City Council Agenda Packet 01-12-2015AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,January12,2015–7p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:BrianStumpf CouncilMembers:CharlotteGabler,LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta ADMINISTEROATHOFOFFICETOMAYORANDNEWLYELECTEDCOUNCIL MEMBERS(CityAdministratorJeffO’Neill) 1.CalltoOrderandPledgeofAllegiance 2A.ApprovalofMinutes–December8,2014SpecialMeeting(eval) 2B.ApprovalofMinutes–December8,2014SpecialMeeting(budget) 2B.ApprovalofMinutes–December8,2014RegularMeeting 2C.ApprovalofMinutes–December22,2014SpecialMeeting 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda 4.Citizencomments,publicserviceannouncements,andupdates A.CitizenComments: B.PublicServiceAnnouncements: 1)PlanningCommissionvacancy C.Updates: 1)FiberNetupgrade(RachelLeonard) 2)AVSystemupgrade(BillBruce) 5.ConsentAgenda: A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillsforJanuary12th B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-001appointingdirectorstothe SherburneWrightCableCommission D.Considerationofapprovinganapplicationforatemporarycharitablegambling permitforaraffleconductedbytheMonticelloChamberofCommercefor FrostbiteDaysonJanuary10th,2015 SPECIALMEETING 4p.m.–EDAInterviews(councilinvited) E.ConsiderationofapprovingacontractwiththeWrightCountyAssessor’sOffice for2016-2017assessingservices F.ConsiderationofappointingtworepresentativestotheMonticelloPlanning Commissiontofillvacanciesfortermstoexpireon12/31/2017 6.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 7.RegularAgenda: A.PublicHearing-ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-002approving amendmentstotheWasteWaterTreatmentFacilityPlanfortheDigesterCover Improvements,CityProjectNo.14C002 B.Considerationofapprovingappointmentsanddesignationsfor2015 C.ConsiderationofappointingtworepresentativestotheMonticelloEDAtofill vacanciesfortermsendingon12/31/2017and12/31/2020 D.ConsiderationofappointingtwoCouncilmemberstotheSteeringCommitteefor theBertramChainofLakesRegionalAthleticParkRFP&MasterPlanning Project E.AdministrativeHearing–ConsiderationofanappealofAdministrativeDecision asrelatedtoapplicationofMonticelloZoningOrdinanceChapter4,Section2– TreeProtection.Applicant:Aitchison/BrentandLanette,612W4th Street F.Considerationofauthorizingcitystafftoinvestigatesellingthebiosolidsfarm propertyat1645CR39NE(PID213-100-081400) 8.Addeditems 9.Adjournment CityCouncilSpecialMeetingMinutes–December8,2014 Page1 MINUTES SPECIALMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,December8,2014–5:15p.m. NorthMississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Present:ClintHerbst,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf Absent:LloydHilgart Others:JeffO’Neill 1.CalltoOrder MayorHerbstcalledthespecialmeetingtoorderat5:15p.m.intheAcademyRoomof theCommunityCenter. 2.PurposeofMeeting:CityAdministratorEvaluation ClintHerbstannouncedthepurposeofthemeetingisforCouncilmemberstooffer commentsontheannualevaluationofCityAdministratorJeffO’Neill. 3.ReviewandevaluationwithJeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator JeffO’Neillmentionedthatheisnoteligibleforastepincreaseasheisatthetopofthe scale.JeffO’Neillnotedthatheprovidedanevaluationformwiththecouncilpacketfor Councilmemberstorateandcomment.HealsoprovidedaprojectlistforCouncilto review. JeffO’Neillcommentedbrieflyontheprojectlistnotingthatanumberoftheprojectsare incorporatedintoemployeeresponsibilitiesandwouldbeperformedbystaffmembers. ClintHerbstsuggestedthatthenewCouncilscheduleaworkshoptogothroughthe projectlisttobeawareofprioritiesanditemsthatareoutthere. TherewasabriefdiscussionofFiberNetstatusandJeff’sroleinthatentityversushis rolewithoveralladministrationofcitydepartments.GlenPosustasuggestedthat eventuallyageneralmanagerwouldprobablybeneeded.ClintHerbstmentionedthatthe MNPublicBroadbandAlliancemaybeabletoprovidesomeguidanceinthatarea. ClintHerbstsuggestedthatcouncilmembersprovideinputonareaswhereJeffcould improveascityadministrator. BrianStumpfdiscussedJeffO’Neill’srolewithcitypersonnel.BrianStumpffeelsmore informationshouldbeprovidedtocouncilasawhole,ratherthantoindividualcouncil members. TomPerraultaskedabouttheroleoftheFiberNetAdvisoryBoardandhowJeffO’Neill providesinformationtothem.HealsocommentedontheFiberNetpacketprovidedto candidates. CityCouncilSpecialMeetingMinutes–December8,2014 Page2 ClintHerbstnotedthatphonecallstothepublicarebeingansweredmorepromptly. ClintsummarizedbysayingthathefeelsJeffhasdoneaverygoodjobovertheyearsand thathehasmadesomepositivestepsintheareasthatCouncilhadcitedforimprovement. BrianStumpfnotedthatJeffO’Neillgaveupsomedaysofvacationin2013inorderto workonsomehighlevelissueswithFiberNet.HeexpressedappreciationtoJefffor doingthat. JeffO’NeillsharedsomecommentsaboutongoingprojectsandFiberNetwithCouncil, notingthathewillbringforwarddiscussionsrelatedtoadequatestaffingandprioritizing ofwork. Therewerediscussionsonsomeoftheitemsontheprojectlist.GlenPosustaaskedJeff O’Neilltoadddoglicensingtotheprojectlistbecausehehasfoundtherearealotof unlicenseddogsinthecity.BrianStumpfalsosuggestedaddingthesaleofthebiosolids farmlandtothelist.ClintHerbstsuggestedadogparkcouldbecombinedwiththedog licensingeffortsandGlenPosustarecommendeddoingacitizensurveytodetermine interest.GlenPosustaaskedabouttheproposalforastoragebuilding,whichJeffO’Neill explainedwasrelatedtostorageneedsfortheChamberandsomecommunitynon-profit groups.GlenPosustaaskedabouttheformationofagrouptoshareinputonFiberNet subscriptionsJeffO’NeillexplainedthiswassuggestedbyBrianEstremasrelatedto phone,internet,andvideocustomers.JeffO’Neillalsonotedthatexpensesrelatedto obtainingvideocontentareontheincrease,andvideofeeschargedforservicewillneed tobeincreasedproportionately. ClintHerbstaskedtherestoftheCouncilmemberswhattheythinkabouttransitioningto I-padsforcouncilmeetingpackets.Therewassomeinterest,butTomPerraultsaidhe wouldstillliketheabilitytogethardcopies.ClintHerbstaskedJeffO’Neillabouthiring afacilitator;JeffO’Neillexplainedthatconsistoffindingaconsultanttoworkwithstaff andCounciltofigureoutwaystomakethingsmoreefficient. 4.Adjournment BRIANSTUMPFMOVEDTOADJOURNTHESPECIALMEETINGAT6:05P.M. TOMPERRAULTSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4-0. Recorder:CatherineM.Shuman____ Approved: Attest:____________________________ CityAdministrator CityCouncilSpecialMeetingMinutes–December8,2014 Page1 MINUTES SPECIALMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,December8,2014–6:15p.m. NorthMississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Present:ClintHerbst,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf Absent:LloydHilgart, Others:WayneOberg,JeffO’Neill,CityDepartmentHeads 1.CalltoOrder MayorHerbstcalledthespecialmeetingtoorderat6:17p.m. 2.PurposeofMeeting:FinalReviewofthe2015TaxLevy&Budget JeffO’NeillexplainedthepurposeofthemeetingandaskedWayneObergtogothrough hispresentationonthetaxlevyandbudget. 3.Discussrecommendationfor2015taxlevyandpotentialbudgetrevisions WayneObergwentthroughapresentationonthe2105propertytaxlevyandbudget, notedthatitisbasedonthepreliminaryapprovedlevyof$8,535,000.WayneOberg pointedoutthelargetaxcapacityincreasesin2013and2015andresultingtaxcapacity ratechange.For2015,theCityofMonticellowillhavethelowesttaxcapacityratein WrightCounty,whichisalsolowerthanthecounty’staxrate.Theproposedtaxrate providesarevenuesourceforthegeneralfund,aportionoftheMCCfund,anddebt servicepayments. WayneObergreviewedsomechangeshemadeinthebudgetsincethelastworkshop. Operatingtransferswerereducedbytheamountthatwasoriginallyproposedforfour additionalhoursforlawenforcement.HemovedthosefundstoCapitalProjectsfundfor unfundedprojectsproposedfor2015. WayneObergreviewedtheproposedbudgetresolutionthatCouncilwillconsiderduring theregularmeeting.Heexplainedthattheresolutioncontainsbudgetauthorizationfor appropriations,estimatedrevenuestosupportthebudget,transfersfor2015,capital equipmentacquisitions,andsomemiscellaneousotheractions. WayneObergtalkedaboutthefinancingofsomeoftheproposedcapitalprojects,noting thatsomeofthe2015projectsareincludedinbondreimbursementresolutions.He explainedthatthecitywillhavetofundexpensesupfront,whichmayimpacttheability todosomeoftheprojects. WayneObergdiscussedthecapitalequipmentitemsthatwereapprovedinaprevious bondresolutionin2013.CouncilaskedaboutacoupleoftheitemsandWayneOberg CityCouncilSpecialMeetingMinutes–December8,2014 Page2 statedthatCouncilhastheoptionofremovingitemsandapprovinganamended resolution. WayneObergwentthroughthemiscellaneousitemsinSection5whichincluded: removingpriorcommitmentsandassignmentsinfundbalances,approvinganannual subsidyof$55,000fortheseniorcenter,approvinga3%costoflivingadjustment,and establishingthemonthlyhealthinsurancebenefitsfor2015. ClintHerbstconfirmedthattheresolutionisbeingbroughttoCounciltonightfor approval.WayneObergnotedthatifCouncilobjectstoanyoftheitemsinthe resolution,thosewillneedtoberemovedifCouncilwantstoaddressthemseparatelyor isnotinfavor.ClintHerbstsuggestedthatCouncilmembersindicateifthereareanyline itemsthattheywantremovedfromtheresolution.TomPerraultaskedaboutthecostof livingincreaseandwonderedaboutstepincreases.ClintHerbstnotedthisresolution doesnotaffectstepincreases. GlenPosustaaskedwhytherearenoitemsforFiberNetincludedwiththecapital improvementplan.WayneObergandJeffO’Neillexplainedthatisstillbeingworkedon andexpecttobringthatforwardduringthe1st quarterof2015.BrianStumpfaskedwhat thebillboardcoststhecityonanannualbasis.JeffO’Neillexplainedthattherewasa dealworkedoutwiththecompanyforthecitytousethatbillboardinlieuofpaymentsto thecityforthelandlease. WayneObergremindedCouncilmembersthattheproposedbudgetisbasedonthe preliminarylevyof$8,535,000andencouragedtheCounciltoapprovethefinallevyat thatamount. 4.Adjournment TOMPERRAULTMOVEDTOADJOURNTHESPECIALMEETINGAT6:58P.M. BRIANSTUMPFSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4-0. Recorder:CatherineM.Shuman____ Approved: Attest:__________________________ CityAdministrator CityCouncilMinutes–December8,2014 Page1 MINUTES REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,December8,2014–7p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Present:ClintHerbst,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf Absent:LloydHilgart 1.CalltoOrderandPledgeofAllegiance MayorHerbstcalledthemeetingtoorderat7:02p.m.anddeclaredaquorumpresent. ThePledgeofAllegiancewasrecited. 2A.ApprovalofMinutes–November24,2014SpecialMeeting(budget) BRIANSTUMPFMOVEDTOACCEPTTHENOVEMBER24,2014SPECIAL MEETINGMINUTESASPRESENTED.TOMPERRAULTSECONDEDTHE MOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4-0. 2B.ApprovalofMinutes–November24,2014SpecialMeeting(canvassrecount) TOMPERRAULTMOVEDTOACCEPTTHENOVEMBER24,2014SPECIAL MEETINGMINUTESASPRESENTEDFORCANVASSINGTHEELECTION RECOUNT.GLENPOSUSTASECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4- 0. 2C.ApprovalofMinutes–November24,2014RegularMeeting TOMPERRAULTMOVEDTOACCEPTTHENOVEMBER24,2014REGULAR MEETINGMINUTESASPRESENTED.BRIANSTUMPFSECONDEDTHE MOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4-0. 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda •AppreciationforMayorHerbst(endofmeeting) 4.Citizencomments,publicserviceannouncements,andupdates A.CitizenComments: 1)PaulMendozaofCoonRapidsspokeonbehalfofPatOlsonwhoisalocal paramedicbutcouldnotbeatthemeetingtonight.MendozastatedthatPat OlsonisinterestedineducatingMonticelloonbecomingaheartsafe community-wherecitizensshouldunderstandwhattodoifapersongoes intosuddencardiacarrest.MendozasuggestedthatAEDdevicescouldbe purchasedorupdatedaspartofthisprocess.PatOlsonwouldbeinterestedin meetingwithcitystaffandcommunitymemberstodiscussthisfurther. CityCouncilMinutes–December8,2014 Page2 GlenPosustaaskedKittyBaltostocommentontheAEDdevicesinthe communitycenterandhowmanypeoplearetrained.KittyBaltosreported thattherearecurrentlythreedevicesavailableandmanyofherstaffare trained.ThereisapersondesignatedtomaintaintheseAED’s. TracyErgenmentionedthatinadditiontotheMCC,thecityhasAEDdevices attheDMVofficeandtheLiquorStore.Thecityprovidesannualtrainingon AEDandCPRforallemployees. 2)DeborahLockhart,413WBroadwayspokeaboutthesewerbackupather housethatsheshareswithowner,KimberlyLitzau-Chessen,theproblemthey encounteredwhenRotoRootertriedtoremovetheblockage,andthe consequentworktorepairthesewerline.Theyhavebeenincontactwith MattTheisentodeterminepossibleactionstorepairthebreakintheline.Ms. Lockhartreviewedtheprocessintryingtoremovetheblockageandmakethe repairs.Thehomeownersunderstandthataccordingtotheordinancetheyare responsibleforthelinefromthehousetothestreetmain.Theyhave questionsonwhoshouldberesponsiblefortherepairssincethereappearsto beevidencethatthereareproblemswiththislinedatingbacktoprevious years’workonthesewerline. MattTheisennotedthemainproblemtheyaredealingwithistheobstruction atthejoint.Mattexplainedthesolutionthattheyareproposingwillinvolve diggingdownthroughthecenterislandandintothelinebelowthestreettocut outthepartofthesewerlinewiththeobstruction.BrianStumpfaskedwhat theprojectisexpectedtocost.Mattfiguresthecostforthecitywouldbein excessof$5,000.Theblacktopandconcreteportionwouldprobablyrun about$1,200.GlenPosustaaskedifRotoRooterwouldhaveany responsibilitysincetheirmachinecausedtheproblem.Mattindicatedthat coulddependonthecontractthatthehomeownerssignedwithRotoRooter. ClintHerbstaskedhowthecityhandledtherepairforConroy’sbuilding. Mattstatedthatthecitypaidfortheequipmentandsupplycosts,andConroy paidforthelabor.ClintHerbstsuggestedthatthecityshouldgoaheadand maketherepairsthatareneededandthennegotiatewiththehomeownerfora fairsettlementofthecosts.WayneObergnotedthattheyareconsidering offeringanassessmentagreementandwaiverofhearingforthehomeowners sothattheycanpaythisviaaspecialassessment. 3)PublicServiceAnnouncements: 1)CityFacilityHolidayHours-RachelLeonardwentthroughtheholiday hoursforvariouscitybuildingsincludingDMV,LiquorStore,MCC,and FiberNet.ShenotedthattechnicianswillbeoncallforFiberNetatall times.Theschedulewillbepostedonthecity’swebsite. 2)SkatewithSanta(12/14)–KittyBaltosannouncedtheSkatewithSanta thatisopentothepubliconSunday,December14th from12to2p.m. CityCouncilMinutes–December8,2014 Page3 C.Updates: 1)MonticelloLibrary–LibrarianDebraLukenappearedbeforeCouncilto givethemanupdateontheMonticelloLibraryfor2014.Shetalkedabout someofthestatistics:numberofitemscheckedoutwere184,894,which isadecreasefrom2013,butcheckoutsofdigitalmediashowedahuge increase.Atotalof135programswereconductedwith2,554childrenand teensparticipating;thisprogrammingwaspaidwithcitydollars.Deb providedcopiesofthelibrarycalendar.Shealsonotedthelibrary installedanAEDattheMonticellobranchthisyear. 5.ConsentAgenda: A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillsforDecember8th. Recommendation:Approvethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotal amountof$521,713.02. B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments. Recommendation:RatifynewhiresanddeparturesforMCC,StreetsandParks. C.ConsiderationofcallingforaspecialmeetingonDecember22ndforapprovalof bills.Recommendation:CallforaspecialmeetingonDecember22nd at7:30 AMforthepurposeofapprovingbills. D.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofcityproperty andresourcesforFrostbiteDaysactivitiestakingplaceJanuary9-11,2015. Applicant:MonticelloChamberofCommerce.Recommendation:Approvethe SpecialEventPermitforFrostbiteDays2015,includinguseofcityvehiclesand staffresourcesforsnowclearingasnoted,useoftrafficcontroldevicesand tables,andcitystaffassistanceforpreparationandset-up,contingenton: •ContinuedsiteplancoordinationwiththeStreetSuperintendentandPark Superintendent. •AppropriatesignageandfencingincoordinationwiththeStreetandPark Superintendents. •ContinuedeventcoordinationwithWrightCountySheriff’sOffice. •Notificationandapprovalfromallprivatepropertyownersonwhichevent activitieswilloccur. •ProvideaCertificateofInsurancefortheevent,includingliquorandgeneral liability,withtheCitynamedasasecondinsured E.Considerationofapprovinganapplicationforatemporaryon-saleliquorlicense forFrostbiteDaysactivitiesonJanuary9-10,2015.Applicant:MonticelloLions Club.Recommendation:Approvetheapplicationfora2-daytemporaryliquor licensefortheMonticelloLionsonJanuary9-10,2015at3613WestChelsea RoadinconjunctionwithFrostbiteDaysCommunityCelebration,contingenton CityCouncilMinutes–December8,2014 Page4 provisionofacertificateofinsurancefortheeventsandpaymentofthe applicationfee. F.Considerationofapproving2015ScheduleforRegularCouncilandCommission meetings.Recommendation:Approvethe2015RegularlyScheduledCouncil andCommissionmeetingsaspresented. G.ConsiderationofapprovingCityFacilityBusinessHoursfor2015. Recommendation:ApprovetheCityFacilityBusinessHoursschedulefor2015 aspresented. H.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-122authorizingsubmittalofLocal RoadImprovementProgramgrantapplicationforintersectionimprovementsto TH25and7th Street.THISITEMWASREMOVEDFROMTHECONSENT AGENDA. I.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-125approvingthesaleof $6,595,000G.O.Bonds,Series2014A.THISITEMWASREMOVED FROMTHECONSENTAGENDA. BRIANSTUMPFMOVEDTOAPPROVETHECONSENTAGENDAWITHTHE REMOVALOFITEMSHANDI.TOMPERRAULTSECONDEDTHEMOTION. MOTIONCARRIED4-0. 6.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 5H.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-122authorizingsubmittalofLocal RoadImprovementProgramgrantapplicationforintersectionimprovementstoTH25 and7th Street GlenPosustatalkedtoShibaniBissonaboutthisgrantapplicationandsuggestedthat perhapsthecityshouldlookatanaccelerationlanefromtheproposed7th Streetturnlane toHwy25northbound.ShibaniBissonhadindicatedthatshecouldlookintothat.Tom Perraultnotedthatthedateontheresolutionandsomewordingneedstobecorrectedon theresolution. GLENPOSUSTAMOVEDTOADOPTRESOLUTION#2014-122AUTHORIZING SUBMITTALOFALOCALROADIMPROVEMENTPROGRAMGRANT APPLICATONFORINTERSECTIONIMPROVEMENTSTOT/H25AND7TH STREET.BRIANSTUMPFSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4-0. 5I.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-125approvingthesaleof$6,595,000 G.O.Bonds,Series2014A WayneObergintroducedTammiOmdahlfromNorthlandSecurities,whowaspresentto talkaboutthebondsaleaward.TammyOmdahlnotedthatCouncilhadrejectedthe previousbid,andauthorizedNorthlandtonegotiatethebondawardwithother CityCouncilMinutes–December8,2014 Page5 underwriters.TammyOmdahlnotedthatthebidthattheyhavereceivedisatbetterterms forthecitywithinterestonlypaymentsin2015andthefirstfullpaymentin2016. BRIANSTUMPFMOVEDTOADOPTRESOLUTION#2014-125AWARDINGTHE SALEOF$6,595,000G.O.BONDS,SERIES2014AWITH$6,080,000FORTHE JUDGMENTBONDAND$515,000FORCAPITALEQUIPMENT(FIRETRUCK ANDPLOWTRUCK).GLENPOSUSTASECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTION CARRIED4-0. 7.RegularAgenda: A.PublicHearing–ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinanceNo.605amendingtheCity FeeSchedulefor2015andadoptingSummaryOrdinanceNo.605Afor publication JeffO’Neillcommentedthattheproposedfeechangesarebasedoncostsfor thoseservicesandspecificallynotedtheincreaseforindustrialwaterandsewer rates,whichwouldbecomeeffectiveinmid-2015.WayneObergbrieflytalked aboutthoseratesandindicatedthathehadtalkedwithCargillabouttheproposed increases.Cargillaskedthecitytoconsidermovingthoseincreasestothemiddle oftheyear.WayneObergnotedthatthereareanumberofwaterandsewer infrastructureprojectscomingupandthisincreaseisneededtohelpsupportthose projects. MayorHerbstopenedthepublichearing.Astherewerenocomments,thepublic hearingwasclosed. ClintHerbstcommentedonthelowwaterandsewerratesinMonticello comparedtosomesurroundingcommunities.TomPerraultcommentedthathe wouldratherhaveallwaterandsewerratesincreasedatthesametime,andnot makeanexceptionforindustrialrates.WayneObergencouragedadoptionofthe feescheduleasproposed.HenotedthatMay-Junearehighwateringmonthsand thecityshouldbechargingusageatthehigherrateduringthattime. Decision1 GLENPOSUSTAMOVEDFORALTERNATIVE#1TOADOPT ORDINANCENO.605APPROVINGTHE2015FEESCHEDULEAS SUBMITTED,EFFECTIVEJANUARY1,2015ORASINDICATEDINTHE FEESCHEDULE.BRIANSTUMPFSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTION CARRIED3-1WITHTOMPERRAULTVOTINGINOPPOSITION. Decision2 BRIANSTUMPFMOVEDTOADOPTSUMMARYORDINANCENO.605A FORPUBLICATION.TOMPERRAULTSECONDEDTHEMOTION. MOTIONCARRIED4-0. CityCouncilMinutes–December8,2014 Page6 B.PublicHearing-ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-123establishingthe finalTaxLevyfor2015 WayneObergpresentedinformationtoCouncilrelatedtothe2015proposedtax levy.InSeptember,Councilapprovedthepreliminarytaxlevyat$8,535,000 whichwasprovidedtotheCountyandusedforthe2015truthintaxationnotices. Tonight,Councilisbeingaskedtoadoptthefinaltaxlevyfor2015.Wayne Obergreviewedthepropertytaxlevyhistoryanddescribedtheincreasesintax capacityfor2013and2015.Hecommentedontheimpactofthelowertaxrate, whichwillresultindecreasedcitytaxesforresidentsin2015. WayneObergcomparedthetaxcapacityratesforWrightCountyandtheCityof Monticelloandexplainedthatthecountyincreasedtheirtaxrateandwillbe collectingalargershareoftaxesinMonticellofor2015.TheCityofMonticello hasthelowesttaxcapacityrateforallcitiesinWrightCountyandalowertax capacityratethanthecounty’sratefor2015. WayneObergreviewedasampletaximpactonaresidentialandcommercial property,andbothshowedtaxdecreasesforthecityportion.WayneObergalso discussedtheproposedbudgetfor2015andnotedthatitisbalancedbasedona proposedtaxlevyof$8,535,000. MayorHerbstopenedthepublichearing.Astherewerenocomments,thepublic hearingwasclosed. BRIANSTUMPFMOVEDFORALTERNATIVE#1TOADOPT RESOLUTION#2014-123ESTABLISHINGTHEFINALPROPERTYTAX LEVYFOR2015AT$8,535,000.GLENPOSUSTASECONDEDTHE MOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4-0. C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-124approvingthe2015Citybudget WayneObergdisplayedtheproposedbudgetforthegeneralfundandnotedthat thelawenforcementbudgetdoesnotincludeanadditionalfourhoursfornext year.Henotedthecapitalprojectsbudgethasbeenallocatedadditionalfunding thatcouldcoversomeunfundedprojects. BrianStumpfaskedabouthowremoving#CfromSection4oncapitalequipment. Hesaidthathefavorsadoptingtheresolutionbuttoremovethatitemandre- establishthe$94,000requestforanadditionalfourhoursoflawenforcement. BRIANSTUMPFMOVEDFORALTERNATIVE#2TOADOPT RESOLUTION#2014-124APPROVINGTHE2015EXPENDITUREBUDGET AT$39,630,408,WITHREMOVALOF#CINSECTION4,AND REALLOCATIONOFTHEGENERALFUNDBUDGETTOINCLUDEFOUR ADDITIONALHOURSPERDAYFORTHE2015LAWENFORCEMENT CONTRACT.MOTIONFAILEDFORLACKOFASECOND. CityCouncilMinutes–December8,2014 Page7 WayneObergcommentedonthisandsuggestedthatperhapstheCitycould investigatethisfurtherandfindotherwaysofutilizinglawenforcementhoursifit isfoundadditionalhoursareneeded.Forexample,theCitycouldpossiblyshare anincreaseofhourswithanotherWrightCountycity.TomPerraultandClint Herbstbothsuggestedthattherebesomeresearchonwherethosehourswouldbe mostneededbeforereallocatingthebudget. GLENPOSUSTAMOVEDFORALTERNATIVE#1TOADOPT RESOLUTION#2014-124APPROVINGTHE2015EXPENDITUREBUDGET AT$39,630,408,WITHREMOVALOF#CINSECTION4,ANDNO CHANGEINLAWENFORCEMENTHOURSFOR2015.TOMPERRAULT SECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED3-1WITHBRIAN STUMPFVOTINGINOPPOSITION. D.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinanceNo.606amendingMonticelloCityCode includingTitle10-ZoningOrdinance,Sections2.4(M)and4.10;Title11, Chapter5–Subdivision:DesignStandards;andTitle7,Chapter10–Illicit Discharge,Detection,andElimination,andadoptingSummaryOrdinanceNo. 606Aforpublication.Applicant:CityofMonticello ShibaniBissonprovidedapresentationontheproposedordinanceamendments relatingtotheMunicipalSeparateStormSewerSystem(MS4)permit.These amendmentswerepresentedtothePlanningCommissionandrecommendedfor approval.ShibaniBissonexplainedtheMS4permit,whichwasissuedin2008, reissuedinJanuary2014,andexpiresonJuly31,2018.ShibaniBissonreviewed theStormWaterPollutionPreventionProgramandnotedtheminimumcontrol measuresthatitaddresses:PublicEducationandOutreach,PublicParticipation andInvolvement,IllicitDischargeDetectionandElimination,ConstructionSite StormwaterRunoffControl,Post-constructionStormWaterManagement,and PollutionPreventionandGoodHousekeeping.Theproposedordinance amendmentsaremeanttoaddressthreeofthecontrolmeasuresandrules. ThezoningordinanceupdatesinvolveChapters2and4.Therevisions,“Grading, Drainage,StormwaterManagement,andErosionControlPermitRequirements” and“StormwaterManagement,”wouldbeaddedinvariousplacesinChapter2, Section2.4(M).Chapter4,Section4.10isrecommendedtobereplacedentirely asthereareanumberofchangestothelanguageincluding:updatingstatutory authorization,definitions,planrequirementstoreflectstateminimums,reference tothecity’sDesignManual,additionofStormwaterManagementsection,and constructionrequirementstoaddressmaintenanceandrepair. GlenPosustaquestionedthatinsomecasessiltfenceisnotremovedafterthesite isdeveloped..ShibaniBissonnotedthatthenewordinancerequiressiltfenceto beremovedafterthesiteisestablishedandtherearepenaltiesinvolved.In addition,anescrowisretainedwithgradingpermittoaddressnon-compliance.. BrianStumpfaskedifthisonlyaffectsnewconstruction;ShibaniBisson CityCouncilMinutes–December8,2014 Page8 indicatedthatthiswouldapplytoeveryonethatappliesforagradingpermitwith thecity. ShibaniBissonnotedthatshehandedoutarevisedcopyoftheproposed OrdinanceNo.606whichcontainsfurtherchangestoSection4.10thatwere missedinthecopythatwentoutwiththeagendapacket.ByadoptingOrdinance No.606,Councilwouldbeadoptingamendmentsasprintedintherevisedcopy. ShibaniBissonbrieflydiscussedtheamendmentstotheIDDEordinanceto addressviolationsandtotheSubdivisionordinancetoreferencethecity’sDesign Manualandrelatedrequirements. TomPerraultaskedaboutwording,“restoringtonativeconditions”;Shibani explainedthatmeansthatanareamustberestoredtoitsoriginalconditionpriorto thegrading. Decision1 BRIANSTUMPFMOVEDFORALTERNATIVE#1TOADOPT ORDINANCENO.606AMENDINGMONTICELLOCODEASPROPOSED FORTITLE10–ZONINGORDINANCE,SECTIONS2.4(M)AND4.10; TITLE11,CHAPTER5–SUBDIVISION:DESIGNSTANDARDS;AND TITLE7,CHAPTER10–ILLICITDISCHARGE,DETECTION,AND ELIMINATION.GLENPOSUSTASECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTION CARRIED4-0. Decision2 TOMPERRAULTMOVEDTOADOPTSUMMARYORDINANCENO.606A FORSUMMARYPUBLICATION.GLENPOSUSTASECONDEDTHE MOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4-0. 8.Addeditems •RachelLeonardledthepresentationtohonorMayorClintHerbstfortheyearsof service.MayorHerbstdidnotseekanothertermandisretiringfrompublicoffice attheendoftheyear.RachelLeonardhighlightedsomeoftheoutstanding achievementsofMayorHerbst. 9.Adjournment GLENPOSUSTAMOVEDTOADJOURNTHEMEETINGAT8:57P.M.TOM PERRAULTSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4-0. Recorder:CatherineM.Shuman____ Approved: Attest:_____________________________ CityAdministrator CityCouncilSpecialMeetingMinutes–December22,2014 Page1 MINUTES SPECIALMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,December22,2013–7:30a.m. AcademyRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Present:ClintHerbst,LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf Absent:None Others:JeffO’Neill,WayneOberg 1.CalltoOrder MayorClintHerbstcalledthespecialmeetingtoorderat7:30a.m. 2.PurposeofMeeting:Presentationofbillsforpayment ClintHerbstannouncedthepurposeofthemeetingistoreviewandapprovethebills. 3.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforDecember22nd ClintHerbstaskedaboutthebillfromStreicher’swhichincludedclothingandabelt. BrianStumpfnotedthatStreicher’swouldbefortheFireDepartmentandbeltsarepart oftheuniform.ClintHerbstalsoindicatedthathethoughtthecostwasratherhighfor thecommunitycentertohireaSantafortheirChristmasaroundtheWorldevent.He suggestedthattheremaybeotheroptionssuchasworkingwiththeMonticelloSenior Center. GlenPosustaaskedaboutthefollowingbills: •Amazon;SlingTVandheadphones–wantedtoknowwhyFiberNetwouldbe purchasingtheseitems.JeffO’Neillwillcheckwhatthisisfor. •CentralMcGowan;bulkcarbondioxide–thisisforthecommunitycenterfor operations(i.e.pop). •Jake’sExcavating–wonderedwhythisvendorwasusedratherthanonefrom town.Thiswasforgraveexcavationsatthecemetery;WayneObergwillcheck withTomPawelk. •LeagueofMNCities;conferenceregistrationfornewly-electedofficials–asked whatthiswasfor.JeffO’NeillexplainedthatCharlotteGablerwillbeattending andofferedtheopportunitytoanyothercouncilmembers. •MPNexlevel;directionalboringforGoodwillStore–wantedtoknowwhythey wereboringinsteadofinstallingfiberatthetimeotherexcavatingwasdone.Jeff O’NeillexplainedthattheparkinglotwasinplacebeforeGoodwilldecidedto useFiberNetfortheirphoneandinternet.TheCityhiredMPNexleveltobore undertheparkinglot. •NationwideCLECLLC;fixedbilling–askedwhythiscompanywasfixingthe billingsystem.JeffO’Neillexplainedthatthisisactuallyacompanythat providesongoingservicesforFiberNetonafixedbillingbasis. CityCouncilSpecialMeetingMinutes–December22,2014 Page2 •FiberNetrefundstomultiplepeople–askedwhyFiberNetmakestheserefundsno matterwhattheamount.JeffO’NeillandCathyShumanexplainedthatitisa legalrequirementunderthePublicUtilitiesCommissiontorefundanyremaining balanceonatelecommunicationsaccountwhenpeoplediscontinueservice. •WrightCountyHighwayDepartment;BeyondtheYellowRibbonsigns–asked whatthiswasfor.ClintHerbstexplainedthiswasfortheinstallationofthesigns whichwereapprovedaspartofbecomingaBeyondtheYellowRibbonCity. WrightCountyinstallsallsignsthatareputontheirsignposts.CathyShuman notedthatdonationscoveredallormostofthecost. •ZAYOBandwidth;privateline,costrecoverysurcharge–wantedtoknowwhy FiberNetwouldpayforaprivateline.JeffO’Neillexplainedthatthiscompany providesongoingserviceforFiberNetonamonthlybasis. WayneObergaskedCounciltoallowthefollowingadditionstotheapprovalofthebills. Theseitemsareassociatedwiththerecentbondsaleandwouldbebestiftheyare includedonthebooksbeforetheendoftheyear. •$13,000–Moody’sInvestmentServices •$4,500–Kennedy&Graven •$800–USBank&Trust TOMPERRAULTMOVEDTOAPPROVETHEBILLANDPURCHASECARD REGISTERSFORATOTALAMOUNTOF$739,576.47PLUSTHEADDITIONOF $18,300FORBONDSALERELATEDEXPENSES.GLENPOSUSTASECONDED THEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. ClintHerbstthankedtheCouncilMembersfortheiryearsofserviceandtheteamwork overthetimethathehasservedontheCouncil. 4.Adjournment TOMPERRAULTMOVEDTOADJOURNTHESPECIALMEETINGAT7:48A.M. LLOYDHILGARTSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. Recorder:CatherineM.Shuman____ Approved: Attest:_____________________________ CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:01/12/15 1 5A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforJanuary12th (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $805,292.64. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters PurchaseCardregisters User: Printed:01/07/2015 - 12:14PM Debbie.Davidson Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00203.01.2015 - 203.01.2015 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2925 1ST LINE/LEEWES VENTURES LLC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 114018 Resale 329.52 12/31/2014 101-45501-421990 114241 Syrups - concession 557.25 12/31/2014 226-45127-425410 886.77Check Total: Vendor:2820 CITY OF ALBERTVILLE Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 20140366 (90.5) hours Hazmat & Confined Spaces Tain D.A. & R.P. 678.75 12/31/2014 101-42200-433200 678.75Check Total: Vendor:2282 ALBIN ACQUISITION CORPORATION Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 1220145487S Trusted Employees - DBA Albin Aquisition - Background Checks (1) 23.00 12/31/2014 226-45122-431990 23.00Check Total: Vendor:3991 ANOKA RAMSEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 00374924 Lock Out Tag Out & Confined Space Training 10/28/14 750.00 12/31/2014 101-41800-431960 750.00Check Total: Vendor:1038 APPERTS FOOD SERVICE Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 412260436 Freight 5.00 12/31/2014 226-45122-433300 412260436 cheese cups, bagels. muffins, pizzas, pretzels, chips, ketchup 538.23 12/31/2014 226-45127-425410 412260436 Pizzas & Capri drinks 146.61 12/31/2014 226-45127-421460 501020669 Party items - ice cream cups & Capri drinks 78.65 01/13/2015 226-45127-421460 501020669 Chese cups, cookies, pizzas, chips, fruit snacks, coffee 764.66 01/13/2015 226-45127-425410 501020669 Freight 5.00 01/13/2015 226-45122-433300 1,538.15Check Total: Vendor:1039 AQUA LOGIC INC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 43067 Replace bulbs on UV units (2) 285.00 12/31/2014 226-45122-440800 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 285.00Check Total: Vendor:1048 AVENET LLC Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 35956 1/1-12/31/15 GovOffice Annual Service Package 750.00 01/13/2015 702-00000-432300 35956 RSS Feeds - Service Package 50.00 01/13/2015 702-00000-432300 800.00Check Total: Vendor:1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 46175900 resale - wine 48.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 46175900 resale - wine 120.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 46175900 freight 4.40 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 46310300 resale - liquor 333.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 46310300 freight 10.80 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 46402600 freight 9.45 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 46402600 resale - wine 84.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 46402600 resale - liquor 402.20 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 91285800 freight 0.50 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 91285800 asst. bags 108.80 12/31/2014 609-49754-421990 91285900 bags 47.70 12/31/2014 609-49754-421990 91285900 freight 0.21 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 91294900 freight 0.81 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 91294900 resale - mix 176.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425500 91334900 freight 1.26 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 91334900 asst. bags 272.79 12/31/2014 609-49754-421990 91370100 freight 0.76 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 91370100 asst. bags 165.60 12/31/2014 609-49750-425500 1,786.28Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 29813 resale 253.00 12/31/2014 226-45127-425410 31667 resale- juice 65.60 12/31/2014 609-49750-425500 31667 resale- soda pop 77.80 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 31668 resale- beer 2,194.30 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 32399 resale 395.25 12/31/2014 226-45127-425410 91946 resale - soda pop 171.20 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 91947 resale - beer 1,163.85 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 92634 resale - soda pop 438.00 12/31/2014 226-45127-425410 92634 resale - soda pop 12.80 12/31/2014 226-45127-421460 4,771.80Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2576 BIG LAKE LUMBER Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 20043221 Service Door; (6) 48x96 1/2" Fir CDX Plywood; (2) trim - Prk Shp 749.29 12/31/2014 101-43127-422300 749.29Check Total: Vendor:2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: True 908552493 (2) 25pks Jona-Fod-RB25 BLD File 89.16 12/31/2014 656-49877-421990 908616569 (45) HD Comp Cable 6XRCA 431.62 12/31/2014 656-49877-421990 908630605 (10) NA2 Battery 12V Backup 2Prong 549.85 12/31/2014 656-49877-421990 908637425 (2000) ft Beige Pop Box 282.15 12/31/2014 656-49877-421990 1,352.78Check Total: Vendor:3278 SHANNON BYE Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 12/31/2014 Monticello Joint Planning Board - 1/8/14; 6/11/14 70.00 12/31/2014 101-41310-431990 70.00Check Total: Vendor:1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 00033955 Monthly Tank Rental 45.00 12/31/2014 226-45122-441500 00834715 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (255 lbs) 77.00 12/31/2014 226-45122-421600 00836563 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (310 lbs) 88.00 12/31/2014 226-45122-421600 210.00Check Total: Vendor:2197 CORPORATE CONNECTION Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 10794 (7) Lime cls 3 jackets; (12)Lime cls 3 swtshirt- split -Water 77.36 12/31/2014 601-49440-420650 10794 (7) Lime cls 3 jackets; (12)Lime cls 3 swtshirt- split -Sewer 77.35 12/31/2014 602-49490-420650 10794 (7) Lime cls 3 jackets; (12)Lime cls 3 swtshirt- split -Parks 144.86 12/31/2014 101-45201-420650 10794 (7) Lime cls 3 jackets; (12)Lime cls 3 swtshirt- split -Streets 334.66 12/31/2014 101-43120-420650 11529 XL Lime Class 3 Full zip black bottom hooded sweatshrit 24.95 12/31/2014 101-45201-420650 659.18Check Total: Vendor:1123 CRABTREE COMPANIES INC Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 129375 Cannon Scanner 3,426.08 12/31/2014 702-00000-424100 3,426.08Check Total: Vendor:2476 CSI DIGITAL INC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 102715 80% 12/14/14-12/13/15 Monitor/supp; software upgrades; etc 24,000.00 01/13/2015 656-49870-431900 102715 utx - 20% 12/14/14-12/13/15 Monitor/supp; software upgrades; etc 6,000.00 01/13/2015 656-49870-431900 102827 Monthly Fiber Feed Jan 2015 2,700.00 01/13/2015 656-49879-430930 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 32,700.00Check Total: Vendor:2454 GREG CURTIS Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 01/05/2015 Sales TaxRefund - unable to use pool due to dirty water incident 1.38 01/13/2015 226-00000-208100 01/05/2015 Refund - unable to use pool due to dirty water incident 20.12 01/13/2015 226-45122-347910 21.50Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 102014 resale - beer 30,119.27 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 102014 resale -misc tax 65.50 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 102140 resale - misc tax 110.80 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 102140 resale - beer 2,040.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 102253 resale - beer 14,493.02 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 102291 resale - beer -3.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 102396 resale - beer credit -51.40 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 102413 resale - beer credit 252.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 102470 resale - beer credit- correc. to inv 102253 -500.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 102575 resale - beer 889.60 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 102803 resale - beer 216.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 102804 resale - beer 5,683.40 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 1128112 resale - beer 26,039.36 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 1128112 resale - mix 131.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 1138160 resale - beer 1,374.40 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 1141606 resale - beer 7,143.16 01/13/2015 609-49750-425200 1141606 resale - 131.00 01/13/2015 609-49750-425400 12242014 resale - beer- Correct dbl credit used inv 101383 & 99751 46.25 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 88,180.36Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 783707 resale - beer 448.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 784270 resale - beer 1,851.80 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 784270 resale -mix 24.60 12/31/2014 609-49750-425500 785104 resale - 49.20 01/13/2015 609-49750-425400 785104 resale - beer 132.00 01/13/2015 609-49750-425200 2,505.60Check Total: Vendor:1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True 170894 ROP Spread Holiday Cheer - FNM 201.25 12/31/2014 655-49870-434990 171857 Ordinance 606A Ad# 324082 156.91 12/31/2014 101-41910-435100 171858 Ordinance 605A Ad# 324084 129.22 12/31/2014 101-41910-435100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 487.38Check Total: Vendor:2734 ENVIROTECH SERVICES INC Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False CD201503695 3,944 gal meltdown 4,636.67 12/31/2014 101-43125-421600 4,636.67Check Total: Vendor:2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 0109037 Software training 1,000.00 12/31/2014 601-49440-422701 0123328 Gas monitor - PW 603.00 12/31/2014 101-43120-424100 1,603.00Check Total: Vendor:1179 FIRE SAFETY USA INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 75128 (2) helmet w/ shield; (2) 6" leather front, standard 650.00 12/31/2014 101-42200-421990 650.00Check Total: Vendor:1180 FIRST HOSPITAL LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False FL00108720 DOT Pre Employmnt Drug Test - M.C. 42.95 12/31/2014 601-49440-431990 42.95Check Total: Vendor:1662 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME COMPANY Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 29546 re-sale- Tom & Jerry Mix 145.80 12/31/2014 609-49750-425500 145.80Check Total: Vendor:1189 FOSTER WHITE AGENCY INC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False MONTI27 Volunteer Accident Ins 11/04/14 - 15 1,362.00 12/31/2014 101-42200-436990 1,362.00Check Total: Vendor:4004 ALEXANDRIA GELIA Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 01052015 FNM-001-0788 acct- refund 9.66 01/13/2015 656-00000-115025 9.66Check Total: Vendor:1199 GFOA Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 0124003 2/1/15 - 1/31/16 Mbr #300088295 Wayne Oberg 190.00 01/13/2015 101-41520-443300 0124003 2/1/15 - 1/31/16 Mbr #300095324 Angela McIntire 150.00 01/13/2015 101-41520-443300 340.00Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True 129627 December 2014 locates 1/2 34.80 12/31/2014 601-49440-422770 129627 December 2014 locates 1/2 34.80 12/31/2014 656-49877-422770 69.60Check Total: Vendor:1206 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 175559 freight 11.25 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 175559 resale - wine 1,224.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 1,235.25Check Total: Vendor:2895 GREATER MN PARKS AND TRAILS Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 2015 Membership 2015 Membership - City of Monticello 225.00 01/13/2015 101-45201-443300 225.00Check Total: Vendor:3770 JASON HANKE Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True 386916 Fiber xconn-SMF xcon Dec 2014 275.00 12/31/2014 655-49870-431990 275.00Check Total: Vendor:1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: True 3677621 (4) chlorine; (211) gl hydrofluosilicic Acid; (754) gl Phosphate 8,438.01 12/31/2014 601-49440-421600 8,438.01Check Total: Vendor:2591 BRIAN HELLMAN Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 3142 Fall mowing & lawn care - Riverside Cemetary 3,000.00 12/31/2014 651-49010-431050 3143 Fall mowing & lawn care - DMV 105.00 12/31/2014 217-41990-431050 3144 Fall mowing & lawn care - Fire Hall 105.00 12/31/2014 101-42200-431050 3145 Fall mowing & lawn care - Library 120.00 12/31/2014 101-45501-430150 3146 utx - Fall mowing & lawn care - Liquor Store 120.00 12/31/2014 609-49754-431050 3147 utx - Fall mowing & lawn care - Prairie Building 105.00 12/31/2014 101-41941-431050 3,555.00Check Total: Vendor:4000 JOSH HEMANN Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 01052015 763-295-5591 acct refund 22.89 01/13/2015 656-00000-115025 22.89Check Total: Vendor:1227 CLINT HERBST Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 12/31/2014 Monticello Joint Planning Board - 1/8/14; 6/11/14 70.00 12/31/2014 101-41310-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 70.00Check Total: Vendor:3229 JEFF HOGLUND Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 011219 (16) Equipment Unit Numbers 80.00 12/31/2014 101-43120-422600 80.00Check Total: Vendor:1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: True 12182014 Fire Dept Fuel 11/20-12/18/2014 411.26 12/31/2014 101-42200-421200 12182014 MCC Fuel - 11/19 - 12/18/2014 34.19 12/31/2014 226-45122-421200 445.45Check Total: Vendor:2008 BRETT HOLKER Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False 12/31/2014 Monticello Joint Planning Board - 1/8/14; 6/11/14 70.00 12/31/2014 101-41310-431990 70.00Check Total: Vendor:1244 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 141215030 Pool chemicals 704.63 12/31/2014 226-45122-421600 704.63Check Total: Vendor:4002 SYTHA INTHISANE Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 01052015 763-314-0164 acct - refund 14.31 01/13/2015 656-00000-115025 14.31Check Total: Vendor:3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL 49 FRINGE BENE Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False February 2015 February Health Insurance 49,751.00 01/13/2015 101-00000-217061 February 2015 February Health Insurance 13,156.00 01/13/2015 101-00000-217061 62,907.00Check Total: Vendor:3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: True 2624 (1) grave site 500.00 01/13/2015 651-49010-431150 500.00Check Total: Vendor:1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 2309001 resale - beer 769.80 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 2309077 resale - beer 776.50 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 1,546.30Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:3855 JOANNE C JOHNSON Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 105 BLANDN - Billing Period 11/16/14-12/15/14 3,000.00 12/31/2014 655-00000-220250 3,000.00Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 5049909 freight 54.60 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 5049909 resale - liquor 3,859.89 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 5049910 freight 53.75 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 5049910 resale - wine 2,504.15 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 5052885 freight 36.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 5052885 resale - liquor 2,458.75 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 5052886 freight 14.40 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 5052886 resale - wine 563.43 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 5054905 freight 5.76 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 5054905 resale - liquor 459.70 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 5054906 freight 24.48 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 5054906 resale - wine 904.10 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 5056191 freight 27.84 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 5056191 resale - liquor 2,745.71 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 5056192 freight 83.53 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 5056192 resale - misc tax 161.25 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 5056192 resale -wine 2,522.70 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 5059493 resale - liquor 3,696.73 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 5059493 freight 56.99 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 5059494 freight 121.55 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 5059494 resale - wine 3,958.14 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 5059494 resale - mix 96.98 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 5060415 resale - liquor 5,268.61 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 5060415 freight 71.04 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 5060416 freight 92.16 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 5060416 resale -n/a wine 111.19 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 5060416 resale - wine 3,126.75 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 5060417 resale - beer 83.96 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 506946 freight - credit -7.20 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 506946 freight - credit -637.25 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 507189 resale - liquor credit -3.23 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 507190 resale -wine credit -12.41 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 507191 freight credit -0.12 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 507191 resale - liquor credit -12.33 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 507192 resale - winecredit -9.71 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 507897 resale - liquor credit -3.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 507898 resale - liquor credit -3.48 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 507899 resale - wine credit -5.57 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 508130 resale - liquor credit -18.50 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 508131 resale - liquor credit -7.67 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 508132 resale - liquor credit -2.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 508133 resale - wine credit -12.41 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 508134 resale - liquor credit -16.32 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 508135 resale - liquor credit -35.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 508136 resale - liquor credit -19.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 508882 resale - liquor -80.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 508882 freight -1.44 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 32,277.50Check Total: Vendor:3996 MIKE KELLER Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False 01052015 FNM-001-0068 acct Refund 84.24 01/13/2015 656-00000-115025 84.24Check Total: Vendor:3940 KENT KJELLBERG Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 01/07/2015 Refund Duplicate pmts 12/22 & 12/31 for rental fee-5330 Falcon 60.00 12/31/2014 101-42400-342110 60.00Check Total: Vendor:4005 KJELLBERG'S MANAGEMENT Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 01/07/2015 Refund duplicate rental fee pmt 12/22 & 12/31 for 1323 W River S 75.00 12/31/2014 101-42400-342110 75.00Check Total: Vendor:2009 NANCY KOPFF Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 12/31/2014 Monticello Joint Planning Board - 6/11/14 Secretary 75.00 12/31/2014 101-41310-431990 75.00Check Total: Vendor:3997 KAREN LIUBUKKA Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 01052015 763-314-0600 acct- refund 79.29 01/13/2015 656-00000-115025 79.29Check Total: Vendor:1300 DOUGLAS WILLIAM LYSENG Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: True 1303 New Laptop Software - Bryan Rabe 235.13 12/31/2014 655-49870-431990 1303 New Laptop - Bryan Rabe 1,441.74 12/31/2014 655-49870-424100 1,676.87Check Total: Vendor:1303 M AMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 187151 resale - taxable 359.35 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 187151 resale - non taxable 1,084.60 12/31/2014 609-49750-425500 1,443.95Check Total: Vendor:1888 MACTA Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 2015 Membership 2015 Membership - FNM 300.00 01/13/2015 656-49870-443300 300.00Check Total: Vendor:2819 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 12/1/2014 Labor Relations Services thru 11/30/14 52.00 12/31/2014 101-41800-430400 52.00Check Total: Vendor:1229 MAJIRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True 1136 Envelopes (2500) & family guest passes (1000) printed 222.99 12/31/2014 226-45122-420300 1136 Creative Fee changes 21.25 12/31/2014 226-45122-431990 244.24Check Total: Vendor:3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: True 117995 3005gallons unleaded 786.96 12/31/2014 101-43120-421200 138448 637 gallons unleaded 1,266.31 12/31/2014 101-43120-421200 145131 556 gal Diesel 1,490.21 12/31/2014 101-43120-421200 3,543.48Check Total: Vendor:1309 MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 482476 ZTOWER- (6) straw bales 35.70 12/31/2014 400-43300-458010 35.70Check Total: Vendor:3669 MEDIA MAGNATE Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 1283 Graphic Edits on website regarding price increases 45.00 01/13/2015 226-45122-430920 45.00Check Total: Vendor:3943 MEYER BORGMAN JOHNSON, INC Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 14.782.0-3 BLK034 - 11/16-12/15/14 Services - 98.5% Complete 3,159.00 12/31/2014 213-46301-430300 3,159.00Check Total: Vendor:1330 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: True 400413005491 (94) Transactions - November 2014 84.60 12/31/2014 101-42100-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 84.60Check Total: Vendor:2179 MINNESOTA 9-1-1 PROGRAM Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: True Dec-14 December 2014 911 Wright Co 798.33 12/31/2014 655-00000-208170 798.33Check Total: Vendor:2108 MN CITY/COUNTY MGMT ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False Membership 5/1/14 - 4/30/15 Jeff O'Neill Membership Renewal 128.24 12/31/2014 101-41310-443300 128.24Check Total: Vendor:1345 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 12/19/14 Register Food Service License - Ballfield Concession 35.00 01/13/2015 226-45203-443700 35.00Check Total: Vendor:1845 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 12/31/2014 Qtrly Building Permit Surcharge 2,108.99 12/31/2014 101-00000-208110 12/31/2014 Qtrly Building Permit Surcharge -83.54 12/31/2014 101-42400-343000 2,025.45Check Total: Vendor:1349 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 00000249073 TH 25/85th - street signal & turn lanes 261,605.04 12/31/2014 400-43300-459010 261,605.04Check Total: Vendor:1363 MN STATE FIRE DEPARTMENT ASSOC Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 2015 Membership 2015 MN State Fire Dept Asso. membership 315.00 01/13/2015 101-42200-443300 315.00Check Total: Vendor:3017 THE MN TRANSPORTATION ALLIANCE Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False P15-1047 Jan - Dec 2015 City of Monticello Membership 295.00 01/13/2015 101-43111-443300 295.00Check Total: Vendor:1743 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 1/6/2015 Notary Validation - Deb Ward 11/26/14 20.00 12/31/2014 101-42400-443990 1/6/2015 IECDE Ind of Yr Awards 10/13/14 44.00 12/31/2014 213-46301-434600 1/6/2015 Jury Duty Mileage - Todd Barnes Reimburse 10/9/14 6.75 12/31/2014 101-00000-362900 1/6/2015 Notary Validation - Kerry Burri 10/21/14 20.00 12/31/2014 101-41310-443990 1/6/2015 Richard Moore - Immunizations 1/2/15 43.60 12/31/2014 226-45122-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 134.35Check Total: Vendor:1369 MONTICELLO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 7292a Chamber Lunch 10/21/14 Illeana Miller 12.00 12/31/2014 655-49870-443990 7593a 2015 membership FNM 100.00 01/13/2015 656-49870-443300 7600a 2015 membership Hi-Way Liquor 100.00 01/13/2015 609-49754-443300 7624a 2015 membership owner/employees 380.00 01/13/2015 101-41940-443300 592.00Check Total: Vendor:1375 MONTICELLO PRINTING INC Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: True 10/08/2014 (5) Friction Loss Cards - lamenated 6.15 12/31/2014 101-42200-420300 12/05/2014 (50) Incident Reports; (30) Training Reports 143.95 12/31/2014 101-42200-420300 12/24/2014 (15) monthly payroll forms; (55) Ledger Book Seets for payroll 51.90 12/31/2014 101-42200-420300 202.00Check Total: Vendor:1388 MRPA Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 12/31/2014 2015 Membership (Parks, Natural Resource, Facilities, Program) 299.00 01/13/2015 226-45122-443300 299.00Check Total: Vendor:2082 NEUSTAR INC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: True M10746343 Acct 19894 11/01/14-11/30/14 Local # Portability 105.00 12/31/2014 655-49870-431990 M10746448 Acct 20313 11/01/14-11/30/14 SOW Inv Charges 0.59 12/31/2014 655-49870-431990 M10746449 Acct 20313 11/01/14-11/30/14 Local # Portability charges 62.31 12/31/2014 655-49870-431990 167.90Check Total: Vendor:1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 8479884 freight 37.50 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 8479884 resale - wine 2,391.24 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 8480623 resale - wine 1,424.39 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 8480623 freight 15.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 3,868.13Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 204734 freightr -0.48 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 204734 resale - liquor -29.12 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 2714018 resale- liquor 2,544.89 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 2714018 freight 41.76 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2714019 freightr 14.40 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2714019 resale- winer 380.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 2715982 freightr 40.32 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2715982 resale - liquor 3,110.50 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 2715983 freight 5.76 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2715983 resale -wine 232.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 2717198 freight 54.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2717198 resale - liquor 4,886.60 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 2717199 freight 12.96 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2717199 resale - misc tax 109.98 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 2717199 resale - wine 400.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 2718045 freight 18.72 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2718045 resale - liquor 1,553.88 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 2718046 freight 42.48 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2718046 resale - wine 2,268.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 2719443 resale - wine 5,542.50 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 2719443 freight 166.32 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2720275 resale - liquor 6,337.70 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 2720275 freight 69.12 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2720276 freight 10.08 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2720276 resale- wine 366.80 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 2721025 resale - liquor 2,705.29 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 2721025 freight 32.40 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2721026 freight 25.92 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2721026 resale - wine 1,196.45 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 2721026 resale - n/a wine 56.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 32,195.23Check Total: Vendor:3995 TERRIE PIRAM Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 12/31/2014 Monticello Joint Planning Board - 1/8/14 75.00 12/31/2014 101-41310-431990 75.00Check Total: Vendor:1852 POWER & TEL Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: True 5698916-01 cable slitter; spudger 193.47 12/31/2014 656-49877-421990 5703474-00 (100) 5-in-1 Universal Remote 765.65 12/31/2014 656-49877-421990 959.12Check Total: Vendor:2296 RICHARD QUICK Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 12/26/2014 Election Judge Hours (Nov 21 & Dec 10 2014) 82.50 12/31/2014 101-41410-431990 12/26/2014 Election Judge Mileage (Nov 21 & Dec 10 2014) 24.64 12/31/2014 101-41410-433100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 107.14Check Total: Vendor:3686 RANDYS SANITATION INC Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: True 1-209488-3 Jan 2015 Shredding FNM 16.42 01/13/2015 656-49870-431990 1-209489-1 Shredding Service 16.42 12/31/2014 217-41990-431990 1-209490-9 Shredding Service 16.42 12/31/2014 101-41940-431990 49.26Check Total: Vendor:3279 SEAN RILEY Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 12/31/2014 Monticello Joint Planning Board - 1/8/14; 6/11/14 200.00 12/31/2014 101-41310-431990 12/31/2014 Monticello Joint Planning Board - 1/8/14; 6/11/14 Travel 34.00 12/31/2014 101-41310-431990 234.00Check Total: Vendor:1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: True A24588 Grade 1 Entry Func Lever Handle Lock- back door of Parks shop 353.75 12/31/2014 101-45201-422300 353.75Check Total: Vendor:3994 RYAN COMPANIES, US Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 12/19/2014 ZUNION - Refund 1,051.00 12/31/2014 101-00000-220110 1,051.00Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: True 1/3/2015 Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,593.75 01/13/2015 101-42700-431200 1,593.75Check Total: Vendor:2006 PATRICK A SAWATZKE Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 12/31/2014 Monticello Joint Planning Bd - 1/8/14; 6/11/14 70.00 12/31/2014 101-41310-431990 70.00Check Total: Vendor:1487 CATHY SHUMAN Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: True 12/31/2014 General Election mileage reimbursement (212 miles) 118.72 12/31/2014 101-41410-433100 118.72Check Total: Vendor:1490 CYNTHIA R SIMPSON Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False 894125 December 2014 Cleaning Service 100.00 12/31/2014 101-42200-431990 100.00Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:3309 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MINNESOTA Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 1236510 resale - liquor 698.52 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 1236510 freight 8.37 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 1236511 freight 1.35 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 1236511 resale - misc non tax 37.21 12/31/2014 609-49750-425500 1236512 resale - wine 1,832.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 1236512 freight 38.48 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 1238994 freight 5.63 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 1238994 resale - liquor 633.59 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 1238995 freight 8.78 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 1238995 resale - wine 528.94 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 1241156 resale - liquor 4,708.68 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 1241156 freight 49.50 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 1241157 freight 39.16 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 1241157 resale - wine 2,105.88 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 10,696.09Check Total: Vendor:1497 SPECTRUM SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True 248159 (3) Mirrors; (8) Anti-Fog 21.69 12/31/2014 101-45201-421650 248448 Multifold white 4000ct 32.60 01/13/2015 101-42200-421990 54.29Check Total: Vendor:1612 SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False INV29661 2015 Annual Maintenance 25,594.36 01/13/2015 702-00000-431990 25,594.36Check Total: Vendor:1710 ST CLOUD OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 0149022 (2) LM T751L5 Brake MV 1 ph 14'; (2) Serv. Com Install 1,986.00 12/31/2014 101-43127-440100 0149023 (4) falcon sensors; 18' sections-2"x24"; lift charge 3,144.00 12/31/2014 101-43127-440100 5,130.00Check Total: Vendor:3993 STEVE FENEIS INVESTMENT REALTY Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False 12/19/2014 ZCOMM8 - Refund 4,845.40 12/31/2014 101-00000-220110 4,845.40Check Total: Vendor:2007 BRIAN STUMPF Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False 12/31/2014 Monticello Joint Planning Board - 1/8/14; 6/11/14 70.00 12/31/2014 101-41310-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 70.00Check Total: Vendor:3999 JULISA TAPIZ Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: False 01052015 FNM-001-0324 acct - refund 25.77 01/13/2015 656-00000-115025 25.77Check Total: Vendor:1516 TASC Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: False IN454294 2/1/2015-2/28/2015 Admin Fees 70.72 01/13/2015 101-49240-413500 70.72Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: True 00756311 resale - beer -115.05 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 00756322 resale - beer- credit -167.80 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 00756323 resale - beer- credit -79.75 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 319822 resale - beer 48.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 864824 resale - beer 84.69 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 864824 resale - wine 25.10 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 864825 resale - beer 12,156.65 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 865331 resale - beer 151.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 866261 resale - non-alcholic beer 66.60 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 866262 resale - beer 19.95 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 866262 resale - wine 25.10 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 866263 resale - beer 13,999.70 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 867356 resale - wine 50.20 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 867356 resale - beer 169.55 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 867357 resale - non-alcholic beer 66.60 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 867358 resale - beer 11,284.13 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 867421 resale - beer 562.50 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 868551 resale - non-alcholic beer 18.55 12/31/2014 609-49750-425500 868552 resale - beer 19,676.10 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 58,041.82Check Total: Vendor:1543 US BANK TRUST SERVICES Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: False 3862637 G.O. WWTP Bonds 2013B Acceptance Fee; Admin Fee 12/1/14-11/30/15 425.00 12/31/2014 602-49480-462010 425.00Check Total: Vendor:1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV LLC VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATIONS INC Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: False 00041958 12C003 - Progress Inv# 22 WWTP 451.31 12/31/2014 602-00000-165010 00044366 January 2015 WWTP Operation & Maintenance 79,823.00 01/13/2015 602-49480-430800 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 80,274.31Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: True 1500280 resale - soda pop 279.30 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 1503215 resale - soda pop 249.50 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 1503294 resale - soda pop 424.70 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 953.50Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: True 0114311 resale - beer 80.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425200 0114311 resale - liquor 147.50 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 0114949 resale - liquor 1,020.48 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 0114949 freight 14.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 0115136 resale - mix 109.75 12/31/2014 609-49750-425500 0115136 resale - wine 96.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 0115136 resale - liquor 985.58 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 0115136 freight 24.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 2,477.31Check Total: Vendor:4003 CHAD WARD Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: False 01052015 FNM-001-0740 acct - refund 13.84 01/13/2015 656-00000-115025 13.84Check Total: Vendor:3446 WARNING LITES OF MN INC Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: False 143554 (40) cones - 28" reflective- Parks 518.00 12/31/2014 101-45201-422990 518.00Check Total: Vendor:4001 ZACK & TRISHIA WENZ Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: False 01052015 FNM-001-0789 acct- refund 14.49 01/13/2015 656-00000-115025 14.49Check Total: Vendor:1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: False 6904 Service on W. Bridge Park Lift Station Inst. Redundant wiring 130.72 12/31/2014 602-49480-440100 6942 Labor - Exhaust Fan for Pool Area - Service Call 97.50 12/31/2014 226-45122-440440 6950 Materials - (2) ballast flour; switch cover;switch; (12) wire co 70.11 12/31/2014 655-49870-440100 6950 Labor - (2) ballast flour; switch cover;switch; (12) wire connec 150.00 12/31/2014 655-49870-440100 6957 Materials - Freeze Stat Equipment 87.50 12/31/2014 226-45122-440440 6957 Labor - Freeze Stat Equipment 65.00 12/31/2014 226-45122-440440 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 17 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 600.83Check Total: Vendor:1568 WEST SHERBURNE TRIBUNE Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: False 071012 30% Off Wine Sale - 11/1/14 & 11/15/14 524.30 12/31/2014 609-49754-434990 524.30Check Total: Vendor:3992 WILLI HAHN CORPORATION Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: False 12/19/2014 ZWILLI - Refund 1,858.00 12/31/2014 101-00000-220110 1,858.00Check Total: Vendor:3998 REBECCA WILLIAMS Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: False 01052015 FNM-001-0143 acct- refund 34.95 01/13/2015 656-00000-115025 34.95Check Total: Vendor:1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: True 381682 freight 6.30 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 381682 resale- wine 252.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 258.30Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 108 ACH Enabled: False 7010417 resale - wine 103.23 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 7010417 freight 0.36 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 7010967 freight 8.64 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 7010967 resale - wine 754.25 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 7011594 resale - wine 1,891.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 7011594 freight 31.68 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 7012474 resale - wine 2,058.24 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 7012474 freight 13.91 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 4,861.31Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 109 ACH Enabled: False 1080267043 resale - wine 664.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 1080267043 freight 96.39 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 1080267043 resale -misc tax 216.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 1080267043 resale -liquor 5,117.84 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 1080269568 resale -liquor 5,863.40 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 1080269568 resale - misc tax 84.00 12/31/2014 609-49750-425400 1080269568 freight 66.99 12/31/2014 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 18 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1080269568 resale -wine 1,061.92 12/31/2014 609-49750-425300 1080272410 resale - liquor 7,062.60 01/13/2015 609-49750-425100 1080272410 resale - wine 1,003.24 01/13/2015 609-49750-425300 1080272410 resale - n/a wine 72.00 01/13/2015 609-49750-425400 1080272410 freight 113.72 01/13/2015 609-49750-433300 2080067987 resale - liquor credit -236.03 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 2080067996 resale - liquor credit -199.99 12/31/2014 609-49750-425100 20,986.08Check Total: Vendor:2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS Check Sequence: 110 ACH Enabled: False 2015 TNT 2015 Truth In Taxation Notices 743.75 01/13/2015 101-41520-435200 743.75Check Total: Vendor:2426 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 111 ACH Enabled: False 12/19/2014 ZXCELW - Refund 1,781.50 12/31/2014 101-00000-220110 1,781.50Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 805,292.64 111 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/07/2015 - 12:14 PM)Page 19 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 01/12/2015 Approved by:____________________________________ Mayor Brian Stumpf CityCouncilAgenda:1/12/15 1 5B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Austin Johnson Parks Worker Parks 12/16/14 Temporary Courtney Skarie Life Guard MCC 1/2/15 PT Doungtiph Leutbounshou Fitness Instructor MCC 1/5/2015 PT Name Reason Department Last Day Class Kristen Natysin Voluntary MCC 10/18/14 PT Renee Broadhead Voluntary MCC 11/4/14 PT Madison Starr Involuntary MCC 12/11/14 PT Stefanie Faber Voluntary FNM 12/22/14 PT Tessa Zalomsky Voluntary MCC 1/4/15 PT NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES New Hire and Terms City Council 2015: 1/6/2015 CityCouncilAgenda:01/12/15 1 5C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-001appointingdirectorstothe SherburneWrightCableCommission (JO/CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoadoptaresolutionreappointingadirectorandalternateas representativestotheSherburneWrightCableCommission.CathyShumanhasserved asthealternatetotheCommissionsince2008.Withherupcomingretirement,a replacementwillbeneededtoattendmeetings,serveasavotingmember,andactas liaisononbehalfoftheCity. KittyBaltoshasvolunteeredtoserveasthealternateandJeffO’Neillwillremainasthe director.Kittywillattendthemeetingsheldapproximatelyfourtimesayearandserveas theliaisonwithBillBruce,technicalconsultant,andMarkDavis,productionmanager. Kittyhasbeenactivelyengagedwiththeprogrammingandtechnicalworkprovidedby theCableCommissionformanyyears,andthiswillbeagoodfitforhertorepresentthe Cityinthiscapacity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2015-001appointingJeffO’Neillasdirectorand KittyBaltosasalternatedirectortorepresenttheCityontheSherburneWright CableCommission. 2.Motiontonotadopttheresolutionatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityStaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2015-001 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2015-001 APPOINTINGDIRECTORSTOTHESHERBURNEWRIGHTCOUNTYCABLE COMMUNICATIONCOMMISSIONFORTHEADMINISTRATIONOFCABLE COMMUNICATIONSSYSTEMS WHEREAS,theSherburneWrightCountyCableCommunicationsCommission (“Commission”)isajointpowersboardmadeupoftenmembercities;and WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloisamembercityoftheCommission;and WHEREAS,ArticleVI,Section2oftheCommission’sJointandCooperativeAgreementstates adirectorshallbeappointedbyresolutionoftheCouncilineachmunicipality;and WHEREAS,ArticleVI,Section3stateseachmunicipalityshallappointatleastonealternate director; NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA:thattheCityCouncilherebyappointsCityAdministratorJeffO’Neillas directorandMCCDirectorKittyBaltosasanalternatedirectortorepresenttheCityonthe Commission. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis12thdayofJanuary,2015. CITYOFMONTICELLO _________________________________ BrianStumpf,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:01/12/15 1 5D.Considerationofgrantingapprovalofanapplicationforatemporarycharitable gamblingpermitforaraffleconductedbytheMonticelloChamberofCommerce forFrostbiteDays (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheMonticelloChamberhasappliedforatemporarycharitablegamblingpermitfora raffletobeheldonSaturday,January10th,2015inconjunctionwiththe2015Frostbite Dayssnowswapmeetbeingheldthatday.Councilwasnotifiedthattheapplicationfor therafflewassignedbycitystaffandsentintotheStateGamblingControlBoardthe lastweekofDecember.AnapplicationhadoriginallybeensubmittedtoWrightCounty andpermitreceivedforaraffletobeheldatBertramLakeonSunday,January11th. Becauseofthechangeindateandvenue,theChamberhadtoresubmittheirapplication foranewpermitwithintheCityofMonticello,andthishadtobedonepriortotheevent. ToreceiveapermitfromtheState,theCitymustapprovetheapplication.Inthepastthe Cityhasnotopposedtheseexemptgamblinglicenseapplicationsforcharitableevents. CouncilpreviouslyapprovedtheFrostbiteDaysSpecialEventPermitandtemporary liquorlicenseonDecember8th,2014.Giventhehousekeepingnatureofthedecision,the needtoexpeditetheprocessing,andthedifficultyoforganizingaspecialmeeting,itwas determinedtoadministrativelyapprovetherequestwithCouncilformalratificationata regularmeeting. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovetheapplicationforacharitablegamblingpermitforaraffle conductedbytheMonticelloChamberofCommerceonJanuary10 th,2015for FrostbiteDaysatthesnowswapmeettakingplaceat3613ChelseaRdW. 2.Motiontonotapprovetheapplicationforacharitablegamblingpermit. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffsupportsAlternative#1andrequestsCounciltoapprovetheapplicationwhichhas beensubmittedtotheStateGamblingControlBoard. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: CopyofApplicationforExemptGamblingPermit–MonticelloChamberofCommerce CouncilAgenda:01/12/15 1 5E.ConsiderationofapprovingacontractwiththeWrightCountyAssessor’sOfficefor 2016-2017assessingservices (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCitycurrentlycontractswiththeWrightCountyAssessor’sofficetoperform assessingworkfortheCity.Attachedisaproposedcontractcoveringservicesforthe periodofJanuary2,2015toJune30,2017.Undertheproposedcontractagreement,the Citywouldpay$10.50/parcelforassessmentservicesin2016and2017,$25foreach newresidentialorcommercialpermitwithanestimatedconstructionvaluelessthanor equalto$499,999,and$100forcommercialconstructionpermitsvalued$500,000and greater.Thenewconstructionfeesarechargedonthebuildingpermitwhenitisissued. ThesechargesarethesameasthecurrentratesfortheCityundertheexistingcontract andtherateshavenotincreasedinmanyyears.TheinterimCountyAssessordidnote thatratesmayincreasewiththenextagreementduetoupcomingchangesinthelaw whicharelikelytoincreasecostsforthecounty. TheotheroptionsfortheCitywouldbe:totryandnegotiateamorefavorablecontract withWrightCounty,contractthisserviceoutwithaprivateassessororcompany,orto hireaCityAssessorasacityemployee. A1.BudgetImpact:TheCitypaidWrightCounty$49,664in2013forthisservice and$49,831.50for2014. A2.StaffImpact:ThereisnostaffimpactontheCityifthiscontractisapprovedas is. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveacontractforassessingserviceswiththeWrightCounty AssessorfortheperiodofJanuary2,2015toJune30,2017attheratesas proposed. 2.Motiontonotapproveacontractatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityStaffrecommendsAlternative#1thattheCouncilapprovescontractingforservices withtheWrightCountyAssessor.TheCityhascontractedwithWrightCountyfora numberofyears.TheCity’sworkingrelationshipwiththeCountyAssessor’sOffice overthistimehasbeenverygoodandwiththerateperparcelproposedtoremainthe same,stafffeelscontinuingthecontractwithWrightCountywouldseemtobeinthe City’sbestinterest. CouncilAgenda:01/12/15 2 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ProposedWrightCountyAssessmentServicesContract&Letter CityCouncilAgenda:01/12/15 1 5F.ConsiderationofappointingtworepresentativestotheMonticelloPlanning Commissiontofillvacanciesfortermstoexpire12/31/2017 (AS/TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoappointtworepresentativesforpositionsontheMonticello PlanningCommission.OnepositionwillfillthetermofGrantSalawhoresignedwhen hetookapositionwiththeCityBuildingDepartment,andtheotherwillreplaceSam Burvee,whodecidednottoseekreappointmenttohisseatforanotherterm.The PlanningCommissionrecommendstheserepresentatives,LindaBuchmannandSam Murdoff,withtheirtermstoexpireasofDecember31,2017. PlanningCommissionwillalsoberecommendinganappointmentattheJanuary26th CouncilMeetingtofilltheseatheldbyCharlotteGabler,whoistakingaseatontheCity Council. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovethefollowingappointmentstotheMonticelloPlanning Commission: LindaBuchmanntermexpires12/31/2017 SamMurdofftermexpires12/31/2017 2.Motiontonotapprovetheappointments. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityStaffandtheMonticelloPlanningCommissionrecommendAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Application–LindaBuchmann Application–SamMurdoff CITY OF Monticello APPLICATION FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Name Address Home Phone Cell PhonZ/g^Q(s jO-^^-^^ E-Mail Sn^rdjo^-^O( Q.U^[<^.eJM If not otherwise specified, you must be a resident of the City of IVIonticello to serve on the following boards. Please circle the board(s) on which you are interested in serving. Industrial and Economic Development Committee (Does not require residency) FiberNet Advisory Board <:^^ Planning Comrriissjgn> Library Monticello Community Center Advisory Board Police Advisory Commission Parks Commission Economic Development Authority (May not require residency) Transportation Advisory Committee Education Highest Level of Education Employment 0 Current Employer, if applicable ^ ff •i<l 6-/ >n (^&fS, < ^c-^o i <=>^ L-^uJ Position/Title /^^UJ ^fu^fe^-t Dates of Employment (starting/ending) •A<^^., 2.^\Z - pyg^Sg'^-^'f" Former Employer, if applicable Position/Title Dates of Employment (starting/ending)_ Other Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for the City of Monticello. Please describe your prior volunteer experiences (include organization names and dates of service) List your qualifications for this appointment: J References Please list three non-family members who can provide references on your ability to perform this volunteer positon: Name C^U:%^ 'Scth Phone Number /Z) '2^^^ C^CHO Name /<e^ FoK Phone Number£4XLL£^5jI•^'^^^ Name_JA^__Pe^i Phone Numberf:2L 77^- 7^J^ CityCouncilAgenda:01/12/15 1 7A.PublicHearing–ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-002approvingthe DigesterCoverReplacementFacilityPlanAmendmentfortheWastewater TreatmentFacility (WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: OnSeptember22,2014,CouncilauthorizedWSBtopreparetheDigesterCover ReplacementFacilityPlanAmendmentfortheWasteWaterTreatmentFacility(WWTF). Thefacilityplanamendmentisarequirementforalowinterestrateloanthroughthe PublicFacilitiesAuthority(PFA).CouncilalsoauthorizedWSBtoprepareplansand specificationsforcoverreplacementattheSeptember22,2012meeting. BackgroundInformation Theexistinganaerobicdigesterswerebothconstructedaspartofthe1982projectthat convertedtheWWTFfromatricklingfilterfacilityintoanactivatedsludgefacility.The digesterswereconstructedofreinforcedconcretewithsteelcovers.Bothare40feetin diameterwithsidewallheightsof23feet9inches.Theyarevirtuallyidenticalwiththe exceptionbeingthatdigester#1hasaflatbottomanddigester#2hasasconicalbottom thatfacilitatesbiosolidswithdrawal. Asoriginallyconstructed,digester#1hadasteel,truss-type,fixedcover.In1996,the fixedcoverwasreplacedwithasteel,truss-type,floating,gas-holdingcovertoprovide morebiogasstoragefortheInproheatsludgepasteurizationunitthatwasinstalledaspart ofthe1997project.However,becauseofnumerousoperationalissuesandthefactthat theMPCAwouldnotcertifytheInproheatunitasaClassAprocess,itsusewas discontinuedandithasnotbeeninserviceforseveralyears. Digester#2wasinitiallyconstructedin1982withasteel,truss-type,floating,gas- holdingcover.Duetopoorcondition,theoriginalcoverwasreplacedin-kindin1993. Thetypicallifespanofsteel,truss-typecovershashistoricallybeenapproximately20 years ExistingSituation InJulyof2014,thecoverondigester#2sunk.Uponinspection,biosolidswere discoveredintheattic(truss)areaofthecoverbetweentheceilingplatesandtheroof plates.Thisbuild-upofbiosolidsaddedtotheweightofthecoverwithresultinglossof buoyancy.Thedigesterwasthencleanedandscaffoldinginstalledtoinspecttheceiling plates.Thisinspectionrevealednumerousholeswhichhadcorrodedthrough.Theholes (approximately25)werethenpatchedwith13individualsteelpatchesweldedtothe ceilingplates.Inconjunctionwiththevisualinspection,ultrasonicthicknesstestingwas conductedthatrevealedtheremainingsteelsectionwasmuchthinnerinanumberof locationsthantheoriginal1/4”thicksection.Insomelocations,onlyone-fourthofthe initial1/4”thicksectionwasfoundtoremain.Thedigesterwasplacedbackinservice followingcoverrepair.However,consideringitspoorcondition,itisrecommendedtobe replacedassoonaspossible,preferablyinthesummerof2015. CityCouncilAgenda:01/12/15 2 Thecoverondigester#1isthreeyearsnewerthanthedigester#2coverandhasnot failedtodate.However,consideringthatithasbeensubjectedtothesamecorrosive environment,ittooshouldbereplacedinthenearfuture.Itwouldbepreferableto replaceitatthesametimeasthecoverfordigester#2whichshouldresultinthelowest costandleastdisruptiontoWWTFoperations. Thecoversmustbereplacedbecausethedigestersareanintegralpartofbiosolids processingandthedigesterscannotperformtheirfunctionwithoutthecovers. AlternativeDigesterCoverReplacementEvaluation Therearetwobasicalternativesfordigestercovers—membranecoversandsteelcovers. Bothalternativeswereevaluatedtoreplacetheexistingcoversondigesters#1and#2. MembraneCovers Amembranecoverutilizesanouter,air-supportedmembranewithaninnerbladderthat expandsandcontractstocontainthebiogasthatisgeneratedinthedigester.Afan operatescontinuouslytoblowairintothespacebetweentheoutermembraneandthe biogasbladdertokeeptheoutermembraneinflated—up,sotospeak.Afterevaluation, themembranecoverwasrejectedbasedprimarilyontwofactors.First,thereareno membranecoversolderthan15yearsintheUnitedStates.Therefore,thereisnoevidence thatthemembranecoverwilllast20yearswhichistheminimumexpectedlifetimeofa steelcover.Second,amembranecoverwouldresultinadditionaloperationalcosts— powertokeepitinflatedandadditionaloperationaltimetooperateit. SteelCovers Theotheralternativethatwasevaluatedisthesteelcoverthat,basedonpastexperience, shouldlastaminimumof20years.Thecoverondigester#2hasbeeninservicefor21 years.Consideringtheimprovedcoatingsthatexisttodaycomparedto1993whenthat coverwasinstalled,itisreasonabletoexpectthatareplacementsteelcoverwilllast25 yearsormore. Bothtruss-typeandradialbeamsteelcoverswereevaluated.Thetruss-typecoverisan olderdesignthathasbeenvirtuallyreplacedbytheradialbeamdesign.Becausethe radialbeamdesigneliminatestheceilingplatesandtrussesofthetruss-typedesign,there ismuchlesssteelinthecoverwhichreducescost.Also,thereismuchlessweldingto fabricatearadialbeamcoverthanatruss-typecover.Becausetheradialbeamcoveris lesscostlythanatruss-typecoverwithnosignificantdisadvantages,radialbeamcovers shouldbeinstalled. Aspreviouslynoted,bothdigesterscurrentlyhavesteel,floating,gas-holdingcovers. However,evenintheheatofsummer,thebiogasgeneratedinthedigestersisburnedto keepthematoperatingtemperature(97.5degreesFahrenheit).Therefore,thereisnota needforasmuchbiogasstorageasthetwofloating,gasholdingcoverscurrentlyprovide. Ratherthanreplacingbothexistingcoversin-kind,replacingthedigester#1coverwitha fixedcoverwillstillallowforadequategasstorageandacostsavingsofapproximately $40,000. CityCouncilAgenda:01/12/15 3 AdditionalDigesterRehabilitationandImprovementMeasures Thereisevidenceofcoatingfailureontheconcreteportionofdigester#2,aswellas, evidenceofsomeconcretedeterioration.Itwouldbeprudenttoincludeconcreterepair andre-coatinginthescopeofthedigestercoverreplacementproject. Thereispipinginsideofthedigesters.Consideringthecorrosiveenvironment,itwould alsobeprudenttoreplacethepipinginternaltothedigestersaspartofthedigestercover replacementproject. Eachofthedigestersismixedwithanexternaldrafttubemixer.Thedigester#1mixer wasrecentlyoverhauledandre-installed.However,thedigester#2mixerhasnotbeen overhauledrecently.Thescopeofthedigestercoverreplacementprojectshouldalso includeoverhaulofthatmixer. Anadditionalrecommendedimprovementistocut-inhatchesintothesideofthe digestersatgroundlevel.Thesegroundlevelhatcheswouldgreatlyfacilitateaccessinto thedigestersforinspectionandcleaning. Includingtheseadditionaldigesterrehabilitationandimprovementsinthescopeofthe digestercoverreplacementprojectwillcompletealloftheimprovementscurrently neededforthedigestersatonetimeandshouldinsuretrouble-freedigesteroperationfor thenextseveralyears. TheenclosedFacilityPlanAmendmentdescribestheaboveitemsinmoredetail. Conversionofthe650,000GallonBiosolidsStorageTankintoaDigester Aspartoftheprojectscope,WSBevaluatedconversionoftheun-used650,000gallon biosolidsstoragetankintoadigester.Inadigester,volatilesolids(organicmaterial)are convertedintomethane,carbondioxideandhydrogensulfidegasesandwater.This conversion,termeddigestion,reducestheamountofsolidmaterialremainingthatmust bedewateredinthescrewpressand,followingdewatering,mustbehauledand landfilled.Additionaldigestercapacitywouldincreasesolidsreductionandreducecosts relatedtooperatingthepress,haulingandlandfilling. WSB’sevaluationwithassistancefromAE2S,however,resultedintheconclusionthat thetwoexistingdigestershavesufficientcapacityforthecurrentlevelofbiosolids productionandconversionofthe650,000gallonbiosolidsstoragetankwouldnotbe cost-effectiveatthistime.Thecapitalcostofconvertingthetankintoadigesterandthe additionaloperationandmaintenancecost(primarilynaturalgasforheating)wouldbe greaterthanthecostsavingsrelatedtopressing,hauling,andlandfillingasmaller quantityofdewateredsolids.Inthefuturewhenmorebiosolidsareproduced,itwill becomecost-effectivetoconvertthetankintoadigester,butnotatthepresenttime. Conversionofthetankintoadigestershouldbere-visitedwhenthefourthsequencing batchreactor(SBR)isaddedtotheWWTF. CityCouncilAgenda:01/12/15 4 Recommendation WSBrecommendsthattheCityCouncilacceptthefacilityplanamendmentforsubmittal totheMinnesotaPollutionControlAgency(MPCA).IftheCouncilhasanycommentsto thefacilityplanamended,theywillbeincorporatedinthefinalplantobesenttothe MPCA. A1.BudgetImpact:Theestimatedprojectcostidentifiedinthefacilityplan amendment,whichinclude20%contingencycostsand15%indirectcostsfor legal,fiscal,engineering,andadministrativeitemsis$1,587,000.Itisanticipated thattherewillbenoincreaseinO&Mcosts. TheCityiscurrentlyonthePFAfiscalyear(FY)2015IntendedUsePlanfora lowinterestloantoinstallthereplacementdigestercovers.ThePFAhasindicated aprobableinterestrateof1.5%peryear. Atthisestimatedannualinterestrateof1.5%theprincipalandinterestpayment relatedtotheprojectcostwillbe$92,500peryearovera20yearterm.Ifthis additionalannualcostistoberecoveredbysewerandwateruserrates,an approximate5%rateincreasewillberequired. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:StafffromtheWastewaterTreatmentPlant, Engineering,PublicWorksandFinanceDepartmentswillbeimpactedbythis projecttovaryingdegrees. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2015-002acceptingtheDigesterCoverReplacement FacilityPlanAmendment. 2.MotiontodenyadoptingResolution#2015-002atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1giventheneedtosubmitthefacility planamendmenttotheMinnesotaPollutionControlAgency(MPCA)tosecurealow interestloanthroughthePFA. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2015-002 September22,2014AgendaItem DigesterCoverReplacementFacilityPlanAmendmentReport CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2015-002 APPROVINGANAMENDMENTTOTHEMONTICELLOWASTEWATER TREATMENTFACILITYFORDIGESTERCOVERIMPROVEMENTS, CITYPROJECTNO.14C002 WHEREAS,theMonticelloCityCouncilonSeptember22,2014authorizedpreparationofan amendmenttotheWastewaterTreatmentFacilityPlanforDigesterCoverImprovements;and WHEREAS,theCityCounciloftheCityofMonticelloheldapublichearingonJanuary12, 2015toreviewandamendtheWastewaterTreatmentFacilityPlanfortheDigesterCover Improvements,CityProjectNo.14C002; NOW,THEREFOREBEITRESOLVED,theMonticelloCityCouncilherebyapprovesthe amendedWastewaterTreatmentFacilityPlanfortheDigesterCoverImprovements. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilonthe12th dayofJanuary,2015. CITYOFMONTICELLO __________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2015-002 CERTIFICATION STATEOFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWRIGHT Iherebycertifythattheforegoingisatrueandcorrectcopyofaresolutiondulypassed, adoptedandapprovedbytheMonticelloCityCouncilattheirscheduledmeetingonJanuary12, 2015,andrecordedinminutesofsaidmeeting. ____________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator NotaryPublic:_______________________________ Date:___________________________ (STAMP) City CouncilAgenda:09/22/14 1 5G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-092authorizingpreparationofthe FacilityPlanamendmentandpreparationofplansandspecifications,and authorizingconstructionservicesforaddinganaerobicdigesterimprovementstothe PhosphorusReductionImprovementsfortheWasteWaterTreatmentFacility,City ProjectNo.14C002 (WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: AttheJuly14,2014meeting,theCityCouncilapprovedcompletingrepairworkonthe secondarydigestercoverandtheprimarydigestermixer(seeagendaiteminsupporting dataforbackgroundinformation).Aconditioninspectiononthesecondarydigester coverwascompletedthissummeranditisnowrecommendedthattheprimaryand secondaryanaerobicdigestercoversbereplaced.Thedigestercoverswereinstalledin 1993and1995,andgeneralwearandtearonthisequipmentovertimehaswarrantedits replacement.Itshouldbenotedthatthelongrangefacilityplancompletedin2009did notincludeadetailedevaluationofexistingequipmentconditionandrecommended inspectionandreplacementplans.Staffwillbeproposingaplantoevaluatethisfor Councilconsiderationinthenearfuture. Inaddition,itisrecommendedthatanevaluationbeconductedofthe650,000gallon sludgestoragetanktodetermineifitwouldbecosteffectivetoconvertittoasecondary digesterandtodesignthatimprovementiftheevaluationdeterminesthatitwouldbecost effectivetodoso.Ifdeterminedcosteffective,thisimprovementwouldbecompleted withthePhosphorusReductionImprovementsauthorizedbyCouncilonJuly28,2014. ThePhosphorusReductionImprovementsincludesaddingchemicalsand,asaresult,the volumeofbiosolidswillincrease20to30%.Byconvertingthesludgestoragetanktoa secondarydigester,itprovidesameanstoreducethisadditionalincreaseinbiosolidsthat hastobedewatered,hauled,andlandfilled.Currently,theexistingsludgestoragetankis beingusedforemergencystorageshouldthescrewpressfail.Seediscussioninthe ProjectUnderstandingsectionoftheattachedproposalformorebackgroundinformation. ThePublicFacilitiesAuthority(PFA)hasindicatedthattheCityofMonticello’s phosphorusreductionandanaerobicdigesterimprovementsprojectswillbeeligiblefora fiscalyear(FY)2015lowinterestPFAloan.OnbehalfoftheCity,WSBfiledarequest withthePFAforplacementofacombinedphosphorusreductionandanaerobicdigester improvementsprojectontheIntendedUsePlan(IUP)-seeattachedletter.Completionof aFacilityPlanisarequirementforaPFAloan.Onehasalreadybeencompletedforthe phosphorusreductionimprovements.However,thatFacilityPlanmustbeamendedfor theanaerobicdigesterimprovementstomakethemeligibleforthePFAloan. TheenclosedWSBletterproposaldetailsthenextstepstocompletetheFacilityPlan amendmentandtoprepareplansandspecificationsfortheanaerobicdigester improvementsforconstructionin2015.Constructionservicesarealsoincludedinthe proposaltoidentifythecompleteservicesneededtoconstructtheanaerobicdigester improvementsportionofthecombinedphosphorusreductionandanaerobicdigester improvementsproject. City CouncilAgenda:09/22/14 2 A1.BudgetImpact:TheestimatedtotalfeetopreparetheFacilityPlanamendment, prepareplansandspecificationsfortheanaerobicdigesterimprovementsandto performconstructionservicesrelatedtotheimprovementsis$182,984.00,as detailedintheenclosedletterproposal.AdvancedEngineeringandEnvironmental Science,whowillbeasubconsultanttoWSBforthiswork,proposesafeeof $33,884.00whichisincludedinthetotalfee.BadgerStateInspection,whowill alsobeasubconsultanttoWSBforthiswork,proposesafeeof$57,906.00, whichisalsoincludedinthetotalfee. Theestimatedanaerobicdigesterimprovementsprojectcostwhichincludes20% contingencycostsand15%indirectcostsforengineering,legal,fiscal,and administrativeis$1,850,000.Asnotedabove,WSBhasrequestedplacementof thecombinedphosphorusreductionandanaerobicdigesterimprovementsproject ontheIUPforalowinterestPFAloan.PlacementontheIUPdoesnotcommit theCitytotakingalowinterestloanfromthePFA,TheCitycanturndowna portionoralloftheloanrequest.Thesaleofgeneralobligationbondsforthe combinedphosphorusreductionanddigesterimprovementsprojectisalsoa financingalternative. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:StafffromtheEngineering,WastewaterTreatment FacilityandFinanceDepartmentswillbeimpactedbythisprojecttovarying degrees. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2014-092authorizingpreparationoftheFacility Planamendmentandpreparationofplansandspecificationsandauthorizing constructionservicesforanaerobicdigesterimprovementstothePhosphorus ReductionImprovementsfortheWasteWaterTreatmentFacility,CityProject No.14C002. 2.MotiontodenyauthorizationforthePhosphorousReductionImprovementsat thistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1giventheneedtoreplacetheanaerobic digestercoversinthenearfuture. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Resolution#2014-092 B.WSBProposalLetter C.July14,2014AgendaItem D.LettertoPublicFacilitiesAuthority CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2014-092 AUTHORIZINGPREPARATIONOFFACILITYPLANAMENDMENT, AUTHORIZINGPREPARATIONOFPLANSANDSPECIFICATIONS,AND AUTHORIZINGCONSTRUCTIONSERVICESFORADDINGANAEROBIC DIGESTERIMPROVEMENTSTOTHEPHOSPHORUSREDUCTION IMPROVEMENTSFORTHEWASTEWATERTREATMENTFACILITY, CITYPROJECTNO.14C002 WHEREAS,onJuly14,2014,theCityCouncilapprovedacontractwithWSB&Associates, Inc.forrepairworkonthesecondarydigestercoverandtheprimarydigestermixer;and WHEREAS,followingcompletionofsaidwork,WSB&Associatesisrecommending replacementoftheprimaryandsecondaryanaerobicdigestercovers,anevaluationofthe 650,000gallonsludgestoragetankforpossibleconversiontoasecondarydigester,andrelated designandconstructionservices;and WHEREAS,theCityofMonticellodesirestomaintaincompliancewiththeMPCA’smandated NPDESpermitre-issuancerequirements;and WHEREAS,theFacilityPlanforthePhosphorusReductionImprovementsrequiresamendment toaddanaerobicdigesterimprovements; NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1.SuchimprovementsarenecessaryforthePhosphorusReductionImprovementsas requiredbytheMinnesotaPollutionControlAgency.Thetotalfeeforengineeringand constructionservicesisestimatedatanot-to-exceedfeeof$182,984.00. 2.WSB&Associates,Inc.isherebydesignatedastheengineerforthisimprovement.The engineershallprepareplansandspecificationsforthemakingofsuchimprovements. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis22nddayofSeptember,2014. CITYOFMONTICELLO _____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator engineering planning environmental construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 St. Cloud  Minneapolis  St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc September 22, 2014 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Proposal to Amend the Engineering Services Agreement for Design, Bidding, and Construction of Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Phosphorus Reduction Improvements to Include Anaerobic Digester Improvements City of Monticello, MN Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council: WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) is pleased to present this proposal for professional engineering services as they relate to amending the Facility Plan and adding the design, bidding, and construction of anaerobic digester improvements to the phosphorus reduction improvements. The proposed scope of services presented in this proposal is based on our discussions with City staff, Veolia staff, and the following project understanding. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Anaerobic Digester Improvements Secondary Digester Cover The secondary digester cover is a steel, floating cover that was installed in 1993. The cover was rehabilitated nine years ago by patching, sandblasting and painting. In late July, the cover sank. Inspection revealed that the space (attic area) between the ceiling plates and roof plates of the cover had filled with biosolids through holes in the ceiling plates. The additional weight of the biosolids in the attic area caused the cover to lose buoyancy. The biosolids were removed from the attic area. The digester was emptied and the cover inspected from the interior. Inspection revealed extensive corrosion of the ceiling plates and the truss support system in the attic area. Ultrasonic thickness testing of the ceiling plates indicated that in some areas over ½ of the original steel section (1/4” thick) has corroded away. Approximately 25 holes in the ceiling plates were patched with 13 patch plates. Some of the plates covered a single hole and others covered multiple holes. Welding the patch plates to the ceiling plates proved to be difficult because the heat generated by the welding operation literally burned through the thin steel remaining in the plates. Although the secondary digester is now back in service, the repairs made should be considered temporary in nature and the cover should be replaced in the near future. Further rehabilitation is not practical and would not be cost-effective. Primary Digester Cover The primary digester cover is also a steel, floating cover. It was installed in 1995, but has not failed to this point. Unlike the secondary digester cover, it has never been rehabilitated. Although it is two years newer Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2014 Page 2 K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc than the secondary digester cover and has not failed, it is subject to the same severe environment as the secondary digester cover. Considering the environment it has been subjected to, the fact that it has never been rehabilitated and is approaching 20 years old, it is reasonable to expect that it, too, is in poor condition and replacement should be considered. 650,000 Gallon Storage Tank The 650,000 gallon storage tank was used to store biosolids following anaerobic digestion between the spring and fall land application of biosolids. However, now that the biosolids are being dewatered and landfilled, the only purpose of the storage tank is for emergency storage should the screw press fail or when it has be taken out of service for overhaul. The Facility Plan completed for the phosphorus reduction improvements concluded that chemical addition was the cost-effective approach to removing the additional phosphorus required by the re-issued NPDES permit for the WWTF. Chemical addition will increase the volume of biosolids by 20 to 30% due to both additional total suspended solids removal and chemical solids production. This additional biosolids production will reduce the hydraulic retention time (HRT) in the existing anaerobic digesters and their efficiency in destroying volatile solids. Volatile solids are the organic compounds in the biosolids. Volatile solids destruction is the conversion of these organic compounds to water, carbon dioxide, and other gases. The purpose of anaerobic digestion is to reduce the volume of biosolids that have to be dewatered, hauled and landfilled. WSB is recommending that conversion of the 650,000 gallon storage tank into a secondary anaerobic digester be evaluated in the Preliminary Design phase that will be discussed below. The evaluation will estimate the cost of converting it into a digester and compare it with the cost savings of a lesser volume of biosolids to be processed. Reducing the volume of biosolids to be processed will result in a cost savings for each of the following:  Operator time to operate the screw press  Electric usage to operate the screw press  Polymer usage in the screw press  Biosolids hauling cost  Biosolids landfilling cost Facility Plan Amendment The Public Facilities Authority (PFA) administers the Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund. Low interest loans are made from that fund for WWTF improvements. WSB contacted the PFA regarding the possibility of a low interest loan for Monticello’s WWTF improvements. They indicated an interest rate of between 1 and 2% with a probable rate of approximately 1-1/2%. The City sold general obligation (GO) revenue bonds for the Phase 1 improvements that carried an interest rate of approximately 3%. Therefore, a PFA loan would reduce interest rate by approximately 50%.WSB filed an Intended Use Plan (IUP) placement request on behalf of the City. The City is now on the fiscal year (FY) 2015 IUP for a low interest loan. It should be noted that placement on the IUP does not obligate the City to take out a loan through the PFA. The City can turn down any part or all of the loan request and bond for the improvements instead. The PFA also administers the Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) program which makes 50% matching grants for phosphorus reduction improvements. WSB filed a PSIG application on behalf of the City. The City is now on the PSIG list for a $580,000 grant which will help to defray the cost of the phosphorus reduction improvements. Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2014 Page 3 K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc Both the PFA loan and PSIG programs require a Facility Plan. For the anaerobic digester improvements to be eligible for a PFA loan, the Facility Plan completed for the phosphorus reduction improvements must be amended to include the anaerobic digester improvements. The Facility Plan amendment will be completed in conjunction with the Preliminary Design phase discussed below. PROJECT APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB’s project scope and proposed work plan are based on our understanding of the project, discussions with City staff, Veolia staff, and experience on similar projects. The work plan has been separated into key components which are discussed below: 1. Project Management and Coordination 1.1 Project Management Project management is a key task included in each phase of the project. For each phase, this task consists of management and administration, project coordination and communication with the City of Monticello. Additional work included as part of this task involves attending meetings with City staff, WSB, subconsultants of WSB, and Veolia staff, as well as City Council meetings for acceptance of the plans and specifications, authorization to bid the project, and award of the contract. Proper completion of this task will allow for open lines of communication and routine updates on project issues, as well as keeping the project on schedule and within budget. 2. Anaerobic Digester Improvements 2.1 Facility Plan Amendment and Preliminary Design Facility Plan Amendment As noted in Project Understanding, a Facility Plan amendment must be completed for the anaerobic digester improvements to make them eligible for a low interest PFA loan. WSB will complete the Facility Plan amendment and assist the City with the public hearing required for the amendment. Preliminary Design Primary and Secondary Digester Cover Replacement During the preliminary design phase, WSB will evaluate replacing the digester covers with new steel covers, as well as, alternative membrane covers. The advantage of membrane covers is that corrosion and re-painting are eliminated. However, the membrane covers require a blower to keep the cover air-supported. Construction cost estimates will be prepared for both types of cover, as well as, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. The type of cover with the lowest life-cycle cost (construction cost plus O&M cost) will be then be recommended and designed. 650,000 Gallon Storage Tank During the preliminary design phase, conversion of the tank into a secondary digester will be evaluated. The cost of conversion will be compared to the cost savings for reductions of the following items as the result of improved biosolids digestion:  Operator time to operate the screw press  Electric consumption to operate the screw press  Polymer usage in the screw press Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2014 Page 4 K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc  Biosolids hauling cost  Biosolids landfilling cost If the evaluation shows a cost savings for these items greater than the cost of converting the 650,000 gallon tank into a secondary digester, WSB will then design the conversion of the 650,000 gallon storage tank into a secondary digester. Note: The anaerobic digester improvements will be constructed in conjunction with the phosphorus reduction improvements in a single construction contract. Tasks 2.2 through 2.6 below are the same tasks that will be performed for the phosphorus reduction improvements. These tasks will simply be extended to both elements of the project. 2.2 Final Design The final design phase of the combined phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements project will consist of the following tasks performed directly by WSB and sub- consultants:  Prepare final construction drawings and specifications based upon preliminary design conclusions and discussions with City staff  Review final construction drawings and specifications with City staff  Provide an opinion of probable construction cost to reflect specified equipment, structural components, and final design details  Submit the final construction drawings and specifications to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for review. Respond to questions and comments from the MPCA and receive approval of the drawings and specifications 2.3 Bidding The bidding phase of the combined phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements project will consist of the following tasks performed directly by WSB and sub-consultants:  Print bidding documents, construction drawings, and specifications  Distribute bidding documents, construction drawings, and specifications to prospective bidders  Maintain bidders list  Respond to bidder questions  Issue addenda if required.  Attend bid opening and prepare bid tabulation  Evaluate bids  Recommend award of contracts 2.4 Construction Administration The construction phase of the combined phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements project will consist of the following tasks performed directly by WSB and sub- consultants: Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2014 Page 5 K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc  Organize, coordinate, lead, and attend the preconstruction conference and regular progress meetings during construction. Provide and distribute meeting minutes  Assist the City in procuring testing services as defined in the contract documents  Establish reference points for construction staking of the project by Contractor (one time)  Review Contractor submittals (shop drawings) for products and equipment  Respond to Contractor requests for information (RFIs). Issue contract document clarifications as required  Process contract change order requests  Review Contractor-submitted construction progress schedules  Process Contractor pay requests  Provide part-time construction observation services during the construction of the facilities  Provide substantial completion punch list for the Contractor and issue certificate of substantial completion when appropriate for the facility construction  Review final submittals from the Contractor with respect to conformance with the contract documents  Process final pay request and project close-outs 2.5 Equipment Start-up The start-up phase of the combined phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements project will consist of the following tasks performed directly by WSB and sub-consultants:  Assist with equipment start-up  Provide assistance in refining or adjusting equipment and/or systems  Provide assistance in developing procedures for recordkeeping for the equipment 2.6 Post Construction Phase Engineering Services The post construction phase of the combined phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements project will consist of the following tasks performed by WSB and sub-consultants:  Provide record drawings  Assemble an operation & maintenance manual for the facility  Visit the project to observe any apparent defects in the completed work and assist the City in working with the Contractor to correct defects  Along with City staff, perform an end of correction period warranty inspection of the project in the 23rd month following final completion of the project to determine if items of construction are subject to correction  Complete and submit a one-year performance certification report to the MPCA  Complete a two-year certification report for the facility CITY OF MONTICELLO TASKS In order to complete our tasks, WSB will need the City to provide the following:  Provide a designated project contact person  Provide answers to specific project questions, provide requested information, and make decisions regarding project direction during the course of the project  Choose facility configuration early in the project Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2014 Page 6 K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc  Provide permitting and governmental review fees that may be necessary  Attend meetings when requested  Procure necessary testing services as defined in the contract documents ASSUMPTIONS WSB tasks and estimated fees are based on the following assumptions:  An operation & maintenance manual, beyond the information supplied by the Contractor, is not included in the project  Potential bidders will be charged a fee for each copy of the bidding documents WSB will retain this fee  Part-time field construction observation assumes a 9-month construction period  Periodic field construction observation by project design team members assumes periodic site visits over a 9-month construction period WSB SUBCONSULTANTS WSB subconsultants and their area of responsibility are indicated below:  Advanced Engineering and Environmental Science (AE2S)  Badger State Inspection (BSI) AE2S will assist with evaluating conversion of the 650,000 gallon storage tank into a secondary digester. They will also provide over-view of the design of the combined phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements. BSI will provide welding and painting inspection services if steel digester covers are the chosen alternative. If membrane covers are the chosen alternative, BSI will not participate in the project. Our scope includes the management of the sub -consultants and their efforts. Sub-consultant billings pass through WSB without mark-up. SCHEDULE In consideration of the effort required to complete the project as presented and based on discussions with City staff, the following preliminary schedule is proposed. This schedule may be revised as the project progresses. City Council Authorizes Facility Plan Amendment and Engineering Services for Anaerobic Digester Improvements ............................................................... September 22, 2014 Phosphorus Reduction and Anaerobic Digester Improvements Drawings and Specifications ........................................................... August, 2014—December, 2014 Bids Received ........................................................................................................................ April, 2015 City Council Awards Contract ................................................................................................ May, 2015 Construction Start …………………………………………………………………………..June, 2015 Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2014 Page 7 K:\01494-730\Admin\Docs\Agenda Items\092214 Digesters\LTR PROP-09172014 TAR Final Digester Contract Amendment-hmcc-09222014.doc Substantial Completion (Equipment Operating) ................................................................... March, 2016 Final Completion (Site Restoration) ........................................................................................ June, 2016 Note: Because the phosphorus reduction and anaerobic digester improvements will be a single combined project, the schedule above is identical to that proposed for the phosphorus reduction improvements. PROPOSED FEE The proposed additional fee to complete the facility plan amendment, preliminary design, design, bidding, and construction services for the anaerobic digester improvements is detailed in the attached spreadsheet. WSB and sub consultants propose to conduct the work on an hourly basis with a not-to-exceed total fee of $182,984. Advanced Engineering and Environmental Science, who will be a sub consultant to WSB for this work, proposes a fee of $33,884.00 which is included in the total fee. Badger State Inspection, who will also be a sub consultant to WSB for this work, proposes a fee of $57,906.00, which is also included in the total fee. We will review our progress monthly and will not exceed this amount without your prior approval. This letter represents our entire understanding of the project scope. If you are in agreement, please sign on the space provided and return one original signed copy to us for our records. We will start immediately upon receipt of the signed agreement. If you have any questions concerning the work plan or fee as discussed herein, please feel free to contact me at 763-541-4800. We look forward to working with you and greatly appreciate the opportunity to assist the City in the completion of this project. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Bret A. Weiss, PE Thomas A. Roushar, PE President Senior Project Manager Attachment srb ACCEPTED BY: City of Monticello Name Title Date CityCouncilAgenda:07/14/14 1 5G.Considerationofauthorizingsecondarydigestercovercleaning,condition inspection,andtime-sensitiverepairandprimarydigestermixerrepair (WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovingsecondarydigestercovercleaning, conditioninspection,andtimesensitiverepairandprimarydigestermixerrepair. SludgeHandlingandProcessing: Wastesludgeisproducedinthesequencingbatchreactors(SBRs).Thewastesludgeis thenthickenedinadissolvedairflotationthickenerafterwhichitispumpedtothe primarydigester,first,followedbythesecondarydigester.Followingdigestion,the sludgeisdewateredbythescrewpressandlandfilled. PrimaryandSecondaryDigesters: PurposeofDigesters Thedigestersprovidetwofunctions: Reduceorganicmatter(volatilesolids)inthesludge Reducefecalcoliformorganisms Bacteriainthedigestersconvertvolatilesolidstowater,carbondioxide,andmethane gas.Thisreductionofvolatilesolidsisbeneficialforthefollowingreasons: Dewateredsludgeislessputrescible Reductioninthevolumeofsludgethathastobeprocessedandlandfilled whichsavesoncost Thesecondfunctionofthedigestersistoreducethefecalcoliformbacteria concentrationtothelevelmandatedbytheMinnesotaPollutionControlAgencyfor landfillingofsludge. DigesterConstruction Bothofthedigestersarecircularconcretetankswithfloatingsteelcovers—seeattached sketch.Thefloatingcoversallowfortheaccumulationofdigestergaswhichismostly methane.Thedigestergasisthenburnedinadualfuelboilertoheatthedigesters.The digesterswereconstructedaspartofthe1982project.Thecoverforthesecondary digesterwasreplacedin1993andthecoverfortheprimarydigesterwasreplacedin 1995.Therefore,thecovershavebeeninserviceforapproximately20years. Bothofthedigestersareequippedwithdrafttubemixers.Themixersprovidetwo benefits: Acceleratethebiologicalprocessofbreakingdownthevolatilesolidsintowater, carbondioxide,andmethanegas. Createablendedsludgethatmakesiteasiertomaintainthecorrectpolymerfeed tothescrewpress CityCouncilAgenda:07/14/14 2 ExistingSituation SecondaryDigesterCover Therehasbeenafailureoftheceilingplates(pleaserefertotheattachedsketch)thathas allowedanapproximate10-inchdepthofsludgetoaccumulateintheatticarea betweentheceilingplatesandtheroofplates.Thesludgemustberemovedtoallow thecovertofloatproperly.Theceilingplatesthenhavetobeinspectedtoidentifythe failedareasthatneedtobepatched(pleaserefertotheattachedphotothatshowsthe originalcoating(blackareas)andthefailedcoatingareaswhicharerustingandappear red.Followingidentification,thefailedceilingplateareaswillthenbepatchedby weldingnew¼-inchthicksteelplateoverthefailedareas. Fromthephoto,itisclearthatthecoatingsystemhastotallyfailedallowingrustingof theceilingplates.Anadditionalelementoftheprojectwillbetoconductultrasonic thicknesstestingoftheceilingplatestodetermineremainingmetalthickness.Knowing theremainingmetalthicknesswillallowaninformeddecisionwhethertheceilingplates cansimplybesandblastedandre-coatedorwhethertheplateshavetobereplaced. Thescopeofthesecondarydigestercoverprojectperthediscussionaboveincludes: Removalofsludgefromtheatticarea Identificationofthefailedareasoftheceilingplates Patchingofthefailedareas Ultrasonicthicknesstesting PrimaryDigesterMixer Asealhasfailedintheprimarydigestermixerresultingintheexcessivelossofgearoil. Themixershouldberemovedandshippedbacktothemanufacturerforoverhaul.The scopeofthedigestermixerprojectincludes: Removalofthemixer Mixeroverhaul Re-installationofthemixer Theproposalformixeroverhaulfromthemanufacturer(Ovivo)isattached. MBIconstructedtheSludgeDewateringFacilityandiskeenlyinterestedinprovidingthe constructionservicesrequiredforthesecondarydigestercoverdescribedabove,to removetheprimarydigestermixer,andtore-installitafteroverhaulbyOvivo.Their quotationtoprovidetheseservicesisattached. ThecontractfortheSludgeDewateringFacilityisstillopenwhichwouldallowthe secondarydigestercoverandprimarydigestermixerworktobeaddedtothatprojectby changeorder.AddingthisworktotheexistingSludgeDewateringFacilitycontract wouldexpeditegettingtheworkdone.Iftheprimarydigestermixershouldtotallyfail beforethesecondarydigesterisbackinservice,itwouldbeverydifficulttodewater sludge. CityCouncilAgenda:07/14/14 3 A1.BudgetImpact:ThetotalestimatedmaximumcostofMBI’squotationis $47,374.Ovivo’squotationforthemixeroverhaulis$17,897.Therefore,the totalestimatedmaximumcostofthesecondarydigestercoverandprimary digestermixerrepairworkis$65,271.Thisamountalsoincludestheestimated costoftheultrasonicthicknesstesting.Thesecondarydigestercoverandprimary digestermixerrepairwillbefundedbythebondsaleforthePhase1 Improvements. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Therewillbeminimalstaffworkloadimpact. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveaChangeOrdertoaddthesecondarydigestercoverand primarydigestermixerrepairworktothecontractfortheWWTFSludge DewateringFacility,CityProjectNo.12C003. 2.Motiontosolicitquotesfrommultiplecontractorsandenterintoanadditional contractforthesecondarydigestercoverandprimarydigestermixerrepairwork. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1becauseitwouldallowfortheworkto becompletedasquicklyaspossible. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Sketchofdigestercover B.Photoofdigesterceilingplates C.Ovivomixeroverhaulquotation D.MBIquotation Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 1 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com PREPARED FOR Monticello WWTP Monticello, MN Attn: Chuck Keyes AREA REPRESENTATIVE Great Northern Environmental Matt Fritze (651) 289-9100 mfritze@gnenv.com PROJECT EDT(10 HP) Sludge Mixer Rebuild Serial #25342-01 PREPARED BY Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road – Suite 300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 Karen Haddow Phone (801) 931-3027 Fax (801) 931-3090 karen.haddow@ovivowater.com Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 1 of 9 Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 2 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com PROJECT SUMMARY: Ovivo USA, LLC (formerly EIMCO Water Technologies – EWT™) is pleased to offer the following proposal to provide materials & labor for standard rebuild of one (1) existing EWT™ EDT 10 HP sludge mixer, serial # 25342-01, installed in 1996. Rebuild to take place at our authorized rebuild center in Salt Lake City, UT. Disassembly and Inspection Includes:  Complete disassembly of mixer into individual parts and components followed by a thorough assessment of components with intention to identify the cause of failure.  Evaluation Report to illustrate condition of all parts and components and scope of the rebuild.  Customer to be provided with the evaluation report. Standard rebuild of EDT Sludge Mixer Includes:  Replacement of upper and lower bearings and retainers o Includes: bearings, hardened wear sleeve, seal seat, seal rotor, seal cartridge, locking rings, bushing, O-rings, split collar, sealants and assembly hardware  Assemble, paint and inspect rebuilt mixer  Warranty parts and workmanship for (1) year  Engineering  Mixer freight to/from Monticello WWTP & Ovivo rebuild center (Salt Lake City, UT) Does NOT include:  Major component replacement such as: motors, housings, shafts, base plates, brackets, sheaves, belt guards, draft tubes, draft tube mating gasket, propeller, centering assembly, wear pads etc.  Lubricants – grease or oil  O & M manual  Mixer removal or installation services  Loading or unloading of mixer  Electrical installation or alteration of existing electrical supply  Finish or touch up painting  Overtime work hours or removal of old debris  Field service startup/checkout services (see optional adder below) Rebuild pricing for one (1) EDT sludge mixer as described above ...…………….……….…………..…… $ 17,897.00 Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 3 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com Note: Price is based on a typical (standard) rebuild and does not include the replacement of major components. If any of these items are in need of replacement it will be at additional cost to the order. Mixer must be pressure washed and oil drained prior to pick up. Optional ADDER Please ADD the following price to include one Ovivo serviceman visit for one (1) trip of one (1) day on site to perform checkout (start-up) and inspection of rebuilt EDJ sludge mixer. Price includes all travel and miscellaneous expenses. Pricing for field service checkout complete as described above ………………….….………………………… $ 4,655.00 DELIVERY Ovivo intends to ship all Products as indicated above after receipt of approved purchase order and approved submittal drawings from Purchaser. However, the date of shipment of the Products represent Ovivo's best estimate, but is not guaranteed, and Ovivo shall not be liable for any damages due to late delivery. The Products shall be delivered to the delivery point or points in accordance with the delivery terms stated in this proposal. If such delivery is prevented or postponed by reason of Force Majeure, as defined in Ovivo’s standard terms and conditions of sale, Ovivo shall be entitled at its option to tender delivery to Purchaser at the point or points of manufacture, and in default of Purchaser’s acceptance of delivery, to cause the Products to be stored at such a point or points of manufacture at Purchaser's expense. Such tender, if accepted, or such storage, shall constitute delivery for all purposes of this proposal. If shipment is postponed at request of Purchaser, or due to delay in receipt of shipping instructions, payment of the purchase price shall be due on notice from Ovivo that the Products are ready for shipment. Handling, moving, storage, insurance and other charges thereafter incurred by Ovivo with respect to the Products shall be for the account of Purchaser and shall be paid by Purchaser when invoiced. PRICING TERMS All prices quoted are in US Dollars. Prices are good for 45 days. After expiration of the pricing effective period, prices will be subject to review and adjustment. Prices quoted are FOB point of shipment, with freight included to an accessible point nearest the jobsite. Federal, state or local sales, use or other taxes are not included in the sales price. PAYMENT TERMS Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 4 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com Payment terms are: One hundred percent (100%) payment due within thirty (30) days after Purchaser’s receipt of invoice. Invoice will be submitted after all materials have been received at the job site or they have been successfully installed by an Ovivo contractor and the field service check-out and start-up procedure is finalized. Credit is subject to acceptance by the Ovivo Credit Department. Purchaser shall remit payment for proper invoices received from Ovivo in accordance with the payment terms stated above even if the Purchaser has not been paid by the Purchaser’s customer (the “Owner”), if Purchaser is not the end-user of the Products. Payments are due within thirty (30) days after Purchaser’s receipt of invoice. Overdue and unpaid invoices are subject to a service charge of 2% per month until paid. If Purchaser requests or causes cancellation, suspension or delay of Ovivo’s work, Purchaser shall accept transfer of title and pay Ovivo all appropriate charges incurred up to date of such event plus Ovivo’s overhead and reasonable profit. Additionally, all charges related to and risks incidental to storage, disposition and/or resumption of work shall be borne solely by Purchaser. Full payment for all work shall be due and payable thirty (30) days from the date work is placed into storage. TAXES Federal, State or local sales, use or other taxes are not included in the sales price. Such taxes, if applicable, shall be for Purchaser's account. BACKCHARGES In no event shall Purchaser/Owner do or cause to be done any work, purchase any services or material or incur any expense for the account of Ovivo, nor shall Ovivo be responsible for such work or expenses, until after Purchaser/Owner has provided Ovivo’s PROJECT MANAGER full details (including estimate of material cost and amount and rate of labor required) of the work, services, material or expenses, and Ovivo has approved the same in writing. Ovivo will not accept Products returned by Purchaser/Owner unless Ovivo has previously accepted the return in writing and provided Purchaser/Owner with shipping instructions. Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 5 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com **PURCHASE ORDER SUBMISSION** In an effort to ensure all purchase orders are processed timely and efficiently, please submit all purchase order documentation to the following department and address: Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road, Suite 300, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 Fax #: 801-931-3080 Tel. #: 801-931-3000 ADDITIONAL FIELD SERVICE When included and noted in the Product pricing of each proposal item, Ovivo will supply the service of a competent field representative to inspect the completed installation and adjustment of equipment, supervise initial operation, and instruct Owner's personnel in the operation and maintenance of each proposal item for the number of eight (8) hour days. Notwithstanding Ovivo’s performance of the above-referenced services, Ovivo shall not be held liable for any faulty workmanship or other defects in the Products’ installation, or for other goods and/or services, performed by third parties unless such goods and/or services are expressly included under Ovivo’s scope of work. If additional service is required over and above the Field Services described above, it will be furnished to the Purchaser and billed to him at the current rate for each additional day required, plus travel and lodging expenses incurred by the service personnel during the additional service days. It shall be the Purchaser's responsibility to provide for all necessary lubrication of all equipment prior to placing equipment in operation. All equipment must be in operating condition and ready for the Field Service Engineer when called to the project location. Should the Contractor not be ready when the Field Service Engineer is requested or if additional service is requested, the Ovivo current service rates will apply for each additional day required. Plus, travel and lodging expenses incurred by the service personnel during the additional service days. SURFACE PREPARATION AND PAINTING GENERAL INFORMATION If painting the Products is included under Ovivo’s scope of work, such Products shall be painted in accordance with Ovivo’s standard practice. Shop primer paint is intended to serve only as minimal protective finish. Ovivo will not be responsible for condition of primed or finished painted surfaces after equipment leaves its shops. Purchasers are invited to inspect painting in our shops for proper preparation and application prior to shipment. Ovivo assumes no responsibility for field service Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 6 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com preparation or touch-up of shipping damage to paint. Painting of fasteners and other touch-up to painted surfaces will be by Purchaser's painting contractor after mechanism erection. Clarifier motors, gear motors and center drives shall be cleaned and painted with manufacturer's standard primer paint only. It is our intention to ship major steel components as soon as fabricated, often before drives, motors and other manufactured components. Unless you can insure that shop primed steel shall be field painted within thirty (30) days after arrival at the jobsite, we encourage you to purchase these components in the bare metal (no surface prep or primer) condition. Ovivo cannot accept responsibility for rusting or deterioration of shop applied prime coatings on delivered equipment if the primed surfaces have not been field painted within thirty (30) days of arrival at the jobsite using manufacturers' standard primers. Other primers may have less durability. GENERAL ITEMS NOT INCLUDED Unless specifically and expressly included above, prices quoted by Ovivo do not include unloading, hauling, erection, installation, piping, valves, fittings, stairways, ladders, walkways, grating, wall spools, concrete, grout, sealant, dissimilar metal protection, oakum, mastic, field painting, oil or grease, electrical controls, wiring, mounting hardware, welding, weld rod, shims, leveling plates, protection against corrosion due to unprotected storage, special engineering, or overall plant or system operating instructions or any other products or services. MANUALS The content of any and all installation, operation and maintenance or other manuals or documents pertaining to the Products are copyrighted and shall not be modified without the express prior written consent of Ovivo. Ovivo disclaims any liability for claims resulting from unauthorized modifications to any such manuals or other documents provided by Ovivo in connection with the Project. Attachments: Ovivo USA, LLC General Terms and Conditions, QFORMEWT 0115-02031 Rev H Ovivo USA 2010 North American Field Service Rate Schedule Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 7 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com WARRANTY AND CONDITIONS Ovivo standard Terms and Conditions of Sale is attached and made an essential part of this proposal. These terms and conditions are an integral part of Ovivo’s offer of Products and related services and replace and supersede any terms and conditions or warranty included in Purchaser or Owner requests for quotation or specifications and cannot be changed without written approval from an authorized representative of Ovivo. Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 8 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com 1. ACCEPTANCE. The proposal of OVIVO USA, LLC (“SELLER”), as well as these terms and conditions of sale (collectively the “Agreement”), constitutes SELLER’s contractual offer of goods and associated services, and PURCHASER’s acceptance of this offer is expressly limited to the terms of the Agreement. The scope and terms and conditions of this Agreement represent the entire offer by SELLER and supersede all prior solicitations, discussions, agreements, understandings and representations between the parties. Any scope or terms and conditions included in PURCHASER’s acceptance/purchase order that are in addition to or different from this Agreement are hereby rejected. 2. DELIVERY. Any statements relating to the date of shipment of the Products (as defined below) represent SELLER'S best estimate, but is not guaranteed, and SELLER shall not be liable for any damages due to late delivery. The Products shall be delivered to the delivery point or points in accordance with the delivery terms stated in SELLER’s proposal. If such delivery is prevented or postponed by reason of Force Majeure (as defined below), SELLER shall be entitled at its option to tender delivery to PURCHASER at the point or points of manufacture, and in default of PURCHASER’s acceptance of delivery to cause the Products to be stored at such a point or points of manufacture at PURCHASER'S expense. Such tender, if accepted, or such storage, shall constitute delivery for all purposes of this agreement. If shipment is postponed at request of PURCHASER, or due to delay in receipt of shipping instructions, payment of the purchase price shall be due on notice from SELLER that the Products are ready for shipment. Handling, moving, storage, insurance and other charges thereafter incurred by SELLER with respect to the Products shall be for the account of PURCHASER and shall be paid by PURCHASER when invoiced. 3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. SELLER shall retain the fullest right, title, and interest in the Products to the extent permitted by applicable law, including a security interest in the Products, until the full purchase price has been paid to SELLER. The giving and accepting of drafts, notes and/or trade acceptances to evidence the payments due shall not constitute or be construed as payment so as to pass SELLER’s interests until said drafts, notes and/or trade acceptances are paid in full. Risk of loss shall pass to PURCHASER at the delivery point. 4. PAYMENT TERMS. SELLER reserves the right to ship the Products and be paid for such on a pro rata basis, as shipped. If payments are not made by the due date, interest at a rate of two percent (2%) per month, calculated daily, shall apply from the due date for payment. PURCHASER is liable to pay SELLER’S legal fees and all other expenses in respect of enforcing or attempting to enforce any of SELLER’S rights relating to a breach or threatened breach of the payment terms by PURCHASER. . 5. TAXES. Unless otherwise specifically provided in SELLER’s quotation/proposal; PURCHASER shall pay and/or reimburse SELLER, in addition to the price, for all sales, use and other taxes, excises and charges which SELLER may pay or be required to pay to any government directly or indirectly in connection with the production, sale, transportation, and/or use by SELLER or PURCHASER, of any of the Products or services dealt with herein (whether the same may be regarded as personal or real property). PURCHASER agrees to pay all property and other taxes which may be levied, assessed or charged against or upon any of the Products on or after the date of actual shipment, or placing into storage for PURCHASER'S account. 6. MECHANICAL WARRANTY. Solely for the benefit of PURCHASER, SELLER warrants that new equipment and parts manufactured by it and provided to PURCHASER (collectively, “Products”) shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. The warranty period shall be twelve (12) months from startup of the equipment not to exceed eighteen (18) months from shipment. If any of SELLER’S Products fail to comply with the foregoing warranty, SELLER shall repair or replace free of charge to PURCHASER, EX WORKS SELLER’S FACTORIES or other location that SELLER designates, any Product or parts thereof returned t o SELLER, which examination shall show to have failed under normal use and service operation by PURCHASER within the Warranty Period; provided, that if it would be impracticable for the Product or part thereof to be returned to SELLER, SELLER will send a representative to PURCHASER’s job site to inspect the Product. If it is determined after inspection that SELLER is liable under this warranty to repair or replace the Product or part thereof, SELLER shall bear the transportation costs of (a) returning the Product to SELLER for inspection or sending its representative to the job site and (b) returning the repaired or replaced Products to PURCHASER; however, if it is determined after inspection that SELLER is not liable under this warranty, PURCHASER shall pay those costs. For SELLER to be liable with respect to this warranty, PURCHASER must make its claims to SELLER with respect to this warranty in writing no later than thirty (30) days after the date PURCHASER discovers the basis for its warranty claim and in no event more than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the Warranty Period. In addition to any other limitation or disclaimer with respect to this warranty, SELLER shall have no liability with respect to any of the following: (i) failure of the Products, or damages to them, due to PURCHASER’s negligence or willful misconduct, abuse or improper storage, installation, application or maintenance (as specified in any manuals or written instructions that SELLER provides to the PURCHASER); (ii) any Products that have been altered or repaired in any way without SELLER’S prior written authorization; (iii) The costs of dismantling and reinstallation of the Products; (iv) any Products damaged while in transit or otherwise by accident; (v) decomposition of Products by chemical action, erosion or corrosion or wear to Products or due to conditions of temperature, moisture and dirt; or (vi) claims with respect to parts that are consumable and normally replaced during maintenance such as filter media, filter drainage belts and the like, except where such parts are not performing to SELLER’S estimate of normal service life, in which case, SELLER shall only be liable for the pro rata cost of replacement of those parts based on SELLER’S estimate of what the remaining service life of those parts should have been; provided, that failure of those parts did not result from any of the matters listed in clauses (i) through (v) above. With regard to third-party parts, equipment, accessories or components not of SELLER’s design, SELLER’S liability shall be limited solely to the assignment of available third-party warranties. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY, WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL OR STATUTORY, ARE EXCLUDED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY LAW. All warranties and obligations of SELLER shall terminate if PURCHASER fails to perform its obligations under this Agreement including but not limited to any failure to pay any charges due to SELLER. SELLER’S quoted price for the Products is based upon this warranty. Any increase in warranty obligation may be subject to an increase in price. 7. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. All nonpublic information and data furnished to PURCHASER hereunder, including but not limited to price, size, type and design of the Products is the sole property of SELLER and submitted for PURCHASER'S own confidential use solely in connection with this Agreement and is not to be made known or available to any third party without SELLER’S prior written consent. 8. PAINTING. The Products shall be painted in accordance with SELLER'S standard practice, and purchased items such as motors, controls, speed reducers, pumps, etc., will be painted in accordance with manufacturers’ standard practices, unless otherwise agreed in writing. 9. DRAWINGS AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION. When PURCHASER requests approval of drawings before commencement of manufacture, shipment may be delayed if approved drawings are not returned to SELLER within fourteen (14) days of receipt by PURCHASER of such drawings for approval. SELLER will furnish only general arrangement, general assembly, and if required, wiring diagrams, erection drawings, installation and operation-maintenance manuals for SELLER'S equipment (in English language). SELLER will supply six (6) complete sets of drawings and operating instructions. Additional sets will be paid for by PURCHASER. Electronic files, if requested from SELLER, will be provided in pdf, jpg or tif format only. 10. SET OFF. This Agreement shall be completely independent of all other contracts between the parties and all payments due to SELLER hereunder shall be paid when due and shall not be setoff or applied against any money due or claimed to be due from SELLER to PURCHASER on account of any other transaction or claim. except for archival or security purposes; b) not to use the program on any computer other than the computer with which it is supplied; and c) to limit access to the program to those of its employees who are necessary to permit authorized use of the program. PURCHASER agrees to execute and be bound by the terms of any software license applicable to the Products supplied. 11. SOFTWARE. PURCHASER shall have a nonexclusive and nontransferable license to use any information processing program supplied by SELLER with the Products. PURCHASER acknowledges that such programs and the information contained therein is Confidential Information and agrees: a) not to copy or duplicate the program 12. PATENT INDEMNITY. SELLER will defend at its own expense any suit instituted against PURCHASER based upon claims that SELLER’s Product hereunder in and of itself constitutes an infringement of any valid apparatus claims of any United States patent issued and existing as of the date of this Agreement, if notified promptly in writing and given all information, assistance, and sole authority to defend and settle the same, and SELLER shall indemnify the PURCHASER against such claims of infringement. Furthermore, in case the use of the Products is enjoined in such suit or in case SELLER otherwise deems it advisable, SELLER shall, at its own expense and discretion, (a) procure for the PURCHASER the right to continue using the Products, (b) replace the same with non-infringing Products, (c) modify the Product so it becomes non-infringing, or (d) remove the Products and refund the purchase price less freight charges and depreciation. SELLER shall not be liable for, and PURCHASER shall indemnify SELLER for, any claim of infringement related to (a) the use of the Products for any purpose other than that for which it was furnished by SELLER, (b) compliance with equipment designs not furnished by SELLER or (c) use of the Products in combination with any other equipment. The foregoing states the sole liability of SELLER for patent infringement with respect to the Products 13. GENERAL INDEMNITY. Subject to the rights, obligations and limitations of liabilities of the parties set forth in this Agreement, PURCHASER shall protect and indemnify SELLER, its ultimate parent, its ultimate parent’s subsidiaries and each of their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against all claims, demands and causes of action asserted by any entity to the extent of PURCHASER’s negligence or willful misconduct in connection with this Agreement. 14. DEFAULT, TERMINATION. In the event that PURCHASER becomes insolvent, commits an act of bankruptcy or defaults in the performance of any term or condition of this Agreement, the entire unpaid portion of the purchase price shall, without notice or demand, become immediately due and payable. SELLER at its option, without notice or demand, shall be entitled to sue for said balance and for reasonable legal fees, plus out-of-pocket expenses and interest; and/or to enter any place where the Products are located and to take immediate possession of and remove the Products, with or without legal process; and/or retain all payments made as compensation for the use of the Products: and/or resell the Products, without notice or demand, for and on behalf of the PURCHASER, and to apply the net proceeds from such sale (after deduction from the sale price of all expenses of such sale and all expenses of retaking possession, repairs necessary to put the Products in saleable condition, storage charges, taxes, liens, collection and legal fees and all other expenses in connection therewith) to the balance then due to SELLER for the Products and to receive from the PURCHASER the deficiency between such net proceeds of sale and such balance. PURCHASER hereby waives all trespass, damage and claims resulting from any such entry, repossession, removal, retention, repair, alteration and sale. The remedies provided in this paragraph are in addition to and not limitations of any other rights of SELLER. 15. CANCELLATION. PURCHASER may terminate this Agreement for convenience upon giving SELLER thirty (30) days prior written notice of such fact and paying SELLER for all costs and expenses (including overhead) incurred by it in performing its work and closing out the same plus a reasonable profit thereon. All such costs and expenses shall be paid to SELLER within ten (10) days of the termination of the Agreement, or be subject to an additional late payment penalty of five percent (5%) of the total amount of costs and expenses owed. 16. REMEDIES. The rights and remedies of the PURCHASER in connection with the goods and services provided by SELLER hereunder are exclusive and limited to the rights and remedies expressly stated in this Agreement. 17. INSPECTION. PURCHASER is entitled to make reasonable inspection of Products at SELLER’s facility. SELLER reserves the right to determine the reasonableness of the request and to select an appropriate time for such inspection. All costs of inspections not expressly included as an itemized part of the quoted price of the Products in this Agreement shall be paid by PURCHASER. 18. WAIVER. Any failure by SELLER to enforce PURCHASER’s strict performance of any provision of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of its right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement. 19. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. If applicable laws, ordinances, regulations or conditions require anything different from, or in addition to, that called for by this Agreement, SELLER will satisfy such requirements at PURCHASER'S written request and expense. 20. FORCE MAJEURE. If SELLER is rendered unable, wholly or in material part, by reason of Force Majeure to carry out any of its obligations hereunder, then on SELLER’s notice in writing to PURCHASER within a reasonable time after the occurrence of the cause relied upon, such obligations shall be suspended. “Force Majeure” shall include, but not be limited to, acts of God, laws and regulations, strikes, civil disobedience or unrest, lightning, fire, flood, washout, storm, communication lines failure, delays of the PURCHASER or PURCHASER’s subcontractors, breakage or accident to equipment or machinery, wars, police actions, terrorism, embargos, and any other causes that are not reasonably within the control of the SELLER. If the delay is the result of PURCHASER’s action or inaction, then in addition to an adjustment in time, SELLER shall be entitled to reimbursement of costs incurred to maintain its schedule. 21. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. It is expressly understood that SELLER is an independent contractor, and that neither SELLER nor its principals, partners, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees or subcontractors are servants, agents, partners, joint ventures or employees of PURCHASER in any way whatsoever. 22. SEVERABILITY. Should any portion of this Agreement, be held to be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law then the validity of the remaining portions thereof shall not be affected by such invalidity or unenforceability and shall remain in full force and effect. Furthermore, any invalid or unenforceable provision shall be modified accordingly within the confines of applicable law, giving maximum permissible effect to the parties’ intentions expressed herein. 23. CHOICE OF LAW, CHOICE OF VENUE. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah, without regard to its rules regarding conflicts or choice of law. The parties submit to the jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts located in Salt Lake City, Utah. 24. ASSIGNMENT. PURCHASER shall not assign or transfer this Agreement without the prior written consent of the SELLER. Any attempt to make such an assignment or transfer shall be null and void. SELLER shall have the authority to assign, or otherwise transfer, its rights and obligations in connection with this Agreement, in whole or in part, upon prior written notice to PURCHASER. 25. LIMITATION ON LIABILITY. TO THE EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY LAW, SELLER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT IN EXCESS OF THE COST OF CORRECTING ANY DEFECTS, OR IN THE ABSENCE OF ANY DEFECT, IN EXCESS OF THE VALUE OF THE PRODUCTS SOLD HEREUNDER. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY LIABILITIES OR RESPONSIBILITIES ASSUMED BY SELLER HEREUNDER, SELLER SHALL IN NO EVENT BE RESPONSIBLE TO PURCHASER OR ANY THIRD PARTY, WHETHER ARISING UNDER CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, FOR LOSS OF ANTICIPATED PROFITS, LOSS BY REASON OF PLANT SHUTDOWN, NON-OPERATION OR INCREASED EXPENSE OF OPERATION, SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS, COST OF PURCHASED OR REPLACEMENT POWER, COST OF MONEY, LOSS OF USE OF CAPITAL OR REVENUE OR ANY OTHER INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS OR DAMAGE, WHETHER ARISING FROM DEFECTS, DELAY, OR FROM ANY OTHER CAUSE WHATSOEVER. REVISION DATE – MARCH 5, 2009 Proposal No. 06162014-KH Proposal Date: June 16, 2014 Page 9 of 9 P R O P O S A L Ovivo USA, LLC 4246 Riverboat Road • Suite 300 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA Tel: (801) 931-3000 • Fax: (801) 931-3080 www.ovivowater.com NORTH AMERICAN FIELD SERVICE RATE SHEET Effective January 1, 2013 Standard (Travel) Daily Rate (8 hour day) $ 1,200.00 Hourly Rate (4 hour minimum) $ 150.00 Standard (Labor) Daily Rate (8 hour day) $ 1,200.00 Hourly Rate (4 hour minimum) $ 150.00 Saturday Daily Rate (8 hour day) $ 1,800.00 Hourly Rate (4 hour minimum) $ 225.00 Sundays/Holidays * Daily Rate (8 hour day) $ 2,400.00 Hourly Rate (4 hour minimum) $ 300.00 Overtime ** Hourly Rate - Standard Day $ 225.00 Hourly Rate - Weekends & Holidays $ 300.00 * Except Christmas Day and New Years Day ** For all hours worked over eight (8) hours per day UNLESS OTHERWISE ARRANGED; EXPENSES ARE CHARGED AT ACTUAL COST PLUS 10% Please Note: • All of the rates provided are portal to portal. In addition, travel and living expenses will be invoiced at actual cost PLUS 10 % and documentation will be provided for these expenses. If a fixed Per Diem rate is required, it will be charged at $250.00 per day (lodging and meals) with the exception of the East Coast where the price will be $300.00). Travel on Saturday, Sunday or Holidays, and after 8 hours per day will be billed at the overtime rate. • Use of Ovivo Fleet vehicles for travel will be charged at the rate of $0.565 per mile. July 8, 2014 WSB & Associates Tom Roushar 701 Xenia Ave. S Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Attn: Tom Roushar Re: Waste Water Treatment Facility Secondary Digester Cover and Primary Digester Mixer Repairs Monticello, MN Dear Tom, Per your request, I have determined pricing to clean, inspect, and repair the digester cover and to remove and replace the mixer. We currently have a hole in our schedule this summer that this work would fill nicely. If we can get started right away we will discount our labor from $85.00/hr to $75.00/hr. The Standard contractor fees will apply to all work that is completed. This work has too many unknowns to provide a firm price, so I have determined budget pricing and we will bill this out as time and material. These budget numbers are our best estimates of the cost of the work, actual costs may vary. Digester Cover Cleaning the attic of the cover This is the breakdown of the expected costs to clean out the attic space in the cover of the secondary digester. The City will supply the vac truck and pump truck at no cost and MBI will work with the city crew to use the vac truck and pump truck from the WWTF. Our crew will suck the sludge out of the secondary digester cover and into your vac truck. From there it will go into the pump truck and be pumped to the primary digester. At this time we will also suck the remaining sludge from the bottom of the tank so it is ready for scaffolding. The following is a budget; the final price will be determined by the actual cost of the work based on these rates. Labor $85.00/ hr $75.00/ Man Hour - Budget $9,000.00 to $18,000.00 Possible Equipment Rents Pressure Washer $35.00/Hr Other Rental and Small Tools as Needed. Cleaning the Attic Budget: $9,000.00 to $18,000.00 Scaffolding This is the breakdown of the work and materials to pick up the scaffold, bring it to the site, lower everything into the tank with a crane, and set it up. Once inspection and repairs are complete this estimate covers removing the scaffold, pulling it out of the tank, and returning it. The following is a budget; the final price will be determined by the actual cost of the work based on these rates. Labor $85.00/ hr $75.00/ Man Hour - Budget $8,000.00 to $14,000.00 Equipment Rents Systems Scaffold (28 days) - Budget $3,000.00 Truck/ Trailer (pick up & return) $60/ Hr - Budget $400.00 Subcontractor A&B Crane Service -Budget $1,680.00 Scaffolding Budget $13,080.00 to $19,080.00 Ceiling Investigation and Repair This is the breakdown of the work once the scaffolding is set up for MBI to clean test areas on the ceiling for the testing company to do ultrasonic testing. The frequency and location of these tests will need to be directed by the engineer. Once the testing is done it can be determined the extent of the damage and the work required to make the repairs. The testing company could be hired directly by the city and removed from our work. The following is a budget; the final price will be determined by the actual cost of the work based on these rates. Labor Prep for testing $85.00/ hr $75.00/ Man Hour -Budget $1,200.00 Patching ¼” plate $85.00/ hr $75.00/ Man Hour -Budget $1,200.00 Equipment Rents Welder $45.00/hr -Budget $700.00 Torch $35.00/ hr Other Small Tools as needed Materials ¼” Steel Plate $10.00/SF -Budget $1,000.00 Subcontractor Ultrasonic Testing (AET/Braun) $100.00/ hr -Budget $1,500.00 Investigation and Repair Budget $5,600.00 Mixer Repair This is the price to disconnect and remove the mixer from the first stage digester, pressure wash the shaft off using onsite water, setting it onto the wooden shipping crate, and then loading it onto the semi supplied by the pump manufacturer. When the pump arrives back at the plant we will put it back into place. Labor 24 Man hours @ $85.00/ hr $75.00/hr $1,800.00 Equipment Rents Pressure Washer $ 100.00 Small Tools $ 100.00 Subcontractor A&B Crane Service $1,680.00 Killmer Electric $ 600.00 Contractor Fee (Subcontractors) $ 114.00 Contractor Fee (Materials & Labor): $ 300.00 Mixer Repair Total: $4,694.00 Please review this and let me know how to proceed. Contact the undersigned with any questions. Sincerely, Nathan Neubauer Project Coordinator Municipal Builders, Inc. CityCouncilAgenda:1/12/15 1 7B.Considerationofapprovingannualappointmentsanddesignationsfor2015 (JO/CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: MinnesotaStatutesrequirethatcertainappointmentsbemadeatthefirstmeetingofeach year.Attachedyouwillfindalistofthedesignationsandappointmentsthathavebeen compiledbyCitystaff.Councilrepresentativesthatserveasvotingmembersofaboard areaddressedintheagendareport.CityCouncilmemberliaisonassignments,whichare appointedbytheMayorandthenconsideredforratificationbytheCityCouncil,are notedontheattached2015AnnualAppointmentslistingincludedinthesupportingdata. Alsoincludedasanattachmentisageneralsummaryofthevariouscommissions, committees,andorganizationscurrentlyinoperationthatinvolvesomelevelof participationfromCityCouncil,volunteermembers,orCitystaff. Designations/Appointments: a.CityDepositories:TheCityutilizesonebanktoprovidebankingservicesforthe CitywhichisWellsFargo.Inaddition,underMinnesotaStatutes239,theChief FinancialOfficerhasalsobeendesignatedtheauthoritytonameotherofficial depositoriesforthepurposeofinvestments.Themotionwouldincludethe authorizationfortheFinanceDirectortodesignateotherdepositorieswhen necessaryforinvestmentpurposesonly. b.OfficialNewspaper:InthepasttheMonticelloTimeshasbeendesignatedasthe officialpaper.ItisproposedtodesignatetheTimesastheofficialnewspaper againfor2015.Theyproposedarateincreaseofapproximately5%overlast year.AletterfromECM-SunMedia,owneroftheMonticelloTimes,isincluded withthesupportingdata. c.HealthOfficer:Lastyear,theCityusedtheCentraCareHealthMonticello PhysiciansClinicastheirdesignatedhealthofficer,anditisproposedtocontinue withthisclinic. d.InsuranceAgent:Inpastyears,theCityhasdesignatedFoster,Carlson&White Agencyasourgeneralinsuranceagentandrecommendscontinuingwiththis agency.Forcitybenefits,itisrecommendedthatApolloAgencyagainbe designatedastheCity’sagentfor2015. e.ActingMayor:Inpastyears,BrianStumpfwasappointedasActingMayorto serveintheabsenceoftheMayor.WithBriannowelectedasMayor,itis proposedtoappointTomPerraultasActingMayor. f.RepresentativestoOtherMulti-JurisdictionalBodies:Thisappointmentisfor selectingtheCityrepresentativestoserveontheCommunityEducationAdvisory CityCouncilAgenda:1/12/15 2 BoardandtheOrderlyAnnexationBoard.Aspartoftheorderlyannexation agreement,theOrderlyAnnexationBoard(OAA)wascreatedtohandlezoning andlanduseissuesintheareacoveredbytheannexationagreement.Membersto theOAABoardareappointedforoneyearwithBrianStumpfandTomPerrault proposedtoservein2015astheCity’svotingrepresentatives.Itisproposedthat GlenPosustabeappointedtotheCommunityEducationAdvisoryBoard. g.PlanningCommission:DuetoresignationsonthePlanningCommission,no membersareupforrenewal.Instead,Councilwillbeaskedtoapprovetwonew appointmentstothePlanningCommissionontheconsentagendaofthismeeting. h.ParksCommission:TherearetwopositionsupforrenewalontheParks Commission.ItisrecommendedtoreappointLarryNolanandNancyMcCaffrey, eachforanother3-yeartermtoendin2017. i.PoliceAdvisoryCommission:ElizabethCooperwasappointedthisyeartoserve outthetermofChuckFradella,whichexpiredattheendof2014.Itisproposed torenewthetermofMs.Coopertoendin2017.Inaddition,thecitycodeforthe PACrequiresappointmentofacouncilmembertoserveasavotingmember.Itis recommendedtoappointGlenPosustaastherepresentative. j.LibraryBoard:ThetermsofRalphOlsenandElaineSettergrenexpiredatthe endoftheyear.Theyareeachrecommendedforanother3-yeartermendingin 2017. k.MCCAdvisoryBoard:ThetermofJenniferBethkeexpiredinDecemberandshe iswillingtoserveanothertermtoendin2017.MayorStumpfrecommends himselfasavotingrepresentativeforCouncilonthisboard. l.EconomicDevelopmentAuthority:RodDragsten’spositionwasupforrenewal. TheEDAisintheprocessofinterviewingtofillhispositionfora6-yeartermto endin2020andtoreplaceMattFrie,whorecentlyresigned;thetermforthat positionwouldruntotheendof2017.TwoCouncilmembersserveasvoting membersontheEDA.MayorStumpfrecommendsTomPerraultandLloyd Hilgartasvotingrepresentatives. m.IEDC:ThetermsofBillTapper,JimJohnson,andTimO’Connorareupfor renewal.Itisrecommendedtorenewthesetermsforanotherthreeyearsending in2017.ItisnotedthatJanineKopff,thenewlyelectedChamberofCommerce Chair,willserveasavotingrepresentativeontheIEDCfor2015. n.BertramChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncil:Thisboardwasformedasajoint entitybetweenWrightCountyandtheCityofMonticello.Bylawswereadopted inMayof2014establishingpositionsandtermsontheAdvisoryCouncil.There arefourat-largepositionswithalternating3-yearterms,andeachappointment mustbeapprovedbyboththecountyandcity.ThetermofLyleTrunnellexpired CityCouncilAgenda:1/12/15 3 attheendof2014anditisproposedtoappointKimHewsonGarberinhisplace withhertermtoexpirein2017.Inaddition,theCityCouncilshouldapprovetwo votingrepresentatives.MayorStumpfrecommendsCharlotteGablerandGlen PosustatoserveasvotingmembersontheAdvisoryCouncilfor2015. o.FiberNetAdvisoryBoard:TheAdvisoryBoardwascreatedbyordinanceinApril of2008.ThefirstrepresentativeswereappointedtotheBoardinMayof2005 withstaggeredterms.JacobKramerwasappointedthisyeartofilloutWayne Mayer’stermwhichexpiresin2018.TwoCouncilmembersserveasvoting membersonthisboard.MayorStumpfrecommendsCharlotteGablerandhimself asvotingrepresentatives. p.FireReliefAssociationTrustees:Theby-lawsoftheReliefAssociation,based onMNStatute424A.04,callforuptothreecityofficialstobeappointedtothe BoardofTrustees,including:anelectedofficial(Mayor),anappointedorelected official(CityClerk/CityAdministrator),andFireChief.Currently,the recommendationistoappointMayorBrianStumpf,CityAdministratorJeff O’Neill,FinanceDirectorWayneOberg,andinterimFireChiefDonAndersonas trustees.TheCouncilcanaffirmtheseappointmentsorassigntoanother Councilmemberorstaffmember.WhentheFireDepartmentselectsapermanent FireChief,thatwillbebroughttoCouncilforratificationandthenewFireChief willbecomeatrusteeontheFireReliefBoard. Thefollowingdesignationsarenotrequiredtobemadeannuallybystatute,buteachof themperformsservicesonanas-neededbasisfortheCity.Theconsultingfirmsand/or individualsarelistedbelowandcanbeindividuallydiscussedbytheCouncilifdesired. 1.CityAttorney:ThefirmofCampbellKnutsonhasservedastheCity’sgeneral legalcounselwithJoelJamnikbeingtheprimaryattorneyforMonticello. CampbellKnutsonhasrequestedanewagreementbeadoptedwithanincreasein theratefrom$140perhourto$150hour.ByapprovingCampbellKnutsonasthe CityAttorney,theagreementwouldberenewedatthenewrateof$150perhour. TheCityalsoutilizesKennedyGravenforlegalservicesparticularlyinareassuch aseconomicdevelopment(MonticelloEDA).Itisrecommendedtodesignate bothofthesefirmsinthecapacityofCityAttorneyfor2015. Occasionally,theCityhasalsousedtheservicesofotherlegalfirmssuchas FlahertyHoodformorespecializedareassuchasannexationandnuclearwaste storage,SusanHansonforpersonnel-relatedissues,orKimKozaronissues relatingtothewastewatertreatmentplant. 2.CityAuditor:TheFinanceDepartmenthasretainedMMKRtoperformaudit servicesandtheCouncilapprovedacontractwithMMKRforauditing.Council shoulddesignateMMKRfortheofficial2014audit. CityCouncilAgenda:1/12/15 4 3.ConsultingEngineer:CurrentlyWSB&AssociatesservesastheCity’s consultingengineer.InalettertotheCity,WSBproposesaslightincreasein theirfeetableaveraging2.66%for2015.Theletterandratescheduleisincluded withsupportingdata.ItisrecommendedtocontinueusingWSBastheCity’s consultingengineeronprojects,whichincludesprovidinganon-siteengineerat CityHall. 4.CityPlanner:NorthwestAssociatedConsultantshasservedastheCityPlanner foranumberofyears,withSteveGrittmanprovidingdirectservicestothe City.For2015,citystaffandthePlanningCommissionrecommendthatNAC continuetoservetheCityonday-to-dayplanningmatters.Anhourlyratechange forNACfrom$142to$155wasapprovedwiththe2015FeeSchedule. 5.FinancialConsultants:TheCityFinanceDirectorrecommendscontinuingwith NorthlandSecuritiesasafinancialadvisortotheCity.TheCityisverysatisfied withtheservicesprovidedbyNorthlandSecurities. B.ALTERNATIVEACTION: 1.Motionapprovingtheproposedappointmentsanddesignationsfor2015,andany changesasrecommendedbyMayorandCouncil. 2.Motionofother. C.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Listof2015AnnualAppointmentsandDesignations(proposed) B.Correspondencefrom: CampbellKnutson–legalservicesagreementfor2015 WSBEngineering–letterofrequest&rateschedulefor2015 MonticelloTimes–letterofrequest C.MeetingMatrixspreadsheetshowingCouncil,volunteermembers,andstaffmeeting responsibilities OfficialDepositories:WellsFargo (ChiefFinancialOfficerisauthorizedtodesignateother depositoriesforinvestmentpurposesonly) OfficialNewspaper:MonticelloTimes HealthOfficer:CentraCareHealthMonticelloPhysiciansClinic InsuranceAgents:FosterCarlsonWhiteAgency(general) ApolloAgency(benefits) ActingMayor:TomPerrault JointCommissions: CommunityEducation GlenPosusta MOAAJointPlanningBoard BrianStumpf&TomPerrault Attorney:CampbellKnutson KennedyGraven(EDA) Planner:NorthwestAssociatedConsultants(SteveGrittman) Auditor:Malloy,Montague,Karnowski,Radosevich&Co(MMKR) ConsultingEngineer:WSB&Associates FinancialConsultants:NorthlandSecurities BondCounsel:KennedyGraven COMMISSIONS/BOARDS NAME TERM EXPIRES PlanningCommission LindaBuchmann 3yr 12/2017 appointin#5F (3-yearstaggeredterms)SamMurdoff 3yr 12/2017 appointin#5F AlanHeidemann3yr12/2015 BradFyle,Chair3yr12/2016 CharlotteGabler (open)3yr12/2016 resigned12/31/14 CharlotteGabler Councilliaison ParksCommission LarryNolan 3yr 12/2017 (3-yearstaggeredterms)NancyMcCaffrey 3yr 12/2017 BrianStoll3yr12/2015 TimStalpes3yr12/2016 JackGregor3yr12/2016 GlenPosusta Councilliaison PoliceAdvisoryCommission ElizabethCooper 3yr 12/2017 (3-yearstaggeredterms)JasonRoubinek3yr12/2015 JimRoberts3yr12/2015 BradFyle3yr12/2016 GlenPosusta(voting)Councilrep LibraryBoard RalphOlsen 3yr 12/2017 (3-yearstaggeredterms)ElaineSettergren 3yr 12/2017 BethMetzger3yr12/2015 JanetBridgland3yr12/2015 SandraLommel3yr12/2016 CharlotteGabler Councilliaison MCCAdvisoryBoard JenniferBethke 3yr 12/2017 (3-yearstaggeredterms)HeathBird3yr12/2015 SandraTheros3yr12/2015 DarrenPaumen3yr12/2016 BrianStumpf(voting)Councilrep 2015ANNUALAPPOINTMENTS&DESIGNATIONS(proposed) EconomicDevelopmentAuthority BillTapper6yr12/2015 (6-yearstaggeredterms)TracyHinz6yr12/2016 vacant6yr 12/2020 appointin#7C BillDemeules6yr12/2018 open6yr 12/2017 appointin#7C TomPerrault(voting)Councilrep LloydHilgart(voting)Councilrep IEDC:BillTapper 3yr 2017 (3-yearstaggeredterms)JimJohnson 3yr 2017 TimO'Connor 3yr 2017 RichHarris3yr2015 DickVanAllen3yr2015 DanOlson3yr2015 LukeDahlheimer3yr2015 JoniPawelk3yr2016 ZonaGutzwiller3yr2016 WayneElam3yr2016 DonRoberts3yr2016 PatThompson3yr2016 SteveJohnson3yr2016 BrianStumpf Councilliaison LloydHilgart Councilliaison JanineKopff(voting)ChamberPresident ChamberDirectorex-officio BertramChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncil KimHewsonGarner(atlarge)3yr 12/2017 newappointment (At-largemembers:3-yearstaggeredterms)WesOlson(atlarge)3yr12/2016 LarryNolanParksrep12/2015 adoptedbylaws5/12/14 SandraTherosMCCrep12/2015 CharlotteGabler(voting)Councilrep GlenPosusta(voting)Councilrep FiberNetAdvisoryBoard JacobKramer5yr12/2018 (5-yearstaggeredterms)JonMorphew5yr12/2017 DennisSullivan5yr12/2016 BrianStumpf(voting)Councilrep CharlotteGabler(voting)Councilrep FireReliefBoardofTrustees JeffO'NeillStaff (annual)WayneObergStaff BrianStumpf Council DonAnderson,interim FireChief CouncilLiaison(ex-officio)appointmentstoCitycommissionsandcommittees: 2015Liaison PlanningCommissionCharlotteGablerLloydHilgart ParksCommissionGlenPosustaBrianStumpf PoliceAdvisoryCommission(voting)GlenPosustaTomPerrault LibraryBoardCharlotteGablerLloydHilgart MCCAdvisoryBoard(voting)BrianStumpfClintHerbst EDA(voting)LloydHilgart&TomPerraultStumpf&Perrault IEDCBrianStumpf&LloydHilgartHerbst&Posusta FiberNetAdvisoryBoard(voting)BrianStumpf&CharlotteGablerHerbst&Posusta BCOLAdvisoryCouncil(voting)CharlotteGabler&GlenPosustaHerbst&Posusta FireReliefBoardofTrustees(voting)BrianStumpfClintHerbst PersonnelCommitteeBrianStumpf&CharlotteGablerHerbst&Posusta WellheadProtectionTomPerraultTomPerrault WWTFPlanningTomPerraultTomPerrault EmergencyPlanning-XcelBrianStumpf&LloydHilgartPerrault&Herbst EmergencyPlanning-CountyLloydHilgartTomPerrault XcelPublicRelationsLloydHilgartLloydHilgart M-BLTransportationCoalitionCharlotteGabler&TomPerraultPerrault&Hilgart TransportationAdvisoryCommitteeBrianStumpf&LloydHilgartHerbst&Hilgart SafetyCommitteeLloydHilgartTomPerrault TimeSensitiveAcquisitionsCommitteeGlenPosusta&LloydHilgartStumpf&Posusta 2014Liaison MeetingSummaryofCouncil,Commission,&SubcommitteeAssignmentsandassociatedestimateoftotalmeetings (DRAFT) 2015 CityCouncilStaffLiaisons Minutes ProjecBrianTom CharlotteLloydGlenNoneCityFinanceAssistCommEconDevEngineerPublicHRDeputyMCCParksFNMCommBuildingFire Office PW tedStumpfPerraultGablerHilgart Posusta orAdminDirector/FinanceDevDirWSBWSBWorks DirectorClerkDirectorSuptGMCoordOfficialChiefKerrySecy VariesPubWksDirectorMktMtchUnfilledUnfilled CityCouncilandCommissionsEstablishedbyOrdinance 1CityCouncil-RegularMeetings23242424242424240246246232412121224 2CityCouncil-SpecialMtngs1212121212122412243312121212 3PlanningCommission141460143331812 4EDA(EconomicDevelopmentAuthority)141414106102212 5IEDC(IndustrialandEconDevCommittee)12121210210212 7ParksCommission6614266 8MCCAdvisoryBoard121221012312 9FiberNetAdvisoryBoard121212121212 10PoliceAdvisoryComm44244 11MonticelloOrderlyAnnexationBoard66644County 12LibraryBoard444LibraryBd 13FireReliefAssociation44414FireDep 14SubTotal1238256666246499509012340647503624125643622 AdvisoryCommittees-Councilmemberassigned 6TransportationAdvisoryCommittee8668238338 15MBLRiverCrossingTransportationCoalition444424 16BertramChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncil111111931111 17BertramChainofLakesParkUseCommitteeTBD 18BertramChainofLakesAthleticFieldsPlanningTBD 19BertramChainofLakesLandNegotiationTeamTBD 20PersonnelCommittee1212121212 21WastewaterTreatmentFacilityPlanning4444 22WellHeadProtectionCommittee2222 23EmergencyPlanning-Xcel44444 24EmergencyPlanning-County2422 25FireTruckCommitteeTBDTBD 25XcelPublicRelationsMeetings44422 28CommunityEducationAdvisoryBoardTBD3? 30SafetyCommittee121212 31TimeSensitiveAcquisitionsCommittee(TSAC)66636 Subtotal611610273017032170150100240000066011 CityCouncilStaffLiaisons Minutes ProjecBrianTom CharlotteLloydGlenNoneCityFinanceAssistCommEconDevEngineerPublicHRDeputyMCCParksFNMCommBuildingFire Office PW tedStumpfPerraultGablerHilgart Posusta orAdminDirector/FinanceDevDirWSBWSBWorks DirectorClerkDirectorSuptGMCoordOfficialChiefKerrySecy VariesPubWksDirectorMktMtchUnfilledUnfilled OtherCommittesorAgencies-Mostlystaff WrightCountyMayor'sAssociation44 BreakfastwiththeMayor666 LeagueofMNCities-RegionalandStateConferences2MayorandCouncilinvited211 CUC(CoalitionofUtilityCities)5MayorandorCouncilinvited52 MinnesotaAssociationofTelecomAdvisors(MACTA)11 NatlAssnofTelecomOfficers&Advisors(NATOA)11 MinnesotaPublicBroadbandAlliance(Pending)888 SherburneCountyCityAdministrators44 WrightCountyCityAdministrators128 ChamberofCommerce-Board123312 ChamberofCommerce-GovernmentalAffairs6366 SensibleLandUseCoalition44 WrightCountyEconDevPrtnrship1224 GreaterMSPEvents/Networking66 EconDevAssnofMinnesotaEvents(EDAM)66 ReStoringDowntownCommittee6362 I-94WestTransportationCoalition666 Region7WTranspAdvisoryComm444 CentralMNAreaTranspPtnship44 CityEngineer'sAssnofMN44 MNPublicWorksAssn10 MMUA(MNMunicipalUtilitiesAssn)10 MinnesotaRecreation&ParksAssoc442 GreaterMNParks&Trails422 FriendsofBertramChainofLakes66 SherburneWrightCableCommission414 GovtFinanceOfficersAssn(stateandnational)422 MinnesotaClerks&FinOfficers(MCFOA)111 BuildingAssociations66 MinnesotaPlanningAssociation44 Subtotal14820000005362321812001848186000 GrandTotal3321186693926341847321373056030485840323068103633 Pleasenotethatmeetingtotalsandassociatedstaffattendanceareestimated. CityCouncilAgenda:01/12/15 1 7C.ConsiderationofappointingtworepresentativestotheMonticelloEconomic DevelopmentAuthorityfor6-yeartermstoexpire12/31/2017and12/31/2020 (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoappointtworepresentativestotheEDAtofillvacancieswhich occurredwhenRodDragstenpassedawayinOctoberandMattFrieresignedin November.TheEDAwillmeetandinterviewcandidatesonJanuary12 th,2015at4p.m. TheEDAwillrecommendappointmentduringthatmeetingandtheirrecommendation willbeforwardedtotheCityCouncilforappointmentattheirJanuary12 th regular meetingsothatthenewcommissionersmayservebeginninginJanuary.TheEDA’s JanuarymeetingisWednesday,January14th. TheEDAwillrecommendappointmenttofilloutthetermofMattFriewhichexpires 12/31/2017andappointmentofafull6-yeartermtoexpire12/31/2020. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovethefollowingappointmentstotheMonticelloEconomic DevelopmentAuthority: _______________termendingDecember31,2017 _______________termendingDecember31,2020 2.Motiontonotapprovetheappointmentsatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityStaffandtheEDArecommendAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: CopyofApplication,JamesDavidson CopyofApplication,SteveJohnson CopyofApplication,AmberKramer CityCouncilAgenda:01/12/15 1 7D.ConsiderationofappointingtwoCouncilmemberstotheBertramChainofLakes RegionalAthleticParkRFP&MasterPlanningSteeringCommittee (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: OnAugust11th,2014,theCityCouncilauthorizedstafftoproceedwitharequestfor proposalforthemasterplanningoftheBertramChainofLakesRegionalAthleticPark. ASteeringCommitteeisproposedtoassistintheRFPandplanningprocessesforthe athleticpark.TheCommittee’sproposedroleistoguidetheRFP’sdevelopment, participateinconsultantreviewandselection,andultimatelysupportandassistinthefull athleticparkmasterplanningprocess. TheSteeringCommitteestructurewasapprovedbytheCityCouncilonSeptember8th, 2014includingthefollowingmembers: 2–CityCouncilmembers 1–MonticelloParksCommissionmember 1–WrightCountyBoardmember 1–BertramChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncilmember 1–BertramChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncilmember,mustbeamemberofathletic subcommittee 1–ExofficiorepresentativefromMonticelloSchoolDistrict–AthleticProgramDirector TheCityCouncilisaskedtoappointthetwomemberstotheSteeringCommitteeatthis time.Atpresent,theBertramChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncilhasappointedWes OlsenandSandraTherostotheCommittee,andCommissionerPatSawatzkewillserve astheCountyBoardrepresentative. TheSteeringCommitteewillbeaskedtomeetatthefollowingpoints: RecommendationofRFPforreleasebyCityCouncil Selectionofcandidateconsultingfirms Interviewofcandidateconsultingfirms RecommendationofconsultingfirmtoCityCouncil Asneeded/describedbyconsultingfirmatcriticalpointsinmasterplanning process Beyondthesteeringcommittee’srole,additionalpublicparticipationisanticipated throughoutthemasterplanningprocess. To-date,staffhasbegundraftingapreliminaryRFPdocumentfortheproject,whichwill includebothareaffirmationoftheathleticparkconceptplan(ithasbeenfiveyearssince theneedsassessmentassociatedwiththatplanwascompleted),andadetailedmaster planforthefullpark.PreparingapreliminarydraftwillprovidetheSteeringCommittee withabasetoworkfromandsupporttheSteeringCommitteeintheirdirectiontostaff. CityCouncilAgenda:01/12/15 2 A1.BudgetImpact:Thereisnodirectbudgetimpactforapprovaltoformthe SteeringCommittee.TheresultsoftheRFPprocesswillbepresentedtotheCity Councilasaseparateitem.Atthattime,Councilwillconsiderapprovaltomove forwardwiththemasterplanningprocess.Budgetimpactsfortheproposed planningeffortwillbeaddressedatthattime. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staff,includingtheCommunityDevelopmentDirector, ParksSuperintendent,CityEngineerandMCCDirectorwillbeinvolvedin supportingtheRFPandMasterPlanningprocesses. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoappointtwoCouncilmemberstoaSteeringCommitteefortheBertram ChainofLakesRegionalAthleticParkRFPandMasterPlanningprocessas follows: CouncilMembers________________and_________________ 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendsalternative1above.OrganizationofaSteeringCommitteewith representativesfromthevariousinvolvedstakeholdergroupsisanappropriatenextstep inmovingtheplanningprocessforwardfortheAthleticPark. Althoughthefullplanningtimelineandprocesshasnotyetbeendetermined(theSteering Committeewillassistinsettingthese),theCityCouncilwillbeinvolvedateachmajor junctionfortheRFPprocess,includingauthorizationtorelease,interviews,andselection andaward.CityCouncilwillalsobeinvolvedatnumerouspointsinthemasterplanning process.RegularupdateswillalsobeprovidedtoboththeCityCouncilandtheBertram ChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncilastheprojectprogressesandthroughthetwomembers ontheSteeringCommittee. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None CityCouncilAgenda:1/12/15 1 7E.AdministrativeHearing-ConsiderationofanappealofAdministrativeDecision asrelatedtoapplicationofMonticelloZoningOrdinanceChapter4,Section2- TreeProtection.Applicant:Aitchison/Brent&Lanette,612W4th Street (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsideranappealofanAdministrativeDecisionmade bytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentasrelatedtotheapplicationofzoning regulationspertainingtotreeprotection,Chapter4,Section2–TreeProtection.The PlanningCommission,actingastheBoardofAdjustmentandAppeals,upheldthe decisionbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.BrentandLanetteAitchison havenowfurtherappealedtheadministrativedecisiontotheCitycouncilasallowed byZoningOrdinanceSection2.4(G)(3)(c). Specifically,theappealisofthedeterminationthatasubjecttreedoesnotmeetthe required36”diameteratbreastheight(DBH),whichistherequiredmeasurementfor considerationasa“specimentree”asdefinedbythezoningordinance.Chapter4.2 regulationsfortreeprotection,unlessotherwiseexempted,areapplicabletothose treesconsideredasa“specimentree”.Aspecimentreeisdefinedas “anycanopy treewithaDBHof36inchesormoreandanyunderstoryorornamentaltreewitha DBHof10inchesormorethatisnotexemptedasaspecimentreebythis ordinance”. Thesubjecttree,asilvermaple,islocatedatthepropertylinebetween612West4th StreetandtherecentlyapprovedVineStreetPlaceplat,proposedbyBenoit Properties,LLC.TheMonticelloPlanningCommissionconsideredthepreliminary platofVineStreetPlaceonJuly7th,holdingapublichearingonthatdateforthe preliminaryplatandvariancerequestrelatedtolotaccess.Duringthepublichearing, thepropertyownersat612W.4th Street,BrentandLanetteAitchison,notedthe presenceofalargetreeattherearoftheirproperty,atornearthepropertyline.The PlanningCommissionaddedaconditionrelatingtoconsiderationsfortreeprotection totheirresolutionrecommendingapprovaloftheplatandapprovalofthevariance. Exactinformationonthetreesizeoritslocationwasunknownatthetime. TheCityCouncilreviewedthepreliminaryandfinalplatonAugust11th,2014.The presenceofthetreewasagainnotedasaconcernbytheAitchison’sduring discussionontheplat.Theapprovalconditionrelatingtotreeprotectionwascarried forwardintheCityCouncilresolution. Subsequently,toaddresstherequiredconditionofapprovalrelatingtotreeprotection, theapplicantwasrequestedbytheCitytoprovidedefinitionastothelocationand sizeofthetreeandrecommendedtreeprotectionmeasures.BenoitProperties,LLC consultedwithDelwynColwill,acertifiedarboristwithTri-CountyTreeService. Mr.Colwillmeasuredthetreeat34”andprovidedrecommendedprotection CityCouncilAgenda:1/12/15 2 measures.ThisinformationwasforwardedtotheCity.At34”theCity’sordinance fortreeprotectionisnotapplicable.However,theapplicantwouldstillberequiredto prepareandprovidetreeprotectionmeasurestomeetconditionsofapproval. TheAitchison’salsohiredanarboristtocompleteanevaluationofthetree.Certified masterarborist,FaithApplequistofTreeQualityInc.,preparedaTreeProtection Planforthesubjecttree.Duringherevaluation,Ms.Applequistmeasuredthetreeat 38”forpurposesofDBH.Ms.Applequist’sreportwasalsoforwardedtotheCityby theAitchison’sattorney. WiththeaboveinformationonthesizeofthetreesuppliedtotheCity,itwas recommendedbytheCityAttorneythattheCityobtainanindependentmeasurement ofdiameteratbreastheight(DBH)forpurposesofapplicationofordinance. Mr.ManuelJordanofHeritageShadeTreeConsultantswasengagedbytheCityto measurethesubjecttreeandprovideanexplanationonthemethodologyofthe measurement.HeritageShadeTree’sanalysisyieldedameasurementresultof34” DBH.NorthwestAssociatedConsultants,theCity’sconsultingplanner,also reviewedthisanalysisasrelatedtothezoningordinanceandconcurred.The CommunityDevelopmentDepartment’sdeterminationisthereforebasedonthese analyses.Mr.Jordanwillbeinattendanceatthemeeting. TheCity’szoningordinancedoesnotdefinediameterbreastheight(DBH).The appealinformationprovidedbytheAitchison’s,aswellasthesourcescitedbyboth HeritageShadeTreeConsultingandNAC,illustratethatmeasurementofdiameterat breastheightisvariableandcandependgreatlyonthetreebeingmeasured.While measurementat4.5’isacommonlycitedheightforthismeasurement,multiple sourcescitethatfactorsindividualtothetreeanditssitemayrequiremeasurementat adifferentlocationonthetree. TheCityCouncilisthereforeaskedtoevaluatetheinformationpresentedanddecide ontheappealoftheadministrativedecisionfordeterminationofdiameterbreast height(DBH)forapplicationofChapter4,Section2–TreeProtectiontothesubject tree. BoardOfAdjustmentandAppealsReviewandDecision ThePlanningCommission,actingastheBoardofAdjustmentandAppeals,helda hearingontheappealonDecember2nd,2014.RepresentativesforBrentandLanette Aitchison,includingtheirconsultingarborist,andarepresentativeforBenoitProperties, LLCaddressedtheBoardduringthehearing.TheCity’sconsultingarborist,Manuel JordanofHeritageShadeTreeConsulting,alsoaddressedtheBoard. TheBoardofAdjustmentandAppealsvoted3-1todenytheappealandaffirmthe determinationmadebytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment,basedonfindings asfollows: CityCouncilAgenda:1/12/15 3 a)Diameteratbreastheightisavariablemeasurementbasedoncharacteristicsof thetreebeingmeasuredforordinance. b)Thesubjecttreehasbeenmeasuredat34”diameterbreastheightbytheCityof Monticello’sconsultingarborist,usingcommonlyacceptedandpracticed methodology. c)ThedeterminationbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentthatthetreeis notaspecimentreeisreasonableandsupportedbytherecord. PlanningCommissionerGablervotedindissent. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontodenytheappealandaffirmthedeterminationbytheCommunity DevelopmentDepartmentandBoardofAdjustmentandAppealsthatMonticello ZoningOrdinanceChapter4,Section2-TreeProtectionisnotapplicabletothe subjecttree,basedonfindingsasfollows: a.Diameteratbreastheightisavariablemeasurementbasedoncharacteristics ofthetreebeingmeasuredforordinance. b.Thesubjecttreehasbeenmeasuredat34”diameterbreastheightbytheCity ofMonticello’sconsultingarborist,usingcommonlyacceptedandpracticed methodology. c.ThedeterminationbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentthatthe treeisnotaspecimentreeisreasonableandsupportedbytherecord. 2.MotiontofindMonticelloZoningOrdinanceChapter4,Section2-TreeProtection isapplicable,basedonfindingstobemadebytheCityCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: BasedontheinformationpreparedbytheCity’sconsultingarborist,HeritageShade TreeConsultants,theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmenthasdeterminedthesize ofthetreetobe34”,lessthanrequiredforclassificationasa“specimentree”.Staff recommendsthattheappealbedenied. Itshouldbenotedthattheconditionrelatingtotreeprotectionmeasuresisstill applicabletotheplatpertheapprovedresolutionoftheCityCouncil.Assuch, BenoitProperties,LLCwillstillberequiredtoprovidethesurveyedlocationofthe tree,recommendedtreeprotectionmeasures,andimplementationofthose recommendedmeasures. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.MaterialsfromDecember2nd,2014MonticelloPlanningCommissionHearingof BoardofAppealsandAdjustment B.NoticeofAppealfromLundSauter,P.A.toMonticelloCityCouncil–dated December8,2014 Planning Commission Agenda – 12/02/14 1 6. Consideration of a request for appeal of Administrative Decision as related to application of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 4, Section 2 - Tree Protection. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, is asked to consider an appeal of an Administrative Decision made by the Community Development Department as related to the application of zoning regulations pertaining to tree protection, Chapter 4, Section 2 – Tree Protection. Specifically, the appeal is of the determination that a subject tree does not meet the required 36” diameter at breast height (DBH), which is the required measurement for consideration as a “specimen tree” as defined by the zoning ordinance. Chapter 4.2 regulations for tree protection, unless otherwise exempted, are applicable to those trees considered as a “specimen tree”. A specimen tree is defined as “any canopy tree with a DBH of 36 inches or more and any understory or ornamental tree with a DBH of 10 inches or more that is not exempted as a specimen tree by this ordinance”. The subject tree, a silver maple, is located at the property line between 612 West 4th Street and the recently approved Vine Street Place plat, proposed by Benoit Properties, LLC. The Monticello Planning Commission considered the preliminary plat of Vine Street Place on July 7th, holding a public hearing on that date for the preliminary plat and variance request related to lot access. During the public hearing, the property owners at 612 W. 4th Street, Brent and Lanette Aitchison, noted the presence of a large tree at the rear of their property, at or near the property line. The Planning Commission added a condition relating to considerations for tree protection to their resolution recommending approval of the plat and approval of the variance. Exact information on the tree size or its location was unknown at the time. The City Council reviewed the preliminary and final plat on August 11th, 2014. The presence of the tree was again noted as a concern by the Aitchison’s during discussion on the plat. The approval condition relating to tree protection was carried forward in the City Council resolution. Subsequently, to address the required condition of approval relating to tree protection, the applicant was requested by the City to provide definition as to the location and size of the tree and recommended tree protection measures. Benoit Properties, LLC Planning Commission Agenda – 12/02/14 2 consulted with Delwyn Colwill, a certified arborist with Tri-County Tree Service. Mr. Colwill measured the tree at 34” and provided recommended protection measures. This information was forwarded to the City. At 34”, the City’s ordinance for tree protection is not applicable. However, the applicant would still be required to prepare and provide tree protection measures to meet conditions of approval. However, the Aitchison’s also hired an arborist to complete an evaluation of the tree. Certified master arborist Faith Applequist of Tree Quality Inc. prepared a Tree Protection Plan for the subject tree. During her evaluation, Ms. Applequist measured the tree at 38” for purposes of DBH. Ms. Applequist’s report was also forwarded to the City by the Aitchison’s attorney. With the above information on the size of the tree supplied to the City, it was recommended by the City Attorney that the City obtain an independent measurement of diameter at breast height (DBH) for purposes of application of ordinance. Mr. Manuel Jordan of Heritage Shade Tree Consultants was engaged by the City to measure the subject tree and provide an explanation on the methodology of the measurement. Heritage Shade Tree’s analysis yielded a measurement result of 34” DBH. Northwest Associated Consultants, the City’s consulting planner, also reviewed this analysis as related to the zoning ordinance and concurred. The Community Development Department’s determination is therefore based on these analyses. Mr. Jordan will be in attendance at the meeting. The City’s zoning ordinance does not define diameter breast height (DBH). The appeal information provided by the Aitchison’s, as well as the sources cited by both Heritage Shade Tree Consulting and NAC, illustrate that measurement of diameter at breast height is variable and can depend greatly on the tree being measured. While measurement at 4.5’ is a commonly cited height for this measurement, multiple sources cite that factors individual to the tree and its site may require measurement at a different location on the tree. The Board of Adjustment and Appeals is therefore asked to evaluate the information presented and decide on the appeal of the administrative decision for determination of diameter breast height (DBH) for application of Chapter 4, Section 2 – Tree Protection to the subject tree. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to deny the appeal and affirm the determination by the Community Development Department that Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 4, Section 2 - Tree Protection is not applicable to the subject tree, based on findings as follows: a. Diameter at breast height is a variable measurement based on characteristics of the tree being measured for ordinance. Planning Commission Agenda – 12/02/14 3 b. The subject tree has been measured at 34” diameter breast height by the City of Monticello’s consulting arborist, using commonly accepted and practiced methodology. c. The determination by the Community Development Department that the tree is not a specimen tree is reasonable and supported by the record. 2. Motion to find Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 4, Section 2 - Tree Protection is applicable, based on findings to be made by the Board of Adjustment and Appeals. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the information prepared by the City’s consulting arborist, Heritage Shade Tree Consultants, the Community Development Department has determined the size of the tree to be 34”, less than required for classification as a “specimen tree”. Staff recommends that the appeal be denied. Either side has the right to appeal the decision of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals to the City Council. It should be noted that the condition relating to tree protection measures is still applicable to the plat per the approved resolution of the City Council. As such, Benoit Properties, LLC will still be required to provide the surveyed location of the tree, recommended tree protection measures, and implementation of those recommended measures. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 2 – Tree Protection B. Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 8, Section 4 – Definitions, Excerpt C. Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section 4(G) – Appeal of Administrative Decisions D. Appeal Documentation, November 4th, 2014 with Exhibits A – O, including: 1. Tree Quality, LLC Tree Protection Plan, September 12, 2014 EXHIBIT B in Appeal Documentation 2. Benoit Properties, LLC Arborist Recommendations, September 3rd, 2014 EXHIBIT C in Appeal Documentation 3. Heritage Shade Tree Consulting Report, October 7th, 2014 EXHIBIT D in Appeal Documentation 4. Memorandum, Northwest Associated Consultants, October 8th, 2014 EXHIBIT D in Appeal Documentation E. Letter of Determination, October 22nd, 2014 F. Heritage Share Tree Branch Origination Measurements, November 20th, 2014 G. Subject Tree Images CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.2 Tree Protection Subsection (B) Protection of Specimen Trees Page 218 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (3) Agreement and Security A landscaping security shall be submitted with the building permit application. Such security guarantees that in exchange for building permit, the owner will construct, install and maintain all items shown on the approved plan and that they will replace and or correct any deficiencies or defaults that occur in the plan for a period of one complete year or two complete growing seasons subsequent to the complete installation according to approved landscaping plan. 4.2 Tree Protection (A) Purpose The purpose of this section is to preserve existing natural resources of the community and to encourage the greening of the City. The City Council finds that the preservation of trees and other vegetation, where practicable, is in the best interest of City residents’ health and welfare. To that end, the City Council has found it necessary and desirable to establish regulations to ensure the City preserves its most significant trees and clusters of exiting trees throughout the City. (B) Protection of Specimen Trees (1) Applicability (a) In General All development in the City, except that exempted in accordance with Section 4.2(B)(1)(b) below, shall be required to protect specimen trees in accordance with this section. (b) Exemptions The following development shall be exempt from these standards: (i) Development on land within the CCD zoning district and all other commercially and industrially zoned properties; (ii) Development on land containing an existing single-family detached residential dwelling on a lot-of-record which cannot be further subdivided. (2) Separate Plan Required The location, species, and size of all specimen trees to be retained in accordance with this section shall be depicted on a separate inventory and protection plan clearly depicting all required information. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.2 Tree Protection Subsection (B) Protection of Specimen Trees City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 219 (3) General Requirement (a) No specimen tree may be removed, except in accordance with Section 4.2(B)(4), Removal of a Specimen Tree. (b) All specimen trees shall have the following protections, whether located on public or private land: (i) Cutting, Removal, or Harm Prohibited Specimen trees shall not be cut, removed, pushed over, killed, or otherwise harmed. (ii) Paving or Soil Compaction Prohibited The area within the dripline of any specimen tree shall not be subject to paving or soil compaction greater than ten percent of the total area within the dripline, or within 12 feet of the tree trunk. (4) Removal of a Specimen Tree Specimen trees may be removed if the landowner demonstrates to the Community Development Department that one of the following sets of conditions is met: (a) Removal of a Healthy Specimen Tree A specimen tree that is in healthy condition may only be removed if all of the following standards are met: (i) The specimen tree prevents development of a lot platted prior to the effective date of this ordinance as denoted in Section 1.4 in a way that limits building area to less than otherwise allowed, or hinders compliance with the standards in Chapters 3, 4, or 5. (ii) Mitigation is provided in accordance with Section 4.2(B)(5), Replacement/Mitigation of Specimen Trees. (b) Removal of a Severely Diseased, High Risk, or Dying Specimen Tree A specimen tree that is certified as being severely diseased, high risk, or dying by a certified arborist may be removed without required mitigation. (5) Replacement/Mitigation of Specimen Trees Those causing the destruction or removal of a healthy specimen tree, unless exempted by this ordinance, shall be responsible for the following mitigation: “Specimen Tree” is defined in Section 8.4 CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.2 Tree Protection Subsection (C) Tree Protection During Construction Page 220 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (a) Replacement Trees Required (i) Each healthy specimen tree removed or destroyed shall be replaced with three or more replacement trees equaling or exceeding a total of eighteen (18) aggregate caliper inches. (ii) The required replacement trees shall be planted within 12 months of the removal or destruction of the specimen tree. (b) Location of Replacement Trees Replacement trees shall be either planted on the parcel of land from which the specimen tree was removed if sufficient space is available, or placed on nearby lands in accordance with Section 4.1(E), Alternative Landscape Plan. (c) Establishment Period Replacement trees shall be maintained through an establishment period of at least two complete growing seasons. The applicant shall guarantee the survival and health of all replacement trees during the establishment period and guarantee any associated replacement costs. If the replacement trees do not survive the establishment period, the applicant shall purchase and install new replacement trees. (C) Tree Protection During Construction (1) Owner’s Responsibility During development, the owner or developer shall be responsible for the erection of any and all barriers necessary to protect any existing or installed vegetation from damage both during and after construction. (2) Tree Protection Fencing & Tree Save Areas (a) Where Required Specimen trees and other existing trees being used for credit towards landscaping requirements shall be fenced with a sturdy and visible fence before grading or other development activity begins. Fencing shall be erected no closer than one linear foot to the tree’s dripline. The Community Development Department shall consider the existing site conditions in determining the exact location for tree protection fencing. Areas located inside of tree protection fencing are considered “tree save areas”. Section 4.1(E): Alternative Landscape Plan CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.2 Tree Protection Subsection (C) Tree Protection During Construction City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 221 (b) Inspection All tree protection measures shall be inspected and approved by the City prior to start of any land disturbing activities. Failure to have tree protection measures approved prior to the commencement of construction is a violation of this ordinance. (c) When Required No construction, grading, equipment or material storage, or any other activity shall be allowed within the tree save (fenced) area. Fencing shall be maintained until after the final site inspection. (3) Encroachments into Tree Save Areas Encroachments into specimen tree save areas shall occur only when no other alternative exists. If such an encroachment is anticipated, the following preventive measures shall be employed: (a) Soil Compaction Where compaction might occur due to construction traffic or materials delivery through a tree save area, the area must first be mulched with a minimum four inch layer of wood chips. Equipment or materials storage shall not be allowed within a tree save area. (b) Fill No fill shall be placed within a specimen tree save area without adequate venting to allow air and water to reach the roots. (c) Chemical Contamination Trees located within a specimen tree save area shall be protected from chemical contamination from liquids or other materials, including but not limited to paint, chemical solvents, gasoline, oil, diesel fuel, hydraulic fluid, concrete spoils, or rinse water from vehicle cleaning, including rinsing of concrete truck tanks and chutes. (d) Paving Limitations Except for driveway access points, sidewalks, curb, and gutter; no paving shall occur within five feet of a specimen tree save area unless authorized through an alternative landscaping plan [See Section 4.1(E), Alternative Landscaping Plan]. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.2 Tree Protection Subsection (D) Tree Preservation Incentives Page 222 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (D) Tree Preservation Incentives (1) Tree Preservation Credits In order to encourage the preservation of as many healthy trees as practical on a development site, credit towards the minimum landscaping requirements shall be applied to all existing trees retained on a site that are not specimen trees that comply with the credit standards of this subsection. Credits are offered only for trees that are not required to be retained by other sections of this ordinance. Credits shall be granted in accordance with the following standards: (a) Credit Amount A credit of one-and-one-quarter (1.25) multiplied by the aggregate caliper of trees that are not specimen trees shall be credited and applied towards the landscaping standards in Section 4.1, Landscaping and Screening, when the trees that are saved comply with the following minimum size standards: (i) Canopy Trees Canopy trees, whether deciduous or evergreen, of seven inches in caliper or greater, measured six inches above ground level. (ii) Understory/Ornamental Trees Understory or ornamental trees, whether deciduous or evergreen, of four inches in caliper or greater, measured four inches above ground level. (b) Credit Applied Towards Required Plantings The credit shall be applied to the aggregate tree caliper inch standards for landscaping. In no case shall credits substitute for more than 75 percent of the required landscaping material. (c) Exclusions to Credit Provisions Dead, dying or diseased trees shall not be used towards crediting. (2) Reduction in the Minimum Number of Required Parking Spaces Up to a five percent reduction in the number of off-street parking spaces required on a development site shall be allowed if the reduction in the amount of required pavement will preserve the root zones of existing healthy specimen trees. The amount of reduction can be determined only after taking into consideration any unique site conditions and the impact of the reduction on parking needs for the use, and must be agreed upon by both the applicant and the Community Development Department. Alternative paving materials may be required by the Community Development Department in cases where required parking areas encroach upon root zones. CHAPTER 8: RULES & DEFINITIONS Section 8.4 Definitions Subsection (B) Lots Page 452 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance TRASH HANDLING AND RECYLCING COLLECTION AREA: Areas designated for the accumulation, storage and pick-up of refuse and recyclable material associated with multi- family home sites, civic and institutional uses, office uses, commercial uses, and industrial uses. This definition does not include trash and recycling containers associated with single family dwellings, or townhome units which do not utilize a communal location for trash and recycling. TREE, CANOPY: A tree that has an expected height at maturity of 30 feet or more. TREE, ORNAMENTAL: A small tree that has high visual impact typically grown for the beauty of its foliage and flowers rather than its functional reasons. TREE, SPECIMEN: Any canopy tree with a DBH of 36 inches or more and any understory or ornamental tree with a DBH of 10 inches or more that is not exempted as a specimen tree by this ordinance. TREE, UNDERSTORY: A tree that has an expected height at maturity of no greater than 30 feet. TREE SAVE AREA: The area around a specimen tree that extends one linear foot around the tree’s dripline. TRASH HANDLING AND RECYCLING COLLECTION AREA: Areas containing large dumpsters or compactors used to temporarily store trash and recycling materials prior to a regularly scheduled pick up. Such facilities are typically associated with multi-family buildings of more than four units, commercial operations and industrial sites. TRUCK OR FREIGHT TERMINAL: A use where buses, trucks, and cargo are stored, where loading and unloading is carried on regularly, and where minor maintenance of these types of vehicles is performed. UNDERSTORY TREE: A tree that has an expected height at maturity of no greater than 30 feet. UPLAND: Means all lands at an elevation above the ordinary high water mark. USE: The purpose or activity for which the land or building thereon is designated, arranged, or intended, or for which it is occupied, utilized, or maintained, and shall include the performance of such activity as defined by the performance standards of this ordinance. CHAPTER 2: APPLICATION REVIEWS AND PROCEDURES Section 2.4 Specific Review Procedures & Requirements Subsection (G) Appeal of Administrative Decisions Page 42 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (G) Appeal of Administrative Decisions (1) Purpose and Scope This subsection sets out the procedure to follow when a person claims to have been aggrieved or affected by an administrative decision made under this ordinance. (2) Initiation of Proceedings Appeals shall be initiated by the person aggrieved or affected by any order, decision, determination, or interpretation made by the Community Development Department or other administrative official of the City charged with the administration or enforcement of this ordinance. (3) Procedure (a) Submission of Appeal (Application) (i) An Appeal pursuant to this subsection shall be initiated by filing a written appeal of the administrative decision or determination within 10 business days of the date of the order, decision, determination, or interpretation with the Community Development Department or other administrative official from whom the Appeal is taken. (ii) All applications for an appeal shall be in accordance with Section 2.3, Common Review Requirements. (b) Review by the Board of Adjustment and Appeals (i) Upon receiving the written Appeal of the administrative decision or determination, the Community Development Department shall place the matter on the next available agenda of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals. (ii) A report prepared by the Community Development Department which is accompanied by all relevant papers, documents, and other materials relating to the order, decision, determination, or interpretation shall be provided to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals prior to the meeting. These materials shall constitute the record of the appeal. (iii) Following review of the appeal, the Board of Adjustment and Appeals shall adopt findings of fact and make a decision on the appeal. (iv) Decisions of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals are final unless the appellant files a second written appeal outlining the basis for the appeal within five (5) business days of the decision. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Option to Appeal the Board's Decision to the City Council Board of Adjustment Review / DECISION Community Development Report Writen for the Board of Adjusment ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL Complete Application CHAPTER 2: APPLICATION REVIEWS AND PROCEDURES Section 2.4 Specific Review Procedures & Requirements Subsection (H) Building Permits City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 43 (c) Review by the City Council (i) Upon receiving a second written appeal of the decision rendered by the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, the Community Development Department shall place the matter on the next available agenda of the City Council. (ii) Materials constituting the record of appeal from the Board of Adjustment and Appeals review shall be provided to the City Council for examination prior to the meeting. (iii) Following review of the appeal, the City Council shall review and decide on the appeal in accordance with this chapter and state law. (4) Review Criteria An order, decision, determination, or interpretation shall not be reversed or modified unless there is competent, material, and substantial evidence in the record that the order, decision, determination, or interpretation fails to comply with either the procedural, substantive requirements, or intent of this ordinance or state law. (5) Conditions The City Council may impose conditions upon their decision to ensure that the requirements and purposes of this ordinance are followed. (H) Building Permits (1) Purpose This section establishes when obtaining a building permit is required, how it will be reviewed, what surveys may be required to track construction, and how unauthorized work will be handled. (2) In General (a) No person, firm, or corporation shall erect, alter, construct, enlarge, expand, repair, move, improve, convert, demolish, equip, use, occupy, or maintain any building, structure, or portion thereof, within the City of Monticello until proper permits have been issued by the Community Development Department. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Appeal Option if Applicant Disagrees with Decision Section 2.4(H) Community Development Department Review / DECISION BUILDING PERMIT Complete Application Silver  Maple  Branch  Origination  Measurements 11/20/14 Prepared  by  Manuel  Jordan,  Certified  Arborist  #  MN  0206  A,  Heritage  Shade  Tree  Consultants 1 Trunk Feature Location on Trunk Direction of Branch Growth Distance to Ground Pruning wound - Center of wound NE n/a 50" Pruning wound - Deepest area of Branch tissue indentation & end of Branch Bark Ridge NE n/a 36" Deepest area of Branch tissue indentation & end of Branch Bark Ridge W SW 39" Bottom of branch tissue bulge W SW 45" Top of Branch Bark Ridge W SW 71" Beginning of Branch tissue indentation S SE 19" Bottom of branch tissue bulge S SE 24" Top of Branch Bark Ridge S SE 66" CityCouncilAgenda:1/12/2015 1 7F.Considerationofauthorizingcitystafftoinvestigatesellingthebiosolidsfarm propertyat1645CR39N(PID213-100-081400)(JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Asyouknow,thebiosolidsapplicationsiteisnolongerneededduetothemodifications thathavemadeinthetreatmentofbiosolids.Asaresult,theopportunityexistsforthe Citytosellthemajorportionoftheproperty.However,therearecircumstancesthat wouldneedtobeaddressedinconjunctionwithsellingtheparcel.Staffisseeking authorizationfromCouncilonidentifyingandevaluatingfactorstoconsiderin conjunctionwiththesaleoftheparcelandreportbackaccordinglywithaplan.The followingfactorswouldbeconsideredinconjunctionwiththesaleofland. Identificationofitemsstoredinthefarmbuildingsandestablishmentofa relocationplanforthoseitems. Theentirefieldisservedbyanirrigationsystemthatoperatesoffacenterpivot. However,aportionalongthesouthernboundaryhasbeenearmarkedforathletic fielduse.Theimpactofthefunctionalityoftheirrigationsystemgiventhe removaloftheathleticfieldsharewouldneedtobeunderstoodpriortosale. Thecurrentleaseagreementwiththefarmertillingthelandwillneedtobe reviewedandunderstoodasitrelatestoCitysaleoftheparcel. Processoridentificationofbrokeroragenttoassistinthesaleneedstobe established. Determinationonwhetherornottoconductanappraisalpriortoplacingthe propertyonthemarket. Identificationofareason,ifany,toholdthelandforafuturepurpose. A1.BudgetImpact:Saleofthelandwouldproviderevenueoffsettingoriginal purchaseandcouldbeincorporatedbackintothewaterandsewerfund. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffmemberswillbeinvolvedinthereviewandwill providearecommendationtoCouncilfortheirconsideration. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoauthorizecitystafftoinvestigatesellingthebiosolidsfarmpropertyat 1645CR39NEandreportbacktoCouncilwiththefindings. 2.Motiontonotauthorizeinvestigatingsellingthebiosolidsfarmpropertyatthis time. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. CityCouncilAgenda:1/12/2015 2 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: WrightCountypropertyinformationonPID213-100-081400 AerialphotoofBiosolidsFarm Wright County, MN Date Created: 1/8/2015 Parcel ID 213100081400 Sec/Twp/Rng 8-121-25 Property Address 1645 COUNTY ROAD 39 NE MONTICELLO Alternate ID n/a Class 101 - AGRICULTURAL Acreage 157.240 Owner Address CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 District n/a Brief Tax Description Sect-08 Twp-121 Range-025 UNPLATTED LAND MONTICELLO TWP2 157.24 AC S1/2 OF NE1/4 &N1/2 OF SE1/4 EX TR DES ON DOC 553890 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Last Data Upload: 1/8/2015 12:33:00 PM 745 ft Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL TWPCL City/Township Limits c t Parcels