re sale 65.60 09/22/2014 609-49750-425500 51535 re sale 706.55 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 52183 resale concession 466.25 09/23/2014 226-45127-425410 2,256.85Check Total: Vendor:2576 BIG LAKE LUMBER Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 20039206 Ridge Cap Brown 14' 14.39 09/23/2014 101-45201-422300 20039279 (6) pointed lath 25pc BDL 103.50 09/23/2014 101-43120-422600 117.89Check Total: Vendor:2221 BIG TEN NETWORK LLC Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: True 083114 BTN - August 2014 1,368.90 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 1,368.90Check Total: Vendor:2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 908036239 (2) 004301EB1TDA00F-P 603.52 09/23/2014 656-49877-421990 603.52Check Total: Vendor:2286 KERRY BURRI Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 090914 2/14 - 7/14 Mileage Reimbursement 212.85 09/23/2014 101-41310-433100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 090914 2/14 - 7/14 Mileage Reimbursement 22.83 09/23/2014 101-41410-433100 235.68Check Total: Vendor:1749 CALIX NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 1079948 utx - (2) Power CAble - Calix type II 1000 ft spool 730.44 09/23/2014 656-49877-421800 1080054 (30) Enclosure with splice tray 870.00 09/23/2014 656-49877-421800 1080054 utx - shipping (30) Enclosure with splice tray 69.63 09/23/2014 656-49877-421800 1080092 utx - (3) Power Cable - calix Type II 1000FT spool 1,095.66 09/23/2014 656-49877-421800 2,765.73Check Total: Vendor:2220 CBS SPORTS NETWORK Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 083114 CBS Sports - August 2014 55.65 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 55.65Check Total: Vendor:2213 CBS TV STATIONS Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 083114 WCCO - August 2014 808.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 808.00Check Total: Vendor:1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 082914 8000014331-5 12.59 09/23/2014 101-45201-438300 082914 8000014331-5 61.59 09/23/2014 101-42200-438300 082914 8000014331-5 12.59 09/23/2014 217-41990-438300 082914 8000014331-5 159.05 09/23/2014 101-43127-438300 090214 5768542-2 127.81 09/23/2014 101-41940-438300 090214 5768542-2 31.95 09/23/2014 101-45175-438300 090214 5768542-2 63.90 09/23/2014 101-42800-438300 090214 5768542-2 2,971.53 09/23/2014 226-45122-438300 090214 5864452-7 45.10 09/23/2014 101-45501-438300 090214 5788570-9 20.18 09/23/2014 609-49754-438300 090214 5828859-8 12.59 09/23/2014 101-41940-438300 090214 8235331-9 16.82 09/23/2014 101-41941-438300 090214 8235333-5 13.46 09/23/2014 101-41941-438300 090214 5864452-7 45.10 09/23/2014 101-45501-438300 3,594.26Check Total: Vendor:1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 00814767 Bulk Carbon Dioxide 108.00 09/23/2014 226-45122-421600 108.00Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2654 CENTURYLINK Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False R72010610614244 Voice - 9/1-9/30/14 Monthly Access Charge 600.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430910 R97006006014244 Voice - 9/1-9/30/14 Monthly Access Charge 142.13 09/23/2014 655-49860-430910 742.13Check Total: Vendor:3750 MARK CHRISTIANSEN Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 091214 Market Token Collection Log 16.00 09/23/2014 226-00000-220100 16.00Check Total: Vendor:1120 CONCRETE PRODUCTS NEW LONDON Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 43475 Ballfield Ag Lime 24 ton May 2014 696.00 09/23/2014 101-45203-421990 43888 ZPARKS RIVERM - 2oz typar 85.96 09/23/2014 101-45201-422500 781.96Check Total: Vendor:2236 MATTHEW CONTONS Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 FNM -001-0805 - refund 71.94 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 71.94Check Total: Vendor:1961 CRETEX CONCRETE PRODUCTS NORTH INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False EL00000841 (4) trash guard 18" std G 1,428.00 09/23/2014 101-43130-422420 1,428.00Check Total: Vendor:2476 CSI DIGITAL INC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 102579 1 GBPS monthly fiber feed 2,700.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430930 2,700.00Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: True 081214 Return 2 empty Kegs for Ball Fields -60.00 09/23/2014 226-45203-425200 090814 Resale 410.00 09/23/2014 226-45203-425200 1125089 re sale 6,701.10 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 1125089 re sale 84.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 1125093 re sale 2,091.27 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 1125093 re sale 110.25 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 97100 re sale -89.25 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 97198 re sale 184.75 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 97342 re sale -2.50 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 97391 re sale -33.55 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 97449 re sale -110.25 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 97450 re sale 63.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 97525 re sale 1,812.95 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 97525 re sale 33.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 11,194.77Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 767981 re sale 1,068.07 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 767981 re sale 86.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 768815 re sale 1,058.40 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 2,212.47Check Total: Vendor:3871 MIKE & STEPHANIE DINGMA Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 FNM- 001-0031 - refund 30.92 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 30.92Check Total: Vendor:2891 DISCOUNT POST & POLE Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 354741 (6) 6 x 6 8' 307.80 09/23/2014 101-43120-422500 307.80Check Total: Vendor:3873 JEAN DUDGEON Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 FNM-001-0607 - refund 17.18 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 17.18Check Total: Vendor:1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: True 138955 Fall Sports Preview - Ad #265595 20.00 09/23/2014 609-49754-434990 20.00Check Total: Vendor:3632 EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOLUTIONS Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 2171 (5) Vanguard II - full body 1,563.05 09/23/2014 101-42200-421990 2681 chinstrap 48.56 09/23/2014 101-42200-421990 1,611.61Check Total: Vendor:1167 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 1021581 re sale 301.50 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 301.50Check Total: Vendor:2154 FEDERATED CO-OPS Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11694 201 gallons -fuel for Meadow Oaks & Spare Generator 681.30 09/23/2014 602-49490-421200 681.30Check Total: Vendor:3318 FIBERNET MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False August 2014 Bullseye August 2014 440.78 09/23/2014 655-49870-443980 August 2014 Bullseye August 2014 -28.81 09/23/2014 655-00000-362990 411.97Check Total: Vendor:2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO - ACH Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 9/1/14 MCC Internet Sept 10.00 09/23/2014 702-00000-432100 9/1/14 MCC Cable Sept 306.28 09/23/2014 226-45122-432500 9/1/14 MCC Phone Sept 666.53 09/23/2014 702-00000-432100 9/1/14 City Hall Phone Sept 808.44 09/23/2014 702-00000-432100 9/1/14 City Hall Internet Sept 99.95 09/23/2014 702-00000-432300 9/1/14 City Hall Hosting Service Sept 500.00 09/23/2014 702-00000-431990 9/1/14 City Hall TV Sept 12.95 09/23/2014 101-41310-431990 9/1/14 City Hall Repair/Maint Sept 250.00 09/23/2014 702-00000-440440 9/1/14 Ball Fields Phone Sept 37.68 09/23/2014 702-00000-432100 9/1/14 Ball Fields Internet Sept 79.95 09/23/2014 702-00000-432300 9/1/14 DMV Phone Sept 287.36 09/23/2014 702-00000-432100 9/1/14 DMV Internet Sept 41.95 09/23/2014 702-00000-432300 9/1/14 Hi Way Liquor Phone Sept 272.64 09/23/2014 702-00000-432100 9/1/14 Hi Way Liquor Internet Sept 41.95 09/23/2014 702-00000-432300 9/1/14 Animal Shelter Internet Aug & Sept 59.90 09/23/2014 702-00000-432300 9/1/14 Fire Dept Phone Sept 271.78 09/23/2014 702-00000-432100 9/1/14 Fire Dept Internet Sept 41.95 09/23/2014 702-00000-432300 9/1/14 Public Works Phone Sept 370.12 09/23/2014 702-00000-432100 9/1/14 Public Works Internet Sept 69.95 09/23/2014 702-00000-432300 9/1/14 Parks Dept Phone Sept 113.06 09/23/2014 702-00000-432100 9/1/14 Prairie Center Phone Sept 20.42 09/23/2014 702-00000-432100 9/1/14 Sheriff Dept Phone Sept 68.47 09/23/2014 702-00000-432100 9/1/14 Sheriff Dept Internet Sept 41.95 09/23/2014 702-00000-432300 4,473.28Check Total: Vendor:2222 FOX SPORTS NET INC Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: True 083114 FSN North - August 2014 4,639.43 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 4,639.43Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 083114 KMSP - August 2014 1,050.40 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 083114 WFTC - August 2014 202.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 1,252.40Check Total: Vendor:3476 FS2 Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: True 083114 Fox Sports 2 - August 2014 50.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 50.00Check Total: Vendor:3748 JEFFREY D GARDNER Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: True 091214 Market Token Collection Log 58.00 09/23/2014 226-00000-220100 58.00Check Total: Vendor:3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: True 091214 Market Token Collection Log 45.00 09/23/2014 226-00000-220100 45.00Check Total: Vendor:1198 GENERAL RENTAL CENTER OF MONTICELLO LLC Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 0195724 Stanchion & ropes for primary elections (50) 360.00 09/23/2014 101-41410-421990 360.00Check Total: Vendor:1859 GODFATHER'S EXTERMINATING INC Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 80293 Quarterly Extermination 50.00 09/23/2014 101-41941-431990 80328 Quarterly Extermination 80.00 09/23/2014 226-45122-431900 80329 Quarterly Extermination 35.00 09/23/2014 217-41990-431990 80330 Quarterly Extermination 50.00 09/23/2014 101-45501-431990 215.00Check Total: Vendor:3770 JASON HANKE Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: True 386792 August 2014 - 268 miles 151.42 09/23/2014 655-49870-431990 386792 August 2014 - 2,903.23 09/23/2014 655-49870-431990 3,054.65Check Total: Vendor:3868 FLOR HERNANDEZ Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 763-3140656 - refund 48.32 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 48.32Check Total: Vendor:3229 JEFF HOGLUND Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 019314 Custom Vinyl Lettering - Carlisle Village mailbox 77.00 09/23/2014 101-43120-422600 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 77.00Check Total: Vendor:1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 9/13/14 Fire Dept. Fuel- 7/18-8/18/14 687.61 09/23/2014 101-42200-421200 687.61Check Total: Vendor:2305 HOME BOX OFFICE Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: True 083114 HBO - August 2014 304.22 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 083114 HBO Bulk - August 2014 513.05 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 083114 Max - August 2014 52.88 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 870.15Check Total: Vendor:1244 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 140822025 Pool Chemicals & Supplies 2,321.13 09/23/2014 226-45122-421600 2,321.13Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 083114 KSTC - August 2014 363.60 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 083114 KSTP- August 2014 363.60 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 727.20Check Total: Vendor:3749 DANIEL PAUL HUNZ Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: True 091214 Market Token Collection Log 25.00 09/23/2014 226-00000-220100 25.00Check Total: Vendor:3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 2566 Riverside Cemetary - (3) grave sites 1,200.00 09/23/2014 651-49010-431150 1,200.00Check Total: Vendor:1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 2264428 re sale 931.70 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 931.70Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 1937438 re sale 3,497.18 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 1937438 freight 37.31 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1937439 freight 61.92 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1937439 re sale 1,966.45 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 1937439 re sale 28.49 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 1937440 re sale 188.91 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 1938862 freight 23.04 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1938862 re sale 1,610.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 1938863 re sale 1,157.80 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 1938863 freight 28.80 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1941530 re sale 136.54 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 1941530 freight 1.44 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1941531 re sale 7.20 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1941531 re sale 196.55 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 1941532 re sale 470.55 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 1941532 re sale 15.84 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1942331 re sale 681.70 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 1942331 freight 8.64 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1942332 freight 43.20 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1942332 re sale 106.70 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 1942332 re sale 1,349.60 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 1943685 re sale 1,042.50 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 1943685 freight 14.40 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1943686 re sale 1,038.95 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 1943686 freight 21.60 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1946115 re sale 2,090.33 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 1946115 freight 29.28 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1946116 freight 87.84 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1946116 re sale 3,405.15 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 632425 re sale -197.40 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 632425 freight -1.44 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 632595 re sale -10.34 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 632596 re sale -6.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 632597 re sale -9.71 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 632598 re sale -95.95 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 632599 re sale -134.54 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 632599 freight -1.44 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 18,891.09Check Total: Vendor:2251 KARE GANNETT CO INC Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 083114 GANNETT - August 2014 888.80 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 888.80Check Total: Vendor:3810 MARY LAFAVE Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 07292014 FNM - 001-0745 account # refund 17.02 07/31/2014 655-00000-115025 17.02Check Total: Vendor:2626 HARRY LANTTO Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True 09/11/14 9/10/14 EDA Meeting Recording 50.00 09/23/2014 213-46301-431990 50.00Check Total: Vendor:3852 LASER MEMORIES Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 866 Individ Plate for Perpetual Plaque - Beth Green 20 yrs 5.34 09/23/2014 101-41800-443990 5.34Check Total: Vendor:1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 375.00 09/23/2014 101-41310-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 896.00 09/23/2014 101-41520-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 193.00 09/23/2014 101-41800-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 8,438.00 09/23/2014 101-41910-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 68.00 09/23/2014 702-00000-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 204.00 09/23/2014 101-41940-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 918.00 09/23/2014 101-41941-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 3,230.00 09/23/2014 101-42200-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 933.00 09/23/2014 101-42400-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 1,056.00 09/23/2014 101-42700-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 2,523.00 09/23/2014 101-43110-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 192.00 09/23/2014 101-43111-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 154.00 09/23/2014 101-43115-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 8,521.00 09/23/2014 101-43120-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 366.00 09/23/2014 101-43125-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 289.00 09/23/2014 101-43127-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 15,950.00 09/23/2014 101-45201-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 96.00 09/23/2014 224-46102-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 2,637.00 09/23/2014 101-49240-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 385.00 09/23/2014 101-45501-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 7,293.00 09/23/2014 226-45122-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 1,538.00 09/23/2014 217-41990-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 5,954.00 09/23/2014 213-46301-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 4,557.00 09/23/2014 601-49440-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 5,046.00 09/23/2014 602-49480-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 9,100.00 09/23/2014 602-49490-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 1,240.00 09/23/2014 651-49010-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 7,443.00 09/23/2014 609-49754-436100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 4,808.00 09/23/2014 655-49870-436100 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 66,161.00 09/23/2014 101-00000-155020 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 134.00 09/23/2014 224-00000-155020 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 10,209.00 09/23/2014 226-00000-155020 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 2,153.00 09/23/2014 217-00000-155020 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 8,336.00 09/23/2014 213-00000-155020 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 6,380.00 09/23/2014 601-00000-155020 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 19,804.00 09/23/2014 602-00000-155020 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 1,737.00 09/23/2014 651-00000-155020 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 10,419.00 09/23/2014 609-00000-155020 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 6,730.00 09/23/2014 655-00000-155020 47784/5/6 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 94.00 09/23/2014 702-00000-155020 8/1/14 LMCIT claim #C0029178 date of injury 2/6/14 17.43 09/23/2014 101-49240-436990 226,577.43Check Total: Vendor:2304 LEGACY MECHANICAL SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: True 3884 Replaced Heating Valves #11 & #12 - Meeting Room & Hallway 200.00 09/23/2014 226-45122-440440 200.00Check Total: Vendor:1303 M AMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: True 181386 misc non-tax items re sale 709.27 09/23/2014 609-49750-425500 181386 mis tax items resale 127.60 09/23/2014 609-49750-425400 836.87Check Total: Vendor:3876 CHRISTOPHER MAAS Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 FNM-001-0232 6.78 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 6.78Check Total: Vendor:2819 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 090114 Services 8/1-8/31/14 169.00 09/23/2014 101-41800-430400 169.00Check Total: Vendor:1229 MAJIRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: True 1095 (250) Illeana's business cards; set up 64.93 09/23/2014 655-49870-431990 64.93Check Total: Vendor:3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: True 878692 540 gallons diesel 1,853.98 09/23/2014 101-43120-421200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 878693 613 gallons unleaded 1,905.76 09/23/2014 101-43120-421200 3,759.74Check Total: Vendor:1314 MCDOWALL COMPANY Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 220240 Maintenance Agreement Contract No C0520 424.75 09/23/2014 226-45122-431900 424.75Check Total: Vendor:1318 JONATHAN CALEB MELLBERG Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: True 09/08/14 9/8/14 City Council Meeting Recording 80.00 09/23/2014 101-41110-431990 80.00Check Total: Vendor:2215 METRO GOLDWYN MAYER INC Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: True 083114 MGM HD - August 2014 59.28 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 59.28Check Total: Vendor:2852 MIDWEST BUSINESS PROMOTIONS INC Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: True 10910 (525) calendars; new set up 378.31 09/23/2014 609-49754-431990 378.31Check Total: Vendor:2179 MINNESOTA 9-1-1 PROGRAM Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: True Aug - 14 August 2014 911 Wright Co 802.14 09/23/2014 655-00000-208170 802.14Check Total: Vendor:1343 MN DEPT OF COMMERCE Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 1000028267 #6726 - Indirect Assessment 2nd Qrt FY 2015 160.20 09/23/2014 655-49870-443700 160.20Check Total: Vendor:1375 MONTICELLO PRINTING INC Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: True 08272014 (80) Incident Reports - 3 part; (25) Incident Reports-padded; 118.85 09/23/2014 101-42200-420300 118.85Check Total: Vendor:1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True 091514 Monthly Allocation 4,375.00 09/23/2014 101-45175-444310 4,375.00Check Total: Vendor:1629 MP NEXLEVEL LLC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 114175 159.5 hours FTTH Installs August 2014 10,203.63 09/23/2014 656-49877-431990 10,203.63Check Total: Vendor:3422 MUNICIPAL BUILDERS INC Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 081914 12C003 - Pay voucher #14 36,120.64 09/23/2014 602-00000-165010 Change Order 3 12C003 - Change Order #3 Payment 49,378.91 09/23/2014 602-00000-165010 85,499.55Check Total: Vendor:2218 MUSIC CHOICE Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 083114 Music Choice - August 2014 219.72 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 219.72Check Total: Vendor:2275 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WILD Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True 083114 National Geographic WILD - August 2014 50.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 50.00Check Total: Vendor:2072 NATIONAL TELCO TELEVISION CONSORTIUM Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: True 2545 NTTC - August 2014 27,258.87 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 27,258.87Check Total: Vendor:3138 NBC UNIVERSAL Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: True 800704 Bravo- August 2014 294.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800706 Chiller- August 2014 27.03 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800707 Cloo- August 2014 27.03 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800708 CNBC- August 2014 525.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800710 CNBC World- August 2014 25.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800711 E!- August 2014 283.50 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800713 Esquire - August 2014 203.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800715 G4- August 2014 136.50 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800719 MSNBC- August 2014 406.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800720 mun2- August 2014 35.20 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800721 MSNBC Olympics- August 2014 126.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800722 Oxygen - August 2014 269.50 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800724 Sprout - August 2014 25.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800725 Syfy- August 2014 339.50 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800726 Golf Channel - August 2014 336.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800727 Telemundo- August 2014 48.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800728 Universal HD- August 2014 99.36 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 800730 USA NETWORK - August 2014 1,032.50 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 800731 NBCSN - August 2014 259.00 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 4,497.12Check Total: Vendor:2518 NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 9/1/14 Account Number 7900 0440 6327 5196 1,000.00 09/23/2014 101-00000-155010 1,000.00Check Total: Vendor:2082 NEUSTAR INC Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: True Account 19894 InvoiceM10731200 LNP charges 8/1-8/31/2014 240.00 09/23/2014 655-49870-431990 Account 20313 Invoice M10731309 SOW charges 8/1-8/31/2014 0.59 09/23/2014 655-49870-431990 Account 20313 Invoice M10731310 LNP charges 8/1-8/31/2014 53.55 09/23/2014 655-49870-431990 294.14Check Total: Vendor:2216 NHL NETWORK Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 083114 NHL SD - August 2014 233.10 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 233.10Check Total: Vendor:1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: True 21449 General - Variance/Appeals Ordinance 342.90 09/23/2014 101-41910-431990 21449 General - Regional Trail Grant 139.70 09/23/2014 101-41910-431990 21450 ZVOHN - Von Hansons Subdivision prep & attend meeting, 349.06 09/23/2014 101-00000-220110 21450 ZCOMM 8 - IRET Meadow Oak 478.40 09/23/2014 101-00000-220110 21450 PREDSN - Hoglund Subdivision 199.56 09/23/2014 101-41910-431990 21450 ZVINE - Vine Street Place Townhomes 269.10 09/23/2014 101-00000-220110 21451 Meetings - 8/5/14 Planning Comm & 8/25/14 CC 300.00 09/23/2014 101-41910-431990 2,078.72Check Total: Vendor:3870 OLSEN COMPUTER REPAIR Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 763-295-8908 - refund 32.82 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 32.82Check Total: Vendor:1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 11113 4.13 tons AC Fines mix 287.82 09/23/2014 101-43120-422400 11118 3.02 tons AC Fines mix 210.46 09/23/2014 101-43120-422400 11133 2.03 tons AC Fines mix 141.47 09/23/2014 101-43120-422400 11156 2.99 tons AC Fines mix 208.37 09/23/2014 101-43120-422400 848.12Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2131 ONVOY VOICE SERVICES Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: True 140902010681 Voice-9/2-10/1/2014 A-links: 8/25/14 Dips 1,319.38 09/23/2014 655-49860-430910 140902010983 Voice-Operator Service - Wholesale 800 Switched 3,665.85 09/23/2014 655-49860-430910 4,985.23Check Total: Vendor:1417 OSC OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False 07808119 (25) grinding wheel; (9) Dnduro-flex disc; (5) chld coax; etc 280.29 09/23/2014 101-43127-421520 280.29Check Total: Vendor:1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 8463868 re sale 959.62 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 8463868 freight 10.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 969.62Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: False 2660003 re sale 2,078.46 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 2660003 freight 23.04 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 2660004 freight 17.28 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 2660004 re sale 703.25 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 2660960 re sale 3,182.75 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 2660960 freight 35.16 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 2663116 re sale 6,266.57 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 2663116 freight 124.56 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 2663117 freight 11.52 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 2663117 re sale 419.20 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 2664035 re sale 500.44 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 2664035 freight 7.34 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 2664036 freight 18.72 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 2664036 re sale 577.75 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 2665785 freight 5.75 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 2665785 re sale 295.46 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 2665786 re sale 1,504.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 2665786 freight 28.80 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 3534068 re sale -48.62 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 3534068 freight -2.76 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 3534069 freight -2.76 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 3534069 re sale -49.65 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 3534070 re sale -4.42 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 15,691.84Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:3875 JOSEPH & JESSICA QUARNSTROM Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 FNM-0010193 - refund 8.59 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 8.59Check Total: Vendor:1455 RED'S MARATHON Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 06032014 Recharge - Jet 4027 75.00 09/23/2014 602-49490-422110 06252014 Battery PW 125.00 09/23/2014 101-43120-422110 07232014 Stored at 918 - 1991 Caterpiller 125 KW - spare generator 1/2 65.98 09/23/2014 601-49440-422100 07232014 Stored at 918 - 1991 Caterpiller 125 KW - spare generator 1/2 65.97 09/23/2014 602-49490-422100 08152014 Battery PW 125.00 09/23/2014 101-43120-422110 082214 Oil Change 32.60 09/23/2014 217-41990-440500 489.55Check Total: Vendor:3879 RICMAR Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False 318982 1 dozen Digest Aid; (1) case hang tag 456.48 09/23/2014 101-45201-421600 456.48Check Total: Vendor:1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: True A24031 Hex keys (4), flush bolts (2), & labor to install 297.65 09/23/2014 226-45122-440440 297.65Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: True 091014 August Mileage (400) 224.00 09/23/2014 101-42700-433100 091014 Animal supplies & food 384.94 09/23/2014 101-42700-421990 091514 Semi monthly contract payment 1,593.75 09/23/2014 101-42700-431200 2,202.69Check Total: Vendor:3877 CODI & LORI SCHMITT Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 FNM-001-0434 5.03 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 5.03Check Total: Vendor:3860 PATRICIA SCOTT Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: False 091214 Market Token Collection Log 15.00 09/23/2014 226-00000-220100 15.00Check Total: Vendor:2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: False W4499675 8/23/14 - Katelyn Zahler R2095 179.56 09/23/2014 226-45122-431992 W4507026 8/30/14 - Anna Valerius R2142 179.56 09/23/2014 226-45122-431992 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 359.12Check Total: Vendor:1484 SENSUS METERING SYSTEMS INC Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: True ZA15004485 utx - 20% of entire invoice 314.07 09/23/2014 601-49440-431900 ZA15004485 Sensus System Support - 9/24/14-9/24/15 1,256.27 09/23/2014 601-49440-431900 1,570.34Check Total: Vendor:2497 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSION Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: True Qrt2 2014 FRAN Cable franchise fees- FNM - Qrt 2 2014 8,291.71 09/23/2014 101-00000-208020 Qrt2 2014 PEG Cable PEG fees- FNM - Qrt 2 2014 2,111.40 09/23/2014 101-00000-208020 10,403.11Check Total: Vendor:2301 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: False 083114 Showtime - August 2014 138.27 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 138.27Check Total: Vendor:1487 CATHY SHUMAN Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: True 091514 Mileage Reimb 6/23/-8/12/14 Elections Buffalo Courthouse & C H 61.60 09/23/2014 101-41410-433100 091514 Mileage Reimb 6/23/-8/12/14 Elections Buffalo Courthouse & C H 11.20 09/23/2014 101-41310-433100 72.80Check Total: Vendor:2212 SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: False 083114 WUCW -TV - August 2014 290.88 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 290.88Check Total: Vendor:3874 BRAD SOHLER Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 763-295-5803 - refund 8.59 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 8.59Check Total: Vendor:3688 SOURCEONE SOLUTIONS LLC Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: True 4357 Sept 2014 billing 2,000.44 09/23/2014 655-49870-431800 4357 Sept 2014 billing - postage 539.96 09/23/2014 655-49870-431800 2,540.40Check Total: Vendor:3309 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MINNESOTA Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: False 1168529 re sale 35.60 09/22/2014 609-49750-425500 1168529 freight 1.25 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 17 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1199750 freight 29.03 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1199750 re sale 2,261.32 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 1199751 re sale 492.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 1199751 freight 8.10 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1202026 freighht 2.70 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1202026 re sale 310.89 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 1202027 re sale 1,430.94 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 1202027 freighht 29.03 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 4,600.86Check Total: Vendor:2603 SPECIALTY TURF & AG, INC Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: False I40860 (104) pallet bricks; (80) 50 lb winterizer; (19) 50lb Lime 1,590.80 09/23/2014 101-45201-421600 1,590.80Check Total: Vendor:2564 SPORTS PRO LLC Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: True 223 Parts replaced on elliptical & treadmill 949.99 09/23/2014 226-45122-440800 949.99Check Total: Vendor:3889 STRUCTURAL TOWER SERVICES Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: False 929 ZTOWER - 60% contract payment 71,359.80 09/23/2014 400-43300-458010 71,359.80Check Total: Vendor:3867 MARK & CHARLENE THELEN Check Sequence: 108 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 FNM-001-0772 - Refund 63.83 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 63.83Check Total: Vendor:3866 ARLIS THIELKE Check Sequence: 109 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 763-295-0058 - refund 65.34 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 65.34Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 110 ACH Enabled: True 756268 re sale -76.60 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 846169 re sale 81.95 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 846170 re sale 173.10 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 846170 re sale 25.10 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 847619 re sale 47.95 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 847620 re sale 161.25 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 847621 re sale 10,140.45 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 18 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10,553.20Check Total: Vendor:2252 TOWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Check Sequence: 111 ACH Enabled: False 083114 WGN America - August 2014 200.31 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 200.31Check Total: Vendor:2165 TV GUIDE NETWORKS LLC TV GUIDE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LLC Check Sequence: 112 ACH Enabled: True 143293 TV Guide - August 2014 444.14 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 444.14Check Total: Vendor:3625 ULTEIG ENGINEERS INC Check Sequence: 113 ACH Enabled: False 47256 ZTOWER - Services through 8/31/14 968.00 09/23/2014 400-43300-458010 968.00Check Total: Vendor:1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV LLC VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATIONS INC Check Sequence: 114 ACH Enabled: False 00040960 October 2014 WWTP Operation & Maintenance 68,300.00 09/23/2014 602-49480-430800 00041075 12C003 - Progress Inv# 21 WWTP 2,101.54 09/23/2014 602-00000-165010 70,401.54Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 115 ACH Enabled: True 1445663 re sale 375.30 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 1454211 re sale 75.70 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 451.00Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 116 ACH Enabled: True 105911 re sale 144.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 105911 re sale 235.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 105911 freight 7.50 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 106400 re sale 356.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 106400 re sale 189.75 09/22/2014 609-49750-425200 106400 freight 20.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 952.25Check Total: Vendor:3872 SID VOLLEMA Check Sequence: 117 ACH Enabled: False 09222014 763-295-5197 - refund 11.97 09/23/2014 655-00000-115025 11.97Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 19 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 118 ACH Enabled: False 4470 Water Testing August 2014 225.00 09/23/2014 601-49440-422740 225.00Check Total: Vendor:1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 119 ACH Enabled: False 6766 Labor - Evaluate light controls in Mississippi Room 130.00 09/23/2014 226-45122-440100 6778 labor - install ground bar in switch panel, SW side 97.50 09/23/2014 655-49870-440100 6778 Materials - install ground bar in new switch panel, SW side 105.50 09/23/2014 655-49870-440100 6781 Materials -(2) lenses and shields - Vet Memorial vandalisim 130.00 09/23/2014 101-45201-431990 6781 Labor-(2) lenses and shields - Vet Memorial vandalisim 65.00 09/23/2014 101-45201-431990 528.00Check Total: Vendor:1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 120 ACH Enabled: True 371327 re sale 580.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 371327 freight 8.40 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 588.40Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 121 ACH Enabled: False 517328 re sale 328.48 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 517328 freight 3.60 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 518743 re sale 3,274.41 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 518743 re sale 23.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 518743 freight 56.88 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 3,686.37Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 122 ACH Enabled: False 1080224224 re sale 8,823.77 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 1080224224 re sale 227.40 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 1080224224 re sale 78.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 1080224224 freight 119.21 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1080227174 re sale 3,625.61 09/22/2014 609-49750-425100 1080227174 re sale 180.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425300 1080227174 freight 63.53 09/22/2014 609-49750-433300 1080227174 misc tax resale 36.00 09/22/2014 609-49750-425400 13,153.52Check Total: Vendor:2219 WORLD FISHING NETWORK LTD Check Sequence: 123 ACH Enabled: True 083114 World Fishing Network - August 2014 28.62 09/23/2014 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 20 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 28.62Check Total: Vendor:2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS Check Sequence: 124 ACH Enabled: False 20501 2205 R-155-010-005090 2nd half payment 2,014.00 09/23/2014 101-41941-437100 20656 22935 R-155-010-034102 2nd half payment 3,321.00 09/23/2014 213-46522-437100 20658 248203 MGFARM R-155-010-034130 2nd half payment 2,145.00 09/23/2014 213-46522-437100 20659 248203 MGFARM R-155-010-034140 2nd half payment 803.00 09/23/2014 213-46522-437100 20660 248203 MGFARM - R-155-010-034150 2nd half payment 9,920.00 09/23/2014 213-46522-437100 20899 248203 R-155-010-067010 2nd half payment 599.33 09/23/2014 213-46522-437100 22192 2205 R-155-066-000010 2nd half payment 840.84 09/23/2014 101-41940-437100 22193 2205 R-155-066-000020 2nd half payment 640.38 09/23/2014 101-41940-437100 36308 2205 R-213-100-081400 2nd half payment 4,060.00 09/23/2014 602-49480-437100 66105 2205 R-155-176-002010 2nd half payment 161.76 09/23/2014 601-49440-443990 67753 248203 R-155-171-000060 2nd half payment 756.00 09/23/2014 213-46301-437100 25,261.31Check Total: Vendor:1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 125 ACH Enabled: True 09/11/14 Fines & Fees for August 2014 4,930.62 09/23/2014 101-00000-208020 September September 91,250.00 09/23/2014 101-42100-430500 96,180.62Check Total: Vendor:1583 WRIGHT HENNEPIN COOP ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 126 ACH Enabled: True 10710177100 8/1 thru 9/1/2014 42.07 09/23/2014 602-49490-438100 10710177100 November 2014 service 19.95 09/23/2014 217-41990-431900 10710177100 November 2014 service 36.45 09/23/2014 101-45201-431900 10710177100 November 2014 service 87.95 09/23/2014 101-42200-431900 10710177100 November 2014 service 19.95 09/23/2014 601-49440-431900 10710177100 November 2014 service 27.95 09/23/2014 226-45122-431900 10710177100 November 2014 service 32.95 09/23/2014 601-49440-431900 10710177100 November 2014 service 29.95 09/23/2014 601-49440-431900 10710177100 November 2014 service 19.95 09/23/2014 601-49440-431900 10710177100 November 2014 service 19.95 09/23/2014 101-45201-431900 10710177100 November 2014 service 1,407.59 09/23/2014 101-43160-438100 1,744.71Check Total: Vendor:1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 127 ACH Enabled: True 01494-830-4 ZBATCH - April services 345.00 09/23/2014 101-00000-220110 345.00Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 21 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1907 XO COMMUNICATIONS LLC Check Sequence: 128 ACH Enabled: True 0269649002 Data & Internet Access 9/1-9/30/2014 5,004.87 09/23/2014 655-49860-430930 0269728000 Data & Internet Access 9/1-9/30/2014 2,338.99 09/23/2014 655-49860-430930 7,343.86Check Total: Vendor:2076 ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC Check Sequence: 129 ACH Enabled: True 003293 9/14 9/1-30/14 Private Line; cost recovery surcharge 2,271.42 09/23/2014 655-49860-430910 2,271.42Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 949,548.10 129 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 1:23 PM)Page 22 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 9/22/14 Approved by ________________________________________ Mayor Clint Herbst User: Printed:09/17/2014 - 2:23PM Julie.Cheney Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00201.09.2014 - 201.09.2014 US Bank Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1604 HEALTH PARTNERS Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 51120022 October 2014 - Medical 49,415.65 09/15/2014 101-00000-217060 51120022 October 2014 - Dental 5,358.84 09/15/2014 101-00000-217062 54,774.49Check Total: Vendor:3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 9/1/14 September 2014 1,728.60 09/15/2014 101-00000-217066 1,728.60Check Total: Vendor:2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 9/6/2014 Chilis Fresno - credit from fraud in Aug 2014 -200.00 09/15/2014 655-49870-420990 9/6/2014 Chilis Fresno - credit from fraud in Aug 2014 -33.65 09/15/2014 655-49870-420990 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - concrete -Fallon Ln/Fallon Ave sign post repair 6.49 09/15/2014 101-43120-422600 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - (2) calibrated cont; (2) lid pail; paint brush 8.60 09/15/2014 101-43127-421510 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - headlight dimmer 94 Ford #111 9.43 09/15/2014 101-43120-422110 9/6/2014 Home Depot - (7) coupling; (2) schedule 40x10' 9.46 09/15/2014 656-49877-421990 9/6/2014 Grady's - tape duck (1/2) 4.99 09/15/2014 602-49490-421990 9/6/2014 Grady's - tape duck (1/2) 5.00 09/15/2014 601-49440-421990 9/6/2014 Grady's - bolt; hook - gate/eye 11.28 09/15/2014 101-45201-421990 9/6/2014 Grady's - USA Flag 11.99 09/15/2014 101-45201-421990 9/6/2014 Home Depot - Muric acid - Ellison Vandalism -meeting w/ insuranc 12.98 09/15/2014 101-45201-421650 9/6/2014 Home Depot -(2) light bulb 4 pack 15.94 09/15/2014 601-49440-422300 9/6/2014 US Post Office - (2) Nitrate samples; flouride sample 16.04 09/15/2014 601-49440-432200 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - wrnchrtcht - stormwater culvert ext - Meadow Oaks 16.99 09/15/2014 101-43130-422420 9/6/2014 Home Depot - batteries; insulation for fiber splice case 18.12 09/15/2014 656-49877-421990 9/6/2014 Office Max - big bubble wrap 18.69 09/15/2014 655-49870-420990 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - 60 lbs. Concrete 19.47 09/15/2014 101-43120-422600 9/6/2014 Cub Foods - resale limes/lemons 20.97 09/15/2014 609-49750-425500 9/6/2014 Cub Foods - resale limes/lemons 21.05 09/15/2014 609-49750-425500 9/6/2014 Grady's - (2) flashlights for sewer camera 21.98 09/15/2014 602-49490-421990 9/6/2014 Target - plates; bowls; forks for office 24.57 09/15/2014 655-49870-420990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 2:23 PM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9/6/2014 Kwik Trip - 7.59 gal fuel 25.04 09/15/2014 656-49877-421200 9/6/2014 Cub - resale lemons/limes 25.36 09/15/2014 609-49750-425500 9/6/2014 Grady's - (2) 8" cables; (2) electrical tape; tape 25.55 09/15/2014 601-49440-422701 9/6/2014 Auto Value - starter relay for 2000 ford Streets 25.99 09/15/2014 101-43127-422110 9/6/2014 Pipeline Supply 5 - Meadow Oaks storm water catch basin addition 26.42 09/15/2014 101-43130-422420 9/6/2014 Marties Farm - Streets - snippers; quick pro 27.24 09/15/2014 101-43120-421990 9/6/2014 Home Depot - Meadow Oaks storm water catch basin addition- repai 27.49 09/15/2014 101-43130-422420 9/6/2014 Verizon - clip case cargo pouch Streets 32.05 09/15/2014 101-43120-421990 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - propane torch; strapping tape - Water 34.48 09/15/2014 601-49440-421990 9/6/2014 O'Reilly Auto - (4) Arm; (2) 1 Gal car wash 36.74 09/15/2014 101-42200-421990 9/6/2014 Uline - (10) corrugated boxes 45.83 09/15/2014 655-49870-421990 9/6/2014 General Rental ZPARKS - RIVERM - screed concrete powdered; blad 51.00 09/15/2014 101-45201-441500 9/6/2014 General Rental -screed concrete powdered; 12" blade 52.00 09/15/2014 101-45201-441500 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - Parks - tester 52.06 09/15/2014 101-45201-421990 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - Parks -(3) coupler; (2) air filter 58.89 09/15/2014 101-45201-421990 9/6/2014 Home Depot - scissors; pliers; diap cutting pliers; utiltiy pouc 64.03 09/15/2014 656-49877-421990 9/6/2014 G & K - inv 1043765201 mat cleaning 64.06 09/15/2014 609-49754-431990 9/6/2014 G & K - inv 1043765201 mat cleaning 65.17 09/15/2014 655-49870-421990 9/6/2014 MCC - pops for luncheon for Site Selection group 7.50 09/15/2014 101-41940-433100 9/6/2014 G & K - mats (8) at DMV 60.00 09/15/2014 217-41990-431990 9/6/2014 Holiday - 9.514 gals @ $3.299 31.39 09/15/2014 217-41990-421200 9/6/2014 Super America - 8.229 gals @ $3.399 27.97 09/15/2014 217-41990-421200 9/6/2014 Walmart - water balloons for employee picnic 4.28 09/15/2014 101-41800-443990 9/6/2014 Target - alka seltzer for employee picnic game 4.29 09/15/2014 101-41800-443990 9/6/2014 Holiday - 9.352 gals @ $3.299 30.85 09/15/2014 217-41990-421200 9/6/2014 Quiznos - gift cards for employee picnic participation prizes 80.00 09/15/2014 101-41800-443990 9/6/2014 Quiznos - gift card for safety bingo prize 25.00 09/15/2014 101-41800-443990 9/6/2014 Target - supplies for employee picnic; chips, pop, plates, utens 81.99 09/15/2014 101-41800-443990 9/6/2014 MN Dept Labor & Ind - DW & DJH conference reg for 10/14/14 170.00 09/15/2014 101-42400-433200 9/6/2014 MN Dept Labor & Ind - RH conference reg for 10/14/14 85.00 09/15/2014 101-42400-433200 9/6/2014 Amazon.com - Bag 13 x 18. clear, single track seal top (500) 113.81 09/15/2014 101-42400-443990 9/6/2014 NBP - Calculator tapes (2 pks) 20.98 09/15/2014 217-41990-420990 9/6/2014 Cornerstone Cafe - site selection box lunches (7) 61.53 09/15/2014 101-41940-433100 9/6/2014 GFOA - class for DD Beg Gov't Acctg on 10/8/14 Albertville MN 30.00 09/15/2014 101-41520-433200 9/6/2014 GFOA - class for JC Beg Gov't Acctg on 10/8/14 Albertville MN 30.00 09/15/2014 101-41520-433200 9/6/2014 NBP - packing tape, plates, pens, cert holder (4), 145.44 09/15/2014 101-41940-420990 9/6/2014 Fastenal-shop supplies - (100) cable ties; (100) releasab tie; 67.57 09/15/2014 101-45201-421990 9/6/2014 General Rental - ZPARKS RIVERM - screed cpmcrete pwrd; blade 72.50 09/15/2014 101-45201-441500 9/6/2014 Home Depot - level; clip connection block; drill/drive set 73.47 09/15/2014 656-49877-421990 9/6/2014 Office Max - (3) monitor risers 73.71 09/15/2014 655-49870-420990 9/6/2014 Home Depot - batteries; 9" cutting pliers 74.24 09/15/2014 655-49870-421990 9/6/2014 Target - (2) HP Ink 83.34 09/15/2014 101-42200-420990 9/6/2014 Office Max - (2) monitor risers; (2) calculator: Sharpie 84.91 09/15/2014 655-49870-420990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 2:23 PM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9/6/2014 Verizon - front desk phone case. 29.99 09/15/2014 226-45122-420990 9/6/2014 J H Larson - Lights in childcare area - (10 40 watt) 56.75 09/15/2014 226-45122-422990 9/6/2014 Walmart - Cupcakes 32.40 09/15/2014 226-45127-421460 9/6/2014 Walmart - Various Battery packs 27.62 09/15/2014 226-45122-421990 9/6/2014 Walmart - Zone & Kind bars 34.28 09/15/2014 226-45127-425410 9/6/2014 NBP - Paper 33.50 09/15/2014 226-45122-420990 9/6/2014 Spectrum Supply - Locker & Bathroom Supplies 158.28 09/15/2014 226-45122-421990 9/6/2014 Spectrum Supply - Cleaning Supplies 275.37 09/15/2014 226-45122-421100 9/6/2014 Spectrum Supply - 16oz clear cups 88.98 09/15/2014 226-45127-425410 9/6/2014 Gradys - Light bulbs for chapel for wedding 19.18 09/15/2014 226-45122-422990 9/6/2014 Home Depot - Mirrored tiles for weddings 42.73 09/15/2014 226-45127-420750 9/6/2014 Cub - sunscreen 17.08 09/15/2014 226-45127-421981 9/6/2014 Gradys - Key supplies 22.74 09/15/2014 226-45122-420990 9/6/2014 Get Branded - Handicap Door Sticker 14.89 09/15/2014 226-45122-421990 9/6/2014 Home Depot - Misc supplies for fountain pump for patio 94.23 09/15/2014 226-45122-422990 9/6/2014 MN Sec of State - Notary Renewal for Kerry 120.00 09/15/2014 101-41310-443300 9/6/2014 Hawks - Gift cards for employee recognition 150.00 09/15/2014 101-41800-443990 9/6/2014 MN APA/Paypal - 2014 MNAPA Conference for Angela Schumann 360.00 09/15/2014 101-41910-433200 9/6/2014 Cub - Milk for Friendship Island. 5.98 09/15/2014 226-45127-421981 9/6/2014 Cub - Hotdog & Hamburger buns for ballfields 29.40 09/15/2014 226-45203-425410 9/6/2014 Ameripride - Uniforms - Jeans 18.77 09/15/2014 226-45122-441700 9/6/2014 Ameripride - Various mops 65.44 09/15/2014 226-45122-431110 9/6/2014 Ameripride - Various towels 18.98 09/15/2014 226-45122-441710 9/6/2014 Ameripride - Uniforms - Jeans 17.64 09/15/2014 226-45122-441700 9/6/2014 Ameripride - Mops 65.44 09/15/2014 226-45122-431110 9/6/2014 Ameripride - Towels 19.07 09/15/2014 226-45122-441710 9/6/2014 Cub - Hot dog buns & bananas for concessions 8.08 09/15/2014 226-45127-425410 9/6/2014 NBP - Erasers, thermal cash register tape, colored paper 15.45 09/15/2014 226-45122-420990 9/6/2014 Gradys - Muriatic Acid (4 gals) 34.58 09/15/2014 226-45122-421600 9/6/2014 PipelineSupply - Meadow Oaks culvert extension 91.56 09/15/2014 101-43130-422420 9/6/2014 Menards - (3) 4' x 100' snow fence 92.63 09/15/2014 101-45201-421990 9/6/2014 Super America - 29.064 gallons unleaded gas 95.01 09/15/2014 656-49877-421200 9/6/2014 OfficeMax - FDX Intl Ground shipping 123.53 09/15/2014 655-49870-432200 9/6/2014 G & K Services - inv1043776824 Mat Cleaning 142.62 09/15/2014 609-49754-431990 9/6/2014 National Recreation & Park Association - Annual Membership 150.00 09/15/2014 101-45201-443300 9/6/2014 Home Depot - vandalism at Pioneer Park -(4) Deckover; Gorilla Cl 169.07 09/15/2014 101-45201-421990 9/6/2014 Consolidated Plastics Co - shoe scraper mat (1/2) 88.53 09/15/2014 101-43127-422990 9/6/2014 Consolidated Plastics Co - shoe scraper mat (1/4) 44.26 09/15/2014 601-49440-422300 9/6/2014 Consolidated Plastics Co - shoe scraper mat (1/4) 44.27 09/15/2014 602-49490-421990 9/6/2014 M & M Bus Service - backpack spray; hourmeter maint MNDR; Filler 178.89 09/15/2014 101-45201-422100 9/6/2014 Dyna Systems - (150) flat washers; (10)clamp hose; (3) cryobit; 183.91 09/15/2014 101-43127-421990 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - (8) addresses 220.00 09/15/2014 101-43230-431000 9/6/2014 Royal Tire Store - #223; 226; 216 tires 275.56 09/15/2014 101-45201-422200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 2:23 PM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9/6/2014 OfficeMax - FNM Exec Chair 320.61 09/15/2014 609-49754-456010 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - (31) oil filters 340.28 09/15/2014 101-43127-422120 9/6/2014 Burnham - (16) yards Cedar Tone Mulch 384.00 09/15/2014 101-45201-422500 9/6/2014 Home Depot - Clearance Refridgerator for Head End 386.89 09/15/2014 655-49870-424600 9/6/2014 Arctic Glacier - resale (4) invoices 695.05 09/15/2014 609-49750-425500 9/6/2014 Fire Safety USA - (5) gloves; (4) boots; Fire hood 1,088.55 09/15/2014 101-42200-421120 9/6/2014 Arctic Glacier - resale - (9) invoices 1,529.55 09/15/2014 609-49750-425500 9/6/2014 Titan Machinery - Asphalt Plate 1,885.00 09/15/2014 101-43120-424100 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - June 2014 32,744.88 09/15/2014 101-43230-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - June 2014 10,542.66 09/15/2014 101-43230-431010 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - June 2014 102.81 09/15/2014 655-49870-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - June 2014 34.34 09/15/2014 655-49870-431010 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - June 2014 110.80 09/15/2014 101-43127-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - June 2014 95.48 09/15/2014 101-45201-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - June 2014 113.39 09/15/2014 602-49480-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - June 2014 208.87 09/15/2014 226-45122-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - June 2014 11.93 09/15/2014 101-45501-431990 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - June 2014 23.87 09/15/2014 609-49754-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal MGFARM - June 2014 10.55 09/15/2014 213-46522-431000 9/6/2014 Wright Henn Elec - 6/16-8/15/2014 (30) lights 4018 School Blvd 831.00 09/15/2014 101-43160-431900 9/6/2014 Wright Henn Elec - 6/16-8/15/2014 - (14) lights 4489 School Blvd 387.80 09/15/2014 101-43160-431900 9/6/2014 Wright Henn Elec - 6/16-8/15/2014 Chelsea Rd E 360.00 09/15/2014 101-43160-431900 9/6/2014 Wright Henn Elec - 6/16-8/15/2014 -((9) lights 7th St & Highland 180.00 09/15/2014 101-43160-431900 9/6/2014 Wright Henn Elec - 6/16-8/15/2014 -(Cedar St Dundas to Chelsea 249.30 09/15/2014 101-43160-431900 9/6/2014 Wright Henn Elec - July 2014 HADCO @East 7th St 357.75 09/15/2014 101-43160-431900 9/6/2014 Wright Henn Elec - 6/16-8/15/2014 - School Blvd Fenning/18 to Ed 744.00 09/15/2014 101-43160-431900 9/6/2014 Auto Value Monti - credit (2) oil seal 1/2 -39.49 09/15/2014 601-49440-422110 9/6/2014 Auto Value Monti - credit (2) oil seal 1/2 -39.49 09/15/2014 602-49490-422110 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - credit #404 1/2 -1.46 09/15/2014 601-49440-422110 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - credit #404 1/2 -1.45 09/15/2014 602-49490-422110 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - liquid glue nails 3.49 09/15/2014 601-49440-422700 9/6/2014 Fastenal - (100) PPH SMS 8 x 1 Z A 2.71 09/15/2014 601-49440-421990 9/6/2014 Fastenal - (5) HCS 1/2- 13 x 5 Z5 4.64 09/15/2014 101-43120-422600 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - Screw Hex Cap 5.10 09/15/2014 101-45201-421990 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - Screw Hex Cap 5.90 09/15/2014 101-45201-421990 9/6/2014 Cub Foods - (2) Hawaiin Roll 6.98 09/15/2014 101-42200-421990 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - one coat roller; roller cover 7.98 09/15/2014 601-49440-422700 9/6/2014 Home Depot - vise grip; nose vise grip; pliers; measure tape 8.76 09/15/2014 101-45201-421650 9/6/2014 Cub Foods - resale lemons & limes 9.38 09/15/2014 609-49750-425500 9/6/2014 Cub Foods - resale (26) limes 9.52 09/15/2014 609-49750-425500 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - Air Filter 22.96 09/15/2014 101-43120-422110 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - doors - trim for well houses 23.99 09/15/2014 601-49440-422300 9/6/2014 Home Depot - (5) 4 packs C batteries 37.40 09/15/2014 101-42200-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 2:23 PM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9/6/2014 Home Depot - for ALP/School Fiber Project 7th E - plywood; screw 39.20 09/15/2014 656-49877-421990 9/6/2014 Royal Tire - Tire MT/DM; flat repair; enviro fees 39.41 09/15/2014 101-45201-431990 9/6/2014 Verizon - 973-021-2949 7/11- 8/10 2014 50.06 09/15/2014 101-43120-432100 9/6/2014 OfficeMax -(4) pen refill 1/2 4.99 09/15/2014 601-49440-421990 9/6/2014 OfficeMax -(4) pen refill 1/2 4.99 09/15/2014 602-49490-421990 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa- #404 Pinion Seal 1/2 5.64 09/15/2014 602-49490-422110 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa- #404 Pinion Seal 1/2 5.64 09/15/2014 601-49440-422110 9/6/2014 Cub Foods - resale lemons/limes 17.16 09/15/2014 609-49750-425500 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - steering wheel cover 20.89 09/15/2014 101-43120-422110 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - #164 Air Filter 22.96 09/15/2014 101-43120-422110 9/6/2014 General Rental Center - ZPARKS - RIVERMILL - Power Screed 51.00 09/15/2014 101-45201-441500 9/6/2014 utx - Verizon - 320-241-3917 6/21-7/20/2014 32.41 09/15/2014 655-49870-432100 9/6/2014 Verizon - 763-954-1070 6/21-7/20/2014 26.02 09/15/2014 101-43120-432100 9/6/2014 Verizon - 972-850-0789 inv# 6/11-7/10/2014 1/2 PW Inspections 196.01 09/15/2014 101-43115-432100 9/6/2014 utx -Verizon - 972-850-0789 inv# 6/11-7/10/2014 1/3 of remaing1 65.34 09/15/2014 655-49870-432100 9/6/2014 Verizon - 972-850-0789 inv# 6/11-7/10/2014 1/3 of remaing1 65.34 09/15/2014 601-49440-432100 9/6/2014 Verizon - 972-850-0789 inv# 6/11-7/10/2014 1/3 of remaing1 65.33 09/15/2014 602-49490-432100 9/6/2014 Home Depot - mail boxes - (7) mailboxes; (3) cedar 2x6 10ft; (3) 414.37 09/15/2014 101-43120-421990 9/6/2014 Runnings - (4) water 24 pks; (45) Powerade; seafoam motor tuneu 74.14 09/15/2014 101-42200-421990 9/6/2014 Trueman Welters - #179 Water Reman Kit 84.00 09/15/2014 101-43120-422100 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - #301 Turn signal switch 1/2 45.32 09/15/2014 601-49440-422110 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - #301 Turn signal switch 1/2 45.32 09/15/2014 602-49490-422110 9/6/2014 Super America - 28.002 gallons unleaded 93.50 09/15/2014 656-49877-421200 9/6/2014 O Ryans- 28.750 gallons unleaded 94.85 09/15/2014 656-49877-421200 9/6/2014 Cub Foods - Wr. Co. Chief's Meeting - chicken; potato salad; col 111.12 09/15/2014 101-42200-421990 9/6/2014 Safety-Kleen Systems - Parts - washer service 188.92 09/15/2014 101-43127-431990 9/6/2014 Auto Value - #301 (4) Oil Seal; Univ. Jnt/PTO Yoke 1/2 99.98 09/15/2014 601-49440-422110 9/6/2014 Auto Value - #301 (4) Oil Seal; Univ. Jnt/PTO Yoke 1/2 99.97 09/15/2014 602-49490-422110 9/6/2014 Zep - Shop Supplies - 1 doz. 2000 Aero; 1 case Cherry Bomb 209.41 09/15/2014 101-43127-421100 9/6/2014 Russell's on the Lake - Good Morning Monticello Breakfast 224.10 09/15/2014 655-49870-431990 9/6/2014 Beacon Athletics - steel Mat Drags; Infield Grooming Rake 322.30 09/15/2014 101-45203-421990 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - #110 starter 363.09 09/15/2014 101-43120-422110 9/6/2014 Bench Craft Company - 1 year advertising Monti Country Club 375.00 09/15/2014 609-49754-434990 9/6/2014 Batteries & Bulbs - Batteries for fire alarm system 40.51 09/15/2014 226-45122-422990 9/6/2014 Ausco - staff shirts for Friendship Island 248.00 09/15/2014 226-45122-421110 9/6/2014 Cub - batteries for boom box & spaghetti for staff meeting 18.08 09/15/2014 226-45122-421990 9/6/2014 Claytons Appliance Repair - calibrate ovens in guard kitchen 178.00 09/15/2014 226-45122-440440 9/6/2014 Home Depot - Returned leaky water jugs -21.35 09/15/2014 226-45122-421990 9/6/2014 Emedco - Confined Space sign for pool 36.03 09/15/2014 226-45122-420990 9/6/2014 Ameripride - Uniform - Jeans 12.28 09/15/2014 226-45122-441700 9/6/2014 Ameripride - Mops 65.71 09/15/2014 226-45122-431110 9/6/2014 Ameripride - Towels 19.16 09/15/2014 226-45122-441710 9/6/2014 Rec Supply - Skimmer baskets (2) 25.71 09/15/2014 226-45122-421610 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 2:23 PM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9/6/2014 Gradys - Pool Supplies Muriatic Acid (7 gal) 56.64 09/15/2014 226-45122-421600 9/6/2014 Swank - Gravity - movie in the park 2nd showing 24.00 09/15/2014 226-45127-421980 9/6/2014 Swank - Lego movie in the park 374.00 09/15/2014 226-45127-421980 9/6/2014 Spectrum Supply - Sales Tax Credit -3.67 09/15/2014 226-45127-421981 9/6/2014 Spectrum Supply - Sales Tax Credit -3.92 09/15/2014 226-45122-422990 9/6/2014 Spectrum Supply - Sales Tax Credit -2.61 09/15/2014 226-45122-421100 9/6/2014 Spectrum Supply - Sales Tax Credit -14.82 09/15/2014 226-45122-421990 9/6/2014 Cub - Employee Picnic Food 189.32 09/15/2014 101-41800-443990 9/6/2014 Hillyard - Cleaning supplies 256.62 09/15/2014 226-45122-421100 9/6/2014 Spectrum Supply - Lockeroom & Bathroom supplies 90.90 09/15/2014 226-45122-421990 9/6/2014 Spectrum Supply - Wipes & can liners 204.67 09/15/2014 226-45122-421100 9/6/2014 Spectrum Supply - plates & gloves 101.50 09/15/2014 226-45127-425410 9/6/2014 Walmart - Hot Dog buns (6 pks) 8.28 09/15/2014 226-45203-425410 9/6/2014 Walmart - Creamer & sugar 15.04 09/15/2014 226-45127-420750 9/6/2014 Walmart - zone bars & fruit 38.57 09/15/2014 226-45127-425410 9/6/2014 Walmart - cleaning supplies 4.78 09/15/2014 226-45122-421100 9/6/2014 Walmart - fan for fitness area 31.89 09/15/2014 226-45127-422990 9/6/2014 Walmart - snacks 22.71 09/15/2014 226-45127-421981 9/6/2014 VonHansons - food for employee picnic; brats, hot dogs & buns 153.81 09/15/2014 101-41800-443990 9/6/2014 Office Max - duck tape (1) & packaging tape (2) 13.97 09/15/2014 101-41410-421990 9/6/2014 Royal Tire - 2 tires, balance & mounting 361.86 09/15/2014 101-43115-422110 9/6/2014 Chatters - ZZZNEP - lunch 8.82 09/15/2014 101-42500-433100 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - (3) powe bit #2 2.97 09/15/2014 101-43127-421990 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - (3) keys for old bowling alley to give to Soccer C 5.97 09/15/2014 601-49440-421990 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - paint brush 7.49 09/15/2014 601-49440-422100 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace -1 gallon stain 23.99 09/15/2014 601-49440-422300 9/6/2014 Pipeline Supply - ZPARKS - Rivermill - drain tile pipe ends 39.53 09/15/2014 101-45201-421990 9/6/2014 Dominos Pizza - Wright Co Fire Investigators meeting 46.93 09/15/2014 101-42200-421990 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - wiring harness for chipper 53.40 09/15/2014 101-45201-422100 9/6/2014 utx - iStock - stock vector images purchsed for new website/mark 54.90 09/15/2014 655-49870-421810 9/6/2014 utx - Verizon Wirless - Fibernet Tablet 35.01 09/15/2014 655-49870-432100 9/6/2014 Verizon Wirless - 763-954-1070 7/21-8/20/2014 26.02 09/15/2014 101-43120-432100 9/6/2014 Home Depot - (5) Elite Steel Mailbox 124.85 09/15/2014 101-43120-421990 9/6/2014 Arctic Glacier - resale (4) invoices 614.56 09/15/2014 609-49750-425500 9/6/2014 Town and Country Fence - damage 1/2 cost for ballfields 331.20 09/15/2014 101-45201-421650 9/6/2014 Town and Country Fence - damage 1/2 cost for prop. owner 331.20 09/15/2014 224-46102-421990 9/6/2014 Marties Farm Service - 3 tons slow release 1,632.00 09/15/2014 101-45201-421600 9/6/2014 Minnesota Fall Expo- (10) Maintenance training - 6 150.00 09/15/2014 101-43120-433200 9/6/2014 Minnesota Fall Expo- (10) Maintenance training - 4 100.00 09/15/2014 101-45201-433200 9/6/2014 Aramark - uniform rental 7/10-8/21/2014 parks 148.53 09/15/2014 101-45201-441700 9/6/2014 Aramark - uniform rental 7/10-8/21/2014 Sewer 67.01 09/15/2014 602-49490-441700 9/6/2014 Aramark - uniform rental 7/10-8/21/2014 Water 67.01 09/15/2014 601-49440-441700 9/6/2014 Aramark - uniform rental 7/10-8/21/2014 Streets 215.02 09/15/2014 101-43120-441700 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 2:23 PM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9/6/2014 Aramark - shop towels 7/10-8/21/2014 153.78 09/15/2014 101-43127-421990 9/6/2014 Hirshfield's - Linelazer; Module Linedriver; Seal Liquid 12,679.00 09/15/2014 703-00000-165010 9/6/2014 Cruisers - Fuel 11.437 gals @ $3.279 37.50 09/15/2014 217-41990-421200 9/6/2014 Walmart - snacks for primary election judges 64.21 09/15/2014 101-41410-421990 9/6/2014 Target - pop for game at employee picnic 1.34 09/15/2014 101-41800-443990 9/6/2014 USPS - 2 priority mail items 18.98 09/15/2014 217-41990-432200 9/6/2014 Swank - Frozen movie in the park - play license 399.00 09/15/2014 226-45127-421980 9/6/2014 NIHCA - Annual membership dues 310.00 09/15/2014 226-45122-443300 9/6/2014 Home Depot - pump for pool area 128.00 09/15/2014 226-45122-421610 9/6/2014 Target - juice boxes 3.20 09/15/2014 226-45127-425410 9/6/2014 Target - clock 26.70 09/15/2014 226-45122-421990 9/6/2014 Cub - root beer & ice cream 10.19 09/15/2014 226-45127-421981 9/6/2014 AICPA - CGMA Designation 100.00 09/15/2014 101-41520-443300 9/6/2014 AICPA - Membership Renewal 235.00 09/15/2014 101-41520-443300 9/6/2014 NBP - folders, protectors, mobile file cabinet, paper, 291.28 09/15/2014 101-41940-420990 9/6/2014 NBP - hanging folders 20.40 09/15/2014 101-41940-420990 9/6/2014 NBP - digital recorder 69.99 09/15/2014 226-45122-420990 9/6/2014 NBP - scissors (3) 26.04 09/15/2014 226-45122-420990 9/6/2014 Burnham - Sales tax credit on inv #30 -30.93 09/15/2014 101-45201-422500 9/6/2014 Office Max - Laminating for Blazin thru Bertram 56.64 09/15/2014 226-45127-421980 9/6/2014 HOM - extender poles for patio umbrellas 49.14 09/15/2014 226-45127-420750 9/6/2014 Cub - fruit & nutrtion bars, 92.29 09/15/2014 226-45127-425410 9/6/2014 NBP - pens, paper, correction tape 24.74 09/15/2014 217-41990-420990 9/6/2014 JP Cooke - 2 stamps - Date Paid, 109.00 09/15/2014 217-41990-420990 9/6/2014 Constant Contact - Monthly email program use fee 35.00 09/15/2014 226-45122-430920 9/6/2014 Wall Street - monthly subscription 26.99 09/15/2014 101-41520-443300 9/6/2014 Dennis' Service - 2 new tires - mount & balance 184.00 09/15/2014 101-42400-440500 9/6/2014 Home Depot - return orange water jug -21.35 09/15/2014 226-45122-421990 9/6/2014 Monticello Printing - Notary Stamp for Kerry 30.00 09/15/2014 101-41310-421990 9/6/2014 Rhomar Industries - (4) 1 doz. Graffiti/Tagging remvr Ellison Pa 907.28 09/15/2014 101-45201-421650 9/6/2014 utx - Newegg.com - credited for on prev. invoice 59.99 09/15/2014 655-49870-421990 9/6/2014 utx - Newegg.com - server rebuilding - LED blackligh; EVGA ACX 770.11 09/15/2014 655-49870-422100 9/6/2014 Home Depot - wood lath; clean out shovel 47.50 09/15/2014 655-49870-421990 9/6/2014 Titan Machinery - valve shutoff 40.87 09/15/2014 101-43120-422100 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - (3) keyblank for Ace 88/20 5.97 09/15/2014 101-45201-421650 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - rug brush 7.99 09/15/2014 101-45201-421650 9/6/2014 Avery - (6) coding lables 1/2 11.76 09/15/2014 601-49440-421990 9/6/2014 Avery - (6) coding lables 1/2 11.75 09/15/2014 602-49490-421990 9/6/2014 Moon Motors - (2) mulching blade 27.77 09/15/2014 101-45201-422110 9/6/2014 Home Depot - (2) Wet Floor signs; squeegee 53.92 09/15/2014 101-45201-421990 9/6/2014 Home Depot - (2) Wet Floor signs; squeegee 64.06 09/15/2014 609-49754-431990 9/6/2014 Epic - resale liquor 76.32 09/15/2014 609-49750-425100 9/6/2014 Wr Henn Coop Electric - Street Light Maint August 2014 357.75 09/15/2014 101-43160-431900 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 2:23 PM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9/6/2014 Trueman Welters - #212 parts - filter; seal; o-ring; support; bu 464.72 09/15/2014 101-45201-422100 9/6/2014 Hi-Way Liquor - (6) bags ice Rehab 9.54 09/15/2014 101-42200-421990 9/6/2014 Home Depot - (2) brown builders paper 35"x140' 23.45 09/15/2014 101-43120-421510 9/6/2014 Einstein Bagels - fraud Will be credited next month 100.00 09/15/2014 101-43120-421990 9/6/2014 Einstein Bagels - fraud. Will be credited next month 16.23 09/15/2014 101-43120-421990 9/6/2014 Mpls Parking - Broadband Conference 17.00 09/15/2014 101-41310-433100 9/6/2014 Ausco - custodian shirts (32) 240.00 09/15/2014 226-45122-421110 9/6/2014 Rec Supply - Pool maintenance supplies 306.84 09/15/2014 226-45122-421610 9/6/2014 Amazon.com - cork bulletin board 37.00 09/15/2014 101-41940-420990 9/6/2014 NBP - copy paper 33.50 09/15/2014 226-45122-420990 9/6/2014 NBP - copy paper 33.50 09/15/2014 217-41990-420990 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - container to new location 30.00 09/15/2014 101-43230-431000 9/6/2014 Thyssenkrupp - Elevator service 8/1/14-10/31/14 355.35 09/15/2014 226-45122-431900 9/6/2014 Thyssenkrupp - Elevator service 8/1/14-10/31/14 Prairie Center 355.35 09/15/2014 655-49870-431900 9/6/2014 MN Dept of Labor - Elevator permit 100.00 09/15/2014 655-49870-443700 9/6/2014 MN Dept of Labor - Elevator permit MCC 100.00 09/15/2014 226-45122-443700 9/6/2014 UPS - delivery 5.38 09/15/2014 655-49870-432200 9/6/2014 UPS - delivery 6.07 09/15/2014 655-49870-432200 9/6/2014 utx - Diamond Metal Products - (2) brackets 35.00 09/15/2014 655-49870-421990 9/6/2014 utx - Amazon - (2) 50 pack nuts & screws 39.90 09/15/2014 655-49870-421990 9/6/2014 utx - Amazon - (2) 100 pack nuts & screws 79.48 09/15/2014 655-49870-421990 9/6/2014 UPS - shipping 89.60 09/15/2014 655-49870-432200 9/6/2014 Dyna - (80) cap screw; (100) pin cotter; (20) thermapod clear 136.67 09/15/2014 101-43127-421990 9/6/2014 utx - Amazon - (3) Neat Patch Cable Mgmnt Unit 208.25 09/15/2014 655-49870-421990 9/6/2014 Cub - resale lemons/limes 13.71 09/15/2014 609-49750-425500 9/6/2014 Home Depot - black oxide drill bit 17.07 09/15/2014 656-49877-421990 9/6/2014 Grady's Ace - sand mix 60lb Quikrete 6.49 09/15/2014 101-43120-422600 9/6/2014 Mac Tools - 20v 3/8' Impact/WR tool 154.99 09/15/2014 101-43127-421990 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - (2) blk nitrile; respirtr; (2) bursh 59.46 09/15/2014 101-45201-421990 9/6/2014 USPS - Priority Mail packages (2) 14.34 09/15/2014 217-41990-432200 9/6/2014 Office Max - Paper for School flyers for Blazin Thru Bertram 57.67 09/15/2014 226-45122-420990 9/6/2014 NVB Playgrounds - Replace chain on pool tire swing 87.75 09/15/2014 226-45122-421610 9/6/2014 On Call Services - Repairs for Romp N Stomp 1,463.05 09/15/2014 226-45122-440800 9/6/2014 Recreation Supply - Hydrostatic valves for pool 39.75 09/15/2014 226-45122-421610 9/6/2014 Air Purification & Energy - Poly Pads (5) 183.64 09/15/2014 226-45122-422990 9/6/2014 N2Shoes.com - FRAUD purchase to be credited back 1,025.31 09/15/2014 101-41520-443990 9/6/2014 Martie's Farm 12C002 - touch up seed 11.40 09/15/2014 400-43300-459010 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - July 2014 32,828.06 09/15/2014 101-43230-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - July 2014 10,570.05 09/15/2014 101-43230-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - July 2014 102.81 09/15/2014 655-49870-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - July 2014 34.34 09/15/2014 655-49870-431010 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - July 2014 35.80 09/15/2014 101-43127-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - July 2014 108.35 09/15/2014 101-45201-431000 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 2:23 PM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - July 2014 113.39 09/15/2014 602-49480-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - July 2014 208.87 09/15/2014 226-45122-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - July 2014 11.93 09/15/2014 101-45501-431990 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - July 2014 23.87 09/15/2014 609-49754-431000 9/6/2014 Advanced Disposal - July 2014 10.55 09/15/2014 213-46522-431000 9/6/2014 Monticello Napa - tool to separate pipe to remove valve 24.59 09/15/2014 226-45122-422990 9/6/2014 Active 911 - (6) subscription upgrades 56.04 09/15/2014 101-42200-443300 9/6/2014 Alert-all - (500) can hugger: (500) stickers; (250) chip clip 870.00 09/15/2014 101-42200-421990 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -2,587.53 09/15/2014 101-00000-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -132.09 09/15/2014 101-42200-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -314.15 09/15/2014 101-43120-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -93.33 09/15/2014 101-43125-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -102.69 09/15/2014 101-43127-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -105.84 09/15/2014 101-43160-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -472.68 09/15/2014 101-45201-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -129.22 09/15/2014 101-45203-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -1.99 09/15/2014 213-00000-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -29.49 09/15/2014 217-41990-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -125.80 09/15/2014 224-46102-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -560.74 09/15/2014 226-45122-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -122.86 09/15/2014 226-45127-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -23.67 09/15/2014 226-45203-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -289.12 09/15/2014 601-49440-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -6.29 09/15/2014 602-49480-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -53.98 09/15/2014 602-49490-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -92.84 09/15/2014 609-49750-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -169.88 09/15/2014 655-00000-362970 9/6/2014 US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 -40.26 09/15/2014 656-49877-362970 9/6/2014 Park Supply of America - Shower valves for repair 196.46 09/15/2014 226-45122-422990 9/6/2014 Monticello Chamb Comm - Newsletter insert Blazin thru Bertram 50.00 09/15/2014 226-45122-434990 133,413.68Check Total: Vendor:2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 00006319465 Vanco Fitness Rewards August 2014 54.50 09/15/2014 226-45122-430700 00006322033 Gateway transaction/program fees August 2014 34.90 09/15/2014 655-49870-443980 00006322033 Gateway transaction/program fees August 2014 29.75 09/15/2014 601-49440-443980 00006322033 Gateway transaction/program fees August 2014 29.75 09/15/2014 602-49490-443980 148.90Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 2:23 PM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 190,065.67 4 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/17/2014 - 2:23 PM)Page 10 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 9/22/14 Approved by:_______________________________________________ Mayor Clint Herbst CityCouncilAgenda:9/22/2014 1 5B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Anna Davidson Childcare Attendant MCC 9/8/14 PT Tim Kelley Install Technician FNM 9/15/2014 FT Grant Sala Building Inspector Building Dept.9/23/2014 Seasonal Name Reason Department Last Day Class Trevor Bautch Climbing Wall MCC 8/20/14 PT Illiana Barrientos Childcare Attendant MCC 8/24/2014 PT Janelle Schirmers Fitness Instructor MCC 8/26/14 PT Isabel Brady Life Guard MCC 8/30/2014 PT Tim Genung Seasonal Parks Parks 9/2/14 Seasonal NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES New Hire and Terms City Council 2014: 9/15/2014 CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 1 5C.Considerationofappointingadditionalelectionjudgestoserveforthe2014General election (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: MinnesotaStatutesChapter204B.21requirescitiestoappointelectionjudgestoserveat primaryandgeneralelectionsandontheAbsenteeBallotBoard.Atotalof47judges wasapprovedbyCouncilonJune23rdandJuly14th.Attachedisalistofseveralmore judgestobeappointedforthe2014generalelection.Wenormallyutilizeabout60 judgestocovertwoshiftsattheGeneralElection.Wewon’thaveasmanyjudgesthis year,butfeelthatwehavegoodqualityjudgesthatwillbeabletohandlethevoter demand. A1.BudgetImpact:Electionjudgecompensationisincludedinthe2014budget. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:NA B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoappointadditional2014electionjudgesaslisted. 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1.Inordertoconductelectionsinthemanner prescribedbylaw,itisrecommendedtohaveanamplesupplyofelectionjudgesandthe availabilityofcitystafftoassistasneeded.Councilsupportofthisdecisionwillhelp ensureanefficientandeffectiveelectionprocess. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofadditionalelectionjudgeappointees ELECTION JUDGES - 2014recruited after Primary name address1 city,st,zip notes Balfanz, Glorie 6690 Edmonson Av NE Monticello Women of Today Henderson, Lauren 17361 SE 166th St Big Lake Women of Today Manthei, Debby 10082 Amery Av NW Monticello Women of Today Moll, Kathleen 1213 Hart Blvd, #301 Monticello Peterson, Pam Monticello Women of Today Scholl, Sharon Big Lake Women of Today (as of 9/22/14) CityCouncilAgenda:9/22/14 1 5D.ConsiderationofestablishingDecember8thfortheTruth-In-Taxationpublic hearing WO A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Inthepast,theCitywasrequiredtoholdaTruth-In-Taxation(TNT)Hearinganda ContinuationHearingforitsannualbudgetandpropertytaxlevy,ifthelevyincreased aboveacertainpercentage.In2009,legislationwaspassedthateliminatedtheprevious requirementsofaseparateTNTHearing.Citieswithapopulationover500arenow requiredtoholdapublichearingatwhichthebudgetandlevyisdiscussed.Themeeting mustbeheldbetweenNovember25th andDecember29th andheldafter6:00p.m.The publicmustbeallowedtospeakatthepublichearing. Basedontheserequirements,itisstaff’srecommendationtoholdthepublichearingat theregularCityCouncilmeetingonDecember8,2014.Afterthepublichearing,the CityCouncilwouldthenneedtoadoptthefinal2015propertytaxlevyand2015budget. OtheroptionswouldbetoholdaspecialmeetingoneitherNovember25th (theTuesday beforeThanksgiving),December1st,oranyotherdatebetweenNovember25th and December29th. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontocallforthepublichearingforthe2015propertytaxlevyandbudgeton December8,2014at7p.m. 2.Motiontocallforthepublichearingforthe2015propertytaxlevyandbudgeton anyotherdatebetweenNovember25th andDecember29th after6p.m. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendsalternative#1tocallforthepublichearingforthe2015propertytax levyandbudgetonDecember8,2014at7p.m. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/2014 1 5E.ConsiderationofacceptingquoteandauthorizingpurchaseofaBobcat5600 ToolcatfortheParksDepartmentbasedonstatecontractpricingandfunded throughtheCapitalEquipmentbondfund (TP/WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoacceptthestatebidquotefromLanoEquipmentandtoauthorize thepurchaseofa2014Bobcat5600ToolcatfortheParksDepartment.Thepurchaseis incorporatedwiththeproposalforaCapitalEquipmentBondpreviouslypresentedto Council.ThestatebidpricingforbobcatequipmentendsattheendofSeptember.Staff willoperatethispieceofequipmentforpathwaysnowremovalwithav-blade,blower, andsander.Theunitwillalsobeusedforgeneralskatingrinkmaintenanceandthe pathwayfogsealingandcrackfillingprograms.ThePublicWorksDepartmenthasa steeltankthatwillmountonthebackofthebobcattoholdthetackforfogsealing operations.Thisparticularpieceofequipmentisuniqueinthatitsharesthesame hydraulichookupasthecurrentskidloaderandthismakesitmoreversatileforPublic Worksoperations.StaffmetwiththeTSACCommitteeandbothmemberswerein agreementtopurchasetheBobcatToolcat. A1.BudgetImpact:ThecosttopurchasetheBobcatToolcatonthestatebidfrom LanoEquipmentis$58,055.16.Thefundstocompletethepurchasewillcome fromtheCapitalEquipmentBondFund. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Improvestaffefficiencieswithlessequipmentfailure andsafety. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoacceptquoteandauthorizepurchaseofa2014BobcatToolcat5600 fromLanoEquipmentinAnokaforthestatebidcontractpriceof$58,055.16. 2.MotiontodenythepurchaseofaBobcatToolcatatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendstheCityCounciltoauthorizepurchasingthe2014BobcatToolcat 5600fromLanoEquipmentforthestatebidcontractpriceasoutlinedinAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: StatebidpricingfromLanoEquipment Picturesof2014BobcatToolcat5600 Product Quotation Quotation Number: 19405D019542 Date: 2014-09-10 15:41:26 Ship to Bobcat Dealer Bill To City of Monticello Attn: Tom Pawelck 505 Walnut St Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 763-295-3170 Fax: 763-271-3272 Lano Equipment, Inc,Ramsey,MN 6140 HIGHWAY 10 NW RAMSEY MN 55303-4529 Phone: (763) 323-1720 Fax: (763) 422-3949 --------------------------- Contact: Isaac Schulz Phone: 763/323-1720 Fax: 763/422-3949 Cellular: 612/282-3453 E Mail: isaac_s@lanoequip.com City of Monticello Attn: Tom Pawelck 505 Walnut St Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 763-295-3170 Fax: 763-271-3272 Description Part No Qty Price Ea. Total Toolcat 5600 G-Series M1221 1 $35,154.70 $35,154.70 Deluxe Road Package M1221-P01-C01 1 $1,547.70 $1,547.70 Backup Alarm Turn Signals Flashers Tail Lights Brake Lights Rear View Mirror Side Mirrors Horn Lower Engine Guard Rear Work Lights Headlights Cab Enclosure with Heater & Air Conditioning M1221-R02-C03 1 $3,242.40 $3,242.40 High Flow Package M1221-R03-C02 1 $1,012.90 $1,012.90 29 X 12.5 Turf Tires M1221-R05-C05 1 $458.50 $458.50 Keyless Ignition M1221-R06-C02 1 $213.50 $213.50 Heavy Duty Battery M1221-R07-C02 1 $56.70 $56.70 Attachment Control M1221-R08-C02 1 $133.00 $133.00 Power Bob-Tach M1221-R12-C02 1 $699.30 $699.30 Radio Option M1221-R15-C02 1 $310.80 $310.80 Engine Block Heater M1221-A01-C02 1 $75.60 $75.60 Description Part No Qty Price Ea. Total SB240 - 72" Snow Blower with 8.0 Hyd Motor Package 1 $5,413.48 $5,413.48 96" V-Blade with Oscillation 1 $3,940.60 $3,940.60 SP12 Spreader with Rear Light 1 $3,730.37 $3,730.37 62" General Purpose Bucket with Bolt on Edge 1 $616.61 $616.61 Total of Items Quoted $56,606.16 Freight Charges $1199.00 Other Charges: Assembly, Handling, & Set-Up $250.00 Quote Total - US dollars $58,055.16 Notes: All prices subject to change without prior notice or obligation. This price quote supersedes all preceding price quotes. Customer must exercise his purchase option within 30 days from quote date. Customer Acceptance: Purchase Order: ___________________________ Authorized Signature: Print:_________________________ Sign:_________________________ Date: ________ CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 1 5F.Considerationofacceptingquoteandauthorizingpurchaseofaportableair compressorforthePublicWorksDepartmentbasedonstatecontractpricingand fundedthroughtheCapitalEquipmentbondfund (TM/WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Councilisaskedtoconsiderapprovingthespecificationsandauthorizingthepurchaseof aSullair49HPPortableAirCompressorwith185cfmat100psi.Thiscompressorwill replacea1983Sullair100cfm.StaffhasmetwiththeTSAC(TimeSensitive AcquisitionsCommittee)whichconsistsofcouncilmembersGlenPosustaandBrian Stumpfandtheirrecommendationistoapprovethepurchase. Onceayear,theStateofMinnesotaopensabidprocesstoallvendersacrossthestateto bidonvehicles,equipment,andmanyothersuppliesforstateoperations.TheEquipment Sectionisresponsiblefordepartmentequipmentpurchasing,whichincludesdevelopment ofdetailedtechnicalspecifications.Procurementcontractsarepreparedtonotonlyserve Mn/DOTinternalcustomersbutalsootherunitsoflocalgovernmentthroughout Minnesota.Thissimplifiestheprocessasthebiddingprocessrequirementsaremetand savestheCitymoneywiththepowerofquantitypurchasingthroughthestate.Wehave chosenavendorfromtheStateBidContract:ZieglerInc.fromMinneapolis,MN,which isthevenderforSullairCompressors. PublicWorksisnowrequestingauthorizationtoreplacethe1983Sullair100cfmgas poweredaircompressor.Thiscompressorhasbeenaverygoodunitthroughouttheyears; however,themotorandcompressorarestartingtogetweakduetotheageofthe machine.Whenthisunitwaspurchasedin1983,100cfm(cubicfeetperminute)was adequateforthedepartment’suse.The100cfmunitisonlongeravailablenorisagas engine.Withtoday’sairtools,usewithcracksealing,andforblowingoutthelarge irrigationsystems,wenowneedaunitthatwillproduce185cfm.Afterdiscussingthe purchaseoftheSullair185cfm,Zieglerhasindicatedthatduetoemissionstandardsin 2015,thisaircompressorwillneedtobeequippedwithaTierIVenginewhichaddsan additional$6,000tothepriceoftheunit.Therefore,itwouldbebeneficialtotheCityto purchasetheaircompressorthisyearbeforethepricegoesup. ThestatecontractpricefromZieglerInc.forthe2014Sullair185cfmwithadiesel engineis$15,577.BypurchasingthecompressorthisyeartheCitywillsave$6,000 whichwillbeaddedtotheunitnextyearduetonewemissionstandardsasindicated above.ZieglerInc.hasofferedatradeinpriceof$1,800fortheold1983unit.However, staffbelievesthatsellingtheoldcompressorupondeliveryofthenewcompressoratthe nextavailablepublicauctionwillbringthehighestsalepriceratherthantradingitinto thedealer. A1.BudgetImpact:Inpreparationforthispurchase,thePublicWorksDepartment hasbudgetedappropriatefundsintheCapitalEquipmentBondFund. CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 2 A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thestaffworkloadimpactofthisnewunitwillbevery positive.Whatweareaccomplishingbyupdatingthisaircompressoris improvingstaffefficiencieswithfewerbreakdownsandlesstimeonthejobsite duetotheincreasedcfmonthenewunit. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoacceptthequoteandauthorizethepurchaseoftheSullair185cfm portableaircompressorfromZeiglerInc.foratotalof$15,577,andtoselltheold aircompressoratpublicauctionfollowingdeliveryofthenewunit. 2.Motiontodenythereplacementoftheoldaircompressoratthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffandtheTSAC(TimeSensitiveAcquisitionsCommittee)recommend Alternative#1fortheCityCounciltoauthorizereplacementoftheoldaircompressor withanewSullair185cfmcompressorandplacetheoldcompressorupforpublic auction.ThispieceofequipmentisessentialtotheoperationsofthePublicWorks Department.Bypurchasingthisequipmentwewillincreaseproductivityandreducethe costofmaintenanceinthedepartment. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: CopyofstatecontractpricingfortheSullair185cfmcompressor Photoofthe2014Sullair185cfmcompressor PhotooftheoldSullair100cfmcompressor 5.0 Compressor Options: 5.1 Air Filter Safety Element (2 each) 5,2 Panel, Instrument - Gauges includes Includes Air Pressure, Engine Oil Pressure, Engine Coolant Temperature, Compressor Discharge Temperature Gauges, Hourmeter, Voltmeter, and Start-Stop Controls. 5.3 Tachometer 5.4 Air Filter Restriction Indicators 5.5 1 Quart Line Oiler $ 170.00 $ - 1 $ 410.00 $ 410.00 $ 160.00 ' $ - $ 90.00 $ - $ 320.00 $ - STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 of 2 PRICING PAGE VENDOR NAME Ziegler Inc. MAKE AND MODEL Sullair 185 DPQ Cat Spec # : Description Qty Price : Subtotal : 1.0 Price for Base Unit: $ 13,745.00 $ 13,745.00 I 1 2.0 Hose Options: 2.1 Hose Reel, Single 100 ft. 2.2 Hose Reels, Dual 100 ft. 2.3 50' AIR HOSE 2.4 100' AIR HOSE 2.5 8' WHIP HOSE 2.6 25' 2" AIR HOSE BOSS COUPLERS 2.7 Hose Couplings, 3/4" MNPT Chicago Style, 2 each 3.0 Trailer Options: 3.1 Electric Brakes 3.2 Hydraulic Surge Brakes 3.3 Hitch, Ball 2 In. 3.4 Jack, With Caster Wheel 3.6 Brake, Mechanical Parking 3.7 Lights, Tail Recessed 6-Wire 3.8 Lights, Tail Recessed 7-Wire 3.9 7 Prong Berg Connector 3.10 Reflectors (4 Red & 2 Amber) 3.11 Special Color Paint 3.12 Delete Trailer- Skid Mount Only 4.0 Engine Options: 4.1 Engine Block Heater (1000W) 4.2 Fuel Gauge, Panel Mounted & Low Fuel Shutdown 4.3 Fuel Gauge, Cap Type 4.4 Arrestor, Engine Spark 4.5 Cold Climate Package (Eng Blk Htr, Dry Side Rlf Valve) 4.6 Tier IV Final Engine upgrade 4.7 Heavy Duty Battery 1 $850.00 $ 850.00 $1,530.00 $ - $80.00 $ - 1 $130.00 $ 130.00 $18.00 $ - $330.00 $ - $18.00 $ - $ 470.00 $ - $ 821.00 $ - 1 $ 102.00 $ 102.00 1 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 • $ 620.00 $ - $ 20.00 $ - standard $ 75.00 $ - standard $ 440.00 $ $ (230.00) $ - $ 180.00 $ - 1 $ 240.00 $ 240.00 $ 50.00 $ - $ 190.00 $ - $ 200.00 $ - $ 6,000.00 $ - $ 130.00 $ - Rates Applied 325 950 85% 85% STATE OF MINNESOTA 2 of 2 PRICING PAGE r Qty : ‘. Spec # Description Price Subtotal 5.6 Receiver Drain 5,7 T-90 Tannergas System 5 .8 T-83 Tannergas System 5 ,9 1 Quart Tannergas 5.10 5 Gallons Tannergas 6.0 Tools: 6.1 Sullair MPB-90A 90 LB. PAVEMENT BREAKER 6.2 Sullair MPB-60A 60 LB. PAVEMENT BREAKER 6.3 Sullair MPB-35C 35 LB. PAVEMENT BREAKER 6.4 Sullair MCH-2 CHIPPING HAMMER 6.5 Sullair MCH-3 CHIPPING HAMMER 6.6 Sullair MCH-4 CHIPPING HAMMER 6.7 Sullair MLC-10 CHIPPING HAMMER 6.8 Sullair MRD9 Drill 6.9 Sullair MRD30 Drill 6.10 Sullair MRD40 Drill 6.11 Sullair MRD50 Drill 6.12 Sullair MRD55 Drill 6.13 Sullair MRD60 Drill 6.14 Sullair MCD-30 Clay Digger 6.15 Sullair MTD-30 Trench Digger 6.16 Sullair MRB-8 Rivet Buster 6.17 Sullair MRB-11 Rivet Buster 6.18 Sullair MBT-6 Standard Butt Tamper 7.0 Performance Options/Warranty Options: NA $ 60.00 $ - $ 400.00 $ - $ 550.00 $ - $ 12.00 $ - $ 73.00 $ - $ 1,070.00 $ - $ 1,030.00 $ - $ 860.00 $ - $ 450.00 $ - $ 470.00 $ $ 500.00 $ - $ 470.00 $ - $ 700.00 $ - $ 1,380.00 $ - $ 1,520.00 $ $ 1,610.00 $ - $ 2,060.00 $ - $ 2,060.00 $ - $ 880.00 $ - $ 810.00 $ - $ 1,080.00 $ - $ 1,210.00 $ - $ 1,070.00 $ - 8.0 New Equipment Rental Program If rental programs are available on the new equipment offered, with the option to purchase, list the hourly/weekly, monthly rental rate. Indicate the percent of rental fee paid by the purchaser that will be applied to the purchase price.- See Special Terms and Conditions Hourly Rental Rate: Weekly Rental Rate: Monthly Rental Rate: 9.0 Vendor Owned Rental Return or Demo Equipment Program See Solicitation Special Terms and Conditions DEDUCT cost per Used Hour from the original Contract Price 10.0 Delivery Starting Point - City, State, Zip Code Price per loaded mile See Special Terms and Conditions - NO Flat Rate Allowed 11.0 Discount Off List Price for Related Parts and Accessories See Special Terms and Conditions Nearest Ziegler Inc. location $2.00 I $ 0%1 $ Total Unit Cost: 15,577.00 The Sullair 49HP Portable Air Compressor 185 cfm at 100 psig ■ 5.2 mYmin at 7 bar • Compact/Lightweight design • Rotary screw compressor • Clam shell canopy • Independent rubber torsion suspension • Wheel bearing grease fittings • Curbside instrument panel • SSAM-Shutdown System & Annunciation Module • Rocker type start switch • Idle warm-up valve • Glow plug starting aid • Galvanneal sheet metal • Composite material end caps • Durable powder coat finish • Fuel/Water separator • Rear bumper • Recessed tail lights • AWF Compressor Fluid • Pneumatic inlet valve • 0 to 100% capacity control • Adjustable height hitch • Heated controls • Color-coated control lines • Discharge air check valve SULLAIR. Always air. Always there. Weight (wet) lbs kg Weight Length Length Width Height Track (dry) (drawbar} (canopy) Width Ihs kg in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm Tire Size (load range) 2410 1095 2270 1030 135.8 3449 74.5 1892 59.2 1504 53.8 1368 50.9 1294 ST175/80913 2165 982 2025 918 74.5 1 892 40.9 1040 41.7 1060 Engine Displacement Cylinders Bore and Stroke Rated Speed Rated Power Model in' cc in mm rpm hp kW Delivery @ Rated Pressure 185 acfm 761/s 5.2 m3/min Rated Pressure psig bar Pressure Range psig bar Designated Model Less Running Gear 100 7 80-125 5.5-8.5 2-Wheel Engine Engine Make Type 4 3.39 x 4.13 86 x 105 2800 49 36.5 4 3.30 x 3.94 84 x 100 2800 49 36.5 John Deere Diesel 40241F281 149 2442 (Interim Tier 4 emissions compliant) Caterpillar Diesel C2.2 134 2196 (Interim Tier 4 emissions compliant) Clam Shell Canopy Compact/Lightweight design, Curbside Instrument Panel with (SSAM Rotary Screw Compressor by Sullair Shutdown System & Annunciation Module. rile pioneer in rotary screw technology. Suflair AWF Compressor Fluid Improved hot and cold weather lubrication. Longer compressor fluid life. Extended air end warranty. Designed for Total Accessibility and Reliability Clam Shell Canopy • Canopy opens fully with gas assist springs • Serviceable components are within easy reach, routine maintenance is simplified Corrosion Resistant Enclosure • Galvanneal sheet metal with composite end caps and fenders • Stainless steel hinges and latches, plated fittings and hardware • Aluminum instrument panel door Highway Towable Running Gear • Independent rubber torsion suspension • Axle offers convenient wheel bearing lubrication through zerk fittings • 3" square drawbar • Screw lack with pad • Adjustable height hitch • Transport security chains • Recessed tail lights • Rear bumper Environmental Features • Sealed crankcase ventilation system' • 500 hour engine oil change* • 1500 hour compressor lube change • Engine is Interim Tier 4 emissions compliant Curbside Instrument Panel • Hinged, padlockable cover • Mechanical air pressure gauge and hourmeter • Rocker type engine start switch, with emergency stop • Idle warm-up valve • Glow plug starting aid SSAM-Shutdown System & Annunciation Module • Shutdown with annunciator light for high compressor temperature, high engine coolant temperature, low engine oil pressure and engine underspeed Capacity Control System • Pneumatic inlet valve and unloaded starting • Color coded control lines • Heated controls to prevent freezing Two-Stage dry type air filters • Separate fliers for engine and compressor Durable, Baked-on Powder Coat Finish Dual Fuel Filtration System • Primary fuel / water separator with transparent bowl and water drain • Final filter with drain Air End Warranty • 5-year or 10,000-hour warranty when continuously serviced at the recommended intervals with Sullair AWF Compressor Fluid and filters • 2-year standard warranty Quiet Operation • Meets US EPA sound requirements of 76 dBA 7 meters CAT only. Customize the compressor to meet your specific requirements with Sullair's options Special paint Hose reels, single and dual Fuel level gauge Gauge package Tachometer Ball hitch Brakes (recommended where required by law) Air filter safety elements Mechanical parking brakes Air filter maintenance indicators Block heater Low fuel shutdown SPECIFICATIONS, WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS —SULLAIR 49HP PORTABLE COMPRESSOR Capacity per CAGI/PNEUROP PN2CPTC3. (Annex 0 10 150 12171 Sullair 3700 East Michigan Boulevard Michigan City, IN 46360 Telephone 219-879-5451 www.sullalr.com Copyright 20'4 Suilaa. All ,:gets reserved The cu•tor green .s a 4...tysterea trademark of Sultan. Spaaifibations subject to Mange ..4.1.-4w- roxce. SSL-1164EN 1404R Like us on Facebook. p,09, 01./1,-.4) as 'ter a4Ve IL D-7..-c.-,s.era..4 MO1. fess na ,4,,1...31-e 41-,111,ref, aftakisit less rrqr ,be ,•.r: .071 Ir?.2.*ENelltl,,, ..•sage- oelmiavoi 971:-.5 aril odi,:z rr, SULLAIR z,3 :her . City CouncilAgenda:09/22/14 1 5G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-092authorizingpreparationofthe FacilityPlanamendmentandpreparationofplansandspecifications,and authorizingconstructionservicesforaddinganaerobicdigesterimprovementstothe PhosphorusReductionImprovementsfortheWasteWaterTreatmentFacility,City ProjectNo.14C002 (WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: AttheJuly14,2014meeting,theCityCouncilapprovedcompletingrepairworkonthe secondarydigestercoverandtheprimarydigestermixer(seeagendaiteminsupporting dataforbackgroundinformation).Aconditioninspectiononthesecondarydigester coverwascompletedthissummeranditisnowrecommendedthattheprimaryand secondaryanaerobicdigestercoversbereplaced.Thedigestercoverswereinstalledin 1993and1995,andgeneralwearandtearonthisequipmentovertimehaswarrantedits replacement.Itshouldbenotedthatthelongrangefacilityplancompletedin2009did notincludeadetailedevaluationofexistingequipmentconditionandrecommended inspectionandreplacementplans.Staffwillbeproposingaplantoevaluatethisfor Councilconsiderationinthenearfuture. Inaddition,itisrecommendedthatanevaluationbeconductedofthe650,000gallon sludgestoragetanktodetermineifitwouldbecosteffectivetoconvertittoasecondary digesterandtodesignthatimprovementiftheevaluationdeterminesthatitwouldbecost effectivetodoso.Ifdeterminedcosteffective,thisimprovementwouldbecompleted withthePhosphorusReductionImprovementsauthorizedbyCouncilonJuly28,2014. ThePhosphorusReductionImprovementsincludesaddingchemicalsand,asaresult,the volumeofbiosolidswillincrease20to30%.Byconvertingthesludgestoragetanktoa secondarydigester,itprovidesameanstoreducethisadditionalincreaseinbiosolidsthat hastobedewatered,hauled,andlandfilled.Currently,theexistingsludgestoragetankis beingusedforemergencystorageshouldthescrewpressfail.Seediscussioninthe ProjectUnderstandingsectionoftheattachedproposalformorebackgroundinformation. ThePublicFacilitiesAuthority(PFA)hasindicatedthattheCityofMonticello’s phosphorusreductionandanaerobicdigesterimprovementsprojectswillbeeligiblefora fiscalyear(FY)2015lowinterestPFAloan.OnbehalfoftheCity,WSBfiledarequest withthePFAforplacementofacombinedphosphorusreductionandanaerobicdigester improvementsprojectontheIntendedUsePlan(IUP)-seeattachedletter.Completionof aFacilityPlanisarequirementforaPFAloan.Onehasalreadybeencompletedforthe phosphorusreductionimprovements.However,thatFacilityPlanmustbeamendedfor theanaerobicdigesterimprovementstomakethemeligibleforthePFAloan. TheenclosedWSBletterproposaldetailsthenextstepstocompletetheFacilityPlan amendmentandtoprepareplansandspecificationsfortheanaerobicdigester improvementsforconstructionin2015.Constructionservicesarealsoincludedinthe proposaltoidentifythecompleteservicesneededtoconstructtheanaerobicdigester improvementsportionofthecombinedphosphorusreductionandanaerobicdigester improvementsproject. City CouncilAgenda:09/22/14 2 A1.BudgetImpact:TheestimatedtotalfeetopreparetheFacilityPlanamendment, prepareplansandspecificationsfortheanaerobicdigesterimprovementsandto performconstructionservicesrelatedtotheimprovementsis$182,984.00,as detailedintheenclosedletterproposal.AdvancedEngineeringandEnvironmental Science,whowillbeasubconsultanttoWSBforthiswork,proposesafeeof $33,884.00whichisincludedinthetotalfee.BadgerStateInspection,whowill alsobeasubconsultanttoWSBforthiswork,proposesafeeof$57,906.00, whichisalsoincludedinthetotalfee. Theestimatedanaerobicdigesterimprovementsprojectcostwhichincludes20% contingencycostsand15%indirectcostsforengineering,legal,fiscal,and administrativeis$1,850,000.Asnotedabove,WSBhasrequestedplacementof thecombinedphosphorusreductionandanaerobicdigesterimprovementsproject ontheIUPforalowinterestPFAloan.PlacementontheIUPdoesnotcommit theCitytotakingalowinterestloanfromthePFA,TheCitycanturndowna portionoralloftheloanrequest.Thesaleofgeneralobligationbondsforthe combinedphosphorusreductionanddigesterimprovementsprojectisalsoa financingalternative. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:StafffromtheEngineering,WastewaterTreatment FacilityandFinanceDepartmentswillbeimpactedbythisprojecttovarying degrees. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2014-092authorizingpreparationoftheFacility Planamendmentandpreparationofplansandspecificationsandauthorizing constructionservicesforanaerobicdigesterimprovementstothePhosphorus ReductionImprovementsfortheWasteWaterTreatmentFacility,CityProject No.14C002. 2.MotiontodenyauthorizationforthePhosphorousReductionImprovementsat thistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1giventheneedtoreplacetheanaerobic digestercoversinthenearfuture. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Resolution#2014-092 B.WSBProposalLetter C.July14,2014AgendaItem D.LettertoPublicFacilitiesAuthority CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2014-092 AUTHORIZINGPREPARATIONOFFACILITYPLANAMENDMENT, AUTHORIZINGPREPARATIONOFPLANSANDSPECIFICATIONS,AND AUTHORIZINGCONSTRUCTIONSERVICESFORADDINGANAEROBIC DIGESTERIMPROVEMENTSTOTHEPHOSPHORUSREDUCTION IMPROVEMENTSFORTHEWASTEWATERTREATMENTFACILITY, CITYPROJECTNO.14C002 WHEREAS,onJuly14,2014,theCityCouncilapprovedacontractwithWSB&Associates, Inc.forrepairworkonthesecondarydigestercoverandtheprimarydigestermixer;and WHEREAS,followingcompletionofsaidwork,WSB&Associatesisrecommending replacementoftheprimaryandsecondaryanaerobicdigestercovers,anevaluationofthe 650,000gallonsludgestoragetankforpossibleconversiontoasecondarydigester,andrelated designandconstructionservices;and WHEREAS,theCityofMonticellodesirestomaintaincompliancewiththeMPCA’smandated NPDESpermitre-issuancerequirements;and WHEREAS,theFacilityPlanforthePhosphorusReductionImprovementsrequiresamendment toaddanaerobicdigesterimprovements; NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1.SuchimprovementsarenecessaryforthePhosphorusReductionImprovementsas requiredbytheMinnesotaPollutionControlAgency.Thetotalfeeforengineeringand constructionservicesisestimatedatanot-to-exceedfeeof$182,984.00. 2.WSB&Associates,Inc.isherebydesignatedastheengineerforthisimprovement.The engineershallprepareplansandspecificationsforthemakingofsuchimprovements. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis22nddayofSeptember,2014. CITYOFMONTICELLO _____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator engineering planning environmental construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 St. Cloud  Minneapolis  St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc September 22, 2014 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Proposal to Amend the Engineering Services Agreement for Design, Bidding, and Construction of Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Phosphorus Reduction Improvements to Include Anaerobic Digester Improvements City of Monticello, MN Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council: WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) is pleased to present this proposal for professional engineering services as they relate to amending the Facility Plan and adding the design, bidding, and construction of anaerobic digester improvements to the phosphorus reduction improvements. The proposed scope of services presented in this proposal is based on our discussions with City staff, Veolia staff, and the following project understanding. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Anaerobic Digester Improvements Secondary Digester Cover The secondary digester cover is a steel, floating cover that was installed in 1993. The cover was rehabilitated nine years ago by patching, sandblasting and painting. In late July, the cover sank. Inspection revealed that the space (attic area) between the ceiling plates and roof plates of the cover had filled with biosolids through holes in the ceiling plates. The additional weight of the biosolids in the attic area caused the cover to lose buoyancy. The biosolids were removed from the attic area. The digester was emptied and the cover inspected from the interior. Inspection revealed extensive corrosion of the ceiling plates and the truss support system in the attic area. Ultrasonic thickness testing of the ceiling plates indicated that in some areas over ½ of the original steel section (1/4” thick) has corroded away. Approximately 25 holes in the ceiling plates were patched with 13 patch plates. Some of the plates covered a single hole and others covered multiple holes. Welding the patch plates to the ceiling plates proved to be difficult because the heat generated by the welding operation literally burned through the thin steel remaining in the plates. Although the secondary digester is now back in service, the repairs made should be considered temporary in nature and the cover should be replaced in the near future. Further rehabilitation is not practical and would not be cost-effective. Primary Digester Cover The primary digester cover is also a steel, floating cover. It was installed in 1995, but has not failed to this point. Unlike the secondary digester cover, it has never been rehabilitated. Although it is two years newer Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2014 Page 2 K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc than the secondary digester cover and has not failed, it is subject to the same severe environment as the secondary digester cover. Considering the environment it has been subjected to, the fact that it has never been rehabilitated and is approaching 20 years old, it is reasonable to expect that it, too, is in poor condition and replacement should be considered. 650,000 Gallon Storage Tank The 650,000 gallon storage tank was used to store biosolids following anaerobic digestion between the spring and fall land application of biosolids. However, now that the biosolids are being dewatered and landfilled, the only purpose of the storage tank is for emergency storage should the screw press fail or when it has be taken out of service for overhaul. The Facility Plan completed for the phosphorus reduction improvements concluded that chemical addition was the cost-effective approach to removing the additional phosphorus required by the re-issued NPDES permit for the WWTF. Chemical addition will increase the volume of biosolids by 20 to 30% due to both additional total suspended solids removal and chemical solids production. This additional biosolids production will reduce the hydraulic retention time (HRT) in the existing anaerobic digesters and their efficiency in destroying volatile solids. Volatile solids are the organic compounds in the biosolids. Volatile solids destruction is the conversion of these organic compounds to water, carbon dioxide, and other gases. The purpose of anaerobic digestion is to reduce the volume of biosolids that have to be dewatered, hauled and landfilled. WSB is recommending that conversion of the 650,000 gallon storage tank into a secondary anaerobic digester be evaluated in the Preliminary Design phase that will be discussed below. The evaluation will estimate the cost of converting it into a digester and compare it with the cost savings of a lesser volume of biosolids to be processed. Reducing the volume of biosolids to be processed will result in a cost savings for each of the following:  Operator time to operate the screw press  Electric usage to operate the screw press  Polymer usage in the screw press  Biosolids hauling cost  Biosolids landfilling cost Facility Plan Amendment The Public Facilities Authority (PFA) administers the Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund. Low interest loans are made from that fund for WWTF improvements. WSB contacted the PFA regarding the possibility of a low interest loan for Monticello’s WWTF improvements. They indicated an interest rate of between 1 and 2% with a probable rate of approximately 1-1/2%. The City sold general obligation (GO) revenue bonds for the Phase 1 improvements that carried an interest rate of approximately 3%. Therefore, a PFA loan would reduce interest rate by approximately 50%.WSB filed an Intended Use Plan (IUP) placement request on behalf of the City. The City is now on the fiscal year (FY) 2015 IUP for a low interest loan. It should be noted that placement on the IUP does not obligate the City to take out a loan through the PFA. The City can turn down any part or all of the loan request and bond for the improvements instead. The PFA also administers the Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) program which makes 50% matching grants for phosphorus reduction improvements. WSB filed a PSIG application on behalf of the City. The City is now on the PSIG list for a $580,000 grant which will help to defray the cost of the phosphorus reduction improvements. Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2014 Page 3 K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc Both the PFA loan and PSIG programs require a Facility Plan. For the anaerobic digester improvements to be eligible for a PFA loan, the Facility Plan completed for the phosphorus reduction improvements must be amended to include the anaerobic digester improvements. The Facility Plan amendment will be completed in conjunction with the Preliminary Design phase discussed below. PROJECT APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB’s project scope and proposed work plan are based on our understanding of the project, discussions with City staff, Veolia staff, and experience on similar projects. The work plan has been separated into key components which are discussed below: 1. Project Management and Coordination 1.1 Project Management Project management is a key task included in each phase of the project. For each phase, this task consists of management and administration, project coordination and communication with the City of Monticello. Additional work included as part of this task involves attending meetings with City staff, WSB, subconsultants of WSB, and Veolia staff, as well as City Council meetings for acceptance of the plans and specifications, authorization to bid the project, and award of the contract. Proper completion of this task will allow for open lines of communication and routine updates on project issues, as well as keeping the project on schedule and within budget. 2. Anaerobic Digester Improvements 2.1 Facility Plan Amendment and Preliminary Design Facility Plan Amendment As noted in Project Understanding, a Facility Plan amendment must be completed for the anaerobic digester improvements to make them eligible for a low interest PFA loan. WSB will complete the Facility Plan amendment and assist the City with the public hearing required for the amendment. Preliminary Design Primary and Secondary Digester Cover Replacement During the preliminary design phase, WSB will evaluate replacing the digester covers with new steel covers, as well as, alternative membrane covers. The advantage of membrane covers is that corrosion and re-painting are eliminated. However, the membrane covers require a blower to keep the cover air-supported. Construction cost estimates will be prepared for both types of cover, as well as, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. The type of cover with the lowest life-cycle cost (construction cost plus O&M cost) will be then be recommended and designed. 650,000 Gallon Storage Tank During the preliminary design phase, conversion of the tank into a secondary digester will be evaluated. The cost of conversion will be compared to the cost savings for reductions of the following items as the result of improved biosolids digestion:  Operator time to operate the screw press  Electric consumption to operate the screw press  Polymer usage in the screw press Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2014 Page 4 K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc  Biosolids hauling cost  Biosolids landfilling cost If the evaluation shows a cost savings for these items greater than the cost of converting the 650,000 gallon tank into a secondary digester, WSB will then design the conversion of the 650,000 gallon storage tank into a secondary digester. Note: The anaerobic digester improvements will be constructed in conjunction with the phosphorus reduction improvements in a single construction contract. Tasks 2.2 through 2.6 below are the same tasks that will be performed for the phosphorus reduction improvements. These tasks will simply be extended to both elements of the project. 2.2 Final Design The final design phase of the combined phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements project will consist of the following tasks performed directly by WSB and sub- consultants:  Prepare final construction drawings and specifications based upon preliminary design conclusions and discussions with City staff  Review final construction drawings and specifications with City staff  Provide an opinion of probable construction cost to reflect specified equipment, structural components, and final design details  Submit the final construction drawings and specifications to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for review. Respond to questions and comments from the MPCA and receive approval of the drawings and specifications 2.3 Bidding The bidding phase of the combined phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements project will consist of the following tasks performed directly by WSB and sub-consultants:  Print bidding documents, construction drawings, and specifications  Distribute bidding documents, construction drawings, and specifications to prospective bidders  Maintain bidders list  Respond to bidder questions  Issue addenda if required.  Attend bid opening and prepare bid tabulation  Evaluate bids  Recommend award of contracts 2.4 Construction Administration The construction phase of the combined phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements project will consist of the following tasks performed directly by WSB and sub- consultants: Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2014 Page 5 K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc  Organize, coordinate, lead, and attend the preconstruction conference and regular progress meetings during construction. Provide and distribute meeting minutes  Assist the City in procuring testing services as defined in the contract documents  Establish reference points for construction staking of the project by Contractor (one time)  Review Contractor submittals (shop drawings) for products and equipment  Respond to Contractor requests for information (RFIs). Issue contract document clarifications as required  Process contract change order requests  Review Contractor-submitted construction progress schedules  Process Contractor pay requests  Provide part-time construction observation services during the construction of the facilities  Provide substantial completion punch list for the Contractor and issue certificate of substantial completion when appropriate for the facility construction  Review final submittals from the Contractor with respect to conformance with the contract documents  Process final pay request and project close-outs 2.5 Equipment Start-up The start-up phase of the combined phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements project will consist of the following tasks performed directly by WSB and sub-consultants:  Assist with equipment start-up  Provide assistance in refining or adjusting equipment and/or systems  Provide assistance in developing procedures for recordkeeping for the equipment 2.6 Post Construction Phase Engineering Services The post construction phase of the combined phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements project will consist of the following tasks performed by WSB and sub-consultants:  Provide record drawings  Assemble an operation & maintenance manual for the facility  Visit the project to observe any apparent defects in the completed work and assist the City in working with the Contractor to correct defects  Along with City staff, perform an end of correction period warranty inspection of the project in the 23rd month following final completion of the project to determine if items of construction are subject to correction  Complete and submit a one-year performance certification report to the MPCA  Complete a two-year certification report for the facility CITY OF MONTICELLO TASKS In order to complete our tasks, WSB will need the City to provide the following:  Provide a designated project contact person  Provide answers to specific project questions, provide requested information, and make decisions regarding project direction during the course of the project  Choose facility configuration early in the project Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2014 Page 6 K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc  Provide permitting and governmental review fees that may be necessary  Attend meetings when requested  Procure necessary testing services as defined in the contract documents ASSUMPTIONS WSB tasks and estimated fees are based on the following assumptions:  An operation & maintenance manual, beyond the information supplied by the Contractor, is not included in the project  Potential bidders will be charged a fee for each copy of the bidding documents WSB will retain this fee  Part-time field construction observation assumes a 9-month construction period  Periodic field construction observation by project design team members assumes periodic site visits over a 9-month construction period WSB SUBCONSULTANTS WSB subconsultants and their area of responsibility are indicated below:  Advanced Engineering and Environmental Science (AE2S)  Badger State Inspection (BSI) AE2S will assist with evaluating conversion of the 650,000 gallon storage tank into a secondary digester. They will also provide over-view of the design of the combined phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements. BSI will provide welding and painting inspection services if steel digester covers are the chosen alternative. If membrane covers are the chosen alternative, BSI will not participate in the project. Our scope includes the management of the sub -consultants and their efforts. Sub-consultant billings pass through WSB without mark-up. SCHEDULE In consideration of the effort required to complete the project as presented and based on discussions with City staff, the following preliminary schedule is proposed. This schedule may be revised as the project progresses. City Council Authorizes Facility Plan Amendment and Engineering Services for Anaerobic Digester Improvements ............................................................... September 22, 2014 Phosphorus Reduction and Anaerobic Digester Improvements Drawings and Specifications ........................................................... August, 2014—December, 2014 Bids Received ........................................................................................................................ April, 2015 City Council Awards Contract ................................................................................................ May, 2015 Construction Start …………………………………………………………………………..June, 2015 Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2014 Page 7 K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc Substantial Completion (Equipment Operating) ................................................................... March, 2016 Final Completion (Site Restoration) ........................................................................................ June, 2016 Note: Because the phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements will be a single combined project, the schedule above is identical to that proposed for the phosphorus reduction improvements. PROPOSED FEE The proposed additional fee to complete the facility plan amendment, preliminary design, design, bidding, and construction services for the anaerobic digester improvements is detailed in the attached spreadsheet. WSB and sub consultants propose to conduct the work on an hourly basis with a not-to-exceed total fee of $182,984. Advanced Engineering and Environmental Science, who will be a sub consultant to WSB for this work, proposes a fee of $33,884.00 which is included in the total fee. Badger State Inspection, who will also be a sub consultant to WSB for this work, proposes a fee of $57,906.00, which is also included in the total fee. We will review our progress monthly and will not exceed this amount without your prior approval. This letter represents our entire understanding of the project scope. If you are in agreement, please sign on the space provided and return one original signed copy to us for our records. We will start immediately upon receipt of the signed agreement. If you have any questions concerning the work plan or fee as discussed herein, please feel free to contact me at 763-541-4800. We look forward to working with you and greatly appreciate the opportunity to assist the City in the completion of this project. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Bret A. Weiss, PE Thomas A. Roushar, PE President Senior Project Manager Attachment srb ACCEPTED BY: City of Monticello Name Title Date CityCouncilAgenda:07/14/14 1 5G.Considerationofauthorizingsecondarydigestercovercleaning,condition inspection,andtime-sensitiverepairandprimarydigestermixerrepair (WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovingsecondarydigestercovercleaning, conditioninspection,andtimesensitiverepairandprimarydigestermixerrepair. SludgeHandlingandProcessing: Wastesludgeisproducedinthesequencingbatchreactors(SBRs).Thewastesludgeis thenthickenedinadissolvedairflotationthickenerafterwhichitispumpedtothe primarydigester,first,followedbythesecondarydigester.Followingdigestion,the sludgeisdewateredbythescrewpressandlandfilled. PrimaryandSecondaryDigesters: PurposeofDigesters Thedigestersprovidetwofunctions: Reduceorganicmatter(volatilesolids)inthesludge Reducefecalcoliformorganisms Bacteriainthedigestersconvertvolatilesolidstowater,carbondioxide,andmethane gas.Thisreductionofvolatilesolidsisbeneficialforthefollowingreasons: Dewateredsludgeislessputrescible Reductioninthevolumeofsludgethathastobeprocessedandlandfilled whichsavesoncost Thesecondfunctionofthedigestersistoreducethefecalcoliformbacteria concentrationtothelevelmandatedbytheMinnesotaPollutionControlAgencyfor landfillingofsludge. DigesterConstruction Bothofthedigestersarecircularconcretetankswithfloatingsteelcovers—seeattached sketch.Thefloatingcoversallowfortheaccumulationofdigestergaswhichismostly methane.Thedigestergasisthenburnedinadualfuelboilertoheatthedigesters.The digesterswereconstructedaspartofthe1982project.Thecoverforthesecondary digesterwasreplacedin1993andthecoverfortheprimarydigesterwasreplacedin 1995.Therefore,thecovershavebeeninserviceforapproximately20years. Bothofthedigestersareequippedwithdrafttubemixers.Themixersprovidetwo benefits: Acceleratethebiologicalprocessofbreakingdownthevolatilesolidsintowater, carbondioxide,andmethanegas. Createablendedsludgethatmakesiteasiertomaintainthecorrectpolymerfeed tothescrewpress CityCouncilAgenda:07/14/14 2 ExistingSituation SecondaryDigesterCover Therehasbeenafailureoftheceilingplates(pleaserefertotheattachedsketch)thathas allowedanapproximate10-inchdepthofsludgetoaccumulateintheatticarea betweentheceilingplatesandtheroofplates.Thesludgemustberemovedtoallow thecovertofloatproperly.Theceilingplatesthenhavetobeinspectedtoidentifythe failedareasthatneedtobepatched(pleaserefertotheattachedphotothatshowsthe originalcoating(blackareas)andthefailedcoatingareaswhicharerustingandappear red.Followingidentification,thefailedceilingplateareaswillthenbepatchedby weldingnew¼-inchthicksteelplateoverthefailedareas. Fromthephoto,itisclearthatthecoatingsystemhastotallyfailedallowingrustingof theceilingplates.Anadditionalelementoftheprojectwillbetoconductultrasonic thicknesstestingoftheceilingplatestodetermineremainingmetalthickness.Knowing theremainingmetalthicknesswillallowaninformeddecisionwhethertheceilingplates cansimplybesandblastedandre-coatedorwhethertheplateshavetobereplaced. Thescopeofthesecondarydigestercoverprojectperthediscussionaboveincludes: Removalofsludgefromtheatticarea Identificationofthefailedareasoftheceilingplates Patchingofthefailedareas Ultrasonicthicknesstesting PrimaryDigesterMixer Asealhasfailedintheprimarydigestermixerresultingintheexcessivelossofgearoil. Themixershouldberemovedandshippedbacktothemanufacturerforoverhaul.The scopeofthedigestermixerprojectincludes: Removalofthemixer Mixeroverhaul Re-installationofthemixer Theproposalformixeroverhaulfromthemanufacturer(Ovivo)isattached. MBIconstructedtheSludgeDewateringFacilityandiskeenlyinterestedinprovidingthe constructionservicesrequiredforthesecondarydigestercoverdescribedabove,to removetheprimarydigestermixer,andtore-installitafteroverhaulbyOvivo.Their quotationtoprovidetheseservicesisattached. ThecontractfortheSludgeDewateringFacilityisstillopenwhichwouldallowthe secondarydigestercoverandprimarydigestermixerworktobeaddedtothatprojectby changeorder.AddingthisworktotheexistingSludgeDewateringFacilitycontract wouldexpeditegettingtheworkdone.Iftheprimarydigestermixershouldtotallyfail beforethesecondarydigesterisbackinservice,itwouldbeverydifficulttodewater sludge. CityCouncilAgenda:07/14/14 3 A1.BudgetImpact:ThetotalestimatedmaximumcostofMBI’squotationis $47,374.Ovivo’squotationforthemixeroverhaulis$17,897.Therefore,the totalestimatedmaximumcostofthesecondarydigestercoverandprimary digestermixerrepairworkis$65,271.Thisamountalsoincludestheestimated costoftheultrasonicthicknesstesting.Thesecondarydigestercoverandprimary digestermixerrepairwillbefundedbythebondsaleforthePhase1 Improvements. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Therewillbeminimalstaffworkloadimpact. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveaChangeOrdertoaddthesecondarydigestercoverand primarydigestermixerrepairworktothecontractfortheWWTFSludge DewateringFacility,CityProjectNo.12C003. 2.Motiontosolicitquotesfrommultiplecontractorsandenterintoanadditional contractforthesecondarydigestercoverandprimarydigestermixerrepairwork. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1becauseitwouldallowfortheworkto becompletedasquicklyaspossible. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Sketchofdigestercover B.Photoofdigesterceilingplates C.Ovivomixeroverhaulquotation D.MBIquotation Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 1 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com PREPARED FOR Monticello WWTP Monticello, MN Attn: Chuck Keyes AREA REPRESENTATIVE Great Northern Environmental Matt Fritze (651) 289-9100 mfritze@gnenv.com PROJECT EDT(10 HP) Sludge Mixer Rebuild Serial #25342-01 PREPARED BY Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road – Suite 300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 Karen Haddow Phone (801) 931-3027 Fax (801) 931-3090 karen.haddow@ovivowater.com Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 1 of 9 Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 2 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com PROJECT SUMMARY: Ovivo USA, LLC (formerly EIMCO Water Technologies – EWT™) is pleased to offer the following proposal to provide materials & labor for standard rebuild of one (1) existing EWT™ EDT 10 HP sludge mixer, serial # 25342-01, installed in 1996. Rebuild to take place at our authorized rebuild center in Salt Lake City, UT. Disassembly and Inspection Includes:  Complete disassembly of mixer into individual parts and components followed by a thorough assessment of components with intention to identify the cause of failure.  Evaluation Report to illustrate condition of all parts and components and scope of the rebuild.  Customer to be provided with the evaluation report. Standard rebuild of EDT Sludge Mixer Includes:  Replacement of upper and lower bearings and retainers o Includes: bearings, hardened wear sleeve, seal seat, seal rotor, seal cartridge, locking rings, bushing, O-rings, split collar, sealants and assembly hardware  Assemble, paint and inspect rebuilt mixer  Warranty parts and workmanship for (1) year  Engineering  Mixer freight to/from Monticello WWTP & Ovivo rebuild center (Salt Lake City, UT) Does NOT include:  Major component replacement such as: motors, housings, shafts, base plates, brackets, sheaves, belt guards, draft tubes, draft tube mating gasket, propeller, centering assembly, wear pads etc.  Lubricants – grease or oil  O & M manual  Mixer removal or installation services  Loading or unloading of mixer  Electrical installation or alteration of existing electrical supply  Finish or touch up painting  Overtime work hours or removal of old debris  Field service startup/checkout services (see optional adder below) Rebuild pricing for one (1) EDT sludge mixer as described above ...…………….……….…………..…… $ 17,897.00 Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 3 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com Note: Price is based on a typical (standard) rebuild and does not include the replacement of major components. If any of these items are in need of replacement it will be at additional cost to the order. Mixer must be pressure washed and oil drained prior to pick up. Optional ADDER Please ADD the following price to include one Ovivo serviceman visit for one (1) trip of one (1) day on site to perform checkout (start-up) and inspection of rebuilt EDJ sludge mixer. Price includes all travel and miscellaneous expenses. Pricing for field service checkout complete as described above ………………….….………………………… $ 4,655.00 DELIVERY Ovivo intends to ship all Products as indicated above after receipt of approved purchase order and approved submittal drawings from Purchaser. However, the date of shipment of the Products represent Ovivo's best estimate, but is not guaranteed, and Ovivo shall not be liable for any damages due to late delivery. The Products shall be delivered to the delivery point or points in accordance with the delivery terms stated in this proposal. If such delivery is prevented or postponed by reason of Force Majeure, as defined in Ovivo’s standard terms and conditions of sale, Ovivo shall be entitled at its option to tender delivery to Purchaser at the point or points of manufacture, and in default of Purchaser’s acceptance of delivery, to cause the Products to be stored at such a point or points of manufacture at Purchaser's expense. Such tender, if accepted, or such storage, shall constitute delivery for all purposes of this proposal. If shipment is postponed at request of Purchaser, or due to delay in receipt of shipping instructions, payment of the purchase price shall be due on notice from Ovivo that the Products are ready for shipment. Handling, moving, storage, insurance and other charges thereafter incurred by Ovivo with respect to the Products shall be for the account of Purchaser and shall be paid by Purchaser when invoiced. PRICING TERMS All prices quoted are in US Dollars. Prices are good for 45 days. After expiration of the pricing effective period, prices will be subject to review and adjustment. Prices quoted are FOB point of shipment, with freight included to an accessible point nearest the jobsite. Federal, state or local sales, use or other taxes are not included in the sales price. PAYMENT TERMS Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 4 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com Payment terms are: One hundred percent (100%) payment due within thirty (30) days after Purchaser’s receipt of invoice. Invoice will be submitted after all materials have been received at the job site or they have been successfully installed by an Ovivo contractor and the field service check-out and start-up procedure is finalized. Credit is subject to acceptance by the Ovivo Credit Department. Purchaser shall remit payment for proper invoices received from Ovivo in accordance with the payment terms stated above even if the Purchaser has not been paid by the Purchaser’s customer (the “Owner”), if Purchaser is not the end-user of the Products. Payments are due within thirty (30) days after Purchaser’s receipt of invoice. Overdue and unpaid invoices are subject to a service charge of 2% per month until paid. If Purchaser requests or causes cancellation, suspension or delay of Ovivo’s work, Purchaser shall accept transfer of title and pay Ovivo all appropriate charges incurred up to date of such event plus Ovivo’s overhead and reasonable profit. Additionally, all charges related to and risks incidental to storage, disposition and/or resumption of work shall be borne solely by Purchaser. Full payment for all work shall be due and payable thirty (30) days from the date work is placed into storage. TAXES Federal, State or local sales, use or other taxes are not included in the sales price. Such taxes, if applicable, shall be for Purchaser's account. BACKCHARGES In no event shall Purchaser/Owner do or cause to be done any work, purchase any services or material or incur any expense for the account of Ovivo, nor shall Ovivo be responsible for such work or expenses, until after Purchaser/Owner has provided Ovivo’s PROJECT MANAGER full details (including estimate of material cost and amount and rate of labor required) of the work, services, material or expenses, and Ovivo has approved the same in writing. Ovivo will not accept Products returned by Purchaser/Owner unless Ovivo has previously accepted the return in writing and provided Purchaser/Owner with shipping instructions. Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 5 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com **PURCHASE ORDER SUBMISSION** In an effort to ensure all purchase orders are processed timely and efficiently, please submit all purchase order documentation to the following department and address: Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road, Suite 300, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 Fax #: 801-931-3080 Tel. #: 801-931-3000 ADDITIONAL FIELD SERVICE When included and noted in the Product pricing of each proposal item, Ovivo will supply the service of a competent field representative to inspect the completed installation and adjustment of equipment, supervise initial operation, and instruct Owner's personnel in the operation and maintenance of each proposal item for the number of eight (8) hour days. Notwithstanding Ovivo’s performance of the above-referenced services, Ovivo shall not be held liable for any faulty workmanship or other defects in the Products’ installation, or for other goods and/or services, performed by third parties unless such goods and/or services are expressly included under Ovivo’s scope of work. If additional service is required over and above the Field Services described above, it will be furnished to the Purchaser and billed to him at the current rate for each additional day required, plus travel and lodging expenses incurred by the service personnel during the additional service days. It shall be the Purchaser's responsibility to provide for all necessary lubrication of all equipment prior to placing equipment in operation. All equipment must be in operating condition and ready for the Field Service Engineer when called to the project location. Should the Contractor not be ready when the Field Service Engineer is requested or if additional service is requested, the Ovivo current service rates will apply for each additional day required. Plus, travel and lodging expenses incurred by the service personnel during the additional service days. SURFACE PREPARATION AND PAINTING GENERAL INFORMATION If painting the Products is included under Ovivo’s scope of work, such Products shall be painted in accordance with Ovivo’s standard practice. Shop primer paint is intended to serve only as minimal protective finish. Ovivo will not be responsible for condition of primed or finished painted surfaces after equipment leaves its shops. Purchasers are invited to inspect painting in our shops for proper preparation and application prior to shipment. Ovivo assumes no responsibility for field service Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 6 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com preparation or touch-up of shipping damage to paint. Painting of fasteners and other touch-up to painted surfaces will be by Purchaser's painting contractor after mechanism erection. Clarifier motors, gear motors and center drives shall be cleaned and painted with manufacturer's standard primer paint only. It is our intention to ship major steel components as soon as fabricated, often before drives, motors and other manufactured components. Unless you can insure that shop primed steel shall be field painted within thirty (30) days after arrival at the jobsite, we encourage you to purchase these components in the bare metal (no surface prep or primer) condition. Ovivo cannot accept responsibility for rusting or deterioration of shop applied prime coatings on delivered equipment if the primed surfaces have not been field painted within thirty (30) days of arrival at the jobsite using manufacturers' standard primers. Other primers may have less durability. GENERAL ITEMS NOT INCLUDED Unless specifically and expressly included above, prices quoted by Ovivo do not include unloading, hauling, erection, installation, piping, valves, fittings, stairways, ladders, walkways, grating, wall spools, concrete, grout, sealant, dissimilar metal protection, oakum, mastic, field painting, oil or grease, electrical controls, wiring, mounting hardware, welding, weld rod, shims, leveling plates, protection against corrosion due to unprotected storage, special engineering, or overall plant or system operating instructions or any other products or services. MANUALS The content of any and all installation, operation and maintenance or other manuals or documents pertaining to the Products are copyrighted and shall not be modified without the express prior written consent of Ovivo. Ovivo disclaims any liability for claims resulting from unauthorized modifications to any such manuals or other documents provided by Ovivo in connection with the Project. Attachments: Ovivo USA, LLC General Terms and Conditions, QFORMEWT 0115-02031 Rev H Ovivo USA 2010 North American Field Service Rate Schedule Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 7 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com WARRANTY AND CONDITIONS Ovivo standard Terms and Conditions of Sale is attached and made an essential part of this proposal. These terms and conditions are an integral part of Ovivo’s offer of Products and related services and replace and supersede any terms and conditions or warranty included in Purchaser or Owner requests for quotation or specifications and cannot be changed without written approval from an authorized representative of Ovivo. Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 8 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com 1. ACCEPTANCE. The proposal of OVIVO USA, LLC (“SELLER”), as well as these terms and conditions of sale (collectively the “Agreement”), constitutes SELLER’s contractual offer of goods and associated services, and PURCHASER’s acceptance of this offer is expressly limited to the terms of the Agreement. The scope and terms and conditions of this Agreement represent the entire offer by SELLER and supersede all prior solicitations, discussions, agreements, understandings and representations between the parties. Any scope or terms and conditions included in PURCHASER’s acceptance/purchase order that are in addition to or different from this Agreement are hereby rejected. 2. DELIVERY. Any statements relating to the date of shipment of the Products (as defined below) represent SELLER'S best estimate, but is not guaranteed, and SELLER shall not be liable for any damages due to late delivery. The Products shall be delivered to the delivery point or points in accordance with the delivery terms stated in SELLER’s proposal. If such delivery is prevented or postponed by reason of Force Majeure (as defined below), SELLER shall be entitled at its option to tender delivery to PURCHASER at the point or points of manufacture, and in default of PURCHASER’s acceptance of delivery to cause the Products to be stored at such a point or points of manufacture at PURCHASER'S expense. Such tender, if accepted, or such storage, shall constitute delivery for all purposes of this agreement. If shipment is postponed at request of PURCHASER, or due to delay in receipt of shipping instructions, payment of the purchase price shall be due on notice from SELLER that the Products are ready for shipment. Handling, moving, storage, insurance and other charges thereafter incurred by SELLER with respect to the Products shall be for the account of PURCHASER and shall be paid by PURCHASER when invoiced. 3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. SELLER shall retain the fullest right, title, and interest in the Products to the extent permitted by applicable law, including a security interest in the Products, until the full purchase price has been paid to SELLER. The giving and accepting of drafts, notes and/or trade acceptances to evidence the payments due shall not constitute or be construed as payment so as to pass SELLER’s interests until said drafts, notes and/or trade acceptances are paid in full. Risk of loss shall pass to PURCHASER at the delivery point. 4. PAYMENT TERMS. SELLER reserves the right to ship the Products and be paid for such on a pro rata basis, as shipped. If payments are not made by the due date, interest at a rate of two percent (2%) per month, calculated daily, shall apply from the due date for payment. PURCHASER is liable to pay SELLER’S legal fees and all other expenses in respect of enforcing or attempting to enforce any of SELLER’S rights relating to a breach or threatened breach of the payment terms by PURCHASER. . 5. TAXES. Unless otherwise specifically provided in SELLER’s quotation/proposal; PURCHASER shall pay and/or reimburse SELLER, in addition to the price, for all sales, use and other taxes, excises and charges which SELLER may pay or be required to pay to any government directly or indirectly in connection with the production, sale, transportation, and/or use by SELLER or PURCHASER, of any of the Products or services dealt with herein (whether the same may be regarded as personal or real property). PURCHASER agrees to pay all property and other taxes which may be levied, assessed or charged against or upon any of the Products on or after the date of actual shipment, or placing into storage for PURCHASER'S account. 6. MECHANICAL WARRANTY. Solely for the benefit of PURCHASER, SELLER warrants that new equipment and parts manufactured by it and provided to PURCHASER (collectively, “Products”) shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. The warranty period shall be twelve (12) months from startup of the equipment not to exceed eighteen (18) months from shipment. If any of SELLER’S Products fail to comply with the foregoing warranty, SELLER shall repair or replace free of charge to PURCHASER, EX WORKS SELLER’S FACTORIES or other location that SELLER designates, any Product or parts thereof returned t o SELLER, which examination shall show to have failed under normal use and service operation by PURCHASER within the Warranty Period; provided, that if it would be impracticable for the Product or part thereof to be returned to SELLER, SELLER will send a representative to PURCHASER’s job site to inspect the Product. If it is determined after inspection that SELLER is liable under this warranty to repair or replace the Product or part thereof, SELLER shall bear the transportation costs of (a) returning the Product to SELLER for inspection or sending its representative to the job site and (b) returning the repaired or replaced Products to PURCHASER; however, if it is determined after inspection that SELLER is not liable under this warranty, PURCHASER shall pay those costs. For SELLER to be liable with respect to this warranty, PURCHASER must make its claims to SELLER with respect to this warranty in writing no later than thirty (30) days after the date PURCHASER discovers the basis for its warranty claim and in no event more than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the Warranty Period. In addition to any other limitation or disclaimer with respect to this warranty, SELLER shall have no liability with respect to any of the following: (i) failure of the Products, or damages to them, due to PURCHASER’s negligence or willful misconduct, abuse or improper storage, installation, application or maintenance (as specified in any manuals or written instructions that SELLER provides to the PURCHASER); (ii) any Products that have been altered or repaired in any way without SELLER’S prior written authorization; (iii) The costs of dismantling and reinstallation of the Products; (iv) any Products damaged while in transit or otherwise by accident; (v) decomposition of Products by chemical action, erosion or corrosion or wear to Products or due to conditions of temperature, moisture and dirt; or (vi) claims with respect to parts that are consumable and normally replaced during maintenance such as filter media, filter drainage belts and the like, except where such parts are not performing to SELLER’S estimate of normal service life, in which case, SELLER shall only be liable for the pro rata cost of replacement of those parts based on SELLER’S estimate of what the remaining service life of those parts should have been; provided, that failure of those parts did not result from any of the matters listed in clauses (i) through (v) above. With regard to third-party parts, equipment, accessories or components not of SELLER’s design, SELLER’S liability shall be limited solely to the assignment of available third-party warranties. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY, WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL OR STATUTORY, ARE EXCLUDED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY LAW. All warranties and obligations of SELLER shall terminate if PURCHASER fails to perform its obligations under this Agreement including but not limited to any failure to pay any charges due to SELLER. SELLER’S quoted price for the Products is based upon this warranty. Any increase in warranty obligation may be subject to an increase in price. 7. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. All nonpublic information and data furnished to PURCHASER hereunder, including but not limited to price, size, type and design of the Products is the sole property of SELLER and submitted for PURCHASER'S own confidential use solely in connection with this Agreement and is not to be made known or available to any third party without SELLER’S prior written consent. 8. PAINTING. The Products shall be painted in accordance with SELLER'S standard practice, and purchased items such as motors, controls, speed reducers, pumps, etc., will be painted in accordance with manufacturers’ standard practices, unless otherwise agreed in writing. 9. DRAWINGS AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION. When PURCHASER requests approval of drawings before commencement of manufacture, shipment may be delayed if approved drawings are not returned to SELLER within fourteen (14) days of receipt by PURCHASER of such drawings for approval. SELLER will furnish only general arrangement, general assembly, and if required, wiring diagrams, erection drawings, installation and operation-maintenance manuals for SELLER'S equipment (in English language). SELLER will supply six (6) complete sets of drawings and operating instructions. Additional sets will be paid for by PURCHASER. Electronic files, if requested from SELLER, will be provided in pdf, jpg or tif format only. 10. SET OFF. This Agreement shall be completely independent of all other contracts between the parties and all payments due to SELLER hereunder shall be paid when due and shall not be setoff or applied against any money due or claimed to be due from SELLER to PURCHASER on account of any other transaction or claim. except for archival or security purposes; b) not to use the program on any computer other than the computer with which it is supplied; and c) to limit access to the program to those of its employees who are necessary to permit authorized use of the program. PURCHASER agrees to execute and be bound by the terms of any software license applicable to the Products supplied. 11. SOFTWARE. PURCHASER shall have a nonexclusive and nontransferable license to use any information processing program supplied by SELLER with the Products. PURCHASER acknowledges that such programs and the information contained therein is Confidential Information and agrees: a) not to copy or duplicate the program 12. PATENT INDEMNITY. SELLER will defend at its own expense any suit instituted against PURCHASER based upon claims that SELLER’s Product hereunder in and of itself constitutes an infringement of any valid apparatus claims of any United States patent issued and existing as of the date of this Agreement, if notified promptly in writing and given all information, assistance, and sole authority to defend and settle the same, and SELLER shall indemnify the PURCHASER against such claims of infringement. Furthermore, in case the use of the Products is enjoined in such suit or in case SELLER otherwise deems it advisable, SELLER shall, at its own expense and discretion, (a) procure for the PURCHASER the right to continue using the Products, (b) replace the same with non-infringing Products, (c) modify the Product so it becomes non-infringing, or (d) remove the Products and refund the purchase price less freight charges and depreciation. SELLER shall not be liable for, and PURCHASER shall indemnify SELLER for, any claim of infringement related to (a) the use of the Products for any purpose other than that for which it was furnished by SELLER, (b) compliance with equipment designs not furnished by SELLER or (c) use of the Products in combination with any other equipment. The foregoing states the sole liability of SELLER for patent infringement with respect to the Products 13. GENERAL INDEMNITY. Subject to the rights, obligations and limitations of liabilities of the parties set forth in this Agreement, PURCHASER shall protect and indemnify SELLER, its ultimate parent, its ultimate parent’s subsidiaries and each of their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against all claims, demands and causes of action asserted by any entity to the extent of PURCHASER’s negligence or willful misconduct in connection with this Agreement. 14. DEFAULT, TERMINATION. In the event that PURCHASER becomes insolvent, commits an act of bankruptcy or defaults in the performance of any term or condition of this Agreement, the entire unpaid portion of the purchase price shall, without notice or demand, become immediately due and payable. SELLER at its option, without notice or demand, shall be entitled to sue for said balance and for reasonable legal fees, plus out-of-pocket expenses and interest; and/or to enter any place where the Products are located and to take immediate possession of and remove the Products, with or without legal process; and/or retain all payments made as compensation for the use of the Products: and/or resell the Products, without notice or demand, for and on behalf of the PURCHASER, and to apply the net proceeds from such sale (after deduction from the sale price of all expenses of such sale and all expenses of retaking possession, repairs necessary to put the Products in saleable condition, storage charges, taxes, liens, collection and legal fees and all other expenses in connection therewith) to the balance then due to SELLER for the Products and to receive from the PURCHASER the deficiency between such net proceeds of sale and such balance. PURCHASER hereby waives all trespass, damage and claims resulting from any such entry, repossession, removal, retention, repair, alteration and sale. The remedies provided in this paragraph are in addition to and not limitations of any other rights of SELLER. 15. CANCELLATION. PURCHASER may terminate this Agreement for convenience upon giving SELLER thirty (30) days prior written notice of such fact and paying SELLER for all costs and expenses (including overhead) incurred by it in performing its work and closing out the same plus a reasonable profit thereon. All such costs and expenses shall be paid to SELLER within ten (10) days of the termination of the Agreement, or be subject to an additional late payment penalty of five percent (5%) of the total amount of costs and expenses owed. 16. REMEDIES. The rights and remedies of the PURCHASER in connection with the goods and services provided by SELLER hereunder are exclusive and limited to the rights and remedies expressly stated in this Agreement. 17. INSPECTION. PURCHASER is entitled to make reasonable inspection of Products at SELLER’s facility. SELLER reserves the right to determine the reasonableness of the request and to select an appropriate time for such inspection. All costs of inspections not expressly included as an itemized part of the quoted price of the Products in this Agreement shall be paid by PURCHASER. 18. WAIVER. Any failure by SELLER to enforce PURCHASER’s strict performance of any provision of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of its right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement. 19. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. If applicable laws, ordinances, regulations or conditions require anything different from, or in addition to, that called for by this Agreement, SELLER will satisfy such requirements at PURCHASER'S written request and expense. 20. FORCE MAJEURE. If SELLER is rendered unable, wholly or in material part, by reason of Force Majeure to carry out any of its obligations hereunder, then on SELLER’s notice in writing to PURCHASER within a reasonable time after the occurrence of the cause relied upon, such obligations shall be suspended. “Force Majeure” shall include, but not be limited to, acts of God, laws and regulations, strikes, civil disobedience or unrest, lightning, fire, flood, washout, storm, communication lines failure, delays of the PURCHASER or PURCHASER’s subcontractors, breakage or accident to equipment or machinery, wars, police actions, terrorism, embargos, and any other causes that are not reasonably within the control of the SELLER. If the delay is the result of PURCHASER’s action or inaction, then in addition to an adjustment in time, SELLER shall be entitled to reimbursement of costs incurred to maintain its schedule. 21. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. It is expressly understood that SELLER is an independent contractor, and that neither SELLER nor its principals, partners, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees or subcontractors are servants, agents, partners, joint ventures or employees of PURCHASER in any way whatsoever. 22. SEVERABILITY. Should any portion of this Agreement, be held to be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law then the validity of the remaining portions thereof shall not be affected by such invalidity or unenforceability and shall remain in full force and effect. Furthermore, any invalid or unenforceable provision shall be modified accordingly within the confines of applicable law, giving maximum permissible effect to the parties’ intentions expressed herein. 23. CHOICE OF LAW, CHOICE OF VENUE. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah, without regard to its rules regarding conflicts or choice of law. The parties submit to the jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts located in Salt Lake City, Utah. 24. ASSIGNMENT. PURCHASER shall not assign or transfer this Agreement without the prior written consent of the SELLER. Any attempt to make such an assignment or transfer shall be null and void. SELLER shall have the authority to assign, or otherwise transfer, its rights and obligations in connection with this Agreement, in whole or in part, upon prior written notice to PURCHASER. 25. LIMITATION ON LIABILITY. TO THE EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY LAW, SELLER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT IN EXCESS OF THE COST OF CORRECTING ANY DEFECTS, OR IN THE ABSENCE OF ANY DEFECT, IN EXCESS OF THE VALUE OF THE PRODUCTS SOLD HEREUNDER. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY LIABILITIES OR RESPONSIBILITIES ASSUMED BY SELLER HEREUNDER, SELLER SHALL IN NO EVENT BE RESPONSIBLE TO PURCHASER OR ANY THIRD PARTY, WHETHER ARISING UNDER CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, FOR LOSS OF ANTICIPATED PROFITS, LOSS BY REASON OF PLANT SHUTDOWN, NON-OPERATION OR INCREASED EXPENSE OF OPERATION, SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS, COST OF PURCHASED OR REPLACEMENT POWER, COST OF MONEY, LOSS OF USE OF CAPITAL OR REVENUE OR ANY OTHER INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS OR DAMAGE, WHETHER ARISING FROM DEFECTS, DELAY, OR FROM ANY OTHER CAUSE WHATSOEVER. REVISION DATE – MARCH 5, 2009 Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 9 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com NORTH AMERICAN FIELD SERVICE RATE SHEET Effective January 1, 2013 Standard (Travel) Daily Rate (8 hour day) $ 1,200.00 Hourly Rate (4 hour minimum) $ 150.00 Standard (Labor) Daily Rate (8 hour day) $ 1,200.00 Hourly Rate (4 hour minimum) $ 150.00 Saturday Daily Rate (8 hour day) $ 1,800.00 Hourly Rate (4 hour minimum) $ 225.00 Sundays/Holidays * Daily Rate (8 hour day) $ 2,400.00 Hourly Rate (4 hour minimum) $ 300.00 Overtime ** Hourly Rate - Standard Day $ 225.00 Hourly Rate - Weekends & Holidays $ 300.00 * Except Christmas Day and New Years Day ** For all hours worked over eight (8) hours per day UNLESS OTHERWISE ARRANGED; EXPENSES ARE CHARGED AT ACTUAL COST PLUS 10% Please Note: • All of the rates provided are portal to portal. In addition, travel and living expenses will be invoiced at actual cost PLUS 10 % and documentation will be provided for these expenses. If a fixed Per Diem rate is required, it will be charged at $250.00 per day (lodging and meals) with the exception of the East Coast where the price will be $300.00). Travel on Saturday, Sunday or Holidays, and after 8 hours per day will be billed at the overtime rate. • Use of Ovivo Fleet vehicles for travel will be charged at the rate of $0.565 per mile. July 8, 2014 WSB & Associates Tom Roushar 701 Xenia Ave. S Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Attn: Tom Roushar Re: Waste Water Treatment Facility Secondary Digester Cover and Primary Digester Mixer Repairs Monticello, MN Dear Tom, Per your request, I have determined pricing to clean, inspect, and repair the digester cover and to remove and replace the mixer. We currently have a hole in our schedule this summer that this work would fill nicely. If we can get started right away we will discount our labor from $85.00/hr to $75.00/hr. The Standard contractor fees will apply to all work that is completed. This work has too many unknowns to provide a firm price, so I have determined budget pricing and we will bill this out as time and material. These budget numbers are our best estimates of the cost of the work, actual costs may vary. Digester Cover Cleaning the attic of the cover This is the breakdown of the expected costs to clean out the attic space in the cover of the secondary digester. The City will supply the vac truck and pump truck at no cost and MBI will work with the city crew to use the vac truck and pump truck from the WWTF. Our crew will suck the sludge out of the secondary digester cover and into your vac truck. From there it will go into the pump truck and be pumped to the primary digester. At this time we will also suck the remaining sludge from the bottom of the tank so it is ready for scaffolding. The following is a budget; the final price will be determined by the actual cost of the work based on these rates. Labor $85.00/ hr $75.00/ Man Hour - Budget $9,000.00 to $18,000.00 Possible Equipment Rents Pressure Washer $35.00/Hr Other Rental and Small Tools as Needed. Cleaning the Attic Budget: $9,000.00 to $18,000.00 Scaffolding This is the breakdown of the work and materials to pick up the scaffold, bring it to the site, lower everything into the tank with a crane, and set it up. Once inspection and repairs are complete this estimate covers removing the scaffold, pulling it out of the tank, and returning it. The following is a budget; the final price will be determined by the actual cost of the work based on these rates. Labor $85.00/ hr $75.00/ Man Hour - Budget $8,000.00 to $14,000.00 Equipment Rents Systems Scaffold (28 days) - Budget $3,000.00 Truck/ Trailer (pick up & return) $60/ Hr - Budget $400.00 Subcontractor A&B Crane Service -Budget $1,680.00 Scaffolding Budget $13,080.00 to $19,080.00 Ceiling Investigation and Repair This is the breakdown of the work once the scaffolding is set up for MBI to clean test areas on the ceiling for the testing company to do ultrasonic testing. The frequency and location of these tests will need to be directed by the engineer. Once the testing is done it can be determined the extent of the damage and the work required to make the repairs. The testing company could be hired directly by the city and removed from our work. The following is a budget; the final price will be determined by the actual cost of the work based on these rates. Labor Prep for testing $85.00/ hr $75.00/ Man Hour -Budget $1,200.00 Patching ¼” plate $85.00/ hr $75.00/ Man Hour -Budget $1,200.00 Equipment Rents Welder $45.00/hr -Budget $700.00 Torch $35.00/ hr Other Small Tools as needed Materials ¼” Steel Plate $10.00/SF -Budget $1,000.00 Subcontractor Ultrasonic Testing (AET/Braun) $100.00/ hr -Budget $1,500.00 Investigation and Repair Budget $5,600.00 Mixer Repair This is the price to disconnect and remove the mixer from the first stage digester, pressure wash the shaft off using onsite water, setting it onto the wooden shipping crate, and then loading it onto the semi supplied by the pump manufacturer. When the pump arrives back at the plant we will put it back into place. Labor 24 Man hours @ $85.00/ hr $75.00/hr $1,800.00 Equipment Rents Pressure Washer $ 100.00 Small Tools $ 100.00 Subcontractor A&B Crane Service $1,680.00 Killmer Electric $ 600.00 Contractor Fee (Subcontractors) $ 114.00 Contractor Fee (Materials & Labor): $ 300.00 Mixer Repair Total: $4,694.00 Please review this and let me know how to proceed. Contact the undersigned with any questions. Sincerely, Nathan Neubauer Project Coordinator Municipal Builders, Inc. onticello PHONE 763-295-2711 FAX: 763-295-4404 505 Walnut Street I Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 August 25, 2014 Ms. Kathe Barrett Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Pt National Bank Building 332 Minnesota St., Suite E200 Saint Paul, MN. 55101-1351 Re: FY2015 Clean Water Revolving Fund IUP Placement Request for City of Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Dear Ms. Barrett: The City of Monticello has requested that its 2015 Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements project be placed on the FY2015 Clean Water Revolving Fund Project Priority List (PPL). This letter will constitute the City's request to the Public Facilities Authority (PFA) to place the project on the FY2015 Clean Water Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan (IUP). The information required to be submitted will now follow. Project Name 2015 Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements, PPL#280294 Project Description The City of Monticello's current NPDES permit for the wastewater treatment facility requires additional phosphorus reduction as soon as possible but no later than December 31, 2018. Additional permit requirements are as follows: • Submittal of a Facility Plan for the required improvements no later than March 1, 2014. • Submittal of plans and specifications for the required improvements no later than March 30, 2015. • Initiation of construction of the required improvements no later than June 1, 2017. The Facility Plan was completed and submitted by the March 1, 2014 deadline. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has reviewed the Facility Plan and issued a preliminary approval letter dated June 30, 2014. In addition to the improvements required to remove additional phosphorus, the Facility Plan also addressed replacement of the aeration diffuser membranes. The manufacturer (Sanitaire) recommended that they be replaced because they have been in service since 1997. The Facility Plan project cost estimate was $1,150,000. However, construction costs have risen dramatically in 2014 since the Facility Plan was submitted and are expected to remain high in 2015. As will be discussed below, the City has filed a Point Source Implementation www.ci.monticello.mn.us Grant (PSIG) application. For the PSIG application, the project cost estimate was increased to $1,712,000. In late June of the year, it was discovered that the existing primary and secondary anaerobic digester covers are in poor condition and in need of replacement. Also, the City would like to convert the existing 650,000 gallon sludge storage tank into a secondary digester by replacing the existing floating cover with a fixed cover and adding heating equipment. Conversion of the sludge storage tank into a digester will be beneficial to treat the additional sludge that will be produced by the phosphorus reduction improvements. The Facility Plan will be amended to add the digester work to the scope of the 2015 Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements. The estimated project cost for the digester work is $1,850,000. Project Cost Estimate & Requested Loan Amount The total project cost estimate with the digester work included is $3,562,000. The City has requested a PSIG in the amount of $580,000—see attached Form 3 from the PSIG application. The City intends to fund the 2015 Wastewater Treatment Facility improvements with a PFA loan and the PSIG. No additional funding is planned. Therefore, the PFA loan amount requested is $2,982,000 ($3,562,000 – 580,000). Project Schedule The schedule for the 2015 Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements project is as follows: Amend Facility Plan to Include Digester Covers: November 30, 2014 Complete Plans and Specifications: December 31, 2014 Submit Plans and Specifications to the MPCA: January 2, 2015 Advertise for Bids: April, 2015 Bid Opening: Mid-May, 2015 Construction Start: June, 2015 Construction End: May, 2016 Please accept this letter as the City of Monticello's request for placement of its 2015 Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements project on the FY2015 Clean Water Revolving Fund IUP. If you need any additional information or have questions, please contact me at 763/295-2711 or joneill@ci.monticello.ran.us. Sincerely, Jeff O'Neill City Administrator CityCouncilAgenda:9/22/14 1 5H.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-091acceptingbidsandawarding contractforaerationblowerinstallationandancillaryequipmentforPhase1ofthe WasteWaterTreatmentFacilityBiosolidsImprovements,CityProjectNo.12C003 (WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderawardingthecontractfortheAerationBlower Installation,CityProjectNo.12C003.Bidsfortheprojectwerereceivedandopenedon September9,2014.TheCityreceivedthreebids,withMagneyConstruction,Inc. submittingthelowbidforthisprojectintheamountof$297,400.Theengineer’s estimatewas$350,000. Asummaryofthebidresultsareasfollows: MagneyConstruction,Inc$297,400 RiceLakeConstructionGroup$301,875 MunicipalBuilders,Inc$322,000 Engineer’sEstimate$350,000 Asummaryofthebidsreceivedisattached. Theoverallscopeoftheaerationblowerinstallationandancillaryequipmentincludesthe following: Installationofahighspeedturboblower Installationofvariablefrequencydrives(VFDs)ontwoexisting250hpblower Installationofairflowmetersandreplacementdissolvedoxygen(DO)sensors Airpiping,valves,fittings,andappurtenances Siteworkincludingopeningandhatchwayimprovements Electricalinstallation Instrumentationandcontrolsystemmodificationsthatwillcommunicatewiththe existingsupervisorycontrolanddataacquisition(SCADA)system Theproposedaerationblowerimprovementisalsoapreliminarystageofthephosphorus reductionmandatedbythere-issuedNPDESpermitfortheWastewaterTreatment Facility. Thewastewatertreatmentfacility(WWTF)currentlyincludesthree250horsepower(hp) blowers.Theblowersarelargerthannecessarytooperatethefacility.Tosaveenergy, onenewvariablefrequencydrive(VFD)175hpblowerhasbeenpurchasedandwillbe installed.Thenewblowerwillcarrytheaerationloadapproximately95%ofthetime.A VFDwillbeinstalledontwooftheexisting250hpblowersforthe5%ofthetimethat thenewsmallerblowercannotprovideadequateaircapacityandtoprovideredundancy. CityCouncilAgenda:9/22/14 2 Theother250hpblowerwillbeleftinplaceforemergencyback-up.Thenewblower willbemuchmoreenergyefficientandiseligibleforanXcelEnergyrebate—theamount ofwhichisyettobedetermined. InadditiontothenewblowerandVFDsfortwooftheexistingblowers,theaeration blowerinstallationwillalsoincludethefollowingnewinstruments: o Airheaderdifferentialpressuretransmitter o DissolvedoxygenprobesineachofthethreeSBRbasins o Airflowmeters Thisadditionalinstrumentationwillallowthespeedofthenewblowertobecontrolled byacomputerprogram.Byslowingtheblowerspeedtotheminimumtoprovidethe requiredairflow,additionalenergywillbesaved. ConstructionisanticipatedtocommenceinOctober,2014andtheblowerwillbein operationinApril,2015. A1.BudgetImpact:Thebidpricetoinstalltheaerationblowerandancillary equipmentis$297,400.00.TheCitysold$3,000,000inG.O.revenuebondsin October2014tofinancethePhase1Improvements.Thesewerrateshavebeen adjustedtoaccommodatethedebtserviceassociatedwiththisproposed improvement. TheenergyefficiencyimprovementsportionofthePhase1Improvementsproject hasbeenplacedontheXcelEnergyJointEnergyEfficiencyProgram(JEEP).The highefficiencyblowermotorandvariablefrequencydrive(VFD)specifiedmay returnarebatethatwillsubsidizetheproject.Theamountoftherebatewillbe determinedaftertheblowerisinoperation. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Constructioninspectionandadministrationofthe installationphasewillinvolveCitystaff,VeoliaandWSBengineeringstaff dependentonthespecificneeds. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2014-091acceptingbidsandawardingthecontractfor theaerationblowerinstallationandancillaryequipmenttothelowestresponsible bidder,MagneyConstructionCo.,intheamountof$297,400. 2.MotiondenyingadoptionofResolution#2014-091atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternate#1.Thebidswereverycompetitiveand cameinasexpectedforthisneededimprovement.Thecontractorhasahistoryof completingthistypeofprojectandisacceptabletothestaff. CityCouncilAgenda:9/22/14 3 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2014-091 BidSummary LetterofRecommendation CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2014-091 ACCEPTINGBIDSANDAWARDINGCONTRACTFORAERATIONBLOWER INSTALLATIONANDANCILLARYEQUIPMENTFORPHASE1OFWASTE WATERTREATMENTFACILITYBIOSOLIDSIMPROVEMENTS, CITYPROJECTNO.12C003 WHEREAS,pursuanttoanadvertisementforbidsfortheaerationblowerinstallationand ancillaryequipmentforthePhase1ImprovementsoftheWasteWaterTreatmentFacility BiosolidsImprovementsproject,bidswerereceived,opened,andtabulated,andthefollowing bidswerefoundtocomplywiththeadvertisementforbids: CONTRACTORBASEBID MagneyConstruction,Inc.$297,400.00 RiceLakeConstructionGroup$301,875.00 MunicipalBuilders,Inc.$322,000.00 Engineer’sEstimate$350,000.00 WHEREAS,thebidofMagneyConstruction,Inc.,intheamountof$297,400.00forthebasebid foraerationblowerinstallationandancillaryequipment,inaccordancewiththeapprovedplans andspecificationsandadvertisementforbids,shallbeandherebyisacceptedasthelowest responsiblebidder;and NOWTHEREFORE,BEITHEREBYRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHE CITYOFMONTICELLO: 1.TheMayorandCityAdministratorareherebyauthorizedanddirectedtoenterintoa contractwithsaidbidderfortheinstallationofsaidequipmentandappurtenantworkfor andonbehalfoftheCityofMonticello. 2.TheCityAdministratorisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtoreturnforthwithtoall biddersthedepositsmadewiththeirbids,exceptthatthedepositofthesuccessfulbidder andthenextlowestbiddershallberetaineduntilacontracthasbeenexecuted. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis22nddayofSeptember,2014. CITYOFMONTICELLO _____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator engineering planning environmental construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:\01494-650\Admin\Construction Admin\Aeration Blower Installation\LTR RECMMDTN-hmcc-091014.doc September 10, 2014 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Aeration Blower Installation City Project No. 12C003 City of Monticello, MN WSB Project No. 1494-65 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-referenced project on Tuesday, September 9, 2014, and were opened and read aloud. Three bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low lump sum bid amount as submitted by Magney Construction, Inc. of Chanhassen, Minnesota, in the amount of $297,400.00. The Engineer’s Estimate was $350,000.00.   We recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract in the amount of $297,400.00 to Magney Construction, Inc. based on the results of the bids received. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Thomas A. Roushar, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Mark Magney, Magney Construction, Inc. Bill Hays, Magney Construction, Inc. srb PR O J E C T : Ae r a t i o n B l o w e r I n s t a l l a t i o n Ci t y P r o jec t N o . 1 2 C 0 0 3 OW N E R : C i t y o f M o n t i c e l l o , M N WS B P R O J E C T N O (S).: 1 4 9 4 - 6 5 Bi d s O p e n e d : T u e s d a y, S e p t e m b e r 9 , 2 0 1 4 , a t 2 : 0 0 p . m . N/A X X X N/A X X X $3 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 9 7 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 0 1 , 8 7 5 . 0 0 $ 3 2 2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 DE N O T E S C O R R E C T E D F I G U R E Ma g n e y Co n s t r u c t i o n , I n c . Th o m a s A . R o u s h a r , P E , P r o j e c t M a n a g e r BI D T A B U L A T I O N I h e r e b y c e r t i f y t h a t t h i s i s a t r u e a n d c o r r e c t t a b u l a t i o n o f t h e b i d s a s r e c e i v e d o n S e p t e m b e r 9 , 2 0 1 4 . En g i n e e r ' s E s t i m a t e Ri c e L a k e Co n s t r u c t i o n G r o u p Municipal Builders, Inc. Bi d S e c u r i t y ( 5 % ) Ae r a t i o n B l o w e r I n s t a l l a t i o n L u m p S u m B i d A m o u n t Ad d e n d u m N o . 1 R e c e i v e d K: \ 0 1 4 9 4 - 6 5 0 \ A d m i n \ C o n s t r u c t i o n A d m i n \ A e r a t i on B l o w e r I n s t a l l a t i o n \ 1 4 9 4 - 6 5 B i d T a b - 0 9 0 9 1 4 CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 1 5I.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymenttotheCoalitionofUtilityCitiesforcityshare ofCUCmembershipdues (WO/JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoconsidergrantingformalapprovalofpaymentof2015 membershipduesrelatingtoparticipationintheCoalitionofUtilityCitiesorganization. Asyouknow,theCoalitionofUtilityCitiesiscomprisedofcommunitiesthathost nuclearandcoalgenerationfacilities.Foryears,thehostcommunitiesinthis organizationhavepooledtheirresourcesinsupportofmaintainingacoordinatedand unifiedvoiceattheStateLegislatureonissuesofcommonconcern.Thesubjectmatter mostcommonlyaddressedbytheorganization,thathaveadirectimpactonhost communitiespertaintopropertyvaluationandtaxationalongwithenvironmentaland regulatorytopics.Formoredetailregardingrecentactivitiesseetheattached. InvestmentinCUCisakintohavinggoodinsuranceprogram.Inthefaceofeffortsof otherstoerodehostcommunitytaxbase,itcanbeshownthatovertheyears,the investmentinCUCandassociatedlegislativeefforts,hasresultedinpreservationora reductioninthediminishmentoftaxrevenueforhostcommunities.ThustheCUC investmentservestopayforitself. Amongotheritemsnotedintheworkplantfor2015,ofsignificantinteresttothe CoalitionincludesparticipationandmonitoringofaMinnesotaDepartmentofRevenue studyofenergyproducingfacilitiesinthestateandhowtheyhostcommunities.Alaw passedin2014requiresthisstudythatwillfocusonhowenergyproducingfacilitiesare andwillexaminetherelatedcostsandbenefitsfortheirhostcommunities. ThebulkofthefundinggoestowardpayingfortheservicesofFlahertyHoodwhich servesastheorganization’slegislativeconsultant. A1.BudgetImpact:Thisexpenditurewasincludedinthebudgetfor2014.Hostcity duesareestablishedbasedonthetaxcapacityvalueofthefacilitylocatedinthe hostcity. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Participationinatleastthreeregularmeetingsperyear. Additionalimpromptumeetingsarescheduledasneeded. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovepaymenttotheCoalitionofUtilityCitiesintheamountof $19,878forCUCmembershipduesfor7/1/2014-6/30/2015. 2.Motionofother. CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 2 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Copyof2014CUCannualmeetingagenda Copyof2015CUCbudget I - ILI TY L1 I lES Becker • Cohasset • Granite Falls • Hoyt Lakes • Monticello • Oak Park Heights • Red Wing ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA Coalition of Utility Cities July 17, 2014 10:00a.m.-1:00p.m. Offices of Flaherty & Hood, P.A. 525 Park Street, Suite 470 St. Paul, MN 55103 AGENDA 1. Welcome and Introduction (Jeff O'Neill) 2. Treasurer's Report (Marshall Hallock) 3. Review of 2014 Session Activities and Results (Amanda Duerr) 4. Adoption of 2014- 2015 Policy Positions, Work Plan and Budget (All) 5. Adoption of 2014- 2015 Member Assessments (All) 6. Election of Officers for 2014- 2015 (All) 7. Authorization of President to Execute 2014- 2015 Contract with Flaherty & Hood, P.A. (All) 8. Update on Plant Activities in Communities (Members) 9. Other Business 10. Adjourn Becker ( Cohasset • Granite Falls • Hoyt Lakes • Monticello Oak Park Heights • Red Wing CUC Proposed 2014-2015 Work Plan and Budget Considerations which will impact budget expenditures • CUC's participation in the Department of Revenue's Electric Production Systems Study, and the recommendations that result. o Stakeholder involvement throughout process? o Will study's recommendations provide CUC the opportunity to advance changes to tax rates or the pollution control exemption? o Will study's conclusions result in CUC playing defense to utility efforts? • 2014 Election Results: who controls Governor's office and House of Representatives • The 2015 Legislative Session is the longer, budget session of the biennium. Research Activities $10,000-$15,000 Perform research that will support understanding of utility impacts on property taxes and which will support CUC legislative program: • Provide summary of EPA proposed rule for existing power. plants. • Update research on utility property tax trends. • Update research regarding comparative electricity pricing, city data, relative tax burdens of Minnesota versus other states, alternative tax programs, and other key issues to support legislative agenda. • As needed, research of legislative and agency initiatives or actions. Monitoring Activities $20,000 - $40,000 Monitor key activities of legislature, agencies, task forces, and courts that may have impact on CUC interests. • Monitor state and federal regulatory changes (PUC, EPA & MPCA) that may impact construction and costs at CUC city plants. • Monitor processes and recommendations of DOR's Study of Electric Production Systems. • Monitor PUC proceedings with respect to CUC interests (particularly the Xcel IRP, decommissioning, storage, and rate issues involving property taxes). • Monitor bill introductions and committee hearings for legislation and amendments that may implicate CUC interests. • Monitor conference committees of bills affecting CUC interests. Prepared by Flaherty & Hood, P.A. for the Coalition of Utility Cities — 7/11/2014 Advocacy Activities $45,000 - $70,000 Advocate CUC's interests at legislature, Department of Revenue and Governor's office. • Draft legislation, secure authors and introduce bills. • Prepare handouts and supporting material. • Prepare correspondence to agencies and legislators. • Meet with CUC member legislators and work to solidify support for legislation. Continue communication throughout legislative session. • Meet with tax chairs and tax committee members to discuss utility legislation. Follow-up visits may be necessary depending on scope of legislative initiative and whether playing defense. • Meet with chairs and members of other committees who may handle legislation related to CUC interests. • Meet with Department of Revenue to discuss legislative efforts of the agency and CUC. • Meet with environmental groups to ensure no opposition to efforts. • Meet with utility groups to discuss legislative proposals. • Secure hearings as needed for legislation. • Identify testifiers and prepare talking points. Communication and Member Services Communicate with members regarding activities meetings and other member activities. • Provide analyses of 2014 election results. • Draft and circulate On-the-Wire newslett • Draft regular updates for board on results • Visit with city councils (as requested). • Arrange pre-session and annual meetings. on as-needed basis. • Prepare Final Report for members. $10,000 - $15,000 described above. Arrange and conduct Arrange other meetings and teleconferences er. of monitoring and advocacy work. Total Range: $85,000 - $140,000 Prepared by Flaherty & Hood, P.A. for the Coalition of Utility Cities — 7/11/2014 Coalition of Utility Cities Treasurer's Report for Fiscal Year 2013 - 2014 (7/1/2013 -06/30/2014) Cash Balance Beginning Cash Balance 07/01/2013 $ 171,187.64 Dues Collected (Detailed below) 95,001.00 FY 2013 - 2014 Invoices Paid (78,876.31) FY 2012 - 2013 Invoice Paid (June 2013 Services, Paid in July of 2013) (210.46) Ending Cash Balance $ 187,101.87 Restricted Cash Ending Unassigned Cash $ 187,101.87 Estimated Liability June Services - Flaherty and Hood (2,718.47) Budget Information Approved Budget (Not to Exceed) $ 145,000.00 Expenses (Including Any Estimated Liability) (81,594.78) Budget Remaining 63,405.22 Dues Information Assessed Balance Due Becker $ 23,948 $ Cohasset $ 15,080 $ Granite Falls $ 1,439 $ Hoyt Lakes $ 2,438 $ Monticello $ 19,878 $ Oak Park Heights $ 10,109 $ Red Wing $ 22,109 $ $ 95,001.00 $ Respectfully Submitted, Marshall Hallock, CPA, Secretary - Treasurer A - The FY 2013 - 2014 Budget was approved with a range of $97,000 to $145,000. The amount expended was $81,594.78 over this period. A Prepared 7/7/2014 Coalition of Utility Cities - Dues Based on Actual Pay 2014 0.005402672% CUC Members Elec. Gen. Est. Mkt Value for Pay 14 Base Fee of Generating Mach MV Dues Becker $ 391,415,600 $1,250 $21,147 $22,397 Cohasset $ 271,260,600 $1,250 $14,655 $15,905 Granite Falls $ 4,506,400 $1,250 $243 $1,493 Hoyt Lakes $ 21,847,300 $1,250 $1,180 Monticello $ 337,349,300 $1,250 $18,226 $19,476 Oak Park Heights $ 170,179,500 $1,250 $9,194 $10,444 Red Wing $ 399,873,500 $1,250 $21,604 $22,854 Approved Assessment $1,596,432,200 $8,750 $86,250 $95,000 Total dues of $95,000 each city's assessment is based on: *A 1,250 base fee (currently there are 7 members for a total base fee of $8,750) * The remaining amount of the assessment comes from a percentage of the city's electric generation machinery market value in for Pay 2014 * The remaining amount is calculated by subtracting the total base fee from the total dues ($95,000 minus $8,750=$86,250) and creating a uniform percentage of market value so that the percentage times the market values in each city equals a sum total of $91,250 (the portion of dues not covered in the base fee). CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 1 5J.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofcityresourcesfor acarwashonSunday,October5thtobenefittheMonticelloFoodshelf.Applicant: MonticelloMonarchs4-HClub/Holker,Andrea (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovalofaspecialeventpermitforalocalevent benefittingtheMonticelloFoodshelf.Therequesthasseveralassociatedconsiderations: a)ApprovalforuseofCityDepartmentofMotorVehiclesparkinglot b)ApprovalforuseofCitywaterfromDMVoutsideservice c)Waiverofpermitfee ThiscommunityeventisproposedtooccurSunday,October5th,2014,andisbeing hostedbytheMonticelloMonarchs4-HClub.Allproceedsoftheeventwillbedonated totheMonticelloFoodshelf. Asitemapillustratingtheproposedareaofuseisincluded,asisanarrativedescribing theevent.InadditiontothecarwashbenefittingtheFoodshelf,theeventwillsupport awarenessoftheMonarch’scommunityserviceprojects,includingtheFoodShelf Garden,whichisplantedandmaintainedbytheMonarchseachyearandisadjacentto theHelpCenterandDMV. NoCitystaffresourcesarerequestedforthisevent. A1.BudgetImpact:Thepermitapplicationwaiveroffeeimpactis$50.00. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:None,otherthandraftingofthisreport. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveaSpecialEventPermitfortheMonticelloMonarchs4-HClub allowingtemporaryuseofcityparkinglotonBlock34,waterusage,andwaiver ofpermitfeeforabenefitcarwashonSunday,October5th,2014;contingenton: a.ContinuedsiteplancoordinationwithCitystaff b.ProvideaCertificateofInsurancefortheevent,includinggeneralliability, withtheCitynamedasasecondinsured. 2.MotiontodenySpecialEventPermitforMonticelloMonarchs4-HClubbenefit carwashatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffsupportsAlternative#1above. CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 2 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Application&Narrative Mapimageshowingproposedareaofuse CITY OF CITY OF MONTICELLO Community Development ----- 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2711. info(&,ci.monticello.mn.us Special Event Permit Application Checklist _ Property Address 3 DC k e -t Property Legal Description Property ID Number Owner Name a , on -6 ce HO Owner Address Owner Phone Owner Email , , . Applicant Name Ptrtaatc, 1.41,\\ct-e- Vh or*(c. AVD Apnafangs Applicant Address SIP Lop CS- 151 NIL teNoAfjollo tv∎N SS362. Applicant Phone 61:2-' 2.AC 61C3. , Applicant Email Ancl oiardun e. i-dc .nti . I Name of Event -1 4 Yrovbiorts-ra bat) Gft. \plash Location/Address of Event Dates & Times of Event i D.:..2- OA` , IN A written narrative including: 1. A description of the proposed special event, how it will function on the property, hours and dates of operation, and any other information necessary to fully describe the request; and 2. An explanation of how the proposed special event will meet each of the review criteria specified by code (on reverse), as well as any additional criteria that may apply for the specific use. A site plan showing all information necessary to accurately depict how the proposed use will function on the site. Information required on the site plan shall include but not be limited to: 1. The location of all existing and proposed structures; 2. Driveways and parking areas; 3. Proposed storage spaces; 4. Natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, shorelines, etc; 5. Proposed number of parking spaces (if applicable). If deemed necessary by the Community Development Department, a survey may be required to be submitted with the application in addition to a site plan. Electronic copies of all written narratives and plan sets required above. Application fee of $50.00. 09/15/11 1 (Date) (Signature) Base 12°11-1 APplitareotatement ; This application shall be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding the application. I have completed all of the applicable filing requirements and I hereby acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the applicable provisions of the City Ordinances and current policies related to this application and that the documents and information I have submitted are true and correct. Property- Owier's Statement I am the fee title owner of the described property and I agree to this application. I certify that I am in compliance with all ordinance requirements and conditions regarding other City approval that have been previously granted. (Signature) (Date) Base Plan Set Requirements Ten (10) Reduced Plan sets — 11" x 17" Complete Application Required The review and consideration of an application submitted shall only occur if such application includes all items that are required in support of the application and is deemed complete by the Community Development Department. Application Submission Schedule Application, required information, and payment must be submitted no later than 14 working days prior to desired approval date. CITY APPROVAL (Zoning Administrator Signature) (Date) (Community Development Director Signature) (Date) Special Event Permit Approved Denied ■ III Approval is granted with the following conditions: hlterrral diflaCtsfOi applicable): 09/15/11 2 Public Works Routing Admin Streets Director Law Enforcement Notification Liability Insurance Certificate Surrounding Property Owner Notification Complete Special Event Review Process • The Community Development Department will review all Temporary Use Permit applications. • Applications determined to conform with the approval criteria outlined in Monticello Zoning Code Section 2.4(L)(4)(a) and listed below shall be approved by the Community Development Department with any conditions deemed necessary. A copy of the approved permit shall be provided to the applicant which includes all conditions and comments. • Applications not conforming with the approval criteria outlined in Section 2.4(L)(4)(a) shall be denied by the Community Development Department. • A notice of denial shall be provided to the applicant which includes all identified reasons for denial. Special Event Temporary Use Permit Approval Criteria Approval of a Temporary Use Permit shall only be granted once the Community Development Department has determined the use shall: • Not be detrimental to property or improvements in the surrounding area or to the public health, safety, or general welfare; • Be compatible with the principal uses taking place on the site; • Not have substantial adverse effects or noise impacts on nearby residential neighborhoods; • Not include permanent alterations to the site; • Not maintain temporary signs associated with the use or structure after the activity ends; • Not violate the applicable conditions of approval that apply to a site or use on the site; • Not interfere with the normal operations of any permanent use located on the property; and • Contain sufficient land area to allow the temporary use, structure, or special event to occur, as well as adequate land to accommodate the parking and traffic movement associated with the temporary use, without disturbing environmentally sensitive lands. • Not create an unreasonable risk of significant: 1. Damage to public or private property, beyond normal wear and tear; 2. Injury to persons; 3. Public or private disturbances or nuisances; 4. Unsafe impediments or distractions to, or congestion of, vehicular or pedestrian travel; 5. Additional and impracticable or unduly burdensome police, fire, trash removal, maintenance, or other public services demands; and 6. Other adverse effects upon the public health, safety, or welfare. • The special event shall not be of such a nature, size, or duration that the particular location requested cannot reasonably accommodate the event. • The special event shall not conflict with another permitted special event at the same location in a manner that will negatively impact the public health, welfare, or safety. Special Event Temporary Use Permit Conditions of Approval • In approving the Temporary Use Permit for the special event, the Community Development Department is authorized to impose such conditions upon the issuance of the permit as may be 09/15/11 3 necessary to reduce or minimize any potential adverse impacts upon other property in the area, as long as the condition relates to a situation created or aggravated by the proposed special event. The Community Development Department is authorized, where appropriate, to require: 1. Provision of temporary parking facilities, including vehicular access and egress. 2. Control of nuisance factors, such as but not limited to, the prevention of glare or direct illumination of adjacent properties, noise, vibrations, smoke, dust, dirt, odors, gases, and heat. 3. Regulation of temporary buildings, structures and facilities, including placement, height and size, location of equipment and open spaces, including buffer areas and other yards. 4. Provision of sanitary and medical facilities. 5. Provision of solid waste collection and disposal. 6. Provision of security and safety measures. 7. Use of an alternative location or date for the proposed special event. 8. Modification or elimination of certain proposed activities. 9. Regulation of operating hours and days, including limitation of the duration of the special event to a shorter time period than that requested or specified in this subsection. 10. Submission of a performance guarantee to ensure that any temporary facilities or structures used for such proposed special event will be removed from the site within a reasonable time following the event and that the property will be restored to its former condition. Duration of Permit A temporary use permit for a special event authorized in accordance with this subsection shall be limited to a maximum duration of 14 days per site per calendar year, unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Community Development Department. 09/15/11 4 Monticello Monarchs 4-H promotion Day The Monticello Monarchs would like to host a food drive and donation day in the parking lot of the DMV. All proceeds would go towards the Monticello Help Center. We have chosen to host this event on Sunday the 5th of October, 2014 to coincide with 4-H promotion week and also to tie in with the help centers volunteer day a couple days before. October 5-11. We hope to raise community awareness of the 4-H group as well as promote projects The Monticello Monarchs are involved with. We will have tours of the Monticello Help Center Food Garden as well as a car wash in the DMV parking lot. We are asking for a food donation or a monetary donation to go towards the food shelf. There is water supply on that side of the building to support the car wash. The dmv parking lot will serve enough space for the cars. The garden will host those who are interested in learning about 4 h while their car is being washed. Maybe a lemonade stand to provide refreshments. All is weather dependant. We will advertise by flyers and work of mouth to raise community awareness of the date. Thank you, Andrea Holker City Council Agenda: 09/22/14 5K. Consideration of authorizing payment of subscription-based fees relating to FiberNet system management, billing, and technical support under the contract with FiberConnect (JO/WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider making a payment of $171,064.25 to FiberConnect, which represents the sum of the contracted monthly fees for FiberNet management from September 1, 2012 through February 21, 2014. The amount presented is a calculated amount based on the number of subscribers served as well as expected expense that staff has included in financial reports and projections for FiberNet. It should be noted that under our current technical and managerial framework, there are no longer any subscription fee obligations. Al. Budget Impact: The amount was previously identified as an expense to be paid. A2. Staff Workload Impact: NA B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize payment of $171,064.25 to FiberConnect for subscription- based fees relating to FiberNet system management, billing, and technical support. 2. Motion to deny authorizing payment at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: FNM Subscription spreadsheet $ 4.50 $ 4.50 $ 1.25 $ 1.00 $ 2.00 $ 3.00 SUBS INA BILLING BILLING SUPPORT 1 2 3 JAN 1654 $ - $ 7,443.00 X X X X X $ 7,443.00 PARALLEL BILLING FEB 1642 $ $ 7,389.00 X X X X X $ 7,389.00 PARALLEL BILLING MAR 1640 62 $ 279.00 $ 7,380.00 $ 2,050.00 $ 3,437.00 572 645 525 $ 13,146.00 APR 1637 66 $ 297.00 $ 7,366.50 $ 2,046.25 $ 3,435.00 572 644 525 $ 13,144.75 MAY 1635 60 $ 270.00 $ 7,357.50 $ 2,043.75 $ 3,432.00 571 643 525 $ 13,10325 JUN 1639 54 $ 243.00 $ 7,375.50 $ 2,048.75 $ 3,442.00 571 645 52 $ 13,109.25 JUL 1635 52 $ 234.00 $ 7,357.50 $ 2,043J5 $ 3,434.00 570 643 526 $ 13,069.25 AUG 1637 45 $ 202.50 $ 7,366.50 $ 2,046.25 $ 3,437.00 571 644 526 6 $ 13,052.25 SEP 1634 43 $ 193.50 $ 7,353.00 $ 2,042.50 $ 3,431.00 571 641 526 $ 13,020.00 OCT 1630 40 $ 180.00 $ 7,335.00 $ 2,037.50 $ 3,424,00 569 640 525 $ 12,976.50 NOV 1625 42 $ 189.00 $7,312.50 $ 2,031.25 $ 3,413.00 568 638 523 $ 12,945.75 DEC 1620 38 $ 171.00 $ 7,290.00 $ 2,025.00 $ 3,405.00 565 637 522 $ 12,891.00 JAN 1621 40 $ 180.00 $ 7,294.50 $ 2,026.25 $ 3,407.00 565 638 522 $ 12,907.75 FEB 1618 36 $ 162.00 $ 7,281.00 $ 2,022.50 $ 3,401.00 564 637 521 $ 12,866.50 $ 171,0E4.25 CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 1 7A.PublicHearing-ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-093fortheissuanceof revenuebondsbytheCityofSt.CloudonbehalfofCentraCareHealthSystem (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheSt.Benedict’sSeniorCommunity,hereinMonticelloandoperatedbyCentraCare HealthSystem,aMinnesotanonprofit,wasoriginallyfinancedaspartofarevenuebond issuedbytheCityofSt.Cloud.Asanonprofittheycanissuedebtusingtheexempt statusofgovernmententitiesinwhichtheyhavefacilitieslocated.SinceCentraCare HealthSystemhaslocationinSt.CloudandMonticello,theyissueddebtusingSt. Cloud’staxexemptstatus. CentraCareHealthSystemisnowtryingtorefinancetheirdebtagainusingtheCityofSt. Cloudasthedebtissuer.SincepartofthebondsfinancedSt.Benedict’sSenior CommunityinMonticello,theCityofMonticelloisrequiredtoholdapublichearingand approvethesaleofdebtaccordingtostatestatute.Therefore,theattachedresolutionis fortheCity’sapprovaloftheissuanceofbondsbytheCityofSt.Cloud,onbehalfof CentraCareHealthSystem. ThisactionhasnoaffectontheCityofMonticellonorcommitstheCitytoanyfuture debtobligationsorexpenses. A1.BudgetImpact:ThisactionhasnofinancialimpactontheCity. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thisactionhasnostaffimpactnoworinthefuture. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2014-093approvingtheissuanceofbondsbythe CityofSt.CloudonbehalfofCentraCareHealthSystem. 2.Motiontodenytheresolutionforissuanceofbonds. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2014-093 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2014-093 APPROVINGTHEISSUANCEOFREVENUEBONDSBY THECITYOFST.CLOUDONBEHALFOF CENTRACAREHEALTHSYSTEM BEITRESOLVEDbytheCityCounciloftheCityofMonticello,Minnesota(the “City”),asfollows: SECTION1 RecitalsandFindings 1.1.CentraCareHealthSystem,aMinnesotanonprofitcorporation(the “System”),hasadvisedthisCouncilofitsdesiretorefinancetheacquisition,constructionand equippingofSt.Benedict’sSeniorCommunity–Monticello,locatedat1301and1305Seventh StreetintheCity(the“Facilities”)withtheproceedsofrevenuebonds(the“Bonds”)issuedby theCityofSt.Cloud(the“Issuer”)undertheauthorityofMinnesotaStatutes,Sections469.152 through469.165andChapter462C,asamended(the“Act”).TheBondsareproposedtobe issuedinanaggregateamountwhichisnotexpectedtoexceed$55,000,000,theproceedsof whichwillbeusedtorefinanceinparttheacquisition,construction,renovation,remodelingand equippingbytheSystemoritsaffiliatesofhealthcarefacilitieslocatedintheCitiesofSt.Cloud, MelroseandLongPrairie,Minnesota,inadditiontotheCity.Approximately$13,000,000of proceedsofthebondsproposedtoberefinancedbytheBonds(the“RefundedBonds”)were spentonthefinancingorrefinancingoftheFacilitiesintheCity. 1.2.Atapublichearingheldonthedatehereof,allpartieswhoappearedatthe hearingweregivenanopportunitytoexpresstheirviewswithrespecttotheproposaltorefund theRefundedBondsthroughtheissuanceoftheBondsundertheActbytheIssuer,and interestedpersonsweregiventheopportunitytosubmitwrittencommentstotheCity Administratorbeforethetimeofthehearing. SECTION2 Approvals 2.1.TheissuanceofBondsbytheIssuerpursuanttotheActtorefundthe RefundedBondsisherebyconsentedtoandapproved.ThetermsoftheBondsshallbeasare approvedbythegoverningbodyoftheIssuer. 2.2.TheMayorandCityAdministratorandotherofficersoftheCityare authorizedanddirectedtofurnishtotheSystem,theIssuerandtheattorneysrenderingan opinionontheissuanceoftheBondscertifiedcopiesofallproceedingsandrecordsoftheCity relatingtotheBondsandsuchotheraffidavitsandcertificatesasmayberequiredtoshowthe factsrelatingtothelegalityandmarketabilityoftheBondsassuchfactsappearfromthebooks andrecordsintheofficer’scustodyandcontrolorasotherwiseknowntothem,andallsuch certifiedcopies,certificatesandaffidavits,includinganyheretoforefurnished,shallconstitute representationsoftheCityastothetruthofallstatementscontainedtherein. ADOPTEDBY theCityCounciloftheCityofMonticelloonthis22nddayofSeptember,2014. CITYOFMONTICELLO ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CERTIFICATION STATEOFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWRIGHT IherebycertifythattheforegoingisatrueandcorrectcopyofResolution#2014-093 dulypassed,adoptedandapprovedbytheMonticelloCityCouncilattheirscheduledmeetingon September22,2014,andrecordedinminutesofsaidmeeting. ____________________________________ CatherineM.Shuman,DeputyClerk NotaryPublic:_______________________________ Date:___________________________ (STAMP) CityCouncilAgenda:9/22/14 1 7B.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-094settingthe2015preliminarytax levy (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityisrequiredtocertifyapreliminarylevytotheCountyAuditor/Treasureronor beforeSeptember30th.ThepreliminarylevywillbeusedtosendTruth-In-Taxation noticestopropertyownersinNovember.Oncethepreliminarytaxlevyissetthefinal propertytaxlevycannotexceedthepreliminarylevy,butcanbelower.Thefinal propertytaxlevymustbecertifiedtotheCountyAuditornolaterthanDecember29th. Staffhasbeentryingtodevelopa2015budgetthatwouldtakeadvantageoftheincrease intaxcapacitywhileloweringthetaxratesonallpropertyowners.Forinitialbudgeting purposes,staffusedabasetaxlevytargetof$8,535,000.Thebaselevyrepresentsa $385,000(4.7%)increaseoverthe2014finallevyandincludesGeneralFundadd-insfor police($94,000),transit($40,000),andmaintenanceforstormwater($40,000)and pathways($40,000).Withouttheadd-ins,theGeneralFundportionofthetaxlevy increasesby2.1%,whichisapproximatelytheannualizedinflationrate.Accordingly,the Councilcanjudgethevalidityandworthofeachadd-inandadjustthepreliminarylevy. Forexample,recentlawenforcementstatisticsmaysuggesttosomethatanotherfour hoursadayisn’tjustified.Therecommendedbaselevy,withtheadd-ins,isasfollows: Monticello’staxcapacitywillincreasesignificantlyin2015asresultofthe2013uprate bytheXcelnuclearpowerplant.Accordingtothecountyassessor,the2015taxcapacity willbeapproximately$23.9millionor$5.7million(31%)morethanthe2014tax capacityof$18.2.Xcelupratecontributed$5millionor88%oftheincrease.Other changesinthetaxbaseresultedinapproximately$700,000inadditionaltaxcapacity. Thechangesincludenewresidentialandcommercialconstructionandincreasesin propertyvalues.Notaxincrementdistrictsarescheduledfordecertificationin2015. TheXceluprateeffectonthecity’staxcapacityisequivalenttotheadditionofover2400 homesatavalueof$225,000each.Theadditiontotheplantdoesnotplaceany additionalservicedemandsoncity. 201220132014 2015 PropertyPropertyProperty Property %$$ FundTaxesTaxesTaxes Taxes ChangeChange GeneralFund$5,456,248$5,540,000$5,497,000$5,882,0007.0%$385,000 CommunityCenter-Debt890,000875,0001,040,0001,005,000-3.4%(35,000) CommunityCenter-Operating260,000295,000350,000358,0002.3%8,000 2005A/2011AGOIBF251,906245,000223,000330,00048.0%107,000 2007AGOIBF416,846425,000540,000420,000-22.2%(120,000) 2008AGOSewerRefunding500,000500,000500,000500,0000.0%- 2010AGOIBF50,00020,000-40,000---40,000 StreetReconstruction25,000------ Total$7,850,000$7,900,000$8,150,000$8,535,000 4.7%$385,000 CityCouncilAgenda:9/22/14 2 Inastablelevyenvironment,thereisaninverserelationshipbetweenvaluesandrates. Thefollowingchartdemonstratestherelationshipbetweentaxcapacityvaluesandrates withtherecommendedpreliminarylevyfor2015: Accordingly,therecommendedlevywouldlowerthecurrenttaxcapacityrateof44.7% to35.7%,a20%decline.Thefollowingscheduledisplaystheimpactontaxcapacity ratesatdifferenttaxinglevels: TaxPropertyTaxAddtoLevyTaxTaxRate CapacityLevyLevyChg%RateChg% 23,887,018$8,150,000$34.119-24% 8,350,000$200,000$2.5%34.956-22% 8,550,000$400,000$4.9%35.794-20% 8,750,000$600,000$7.4%36.631-18% 8,950,000$800,000$9.8%37.468-16% 9,150,000$1,000,000$12.3%38.305-14% 9,350,000$1,200,000$14.7%39.143-12% 9,550,000$1,400,000$17.2%39.980-11% 9,750,000$1,600,000$19.6%40.817-9% 9,950,000$1,800,000$22.1%41.654-7% 10,150,000$2,000,000$24.5%42.492-5% 10,350,000$2,200,000$27.0%43.329-3% 10,550,000$2,400,000$29.4%44.166-1% 10,750,000$2,600,000$31.9%45.0041% CurrentTaxCapacityRate44.709 CityCouncilAgenda:9/22/14 3 Theestimatedimpactonresidentialandcommercialpropertiesforvariousleviesand propertyvaluesisasfollows: Attheworkshoppriortotheregularmeeting,theCouncilwillbepresentedwithalistof itemsforadditionallevyconsideration. SinceMonticellohasalargercommercialtaxbase,whichincludesanuclearpowerplant, thecityreceivesnoLGA.CitiesreceivingLGAoftenshowlowerpercapitapropertytax levels. Anychangestotherecommendedlevywillbeincorporatedintoanewresolutionand senttotheCountyforcertification. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2014-094settingthe2015preliminarypropertytax levyat$8,535,000. 2.Motiontoadopta2015preliminarytaxlevyof$______________asan alternativeamount. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1fora2015preliminarylevyof $8,535,000. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2014-094 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2014-094 ESTABLISHINGTHE2015PRELIMINARYTAXLEVY WHEREAS,theFinanceDirectorhaspreparedandsubmittedtotheCityCouncilapreliminary budgetsettingforththereinhisestimatedneedsoftheCityofMonticelloforalloperationsand thedebtserviceforthefiscalyearcommencingJanuary1,2015;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilhasreviewedthesameandhasmadesuchchangesthereinas appeartobeinthebestinterestoftheCityofMonticello;and NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECOUNCILOFTHECITYOF MONTICELLO thatthepreliminarybudgetsosubmittedbytheFinanceDirector,togetherwith thechangesmadethereinbytheCityCouncil,beandsameherebyisadoptedasapreliminary budgetforthefiscalyearcommencingJanuary1,2015;and BEITFURTHERRESOLVED,thattherebeandherebyisapreliminarylevyforthefiscal yearcommencingJanuary1,2015,andthefollowingsumsfortherespectivepurposesindicated thereinuponthetaxablepropertyoftheCityofMonticello,towit: PRELIMINARY LEVY REVENUE General$5,882,000 CommunityCenter$1,363,000 TotalLevy-Revenue $7,245,000 OTHERFUNDS DebtService$1,290,000 Other TotalLevy-Other $1,290,000 TOTALTAXLEVY $8,535,000 MOTIONINTRODUCEDBY:CouncilMember MOTIONSECONDEDBY:CouncilMember VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis22nddayofSeptember,2014. CITYOFMONTICELLO ______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CERTIFICATION STATEOFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWRIGHT IherebycertifythattheforegoingisatrueandcorrectcopyofResolution#2014-094 dulypassed,adoptedandapprovedbytheMonticelloCityCouncilattheirregularscheduled meetingonSeptember22,2014,andrecordedinminutesofsaidmeeting. ____________________________________ CatherineM.Shuman,DeputyClerk NotaryPublic:_______________________________ Date:___________________________ (STAMP) CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/2014 1 7C.Considerationofapprovingamulti-yearcontractwithA+TaxiofMonticellofor publictransitserviceswithinMonticello (JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoapproveamulti-yearcontractwithA+Taxiforoperationofa city-supportedtransitoperation.Theformalnameoftheoperationhasnotbeen establishedbutatthistimeiscalledTheMonticelloShuttle.Thisspecificrequestasking forapprovalofacontractwithA+Taxiispresentedsubsequenttoadditionaldiscussion withTrailblazerandTri-Caprepresentatives.Leadersfrombothorganizationsindicated thatthetimingisnotrightforprovidingservicetoMonticelloresidentsatthistime. WithregardstoTri-Cap,theExecutiveDirectorexpressedinterestinprovidingserviceat somepointinthefuturebutTri-Capdoesnothavethecapacitytoprovideserviceatthis time. WithregardstoTrailblazer,CityAdministratorPhilKernofDelanoandformerWCAT interimChairmanindicatedthattheconceptofenteringintoacontractwithMonticellois morelikelytogainsupportatsomepointinthefuture(estimated12–18months)oncethe systemhasgainedmorecapacity.Giventhecurrentshortageofbusesanddrivers,hedid notthinkthattherewouldbesupportforaddinganadditionalcontractatthistime. Inlightoftheinformationabove,staffhasbeenworkingsolelywithHoglundsin developmentofacontractsupportingpublictransitservicewiththecontracttermstarting October1,2014,thenextendingthru2015and2016.Hoglundsisaskingforatwoyear minimumcontractbecauseitwilltaketwoyearsofservicetopaybackthecostofthe bus.TheOctoberthroughDecember2014timeperiodwillbepro-ratedbasedonthe annualcontractamount. ThedraftcontractisattachedbuthasnotbeenreviewedbytheCityAttorney.Itis modeledafterasimilarcontractwithHoglundTransportationthatgovernedthe HeartlandExpressoperationin2004.Approvalofthecontractwouldneedtobe contingentonfinalreviewbytheCityAttorney. Thebasicelementsofthecontractareexpectedtobeunchangedfromprevious commitmentsprovidedbyHoglunds,whichincludesthefollowingelements: $40,000peryear 10hoursperdayfor52weeksperyear,lesscertainholidays AllfarerevenuegoestoHoglunds $2.00perride–reserved24hoursormoreinadvance $3.00perride–samedayriderequest A1.BudgetImpact:For2014,thecostwouldbe$10,000.For2015,thecostwould be$40,000,whichisincorporatedintotheproposed2015levyandbudget.The costfor2016wouldalsobe$40,000. CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/2014 2 A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Completionofcontractandmonitoringofcontract activitiesbycitystaff.Promotionoftransitserviceviaestablished communicationavenuesincludingwebsite,newsletter,Facebook,etc. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveacontractwithA+Taxiforpublictransitservicesinthe amountof$40,000annuallyfor2015and2016,and$10,000forfundingthe operationforthebalanceof2014,contingentonfinalreviewofthecontractby theCityAttorney. Councilmaywishtoconsiderholdingoffonfinalizingthenameoftheproposed transitsystem.“TheMonticelloShuttle”maybefineforaname,butwedohave alittlebitoftimetocomeupwithsomethingbetter.Ifanyonehasagoodidea forasnappyname,feelfreetosuggest. 2.MotiontodenyapprovalofapublictransitservicescontractwithA+Taxiatthis time. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Citystaffrecommendsalternative1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Proposedcontractforpublictransitservices 1 PUBLICTRANSITCONTRACTFOR CITYOFMONTICELLO ThiscontractismadebyandbetweentheCityofMonticello(hereinafterreferredtoas“City”) andA+TaxiofMonticello(hereinafterreferredtoas“Operator”).Thetransitoperationshallbe knownas_____________. WITNESSETHTHAT: WHEREAS,theCitydesirestooperateapublictransportationsystemwithinthecity, and; WHEREAS,theCitydesirestocontractforoperationofthevehiclesandrelatedservices; NOW,THEREFOREBEITRESOLVED,inconsiderationofthemutualcovenantsand agreementsashereinaftersetforth,thepartiestothiscontractmutuallyagreeasfollows: TERMSOFAGREEMENT BothpartiesagreetoacontractperiodextendingfromOctober1,2014throughDecember31, 2016,andmaybeextendedannuallywiththeagreementofbothparties.Contractamendments maybemadeatanytimewiththeagreementofbothpartiesinwriting. GOALSANDOBJECTIVES TheOperatorwillworkcooperativelywiththeCitytowardsuccessfulcompletionofgoalsand objectives.ListedbelowaregoalsandobjectivesidentifiedbytheCityofMonticello CostEfficiency Establishaserviceleveldesignedtoencourageridershipwhilemaintainingreasonableoperating coststhroughefficientuseofemployeesandan11-passengerturtletoporequivalentvehicle withawheelchairlift(ADAcompliant). ServiceEffectiveness Achievearidershipof10,000ridesperyear. TRANSPORTATIONSERVICELEVEL ServiceArea TheMonticelloShuttleisintendedtoservicethepopulationresidingwithintheCityof Monticello. 2 BusService Operatoragreestoprovideanestimated2,530hoursoftransportationserviceannually(52weeks X5daysperweekX10hoursperdaylessholidays),utilizinganoperator-ownedbus. TypeofServicetobeoperated Operatorwillprovide“dial-a-ride”transportationservice.Thesystemisopentothegeneral publicandishandicappedaccessible. DaysofOperation TheserviceoperatesMondaythroughFridayexceptforthefollowing:NewYear’sDay,5hours onNewYear’sEve,MartinLutherKingDay,President’sDay,MemorialDay,Independence Day,LaborDay,ThanksgivingDayandFridayafterThanksgiving,5hoursonChristmasEve, andChristmasDay. ContractHours TheCitywillcontractfor2,530hoursofserviceannuallyataflatrateof$40,000. HoursofOperation Hoursofoperationshallbeasfollows:7A.M.to5P.M.,whichequals10hoursperday. FARES Forallridesrequestedatleast24hournoticeinadvance,theproposedfarestructurecallsfora basefareof$2.00perone-wayride.ThisfarewillapplytoallCityofMonticelloriders, includingelderly,childrenovertheageofsix,andadults.Childrenundersixyearsofagemay ridefreewithapayingparentorguardian. Baserate–24hoursormoreadvancenotice:$2.00one-way Samedayrate:$3.00one-way A+TaxiofMonticelloshallberesponsibleforcollectingandkeepingfarerevenue.Allfare revenueshallgodirectlytoA+TaxiofMonticello. COLLECTIONS,BILLINGS,ANDREPORTS DrivershallcollectfaresunderthefareschedulesandascontractedwiththeCity,andshall accountforridershipandfaresonadailybasisasreferencedintheFarePolicyinAddendum “B.” Drivershallcompletedailyroutesheetsindicatingnumberofpassengers,numberofelderly, wheelchairpassengers(disabled),children/students,adults,freeridesforchildrenaccompanied 3 bypayingadults,andridedenials.Atanytime,Drivermaybeaskedtorecordadditional informationregardingbususage. Monthlybillsshallbeatarateof$3,333.33basedonthe$40,000annualrate.Billsshallbe submittedmonthlytotheCitynolaterthanthe5th dayfollowingtheendofthemonth. Operatorshallcompleteamonthlyreportandsubmititwiththeirbill,includingthefollowing information:listofpassengersperdayandcopiesofthedailyroutesheets(detailedinformation maybeavailableuponrequest). MARKETINGANDIMAGE Cityshallprovideprogrampublicityintheformofannouncementsonsocialmedia,digital signage,newspaper,website,andothercitycommunications.Operatoragreestocooperatewith transitsystempublicity.Thismayinclude,butisnotlimitedto,vehiclemarkings, advertisementsontheinsideand/oroutsideofthevehicles,employeebadges,anddistributing flyersatregularstopsitesandtopassengers. TheCityshallstrivetowarddevelopmentofacleanandefficienttransportationservicewhich contributestopositiveword-of-mouthadvertising.Operatorwillcooperatewiththiseffortby maintainingacleanandattractivevehicle.Serviceimagewillfocusonproviding“coach” serviceratherthanbusservice.Thisincludes“doortodoor”servicewithDriverproviding assistancetopassengers,asneeded,forsafeentryontoandexitingfromthevehicle. OFFICEANDDISPATCHINGOFRIDES Operatorshallprovidenecessaryofficespaceforroutingbusinessanddispatchingactivities. Telephoneline(s)forriderinformationandreservationsshallbemannedduringregularhoursof service.TheOperatorshallprovideavoicemailboxforafter-hoursmessagestoriders. Ridesshallbereservedunderthefollowingguidelines: 1.Schedulingridesinadvanceisencouraged.Individualswithaconsistentneedfor transportationareallowedtomake“standing”reservationsinadvance.However, individualsaskingforastandingreservationwillbeexpectedtoflexonpick-uptimein ordertomakespaceforotherriders.Thedispatcherisresponsibleforresolving schedulingconflictswithstandingreservations.Insum,thegoalistokeepstanding reservationsinplacewithoutalienatingordiscouragingotherriders. 2.Thedispatcherisresponsibleforrecordingridesthatcouldnotbeaccommodated. Denialsshouldbenotedonthedailyroutesheetandshouldnotetimeanddesired destinationofriderandreasonthatridecouldnotbeaccommodated. 3.Callsforimmediateservicearecommon.Thegoalistotakeasmanyaspossibleby workingthemintothedeviatedrouteschedule. 4 DRIVERS Operatorshallemployqualifieddriverssufficientinnumbertooperatetheserviceforthehours contracted.DriversshallbetrainedbytheOperatortoensureproperattitude,courtesy,and safetyintransportingpassengers.Driversshallbetrainedindefensivedriving,useofliftand assistingpassengerswithdisabilities,andemergencyprocedures.Driversshallbeprovided trainingasrequiredbyDOTregulations.TheOperatormustcomplywithdriverdrugtesting requirementsasdefinedbytheFederalTransitAdministration. Driversshouldbefamiliarwiththegeographicservicearea.Driversmustmaintainan appropriatelicensetodrivethevehicleinservice. AlldriversshallbescreenedbytheOperatorforaccidenthistoryanddrivingviolations.Tothe extentpossible,driversshallbescreenedforcriminalhistoryandinvestigationsofreported abuseorneglectinvolvingminorsandvulnerableadults. Driversmustmeetallfederalandstatelaws,rules,andregulationspertainingtotheoperationof apublictransitvehicleasspecified. DRIVERUNIFORMS Operatorshallprovideorrequireemployeestowearclean,seasonablyappropriateclothing. Thismayinclude,butisnotlimitedto,shirtsofastandardcoloranddark-coloredlongpants. AnypublictransitbadgesorfurtheruniformstandardsrequiredbytheCityshallbeprovidedby theCity. OTHERPERSONNEL Operatoragreestoemployotherneededsupportpersonnelincluding,butnotlimitedto, administrative,clerical,anddispatchasmaybedeemednecessarytocomplywiththis agreement.TrainingshallbeprovidedbytheOperator. OperatoragreestomeetrequirementsoftheFederalDrugandAlcoholAdministrationandthe StateofMinnesotaDepartmentofTransportationregardingdrugandalcoholtestingand reporting. EMPLOYEESOFOPERATOR NoemployeesretainedbytheOperatorshallbeconsideredemployeesoftheCity. PERSONNELEVALUATIONS Operatoragreestodiscussexpectationsandperformancefrequentlywithemployees.Inthe eventofpubliccomplaintstotheCityregardingOperatoremployees,theCityshallprovidethe Operatorawrittensummaryofcomplaintsreceived.TheCityshallrequiretheOperatorto 5 discussperformanceexpectationsandanyunsatisfactoryperformancewithemployeesandto signandhaveemployeessignasdocumentationofthesediscussions. VEHICLES TheOperatorshallprovide: Onebuswithwheelchairlifeandsecuredseatingfortwopassengersinwheelchairs.Busshall haveamaximumseatingcapacityof11passengers.Thebusshallhaveretractableseatbelts installedwitheveryseat.Allspecificationsofvehiclesmustmeetallfederalandstatelaws, rules,andregulationsforoperationandmustmeetallADArequirements.Detailedbus specificationsmaybereviewedbycitystaff. Operatorshallprovideonehandicappedaccessiblevehicleintendedtosupplementbusservice. Specialpaintingofthesupplementalvehicleasapublictransitvehicleisnotrequired;however, amagneticidentificationstripplacedonthevehiclewhileinoperationasatransportationvehicle isrequired. RADIOCOMMUNICATIONEQUIPMENTANDLICENSE TheOperatorshallprovideandmaintainatwo-wayradioforuseinthebusasprimarymeansfor dispatching. TheOperatorwillalsoprovidevehicleandofficeradios.Radioequipmentpurchases,licensing, maintenance,ongoingcosts,andtollcallsforoperator-ownedvehiclesshallbetheOperator’s responsibility.Theprimarypurposefortheradioistoprovidebackupcommunicationstothe mobilephone. TheOperatoragreestoapplyforandmaintainrequiredcommunicationlicensestooperatethe requiredservice.Bothpartiesagreetocomplywithapplicablelawsandpoliciesandto cooperateinsubmittingrequiredlicensing,documents,andreports. MAINTENANCE,FUELANDLUBRICANTS,REPAIRS TheOperatoragreestoprovideforallroutinemaintenanceofvehicles,includinglubricants, supplies,andtools.Vehiclemaintenanceshallbedonefollowingthemanufacturer’ssuggested guidelinesprovidedwitheachvehicle,andrecordsmustbekeptonfileforreviewattheCity’s discretion.Driversshallcompletedailyinspectionformsandvehicledefectforms.The Operatoragreestomaintainacleaninteriorandexteriorvehicleappearance. TheOperatorshallberesponsibleformakingorarrangingforneedrepairstooperator-owned equipment,includingwarrantywork,partsreplacement,andtires. Mileage,fuel,andmaintenanceexpensesshallallbeincludedinthecontractrate. 6 REVENUECONTRACTS A+TaxiofMonticellowillretainsoleauthoritytocontractwithprivateandpublicorganizations tosecureadditionalrevenues.TheCitywillhavepriorityinschedulingthebusforcityor communityeventsandshallcompensateA+Taxiintheamount$55/hourforuseofthebus outsideofcontracthours. Cityeventsmayinclude,butarenotlimitedto,thefollowing:Riverfest,RotaryFishFry,Lions Brewfest,ArtinthePark,RotaryTasteoftheTowns. TheCityreservestherighttoplacemessagesadvertisingCityservicesonthebusatnocharge exceptforthecostofletteringorinstallationofadvertisingwrap. INSURANCE TheOperatorshallberequiredtoprovidethefollowinginsurancepolicieswithminimum coveragesetattheliabilitylimitsfortheState,assetforthinMinnesotaStatutes,Section3.736, subd.4: (a)Workers’CompensationInsurance:Inaccordancewithstatutoryrequirementsand includingCoverageB,EmployersLiability,atlimitsnotlessthan$100,000bodilyinjury bydiseaseperemployee;$500,000bodilyinjurybydiseaseaggregate;and$100,000 bodilyinjurybyaccident. (b)CommercialGeneralLiability:Includingcoverageforbodilyinjury,sicknessordisease, death,andforcareandlossofservicesaswellasfromclaimsforpropertydamage includelossofusewhichmayarisefromoperationsunderthisAgreement.Minimum insuranceamountsare$1,000,000peroccurrenceand$2,000,000annualaggregate.In addition,thefollowingcoveragesshouldbeincluded:BodilyInjuryandProperty Damage,ProductsandcompletedOperationsLiability,andBlanketContractualLiability. TheStateofMinnesotamustbenamedasanadditionalinsured. (c)CommercialAutomobileLiability:Includingcoverageforclaimsfordamagesforbodily injury,sicknessordisease,death,andforcareandlossofservicesaswellasfromclaims forpropertydamageincludinglossofusewhichmayarisefromoperationsunderthis Agreement.Minimuminsuranceamountsare$1,000,000peroccurrenceCombined SingleLimitforBodilyInjuryandPropertyDamage.Inaddition,thefollowing coveragesshouldbeincluded:Owned,Hired,andnon-owned.TheStateofMinnesota mustbenamedasanadditionalinsured. (d)Insurancepoliciesmustbeobtainedfromaninsurancecompanyhavingan“AMBEST” ratingofA-VIIIorbetter. TheCityshallbeincludedasanadditionalnamedinsuredontheOperator’sinsurancepoliciesas requiredbytheMNDepartmentofTransportation. 7 DATAPRACTICES/RECORDS Alldatacreated,collected,received,maintained,ordisseminatedforanypurposeinthecourseofthis ContractisgovernedbytheMinnesotaGovernmentDataPracticesAct,Minn.Stat.Ch.13,anyother applicablestatestatute,oranystaterulesadoptedtoimplementtheact,aswellasfederalregulations ondataprivacy. Allbooks,records,documents,andaccountingproceduresandpracticesoftheOperatorandits subcontractors,ifany,relativetothisContractaresubjecttoexaminationbytheCity. GOVERNINGLAW ThelawsoftheStateofMinnesotagoverntheinterpretationofthisContract. TERMINATIONOFAGREEMENT IntheeventtheCityorOperatorbreachesthetermsorviolatestheconditionsofthecontractor specifications,anddoesnotcuresuchbreachorviolationwithin30daysthereafter,theCityor Operatormayterminatethecontractimmediately. IntheparticulareventthateitherpartyshallatanytimeortimeswaiveanybreachofthisContract bytheother,suchwaivershallnotconstituteawaiverofanyotheroranysucceedingbreachofthis Contractbyeitherparty,whetherofthesameoranyothercovenant,condition,orobligation. SEVERABILITY Ifanyprovision,term,orconditionofthisContractisfoundtobeorbecomeunenforceableorinvalid, itshallnotaffecttheremainingprovisions,terms,andconditionsofthisContract,unlesssuchinvalid orunenforceableprovision,term,orconditionrendersthisContractimpossibletoperform.Such remainingtermsandconditionsoftheContractshallcontinueinfullforceandeffectandshall continuetooperateastheparties'entirecontract. ENTIREAGREEMENT ThisContractrepresentstheentireagreementofthepartiesandisafinal,complete,andallinclusive statementofthetermsthereof,andsupersedesandterminatesanyprioragreement(s),understandings, orwrittenorverbalrepresentationsmadebetweenthepartieswithrespectthereto. 8 INWITNESSWHEREOF thepartiessettheirhandsasofthedatebelow. A+TAXIOFMONTICELLOCITYOFMONTICELLO __________________________________________________________________ SignatureofOwner/Owner’sRepresentativeClintHerbst,Mayor __________________________________________________________________ Name,TitleJeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator __________________________________________________________________ DateDate 9 ADDENDUM“A” COMPLIANCEREQUIREMENTS TheOperatorwillagreetocomplywithallapplicablefederal,state,andcountylaws,regulations, andpolicies,includingfairlaborlaws,civilrightslaws,workers'compensation,unemployment compensation,sexualharassment,affirmativeaction,andspecialChapter13Cwarrantyprotecting individualemployeesagainstaworseningoftheirpositions. TheOperatorwillagreetocooperatewithanymonitoringorauditvisitsofthecity,state,orfederal government,includingon-siteinspections,disclosureofrecords,andsurveysofpassengers.The Operatorwillagreetomaintainfinancialbooksandrecordsinaccordancewithgenerallyaccepted auditingstandards. ViolationsofPublicContracts:TheOperatormustcertifythattheyarenotincludedonthe UnitedStatesComptrollerGeneral'slistofpersonsorfirmscurrentlydebarredforviolationsof variouspubliccontractsincorporatinglaborstandardprovisions. PriceCollusion,Disclosure:TheOperatorwillberequiredtocertifythatthepricesinthis contracthavebeenarrivedatindependentlywithoutcollusionorconsultationforthepurposeof restrictingcompetition,priceshavenotknowinglybeendisclosedtoanycompetitor,andno attempthasbeenmadeorwillbemadetoinduceotherstosubmitornottosubmitabidinthe futureforthepurposeofrestrictingcompetition. ConflictofInterest:TheOperatorwillagreetocertifythathepresentlyhasnointerestandshall notacquireanyinterest,directorindirect,whichwouldconflictinanymannerwiththe performanceofservicesrequiredinthisagreementandagreesthatnopersonhavingsuchinterest shallbeemployed. EqualEmploymentOpportunity:Inconnectionwiththeoperationofthepublictransitservices byA+TaxiofMonticello,theOperatorwillagreethatitshallnotdiscriminateagainstany employeeorapplicantforemploymentbecauseofrace,color,sex,ornationalorigin.Operatorwill takeaffirmativeactionstoensurethatapplicantsareemployedandthatemployeesaretreated duringemploymentwithoutregardtorace,color,sex,ornationalorigin.Suchactionsshall include,butnotbelimitedto,thefollowing:employment,upgrading,demotionortransfer, recruitmentorrecruitmentadvertising,layoffortermination,ratesofpayorotherformsof compensation,andselectionsfortraining,includingapprenticeship. Services:ServicesperformedbytheOperatorunderthiscontractshallbeperformedinadiligent andcompetentmanner,andtheirperformanceshallbesubjecttoreviewandinspectionby MN/DOTthroughitsdesignatedagentsatallreasonabletimes. Insurance:TheOperatorshallberequiredtoprovidethefollowinginsurancepolicieswith minimumcoveragesetattheliabilitylimitsfortheState,assetforthinMinnesotaStatutes, Section3.736,subd.4.Reference"Insurance"sectionofthiscontractforspecificdetails. 10 Indemnity:TheOperatoragreestoindemnifyandholdharmlesstheCity,itsagencies,agents, andemployees,andMN/DOTfromandagainstallclaimsordemands,includingreasonable attorneys’feesindefensethereof;ofeverynatureonaccountofinjurytoordeathofpersons,or damagetoorlossofproperty,causedbyorresultinginanymannerfromanyactsoromissionsof theOperator,itssubcontractors,oritsagentsoremployeesinperformingorfailingtoperformany oftheservice,duties,oroperationstobeperformedbythecontractoranditssubcontractorunder thiscontact. ItwillbeunderstoodandagreedthatanyandallemployeesoftheOperatorandallotherpersons employedbytheOperatorintheperformanceofanyoftheservicesrequiredorprovidedforunder thiscontractshallnotbeconsideredemployeesofeithertheCityortheStateandthatanyandall claimsthatmayariseundertheWorker'sCompensationActoftheStateofMinnesotaonbehalfof saidemployeeswhilesoengagedandanyandallclaimsbyandthirdpartiesasaconsequenceof anyactoromissiononthepartofsaidOperator'semployeeswhilesoengagedinanyofthe servicestoberenderedunderthiscontractbytherecipientshallinnowaybetheobligationor responsibilityoftheCityortheState. Non-Waiver:ThefailureofMN/DOTortheCityatanytimetoinsistuponastrictperformance ofanyoftheterms,conditions,andcovenantshereinshallnotbedeemedawaiverofany subsequentbreachordefaultintheterms,conditions,andcovenantshereincontained. TransportationRegulationBoard:Undercircumstancesandconditionswhereregulations apply,thefurnishingofallservicesandthechargestobemadetopassengersinconnection therewithareexpresslysubjecttotheapproval,certification,andlicensingoftheTransportation RegulationBoardoritsjurisdictionoveranyofsuchmatters. 11 ADDENDUM“B” FARECOLLECTION,HANDLING,ANDREPORTINGPOLICY TheOperatorofthebus,A+TaxiofMonticello,agreestoabidebythispolicyforcollecting faresandaccountingforpassengers. BusmoneymaynotbehandledbyDriverforpassengertransactions. Driverwillnotcarryanychange. Passengerscanpurchasepunchcardsat$20for10rides,withpaymentbycheckorexact cash.Driverhandsoutpunchcard(s)andpassengerplacesmoneyintofarebox.Driver notespurchaseofpunchcardsondailyroutesheet. PunchcardsarepunchedbyDriverforeachone-wayride. Dailyroutesheetsshouldincludethefollowinginformation: o allone-wayrideswithin5to15minuteincrements o breakdownofridersbyelderly,wheelchair/disabled,children/student,adults,and freeridesforchildrenwithpayingadults o dailymileage o gallonsfueled(ifapplicable) o numberanddollaramountofpunchcardssold o ridedenials,withnotesasdescribedinthispolicy RidedenialsmustbenotedbyDriverforeveryoccasionandshouldincludetimeand destinationofdesiredridealongwithreasonwhyridercannotbeaccommodated. DriverdeliversdailyreportsandfareboxtoA+TaxiofMonticelloattheendofeach route/day. CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 1 7D.#1-Discussionandcommentsrelatedtoreviewofroughdraftamendmenttothe RentalLicensingenforcementordinance (RH/DJH) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaff,alongwiththeCityAttorney’soffice,havebeenexploringoptionsto amendingtherentallicensingordinanceinordertoclosesomeloopholesinthe enforcementportionofthecode.StaffisaskingtheCounciltopleasereviewtheattached draftamendmentsandprovidecommentsand/ordirectionforafinaldraft.Thefinaldraft willbesubmittedtocouncilatafuturemeetingforconsiderationofadoption. Thesectionsproposedforamendmentare;3-16-6GeneralLicensingProvisions,3-16-7 Inspections,and3-16-8ConductonLicensedPremises. Thecurrentordinance3-16-8breaksdownprohibitedconductonlicensedpremisesinto tencategories,thefirstsevenarestatestatutesandtheremainingthreearecitycode; gambling,prostitution,illegaldrugs,saleand/orunderageconsumptionofalcohol, disorderlyhouse,unlawfulweapons,disorderlyconduct,blights/nuisances,recreational fires,andanimalcontrol.Ifaviolationofanyoftheselawsoccurthenanoticeissentto theownerdirectingthemtotakestepstopreventfurtherviolations.Ifthereisa2nd violationwithinaconsecutive12monthperiod,theownerisrequiredtosubmitawritten reportoftheactionstaken,andproposedtobetaken,topreventfurtherdisorderlyuse.If anotherviolationoccurswithin12monthsofthe1st strikethenitisviewedasthe3rd strike.Howeverifthisviolationismorethan12monthsfromthe1st strikebutlessthan 12fromthe2nd thenthis3rd violationistechnicallyonlythe2nd strike.Allthree violationsmustfallinthesame12monthperiodtobeconsidereda3rd strike.Ifa3rd strikeoccursthenthecitycandeny,revoke,orsuspendthelicense.Denial,revocation,or suspensionoftherentallicenserequiresahearingbeforetheCityCouncil. Theproposedamendedversionof3-16-8wouldseparatethecategoriesofviolationsinto eight“Minor DisorderlyConductViolations”andfive“Major DisorderlyConduct Violations”. TheMinorViolationsare;gambling,saleand/orunderageconsumptionofalcohol, disorderlyhouse,unlawfulweapons,disorderlyconduct,blights/nuisances,recreational fires,andanimalcontrol.Minorviolationswouldstillfollowasimilarthreestrike program.Howeverwordinghasbeenchangedsothereisa12month“probationary period”afterthe1st violationand12monthsisaddedtothatifthereisasecondviolation. Thiswaya3rd strikemaybeupto24monthsfromthe1st (i.e.:2nd violationis11months 29daysfromthe1st andthe3rd is11months29daysafterthe2nd.) TheMajorViolationsare;illegaldrugs,prostitution,assault,murder/manslaughter,and criminalsexualconduct.Asproposedanymajorviolationwouldbetreatedthesameas the3rd minorviolationrequiringahearingbeforetheCityCounciltoconsiderdenial, revocation,orsuspensionoftherentallicense. CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 2 Theamendmentstosections3-16-6and3-16-7aremostlyforhousekeepingreasons. Theseamendmentscleanupsomeofthelanguageandaddclaritytoourpowersin responsetorecentlitigationagainstthelegalityofrentalinspectionsinsomeother municipalities.Section3-16-6(B)5.addedlanguagetocomplywithanewerstatestatute regardingtaxclearance.Sections3-16-7(C)and(D)wereaddedforliabilityreasons. StaffisseekinginputfromtheCouncilontheproposedamendments.Specificallythe lengthofprobationperiods,theseparationof“major”and“minor”violations,andthe threestrikevs.onestrikeenforcementprocess.Thesecommentswillbeincorporatedina finaldraftoftheseamendmentsandwillbesubmittedforapprovalatafuturecouncil meeting. A1.BudgetImpact:CityAttorneytimeforreviewanddraftingofordinance amendment. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:N/A B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoauthorizetheCityAttorneyandCityStafftoproceedwithamendments toMonticelloCityCode,Title3,Chapter16withdirectionfromCouncilas follows:___________________. 2.MotiontoleaveTitle3,Chapter16asisatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Atthistime,CitystaffisseekingdirectionfromCouncilregardingamendmentstothe RentalLicensingordinance.Staffrecommendationistoamendtheprobationaryperiodas stated.ItisStaff’sopinionthatseparatingtheviolationsinto“Minor”and“Major” categoriesisnotnecessary.Throughexperiencewiththesemajorviolations,themajority ofoffendersareevictedbytheownersandtheproblemgoesaway.Havingaonestrike policywouldunnecessarilycausemultipleownerstoappearbeforethecouncilforafirst offenseforsomethingtheycannotcontrolorpredict.Thegoalistocatchthe“absentee” ownerswhohaveproblemtenantssotheydon’tallowtheirtenantstocontinuetocause problemsfortheirneighborhoods. TheCityAttorneywillbepresentatthemeetingtodiscussthecurrentordinanceand proposedamendment. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ProposedRentalLicenseordinanceamendment ProposedSSNaddendumformforRentalApplication 1 177683v1 ORDINANCENO.________ CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ANORDINANCEAMENDINGEXISTINGCODEPROVISIONSREGARDINGTHE CITYOFMONTICELLORENTALLICENSING THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFMONTICELLO,MINNESOTA,ORDAINS: SECTION1.Title3,Chapter16oftheCityCodeoftheCityofMonticelloisamendedby deletingtheexistingsections3-16-6(E)(1)and3-16-7(A)through3-16-7(B)intheirentiretyand adoptingnewsections3-16-6(E)(1),3-16-7(A),3-16-7(B),and3-16-7(C)toreadasfollows: 3-16-6:GENERALLICENSINGPROVISIONS. (B)LICENSEAPPLICATION.Theownerofarentaldwellingmustsubmitanapplicationfora licenseonformsandintheformatprovidedbytheCity.Theownermustgivenotice,in writing,totheCitywithinfive(5)businessdaysofanychangestotheinformationcontained inthelicenseapplication.Theapplicationmustinclude: 1.Theowner’sname,address,andtelephonenumber,owningpartnersifapartnership, corporateofficersifacorporation; 2.Legaladdressoftherentaldwelling; 3.Thetypeandnumberofunitswithintherentaldwelling;and 4.Thetypeofstructuretobelicensed(i.e.single-family,duplex,Multi-Family).;and 5.PursuanttoMinn.Stat.§270C.72,subd.4,theowner’sSocialSecuritynumberand Minnesotabusinessidentificationnumber. (E)LICENSEISSUANCE. 1.PreliminaryInspectionandInvestigation.Priortoissuinganinitiallicense,theChiefBuilding Official willinspecttherentaldwelling willseekconsentfromtheownerforaninspectionofthe rentaldwellingandconductaninspectiontodeterminecompliancewiththisChapter,theCity Code,andtheInternationalPropertyMaintenanceCode.TheChiefBuildingOfficialwillreview theapplicationforcompleteness.Allrealestatetaxesandmunicipalutilitiesmustbepaidand current. 3-16-7:INSPECTIONS. (A)ROUTINELICENSEINSPECTIONS. 2 177683v1 Aftertheinitialinspectionandissuanceoftheinitiallicense,theownerofarentaldwellingshall permitaccessbytheCitytoperformaminimumofoneinspectioneverytwoyearsofthecommon spaceandeverydwellingunit.TheChiefBuildingOfficialmayperformorrequireadditional inspectionsifdeemednecessarybytheChiefBuildingOfficialorbytherequestofatenant.No operatinglicensemaybeissuedorrenewedunlesstheCitydetermines,followinganinspection conductedpursuanttothissection,thatthedwellingunitcomplieswiththisCode.Theownerofa dwellingunitshallcontacttheChiefBuildingOfficialorhisorheragentstoarrangeaninspection atareasonabletime.TheChiefBuildingOfficialandhisorheragentsareauthorizedtoconduct aninspectionprovidedtheownerortenantconsentedtosaidinspection.Arentaldwellingunit, includinganycommonspaceareas,mustbeinspectedaminimumofonetimeeverytwoyears. NothingshallprohibittheCityfromrequestingadditionalinspectionsifdeemednecessaryorif requestedbyatenantofarentaldwellingunit.Theownershallnotifythetenantortenantsofthe timewhentheCityinspectionwillbeconductedandprovideaccesstotheunits. (B)RESPONSETOCOMPLAINTS. TheChiefBuildingOfficialshallrespondtocomplaintsofviolationsofthisChapter.Acomplaint maybecauseforacompleteinspectionofaunitorbuilding.Ifaninspectionistobemadepursuant toacomplaint,theChiefBuildingOfficialshallnotifytheowner/tenantoftheinspectionand requestpermissiontoinspectfromtheownerortenant.Iftheownerortenantdoesnotconsent, theCitymaypursueanadministrativesearchwarranttoconducttheinspection,unlessalawful exceptiontoconductaninspectionwithoutawarrantexists.Ifthereareviolationsfoundduring theinspection,theChiefBuildingOfficialshallnotifytheowner /ortenantpursuantto3-16-9to correcttheproblemwhichpromptedthecomplaint.Thecostoftheinspectionshallbepaidbythe owneriftheCity’sinspectionrevealsactualdeficienciesasdescribedbytheoccupant,andthe paymentofsuchcostshallbeaconditionoflicenserenewal. (C)RIGHTTOREFUSEENTRY. Theowner,occupant,tenant,orpersoninchargeofanypropertyorrentalunitpossessestheright todenyentrytoanyunitorpropertybytheChiefBuildingOfficialforpurposesofcompliance withthischapter.However,nothinginthischaptershallprohibittheChiefBuildingOfficialfrom askingpermissionfromanowner,occupant,tenantorpersoninchargeofpropertyforpermission toinspectsuchpropertyorrentalunitforcompliancewiththischapterandallotherapplicable laws,regulationsandcodes.NothinginthischaptershallprohibittheCityofMonticellofrom seekingasearchwarrantorfromenteringapropertyorrentalunitifalawfulexceptiontothe warrantrequirementexists. (D)SCOPEOFINSPECTION. NeithertheCityofMonticellonoranyemployeethereofassumesliabilityfortheaccuracyor qualityofanypropertyinspectedpursuanttothischapterattherequestoftheowner.The issuanceofarentallicenseshallnotbeconstruedtorepresentawarrantyorguaranteebyoron behalfoftheCityofMonticellonorshalltheissuanceofanycertificate,licenseorapprovalbe construedtoimplyorwarrantthataunitorpropertyis:safeorfreeofanydangersorhazardsto theoccupantsorgeneralpublic;freeandclearofanyviolationsofthischapteroranyotherlaws, regulationsorcodes;freeandclearofanydefects. 3 177683v1 Theissuanceofanyrentallicenseshallnotbeconstruedtorepresentanywarrantiesor guaranteesbyoronbehalfoftheCityofMonticello,norshalltheissuanceofanycertificatesor approvalsbeconstruedtoimplythatthepropertyis: (1)Completelysafeorfreeofanydangersorhazardstotheoccupantsorgeneralpublic. (2)Completelyfreeandclearofanyviolationsofthischapteroranyothercodes. (3)Completelyfreeandclearofanydefectsrelatedtoanystructural,fireprotection,fire prevention,buildingutilitiesoranyotherfeaturesoftheproperty. 3-16-8:CONDUCTONLICENSEDPREMISES. (A)OWNERRESPONSIBLE.Itshallbetheresponsibilityoftheownertoseethatpersons occupyingtherentaldwellingconductthemselvesinsuchamannerasnottocausethepremises tobedisorderly.Forpurposesofthissection,arentaldwellingisdisorderlyatwhichanyofthe followingactivitiesoccur: 1.(i)MINORDISORDERLYCONDUCTVIOLATIONS (i)1.ViolationofMinnesotaStatutessections609.755through609.76asmaybe amendedfromtimetotime,relatingtogambling,oranyfederallawinsubstantial conformitywiththosesections; (ii)4.ViolationofMinnesotaStatutessections340A.401and340A.503asmaybe amendedfromtimetotime,relatingtotheunlawfulcommercialsaleandunderage consumptionofalcoholicbeverages,oranyfederallawinsubstantialconformitywith thosesections; (iii)5.ViolationofMinnesotaStatutessection609.33asmaybeamendedfromtimeto time,whichprohibitsowning,leasing,operating,managing,maintainingor conductingadisorderlyhouse,orinvitingorattemptingtoinviteotherstovisitor remaininadisorderlyhouse,oranyfederallawinsubstantialconformitywiththose sections; (iv)6.ViolationofMinnesotaStatutessections97B.021,97B.045,609.66through 609.67,624.712through624.716,624.719,624.731through624.732asmaybe amendedfromtimetotime,relatingtotheunlawfulpossession,transportation,saleor useofweapons,oranyfederallawinsubstantialconformitywiththosesections; (v)7.ViolationofCityCodeorviolationofMinnesotaStatutessection609.72asmaybe amendedfromtimetotime,relatingtodisorderlyconduct,oranyfederallawin substantialconformitywiththosesections; (vi)8.ViolationofCityCodeTitle7,Chapter1,relatingtonuisances. (vii)9.ViolationofCityCodeTitle5,Chapter4,relatingtorecreationalfires. 4 177683v1 (viii)10.ViolationofCityCodeTitle6,Chapters2and3,relatingtoanimalcontrol. 2.(ii)MAJORDISORDERLYCONDUCTVIOLATIONS (i)1.Afelony,grossmisdemeanor,ormisdemeanorviolationofMinnesotaStatutes sections152.01through152.027and152.137asmaybeamendedfromtimetotime, relatingtotheunlawfulsaleorpossessionofcontrolledsubstances,oranyfederallaw insubstantialconformitywiththosesections; (ii)2.Violationoflawsrelatingtoprostitutionoractsrelatingtoprostitutionasdefined inMinnesotaStatutessection609.321oranyfederallawinsubstantialconformity withthosesections; (iii)3.ViolationofMinnesotastatutessections609.221through609.224and609.2242, whichprohibitassaultsasdefinedinMinnesotastatutessection518B.01orany federallawinsubstantialconformitywiththosesections; (iv)4.ViolationofMinnesotastatutessections609.185through609.205whichprohibit murderandmanslaughteroranyfederallawinsubstantialconformitywiththose sections; (v)5.ViolationofMinnesotastatutessection609.342through609.3451and609.25 whichprohibitcriminalsexualconductandkidnappingoranyfederallawin substantialconformitywiththosesections; (B)FIRSTMINORVIOLATION.UpondeterminationbytheChiefBuildingOfficialthata licensedpremiseswasusedinadisorderlymanner,asdescribedinparagraph(A)ofthissection, theChiefBuildingOfficialmustgivenoticetothelicenseeoftheviolationanddirectthe licenseetotakestepstopreventfurtherviolations.Thereshallbea12monthprobationaryperiod afterthefirstviolationoccurs. (C)SECONDMINORVIOLATION.Ifanotherinstanceofdisorderlyuseofthelicensed premisesoccurswithin12monthsofanincidentduringthe12monthprobationaryperiodafter thefirstviolationforwhichanoticeindivision(B)ofthissectionwasgiven,theChiefBuilding Officialmustnotifythelicenseeoftheviolationandmustalsorequirethelicenseetosubmita writtenreportoftheactionstaken,andproposedtobetaken,bythelicenseetopreventfurther disorderlyuseofthepremises.ThiswrittenreportmustbesubmittedtotheChiefBuilding Officialwithinfivedaysofreceiptofthenoticeofdisorderlyuseofthepremisesandmustdetail allactionstakenbythelicenseeinresponsetoallnoticesofdisorderlyuseofthepremiseswithin theprecedingthreemonths.Thereshallbeanadditional12monthprobationaryperiodafterthe secondviolationoccurs. (D)THIRDMINORVIOLATION. 1.Ifanotherinstanceofdisorderlyuseofthelicensedpremisesoccursduringthe12month probationaryperiodafterthesecondviolationwithin12monthsafteranytwopreviousinstances 5 177683v1 ofdisorderlyuseforwhichnoticesweregiventothelicenseepursuanttothissection,therental dwellinglicenseforthepremisesmaybedenied,revoked,suspendedornotrenewed.Anaction todeny,revoke,suspend,ornotrenewalicenseunderthissectionmustbeinitiatedbytheChief BuildingOfficialwhomustgivetothelicenseewrittennoticeofahearingbeforetheCity Counciltoconsidersuchdenial,revocation,suspensionornon-renewal.Suchwrittennotice mustspecifyallviolationsofthissection,andmuststatethedate,time,placeandpurposeofthe hearing.Thehearingmustbeheldnolessthantendaysandnomorethan30daysaftergiving suchnotice. 2.Followingthehearing,theCityCouncilmaydeny,revoke,suspendordeclinetorenewthe licenseforalloranypartorpartsofthelicensedpremisesormaygrantalicenseuponsuch termsandconditionsasitdeemsnecessarytoaccomplishthepurposesofthissection. (E)MAJORDISORDERLYCONDUCTVIOLATION.Ifamajorviolationrelatingto disorderlyuseofthelicensedpremisesoccurs,therentaldwellinglicenseforthepremisesmay bedenied,revoked,suspendedornotrenewed.Anactiontodeny,revoke,suspend,ornotrenew alicenseunderthissectionmustbeinitiatedbytheChiefBuildingOfficialwhomustgivetothe licenseewrittennoticeofahearingbeforetheCityCounciltoconsidersuchdenial,revocation, suspensionornon-renewal.Suchwrittennoticemustspecifyallviolationsofthissection,and muststatethedate,time,placeandpurposeofthehearing.Thehearingmustbeheldnolessthan tendaysandnomorethan30daysaftergivingsuchnotice. (FE)NOADVERSEACTIONPENDINGEVICTION.Noadverselicenseactionshallbe imposedwheretheinstanceofdisorderlyuseofthelicensedpremisesoccurredduringthe pendencyofevictionproceedings(unlawfuldetainer)orwithin30daysofnoticegivenbythe licenseetoatenanttovacatethepremiseswherethedisorderlyusewasrelatedtoconductby thattenantorbyotheroccupantsorguestsofthetenant'sunit.Evictionproceedingsarenotabar toadverselicenseaction,however,unlesstheyarediligentlypursuedbythelicensee.Further,an actiontodeny,revoke,suspend,ornotrenewalicensebaseduponviolationsofthissectionmay bepostponedordiscontinuedatanytimeifitappearsthatthelicenseehastakenappropriate measureswhichwillpreventfurtherinstancesofdisorderlyuse. (GF)FINDINGOFDISORDERLYCONDUCT.Adeterminationthatthelicensedpremises havebeenusedinadisorderlymannerasdescribedinparagraph(A)ofthissectionshallbe madeuponafairpreponderanceoftheevidencetosupportsuchadetermination.Itisnot necessarythatcriminalchargesbebroughtinordertosupportadeterminationofdisorderlyuse nordoesthefactofdismissaloracquittalofsuchacriminalchargeoperateasabartoadverse licenseactionunderthissection. (HG)SERVICEOFNOTICES.AllnoticesgivenbytheCityunderthissection,attheCity’s option,maybeeitherpersonallyservedonthelicensee,sentbyregularmailtothelicenseeatthe addresslistedontheapplication,orbypostingonaconspicuousplaceonthelicensedpremises. 6 177683v1 (IH)ENFORCEMENTACTIONS.Enforcementactionsprovidedinthissectionarenot exclusive,andtheCityCouncilmaytakeanyactionwithrespecttoalicensee,atenant,orthe licensedpremisesasisauthorizedbytheCityCode,stateorfederallaw. 3-16-9:CONDITIONOFLICENSEDPREMISES. (A)COMPLIANCEORDER.WhenevertheChiefBuildingOfficialdeterminesthatthe conditionofanyrentaldwellingorthepremisessurroundingitfailstomeettheprovisionsofthis Chapter,otherapplicableCityCodeprovisionsortheInternationalPropertyMaintenanceCode, heorshemayissueacomplianceordersettingforththespecificviolationsandorderingthe ownertocorrectsuchviolations. (B)LICENSEACTION.Iftheviolationslistedinthecomplianceorderarenotremediedbythe ownerwithinthespecifiedtimegivenintheorder,thelicensefortherentaldwellingmaybe denied,suspended,revoked,ornotrenewedbytheCity.Anadministrativefineinanamountset forthfromtimetotimebytheCityCouncilbyresolutionmayalsobeimposed.IftheCity decidesthatitwillbedenying,suspending,revokingornotrenewingalicenseorimposingan administrativefinepursuanttothisSection,theCityshallsendanoticeoftheproposedactionto theowneroftherentaldwelling.TheproposedactionbytheCityshallbeheardbytheCity CouncilpursuanttotheproceduresetforthinSection3-16-10ofthisChapter. (C)VIOLATIONS.Anycivilpenalty,revocation,suspension,orcombinationthereofunderthis sectiondoesnotprecludecriminalprosecutionunderthischapterorMinnesotastatutes.TheCity Councilmaytemporarilysuspendalicensependingahearingonthesuspensionorrevocation when,initsjudgment,thepublichealth,safety,andwelfareisendangeredbythecontinuanceof thelicensedactivity. (DC)APPEAL.Whenitisallegedbytheownerthatthecomplianceorderisbaseduponthe erroneousinterpretationofthisChapter,otherapplicableCityCodeprovisionsorthe InternationalPropertyMaintenanceCode,theownermayappealthecomplianceordertothe CityCouncil.Suchappealshallbeinwriting,mustspecifythegroundsfortheappeal,mustbe accompaniedbyafilingfee,assetforthbyresolutionoftheCityCouncil,fromtimetotime,and mustbefiledwiththeCitywithinfive(5)businessdaysafterserviceofthecomplianceorder. TheappealshallbeheardbytheCityCouncilpursuanttotheproceduresetforthinSection3- 16-10ofthisChapter.Thefilingoftheappealshallstayallproceedingsinfurtheranceofthe actionappealedfrom,unlesssuchastaywouldcauseimminentperiltolife,healthorproperty. SECTION2.EFFECTIVEDATE.Thisordinanceshallbeeffectiveuponitspassageand publication. ADOPTED bytheMonticelloCityCouncilthis___dayof____________,2014. CITYOFMONTICELLO 7 177683v1 By: ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: JeffO’NeillCityAdministrator TOBESUBMITTEDWITHRENTALLICENSEAPPLICATION 178202v1 TAXIDENTIFICATIONFORM LICENSEAPPLICANT: PursuanttoMinn.Stat.§270C.72,subd.4,thelicensingauthorityisrequiredtoprovidetotheMinnesota CommissionerofRevenueyourMinnesotabusinesstaxidentificationnumberandtheSocialSecuritynumberof eachlicenseapplicant. UndertheMinnesotaGovernmentDataPracticesActandtheFederalPrivacyActof1974,wearerequiredto adviseyouofthefollowingregardingtheuseofthisinformation: 1.Thisinformationmaybeusedtodenytheissuance,renewalortransferofyourlicenseinthe eventyouowetheMinnesotaDepartmentofRevenuedelinquenttaxes,penaltiesorinterest: 2.Uponreceivingthisinformation,thelicensingauthoritywillsupplyitonlytotheMinnesota DepartmentofRevenue.However,undertheFederalExchangeofInformationAgreementthe DepartmentofRevenuemaysupplythisinformationtotheInternalRevenueService: 3.Failuretosupplythisinformationmayjeopardizeordelaytheprocessingofyourlicensing issuanceorrenewalapplication. Pleasesupplythefollowinginformationandreturnalongwithyourapplicationtotheagencyissuingthelicense. DONOTRETURNTOTHEDEPARTMENTOFREVENUE. NameofApplicant ___________________________________________________________________________________________ NameofBusiness ___________________________________________________________________________________________ *SocialSecurity#___________________________________________________________________________ *Forindividualbusinessowners(soleproprietors)only,notforpartnerships,corporations,etc. MinnesotaTaxIdentification# ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Signedby______________________________________Date________________________________________ PrintNameofPersonSigning:__________________________________________________________________ IfaMinnesotaTaxIdentificationNumberisnotrequired,pleaseexplainbelow. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 1 7D.#2–Reviewanddiscussoptionsforamendingnuisancecoderegardingenforcement oflonggrass/weeds (RH/AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCity’spublicnuisancecodewasamendedinitsentiretyandadoptedinMarchof 2009.Aspartofthisamendmenttheabatementprocessforsecondorsuccessiveviolation oflonggrassandweedswaschangedperrecommendationoftheCityAttorney.Thenew ordinancerequiresstafftopostanoticeonthepropertygivingtheowner48hoursto mow(thefirstviolationinacalendaryearremainedunchangedallowing7daysto comply).Aviolationoccurswhengrassorweedsexceed6”onanoccupiedlotorwithin 100’ofastructureortheexistenceofanynoxiousorpoisonousweedsregardlessof height. Thecurrentordinancesection7-1-6“Abatement”reads: (B)Acceleratedabatement.Forsecondorsuccessiveviolationsconcerninggrass,weeds andothervegetationinacalendaryear,theCitywillpostanoticeofviolationonthe propertyprovidingthatiftheviolationisnotcorrectedwithin48hoursaftersuch posting,theCitywill,withoutadditionalnotice,correcttheconditionscreatingsuch violationsandassessthecostthereforeagainsttheproperty. Therehasbeensomediscussiononamendingthissectiontoremovethe48hournotice. Propertyownerswouldthenonlyreceiveonenoticeforlonggrass/weedspercalendar year.Successiveviolationswouldbemowedbythecitycontractorwithoutfurthernotice tothepropertyowner.Costofthemowingisthenassessedtotheproperty. Staffhascontactedothercitiestodiscusstheirnuisancegrass/weedsordinances.Ofthose cities,11ofthemmowthesecondandsubsequentviolationswithoutfurthernotice(see attachedreportundersupportingdata).Resultsofanychallengestothissystemarealso includedintheattachedreport.Thissurveyshowsthatchallengestotheassessmentsare ararityandusuallyendupinthecity’sfavor.Itwasalsofoundinthissurveythatallof thesecitiesestablishedtheirregulationsat8”ormoreforthelengthofthegrasstobe consideredaviolation.Someofthecitieshadanevenhigherthresholdof9”andupto 12”. StaffisseekingdirectionfromtheCouncilonwhetherornottoproceedwithadraft amendmenttothegrassandweedsabatementordinancetobesubmittedfor consideration. A1.BudgetImpact:MinimaltimeforCityAttorneytoreviewand/ordraft amendmentstothenuisanceordinance. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Amendingtheordinancewouldreducestafftimeby requiringfewertripstothepropertiestoconductsiteinspections CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 2 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontodirectCityAttorneyandCityStafftodraftanamendmenttotheCity OrdinanceTitle7,Chapter1–PublicNuisancestoomittherequirementfor48 hourpostingforrepeatoffendersandchangethemaximumlengthofnuisance vegetationfrom6”to8”. 2.MotiontodirectCityAttorneyandCityStafftodraftanamendmenttotheCity PublicNuisanceordinanceasfollows:_________________________ 3.MotiontoleavethePublicNuisanceordinanceasisatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Basedonthefindingsofthesurveythatwasconducted,CityStaffrecommends Alternative#1. TheCityAttorneywillbepresentatthemeetingtodiscussthecurrentapproachand commentonthesuggestedalternative. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Surveyofothercitiesregardingtheirgrass/weedordinances DEPARTMENTOFBUILDINGSAFETY Staffreportresearchingothernuisancegrass/weedsordinances CitystaffhascontactedotherlocalCitesandaskedthemhowtheyhandlePublic NuisancesandBlights,specificallythe2nd violationpercalendaryear.Hereisalistof theCitiesthatresponded;thisnotesthattheyonlygiveonenoticepercalendaryear andhowtheprocessworksforthem. CityofAlbertville: Grass/WeedHeightAllowed:12” HowManyDaystoCorrecttheProblem:5 HasAnyoneContestedTheirAssessmentsonMowing:Yes CityofAndover: Grass/WeedHeightAllowed:Ifunder1acre–8”Ifover1acre–12” HowManyDaystoCorrecttheProblem:10 HasAnyoneContestedTheirAssessmentsonMowing:Nonethisyear CityofCambridge: Grass/WeedHeightAllowed:12” HowManyDaystoCorrecttheProblem:5 HasAnyoneContestedTheirAssessmentsonMowing:No CityofChanhassen: Grass/WeedHeightAllowed:8” HowManyDaystoCorrecttheProblem:7 HasAnyoneContestedTheirAssessmentsonMowing:Occasionally–hasneverbeen overturned CityofColumbiaHeights: Grass/WeedHeightAllowed:9” HowManyDaystoCorrecttheProblem:7 HasAnyoneContestedTheirAssessmentsonMowing:Peoplecomplain,buttheytakebefore andafterpictures. CityofEagan: Grass/WeedHeightAllowed:8” HowManyDaystoCorrecttheProblem:5 HasAnyoneContestedTheirAssessmentsonMowing:No 2 CityofGoldenValley: Grass/WeedHeightAllowed:8” HowManyDaystoCorrecttheProblem:7 HasAnyoneContestedTheirAssessmentsonMowing:No CityofMound: Grass/WeedHeightAllowed:8” HowManyDaystoCorrecttheProblem:7 HasAnyoneContestedTheirAssessmentsonMowing:Notawareofany CityofNewHope: Grass/WeedHeightAllowed:8” HowManyDaystoCorrecttheProblem:7 HasAnyoneContestedTheirAssessmentsonMowing:Notawareofany CityofOwatonna: Grass/WeedHeightAllowed:8”onoccupiedlots&18”onunoccupiedlots HowManyDaystoCorrecttheProblem:5 HasAnyoneContestedTheirAssessmentsonMowing:3inthelast8years,andtheoutcome wasasfollows:Thepropertyownerspartiallywon.TheCityreducedorwaivedtheadditional administrationfeesfortwoofthem.Theotheronewasmowingemptylotsinadevelopment andtheCityallowedtheownerofthelotstopaywhathewouldhavepaidifhe’dhadthe mowingdonehimself.Ibelievetheadminfeeswerealsowaivedonthatone. CityofRamsey: Grass/WeedHeightAllowed:8” HowManyDaystoCorrecttheProblem:14 HasAnyoneContestedTheirAssessmentsonMowing:N/A ShouldCityCouncilwishtoamendthePublicNuisanceordinance,staffwouldrequestamotion witharecommendationonthedesiredchangesanddirectiontoworkwiththeCityAttorneyto developlanguage.IfthecurrentOrdinanceischanged,itwouldberecommendedtotakeaffect forthecalendaryearof2015. CityCouncilAgenda:09/22/14 1 7E.UpdateonFiberNetsystemandconsiderationofauthorizingbroadbandupgrades forFiberNetcustomers (JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: InternetserviceinMonticelloisfast,affordable,futureproof,andgettingbetter.Staffis excitedtopresentasummaryofthetechnologyupgradesthathaveresultinsignificant systemperformanceimprovements.Thepresentationwillincludeasummaryof enhancedservicesandpricingforexistingandnewFiberNetcustomers.Adetailed presentationwillbeprovidedatthemeeting. A1.BudgetImpact:Addedefficienciesandserviceimprovementthroughsuccessful integrationofnewsystemarchitectureandequipment B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoauthorizebroadbandsystemupgradesforFiberNetcustomersas directedbytheCityCouncil. 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: (Presentationtobeprovidedatthemeeting)