City Council Agenda Packet 05-11-2015AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,May11th,2015–7p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:BrianStumpf CouncilMembers:CharlotteGabler,LloydHilgart,TomPerraultandGlenPosusta 1.GeneralBusiness A.CalltoOrder B.PledgeofAllegiance C.ApprovaloftheSpecialMeetingMinutesfromApril27th,2015–Tobeprovided D.ApprovaloftheRegularMeetingMinutesfromApril27th,2015–Tobeprovided E.ConsiderationofAddingItemstotheAgenda F.CitizenComments G.PublicServiceAnnouncements •Farmer’sMarket(5/14) •MemorialDayClosures(5/25) H.CouncilLiaisonUpdates–RecentBoardandCommissionMeetingReports •BrianStumpf(BCOL) •CharlotteGabler(PC) •LloydHilgart(IEDC) •TomPerrault(EDA) •GlenPosusta I.DepartmentUpdates •Sheriff’sOffice •FiberNetMonticello o AdvisoryBoardMeetingTime o C7-E7Upgrade •CityAdministrator 2.ConsentAgenda A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforMay11th,2015 B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments C.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofcitystreetsand relatedassistanceinconjunctionwiththeMemorialDayparadeonMay25th,2015 Applicant:MonticelloAmericanLegion D.Considerationofapprovinganapplicationforanexcludedcharitablegambling permitforRiverfestbingotobeconductedbytheMonticelloSeniorCenter E.Considerationofapprovingannualliquorlicenserenewalsfor2015-2016,contingent uponpaymentoffeesandcompletionofrequiredforms F.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofcitystreetsand relatedassistanceinconjunctionwithPartyforaPurposeonSeptember26th,2015. Applicant:TaraThurber G.ConsiderationofacceptingimprovementsandauthorizingfinalpaymenttoHuber Technologyforthepurchaseofthesludgedewateringscrewpress,CityProject No.12C003 H.ConsiderationofadoptingResolutionNo.2015-038insupportofthechangein electricproducingsystemtaxationasarticulatedinSF1636 2a.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 3.PublicHearings-None 4.RegularAgenda A.Considerationofapprovingfive-yearcontractwithAdvancedDisposalfor residentialrefuseandrecyclingcollectionservices B.ConsiderationofapprovingcoststoburyXceldistributionlinesalongChelseaRoad betweenEdmonsonAvenueandFallonAvenue C.ConsiderationofapprovingimplementationofaCommunityBuilderRecognition Program 4a.AddedItems 5.Adjournment Note:ThenextCouncilmeetingwillbeTuesday,May26th,2015duetotheMemorial Dayholiday. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING – MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 27, 2015 – 7 p.m., Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta Absent: None Others: Jeff O’Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann, Rachel Leonard, Tracy Ergen, Steve Grittman (NAC), Shibani Bisson (WSB) 1. General Business A. Call to Order – Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. B. Pledge of Allegiance - The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. C. Approval of Minutes - April 13th, 2015 CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE APRIL 13TH, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. D. Approval of Minutes (LBAE) - April 9th, 2015 GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ACCEPT THE APRIL 9TH, 2015 LOCAL BOARD OF APPEAL & EQUALIZATION (LBAE) MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. E. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda  Interim City Clerk Appointment (Stumpf)  Wristbands (Posusta)  Post Council Minutes (Posusta)  Topsoil (Perrault) F. Citizen Comments  Sherwin Williams – Store Manager Amanda Zenner announced that the retail grand opening of the new Sherwin Williams store is scheduled for Saturday, May 9th from 8am-6pm. The store is located at 9230 State Highway 25 NE.  Highway 25 Construction – Shawn Sullivan, (9127 State Highway 25 NE), shared traffic safety concerns related to city plan to eliminate the option to turn left on Highway 25 from the mobile home park. Sullivan said that he City Council Minutes: 4/27/15 Page 2 | 6 thinks that the increase in mileage costs will prevent people from using bus service. Brian Stumpf said that the City had shared its concerns with MnDOT but pointed out that it is not a City issue. Glen Posusta emphasized that the State had been working with Kjellberg property owners to identify a solution without success. He added that in the future, there will be an intersection just south of the Kjellberg property line so people won’t have to drive a mile to County Road 106 to turn around and come back. This intersection could have been installed with this project but Kjellberg said no to the request.  Highway 25 Speed Limit - Nancy Bowman, of 9127 State Highway 25 NE, said that she drives the City shuttle and is concerned about the speed limit on Highway 25 near Applebee’s. The City will request traffic monitoring. G. Public Service Announcements  Spring Recycling Day (5/2) – Rachel Leonard announced that Metro Appliance would host Monticello’s Spring Recycling Day at the Commuter Parking Lot from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, May 2nd.  Spring Leaf Pick-Up (5/9) – Leonard announced that Spring Leaf Pick-Up is Saturday, May 9th. Place bagged leaves at the curb by 7 a.m.  Bertram Park Spring Clean-Up (5/2) - Leonard announced that the Friends of Bertram are looking for volunteers to help with the 4th Annual Spring Clean- Up at the park. The event is Saturday, May 2nd from 9 a.m. to noon.  Mississippi River Trail Signs – Shibani Bisson reported that 16 Mississippi River Trail signs would soon be installed along the route through Monticello. H. Council Liaison Updates  Brian Stumpf – MCC memberships are up. FNM is reviewing management options. Personnel Committee minutes are provided.  Tom Perrault - EDA continues to develop its 2015-2016 workplan. PAC recommended a board appointment. I. Department Updates  City Administrator o Senate File 1636 – Coalition of Utility Cities (CUC) directed lobbyists to support legislation to change taxation for electrical generation facilities. o LMC Annual Conference - June 24-26th o Powerline Corridor – Working with Xcel to determine location of powerline corridor Edmonson between Dundas and Chelsea Roads. o Wristbands – Research less costly wristband options. Personnel Committee to consider mistake regarding purchasing process. o Vacancies – Building Official, Construction Inspector and City Clerk o Joint EDA-Council workshop – Staff to schedule joint workshop to review options for funding ongoing EDA operations and redevelopment expenses. City Council Minutes: 4/27/15 Page 3 | 6 Market matching contract and EDA support staff to be included in budget discussion. Schumann to determine if notice is required to end contract. 2. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills for April 27th, 2015 B. Consideration of Approving New Hires/Departures AN UPDATE WAS INCLUDED WITH THIS CONSENT AGENDA ITEM. C. Consideration of Appointing a Representative to the Police Advisory Commission to fill a Vacancy for a Term to Expire on Dec. 31st, 2017 D. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2015-033 Decertifying Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-37 (Karlsburger Foods) E. Consideration of Appointing an Interim Chief Building Official F. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2015-026 Approving a Rezoning from A-O, Agriculture Open Space To I-1 Light Industrial for the proposed Lot 1, Block 1, First Lake Substation Addition and Adopting Ordinance 614, Amending the Official Monticello Zoning Map to Include Property to be Zoned Light Industrial (I-1); Adopting Resolution #2015-035 Approving a Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Contract for First Lake Substation Addition; Adopting Resolution #2015-034 Approving a Conditional Use Permit for Utilities within the Light Industrial (I-1) District; and Adopting Resolution #2015- 036 Approving the Assessment for Xcel Energy Applicant: Xcel Energy THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. G. Consideration of Adopting Ordinance No. 615 Amending the Monticello Code, Section 6-3-3, Item B and Adding Item C & Item D THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. H. Consideration of Approving Three Five-Year Billboard Land Rent Agreements (Lamar Co.) I. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2015-032 Approving the Assessment Agreement with Kimberly J. Lietzau (PID 155-010-049080) for Sewer and Water Improvements at 413 West Broadway J. Consideration of Appointing Kerry Burri as Interim City Clerk THIS ITEM WAS ADDED TO THE CONSENT AGENDA. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS F AND G AND THE ADDITION OF UPDATED ITEM B City Council Minutes: 4/27/15 Page 4 | 6 AND ITEM J. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5- 0. 2a. Consideration of Items Removed From the Consent Agenda for Discussion 2F. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2015-026 Approving a Rezoning from A- O, Agriculture Open Space To I-1 Light Industrial for the proposed Lot 1, Block 1, First Lake Substation Addition and Adopting Ordinance 614, Amending the Official Monticello Zoning Map to Include Property to be Zoned Light Industrial (I-1); Adopting Resolution #2015-035 Approving a Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Contract for First Lake Substation Addition; Adopting Resolution #2015- 034 Approving a Conditional Use Permit for Utilities within the Light Industrial (I-1) District; and Adopting Resolution #2015- 036 Approving the Assessment for Xcel Energy Applicant: Xcel Energy Tom Perrault asked about screening. Steve Grittman noted that staff had recommended including landscape screening compatible with planting requirements under the power line along the northwest property line adjacent to Bertram Park. Perrault wondered why the property wasn’t zoned I-2. Grittman stated that, although utilities were allowable in both the I-1 and I-2 districts, staff had recommended I-1 zoning to be compatible with the zoning of the industrial park. Perrault also asked why a variance was not required despite exceeding the 30 foot height limit. Grittman explained that staff considered the antenna support structure to be part of the power line system rather than part of the structure. He noted that the superstructure of the substation does not exceed the height limit. Staff agreed to revise the resolution to add a missing word as noted by Perrault. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2015-026, APPROVING A REZONING FROM A-O, AGRICULTURE OPEN SPACE TO I-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL FOR THE PROPOSED LOT 1, BLOCK 1, FIRST LAKE SUBSTATION ADDITION, AND ADOPT ORDINANCE 614, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL MONTICELLO ZONING MAP TO INCLUDE PROPERTY TO BE ZONED LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (I-1); ADOPT RESOLUTION #2015-035 APPROVING A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR FIRST LAKE SUBSTATION ADDITION; ADOPT RESOLUTION #2015-034 APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR UTILITIES WITHIN THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (I-1) DISTRICT; AND ADOPT RESOLUTION #2015-036 APPROVING THE ASSESSMENT FOR XCEL ENERGY. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 2G. Consideration of Adopting Ordinance No. 615 Amending the Monticello Code, Section 6-3-3, Item B and Adding Item C & Item D Angela Schumann clarified that the ordinance had been amended to require that applicants seeking a permit to keep chickens on their property obtain the written consent of adjoining property owners. Schumann also noted that the amendment establishes a permit limit of six chickens and prohibits roosters within the city. Staff agreed to verify City Council Minutes: 4/27/15 Page 5 | 6 that language to be included in the ordinance amendment is correct in response to Perrault’s question about the addition of Item D. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 615 AMENDING THE MONTICELLO CODE, ANIMALS, FOWL WITHIN CITY LIMITS; PERMITS, SECTION 6-3-3, ITEM B AND ADDING ITEM C & ITEM D. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 3. Public Hearing(s) - None 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of Approving a Fibernet Business Manager Position and Posting for the Position Rachel Leonard summarized that, for the past nine months FiberNet has been operating with an interim management structure, with the assumption that a more permanent leadership structure would be established moving forward. Based on an assessment of current needs, and in view of future opportunities, staff evaluated and presented three management options (Office Manager, Business Manager and General Manager) for consideration. Leonard indicated that both the FiberNet Advisory Board and the Personnel Committee voted to recommend establishing a Business Manager position. Leonard summarized that the Business Manager position would be a mid-level management position which reports to the City Administrator. She pointed out that the position would establish a new central authority which would reduce the amount of time that the City Administrator dedicates to FiberNet. Leonard explained that the position would focus on business operations such as supervising staff, creating and maintaining the budget, working with existing and new service opportunities, developing policy, bringing forward agendas, serving as liaison to the advisory board, and updating the Council. Leonard pointed out that the more technical FiberNet responsibilities would be handled by Head End Technician Bryan Rabe or Consultant Dan Olsen. The 2015 salary range for the Business Manager position is anticipated to be $54,704 - $78,692 with approximately $20,000 in benefits. Leonard noted that staff had also recommended creating a Customer Service Representative (CSR) Level 1 position. This would shift responsibility for Leonard’s daily tasks to an existing FiberNet staff member and enable her to be more involved with FiberNet marketing and coordinating communications efforts with other city departments. Tracy Ergen estimated that the CSR Level 1 position would result in about a $2,000 a year pay increase. Glen Posusta indicated that that he would prefer that FiberNet hire a General Manager who would report to the City Council rather than a Business Manager that would report to the City Administrator. Posusta said that he doesn’t have a problem with the City City Council Minutes: 4/27/15 Page 6 | 6 Administrator monitoring and overseeing FiberNet operations, but thinks that FiberNet management should have the ability to do what needs to be done whether or not the City Administrator agrees with that decision. O’Neill said that all Department Heads are given the latitude to operate with general goals in mind. The Business Manager would be given the latitude to do what they think is right for FiberNet. Charlotte Gabler asked how the FiberNet bylaws address reporting authority. O’Neill indicated that the governance model would have to be modified to reflect the reality that FiberNet is a city department. Brian Stumpf suggested that FiberNet is no different than any other department in terms of a chain of command. Gabler asked about degree requirements for the position. Ergen said that the job description specifies a two year degree with a minimum of five years of experience or a Bachelor’s degree with three years of experience. Ergen said that she anticipated posting the Business Manager position later in the week. Stumpf and Posusta suggested that the city recruit broadly for this position. Stumpf requested that the full council attend the interviews. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO APPROVE ESTABLISHING A FIBERNET BUSINESS MANAGER POSITION AND POSTING THE POSITION. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 4a. Added Items  Interim City Clerk Appointment (Stumpf) – Added to Consent Agenda as Item 2J  Wristbands (Posusta) – Discussed as part of Department Updates  Post Council Minutes (Posusta) - Request to add documents to City website  Topsoil (Perrault) – Tom Perrault said that a resident had mentioned that people have been taking topsoil from a pile on property located near Country Club Manor and West 7th Street. He said that he assumed that City staff had intended to use the topsoil for future projects. Shibani Bisson volunteered to check with Public Works. 5. Adjournment GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:57 P.M. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Recorder: Kerry Burri, Interim City Clerk ___ Approved: Attest: ___________________________ Jeff, O’Neill, City Administrator 1 2A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforMay11th,2015 (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $510,253.02. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters PurchaseCardregisters User: Printed:05/01/2015 - 10:41AM Debbie.Davidson Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00215.04.2015 - 215.04.2015 Xcel Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 03/31/2015 51-6505905-0 5,405.01 03/31/2015 601-49440-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505915-2 290.91 04/30/2015 601-49440-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505905-0 6,400.28 04/30/2015 601-49440-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505906-1 1,178.12 04/30/2015 602-49490-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505910-7 1,552.43 04/30/2015 609-49754-438100 04/30/2015 utx - 51-9069641-8 4,202.17 04/30/2015 656-49877-438100 04/30/2015 51-9391437-3 222.05 04/30/2015 656-49877-438100 04/30/2015 51-7780310-4 58.98 04/30/2015 101-41940-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505911-8 City Hall 17% 1,569.65 04/30/2015 101-41940-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505913-0 740.13 04/30/2015 101-42200-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505908-3 15.42 04/30/2015 101-42500-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505912-9 65.94 04/30/2015 101-42700-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505911-8 National Guard 2% 184.67 04/30/2015 101-42800-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505914-1 1,141.81 04/30/2015 101-43127-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505907-2 69.34 04/30/2015 101-43140-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505907-2 45.61 04/30/2015 101-43140-438100 04/30/2015 51-4400193-4 17.09 04/30/2015 101-43160-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505916-3 12,800.74 04/30/2015 101-43160-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505911-8 Senior Centerl 4% 369.33 04/30/2015 101-45175-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505915-2 1,218.81 04/30/2015 101-45201-438100 04/30/2015 51-0371645-4 19.05 04/30/2015 101-45201-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505915-2 78.42 04/30/2015 101-45203-438100 04/30/2015 51-4271112-2 773.76 04/30/2015 101-45501-438100 04/30/2015 ZCULPS - 51-0623082-8 17.09 04/30/2015 213-46522-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505909-4 162.97 04/30/2015 217-41990-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505911-8 MCCl 77% 7,109.59 04/30/2015 226-45122-438100 04/30/2015 51-6505915-2 38.08 04/30/2015 226-45203-438100 45,747.45Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/01/2015 - 10:41 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 45,747.45 1 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/01/2015 - 10:41 AM)Page 2 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 05/11/2015 Approved by:___________________________________ Mayor Brian Stumpf User: Printed:05/06/2015 - 12:11PM Debbie.Davidson Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00202.05.2015 - 202.05.2015 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 3029058 resale - beer 416.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 416.00Check Total: Vendor:4116 ERICKA BACHMEIER Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 03/18/2015 Canvas Uncorked (40) participants 3/18/15 1,200.00 05/12/2015 226-45127-430130 04/24/15 Canvas Uncorked (49) participants 4/24/15 1,470.00 05/12/2015 226-45127-430130 2,670.00Check Total: Vendor:1062 BEAUDRY OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 223688 (2) 33 lbs propane 40.00 05/12/2015 101-43120-421200 40.00Check Total: Vendor:1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 47853900 resale - wine 360.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 47853900 resale - liquor 932.75 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 47853900 freight 23.40 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 47965900 resale - liquor 272.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 47965900 freightr 8.10 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 48050300 resale - liquor 702.25 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 48050300 freight 14.40 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 91891600 resale - olives from inv. 91837700 -52.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 91902500 resale - (6) copper mug 84.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 91902500 resale - mix & condiments 164.70 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 91902500 freight 1.14 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 91931800 resale - (6) wine openers 19.28 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 2,530.02Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 81134 resale - juice 16.40 05/12/2015 609-49750-425500 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 81134 resale -soda pop 118.20 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 81135 resale - beer 2,731.55 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 84168 resale - juice 65.60 05/12/2015 609-49750-425500 84168 resale -soda pip 273.30 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 84169 resale -beer 2,057.75 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 84795 (2) 12 pk water - party room 12.80 05/12/2015 226-45127-421460 84795 resale - concession drinks 250.97 05/12/2015 226-45127-425410 5,526.57Check Total: Vendor:2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 909235893 Gray Pop box-2000 ft; (10) 12V Battery backup 2prong 893.91 05/12/2015 656-49870-421990 909258663 (8) Combo Wan Gateway-ZYXE-VSG-1432 VDSL2 752.08 05/12/2015 656-49870-421990 1,645.99Check Total: Vendor:1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 38909 UB Qtr 1 2015 (4000) DMV Insert 157.14 05/12/2015 217-41990-434990 38909 UB Qtr 1 2015 (3914) MCC Insert 39.14 05/12/2015 226-45122-431950 38909 UB Qtr 1 2015 (3914) FNM Insert 39.14 05/12/2015 656-49870-434990 38909 UB Qtr 1 2015 Envelopes (3914) ea #10; #9 (1/2) 264.20 05/12/2015 601-49440-431800 38909 UB Qtr 1 2015 Envelopes (3914) ea #10; #9 (1/2) 264.20 05/12/2015 602-49490-431800 38909 UB Qtr 1 2015 print statements; fold; insert; etc (1/2) 391.69 05/12/2015 602-49490-431800 38909 UB Qtr 1 2015 print statements; fold; insert; etc (1/2) 391.69 05/12/2015 601-49440-431800 1,547.20Check Total: Vendor:4073 BRENTESON COMPANIES INC Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 2064-2 City portion of Lockhart Repair - Final 6,937.50 05/12/2015 602-49490-443990 6,937.50Check Total: Vendor:1801 CANNON RIVER WINERY Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: True 7742 resale - wine 276.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 276.00Check Total: Vendor:4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: True 414832 resale - beer 86.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 86.00Check Total: Vendor:1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 5843395 65.92 05/12/2015 217-41990-438300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 4/30/2015 5799425, 5799427, 5820786, 583784 1,396.58 05/12/2015 101-43127-438300 5806932 5806932 41.07 05/12/2015 101-45201-438300 5821009 5821009 539.84 05/12/2015 101-42200-438300 2,043.41Check Total: Vendor:1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 00860069 (450) lb Bulk Carbon Dioxide 116.00 05/12/2015 226-45122-421600 116.00Check Total: Vendor:4111 ARDIS CLEVELAND Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 05042015 FNM-001-0420 - FNM acct Refund 16.81 05/12/2015 656-00000-115025 16.81Check Total: Vendor:2197 CORPORATE CONNECTION Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 12833 Safety T-shirt-(30) Lg. (24) XL T; (8) 2XL; (4) 3XL-Split- Parks 195.33 05/12/2015 101-45201-420650 12833 Safety T-shirt-(30) Lg. (24) XL T; (8) 2XL; (4) 3XL-Split- Stree 362.63 05/12/2015 101-43120-420650 12833 Safety T-shirt-(30) Lg. (24) XL T; (8) 2XL; (4) 3XL-Split- Water 123.62 05/12/2015 601-49440-420650 12833 Safety T-shirt-(30) Lg. (24) XL T; (8) 2XL; (4) 3XL-Split- Sewer 123.62 05/12/2015 602-49490-420650 805.20Check Total: Vendor:4108 LEAH & CAMERON CROCKER Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 05042015 FNM-001-0619- FNM acct. Refund 30.27 05/12/2015 656-00000-115025 30.27Check Total: Vendor:2476 CSI DIGITAL INC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 103009 1 GBPS monthly Fiber Feed May 2015 2,700.00 05/12/2015 656-49879-430930 2,700.00Check Total: Vendor:1127 CUTTER SALES Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 101760 Vac-all- 1.25x1.625x188 SEAL NCC; 2.250x3.251x250 Seal NCO 29.90 05/12/2015 602-49490-422100 29.90Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 108174 resale - beer 28.80 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 108196 resale - beer 29,337.19 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 108277 resale - beer credit -127.95 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 108345 resale - beer 788.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 108624 resale - beer 12,582.20 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 108624 resale - beer 84.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 108694 resale - beer 392.20 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 108694 resale - beer n/a 33.60 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 43,118.04Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 798856 resale - n/a beer 69.50 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 798856 resale - beer 355.80 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 799883 resale - beer 3,441.77 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 800888 resale - beer 500.60 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 4,367.67Check Total: Vendor:3677 CHARLES DEGRIO Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True 05/01/2015 Referee Mens Hockey - (2) 4/22; (1) 4/27; (2) 4/29 205.00 05/12/2015 226-45127-430160 05/04/2015 Referee Mens Hockey - 5/3/15 (2) 70.00 05/12/2015 226-45127-430160 275.00Check Total: Vendor:2606 DIGICOM INC Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 39025 Quarterly DMX Music for FNM May-July 2015 128.25 05/12/2015 656-49870-432500 128.25Check Total: Vendor:1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 207102 School Patrol IB - AD# 365158 4/9/15 10.00 05/12/2015 609-49754-434990 212164 14C002 - WWTF - Phosophorus Reduction bids AD#381497 258.44 05/12/2015 602-00000-165010 213335 Ad #368085 on 4-24-15 Monti Resource Directory 160.00 05/12/2015 609-49754-434990 428.44Check Total: Vendor:3681 STERLING EGAN Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 05/01/2015 Referee Mens Hockey- 4/26/15 (4) 140.00 05/12/2015 226-45127-430160 05/04/2015 Referee Mens Hockey- 5/3/15 (2) 70.00 05/12/2015 226-45127-430160 210.00Check Total: Vendor:4114 STEPHANIE ELLINGSON Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 04/30/2015 Food Sampling Class - St. Cloud- 4-22-15 31.92 05/12/2015 226-45122-433100 31.92Check Total: Vendor:2174 FINANCE AND COMMERCE Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 742158670 14C002 - WWTF Phosphorus Reduction Improvement Bids 252.92 05/12/2015 602-00000-165010 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 252.92Check Total: Vendor:4045 DAN GLESER Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 387032 Mankato Networks -(2) 10 gig ring update 1,154.22 05/12/2015 656-49877-421990 387037 Mankato Networks -Fiber xconn-SMD April 2015 665.00 05/12/2015 656-49870-431990 1,819.22Check Total: Vendor:1859 GODFATHER'S EXTERMINATING INC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 96670 Pest Control- Prairie Center- spray perimeter for ants 50.00 05/12/2015 101-41941-431990 96736 Pest Control- MCC-spray perimeter for ants 80.00 05/12/2015 226-45122-431900 96737 Pest Control- DMV; spray perimeter for ants 35.00 05/12/2015 217-41990-431990 96738 Pest Control- Library- spray perimeter for ants 50.00 05/12/2015 101-45501-431990 96739 Pest Control - Hi-Way Liquor; spray perimeter for ants 58.78 05/12/2015 609-49754-431990 273.78Check Total: Vendor:4090 GOLDEN WEST TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 150410468 April 2015 - After Hours tech service 470.00 05/12/2015 656-49870-431990 470.00Check Total: Vendor:1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True 134777 April 2015 locates (1/2) 240.80 05/12/2015 601-49440-432770 134777 April 2015 locates (1/2) 240.80 05/12/2015 656-49877-432770 481.60Check Total: Vendor:1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: True 3716956 LPD4SA-VAT-F06-E+Pump 746.42 05/12/2015 601-49440-422100 746.42Check Total: Vendor:1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 04182015 Fire Dept. Fuel slips 3/19-4/18/2015 431.63 05/12/2015 101-42200-421200 431.63Check Total: Vendor:3343 HUBER TECHNOLOGY INC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False JI007961 12C003 - 30% final installment - shop drawings. 4-2015 Completed 86,550.00 05/12/2015 602-00000-165010 JI007961 12C003 - credit - injection ring installation -1,069.50 05/12/2015 602-00000-165010 85,480.50Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:4115 JULIANNE HUFT Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 05/01/2015 Taught (6) Nutritional Seminars- Jan-March 2015- 50% rev.- tax 97.78 05/12/2015 226-45127-430130 97.78Check Total: Vendor:1752 ICBITS LLC Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: True 4232FIBER 5/1/15-4/30/16 Annual web hosting fee 300.00 05/12/2015 656-49870-430920 300.00Check Total: Vendor:3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL 49 FRINGE BENE Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 5/1/2015 June Health Insurance 14,840.00 05/12/2015 101-00000-217061 5/1/2015 June Health Insurance 44,400.00 05/12/2015 101-00000-217061 59,240.00Check Total: Vendor:1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 2351032 resale - beer 810.24 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 2351102 resale - beer 940.62 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 2351102 freight 3.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1,753.86Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 5139769 freight 2.88 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5139769 resale - liquor 887.97 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 5139770 resale - liquor 528.05 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 5139770 freight 7.20 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5139771 freight 11.52 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5139771 resale - wine 352.05 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 5140926 resale - liquor 5,288.43 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 5140926 freight 74.87 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5140927 freight 34.55 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5140927 resale - wine 836.30 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 5140927 resale - mix 157.49 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 5140928 resale - beer 87.96 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 5142192 resale - liquor 1,224.17 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 5142192 freight 12.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5142193 freight 18.72 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5142193 resale - mix 28.49 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 5142193 resale - wine 773.85 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 5142194 resale - beer 270.50 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 5144817 freight 33.84 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5144817 resale - liquor 2,123.10 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5144818 resale - wine 1,775.15 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 5144818 freight 44.64 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5146003 freight 28.80 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5146003 resale - liquor 2,195.13 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 5146004 resale - wine 2,096.95 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 5146004 resale - mix 73.35 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 5146004 freight 82.08 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5146005 resale - beer 21.99 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 5147423 resale - liquor 2,867.01 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 5147423 freight 34.32 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5147424 freight 72.72 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 5147424 resale - wine 2,729.30 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 5147424 resale - mix 65.99 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 522869 resale - wine credit -152.99 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 522869 freight credit -1.44 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 523050 resale - wine credit -12.41 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 523051 resale - liquor credit -6.78 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 523052 resale - wine credit -9.71 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 523053 resale - wine credit -95.95 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 523053 freight credit -1.44 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 523054 resale - liquor credit -3.64 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 523055 resale - wine credit -10.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 524095 Resale - wine credit -49.65 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 524096 Resale - wine credit -19.44 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 524538 freight - credit -1.44 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 524538 resale - liquor credit -42.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 24,434.48Check Total: Vendor:4107 CAROL KASPER Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 05042015 FNM-001-0807- FNM acct Refund 53.21 05/12/2015 656-00000-115025 53.21Check Total: Vendor:1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False MN190-00101 Mar General EDA Matters through 3/31/15 1,387.50 05/12/2015 213-46301-435100 MN190-00147 Mar Block 34 TIF Distrist through 3/31/15 362.25 05/12/2015 213-46301-435100 1,749.75Check Total: Vendor:4076 NICHOLAS KLINKHAMMER Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 05/01/2015 Referee Mens Hockey - (4) 4-22-15; (2) 4-29-15 Solo Ref 240.00 05/12/2015 226-45127-430160 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 240.00Check Total: Vendor:2626 HARRY LANTTO Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: True 05/01/2015 City Council mtg recording - (2.5) hrs 4/27/2015 60.00 05/12/2015 101-41110-431990 60.00Check Total: Vendor:1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False C0037549 LMCIT Claim 0037549 date of loss 2/10/15 -Streets 129.31 05/12/2015 101-43110-436990 129.31Check Total: Vendor:4080 ISAAC LINDSTROM Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 05/01/2015 Referee Mens Hockey - (4) 4-26-15; (2) 4-22-15 210.00 05/12/2015 226-45127-430160 05/04/2015 Referee Mens Hockey - 5/3/15 (4) 140.00 05/12/2015 226-45127-430160 350.00Check Total: Vendor:1303 M AMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: True 194298 resale - soda pop; can coolers; cork screws, etc 259.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 194298 resale - ciarettes 688.12 05/12/2015 609-49750-425500 947.12Check Total: Vendor:4112 CHRISTINE MACK Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 05042015 763-314-0514- FNM acct Refund 15.86 05/12/2015 656-00000-115025 15.86Check Total: Vendor:1229 MAJIRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 1175 Letterhead - DMV 130.14 05/12/2015 217-41990-420990 1176 (500) Letterhead & (500) #10 Envelopes- FNM 335.36 05/12/2015 656-49870-420990 465.50Check Total: Vendor:3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: True 427450 300 gallons @ $1.875100 - diesel 717.09 05/12/2015 101-43120-421200 427456 650gallons @ $1.703500- unleaded 1,432.42 05/12/2015 101-43120-421200 2,149.51Check Total: Vendor:1309 MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 487697 Tow Dog 15# 24.50 05/12/2015 101-42700-443990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 24.50Check Total: Vendor:3671 MIDWAY FORD Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 103162 Water - 2015 F250 VIN1FTBF2B69FED18599 23,627.00 05/12/2015 601-00000-165010 23,627.00Check Total: Vendor:2179 MINNESOTA 9-1-1 PROGRAM Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: True Apr-15 April 2015 - 911 Wright Co 784.98 05/12/2015 656-00000-208170 784.98Check Total: Vendor:3117 MINNESOTA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 4/22/2015 6804 Gingham Court/Moe - NSP loan early payoff pass thru 17,715.00 05/12/2015 214-00000-222200 17,715.00Check Total: Vendor:4110 RON & JODI MOE Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 05042015 FNM-001-0751- FNM acct Refund 18.04 05/12/2015 656-00000-115025 18.04Check Total: Vendor:1366 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 0017574 Beer (3.2) License- 7/1/15-6/30/16 137.00 05/12/2015 226-45203-443700 137.00Check Total: Vendor:1370 MONTICELLO DEPUTY REG #002 Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 4/27/2015 2015 Ford F250 MN Sales Tax & reg/plate fee 1,571.51 05/12/2015 601-00000-165010 1,571.51Check Total: Vendor:1375 MONTICELLO PRINTING INC Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: True 04/13/2015 (4000) Billing Inserts - FNM 282.15 05/12/2015 656-49870-421810 282.15Check Total: Vendor:1379 MONTICELLO UMPIRES ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True 2015-2 (43) games- Monday night Men's League 5/18-6/22/15 1,204.00 05/12/2015 226-45127-430160 1,204.00Check Total: Vendor:1798 MOORES EXCAVATING INC Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 3720 6 yds Pul Black Dirt 144.00 05/12/2015 101-43120-422500 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 144.00Check Total: Vendor:2072 NATIONAL TELCO TELEVISION CONSORTIUM Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: True 3174 NTTC - April 2015 33,809.91 05/12/2015 656-49879-430920 33,809.91Check Total: Vendor:3738 DANIEL D OLSEN Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: True Mon09 April 2015 (11) offsite hours 715.00 05/12/2015 656-49870-430700 715.00Check Total: Vendor:1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: True 17295 (2) Timer; (1) 3-Phase Monitor - 1/2 water 127.47 05/12/2015 601-49440-422100 17295 (2) Timer; (1) 3-Phase Monitor - 1/2 Sewer 127.47 05/12/2015 602-49490-422100 254.94Check Total: Vendor:4106 TIMOTHY & ELIZABETH OWENS Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 05042015 763-295-1732- FNM acct Refund 53.49 05/12/2015 656-00000-115025 53.49Check Total: Vendor:1419 PAN O GOLD CO ST CLOUD Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: True 010004510711 Resale - (18pkgs) buns- concession 31.32 05/12/2015 226-45127-425410 31.32Check Total: Vendor:1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 8494937 freight 2.25 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 8494937 resale - wine 136.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 8496102 freight 12.50 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 8496102 resale - wine 997.95 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 8496952 freight 4.50 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 8496952 resale - wine 119.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 1,272.20Check Total: Vendor:2777 GARY & JAN PHILIP Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 05042015 FNM-001-0655 FNM acct Refund 18.53 05/12/2015 656-00000-115025 18.53Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 211368 resale - wine credit -10.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 211369 resale - liquor credit -16.36 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 211370 resale - liquor credit -5.18 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 211371 resale - liquor credit -23.96 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 211372 resale - liquor credit -2.20 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 211994 resale - liquor credit -16.16 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 211995 freight -1.44 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 211995 resale - liquor credit -95.90 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2773702 freight 4.32 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 2773702 resale - liquor 354.44 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2774425 resale - wine 1,574.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 2774425 freight 58.31 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 2775336 freight 23.04 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 2775336 resale - liquor 1,434.34 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2775337 resale - wine 613.80 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 2775337 resale - n/s wine 64.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 2775337 freight 20.16 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 2777131 resale - liquor 7,082.51 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2777131 freight 120.96 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 2777132 freight 17.28 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 2777132 resale - liquor 409.60 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2777867 resale - liquor 5,364.08 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2777867 freight 74.04 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 2778813 freight 7.68 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 2778813 resale - liquor 658.55 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2778814 resale - wine 785.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 2778814 resale - mix 53.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 2778814 freight 18.72 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 18,566.63Check Total: Vendor:1852 POWER & TEL Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: True 5774319 Remote 5-in-1 Universal 388.56 05/12/2015 656-49877-421990 388.56Check Total: Vendor:1452 RCB ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: True 1414 Install DR-20 DC remote 174.00 05/12/2015 101-43127-431990 174.00Check Total: Vendor:3721 MICHAEL REASONER Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 05/01/2015 Referee Mens Hockey - 4/27/15 (1) game 35.00 05/12/2015 226-45127-430160 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 35.00Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: True 4/27/2015 Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,593.75 05/12/2015 101-42700-431200 1,593.75Check Total: Vendor:3827 SAMBATEK INC Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: True 05262 Code Updates; General Planning services thru 4/6/15 119.00 05/12/2015 101-41910-431990 119.00Check Total: Vendor:4109 PHYLLIS SCHAEFFER Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 05042015 FNM-001-0122 FNM acct Refund 27.08 05/12/2015 656-00000-115025 27.08Check Total: Vendor:1480 LEO SCHRODEN Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True 04/27/15 boots reimbursement - Leo Schroden -2014 & 2015 180.00 05/12/2015 101-45201-420650 180.00Check Total: Vendor:1481 ANGELA SCHUMANN Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: True 4/24/2015 ZZBCOL - RFQ/RFP Posting fee 25.00 05/12/2015 101-41910-443990 4/27/2015 GTS Land Use Workship - Community Solar Gardens 5/21/15 AS 70.00 05/12/2015 101-41910-433200 95.00Check Total: Vendor:2497 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSION Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 05/04/2015 Cable Franchise Fees - TDS/Bridgewater Q1 2015 1,827.99 05/12/2015 101-00000-208020 4/30/2015 Cable Franchise Fees - TDS/Bridgewater Q1 2015 8,951.94 05/12/2015 101-00000-208020 10,779.93Check Total: Vendor:1490 CYNTHIA R SIMPSON Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 894130 April 2015 Cleaning Service - Fire Dept 100.00 05/12/2015 101-42200-431990 100.00Check Total: Vendor:3688 SOURCEONE SOLUTIONS LLC Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True 4727 February 2015- (16) insert 2,030.24 05/12/2015 656-49870-431990 4727 February 2015- (16) insert-postage 534.43 05/12/2015 656-49870-432200 4782 March 2015- (16) insert-postage 535.66 05/12/2015 656-49870-432200 4782 March 2015- (16) insert 2,080.24 05/12/2015 656-49870-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 4847 April 2015- (20) insert 2,030.30 05/12/2015 656-49870-431990 4847 April 2015- (20) insert- postage 531.27 05/12/2015 656-49870-432200 7,742.14Check Total: Vendor:3309 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MINNESOTA Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 1275270 resale - wine 2,772.71 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 1275270 freight 30.38 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1275271 resale - olives; cherries 90.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 1275271 freight 2.70 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1275272 freight 26.78 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1275272 resale - wine 1,648.90 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 1277647 resale - liquor 2,044.42 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 1277647 freight 20.49 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1277648 freight 1.35 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1277648 reale - mix 38.87 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 1277649 reale - wine 2,479.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 1277649 freight 41.85 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1280003 resale - wine 1,042.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 1280003 freight 14.85 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1280004 freight 4.05 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1280004 resale - liquor 398.50 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 10,656.85Check Total: Vendor:2564 SPORTS PRO LLC Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: True 344 Labor - Arc Trainer; Elliptical repair 100.00 05/12/2015 226-45122-440800 344 Parts - Arc Trainer; Elliptical repair 401.75 05/12/2015 226-45122-440800 501.75Check Total: Vendor:4113 ANNA STEINBRONN Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 05042015 FNM-001-1149 FNM acct Refund 12.03 05/12/2015 656-00000-115025 12.03Check Total: Vendor:3829 STEVE'O'SEPTIC Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: True April 2015 (6) Porta Toilet Renal full month; (6) 23 @ days 543.91 05/12/2015 101-45201-431990 543.91Check Total: Vendor:4105 ROBERT L SWANSON Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 2492 Ellison Park Vandalism-(remaining $2600 on Credit Card) 1,200.00 05/12/2015 101-45201-362980 2492 Ellison Park Vandalism- credit Paypal fees -75.70 05/12/2015 101-45201-362980 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2492 Ellison Park Vandalism- Alternate A & B-floor; pergola 1,400.00 05/12/2015 101-45201-422300 2,524.30Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: True 319815 resale - beer credit -56.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 756400 resale - beer 21,231.65 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 888212 resale - n/a beer 96.97 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 888213 resale - wine 25.10 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 889574 resale - beer 49.20 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 889574 resale - wine 25.10 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 889575 resale - n/a beer 133.20 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 889577 resale - beer 7,564.70 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 889731 resale - beer 45.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 891018 resale - beer 321.80 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 891019 resale - beer n/a 89.65 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 891021 resale - beer 17,820.75 05/12/2015 609-49750-425200 47,347.12Check Total: Vendor:3594 TRIMARK Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 2405675 ast. bags; case - soap 4ct; Paper Twls 12ct; multi fold twl 16ct 402.03 05/12/2015 609-49754-421990 402.03Check Total: Vendor:1544 US POSTAL SERVICE Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 4/24/2015 PI 42 - UB Qtr 1 2015 (3,913 pcs) (1/2) 899.99 05/12/2015 601-49440-432200 4/24/2015 PI 42 - UB Qtr 1 2015 (3,913 pcs) (1/2) 899.99 05/12/2015 602-49490-432200 1,799.98Check Total: Vendor:2534 VAULTAS ALEXANDRIA LLC Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: True 2248 June 2015 Gigbite Transport/Cross Connect 4,400.00 05/12/2015 656-49879-430930 4,400.00Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: True 1556675 resale - soda pop & mix 230.75 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 1562412 resale - soda pop & mix 246.75 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 477.50Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: True 0123298 freight 22.50 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 0123298 resale - wine 528.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 0123298 resale - liquor 570.13 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 0123298 resale - misc 120.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 122322 freight 12.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 122322 resale - wine 288.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 122322 resale - liquor 221.50 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 122863 freight 14.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 122863 resale - wine 312.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 122863 resale - liquor 93.96 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2,182.09Check Total: Vendor:3796 W.S. DARLEY & CO Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: False 17187129 (5) C-Biner, NFPA Locking D PLTD - 1/2 Water 93.68 05/12/2015 601-49440-420650 17187129 (5) C-Biner, NFPA Locking D PLTD - 1/2 Sewer 93.68 05/12/2015 602-49490-420650 187.36Check Total: Vendor:2533 WELLS FARGO BANK NA Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 9634015 Quarterly HSA fee 1/1/15-3/31/15 493.75 05/12/2015 101-49240-413500 493.75Check Total: Vendor:1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: True 390871 resale - wine 960.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 390871 freight 18.15 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 978.15Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False 7027317 resale - wine 688.44 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 7027317 freight 9.36 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 7028306 resale - wine 612.32 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 7028306 freight 6.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1,316.12Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False 1080312369 resale - liquor 4,027.70 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 1080312369 resale - wine 268.50 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 1080312369 freight 58.05 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1080315160 resale - liquor 4,215.90 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 1080315160 resale - Wine 1,060.98 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 1080315160 resale - mix 42.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1080315160 freight 68.32 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1080315624 freight 9.90 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 1080315624 resale - liquor 540.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 1080318195 resale - liquor 1,520.66 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 1080318195 resale - wine 312.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425300 1080318195 freight 31.63 05/12/2015 609-49750-433300 2080083894 resale - liquor credit -111.04 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2080083896 resale - liquor credit -58.50 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2080083898 resale - liquor credit -388.02 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2080083899 resale - liquor credit -122.51 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2080083903 resale - liquor credit -48.00 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 2080083905 resale - liquor credit -128.24 05/12/2015 609-49750-425100 11,299.33Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 464,505.57 92 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/06/2015 - 12:11 PM)Page 16 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 5/11/2015 Approved by: ___________________________________ Mayor Brian Stumpf CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/15 1 2B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Austin Johnson Parks Worker Parks 5/4/2015 Sesaonal Tim Genung Parks Worker Parks 5/4/2015 Sesaonal Randy Blair Parks Worker Parks 5/4/2015 Seasonal Dave Farnick Streets Worker Streets 5/4/2015 Seasonal Drew Seibert Parks Worker Parks 5/11/15 Seasonal Kramer Voll Parks Worker Parks 5/15/2015 Seasonal Scott Imdieke Streets Worker Streets 5/18/15 Seasonal Alex Hoglund Parks Worker Parks 6/9/15 Seasonal Robert Olson Parks Worker Parks 6/9/15 Seasonal Billy Vickers Streets Worker Streets 5/18/15 Seasonal Name Reason Department Last Day Class Karma McKelvey Scott Voluntary MCC 4/28/15 PT NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES New Hire and Terms City Council 2015: 5/5/2015 CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/15 1 2C.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofcitystreetsand relatedassistanceinconjunctionwiththeMemorialDayparadeonMay25th,2015 Applicant:MonticelloAmericanLegion (AS/TM) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovalofuseofcitystreetsandboulevards,as wellasrelatedCityassistance,fortheAnnualMemorialDayParade,coordinatedbythe MonticelloAmericanLegionandtheMonticelloVFW. TheeventisscheduledtooccuronMemorialDay,MondayMay25th.Theparadebegins at10AMandendsat11AM.TheparaderoutebeginsandendsatthePinewood ElementarySchoolparkinglot.Afullroutemapisattachedforreference.Theparade itselfincludesapproximately9-11units.TheLegionandtheVFWhavecoordinated clean-upfortheevent. Staffassistancewiththeparadeislimitedonlytocoordinationfortrafficcontrolwiththe StreetsDepartment.Intheirreviewoftheapplication,theSheriff’sOfficeindicatedthat theywilluseon-dutystafftoassistwiththeparade;noextrastaffwillberequiredfrom theSheriff’sOffice. Forreference,specialeventpermitsarerequiredinanycircumstanceinwhichcity resources(parks,labor,equipment,streetclosures,etc.)areutilizedasameansof obtainingCouncilauthorizationfortheuseofrequestedresources.Specialeventpermits arealsorequiredforeventsonprivateproperty,whentheeventwilldrawover100 peopleforapurposeoutsidethenormalprincipaluseofthesite. Theapplicantisalsorequiredtoprovideasatisfactorycertificateofliabilitycoveragefor theevent,withtheCitynamedasadditionalinsured.TheMonticelloLegionhas providedacertificateofinsuranceforthispermit. A1.BudgetImpact:None. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Asinpreviousyears,theStreetsDepartmenthas,and willcontinue,toworkwithLegionandVFWrepresentativesonanytraffic controlneedsfortheparaderoute. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofcitystreetsand relatedassistanceinconjunctionwiththeMemorialDayparadetoberunbythe MonticelloAmericanLegionandMonticelloVFWonMay25th,2015. 2.MotiontodenytheSpecialEventPermitatthistime. CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/15 2 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffsupportsAlternative#1infavoroftheSpecialEventpermitfortheMemorial Dayparade.Thereisnoapplicationfeeasthecityfeeschedulewaivesthisfeefor parades. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.EventApplication&Narrative B.ParadeRoute C.InsuranceCertificate City Council Agenda: 5/11/15 1 2D. Consideration of approving an application for an excluded charitable gambling permit for Riverfest bingo to be conducted by the Monticello Senior Center (KTB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Senior Center is planning to conduct bingo at Riverfest and has applied for an excluded charitable gambling permit for this event. This takes place at Ellison Park on Sunday, July 12th, 2015. To receive a permit from the state, the city must approve and sign off on the application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt and excluded gambling permit applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the application for a charitable gambling permit for a bingo event to be conducted by the Monticello Senior Center on July 12th, 2015 at Ellison Park. 2. Motion to deny the application for a charitable gambling permit at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports Alternative #1 and is not aware of any reason why this application should not be approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Application for Excluded Bingo Permit – Monticello Senior Center CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/15 1 2E.Considerationofapprovingannualliquorlicenserenewalsfor2015-2016, contingentuponpaymentoffeesandcompletionofrequiredforms (KTB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoapprovetheliquorlicenserenewalsfor2015-2016aslisted below,contingentuponthebusinessescompletingtherenewalprocessandpayingthe licensefees.Thebusinesseslistedarethecurrentlicenseholdersonrecordanditis assumedtheywillrenew.Ifabusinesshaschangedtheirnameorownership,theywould needtocompleteanewlicenseapplicationandbackgroundcheckinadditionto completingtherenewalforms.TheStationhasbeenremovedfromtherenewallistand thestatewasnotifiedthattheyarenolongerinbusiness. Billingswerepreparedandmailingssenttotheliquorlicenseholdersafewweeksago. Aletterwasenclosedwitheachinvoiceexplainingthedocumentsthatareneededfor processingtherenewalandinvitingthemtocontactstaffwithanyquestions.Thedue datefortherenewalsisMay30th,whichgivestheCityamonthforprocessingbeforethe newlicensingperiodstartsonJuly1st.Whentheinvoicesandpaperworkarereturned, staffreviewseachrenewalandensuresthatpaperworkiscompletedincompliancewith StateAlcohol&Gamblingrulesandstatelaws.RenewalformsaresenttotheCounty Sheriffforverificationandsignature.ThecompletedrenewalsaresenttotheState Alcohol&GamblingDivisionfortheirstampofapproval,whichallowsthelicense holderstopurchasealcoholicbeveragesfromapprovedwholesalers.TheCityis responsibleforissuingtheannuallicensesandsendingthemtothelicensedpremises, wheretheyaretobedisplayedonsite. Thefollowinglicensesaresubmittedforapproval. Liquor-On-Sale(fee$3,750) 1.Applebee’sNeighborhoodGrill&Bar(AppleMinnesotaLLC) 2.BeefO’Bradys(TMC&JTaylorCorp.) 3.BuffaloWildWings#210(BlazinWingsInc.) 4.CapitanPanchoVilla(ICEnterprisesLLC) 5.ChattersRestaurant&Bar(WestRiverRestaurantsInc.) 6.CornerstoneCafé&Catering(CornerstoneCafé&CateringCo.) 7.Hawk’sSportsBar&Grill(Hawk’sSportsBar&GrillInc.) 8.MonticelloCountryClub(MonticelloCountryClubInc.) 9.RanchoGrande(RanchoGrandeMex.Rest.Inc.#2) 10.RiverCityExtreme(RiverCityExtremeInc.) 11.VFW8731(ClubDorchester) Liquor–On-Sale,Sunday(fee$200) 1.Applebee’sNeighborhoodGrill&Bar(AppleMinnesotaLLC) 2.BeefO’Bradys(TMC&JTaylorCorp.) 3.BuffaloWildWings#210(BlazinWingsInc.) 4.CapitanPanchoVilla(ICEnterprisesLLC) CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/15 2 5.ChattersRestaurant&Bar(WestRiverRestaurantsInc.) 6.CornerstoneCafé&Catering(CornerstoneCafé&CateringCo.) 7.Hawk’sSportsBar&Grill(Hawk’sSportsBar&GrillInc.) 8.MonticelloCountryClub(MonticelloCountryClubInc.) 9.RanchoGrande(RanchoGrandeMex.Rest.Inc.#2) 10.RiverCityExtreme(RiverCityExtremeInc.) 12.AmericanLegionClub260 13.VFW8731(ClubDorchester) 14.BluestoneGrill(PaulyCompaniesInc.) Liquor-Club(fee-setbystatutebasedonmembership) 1.AmericanLegion260-$500 Liquor-Wine/StrongBeerCombination($1,200) 1.BluestoneGrill(PaulyCompaniesInc.) 3.2%Beer-On-Sale(fee$275) 1.BluestoneGrill(PaulyCompaniesInc.) 2.ChinaBuffet(Lin,Chuan) 3.MonticelloCommunityCenterConcessionsatBallfields(Cityof Monticello) 3.2%Beer-Off-Sale(fee$100) 1.CubFoods(Monticello1998LLC) 2.KwikTrip#345(KwikTripInc.) 3.SuperAmerica#4479(NorthernTierRetailLLC) 4.TargetStoreT-2180(TargetCorporation) 5.Wal-MartSupercenter#3624(Wal-MartStoresInc.) A1.BudgetImpact:Thelicensefeesestablishedfortheannualrenewalsare intendedtocoverthecostsoftherenewalprocessing. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Citystaffpreparesandmailsthebillings,handlesthe renewalpaperworkandpayments,andthenissuesthelicensesafterallstepsare completed. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethelicenserenewalsfor2015-2016effectiveJuly1,2015to June30,2016,contingentuponapplicantsprovidingthecompletedrenewalform, applicationforliquorlicense,insuranceinformation,andpaymentofliquor licensefees. 2.Motiontodenyallorselectedlicenserenewalsatthistime. CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/15 3 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative#1.Citystaffconsidersallofthesebusinesseseligiblefor renewaloftheirlicenses. WrightCountyPublicHealthlastconductedalcoholcompliancerechecksonMay1, 2014.Thethreeestablishmentsthathadbeenfinedforfailingalcoholcompliancechecks passedthemostrecentrecheck. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: CopiesofRenewalofLiquor,Wine,Clubor3.2%Licensesforlocalbusinesses CityCouncilAgenda:05/11/15 1 2F.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitfora5KRun/Walkon September26th,2015,sponsoredbyPartyforaPurposetobenefittheMonticello CancerCenter;Applicant:Thurber,Tara (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovalofaspecialeventpermitforthe5KParty foraPurposeRun/Walk,includingseveralassociatedconsiderations: a)ApprovalforuseofCityequipmentincludingcones,barricades,tablesand trashreceptacles b)Approvalforcitystaffassistanceforpreparationandset-up c)Waiverofpermitfee Specialeventpermitsarerequiredincircumstancesinwhichcityresources(parks,labor, equipment,streetclosures,etc.)areutilized,asameansofobtainingCouncil authorizationfortheuseofrequestedresources. ThiscommunityeventisproposedtooccurSaturday,September26th,2014,from3PM to9PM,andisbeinghostedbythePartyforaPurposeCommittee.Anarrativehasbeen providedbytheapplicant. Asitemapillustratingtheproposedconfigurationofthedesignatedrouteisincludedin thesupportingdata.For2015,theroutewouldbeginandendonthenorthsideof7th Street,attheVFWPost.Onenoteonthenarrativeandrouting:therunroutewillturn leftfromWashingtonontothepathwayonCountyRoad75,notCountyRoad39(as notedinthenarrativedocument). InadditiontotheuseofCityboulevardsfortheevent,thePartyforPurposeCommittee isseekingCityassistanceforprovidingbarricades,cones,trashreceptacles,picnictables, andtheset-upofthoseitems.AlleventparkingwilloccuronVFWsite,oronCedar Street.NoclosureofCityparkinglotsisrequiredforthisevent. Theapplicanthasalsorequestedwaiverofapplicationfee. TheSheriff’sOfficehasbeennotifiedoftheeventandhasrespondedwithcomments, notingthatPartyforaPurposewillbehiring(attheircost)2deputiestoprovidesecurity duringtheeveningoutdoorlivebandandthattheSheriff’sOfficewillbeprovidestaffing tocoveranytrafficneedsduringtheir5Krun. TheapplicanthasprovidedacertificateofinsurancefortheeventwiththeCitynamedas additionalinsured. A1.BudgetImpact:Thepermitapplicationwaiveroffeeimpactis$50.00. CityCouncilAgenda:05/11/15 2 A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:PartyforaPurposeisrequestingCityassistancefor deliveryandpick-upofbarricadesandcones.ThesewillbedeliveredtoVFW PostandpickedupduringregularstaffhoursbytheParksDepartment(estimated 2hours).TheStreetSuperintendentwillprepareasiteplanforbarricadeand coneplacement.TheStreetsDepartmentwillberesponsibleforplacingand removingallstreetbarricadesandsignage(estimated2hours). B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheSpecialEventPermitforPartyforaPurpose5Kon September26th,2015,allowingtemporaryuseofCityequipment,staffassistance andwaiverofpermitfeeasdescribedinthestaffreportofMay11th,2015; contingenton: a.ContinuedsiteplancoordinationwiththeStreetSuperintendent b.ContinuedcoordinationwiththeWrightCountySheriff’sOffice 2.MotiontodenySpecialEventPermitforPartyforaPurpose5Keventon September26th,2015. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffsupportsAlternative#1above. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Application&Narrative–PartyforaPurpose5K Mapimageshowingproposedrouting CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/15 2H.ConsiderationofadoptingResolutionNo.2015-038insupportofthechangein electricproducingsystemtaxationasarticulatedinSF1636 (JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderlendingsupporttoadoptionoflegislationthatproposes achangetothemethodfortaxingelectricalproducingsystems.Thelegislationas proposedandassociatechangeshavebeendevelopedinpartduetoaCoalitionofUtility Cities(CUC)contributiontoaDepartmentofRevenuestudycompletedin2014.Aftera detailedreviewofthelegislation,CUCrepresentativesalongwithitslobbyist recommendthatindividualcitiespassaresolutioninsupportoflanguagecontained withinSF1636. SenatorSkoe,longstandingmemberandChairoftheSenateFinanceCommittee,ischief authorofthebillandledthedevelopmentofthelegislation.Skoehasadeep understandingofthesystemoftaxationaffectingenergyproducingfacilitiesand,over theyears,hasbeenresponsivetoCUCconcerns.ItistheviewofCUCthatSkoehas utilizedhisknowledge,experienceandcommitmenttowardthecommongoodin developmentofthislegislation. Thefollowingfeaturesofthelegislationareworthnoting. Thelegislationshiftsthetaxationfrombeingbasedonvaluationoffacilities,tobeing basedonelectricalproduction,asdefinedinthelegislationasthe“electricgenerationtax base”.SF1636getsridofthepersonalpropertytaxonenergyproducingequipment,and alongwiththat,allthecomplicationsofassessingequipment.Initsplace,isacalculation basedonnameplatecapacityandaverageplantproductionwhichresultsinataxbase figure.TheCityisthenabletolevytaxesagainstthatfigurejustasitcurrentlycan againsttheassessedvalueoftheequipment.Alsoincludedisanescalationclausethat raisestaxrevenueatthesamerateaselectricrateincreasesovertime. Whenthenewformulautilizingtheelectricgenerationapproachisappliedtothe Monticellosituation,taxrevenuewoulddropfromthecurrentlevelastheelectric generationtaxbaseincorporatesameasurementoftheaverageproductionoverthe previousfiveyears.SincetheMonticellofacilitypowerincreaseisrecent,thisincreaseis dilutedbythe5yearlookbackusedforcalculatingtheaverage. Therefore,atfirstglance,thelegislationappearstohaveanegativeimpactonMonticello. However,aprovisionisincludedinthelegislationprovidingMonticellowithtransition aidthatclosesthegapbetweenthetotaltaxrevenuetheCityreceivedin2015,andwhat itwouldreceiveunderthenewformula. Goingforward,aseveryyeargoesby,theaverageelectricalproductionlevelwill increase.Thiswillresultinanincreasetotheelectricgenerationtaxbaseandassociated taxrevenuethatmorecloselymatches2015withtransitionaidbeingreduced accordingly.ItistheviewofCUC,basedonpastapplicationoftransitionaidprograms, thattheCityofMonticelloshouldfeelsecurethatthetransitionaidwouldnotbe eliminatedorreducedinthefuture. CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/15 Underthenewlaw,theenergyproductiontaxreplacestheequipmenttaxwhichwill enhancerevenuestability.Therewillbenospikeswhennewequipmentisinstalledand nodeclineasequipmentdepreciates.Consequently,thebillevensoutthetaxbase valuationovertime,eliminatingthevolatilitycausedbytheupgrade/depreciationcycle. Finally,thebilladdressesthetaxburdenoflongtermnuclearwastestoragebyincluding theworthofthenuclearwastefacilityasasignificantportionoftheelectricalmachinery value.Thisvaluewouldremaininplaceevenafterdecommissioningofnuclearplant itself. HF1636isalreadyincludedintheSenateOmnibusTaxBill.Thisresolutionwillbe submittedtoshowsupporttomemberoftheSenate/Houseconferencecommittee. ItismyunderstandingthatXcelEnergyhasnottakenastancefororagainstthebill. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveadoptionofResolutionNo.2015-038insupportofthechangein electricproducingsystemtaxationasarticulatedinSF1636. 2.Motiontodenysupportingadoptionofthebill. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: BasedoninputfromtheCUClobbyistandCUCrepresentatives,andafterreviewingthe financialmodelingassociatedwiththislegislation,staffrecommendsthattheMonticello CityCounciladoptResolutionNo.2015-038. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ResolutionNo.2015-038 CopyofSF1636 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-038 1 IN SUPPORT OF THE CHANGE IN ELECTRIC PRODUCING SYSTEM TAXATION AS ARTICULATED IN SF 1636 WHEREAS, The Monticello Nuclear Power Plant (the “Facility”) is located in the City of Monticello (the “City”); and WHEREAS, the current valuation of the energy producing equipment (the “Equipment”) of the Facility contributes significantly to the tax base of the City; and WHEREAS, the valuation of this Equipment varies according to its upgrade and depreciation schedule; and WHEREAS, every session of the Minnesota Legislature brings the risk of legislation that would reduce or eliminate the ability of the City to tax the value of this equipment; and WHEREAS, there is a bill pending in the 2015 Legislature which would change the taxation of the Facility, eliminating the tax on the Equipment and creating an “electric generation tax base”; and WHEREAS, this electric generation tax base will be measured by nameplate capacity, average energy production and spent nuclear fuel storage; and WHEREAS, this bill reduces the risk of losing tax base due to legislative changes; and WHEREAS, the bill evens out the tax base valuation overtime, eliminating the volatility caused by the upgrade/depreciation cycle; and WHEREAS, the bill provides for an increase in value over time based on increases in the retail price of electricity (the “Rate Adjustment”); and WHEREAS, financial models show that the new electric generation tax base will increase the tax base of the City; and WHEREAS, the bill addresses the tax burden of long term nuclear waste storage; and WHEREAS, in the event the new electric generation tax base decreases the tax base of the City, the State of Minnesota will provide transition aid at a level to hold the city tax base harmless until such time as the value of the electric generation tax base exceeds the 2015 taxable value of electric generation equipment (the “Transition Aid”); CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-038 2 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY RESOLVES to support the change in electric producing system taxation as articulated in SF1636, Skoe 2015, provided the legislation continues to include the Rate Adjustment and the Transition Aid as herein defined. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 11th day of May, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO ___________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Kerry Burri, Interim City Clerk CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 2015-038 duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their scheduled meeting of May 11th, 2015, and recorded in minutes of said meeting. __________________________ Kerry Burri, Interim City Clerk Notary Public: ____________________ Date: ____________________ (STAMP) MEMORANDUM TO: Coalition of Utility Cities FROM: Carolyn Jackson, Chris Henjum, Bradley Peterson DATE: April 24, 2015 RE: Summary of Proposed Changes to Energy Generation Facility Taxation, and Recommendation Summary Senator Rod Skoe (DFL – Clearbrook) has authored a bill (SF 1636) that completely changes the way electric generation property is valued for purposes of local taxation. Given the prominent role taxation of electric generation property plays in the tax base of our cities, the Coalition of Utility Cities has analyzed the effect of the bill. We recommend that the member cities support SF1636, with some conditions discussed below. Current Law Under current law, the land and buildings of an electric generation plant are subject to a real property tax and the electric generation equipment is subjected to a personal property tax. The electric generation equipment constitutes a large proportion of the taxable value of an electric generation plant. The Minnesota Department of Revenue determines the taxable value of the entire plant based on a “unitary value” system (electric generation, transmission and real property), taking the value of the company’s entire system and allocating the value out to each individual city. Given the complications of this system of taxation and its unique attributes, there has been constant pressure at the Legislature to make changes that reduce the property taxes on utilities and shift the burden onto other local property taxpayers in host cities. The Coalition of Utility Cities was formed to protect local property taxpayers. Some of the legislative issues have been the pollution control exemption and the sliding scale exclusion, as well as the maintenance of the personal property tax on electric generation equipment as a contributor to the local tax base. SF 1636 Last year, when the solar energy industry approached the Legislature about a system of taxation for solar power, the Senate Tax Committee Chair, Rod Skoe, recognized the opportunity to reform the entire, piecemeal system of taxing energy generating property. The Legislature charged the Minnesota Department of Revenue with conducting a study outlining the State’s system of taxation, the views of various stakeholders, and a comparison with other state’s systems of energy taxation. The study, released in February 2015, made no recommendations but illuminated the patchwork nature of the State’s taxation of energy production. Sen. Skoe, who generally supports CUC proposals and our communities, authored SF 1636 to create a comprehensive and orderly system of electric generating taxation. As the bill pertains to the taxation of coal, gas, and nuclear generation plants, it focuses on making valuation more stable and predictable. SF1636 eliminates the personal property tax on electric generation equipment, as well as the pollution control exemption from that tax and the sliding scale exclusion. In its place, the bill creates a new method of valuation: the “electric generation tax base.” The bill sets the terms of this electric generation tax base to create a market value close to the current value of the personal property tax on electric generation equipment. In other words, the terms of the bill strive to hold local communities harmless as a result of the change in the law. Specifically, the legislation defines “electric generation machinery”—regardless of the energy source—in a new way. Under the proposal, the Department of Revenue would annually assess the tax base of electric generation machinery under a formula created in the bill. The new valuation is based on a combination of an individual facility’s nameplate capacity, average energy production, and amount of nuclear waste storage (i.e. Red Wing and Monticello). The formula is: (Nameplate capacity x “generation capacity rate”) + (Average electric energy production x “generation rate”) + “Spent fuel base” = Electric Generation Machinery market value. Definitions for the above terms are:  “Generation capacity rate” = $5,000 for natural gas and nuclear, $10,000 for coal.  “Generation rate” = $0.0525 for natural gas and nuclear; $0.055 for coal.  “Spent fuel base” = $150 million plus $100,000 per ton of spent nuclear fuel. This calculated value replaces the current method of valuation for electric generation machinery. An annual “adjustment factor” increases the value of the factors that go into the formula by the percent change in Minnesota residential electrical rates. In the last five years, this yearly average percentage change was 3.92%. Some cities would see a reduced tax base under the new system. For these cities, the bill provides for State transition aid. This aid would operate similarly to the current Utility Valuation Transition Aid, and compares the tax base of a city’s electric generation machinery before the law changes (2015 value) to the tax base under the new system. This Transition Aid will continue until the electric generation machinery tax base is greater than the 2015 value. Impact of SF 1636 Old Rule NTC (total) New Rule NTC (total) Projected Aid in First Year of New Rule BECKER CITY OF $16,500,065 $19,839,389 $0 COHASSET CITY OF $10,957,439 $13,376,175 $0 GRANITE FALLS CITY OF $1,562,543 $1,471,401 $87,853 HOYT LAKES CITY OF $1,654,386 $1,493,085 $110,307 MONTICELLO CITY OF $24,651,246 $21,003,046 $783,866 OAK PARK HEIGHTS CITY OF $10,835,676 $10,826,715 $2,774 RED WING CITY OF $26,236,324 $28,641,911 $0 Recommendation and Action The legislation does a number of positive things:  The bill resolves long standing tax concerns of host utility cities.  It decreases valuation volatility and adds stability over time.  It locks in the value of new, undepreciated improvements to a number of plants.  It provides transition aid so long as it is needed.  The adjustment factor increases valuation over time as residential utility rates increase. In consultation with elected officials and city staff active in the Coalition of Utility Cities, we recommend passage of a resolution in favor of SF1636, conditioned on keeping the transition aid and adjustment factor as currently drafted. A sample resolution is attached. CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/2015 4A.Considerationofapprovingfive-yearcontractwithAdvancedDisposalfor residentialrefuseandrecyclingcollectionservices (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Thecity’scontractforrefuseandrecyclingcollectionservicesexpiresonMay31,2015. AdvancedDisposalisthecurrentproviderofbothservices.Advancedacquiredthe servicefromVeoliaEnvironmentalServicestwoyearago.Together,thetwocompanies haveprovidedserviceunderthecurrentagreementsinceApril2008.Thisagreementhas beenmodifiedandextendedseveraltimessinceinception. Thecompetitivebiddingrequirementsinstatelawdonotapplytocontractsforsolid wastecollectionbecausetheydonotmeetthedefinitionofa“contract”subjecttothe UniformMunicipalContractingLaw.Consequently,thecouncilauthorizedthefinance directortonegotiatedirectlywiththecurrentserviceprovideratitsMarch23rd regular meeting.Thecontractisexclusiveforresidentialrefuseandrecyclingservices.The contractisalsoexclusiveformulti-dwellingunitswhiletheordinancerestrictinghaulers isinplace.Thecityisbilledmonthlyforapproximately4300containers.Thereare approximately100duplicatecontainersand500containersformobilehomesand homeownerassociations.Thecitybillstheduplicate,mobilehomeandHOAcontainers quarterlywithwaterandsewagecharges.Thecostofregularresidentialserviceispaid fromthecity’sGeneralFund,whichreceives80%+ofitsrevenuefromthepropertytax levy. Ifthecontractisapproved,thecostoftheresidentialrefuseandrecyclingserviceswill increase14.5%.Residentialrefusecollectionwillgofrom$6.89to$7.89permonth. Recyclingcollectionwillgofrom$2.49to$2.85permonth.Bothratesarefixedfor2 years.Excludingthefuelsurcharge,bothratescanincreasebyamaximumof2%per year.Thedieselfuelsurchargeistriggeredat$3.85pergallonandcappedat$4.75per gallon.Thecontractorcanreopenthecontractifdieselfuelreaches$5.50pergallonfor3 consecutivemonths.Thecontracttermis5years. A1.BudgetImpact:Theannualincreaseincostisapproximate$70,000inyearone andabout$46,000morebytheendofthecontract. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Minimal.Preparationofstaffreportandmonitoring billsoncethefuelsurchargeistriggered. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovethecontractwithAdvancedDisposalforresidentialrefuseand recyclingcollectionservicesthroughMay31,2020with$4.75capand$5.50 reopenerforthefuelsurcharge. CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/2015 2.MotiontoapprovethecontractwithAdvancedDisposalforresidentialrefuseand recyclingcollectionservicesthroughMay31,2020without$4.75capand$5.50 reopenerforthefuelsurcharge. 3.DenythecontractwithAdvancedDisposal. 4.Other C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsapprovalofthecontractwithAdvancedDisposalforatermof5 yearsand7months. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Contract Haulerdata ScheduleofMiscellaneousData CITY OF MONTICELLO Municipal Solid Waste and Recycling Contract Advanced Disposal Services Solid Waste Midwest, LLC Solid Waste and Recycling collection and disposal contract made between the City of Monticello, MN and Advanced Disposal Services Solid Waste Midwest, LLC. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO SOLID WASTE & RECYCLABLES COLLECTION & DISPOSAL CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT (“Contract’) is made and entered into this ____ day of __________________, 20____, by and between the City of Monticello, Minnesota (hereinafter called “City”) and Advanced Disposal Services Solid Waste Midwest, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (hereinafter called “Contractor”). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the City recognizes that it is desirable that provisions be made for the regular and efficient collection of Solid Waste and Recyclables within the legal boundary limits of the City; and, WHEREAS, the City desires that a single, independent contractor be utilized to provide the majority of Solid Waste and Recyclables collection services within the legal boundary limits of the City and further desires to enter into a contract granting the selected Contractor the exclusive right to collect Solid Waste and Recyclables within the City limits. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the City hereby grants to Contractor and Contractor hereby accepts from City, the exclusive right and obligation to collect and dispose of residential Solid Waste and Recyclables accumulating in the normal course from household units within the legal boundary limits of the City during the term hereof and subject to the following limitations and conditions set forth herein. 1. Definitions: The following terms and definitions shall apply in the interpretation of this Contract: A. “Approved Container” shall mean the Solid Waste and Recyclables carts provided by the Contractor. B. “Contractor” shall mean Advanced Disposal Solid Waste Midwest, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company. C. “Household Unit” shall mean all single-family residences, apartments up to three (3) units, or condominium units, such that a single family dwelling shall be counted as one Household Unit, a two family dwelling shall be counted as two Household Units and so on. Businesses and industries shall not be included in this contract. D. “Multi-Family Dwelling” shall mean a residential dwelling unit consisting of four or more residential dwelling units. 3 E. “Recyclables” shall mean single streamed recyclable materials limited to plastics (#1-#7), glass containers, cardboard, newspaper, mixed paper, tin, steel and aluminum cans. F. “Solid Waste” shall mean municipal solid waste materials generated in the normal and ordinary course by Household Units within the City. The term “Solid Waste” specifically excludes special waste, hazardous waste or other types of materials which require special handling and disposal. Household Units shall dispose of all solid waste in Approved Containers. G. “City” shall mean the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipality. 2. Term: The term of this Contract shall commence June 1, 2015, (the “Commencement Date”) and expires May 31, 2020, (the “Initial Expiration Date”). This Contract shall be automatically renewed on a month to month basis unless either party provides the other party with written notice of its intent not to renew at least ninety (90) days prior to the Initial Expiration Date. This agreement may be renewed by written mutual consent of both parties and resolution by the City. 3. Exclusivity: The City hereby grants to Contractor the right, and Contractor hereby accepts the obligation, to collect, transport and dispose of all Solid Waste and Recyclables generated by Household Units within the legal boundary limits of the City as its legal limits may be modified from time to time by annexation during the term of this Contract (collectively the “Collection Services”). Other private or public refuse collectors shall not be permitted by the City to provide Collection Services to Household Units within the legal boundary limits of the City during the term of this Contract. The City shall take all actions necessary to enforce this provision. Contractor shall, at its own expense, furnish personnel and equipment sufficient to accomplish the work herein described. Contractor shall establish and maintain collection routes in an efficient manner. Contractor agrees to provide exclusive service to multi-dwelling units at current rates subject to the same percentage increases in Sections 8, 9 and 10. Multi-Family Dwelling exclusivity is provided by ordinance and subject to change by the City at any time. 4. Solid Waste and Recyclables Collection: All Solid Waste and Recyclables subject to collection by Contractor hereunder shall be placed in Approved Containers at curbside by the Household Unit. On collection day, Household Units shall provide unobstructed access to the Solid Waste and Recyclables containers. Contractor shall be responsible for and shall clean up any materials spilled by Contractor in the course of its collection. The Household Unit 4 shall be responsible for and shall clean up any materials spilled not as a result of Contractor’s collection. 4(a). Conditions of Collection: Contractor shall not pick up grass clippings unless they are contaminated with garbage. Contractor shall report to the City each time he or she picks up such a mixture, and the City will notify the resident such a practice will not continue. Contractor shall pick up bagged leaves at curb-side only two (2) times per year and transport them to the City’s compost facility or the Wright County Compost Facility. Contractor shall not charge typical Municipal Solid Waste taxes or surcharges on the value of this work. Contractor shall report the weight of each load taken to the City’s leaf compost facility. The date and time of the pickups shall be as mutually agreed to by the Contractor and City. Contractor shall pick up and report mixtures of leaves and garbage as they occur. The City shall notify the resident such a practice will not continue. At the City’s direction, Contractor shall, at no additional cost, “sticker” garbage containers containing recyclables or when directed by the City, and leave garbage containers unserviced until the recyclables have been removed or directed by the City to collect. 5. Equipment and Time of Pickup: Solid Waste collection shall occur between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., once every week. Recyclables collection shall occur on the same day as Solid Waste collection, once every other week. Contractor’s equipment shall be clearly marked with Contractor’s name and shall be utilized in a manner specified by the manufacturer of such equipment to minimize or to prevent the blowing or scattering of any materials onto the public streets or properties adjacent thereto. Any collections that have to be cancelled due to inclement weather will be collected on the following business day. 6. Disposal of Solid Waste: Contractor shall deliver all Solid Waste collected hereunder to licensed and approved disposal site as determined by the Contractor. Fees for disposal are included in the rates set forth in Article 8. In the event the cost of disposal at such facility increases or the facility is not available for disposal, or the City designates a different facility, then any increase in costs hereunder shall be the responsibility of the City, and will be passed on as incurred. 7. Disposition of Recyclables: Contractor shall deliver all Recyclables collected hereunder to the facility of Contractor’s choosing for processing. All proceeds from the sale of the Recyclables, if any, shall remain with Contractor. 5 8. Rates: The monthly rates for collection and disposal of Solid Waste, and the collection and processing of Recyclables provided by Contractor hereunder shall be as follows: Solid Waste Collection per Household Unit Rate per Month: $7.89/Household Unit* Recyclables Collection per Household Unit Rate per Month: $2.85/Household Unit* *The state (score) sales tax on collection shall be added to the bill as per state law. The City understands that these taxes or environmental fees may increase or decrease during the contract. 9. Rate Adjustments: The rates set forth herein are locked through May 31, 2017, but shall be increased annually on each anniversary of the Commencement Date, beginning June 1, 2017, by the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U, Midwest) for the prior calendar year as posted by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, but not to exceed 2%. The rates set forth shall further be increased on a pro-rata basis to reflect any increased costs actually incurred by Contractor due to any unavoidable change or interpretation in law, rule or regulation, which increases shall be evidenced by documentation provided by Contractor to the City upon request. In addition, the rates set forth may be decreased on a pro-rata basis to reflect any decreased costs due to any change or interpretation in law, rule or regulation, which decreases shall be evidenced by documentation provided by Contractor to the City upon request. The rates set forth herein are for collection services for materials generated in the normal and ordin ary course. If an event results in Solid Waste being generated in excess of the normal and ordinary course, then the Contractor and City will negotiate in good faith the rates applicable to the additional collection and disposal of such excess. 10. Fuel Surcharge: Contractor may, on a monthly basis, add a Fuel Surcharge to the City’s invoice for services rendered hereunder (the “Fuel Surcharge”). The Fuel Surcharge will be based on the national on-highway diesel price as published on the first Monday of every month by the United States government, which data is available on the internet at http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/gdu/gasdiesel.asp. The Fuel Surcharge will be based on rolling average prices for the prior month with a baseline fuel cost of $3.75 per gallon. The Fuel Surcharge shall be calculated as follows: For every $0.10 increase in the average price of fuel for the prior month over $3.75 per gallon, the total invoiced amount shall be increased by .5%. For example, if the average price of fuel for the prior month is $3.95 per gallon, then the Fuel Surcharge would be 1% of the total amount invoiced. No additional Fuel Surcharge will be 6 applied for average fuel prices above $4.75 per gallon. The Contractor may re-open the contract if the average fuel price exceeds $5.50 per gallon for three consecutive months. The Contractor shall provide at least a ninety (90) day notice of contract termination under this provision. 11. Contractor Provided Carts: Contractor shall provide one (1) 95 gallon Solid Waste cart and one (1) 95 gallon Recyclables cart for each Household Unit included in the Household Unit Count at no cost to the Household Unit or the City. Contractor will replace, without cost, any carts damaged by Contractor during the collection process. Any carts damaged by a Household Unit beyond normal wear and tear, or lost, stolen, or otherwise rendered unusable, will be replaced by Contractor and the replacement cost will be charged and billed to the City at a rate of $75 per cart. All containers furnished by Contractor for use by Household Units shall, while in the possession and control of the Household Unit, remain the property of Contractor, and neither the Household Unit nor the City shall have any ownership rights to such containers. Household Units shall use the containers only for the purpose for which they are intended and shall not make any alterations or improvements to the containers. 12. Payment to Contractor: Contractor shall submit invoices directly to the City on a monthly basis for its services rendered hereunder based on the number of Household Units within the City. As of the commencement of this Contract, the number of Household Units within the City is approximately 4299 units for Recyclables collection, and 4220 (including home owner associations, mobile home courts and multiplexes) for Solid Waste collection, subject to verification by Contractor (the “Household Unit Count”) based on the address list provided by the City and the Approved Containers delivered. Thereafter, the Household Unit Count shall be audited from time to time by the Contractor and/or City, accounting for any new or removed Household Units. In the event of any dispute regarding the Household Unit Count, a physical unit count of the number of Household Units within the City shall govern. The City shall pay Contractor the full amount invoiced, regardless of the amount actually collected by City from the Household Units, within 30 days of the date of the invoice. 13. Service Issues: The Contractor will answer complaints or questions from the public concerning service issues. As such, Contractor shall provide a manned telephone answering service from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, for the purpose of receiving complaints and other calls regarding Collection Service s provided by Contractor. The Contractor shall act upon all reasonable and valid complaints within forty- eight (48) hours of receipt of the complaint by Contractor. 7 14. Licenses and Taxes: The Contractor shall obtain and keep current all licenses and permits required by applicable law prior to the Commencement Date for the performance of the services contemplated herein. Any increases in the costs of such licenses and permits, or the cost of any newly required license or permit during the course of this Contract will be the responsibility of the City and will be billed by Contractor as incurred. 15. Indemnification and Insurance: The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City, its agents, servants and employees, from and against any and all suits, actions, legal proceedings, claims, demands, damages, costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees to the extent caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of Contractor. Contractor shall carry the following types and minimum limits of insurance: Bodily Injury $2,000,000 Accidental Death $2,000,000 per person per accident Property Damage $2,000,000 Such policies may not be canceled without thirty (30) days written notice to the City and shall name the City as an additional insured, evidence of which shall be provided in the form of insurance certificates to the City within fifteen (15) days after execution of this Contract. 16. Independent Contractor: Contractor is in all respects an independent contractor and is in no respect an agent, servant, or employee of the City. 17. Legal Holidays: The following legal holidays shall be observed by the Contractor (“Holiday”): New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. During a week with a holiday, if the normally-scheduled collection day falls on or after the Holiday, the Contractor shall provide Coll ection Services on the next day, including Saturday. For example, for the week of Memorial Day, if collection day is Wednesday, the contractor shall provide Collection Services on Thursday. 18. Force Majeure: If, and to the extent Contractor is precluded from performing its duties and obligations under this Contract as the result of an Act of God, authority of laws, riots, or other causes beyond its control (a “Force Majeure Event”), Contractor shall be excused to the extent that its performance continues to be precluded by such acts and shall not considered in default. 8 19. Amendments: This Contract constitutes the entire agreement of the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and may be amended or modified only by written agreement signed by both parties. 20. Notices: All notices or other communication to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when mailed by United States Certified Mail, addressed to: If to the City: City of Monticello City Clerk 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 If to the Contractor: Advanced Disposal Solid Waste Midwest, LLC Attn: Municipal Market Manager or General Manager 2355 12th St SE St Cloud, MN 56304 21. Default: If either party breaches this Contract or defaults in the performance of any of the covenants or conditions contained herein for thirty (30) days after the other party has given the party breaching or defaulting written notice of such breach or default, unless a longer period of time is required to cure such breach or default and the party breaching or defaulting shall have commenced to cure such breach or default within said period and pursues diligently to the completion thereof, any nonbreaching or defaulting party may: (i) terminate this Contract as of any date which said other party may select provided it is at least ninety (90) days after the thirty (30) days in which the defaulting party has to cure or commence curing the breach or default; or (ii) pursue any other right or remedy to which it may be entitled through binding arbitration as provided herein. No remedy is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative. Specifically excluded from both parties’ right to any damages is incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages. 22. Dispute Resolution. The parties agree to participate in good faith to resolve any dispute, claim or controversy (“Disputes”) arising out of or relating to this Contract. If the Dispute is not resolved by negotiation it shall be resolved in Minnesota Circuit Court, Wright County. The laws of the State of Minnesota shall apply to any dispute and the parties stipulate that venue is appropriate in Wright County. 10 ADDENDUM I CityofMonticello ScheduleofMiscellaneousData Proposal Negotiable Current 1 2 3 4 5 Refuserate 6.89$8.29$8.01$7.93$7.89$7.89$ Refuseincrease$$1.40 $1.12 $1.04 $1.00 $1.00 Refuseincrease%20.3%16.3%15.1%14.5%14.5% Recyclingrate 2.49$2.98$2.92$2.87$2.85$2.85$ Recycleincrease$$0.49 $0.43 $0.38 $0.36 $0.36 Recycleincrease%19.7%17.3%15.3%14.5%14.5% Inflationratelock(years)2 2 2 2 Inflationcap 4%2.0%2.0%2.0% Fuelsurchargetrigger 3.00$3.50$3.75$3.75$ Fuelsurchargecap 4.75$ Fuelsurchargereopener 5.50$ Term(years.months)5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Proposal AnnualCosts Current 1 2 3 4 5 Refuse(4,316units)356,847$429,356$414,854$410,711$408,639$408,639$ Refuseincrease$72,509$58,007$53,864$51,792$51,792$ Recycling(4,299units)128,454$153,732$150,637$148,058$147,026$147,026$ Recycleincrease$25,278$22,183$19,603$18,572$18,572$ Total 485,301$583,088$565,491$558,768$555,665$555,665$ Totalincrease$97,787$80,190$73,467$70,364$70,364$ AnnualCostsbyYear Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Amount 555,665$555,665$566,778$578,114$589,676$ %Increase 14.5%0.0%2.0%2.0%2.0% SensitivityAnalysis Annualeffectof1centchange Garbage 518$ Recycling 516$ Annualeffectof1%change Garbage 3,568$ Recycling 1,285$ Annualeffectof10centfuelincreaseover$3.75 Garbage 2,043$ Recycling 735$ G:\A-FINANCEDepartment\BUDGET\2015Budget\RefuseandRecyclingContractExtension.xlsx CityofMonticello ScheduleofMiscellaneousData Inflation%-Midwest Year Annual 2005 3.2 2006 2.4 2007 2.7 2008 3.7 2009 -0.6 2010 2 2011 3.2 2012 2 2013 1.4 2014 1.5 Date No2Diesel UltraLow Sulfur(0-15 ppm)$Gal. Dec31,2007 3.36$ Dec29,2008 2.34$ Dec28,2009 2.74$ Dec27,2010 3.29$ Dec26,2011 3.79$ Dec31,2012 3.92$ Dec30,2013 3.90$ Dec29,2014 3.21$ Apr27,2015 2.81$ DieselPriceStratified(last100months) Monthsat Surcharge Term&CPI Criteria DieselPrice Months Tier atTier Unweighted Weighted Below $3.85 59 59 Above $3.85 41 18 0.5%4,167.49$2,653.54$ $3.95 23 11 1.0%5,093.59$3,243.22$ $4.05 12 8 1.5%5,556.65$3,538.05$ $4.15 4 1 2.0%926.11$589.68$ $4.25 3 0 2.5%-$-$ $4.35 3 0 3.0%-$-$ $4.45 3 1 3.5%1,620.69$1,031.93$ $4.55 2 0 4.0%-$-$ $4.65 2 2 4.5%4,167.49$2,653.54$ $4.75 0 0 -$-$ Estimatedcostofsurchargeovercontractterm 21,532.01$13,709.96$ G:\A-FINANCEDepartment\BUDGET\2015Budget\RefuseandRecyclingContractExtension.xlsx CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/2015 1 4B.ConsiderationofapprovingcoststoburyXceldistributionlinesalongChelseaRoad betweenEdmonsonAvenueandFallonAvenue (JO/SB/WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: XcelEnergyisintheprocessofdesigningdistributionlinestofeedtheirnewFirstLake SubstationlocatedatthesouthendofDaltonAvenue,southoftheAVRreadymixplant. Councilapprovedthelandusepermits,platanddevelopmentagreementforthe substationattheApril27,2015Councilmeeting. StaffhasdiscussedwithXcelseveralalternativealignmentsforconstructingthenew distributionor“feeder”linesbetweenTH25andFallonAvenue,southofI-94.These newfeederlineswillconsistof3-phase35KVmainlinedistributioncablesthatwould connecttotheexistingtransmissionlinealongFallonAvenue.Therearetwoalternatives withconstructingthefeederlines;eitherconstructthelinesundergroundattheCity’s costorconstructthelinesoverheadatnocosttotheCity. Theenclosedmapandthefollowingalternativesanalysiscomparisonissummarized belowforCouncilconsideration: Alternate1:ConstructundergroundcablesalongChelseaRoadbetweenEdmonson AvenueandFallonAvenue •TheChelseaRoadcorridorisahightraffic/highvisibilitycollectorroute,connecting interstateaccesspointsandtyingtwomajorretailareastogether.TheCity’slanduse andzoningplansanticipatedevelopmentoftheFallonAvenueOverpass,future developmentofaretailcorridoronthevacantlandnorthofChelseaRoadand includingthepossibledevelopmentofalargeretailsitesouthofChelseaRoad,along withadditionalcommercialdevelopmentonthevacantlandintheareabetween CedarStreetandEdmonsonAvenue.Anattractiveboulevardconnectingthese growthareasisimportant.Citiesthataresuccessfulinattractingquality development,suchasMapleGroveandPlymouth,valueattractiverightsofwayasa foundationforsuccess,burynewlinesalongcollectorroads.TheCityofRogershas alsoburiedoverheadtransmissionlinesalongacollectorroadwaywhereexisting developmentandundevelopedareasexist. •ChelseaRoadisplannedtobereconstructedfromaruralsectiontoanurbansection withcurbandgutterfortheremainingsegmentbetweenFallonAvenueand EdmonsonAvenue.Upgradingthecorridorwithanurbansection,newpathwayand boulevardtreesonbothsidesareinvestmentsinfunctionalityandaestheticsthatis worthconsidering.Manyoftheindustrialbuildings(includingtheoldbowlingalley) wereconstructedinthe1970’sandcouldbegoodcandidatesforredevelopmentover time.Chancesforredevelopmentprojectsthatfitgoalsforhighqualitydevelopment arebetterifthethoroughfaresservingthemcreateaninvitingappearancewithout overheadelectricdistributionlines. CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/2015 2 •TheCitycurrentlyhasanumberofcorridorswhereundergroundlineswouldhave beenpreferredgiventheoption,butnowitistooexpensivetoputthemunderground yearslater(Broadway,WestCR39,6th Street).Therearenootherlocationsalong ChelseaRoadwherepowerisaboveground,exceptwherepowerlinescrossChelsea Road. •Inadditiontoaestheticvalue,undergroundpowercancreatefewerconflictswithCity infrastructureandresultsinmoreefficientuseoftherightofway. •Constructionofthenewsubstationandassociatedfeederlinesarepermanent facilitiesdesignedtoserveexistingandfuturedevelopmentareaswithintheCity’s annexationboundary.Itisnotlikelythatanothersubstationandassociatedfeeder lineswillbeconstructedforseveraldecades.ThispresentsanopportunityfortheCity toburythelinesnowtopreservetheChelseaRoadcorridorwithoutoverheadlines. •TheCity’szoningordinancestipulatesthatallutilitieswithinorservingnew developmentshallbeplacedunderground.Byburyingtheselines,theCitywill satisfytheintentoftheordinance. •Thecosttoburythelinesisestimatedat$225,000plusrestoration.Thiscostis calculatedbytakingthecosttoburythelinesandsubtractingwhatXcelwouldhave paidtoinstalloverheadlines.ThenetcostwouldbetheCity’sresponsibility.Thisis typicalforallCities/propertyownerswhorequestburyinglinesandisstipulatedby statestatute.IftheCitywantedtoburythelineslater,thecostwouldbemuchhigher, astheCitywouldnotreceivethebenefitofacreditequaltothevaluetoplacethe linesaboveground,plusserviceswouldneedtobere-established.Therefore,ifthere waseveratimetoburypowerlines,itisatthetimeofdevelopmentofthenewline duetothecostsavings. •Franchisefeerevenuealreadyinthebankandcurrentlyunallocatedcanbeusedto fundtheCityshareofthecost.Thefranchisefeewasoriginallyestablishedtomake improvementstoelectricfacilitiesincluding:fundingneworimprovedstreetlighting, buryingoverheadpowerlinesandfacilities,polerelocationsandongoingservices chargesandmaintenance.Approximately$750,000isavailableinthefranchisefee fund.TheCitygeneratesapproximately$300,000annuallyinelectricfranchisefees thatcurrentlyfundsstreetlightingoperationsandmaintenanceandnewstreetlighting projects. •Thecurrentfundbalanceandannualfranchisefeerevenuesaresufficienttosupport ongoingnewstreetlightingprojectsalongmajorroadwaycorridors CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/2015 3 Alternate2:ConstructoverheaddistributionlinesalongthewestsideofEdmonson AvenuebetweenChelseaRoadandDundasRoadandalongDundasRoadbetween EdmonsonAvenueandFallonAvenue •CurrentlyoverheadtransmissionlinesexistontheeastsideofEdmonsonAvenue. Thisalternativewouldaddanoverhead3-phasedistributionlineonthewestsideof EdmonsonAvenuecreatinglargeoverheadpowerlinesonbothsidesoftheroadway corridorwhereundevelopedpropertyexistsonthewestside.Overheadlinesonboth sidesofEdmonsonwouldcreateanarrowingeffectandcouldcompromisethequality andaestheticappealofnewdevelopmentalongthiscorridor. •IncreasedgrowthanddevelopmentalongEdmonsonAvenuewillnecessitatetheneed fortheroadwaytobereconstructedfromaruralsectiontoanurbansectionwithcurb andgutter.AportionoftherightofwayonthewestsideofEdmonsonAvenue, northofDundasRoadis33-feetwidefromroadwaycenterline,byprescriptiverights. Theoverheadlineswouldbelocatedclosetotheedgeofthe33-footrightofwayin thisareasincetherearecurrentlynoperimeterutilityeasementsalongtherightof way.A33-footrightofwaywouldnotprovideadequatespacetowidentheroadway withcurbandgutterandaccommodateatrail/sidewalkandboulevardareawithtree plantings.Inthefuture,theoverheadlineswouldneedtoberelocatedwhen EdmonsonAvenueiswidened. •Staffdiscussedlocatingthenewoverheaddistributionlineontheeastsideof EdmonsonAvenuewheretheexistingoverheadlineislocated.Xcelindicatedthat thisoptionwouldnotbefeasibleasthereisnotadequateeasementtoaccommodate twooverheadlinesandcombiningthelinesintoonenewlargedistributionlineisnot costeffective. •ConstructingoverheadlinesalongDundasRoadbetweenEdmonsonAvenueand FallonAvenueprovidesflexibilityforfutureserviceconnectionsonDundasRoadas theexistingcopperservicelineswillneedtobereplacedinthefuture. •ConstructingtheoverheadlineswiththisoptionwouldresultinnocosttotheCity. Withbothalternatives,electricreliabilityimprovementsarerelativelythesame.Future serviceconnectionstotheundevelopedpropertyonthewestsideofEdmonsonAvenue, betweenChelseaRoadandDundasRoadwillbeaccommodatedwithbothalternatives. Theestimated$225,000plusrestorationcostsforAlternative1isaroughcostestimate thatXcelhasprovidedatthistime.Xcelhasindicatedthatmoredetailedcostestimate anddesigncanbedevelopediftheCityprovidesa$5,000deposit.TheCouncilshould firstdecideiftheywanttoentertainburyingthelinesintherangeoftheestimatedcost.If theCounciloptstoburythelines,staffrecommendsprovidingthe$5,000deposit.Once thedetailedestimateisreceivedfromXcel,staffwillthenupdatetheCouncilonthecost CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/2015 4 andXcelwillprovideadetailedstatementofwork.Xcelrequiresthat50%ofthe constructioncostbepaidupfronttoordermaterials,withtheremaining50%paidat projectcompletion. Constructionwouldoccurthisyear.XcelisrequestingtheCouncilmakeadecisionby May26atthelatestasthereisa12-weekleadtimetoordercabletoallowfornon-winter construction. RepresentativesfromXcelEnergywillbeinattendanceattheCouncilmeetingtoaddress anyquestions.ItshouldbenotedthatthepropertyownersalongChelseaRoadhavenot beennotifiedoftheAlternate1proposalandtheCouncilmaywanttoconsiderobtaining theirfeedback. A1.BudgetImpact:Xcel’sfranchisefeerevenueisallocatedtotheCity’sStreet Lightfund.Thecurrentbalanceisapproximately$750,000.IfAlternative1is selected,approximately$225,000plusrestorationcostswillbedeductedfromthe StreetLightfundbalanceforburyingthelinesresultinginthebalancebeing reducedto$525,000minusrestorationcosts.Itshouldbenotedthatthecostto burythelineswasnotincludedinthe2015budgetandwillrequireabudget amendingaction. TheCitygeneratesapproximately$300,000annuallyinelectricfranchisefees thatareallocatedtoStreetLightfund.Ofthe$300,000,approximately$225,000 fundsstreetlightingoperationsandmaintenance.Approximately$75,000is allocatedtotheStreetLightingFund,whichforthepastfewyearshasbeenused tofundnewstreetlightingprojects. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:StaffwillissuearowofwaypermittoXcelbasedon theAlternativeCouncilapproves.Thefinancedepartmentwillprocesspayment throughthefranchisefeeifAlternate1isapproved. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovecoststoburyXceldistributionlinesalongChelseaRoadbetween EdmonsonAvenueandFallonAvenue. 2.Motiontoapproveconstructionofoverheaddistributionlinesalongthewestsideof EdmonsonAvenuebetweenChelseaRoadandDundasRoadandalongDundasRoad betweenEdmonsonAvenueandFallonAvenue. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATIONS: ThisisapolicydecisionforCouncilwhichwhenmadewillhelptoidentifyprioritiesfor utilizingfranchisefees.Inthiscase,thestaffrecommendationismixed.Inkeeping withstandardpractice,whenastaffrecommendationisnotunanimous,itisimportantto CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/2015 5 identifythevariedopinions,especiallywhenthetopicisrelevanttothedutiesofstaff personsinvolved. TheCityAdministrator,CommunityandDevelopmentDirectorrecommendAlternative #1.Buryingthelineswouldeliminatetheintrusionofoverheadlinesandassociated aestheticimpactstotheCity’scommercialandindustrialdevelopmentarea.Itisour viewthatthisisagoodinvestmentforthefuturethatisaffordableatthistimeand consistentwiththepurposeofthefranchisefeefund. TheFinanceDirectordoesnotrecommendAlternate#1toexpend$225,000toburythe lines.Thesameelectricityservicelevelwillbeprovidedwhetherthelinesarebelowor aboveground.Indeed,Xcelhasthecost-benefitdatathatsupportstheoverheadline option.Further,theimpactedareaislocatedinanaestheticallychallengedindustrially developedarearunningparalleltoaheavilytraveledinterstate.Finally,theitemwasnot budgeted. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Alternativealignmentmap Xcelfranchiseagreementordinance 3/12/2007AgendaItemandMinutes-RenewalofXcelfranchiseagreement PhotosalongEdmonsonAvenue = ALT #1 PROPOSED UNDERGROUND POWER LINES (CITY COST) = ALT #2 PROPOSED OVERHEAD POWER LINES (XCEL COST) = EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINES MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII /Chapter 7/Page 1 CHAPTER 7 ELECTRIC UTILITY FRANCHISE AGREEMENT NORTHERN STATES POWER, DBA XCEL ENERGY SECTION: 8-7-1: Definitions 8-7-2: Adoption of Franchise 8-7-3: Location, Other Regulations 8-7-4: Relocations 8-7-5: Tree Trimming 8-7-6: Indemnification 8-7-7: Vacation of Public Ways 8-7-8: Change in Form of Government 8-7-9: Franchise Fee 8-7-10: Provisions of Ordinance 8-7-11: Amendment Procedure 8-7-12: Previous Franchises Superseded 8-7-13: Franchise Fee 8-7-14: Collection of Fee 8-7-15: Payment of Fee 8-7-16: Surcharge 8-7-17: Enforcement 8-7-18: Effective Date 8-7-19: Sunset Clause 8-7-1: DEFINITIONS: For purposes of this Ordinance, the following capitalized terms listed in alphabetical order shall have the following meanings: City. The City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota. City Utility System. Facilities used for providing public utility service owned or operated by City or agency thereof, including sanitary sewer, storm sewer, street lighting and traffic signals, and water service, but excluding facilities for providing heating, lighting or other forms of energy. Commission. The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, or any successor agency or agencies, including an agency of the federal government, which preempts all or part of the authority to regulate electric retail rates now vested in the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. Company. Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, d/b/a Xcel Energy its successors and assigns. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII /Chapter 7/Page 2 Electric Facilities. Electric transmission and distribution towers, poles, lines, guys, anchors, conduits, fixtures, and necessary appurtenances owned or operated by Company for the purpose of providing electric energy for public use. Notice. A written notice served by one party on the other party referencing one or more provisions of this Ordinance. Notice to Company shall be mailed to the General Counsel, 414 Nicollet Mall, 5th Floor, Minneapolis, MN 55401. Notice to the City shall be mailed to the City Administrator, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362. Either party may change its respective address for the purpose of this Ordinance by written notice to the other party. Public Ground. Land owned by the City for park, open space or similar purpose, which is held for use in common by the public. Public Way. Any street, alley, walkway or other public right-of-way within the City. 8-7-2: ADOPTION OF FRANCHISE: 2.1 Grant of Franchise. City hereby grants Company, for a period of 20 years from the date this Ordinance is passed and approved by the City, the non-exclusive right to transmit and furnish electric energy for light, heat, power and other purposes for public and private use within and through the limits of the City as its boundaries now exist or as they may be extended in the future. For these purposes, Company may construct, operate, repair and maintain Electric Facilities in, on, over, under and across the Public Ways and Public Grounds of City, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance. Company may do all reasonable things necessary or customary to accomplish these purposes, subject, however, to such reasonable regulations as may be imposed by the City pursuant to ordinance and to the further provisions of this franchise agreement. 2.2 Effective Date; Written Acceptance. This franchise shall be in force and effect from and after passage of this Ordinance, its acceptance by Company, and its publication as required by law. The City by Council resolution may revoke this franchise agreement if Company does not file a written acceptance with the City within 90 days after publication. 2.3 Service and Rates. The service to be provided and the rates to be charged by Company for electric service in City are subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. The area within the City in which Company may provide electric service is subject to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 216B.40. 2.4 Publication Expense. The expense of publication of this Ordinance will be paid by City and reimbursed to City by Company. 2.5 Dispute Resolution. If either party asserts that the other party is in default in the performance of any obligation hereunder, the complaining party shall notify the other party of the default and the desired remedy. The notification shall be written. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII /Chapter 7/Page 3 Representatives of the parties must promptly meet and attempt in good faith to negotiate a resolution of the dispute. If the dispute is not resolved within 30 days of the written notice, the parties may jointly select a mediator to facilitate further discussion. The parties will equally share the fees and expenses of this mediator. If a mediator is not used or if the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within 30 days after first meeting with the selected mediator, either party may commence an action in District Court to interpret and enforce this franchise or for such other relief as may be permitted by law or equity. 2.6 Continuation of Franchise. If the City and the Company are unable to agree on the terms of a new franchise by the time this franchise expires, this franchise will remain in effect until a new franchise is agreed upon, or until 90 days after the City or Company serves written Notice to the other party of its intention to allow the franchise to expire but in no event shall this franchise continue for more than one year after expiration of the 20 year term set forth in Section 2.1. 8-7-3: LOCATION, OTHER REGULATIONS: 3.1 Location of Facilities. Electric Facilities shall be located, constructed and maintained so as not to interfere with the safety and convenience of ordinary travel along and over Public Ways and so as not to disrupt or interfere with normal operation of any City Utility System previously installed therein. Electric Facilities shall be located on Public Grounds as determined by the City. Company's construction, reconstruction, operation, repair, maintenance, location and relocation of Electric Facilities shall be subject to permits if required by separate ordinance and to other reasonable regulations of the City to the extent not inconsistent with the terms of this franchise agreement. Company may abandon underground Electric Facilities in place. At the City’s request, Company will remove abandoned Electric Facilities interfering with a City improvement project, but only to the extent such Electric Facilities are uncovered by excavation as part of the City improvement project. 3.2 Field Locations and Mapping Information. Company shall provide field locations for its underground Electric Facilities within City, including any abandoned Electric Facilities consistent with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 216D. Company shall provide accurate and current mapping information for any of its Electric Facilities in accordance with Minnesota Rules Parts 7819.4000 and 7819.4100 and other applicable state and federal laws. 3.3 Street Openings. Company shall not open or disturb any Public Way or Public Ground for any purpose without first having obtained a permit from the City, if required by a separate ordinance, for which the City may impose a reasonable fee. Permit conditions imposed on Company shall not be more burdensome than those imposed on other utilities for similar facilities or work. Company may, however, open and disturb any Public Way or Public Ground without permission from the City where an emergency exists requiring the immediate repair of Electric Facilities. In such event Company shall notify the City by telephone to the office designated by the City as soon MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII /Chapter 7/Page 4 as practicable. Not later than the second working day thereafter, Company shall obtain any required permits and pay any required fees. 3.4 Restoration. After undertaking any work requiring the opening of any Public Way or Public Ground, Company shall restore the same, including paving and its foundation, in accordance with Minnesota Rules Part 7819.1100, to as good a condition as formerly existed, and shall maintain any paved surface in good condition for two years thereafter. The work shall be completed as promptly as weather permits, and if Company shall not promptly perform and complete the work, remove all dirt, rubbish, equipment and material, and put the Public Way or Public Ground in the said condition, the City shall have, after demand to Company to cure and the passage of a reasonable period of time following the demand, but not to exceed five days, the right to make the restoration at the expense of Company. Company shall pay to the City the cost of such work done for or performed by the City. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedy available to the City for noncompliance with this Section 3.4. 3.5 Avoid Damage to Electric Facilities. Nothing in this Ordinance relieves any person from liability arising out of the failure to exercise reasonable care to avoid damaging Electric Facilities while performing any activity. 3.6 Notice of Improvements. Except in emergencies, the City must give Company at least sixty (60) days notice of plans for improvements to Public Ways or Public Ground where the City has reason to believe that Electric Facilities may affect or be affected by the improvement. The notice must contain: (i) the nature and character of the improvements, (ii) the Public Ways and Public Grounds upon which the improvements are to be made, (iii) the extent of the improvements, (iv) the time when the City will start the work, and (v) if more than one Public Way or Public Ground is involved, the order in which the work is to proceed. The notice must be given to Company a sufficient length of time in advance of the actual commencement of the work to permit Company to make any necessary additions, alterations or repairs to its Electric Facilities. 3.7 Shared Use of Poles. Company shall make space available on its poles or towers for City fire, water utility, police or other City facilities whenever such use will not interfere with the use of such poles or towers by Company, by another electric utility, by a telephone utility, or by any cable television company or other form of communication company. In addition, the City shall pay for any added cost incurred by Company because of such use by City. 8-7-4: RELOCATIONS: 4.1 Relocation of Electric Facilities in Public Ways. The Company shall comply with Minnesota Rules, Part 7819.3100 and applicable City ordinances to the extent consistent with applicable law regarding use of Public Rights of Way and Public Grounds. If the City determines to vacate a Public Way for a city improvement project, or at City’s cost to grade, regrade, or change the line of any Public Way, or construct, MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII /Chapter 7/Page 5 reconstruct, or make any improvement to, or within any City Utility System within any Public Way, it may order Company to relocate its Electric Facilities located therein if relocation is reasonably necessary as determined by the City to accomplish the City’s proposed public improvement. Except as provided in Section 4.3, Company shall relocate its Electric Facilities at its own expense within sixty (60) days of Notice from the City as specified in Section 3.5. If a relocation is ordered within five years of a prior relocation of the same Electric Facilities, which was made at Company expense, the City shall reimburse Company for non-betterment costs on a time and material basis, provided that if a subsequent relocation is required because of the extension of a City Utility System to a previously unserved area, Company may be required to make the subsequent relocation at its expense. Nothing in this Ordinance requires Company to relocate, remove, replace or reconstruct at its own expense its Electric Facilities where such relocation, removal, replacement or reconstruction is solely for the convenience of the City and is not reasonably necessary for the construction or reconstruction of a Public Way or City Utility System or other City improvement. 4.2 Relocation of Electric Facilities in Public Ground. City may require Company at Company’s expense to relocate or remove its Electric Facilities from Public Ground upon a finding by City that the Electric Facilities have become or will become a substantial impairment to the existing or proposed public use of the Public Ground. Company shall relocate its Electric Facilities within sixty (60) days notice from the City as specified in Section 3.6, or, if such relocation cannot be accomplished within 60 days, then within a reasonable period of time as mutually agreed to by City and Company. 4.3 Projects with Federal Funding. Relocation, removal, or rearrangement of any Company Electric Facilities made necessary because of the extension into or through City of a federally-aided highway project shall be governed by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 161.46, as supplemented or amended. It is understood that the right herein granted to Company is a valuable right. City shall not order Company to remove or relocate its Electric Facilities when a Public Way is vacated, improved or realigned because of a renewal or a redevelopment plan which is financially subsidized in whole or in part by the Federal Government or any agency thereof, unless the reasonable non-betterment costs of such relocation and the loss and expense resulting therefrom are first paid to Company, but the City need not pay those portions of such for which reimbursement to it is not available. 4.4 No Waiver. The provisions of this franchise apply only to facilities constructed in reliance on a franchise from the City and shall not be construed to waive or modify any rights obtained by Company for installations within a Company right-of- way acquired by easement or prescriptive right before the applicable Public Way or Public Ground was established, or Company's rights under state or county permit. 8-7-5: TREE TRIMMING: Company may trim all trees and shrubs in the Public Ways and Public Grounds of City, but only to the extent Company finds the trimming and cutting necessary to avoid MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII /Chapter 7/Page 6 interference with the proper construction, operation, repair and maintenance of any Electric Facilities installed hereunder, provided that Company shall save the City harmless from any liability arising therefrom, and subject to permit or other reasonable regulation by the City. 8-7-6: INDEMNIFICATION. 6.1 Indemnity of City. Company shall indemnify, keep and hold the City free and harmless from any and all liability on account of injury to persons or damage to property occasioned by the construction, maintenance, repair, inspection, the issuance of permits, or the operation of the Electric Facilities located in the Public Ways and Public Grounds. The City shall not be indemnified for losses or claims occasioned through its own negligence except for losses or claims arising out of or alleging the City's negligence as to the issuance of permits for, or inspection of, Company's plans or work. The City shall not be indemnified if the injury or damage results from the performance in a proper manner of acts reasonably deemed hazardous by Company, and such performance is nevertheless ordered or directed by City after notice of Company's determination. 6.2 Defense of City. In the event a suit is brought against the City under circumstances where this agreement to indemnify applies, Company at its sole cost and expense shall defend the City in such suit if written notice thereof is promptly given to Company within a period wherein Company is not prejudiced by lack of such notice. If Company is required to indemnify and defend, it will thereafter have control of such litigation, but Company may not settle such litigation without the consent of the City, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. This section is not, as to third parties, a waiver of any defense or immunity otherwise available to the City; and Company, in defending any action on behalf of the City shall be entitled to assert in any action every defense or immunity that the City could assert in its own behalf. This franchise agreement shall not be interpreted to constitute a waiver by the City of any of its defenses of immunity or limitations on liability under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466. 8-7-7: VACATION OF PUBLIC WAYS. The City shall give Company at least two weeks prior written notice of a proposed vacation of a Public Way. Except where required for a City improvement project, the vacation of any Public Way, after the installation of Electric Facilities, shall not operate to deprive Company of its rights to operate and maintain such Electric Facilities, until the reasonable cost of relocating the same, and the loss and expense resulting from such relocation, are first paid to Company. In no case, however, shall City be liable to Company for failure to specifically preserve a right-of-way under Minnesota Statutes, Section 160.29. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII /Chapter 7/Page 7 In accordance with Minnesota Rules, Part 7819.3200, if the City’s order directing vacation of the Public Way does not require relocation of the Company’s Electric Facilities to prevent interference with a current public improvement, the vacation proceedings shall not be deemed to deprive Company of its right to continue to use the right-of-way of the former Public Way for its Electric Facilities installed prior to such order of vacation. 8-7-8: CHANGE IN FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Any change in the form of government of the City shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance. Any governmental unit succeeding the City shall, without the consent of Company, succeed to all of the rights and obligations of the City provided in this Ordinance. 8-7-9: FRANCHISE FEE. 9.1 Fee Schedule. During the term of the franchise hereby granted, and in lieu of any permit or other fees being imposed on Company, the City may impose on Company a franchise fee by collecting the amounts indicated in the Fee Schedule set forth in a separate ordinance from each customer in the designated Company Customer Class. The parties have agreed that the franchise fee collected by the Company and paid to the City in accordance with this Section 9 shall not exceed the following amounts. Class Fee Per Premise Per Month Residential $ 1.95 Sm C & I – Non-Dem $ 5.50 Sm C & I – Demand $ 31.00 Large C & I $ 190.00 Public Street Ltg $ 12.00 Muni Pumping –N/D $ 12.00 MuniPumping – Dem $ 31.00 9.2 Separate Ordinance. The franchise fee shall be imposed by a separate ordinance duly adopted by the City Council, which ordinance shall not be adopted until at least 60 days after written notice enclosing such proposed ordinance has been served upon Company by certified mail. The fee shall not become effective until the beginning of a Company billing month at least 60 days after written notice enclosing such adopted ordinance has been served upon Company by certified mail. Section 2.5 shall constitute the sole remedy for solving disputes between Company and the City in regard to the interpretation of, or enforcement of, the separate ordinance. No action by the City to implement a separate ordinance will commence until this Ordinance is effective. A separate ordinance which imposes a lesser franchise fee on the residential class of customers than the maximum amount set forth in Section 9.1 above shall not be effective against Company unless the fee imposed on each other MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII /Chapter 7/Page 8 customer classification is reduced proportionately in the same or greater amount per class as the reduction represented by the lesser fee on the residential class. 9.3 Terms Defined. For the purpose of this Section 9, the following definitions apply: 9.3.1 “Customer Class” shall refer to the classes listed on the Fee Schedule and as defined or determined in Company’s electric tariffs on file with the Commission. 9.3.2 “Fee Schedule” refers to the schedule in Section 9.1 setting forth the various customer classes from which a franchise fee would be collected if a separate ordinance were implemented immediately after the effective date of this franchise agreement. The Fee Schedule in the separate ordinance may include new Customer Class added by Company to its electric tariffs after the effective date of this franchise agreement. 9.4 Collection of the Fee. The franchise fee shall be payable quarterly and shall be based on the amount collected by Company during complete billing months during the period for which payment is to be made by imposing a surcharge equal to the designated franchise fee for the applicable customer classification in all customer billings for electric service in each class. The payment shall be due the last business day of the month following the period for which the payment is made. The franchise fee may be changed by ordinance from time to time; however, each change shall meet the same notice requirements and not occur more often than annually and no change shall require a collection from any customer for electric service in excess of the amounts specifically permitted by this Section 9. The time and manner of collecting the franchise fee is subject to the approval of the Commission. No franchise fee shall be payable by Company if Company is legally unable to first collect an amount equal to the franchise fee from its customers in each applicable class of customers by imposing a surcharge in Company’s applicable rates for electric service. Company may pay the City the fee based upon the surcharge billed subject to subsequent reductions to account for uncollectibles, refunds and correction of erroneous billings. Company agrees to make its records available for inspection by the City at reasonable times provided that the City and its designated representative agree in writing not to disclose any information which would indicate the amount paid by any identifiable customer or customers or any other information regarding identified customers. In addition, the Company agrees to provide at the time of each payment a statement summarizing how the franchise fee payment was determined, including information showing any adjustments to the total surcharge billed in the period for which the payment is being made to account for any uncollectibles, refunds or error corrections. 9.5 Equivalent Fee Requirement. The separate ordinance imposing the fee shall not be effective against Company unless it lawfully imposes and the City monthly or more often collects a fee or tax of the same or greater equivalent amount on the receipts from sales of energy within the City by any other energy supplier, provided that, as to MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII /Chapter 7/Page 9 such a supplier, the City has the authority to require a franchise fee or to impose a tax. The “same or greater equivalent amount” shall be measured, if practicable, by comparing amounts collected as a franchise fee from each similar customer, or by comparing, as to similar customers the percentage of the annual bill represented by the amount collected for franchise fee purposes. The franchise fee or tax shall be applicable to energy sales for any energy use related to heating, cooling or lighting, or to run machinery and appliances, but shall not apply to energy sales for the purpose of providing fuel for vehicles. If the Company specifically consents in writing to a franchise or separate ordinance collecting or failing to collect a fee from another energy supplier in contravention of this Section 9.5, the foregoing conditions will be waived to the extent of such written consent. 9.6 Exception to Equivalent Fee Requirement. The requirement in Section 9.5 to impose an equivalent fee on any other energy supplier does not apply if the City uses the franchise fee collected for no purpose other than betterment of the Electric Facilities, including such things as relocating poles, placing the Electric Facilities underground or installing lighting above ground, or to pay charges for the operations and maintenance of the streetlight system installed in Company’s service territory in the City, and incorporates the provisions of this Section 9.6 by reference or restatement. If the City wishes to take advantage of this exception, the City must separately account for all franchise fees received from Company. The City must provide a report to Company no later than 30 days after the due date for each franchise fee payment indicating the current balance of the franchise fee account, the expenditures from the account since the last report, the budgeted expenditures from the account for the current calendar year, and the amount committed by contract for expenditures in the current budget year. The City will promptly give Notice to Company if and when the unallocated balance reaches $1,000,000.00. The unallocated balance means the balance minus any amounts committed by contract for expenditures. Upon receiving this Notice, Company will cease collection at the end of the first full monthly billing cycle, which occurs after receipt of the Notice and thereafter Company will have no further obligation to pay the franchise fee to the City until the first billing month commencing 90 days after Notice that the unallocated balance has fallen below $300,000.00. The City will have no obligation to return any amount which exceeds the $1,000,000.00 unallocated balance or any balance remaining upon any repeal of the separate ordinance by the City, provided such balance will be reinstated by the City to the separate account if said separate ordinance is subsequently reenacted. Any franchise fee imposed on Company as authorized by this Section 9.6 shall be the exclusive fee payable by Company under this franchise until the City, by ordinance, repeals the separate ordinance imposing the fee under this Section 9.6. 8-7-10: PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE. 10.1 Severability. Every section, provision, or part of this Ordinance is declared separate from every other section, provision, or part; and if any section, provision, or part shall be held invalid, it shall not affect any other section, provision, MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII /Chapter 7/Page 10 or part. Where a provision of any other City ordinance conflicts with the provisions of this Ordinance, the provisions of this Ordinance shall prevail. 10.2 Limitation on Applicability. This Ordinance constitutes a franchise agreement between the City and Company as the only parties and no provision of this franchise shall in any way inure to the benefit of any third person (including the public at large) so as to constitute any such person as a third party beneficiary of the agreement or of any one or more of the terms hereof, or otherwise give rise to any cause of action in any person not a party hereto. 8-7-11: AMENDMENT PROCEDURE. Either party to this franchise agreement may at any time propose that the agreement be amended to address a subject of concern and the other party will consider whether it agrees that the amendment is mutually appropriate. If an amendment is agreed upon, this Ordinance may be amended at any time by the City passing a subsequent ordinance declaring the provisions of the amendment, which amendatory ordinance shall become effective upon the filing of Company’s written consent thereto with the City Clerk within 90 days after the date of final passage by the City of the amendatory ordinance. 8-7-12: PREVIOUS FRANCHISES SUPERSEDED. This franchise supersedes any previous electric franchise granted to Company or its predecessor. 8-7-13: FRANCHISE FEE. During the term of the franchise granted by Ordinance No. 455 to Northern States Power Company, D/B/A Xcel Energy, its successors and assigns (Company), and subject to the terms and conditions specified in that Ordinance, in particular Section 8-7-9, the City hereby imposes on Company a franchise fee determined by collecting the amounts indicated in the following Fee Schedule from each customer in the designated Company Customer Class as defined in tariffs filed by the Company with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.. Class Fee Per Premise Per Month Residential $ 1.95 Small C & I – Non-Dem $ 5.50 Small C & I – Demand $ 31.00 Large C & I $ 190.00 Public Street Lighting $ 12.00 Municipal Pumping –Non-Demand $ 12.00 Municipal Pumping – Demand $ 31.00 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII /Chapter 7/Page 11 8-7-14: COLLECTION OF THE FEE. The fee is an account-based fee on each premise and not a meter-based fee. In the event that an entity covered by this ordinance has more than one meter at a single premise, but only one account, only one fee shall be assessed to that account. If a premise has two or more meters being billed at different rates, the Company may have an account for each rate classification, which will result in more than one franchise fee assessment for electric service to that premise. If the Company combines the rate classifications into a single account, the franchise fee assessed to the account will be the largest franchise fee applicable to a single rate classification for energy delivered to that premise. In the event any entities covered by this ordinance have more than one premise, each premise (address) shall be subject to the appropriate fee. In the event a question arises as to the proper fee amount for any premise, the Company’s manner of billing for energy used at all similar premises in the city will control. 8-7-15: PAYMENT OF THE FEE. The franchise fee shall be payable by the Company quarterly and shall be based on the amount collected by Company during complete billing months during the period for which payment is to be made by imposing a surcharge equal to the designated franchise fee for the applicable customer classification in all customer billings for electric service in each class. The payment shall be due the last business day of the month following the period for which the payment is made. No franchise fee shall be payable by Company if Company is legally unable to first collect an amount equal to the franchise fee from its customers in each applicable class of customers by imposing a surcharge in Company’s applicable rates for electric service. Company may pay the City the fee based upon the surcharge billed subject to subsequent reductions to account for uncollectibles, refunds and correction of erroneous billings. The Company shall provide at the time of each payment a statement summarizing how the franchise fee payment was determined, including information showing any adjustments to the total surcharge billed in the period for which the payment is being made to account for any uncollectibles, refunds or error corrections. Company shall make its records available for inspection by the City at reasonable times. 8-7-16: SURCHARGE. The City recognizes that the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission allows the utility company to add a surcharge to customer rates to reimburse such utility company for the cost of the fee and that Xcel Energy will surcharge its customers in the City the amount of the fee. 8-7-17: ENFORCEMENT. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII /Chapter 7/Page 12 Any dispute, including enforcement of a default regarding this ordinance will be resolved in accordance with Section 2.5 of the Franchise Agreement. 8-7-18: EFFECTIVE DATE. The franchise fee shall be become effective after publication and sixty (60) days after written notice to the Company as provided in the Franchise, and thereupon collection of the fee for all Customer Classes shall commence at the beginning of the Company’s June 2007 billing month. 8-7-19: SUNSET CLAUSE. This ordinance shall automatically sunset on May 31, 2027. (#455, 3/12/07) (#456, 3/12/07) CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/2015 1 4C.ConsiderationofapprovingimplementationofaCommunityBuilderRecognition Program A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovingtheimplementationofaCommunityBuilder RecognitionProgram.ThisideawasoriginallybroughtbeforetheCouncilinMarch 2015.Therewassupportfortheconceptandprogram,butavotewastabledandstaff wasaskedtoidentifyalesscostlywaytoimplementtheprogram.Staffhasfounda vendorabletoprovideasuitableplaqueatonethirdofthecostoftheoptionoriginally proposed. Asyoumayrecall,thepurposeoftheprogramistorecognizecitizensthathavemade significantcontributionstothecommunity.Inadditiontocommemoratingtheworkof individuals,avolunteerrecognitionprogramcanbeabeneficialtoolforrecruiting volunteersforcitycommissionsandanincentiveforcitizenstoinitiateprojectsthat improvethequalityoflifeinMonticello. TheCommunityBuilderprogramwasdesignedusingbestpracticesfromseveralsimilar programs.Thoseinterestedinnominatinganindividualforconsiderationwillbeaskedto completeandsubmitanapplication.Applicationswillbereviewedbyasmallcommittee and,ifapproved,willberecognizedbasedonthelevelofthenominee’sservice contribution.Thethreelevelsofrecognitioninclude:aproclamationataCityCouncil meeting,aspaceonajointplaque,oranindividualplaquedisplayedinadesignated spaceintheMonticelloCommunityCenter. Originallytheseplaqueswereanticipatedtocostapproximately$600giventhenecessary sizeandtheneedforauniquedesign.However,atthedirectionofcouncilmembers,staff furtherresearchedoptionsandidentifiedanalternativewhichwillreduceboththeinitial implementationcostsandthefuturecostsofaddingrecipientstotheCommunityBuilder Wall.Staffhopestheupdatedbudgetwillallowforaprogramthatthrivesinthe community. A1.BudgetImpact:Thereducedpricefortheplaquesis$200.Inthefirstyearit wouldbenecessarytoorderthejointplaque,aswellasanyindividualplaques, forthefirstroundofrequests.Astimesgoeson,staffhopestoseeonetotwo requestsperyear.Therewillbeadditionalcostsinthefirstyeartopaintthe sectionofthewalldesignatedfortheCommunityBuilderProgram. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Theprogramwillrequireacoordinatortodistribute andreceiveapplications,advertisetheprogramtothepublic,coordinatethe reviewcommittee,ordertheplaques,andprepareagendaitemsforcouncil presentations.Therecommendedpositiontoadministerthisprogramwouldbethe CommunicationsCoordinator. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveimplementationofaCommunityBuilderRecognition Program. CityCouncilAgenda:5/11/2015 2 2.MotiontoapprovetheCommunityBuilderRecognitionProgramwithchangesas directedbytheCityCouncil. 3.MotiontodenyapprovaloftheCommunityBuilderRecognitionProgram. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Citystaffrecommendsalternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: CommunityBuilderRecognitionProgramCriteria COMMUNITY BUILDER RECOGNITION PROGRAM, CITY OF MONTICELLO - PROGRAM CRITERIA How Candidates are identified: Candidates for recognition can be submitted by application from citizens of Monticello, members of Community Organizations, a family member and employees of the City of Monticello. Application attached. Schedule for Recognition: Recognition will be reviewed based on application submissions. Who will review applicants for recognition and determine the level of recognition: The City Council and City Administrator will determine the make-up of the reviewing committee. The committee will consist of at the program administrator and at least three other people, but not more than four. The committee should include previous City Officials; ex-Mayor, ex-Council members, or ex-Planning Commission or EDA members. Also eligible would be ex-School Board members, or ex-County Commissioners. The City Administrator will determine the City Staff individual who will oversee the program. Levels of Recognition: 1. Proclamation at City Council identifying contribution. 2. Name identified on a joint plaque with short description of contribution. 3. Individual plaque with picture and description identifying contribution. 4. For Level 3 honorees, an individual plaque will be given to the honoree. Recognition can be item one only, or item one and two, or item one and three. Criteria for recognition:  Length, commitment and level of Service to the City of Monticello.  Participation in or initiation of a community project or program of significance to the community.  Other contributions to the community and their significance clearly identified.  Significance of contribution will be based on the value added to the community of Monticello.  Information must be verifiable. Community Builder Recognition Area: The honorees will have their plaques or the joint plaque will be installed on the soffit area across from City Hall above the bulletin boards and restroom entrances. Additional Community Builder Information:  Recognition plaques will remain on display for a minimum of 20 years.  Maintenance of the plaques will be the responsibility of the City, performed by the Community Center Custodial staff.  If a plaque is removed for any reason, the plaque will become the property of the individual honored or the family of the honoree. Preparing the Wall Space for Program:  Paint wall a different color to highlight the recognition area.  Wall stencil identifying “Community Builder Recognition Program”  Plaque describing the program and how to submit applicants.  Add display lighting to illuminate plaques.