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City Council Agenda Packet 06-22-2015
AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,June22,2015–7p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:BrianStumpf CouncilMembers:CharlotteGabler,LloydHilgart,TomPerraultandGlenPosusta 1.GeneralBusiness A.CalltoOrder&PledgeofAllegiance B.ApprovalofMeetingMinutes •RegularMeetingMinutesfromJune8,2015 C.ConsiderationofAddingItemstotheAgenda D.CitizenComments E.PublicServiceAnnouncements •CityHolidayHours(7/4) •MCCBlockParty(7/9) •Riverfest(July9-12) F.CouncilLiaisonUpdates •BrianStumpf(MCC,FAB,Personnel) •CharlotteGabler(FAB,Personnel,LibraryBoard) •LloydHilgart(EDA) •TomPerrault(EDA) •GlenPosusta(BCOLRFP) G.DepartmentUpdates •CityAdministrator(O’Neill) 2.ConsentAgenda A.ConsiderationofapprovingthepaymentofbillsforJune22nd B.Considerationofapprovingnewhires/departures C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-050approvingcontributionsfrom variousdonorsfortheMississippiRampageSoftballTournamentattheCity BallfieldsinJuly D.Considerationofapprovingapplicationsfora2-daytemporaryon-saleliquor licenseandacharitablegamblingpermitfortheChurchofSt.Henry’sfallfestival onAugust29-30,2015 E.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofcitystreets andrelatedassistancefortheDowntownBlockPartyonJuly8th,2015.Applicant: MonticelloChamber F.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofcitystreets andrelatedassistanceforArtinthePark/TasteofMonticelloonJuly11th,2015at EllisonPark.Applicant:MonticelloChamber G.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitforoutdoorentertainmentat Chatter’sBar&GrillonJuly10-11,2015.Applicant:BrookeSteffens/Chatters Restaurant H.ConsiderationofapprovingSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofEllisonPark, WestBridgePark,PioneerPark,andCommunityCenterParkingLotandrelated assistanceinconjunctionwiththeannualRiverfestcelebrationonJuly9-12, 2015.Applicant:RiverfestCommittee I.ConsiderationofapprovingSpecialEventPermitfortheRelayforLife fundraisingeventonJuly17,2015.Applicant:AmericanCancerSociety J.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-031Aamendinglanguageand replacingResolution2015-031forfilingaloanapplicationwiththePublic FacilitiesAuthority(PFA)forthePhosphorusReductionandDigesterCover ImprovementsattheWasteWaterTreatmentFacility,CityProjectNo.14C002 K.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-051acceptingbidsandawarding contractforthePhosphorusReductionandDigesterCoverImprovementsatthe WasteWaterTreatmentFacility,CityProjectNo.14C002 L.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#617amendingCityCode,Title1,Chapter 5–CouncilasrelatedtoCouncilmeetingstarttime M.ConsiderationofauthorizingaLicenseAgreementbetweentheEDAandCityof MonticelloforparkingaccessattheformerCedarStreetgardencenterproperty N.Considerationofauthorizingnotificationofcontractnon-renewaltoVeoliaWater forwastewatertreatmentplantservices O.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-041Aamendinglanguageand replacingResolution#2015-041asrelatedtoanaffordableworkplacetownhome developmentontheformerRuffproperty(PID155-500-101418) P.Considerationofapprovingparticipationinaprofessionaldevelopmenttraining seriesforsupervisors,departmentheads,andemergingleaders 2A.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 3.PublicHearings A.PublicHearing–Considerationofapproving2014StormWaterPollution PreventionProgram(SWPPP)AnnualReport B.PublicHearing–Considerationofapprovingthe5-yearstreetreconstructionplan andissuanceofGOStreetReconstructionbonds 4.RegularAgenda A.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-052authorizingpreparationofa FeasibilityReportforthe2016StreetandUtilityReconstructionProject B.ConsiderationofauthorizingdevelopmentofacontractwithWSB&Associates fortheBertramChainofLakesAthleticParkPlanningProjecttoincludeamaster siteplan,phasingplan,feasibilityreport,schematicgradingplan,andconstruction design,plansandcoordinationforinterimimprovements C.Considerationofacceptingstatebidandapprovingpurchaseofa2015Case-IH FarmallTractorwithsideandrearflailmowersandsnowwingplow,which wouldreplace1987and1999tractors 5.AddedItems 6.Adjournment CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page1|16 MINUTES REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,June8th,2015–7p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Present:BrianStumpf,CharlotteGabler,LloydHilgart,TomPerraultandGlenPosusta Absent:None 1.GeneralBusiness A.CalltoOrder&PledgeofAllegiance ThemeetingwascalledtoorderbyMayorStumpfat7p.m.withaquorum present.Thepledgeofallegiancewasrecited. B.ApprovalofMeetingMinutes •SpecialMeetingMinutesfromMay26th,2015 TOMPERRAULTMOVEDTOAPPROVETHEMAY26TH SPECIAL MEETINGMINUTES.CHARLOTTEGABLERSECONDEDTHE MOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. •RegularMeetingMinutesfromMay26th,2015 TOMPERRAULTMOVEDTOAPPROVETHEMAY26TH REGULAR MEETINGMINUTES.CHARLOTTEGABLERSECONDEDTHE MOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. C.ConsiderationofAddingItemstotheAgenda •Councilmeetingstarttime(GlenPosusta) •Recyclingbinsandyardwaste(CharlotteGabler) •Upcominginterviews(BrianStumpf) •Banninggunsoncityproperties(BrianStumpf) •BlightedpropertyatElmand6th (TomPerrault) •Callforpublichearingonstreetreconstructionplan(JeffO’Neill) D.CitizenComments •MarkPultusker,FiberConnectPresidentandformerFiberNetGeneral Manager,isseekingsomeanswersonpaymentofinvoicesfromtheCity inSeptember2014.AletterhereceivedfromJeffO’Neillindicatedthat theamountbeingconsideredwas$171,000.Hehadsubmittedabillfora muchlargeramount(over$480,000)andactuallyreceivedacheckinthe amountof$163,000.PultuskeraskedCouncilforanexplanationonwhy hewasnotpaidformore.BrianStumpfaskedJeffO’Neilltocomment. JeffO’Neillexplainedthathewouldhavetolookbackattherecordsto verifythepaymentthatwasmade.HerecalledthattheCityreviewedthe billinganddeterminedwhattheywereobligatedtopay;theyleftitupto Pultuskertoprovidedocumentationforanyfurtherrequestsforpayment. JeffO’Neillstatedthisshouldhavebeenindicatedintheletter. CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page2|16 GlenPosustasuggestedthatcityofficialsmeetwithMarkPultuskerto discussthisindetailataseparatemeetingratherthaninapublicforum. MarkPultuskeremphasizedthathewantstoknowwhyittooksixmonths topayhim$160,000thattheCityknewhewasowed.Citystaffwilllook intothat.MarkPultuskerstatedthat,insteadofmeetingwithstaffatthis time,hewouldpreferthattheCityfirstlookovertheunpaidportionofthe billandlethimknowwhytheydisputethepaymentofthoseportions. Citystaffwasdirectedtogobackandreviewthebillingwithseveral membersofCouncil. E.PublicServiceAnnouncements/Updates •Walk‘nRoll(6/13)–RachelLeonardgaveanoverviewoftheeventcoming upthisSaturday,June13th from9a.m.to1p.m.The20th anniversaryofWalk ‘nRollincludesaroutestartingatthehospitalparkinglot,throughEllison Park,alongEastRiverStreet,andendingatWestBridgePark.Pathportswill bevalidatedalongthewayanddoorprizedrawingstakeplaceattheendinthe park. •GrandOpeningBertramBeach&Playground(6/27)–AngelaSchumann announcedthattheBertramChainofLakesbeachopenedSaturday,June6th underthesponsorshipofWrightCountyandtheCityofMonticello. Constructionontheaccessroadtothebeachandparkingareawilltakeplace laterthissummer.AngelaSchumanndisplayedpicturesofthenatural playgroundwhichwasinstalledonMay31st nearthebeach.OnJune27th, therewillbeagrandopeningandribboncuttingoftheBertramChainofLakes beachandnaturalplaygroundfrom9to11a.m. F.CouncilLiaisonUpdates •BrianStumpf(BCOL,IEDC,FAB)–BCOL:threetreestobereplaced, receivedfourproposalsforathleticpark,watercontrolstructureonFirstLake needstoberebuiltandDNRwillbeassistingwiththateventually.FAB:items ontonight’sagenda. •CharlotteGabler(FAB,PC)–PC:twonewmembersareupforratification tonightwhichwillfillthecommission;otheritemsareontonight’sagenda. •LloydHilgart(IEDC,EDA,Hwy25CorridorCoalition)–IEDC:updateson Block34andpotentialforfuturehiringofEconomicDevelopmentDirector. •TomPerrault(EDA,Safety)–Safety:upcomingpromotionsbythecommittee. •GlenPosusta(BCOL)–BCOL:newfishingpiershavebeenputinplace. Parks–EllisonParkrestroomshavebeenrefurbished. G.DepartmentUpdates •Sheriff’sDepartment–CaptainDanAnselmentprovidedashortupdateto Council.HereportedthatablackCadillacwasstolenandusedintheftsof catalyticconverters.ApictureofthevehiclewasprovidedtoIntegrated RecyclingTechnologies,arecyclingbusiness,andtheCadillacdidshowup tryingtosellacatalyticconverter.TheSheriff’sDepartmentwascontacted CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page3|16 andwasinvolvedinapursuitofthevehicle,buteventuallyhadtodiscontinue thechase.Follow-upcallstotheSheriff’sDepartmentprovidedinformation ontheCadillac,andtheSheriff’sDepartmentwasabletoapprehendthetwo suspectsintheAlbertvillearea. CaptainAnselmentstatedthatheusuallyprovidesquarterlyandannual incidentandarreststatistics.TheSheriff’sDepartmenthascompleted installationofanewelectronicrecordssystemandthepreviousreporting systemwillnotbeavailable.Theyarelookingforsuggestionsonwhatkind ofreportstoprovidetothecitieswheretheycontractforservice.Brian Stumpfaskedhowtheywouldliketoreceivesuggestions–forexample,do theywanttohearfromallcouncilmembersormaybeconsolidatethroughthe PoliceCommission.CaptainAnselmentsaidthatsuggestionsfromanyone canbeemailedtohim. CharlotteGablersaidthatshegetsrequestsfromcitizenswantingtoknow whentheSheriff’sDepartmentispatrollinginMonticello.JeffO’Neill encouragedcouncilmemberstocontacthimbecauseheregularlytalksto SargentDaveAnderson. Inclosing,CaptainAnselmentcommentedthattheyareseeingacontinual increaseinfinancialcrimeandrecommendedpeoplekeepaneyeontheir financialrecords. •CityAdministratorUpdate–JeffO’Neillreportedonseveralitems. o TherewillbeasolarprogramhearingattheMinnesotaPublicUtilities CommissiononJune25th relatedtoXcel’sdecisiontonotacceptlarge solargardenprograms. o Internetconnections–upcomingmeetinginScottCountythathewill attend. o DataPracticesAct-cityusesaFreedomofInformationAct(FOIA) formtodocumentrequestsandmakeseveryefforttorespondina reasonableamountoftime.CityfollowsgeneralruleoftheData PracticesActbutmaywanttodevelopapolicy. o WayneObergworkingonupdatingCityPurchasingPolicy. o BlightedpropertyatElmand6th (pinkhouse)isactuallytaxforfeit nowandWrightCountyisintheprocessofreviewingthepropertyto determinethedisposition.GlenPosustasuggestedthattheCityshould mowthegrassandweedsduringthistime. GLENPOSUSTAMOVEDTODIRECTPUBLICWORKSSTAFF TOMOWTHEBLIGHTPROPERTYAT601ELMSTREET(PID 155-500-101412).BRIANSTUMPFSECONDEDTHEMOTION. MOTIONCARRIED5-0. CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page4|16 o JeffO’Neillreportedtheymaybeconsideringareviewofthecity developmentfeesandcomparingthemtosimilarcommunitiesfor possibleupdates. 2.ConsentAgenda A.ConsiderationofapprovingthepaymentofbillsforJune8th.THISITEMWAS REMOVEDFROMTHECONSENTAGENDA. B.Considerationofapprovingnewhires/departures.ActionTaken:Approvenew hiresandterminationsforMCC. C.ConsiderationofappointingrepresentativestotheMonticelloPlanning Commissiontofillvacanciesfortermstoexpire12/31/15and12/31/16.Action Taken:AppointthefollowingrepresentativestotheMonticelloPlanning Commission:JohnFalenschekwithtermtoexpire12/31/15andMarc Simpsonwithtermtoexpire12/31/16. D.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-042acceptingacontributionfrom CargillKitchenSolutionsforflowerplantingsonBroadwayWestmedian. ActionTaken:AdoptResolution#2015-042acceptingadonationof$500 fromCargillKitchenSolutionstopurchaseflowersforplantingon BroadwayWestmedian. E.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-043acceptingacontributionfrom theMonticelloLionstotheStreetDepartmentfortrafficcontroldevices.Action Taken:AdoptResolution#2015-043acceptingadonationof$490fromthe MonticelloLionstopurchasetrafficcontroldevices(barricadesandcones) fortheStreetDepartment. F.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-047acceptingacontributionfrom theMonticelloLionstotheParksDepartmentforkiosksignage.ActionTaken: AdoptResolution#2015-047acceptingadonationof$1,575fromthe MonticelloLionstopurchasethreekiosksignstobeinstalledatEllisonPark, WestBridgePark,andPioneerPark. G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-046approvingtheFinalPlatand DevelopmentAgreementfortheVineStreetPlaceatwo-lotsubdivisioninanR-2 (SingleandTwoFamilyResidence)Districtandapprovalofencroachment agreement.Applicant:Benoit,Patrick.THISITEMWASREMOVEDFROM THECONSENTAGENDA. H.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-045approvingaFinalStagePlanned UnitDevelopment(PUD),FinalPlatandDevelopmentAgreementforHoglund BusPark,atwolotcommercialdevelopmentinanexistingPlannedUnit DevelopmentDistrict,andtoapproveasidewalkeasementassociatedwiththe plat.Applicant:WAGPartners,LLP.ActionTaken:AdoptResolution CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page5|16 #2015-045approvingaFinalStagePlannedUnitDevelopment,FinalPlat, andDevelopmentAgreementforHoglundBusPark,atwo-lotcommercial developmentinanexistingPUD;andapprovingasidewalkeasement associatedwiththeplat,subjecttoconditionsasfollows. •ExecutetheDevelopmentContractforthePUDandFinalPlat. •ExecuteasidewalkeasementadjacenttoOakwoodDriveperCityEngineer requirements. •RevisefinalanddevelopmentstagePUDplanstoillustrateproperstripingand signing,andatleasttwohandicappedparkingspacesforeachbuilding. •ModificationstoaccesspointsatOakwoodDriveorThomasParkrequirearight ofwaypermitandreviewbytheCityEngineer. •Subjecttodocumentationexhibitingresolutionofcommentsmadeduring MnDOTreview. •ThefinalplatissubjecttothecommentandsuggestedrevisionsoftheWright CountySurveyor. •AnyothercommentsandrecommendationsoftheCityEngineer. I.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-036Aapprovinganassessment agreementwithNorthernStatesPower,dbaXcelEnergyforFirstLake Substation.ActionTaken:AdoptResolution#2015-036Aapprovinga deferredassessmentagreementwithNorthernStatesPower,dbaXcel EnergyforFirstLakeSubstation(a10-acreportionofPID213-100-103300). J.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-044approvingarequestforan AmendmenttoDevelopmentStagePlannedUnitDevelopment(PUD)andFinal StagePlannedUnitDevelopment(PUD)forasinglelotcommercialdevelopment inaB-4(RegionalBusiness)District.Applicant:MFMonticello,LLC.THIS ITEMWASREMOVEDFROMTHECONSENTAGENDA. K.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinanceNo.616forAmendmentstotheMonticello ZoningOrdinance,Chapter5,Section3–AccessoryUseStandardsandChapter 8,Section4–Definitions,asrelatedtoregulationsforAccessoryBuilding- MajorandAccessoryBuilding–Minor.Applicant:CityofMonticello.THIS ITEMWASREMOVEDFROMTHECONSENTAGENDA. L.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-048approvinganapplicationfora GamblingPremisesPermittoconductgamblingattheMonticelloCountryClub. Applicant:MonticelloYouthHockeyProgram.ActionTaken:Adopt Resolution#2015-048approvinganapplicationforaGamblingPremises PermitfortheMonticelloYouthHockeyProgramtoconductgamblingatthe MonticelloCountryClub,1209GolfCourseRoad. M.Considerationofauthorizing50/50costsharewiththeCityofWindomfor purchasingbandwidthforfinalimplementationof10GigRing.THISITEM WASREMOVEDFROMTHECONSENTAGENDA. CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page6|16 N.Considerationofauthorizingsendingaletterofinteresttoparticipatein cooperativecostsavingventureswithCityofWindomrelatedtotelephone switchingequipment.THISITEMWASREMOVEDFROMTHE CONSENTAGENDA. TOMPERRAULTMOVEDTOAPPROVETHECONSENTAGENDAWITHTHE REMOVALOFITEMSA,G,J,K,M,ANDN.CHARLOTTEGABLERSECONDED THEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. 2a.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 2A.ConsiderationofapprovingthepaymentofbillsforJune8th BrianStumpfaskedaboutsixmeetingtablespurchasedfromEarlAnderson CompanyfortheCommunityCenteratacostof$3,900.Hewantedtomakesure thattheoldtablesthatarereplacedbedisposedofproperly.GlenPosusta questionedthepriceandwantedtoknowwherequotescamefrom.JeffO’Neill explainedthathehaddiscussedthiswithKittyBaltosinadvanceofpurchasing. KittyBaltosresearchedanumberofoptionsandfeltthisquotewasthebestprice togetthequalitytheyneedforpublicuse.TomPerraultcommentedthatthiswas alsodiscussedattheSafetyCommitteemeeting.Staffwasdirectedtogetcopies ofthequotestoreviewprices. LloydHilgartaskedabouttheCarefreeLawnbillandwantedtomakesurethat thismatchedthecontractamountfortheclean-upofthecemeteries.Wayne Obergcheckedandverifiedtheratesarewithinthecontract. WayneObergrequestedthatcouncilmemberscontacthiminadvanceofthe meetingtolethimknowwhichquestionstheyhave,sohecancomeprepared withanswers. LloydHilgartalsoaskedabouttheSchillewartbillforlandscaping.GlenPosusta explainedthatsometreesgotmoweddownaccidentallyandthecontractorwill payforthis. GLENPOSUSTAMOVEDTOAPPROVETHEPAYMENTOFBILLAND PURCHASECARDREGISTERSFORATOTALAMOUNTOF$455,686.95. TOMPERRAULTSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. 2G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-046approvingtheFinalPlatand DevelopmentAgreementfortheVineStreetPlaceatwo-lotsubdivisioninanR- 2(SingleandTwoFamilyResidence)Districtandapprovalofencroachment agreement.Applicant:Benoit,Patrick TomPerraultquestionedthewaiverofapplicationfeesforVineStreetPlace, basedonthedelayinsubmittingthefinalplat.AngelaSchumannexplainedthat theCouncilisaskedtowaivethefinalplatapplicationfeeandescrowaspartof CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page7|16 theapproval.Sheindicatedthatthepreviousfinalplatapprovalisvoidduetothe facttheplatwasnotrecordedattheCountyintheamountoftimerequiredby ordinanceandnoextensionwasrequested.Re-applicationwastherefore necessary.ThequestioniswhethertheCouncilwishestorequireanewfeeand escrowof$50forapplicationand$1200inescrow.Inaddition,thereportnotes thatifapprovedperthedevelopmentcontract,someoftheexpensesinexcessof theoriginalescrowwouldberecodedtothePlanningandEngineeringbudgets. Theseamountstoberecodedrelatedtotreesizedeterminationanddriveway widthingradingplanreview.However,thedeveloperisstilloverescrowandis requiredtopaythatamountaslistedinthedevelopmentagreement.Schumann alsoclarifiedthata$500escrowisrequiredaspartofplatadministration. GLENPOSUSTAMOVEDTOADOPTRESOLUTION#2015-046 APPROVINGTHEFINALPLATANDDEVELOPMENTAGREEMENTFOR THEVINESTREETPLACEADDITION,ATWO-LOTSUBDIVISIONINAN R-2DISTRICT,ANDAPPROVINGANENCROACHMENTAGREEMENT FORVINESTREETPLACE,SUBJECTTOCONDITIONSSTATEDINTHE RESOLUTION;SAIDAPPROVALINCLUDESWAIVEROFAPPLICATION FEEANDESCROWFORTHEPLATRE-APPLICATION.LLOYDHILGART SECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. 2J.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-044approvingarequestforan AmendmenttoDevelopmentStagePlannedUnitDevelopment(PUD)andFinal StagePlannedUnitDevelopment(PUD)forasinglelotcommercial developmentinaB-4(RegionalBusiness)District.Applicant:MFMonticello, LLC TomPerraultaskedabouttheconditionforremovingsomeoftheparkingspaces intheMattressFirmparkinglotandreplacingwithlandscaping.Angela Schumannexplainedthatconditionisoptional;itwouldbeuptothedeveloperto determinewhethertheywishtoreplacetheparkingspotswithgreenspacegiven theirowninternalparkingrequirements.Thereviewindicatestheyhavemet parkingandlandscapingrequirements. CHARLOTTEGABLERMOVEDTOADOPTRESOLUTION#2015-044 APPROVINGTHEDEVELOPMENTANDFINALSTAGEPLANNEDUNIT DEVELOPMENTADMENDMENTFORLOT3,BLOCK1,UNION CROSSINGSSECONDADDITION,CONTINGENTONCOMPLIANCE WITHCONDITIONSASSPECIFIEDINTHERESOLUTION.LLOYD HILGARTSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. 2K.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinanceNo.616amendingtheMonticelloZoning Ordinance,Chapter5,Section3–AccessoryUseStandardsandChapter8, Section4–Definitions,asrelatedtoregulationsforAccessoryBuilding-Major andAccessoryBuilding–Minor.Applicant:CityofMonticello CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page8|16 TomPerraultaskedaboutthechangeremovingthesquarefeetreferencesinTable 5-4forAccessoryUses.AngelaSchumannexplainedthatlanguagewillbe removedtoaccommodateanyfuturechangesinthestatebuildingcodefor permittedusesandwillreferencetheruleinthebuildingcodeforconsistency. TomPerraultaskedifthiswouldhaveanyimpactonconditionalaccessoryuses inotherdistricts.AngelaSchumannstatedthatatthistime,otherthanthe amendmentforconsistencywithpermittingrequirementsforsize,theordinance willbeappliedasinthepast,unlessthePlanningCommissionwishestodirect amendmentsrequiringconditionalusepermitsforaccessoryuseminorormajor structuresinmoredistrictsbecauseofthesizechange.TomPerraultalsoasked AngelaSchumanntochecktoseeifthefenceheightaslistedintherevised buildingcodealsoneedstobeaddressedinfutureordinanceamendments. TOMPERRAULTMOVEDTOADOPTORDINANCENO.616APPROVING AMENDMENTSTOTHEMONTICELLOZONINGCODE,CHAPTER5.3– ACCESSORYUSESTANDARDSANDCHAPTER8.4–DEFINITIONSAS RELATEDTOREGULATIONSFORACCESSORYBUILDING–MAJOR ANDACCESSORYBUILDING–MINOR,LISTEDASFOLLOWS.GLEN POSUSTASECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. Section5.3(B)–GeneralStandardsandLimitationsforAccessoryUsesandStructuresis herebyamendedasfollows: (3)LocationofAccessoryUsesorStructures Exceptforfencesandwalls,thefollowingstandardsshallapplytoallaccessory structures: (a)Allaccessorystructures,exceptasmaybespecificallydenoted,shallbe locatedatleastsix(6)feetfromalllotlines,andatleasttheminimum distancefrompublicrights-of-wayasdenotedintheindividualzoning districtregulations.Allsuchstructuresmustmeetapplicablebuilding codesrelatedtofireseparationdistance. (i)Asideyardsetbackoftwenty(20)feetshallbemaintainedfromproperty linesabuttingpublicstreets. Section5.3(C)–TableofPermittedAccessoryUsesandStructures,Table5.4ishereby amendedasfollows: Table5-4:ACCESSORYUSESBYDISTRICT •AccessoryDwellingUnit:permittedusesremainthesame •AccessoryBuilding–minor:(≤ 120 square feet)permittedusesremain thesame •AccessoryBuilding–major:(>120squarefeet)permittedusesremain thesame Section8.4–Definitionsisherebyamendedasfollows: ACCESSORYBUILDING--MAJOR:Abuildingwhichisaccessorytoa principalstructureand isrequiredtobeconstructedwithabuildingpermitper MNRule1300.0120. CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page9|16 ACCESSORYBUILDING--MINOR:Abuildingwhichisaccessorytoa principalstructureand exemptfromabuildingpermitperMNRule1300.0120. 2M.Considerationofauthorizing50/50costsharewiththeCityofWindomfor purchasingbandwidthforfinalimplementationof10GigRing GlenPosustapulledthisitembecausehewasn’tsureiftheCityshouldenterinto acost-sharingagreementlikethisandwonderedifitisactuallynecessaryto increasethebroadbandbandwidth.RachelLeonarddiscussedthereasonsfor expandingthebandwidthandmaintainingthespeedsthatFiberNetadvertisesthat itcandeliver.JeffO’Neillexplainedthatcustomersareutilizingmorebandwidth thaneverandtheextraspeedisneededatpeaktimes.Heexplainedthatitis difficultfortheCitytopurchasesmallamountsofextrabandwidthforpeaktimes, whichcanbecostprohibitive. GlenPosustawasconcernedaboutdoublingthecostsfortheextrabandwidth.It wasexplainedthattherearecurrentlytwocontractsinplaceforbroadband.Each ofthemprovides1GBofservice.IfthenewEnventiscontractisputinplace,the VaultuscontractwillbedroppedandtheXOcontractwouldendeventually.The netcostincreasewouldbe$1,600permonth,includingtheshared10GB bandwidth,untiltheXOcontractendsinAugust2016.Afterthat,thetotalcost wouldbe$6,000fortheCity’sshareofthe10GBcontract. GlenPosustaaskedwhythereissuchanincreaseintheinternetneedswhenthe customerbaseforFiberNetcontinuestodrop.RachelLeonardexplainedthat FiberNetiscontinuallyincreasingitscustomerbaseforinternetservice,which putsmoredemandontheamountofbroadbandthatisneeded. MarkPultusker,formerGeneralManagerofFiberNet,commentedthattheCity actuallyhastwogigabitcircuitsonthenetwork.Hebelievesthatoneofthemis anextracircuitthatcouldbeutilizedtoaddanothergigofinternet.Rachel Leonardstatedthatisprobablynolongeravailableunderthenewconfigurationof thenetwork.ThatcouldbeverifiedwithDanOlsonofWindomnet. GlenPosustawasconcernedthatMonticellowouldbedoingthistobenefit WindomnetattheexpenseofMonticello.LloydHilgartcommentedthattheCity wouldnotutilizeall10GBfromthiscontract;the10GBwouldalsobeshared withWindomnet.Hilgartstatedthatthisisstillagooddealfortheadditional broadbandwewouldreceive.JeffO’Neillconfirmedthatthecontractwouldrun forthreeyears. TomPerraultaskedabouttheconsultingfeesthatarebeingpaidtoDanOlsen. JeffO’NeillexplainedthatthefeespaidtoOlsonaredirectlyrelatedtoworkthat hedoesfortheCity;theCitydoesnotpayforconsultingtimeonshared broadbandalliances. CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page10|16 CHARLOTTEGABLERMOVEDTOAUTHORIZEA50/50COSTSHARE OF$6,000PERMONTHPERCITYWITHTHECITYOFWINDOM, MINNESOTAFORPURCHASINGBANDWIDTHTOCOMPLETEFINAL IMPLEMENTATIONOFTHE10GIGRING.LLOYDHILGARTSECONDED THEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4-1WITHGLENPOSUSTAVOTING INOPPOSITION. 2N.Considerationofauthorizingsendingaletterofinteresttoparticipatein cooperativecostsavingventureswiththeCityofWindomrelatedtotelephone switchingequipment GlenPosustastatedthathepulledthisitembecauseheisconcernedaboutthecost sharingwithanotherCityandwhowouldactuallybenefitfromsuchan arrangement.JeffO’Neillexplainedthecurrentsetupforbothcitiesutilizes Metaswitchforphoneoperations.IftheCityweretoenterintoanagreementwith Windom,FiberNetwouldeventuallyceaseusingitsequipmentandshare Windom’sphoneequipment.JeffO’Neillexplainedsomeoftheissuesthatthe Cityisfacinginthenearfuturetoreplaceandupgradeequipment.Theyare askingCouncilforauthorizationtoresearchthepotentialofsharingthecostof telephoneequipmentwithWindom. GlenPosustanotedthattheCityhasspentalotofmoneytrainingemployeesin theuseoftheMetaswitchequipmentandwonderedwhetheradditionaltraining wouldberequirediftheCityenteredacostsharingagreementwithWindom.Jeff O’Neillstatedthatnewtrainingwouldnotberequired;thedetailswouldhaveto beworkedoutastothecomponentsofacostsharingagreement.Council discussedtheoptionofupgradingthecurrentsystemandpotentialcostsofdoing that,ascomparedtosharingthecostsofequipmentwiththeCityofWindom. CHARLOTTEGABLERMOVEDTOAUTHORIZESENDINGALETTEROF INTERESTTOPARTICIPATEINACOOPERATIVECOST-SHARING VENTUREWITHTHECITYOFWINDOMFORTELEPHONESWITCHING EQUIPMENT,WITHTHECONDITIONTOPERFORMACOSTANALYSIS BEFORECOMMITTINGTOSUCHANARRANGEMENT.LLOYD HILGARTSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4-1WITH GLENPOSUSTAVOTINGINOPPOSITION. 3.PublicHearings Therewerenopublichearings. 4.RegularAgenda A.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-049acceptingbidsandawarding contractfortheSchoolBoulevard/FallonAvenueand85th StreetImprovements, CityProjectNo.14C003 CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page11|16 ShibaniBissonpresentedthisitemrequestingCounciltoacceptbidsandawarda contractfortheSchoolBoulevard/FallonAvenueand85th StreetImprovements. Shedisplayedthelocationoftheimprovementsanddescribedwhatisproposedin theproject.ShibaniBissonexplainedthataportionof85th Streetjustwestof EdmonsonAvenuefrontingtheCity-ownedpropertyisnotincludedintheproject becausethepropertiesoneithersidearestillinthetownshipandthetownship maintainsthatroadsegment. ShibaniBissonreviewedthebidresultsfromKnifeRiverandHardrives,which includedabasebidandtwoalternatesforthePioneerParkpathwaysegment. ShibaniBissondiscussedthefundingbreakdownoftheprojectwhichincludesthe indirectcosts.Itisproposedtoassesstheschool$200,000fortheirportion, whichincludeswideningofthehighschooldriveway.TheCitywillusestateaid fundsinadditiontoafuturebondissuetoreimbursecosts.ShibaniBissonnoted thattheCitywillneedtopurchasesomewetlandmitigationcreditsintheareaof theFallonAvenuepathwayextension.ShibaniBissonexplainedthattheCity planstobondlaterthisyearforsomeofthecoststhroughstreetreconstruction bonds.Thiswillrequireapublichearingtoapprovea5-yearCIPforastreet reconstructionplantoenablethecitytousestreetreconstructionbonds.Anitem wasaddedtotheagendatocallforapublichearingattheJune22nd council meeting. ShibaniBissonwentthroughtheproposedconstructionschedulewith constructiontostartaroundJuly13th (afterRiverfest)andconcludeattheendof August.AnassessmenthearingwillbebroughttoCouncilinthefall.Shibani BissondiscussedtheoptionsforCouncilconsiderationwhichcouldincludethe basebidpluseitherofthealternatesforPioneerParkpathwayortonotinclude thepathwayatall. BrianStumpfaskedaboutthelowareaatthecornerofFallonAvenueandFallon Drive.ShibaniBissonexplainedthatisunderwarrantyandwouldbecoveredby thecontractoronthatproject,whichwasKnifeRiver.BrianStumpfdirectedstaff toworkwithKnifeRivertogetthatfixed. BrianStumpfalsoquestionedtheamountthatwasbidfortreesalongSchool BoulevardandfeelsthattheCityshouldconsiderutilizingtreesthatithasinits inventory.CharlotteGablercommentedthatthereissomevaluewithincluding treesinthecontractbecausetheywouldbewarrantied.Councilaskedifthe numberoftreeplantingsinthecontractcouldbedecreasedtousesomeofthe city’sinventory.ShibaniBissonindicatedthatthecontractcanallowfor increasinganddecreasingquantitiesfortrees,butwillneedtocheckiftheCity treestockinventoryhasthesametreetypesandsizesplannedfortheproject. ShibaniBissonexplainedthatthetreeplantingsweredesignedtocompletegaps withintheSchoolBlvdcorridor,takingintoconsiderationthepowerlineclearance requirementsandstreetsandlightingintheright-of-wayareas.Therewasfurther discussionabouttreeplantingsandwhetherthecityshouldhandletheplanting.It CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page12|16 wasnotedthataportionoftheschoolassessmentcoverstreeplantingsandstate aidfundsareeligibletobeusedtowardtreeplantings. GlenPosustacommentedthathedoesnotsupportthereconstructionofthe PioneerParkpathway.Ifthatwouldbedroppedfromtheproject,hewouldbe okaywiththecostforthetrees. GLENPOSUSTAMOVEDFORALTERNATIVE#3TOADOPT RESOLUTION#2015-049ACCEPTINGTHEBIDSANDAWARDINGTHE CONTRACTTOTHELOWESTRESPONSIBLEBIDDER,KNIFERIVER CORPORATION,INTHEAMOUNTOF$892,375.10(BASEBIDWITHOUT PIONEERPARKPATHWAYIMPROVEMENTS)FORSCHOOL BOULEVARD/FALLONAVENUEAND85TH STREETIMPROVEMENTS, CITYPROJECTNO.14C003.BRIANSTUMPFSECONDEDTHEMOTION. MOTIONCARRIED3-2WITHLLOYDHILGARTANDCHARLOTTE GABLERVOTINGINOPPOSITION. BrianStumpfclarifiedthathewouldlikecitystafftolookatoptionsforthetree plantingsutilizingthetreeinventoryofthecity. B.ConsiderationofapprovinginitialpurchaseanddeploymentofCalixGigaCenters forFiberNetMonticelloresidentialcustomers RachelLeonardtalkedabouttheGigaCenterproductofferedbyCalixwhich wouldreplacethecurrentONT,cyberpower,androuterusedforresidential installationsatsubscribersites.Thecostisless,offersenhancedfeatures,andis easiertroubleshoot.FiberNetandtheAdvisoryBoardrecommendthepurchase anddeploymentofCalixGigaCenterstobeusedfornewcustomerinstallations andtoreplaceoldequipmentasneededforexistingcustomers.Aproposedfee schedulecouldbeimplementedforcustomerbillingstooffsetthecostofthe equipment. Councilisaskedtoapprovetheinitialpurchaseof25GigaCentersforinstallation fornewcustomers.Ifthisprovessuccessful,theywouldcontinuepurchasing GigaCentersonamonthlybasis.Currently,thesupplybudgetcontainsfundsto coverpurchasesof25permonthfortheremainderoftheyear.RachelLeonard discussedacostrecoveryproposalutilizingamonthlyleaseof$15.99,which wouldincludebasicmaintenance/troubleshooting.Theserevenueswouldgoback intoFiberNet’sfundbalancetooffsetfuturepurchasesoftheGigaCenters.There weresomequestionsonhowthebillingandmaintenancewouldworkifa customerpaysoutrightforthecostoftheGigaCenter. LloydHilgartaskedhowmanyONTstheCityhasonhand.RachelLeonard statedsheisnotsurebuttheycontinuetousethemwhenexistingonesfail.Lloyd HilgartaskedifolderONTswouldbeavailabletonewcustomersiftheydon’t wanttopurchaseorleasethenewequipment.RachelLeonardindicatedthathad beendiscussedanditwasfeltthatitshouldonlybeconsideredinunusualcases. CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page13|16 LloydHilgartexpressedconcernaboutchargingcustomersforthenew equipment,whichwillcostlessthanwhatFiberNetpaidfortheONTequipment. RachelLeonardexplainedthatthecityisnotcurrentlyrecoveringtheircostonthe ONTequipment.Thiswouldbeanopportunitytoestablishamonthlyfeewhich wouldrecoverthecostoftheequipment.RachelLeonardalsoaddedthatthe proposedfeesincludeanearlyterminationfeeifacustomercancelsservicein lessthantwoyears;thisfeecouldbeadjustedpercouncilrecommendation. AaronLambrecht,13SandtrapCircle,sharedhiscommentsonestablishinga leasefeefortheGigaCenters.HefeltthatFiberNetmaybeatadisadvantageif theyaddthisfeebecauseCharterandTDSdonotchargeforinstallationorfor ONTequipment. LLOYDHILGARTMOVEDFORALTERNATIVE#2TOAPPROVETHE PURCHASEOF25CALIXGIGACENTERSTOBEUSEDFORNEW CUSTOMERINSTALLATIONSANDIMPLEMENTATIONOFACOST RECOVERYSTRATEGYLISTEDASFOLLOWS.CHARLOTTEGABLER SECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. •NewsubscriberswillbeinstalledwithGigaCenterequipmentandcanchooseto payaleasefeeof$15.99permonthorpurchasetheunitoutrightfor$320(and anyapplicabletaxes). •SubscriberswithGigaCenterswillreceivefreebasicmaintenanceand troubleshootingforthefirst2years. •NoearlyterminationfeeforsubscriberswithGigaCentersthatcancelservice. •ExistingsubscriberscanopttohaveGigaCenterequipmentinstalledattheir preferenceoriftheircurrentequipmentfails.Thiswouldbesubjecttothesame costrecoveryterms. C.ConsiderationofapprovingconceptofFiberNetMonticellocontractingwith Yondooforvideohostedservices RachelLeonardgaveapresentationaboutanoptionforcontractingforhosted videoservices.Underthetripleplayservicesthatareoffered,videoisbyfarthe mostexpensivetoprovide.Currently,theCitydeliversvideoviatheirown equipmentandholdsprogrammingagreementswithmanyvariousnetworks. Costsarecoveredbyrevenuederivedfromthebillingsforthisservice;however intheforeseeablefuturethecostswillexceedtherevenues. Yondoo,asubsidiaryofCSIDigital,offersabusinessmodelwhichdelivers hostedvideoservices.Yondooisresponsibleforcontent,hardware,licensing, andsoftware,withthecostsspreadoutamongtheirvariousclientnetworks. FiberNetwouldcontinuetoinstall,bill,andprovidetechsupporttoitsvideo customers.YondoowouldbillFiberNetbasedonthenumberofsubscribersand theirvideopackages.Underthisscenario,thecostofprovidingvideoservice wouldbereduced,andFiberNetwouldnotneedtoutilizeitsvideoequipment, whichisbecomingoutdatedandwillneedtobereplacedinthenearfuture.Some CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page14|16 benefitsofthishostedvideooptionwouldbereducedcosts,similarchannels, newerequipment,morefeaturesavailable,andeconomyofscale. Therearesomechallengeswithsuchanagreementsuchas:anincreasein subscriberrateswillbenecessary,subscriberaccountswouldneedtobeupdated inthebillingsystem,therewouldbe$65,000instart-upcosts,it’snecessaryto engageina3or5yearcontract,andtheremaybesomesubscriberthresholdsto bemet. RachelLeonardpointedoutthatCouncilisbeingaskedtosupporttheconceptat thistimeandauthorizestafftoengageinnegotiationsforacontractwithYondoo. SuchacontractwouldbebroughttoCouncilforapprovalbeforeimplementing thissystem. WayneObergaskedifitwaspossiblethattheCitywouldhaveadditionalcapital chargesinthefutureafterthe$65,000ispaid.RachelLeonardexplainedthatthe initialpaymentistocompletetheconnectionbetweenYondooandFiberNetand toensurethatallcustomersreceivetheprogrammingfromYondoo.Shedoesnot believethattherewouldbefuturechargesforcapitalequipment. JeffO’NeillmentionedthatCouncilcouldincludeseveralcouncilmemberson thenegotiatingcommittee.BrianStumpfwouldliketobeinvolvedandLloyd Hilgartalsovolunteered. BRIANSTUMPFMOVEDFORALTERNATIVE#1TOAPPROVETHE CONCEPTOFHOSTEDVIDEOSERVICES,AUTHORIZESTAFFTO ENTERINTOCONTRACTNEGOTIATIONSWITHYONDOO,AND APPROVEBRIANSTUMPFANDLLOYDHILGARTTOPARTICIPATEIN NEGOTIATINGACONTRACT.LLOYDHILGARTSECONDEDTHE MOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4-1WITHGLENPOSUSTAVOTINGIN OPPOSITION. D.ConsiderationofapprovingprocessandtermsofsaleforCity-ownedproperty locatedat1022WestRiverStreet AngelaSchumannpresentedthisitemtoCouncilaskingforapprovaland directionontheprocessandtermsforsellingcity-ownedpropertyat1022West RiverStreet.ThepropertyiszonedR-2(SingleandTwoFamilyResidence),is approximately16,850squarefeetinarea,andissurroundedbysingle-familyuses. AngelaSchumanntalkedabouttwooptionsonmarketingthepropertyforsaleas preparedbystaff:onewouldbesaleofpropertyatasetpriceorpricerangewith nodirectionastotheuseofthepropertyotherthanmeetingbasiccodestandards; theotherwouldbesettingtermsforpurchaseanddevelopmentoftheproperty priortosellingtheproperty. CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page15|16 BrianStumpfexpressedhisinterestingettingthepropertysoldaslongasitis developedandnotheldforfutureinvestment.Heisokaywiththepropertybeing soldasisattheassessedvalue. BRIANSTUMPFMOVEDFORALTERNATIVE#1TOLISTTHE PROPERTYFORSALEAT$30,000ANDASCURRENTLYZONEDWITH NOREQUIREMENTSOTHERTHANMEETINGBASECODE STANDARDS.LLOYDHILGARTSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTION FAILED2-3WITHTOMPERRAULT,CHARLOTTEGABLER,ANDGLEN POSUSTAVOTINGINOPPOSITION. GLENPOSUSTAMOVEDTOLISTTHEPROPERTYFORSALEAT $25,000,WITHREQUIREMENTSTOBUILDASINGLEFAMILY RESIDENCEANDCONSTRUCTIONTOTAKEPLACEWITHIN24 MONTHSOFPURCHASE.CHARLOTTEGABLERSECONDEDTHE MOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. 5.AddedItems •Councilmeetingstarttime–GlenPosustasuggestedanearlierstartingtime,such as6:30p.m.,forregularcouncilmeetings.BrianStumpfindicatedthatthiswould requireanamendmenttocitycode. CHARLOTTEGABLERMOVEDTOAUTHORIZESTAFFTOPREPAREAN ORDINANCEAMENDMENTTOCITYCODEALLOWINGCOUNCIL MEETINGSTOSTARTAT6:30PM(INSTEADOF7PM).GLENPOSUSTA SECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED4-1WITHTOM PERRAULTVOTINGINOPPOSITION. Anamendmentwillbebroughttothenextcouncilmeeting.Thenewstarting timewouldtakeplaceaftertheordinanceamendmentisadoptedbyCounciland published. •Recyclingandyardwastebins–CharlotteGableraskedifthereisacost establishedforrecyclingandWayneObergexplainedtheunitrateis$2.85for pick-upeveryotherweek.BrianStumpfsaidhehadcontactedADSandfound thereisacostof$65topurchaseanadditionalcartwhichwouldbeserviced alongwiththeothercarteveryotherweek.CharlotteGablerthinksthattheCity consideranoptionofpickinguprecyclingeveryweekorprovidingalargercartat aslightlyhigherrate.CharlotteGablersuggestedthatthisbebroughtbackto CouncilinAugustorSeptember.Sherecommendsthatyardwasteconcernsbe discussedatthesametime. •BlightedpropertyatElmand6th -TomPerraultrequestedthistobeadded.Jeff O’NeillreportedonthisthisearlierinthemeetingunderStaffUpdates. •Callforpublichearingonstreetreconstructionplan–JeffO’Neillexplainedthat staffandconsultantshaveprepareda5-yearstreetreconstructionplan,which CityCouncilMinutes–June8,2015 Page16|16 couldbefinancedthroughbonding.WayneObergexplainedthestreetsprojects intheplanwouldbeeligibleforbondingevenwhenthereislessthan20%ofthe projectcoststobeassessed.Henotedthattheproposedplanincludesthe2015 StreetReconstructionImprovements,whichcouldbeincludedinabondissueif thisweretobeadopted.ThepublichearingwillincludeapresentationtoCouncil forconsiderationofadoptionofthe5-yearCIPplan. CHARLOTTEGABLERMOVEDTOCALLFORAPUBLICHEARINGON JUNE22,2015FORCONSIDERATIONOFADOPTIONOFA5-YEAR STREETRECONSTRUCTIONPLAN.LLOYDHILGARTSECONDEDTHE MOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. •Banninggunsoncityproperties–BrianStumpfexplainedthatitwasbroughtto hisattentionthatthecityhasbannedgunsoncertaincityproperties,whichmay notbeallowedbystatute.JeffO’NeillcheckedwithCommunityCenter DirectoryKittyBaltosandsheisawarethattheycannotpostabanongunsinthe communitycenterbuilding.AaronLambrecht,VFWrepresentative,spokein regardtothisandexplainedthatthispolicymayaffecttheirabilitytousefirearms forcemeteryprograms.JeffO’Neillwillfollowuptodetermineifanypolicies needtobechangedandbringbacktoCouncil. •Upcominginterviews-BrianStumpfreportedontwointerviewmeetingscoming up:BuildingOfficialinterviewsonJune11th at7a.m.andJune11that3p.m.for BertramChainofLakesRFPpresentations.Councilmembersareinvitedto attendandtheeventshavebeenposted. 6.Adjournment GLENPOSUSTAMOVEDTOADJOURNTHEMEETINGAT10:20P.M.TOM PERRAULTSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED5-0. Recorder:CatherineM.Shuman____ Approved: Attest:_______________________ CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 2A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforJune22nd (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $799,983.00. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters PurchaseCardregisters User: Printed:06/17/2015 - 1:37PM Julie.Cheney Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00203.06.2015 - 00203.06.2015 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1835 A H HERMEL COMPANY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 510348 Candy for ball fields 57.53 06/23/2015 226-45203-425410 57.53Check Total: Vendor:3974 A+ TAXI OF MONTICELLO INC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 20130649 May 2015 - 832 rides 3,333.33 06/23/2015 101-45178-431990 3,333.33Check Total: Vendor:1018 ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 20530 179.70 GL Road Oil @ $3.2500 584.03 06/23/2015 101-43120-422400 584.03Check Total: Vendor:3991 ANOKA RAMSEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 00382249 (10) Heartsaver CPR & AED Training- Contract # 688 700.00 06/23/2015 101-41800-431960 700.00Check Total: Vendor:1038 APPERTS FOOD SERVICE Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 506050627 F.I.- milk; beef franks; cereal; snack bars, etc 388.14 06/23/2015 226-45127-421981 506050628 resale - Concession 154.50 06/23/2015 226-45127-425410 506050628 freight 5.00 06/23/2015 226-45122-433300 506050628 resale - concession food 33.22 06/23/2015 226-45203-425410 506050628 Party Room - ice cream cups 22 ct 17.18 06/23/2015 226-45127-421460 506059003 resale - concession 145.42 06/23/2015 226-45127-425410 506120661 Freight 5.00 06/23/2015 226-45122-433300 506120661 resale - Concession 314.90 06/23/2015 226-45127-421981 1,063.36Check Total: Vendor:3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 3035126 resale - beer 30.80 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 3035729 resale - beer 64.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 94.80Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 102332 resale - juice 49.26 06/23/2015 609-49750-425500 102332 resale - soda pop 50.24 06/23/2015 609-49750-425400 102333 resale - beer 1,224.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 103032 resale - water 12.80 06/23/2015 226-45127-421460 103032 resale - 511.60 06/23/2015 226-45127-425410 99271 resale - juice 69.20 06/23/2015 609-49750-425500 99271 resale - soda pop 129.10 06/23/2015 609-49750-425400 99272 resale - beer 1,924.55 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 99930 resale - concessions- soda pop; water 499.09 06/23/2015 226-45127-425410 4,469.84Check Total: Vendor:2576 BIG LAKE LUMBER Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 20045407 (4) 2x4x8 cons.t cedar; (2) 2x4x10 const. cedar 66.86 06/23/2015 101-45201-422300 20045548 R-4 12x3-1/8 GRK; 9x3 1/8 #5 Torx Scr 258.85 06/23/2015 101-45201-422300 325.71Check Total: Vendor:1075 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: True 26448 Agent Services GO Bonds Series 2007A 450.00 06/23/2015 312-47000-462010 26449 Agent Services GO Bonds Series 2011A 450.00 06/23/2015 312-47000-462010 900.00Check Total: Vendor:2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: True 909447132 (3) PAN- CLT150F-X4-CORR Loom Tubing SL 94.07 06/23/2015 656-49877-421990 909470317 (25) SCAPC SM SIMPLEX; (12) SCUPSCAPC SM SIMPLEX 245.93 06/23/2015 656-49877-421990 909478493 3,000 feet EXTT - Gray Popbox 423.23 06/23/2015 656-49877-421990 763.23Check Total: Vendor:1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 56277 UB Qtr 1 2015 Delinquent (1018) print, fold, envelope (1/2) 113.90 06/23/2015 601-49440-431800 56277 UB Qtr 1 2015 Delinquent (1018) print, fold, envelope (1/2) 113.89 06/23/2015 602-49490-431800 227.79Check Total: Vendor:3632 BRIAN BRAMLEY Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 4263 ERS - (22) SCBA Flow Test; (10) FACE Pc. Flow test; etc 2,410.00 06/23/2015 101-42200-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2,410.00Check Total: Vendor:2047 BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE COMPANY Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 0665FNMT-15164 Voice - Monthly access charge interstate 6/13-7/12/15 486.52 06/23/2015 656-49879-430910 486.52Check Total: Vendor:1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000G 153 ZXCELS - First Lake Substation General Legal Items - April 2015 300.00 06/23/2015 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 153 April 2015 - General 75.00 06/23/2015 101-41910-430400 2348-000G 153 April 2015 - General 1,555.26 06/23/2015 101-41610-430400 2348-000G 154 May 2015 - General 225.00 06/23/2015 101-41910-430400 2348-000G 154 15D003 - Xcel May 2015 345.00 06/23/2015 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 154 ZHOGLD EFINAL - May 2015 75.00 06/23/2015 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 154 May 2015 - General - City Code 255.00 06/23/2015 101-42400-430400 2348-000G 154 May 2015 - General 1,455.00 06/23/2015 101-41610-430400 2348-001G 93 General - Code Enforcement - May 2015 135.00 06/23/2015 101-42400-430400 2348-103G 95 FiberNet/Broadband Project - May 2015 75.00 06/23/2015 656-49870-430400 2348-132G 4 15D003 - Xcel First Lake Substation - May 2015 200.00 06/23/2015 101-00000-220110 4,695.26Check Total: Vendor:4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 432719 resale - beer 230.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 230.00Check Total: Vendor:2213 CBS TV STATIONS Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 05312015 WCCO May 2015 1,335.25 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 1,335.25Check Total: Vendor:1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 5768542-2 5768542-2 134.91 06/23/2015 101-41940-438300 5768542-2 5768542-2 3,119.74 06/23/2015 226-45122-438300 5768542-2 5768542-2 50.59 06/23/2015 101-45175-438300 5768542-2 5768542-2 67.45 06/23/2015 101-42800-438300 5788570-9 5788570-9 24.03 06/23/2015 609-49754-438300 5806932 5806932 16.15 06/23/2015 101-45201-438300 5821009 5821009 251.48 06/23/2015 101-42200-438300 5828859-8 5828859-8 16.00 06/23/2015 101-41940-438300 5843395 5843395 25.82 06/23/2015 101-41941-438300 5863599-6 5863599-6 40.15 06/23/2015 101-42700-438300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5864452-7 5864452-7 160.06 06/23/2015 101-45501-438300 8000014331-5 5799425, 5799427,5820786, 5837384 460.18 06/23/2015 101-43127-438300 8235331-9 8235331-9 41.75 06/23/2015 101-41941-438300 8235333-5 8235333-5 25.82 06/23/2015 217-41990-438300 4,434.13Check Total: Vendor:1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 00869711 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (450 lbs) 116.00 06/23/2015 226-45122-421600 116.00Check Total: Vendor:2476 CSI DIGITAL INC Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 103099 July 2015 - 1 Gbps monthly fiber feed 2,700.00 06/23/2015 656-49879-430930 2,700.00Check Total: Vendor:2935 CUSTOMIZED FIRE RESCUE TRAINING INC Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 639 (4) NFPA 1041; 1001; (6) 1002- Reimb. by MBFTE 5,652.00 06/23/2015 101-42200-433200 5,652.00Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 110047 resale - beer N/A 59.20 06/23/2015 609-49750-425400 110047 resale - beer 26,668.94 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 110101 resale - beer credit -17.70 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 110102 resale - beer 80.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 110259 resale - beer 956.25 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 110453 resale - beer 88.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 110528 resale - beer 309.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 1156590 resale - beer 17,372.42 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 1156590 resale - beer N/A 155.50 06/23/2015 609-49750-425400 45,671.61Check Total: Vendor:1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 215443 Spring Wine Sale - Ad# 385320- 04/30/2015 327.50 06/23/2015 609-49754-434990 217764 Wine Sale - Ad#385328 5/8/15 172.50 06/23/2015 609-49754-434990 222268 Memorial Day - Ad# 393459 - 05/21/15 25.00 06/23/2015 609-49754-434990 227696 SWPPP Mtg Notice - Ad# 405284 110.76 06/23/2015 101-41310-435100 227697 PHN - Street Recon Plan - Ad# 405595 119.99 06/23/2015 101-41310-435100 755.75Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:4146 ELECTRIC PUMPS, INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 55452 (4) Lifting Handles; (4) O-ring; (20) Flygt 3152 prts; (26) O-ri 1,062.18 06/23/2015 602-49490-440440 1,062.18Check Total: Vendor:1166 ESRI Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 92988351 9/1/2015-8/31/2016 ArcGIS for desktop/server workgroup/ArcPad 2,200.00 06/23/2015 101-43111-430910 2,200.00Check Total: Vendor:2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 0137239 34 liter Quad Gas Cylinder 217.67 06/23/2015 601-49440-422701 0142994 12 K562 Top Ext Kit 775.66 06/23/2015 601-49440-422701 SC8882 May service 3.15 06/23/2015 601-49440-422701 996.48Check Total: Vendor:2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO - ACH Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 6/1/2015 City Hall Phone June 2015 894.27 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 6/1/2015 MCC Phone June 2015 610.38 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 6/1/2015 DMV Phone June 2015 273.22 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 6/1/2015 Hi Way Liquor Phone June 2015 278.44 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 6/1/2015 Fire Hall Phone June 2015 276.07 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 6/1/2015 Public Works Phone June 2015 344.96 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 6/1/2015 Parks Phone June 2015 113.39 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 6/1/2015 Prairie Center Phone June 2015 20.55 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 6/1/2015 Sheriff Phone June 2015 68.59 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 6/1/2015 City Hall Internet June 2015 99.95 06/23/2015 702-00000-432300 6/1/2015 MCC Internet June 2015 10.00 06/23/2015 702-00000-432300 6/1/2015 DMV Internet June 2015 41.95 06/23/2015 702-00000-432300 6/1/2015 Hi Way Liquor Internet June 2015 41.95 06/23/2015 702-00000-432300 6/1/2015 Fire Hall Internet June 2015 41.95 06/23/2015 702-00000-432300 6/1/2015 Animal Shelter Internet June 2015 29.95 06/23/2015 702-00000-432300 6/1/2015 Public Works Internet June 2015 69.95 06/23/2015 702-00000-432300 6/1/2015 Sheriff Internet June 2015 41.95 06/23/2015 702-00000-432300 6/1/2015 City Hall Cable June 2015 12.30 06/23/2015 101-41310-431990 6/1/2015 MCC Cable June 2015 315.28 06/23/2015 226-45122-432500 6/1/2015 City Hall Data Hosting June 2015 500.00 06/23/2015 702-00000-431900 6/1/2015 City Hall Service Contract June 2015 250.00 06/23/2015 702-00000-431900 4,335.10Check Total: Vendor:1179 FIRE SAFETY USA INC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 79241 (8) 1.5x50' 8D Fire Hose; (4) 1.5'x25' Fire Hose (split) Streets 795.00 06/23/2015 101-43120-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 79241 (8) 1.5x50' 8D Fire Hose; (4) 1.5'x25' Fire Hose (split) Water 515.00 06/23/2015 601-49440-421990 1,310.00Check Total: Vendor:1188 FORESTEDGE WINERY Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 1353 resale - wine 234.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 234.00Check Total: Vendor:2222 FOX SPORTS NET INC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True I99922 FSN North May 2015 4,902.54 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 4,902.54Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 05312015 KMSP May 2015 1,182.65 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 05312015-2 WFTC May 2015 213.64 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 1,396.29Check Total: Vendor:3748 JEFFREY D GARDNER Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 6/12/2015 Farmers Market Token Collection 6/11/15 26.00 06/23/2015 226-00000-220100 26.00Check Total: Vendor:4145 TIMOTHY GARVEY Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 6/8/2015 Famers Market Music 6/4/15 - 3.5 hrs 125.00 06/23/2015 226-45127-431990 125.00Check Total: Vendor:4045 DAN GLESER Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: True 387062 Mankato Networks- Fiber xconn-SMF xcon May 2015 1,040.00 06/23/2015 656-49870-431990 1,040.00Check Total: Vendor:2305 HOME BOX OFFICE Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: True 05312015 HBO May 2015 272.65 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 05312015 HBO Bulk May 2015 513.05 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 05312015 Max May 2015 67.87 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 5FSG0326 HBO Qrt 2 2015 Guides 30.00 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 883.57Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 06312015 KSTC May 2015 190.75 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 06312015-2 KSTP May 2015 1,526.00 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 1,716.75Check Total: Vendor:3749 DANIEL PAUL HUNZ Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: True 6/12/2015 Farmers Market Token Collection 6/11/15 32.00 06/23/2015 226-00000-220100 32.00Check Total: Vendor:3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 2695 Road Felt 400.00 06/23/2015 651-49010-431150 400.00Check Total: Vendor:1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 2350849 resale - beer 55.50 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 2368283 resale - beer 291.10 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 2368283 freight 3.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 2368303 resale - beer 117.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 2368303 freight 3.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 469.60Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False 5172990 freight 10.32 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 5172990 resale - liquor 792.35 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 5172991 resale - wine 1,177.20 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 5172991 freight 36.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 5172992 freight 21.60 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 5172992 resale - liquor 1,597.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 5172993 freight 61.91 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 5172993 resale - wine 2,150.65 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 5172994 resale - beer 43.98 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 5173998 freight 34.42 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 5173998 resale - liquor 3,628.33 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 5173999 resale - wine 2,024.05 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 5173999 freight 73.45 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 5174000 resale - beer 261.50 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 5175421 resale - liquor 472.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 5175421 freight 5.76 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 5175422 freight 41.76 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 5175422 resale - wine 1,379.05 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 5175422 resale - wine N/A 189.74 06/23/2015 609-49750-425400 5178276 freight 1.44 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5178276 resale - liquor 443.50 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 5179668 freight 46.18 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 5179668 resale - liquor 3,054.96 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 5179669 resale - wine 805.45 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 5179669 resale - mix 28.49 06/23/2015 609-49750-425400 5179669 freight 25.92 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 5179670 resale - beer 21.99 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 5181073 resale - beer 78.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 5181091 resale - liquor 2,741.63 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 5181091 freight 28.56 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 528232 resale - liquor credit -10.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 528233 resale - wine credit -20.68 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 528234 resale - liquor credit -14.75 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 528692 resale - wine credit- wrong customer -579.25 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 528692 freight credit - wrong customer -8.64 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 528892 resale - liquor credit - leaker -4.26 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 528893 resale - wine credit -55.45 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 20,584.16Check Total: Vendor:2251 KARE GANNETT CO INC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 480-1018 Gannett May 2015 1,411.55 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 1,411.55Check Total: Vendor:3852 LASER MEMORIES Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 915 (8) Nametags - Lifeguards 64.00 06/23/2015 226-45122-420990 64.00Check Total: Vendor:2304 LEGACY MECHANICAL SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: True 4779 Foodshelf/Clothing Center - cleaned coils on wall packs 215.00 06/23/2015 217-41990-440100 215.00Check Total: Vendor:1300 DOUGLAS WILLIAM LYSENG Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: True 1310 Hi Way Liq POS, keyboard, wireless network, cable, monitor 1,847.45 06/23/2015 609-49754-424100 1,847.45Check Total: Vendor:1303 M AMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: True 196817 resale - cigarettes 646.42 06/23/2015 609-49750-425500 196817 resale - misc. 259.99 06/23/2015 609-49750-425400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 906.41Check Total: Vendor:2819 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 6/1/2015 Labor Relations Services thru 5/31/15 175.50 06/23/2015 101-41800-430400 175.50Check Total: Vendor:1229 MAJIRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 1197 Walk & Roll Pathports; creative service 529.50 06/23/2015 101-45130-444140 529.50Check Total: Vendor:1314 MCDOWALL COMPANY Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False 224062 Maintenance Agreement Contract No: C0519 318.00 06/23/2015 101-45501-431900 224063 Maintenance Agreement Contract No: C0517 406.00 06/23/2015 656-49877-431900 224064 Maintenance Agreement Contract No: C0518 160.00 06/23/2015 101-41941-431900 224101 Contract Billing HVAC Preventative Mnt.- No: C0520 448.00 06/23/2015 226-45122-431900 1,332.00Check Total: Vendor:2215 METRO GOLDWYN MAYER INC Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: True 05312015 MGM HD May 2015 98.22 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 98.22Check Total: Vendor:1327 MIDSTATES EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 215476 6,648 Maxwell Nuvo 3405 (3pallets) 4,354.44 06/23/2015 101-43120-422400 4,354.44Check Total: Vendor:1337 CORINNE MITCHELL Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: True 6/17/2015 Rescue tubes & breathing masks ( 4 ea) 151.50 06/23/2015 226-45127-421750 151.50Check Total: Vendor:2217 MLB NETWORK LLC AFFILIATE SALE Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 05312015 MLB Network May 2015 276.36 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 276.36Check Total: Vendor:1345 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 6/11/2015 Register Food Service License - LH 35.00 06/23/2015 226-45203-443700 35.00Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1351 MN FIRE SERVICE CERT BOARD Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 3482 (2) Instructor I Cert. Exam: Ingle; Mack 200.00 06/23/2015 101-42200-433200 200.00Check Total: Vendor:1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: True June 2015 Monthly Allocation - June 4,583.33 06/23/2015 101-45175-444310 4,583.33Check Total: Vendor:1379 MONTICELLO UMPIRES ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: True 2015-3 Umpires Monday night Mens League 6/29/15-7/13/15 (24 games) 672.00 06/23/2015 226-45127-430160 672.00Check Total: Vendor:1390 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 1017002 (5) Service Kit 245.34 06/23/2015 101-45201-422510 245.34Check Total: Vendor:2218 MUSIC CHOICE Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: True 05312015 Music Choice May 2015 $349.59 349.59 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 349.59Check Total: Vendor:2072 NATIONAL TELCO TELEVISION CONSORTIUM Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: True 3285 NTTC- May 2015 33,244.74 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 33,244.74Check Total: Vendor:1098 NATIONWIDE CLEC LLC Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: True 1590 CCG Consult.- revw CABs rates/At&T Dspute;Tariff research Telesp 455.00 06/23/2015 656-49877-431990 455.00Check Total: Vendor:3138 NBC UNIVERSAL Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: True 879114 Bravo 2015 296.10 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879116 chiller May 2015 25.56 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879117 cloo 2015 25.56 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879118 CNBC 2015 526.40 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879120 CNBC World 2015 25.00 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879121 E! May 2015 289.52 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879123 Esquire May 2015 203.98 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879127 msnbc 2015 421.12 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879128 Mun2 2015 32.66 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 879129 CNBC Olympics 2015 144.76 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879130 Oxygen 2015 276.36 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879132 Sprout May 2015 25.00 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879133 Syfy 2015 342.16 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879134 Golf May 2015 342.16 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879135 Telemundo 2015 49.70 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879136 Universal HD 2015 179.92 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879138 usa May 2015 1,052.80 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 879139 NBCSN May 2015 263.20 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 4,521.96Check Total: Vendor:2518 NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 6/1/2015 Postage for packages to Dept of Public Safety May 2015 (11) 70.13 06/23/2015 217-41990-432200 6/1/2015 Mailing to Northwest Assoc 5/6/15 5.05 06/23/2015 101-41910-432200 6/1/2015 Postage - May 2015 20.51 06/23/2015 101-41940-443990 95.69Check Total: Vendor:2082 NEUSTAR INC Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: True M10780472 Acct # 19894 - 5/1-31/2015 Local # Portability 255.00 06/23/2015 656-49870-431990 255.00Check Total: Vendor:1913 NEW FRANCE WINE Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 100265 resale - wine 1,340.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 100265 freight 27.50 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 1,367.50Check Total: Vendor:2216 NHL NETWORK Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 05312015 NHL SD May 2015 227.67 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 227.67Check Total: Vendor:1687 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 4093 EDA - Special tax levy authority 330.00 06/23/2015 213-46301-431990 330.00Check Total: Vendor:1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: True 21833 XSOLAR MORTRM - May 2015 Technical Assistance 381.35 06/23/2015 101-41910-431990 21833 May 2015 Technical Assistance 1,358.35 06/23/2015 101-41910-431990 21834 ZUNION - May 2015 - PUD Amendment 1,587.00 06/23/2015 101-00000-220110 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 21834 May 2015 - Monarch Multi Housing 428.90 06/23/2015 101-41910-431990 3,755.60Check Total: Vendor:3018 WAYNE OBERG Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: True 6/4/2015 GFOA conference - Philadelphia PA June 2015 expenses 103.19 06/23/2015 101-41520-433100 103.19Check Total: Vendor:3738 DANIEL D OLSEN Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: True M15-05 May 2015 (26) offsite hours 1,690.00 06/23/2015 656-49870-430700 1,690.00Check Total: Vendor:1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 11472 (3) AC fines mix 189.57 06/23/2015 101-43120-422400 189.57Check Total: Vendor:2131 ONVOY LLC Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: True 150602008669 Acct # 001556143335 - Voice - A links May 2015 1,297.10 06/23/2015 656-49879-430910 150602009110 Voice-Operator Service - Wholesale 800 Switched May 2015 835.25 06/23/2015 656-49879-430910 2,132.35Check Total: Vendor:1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 8501648 resale - wine 979.48 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 8501648 freight 15.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 994.48Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 214101 resale - wine credit -14.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 214593 resale - wine credit -133.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 214593 freight credit -1.44 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 214594 resale - liquor credit -478.54 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 214594 freight credit -5.76 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 214595 resale - liquor credit -15.55 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 2795397 resale - liquor 444.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 2795397 freight 11.52 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 2795398 freight 11.52 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 2795398 resale - liquor 45.50 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 2795398 resale - wine 306.80 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 2795986 resale - wine 1,000.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2795986 freight 38.88 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 2796938 freight 12.96 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 2796938 resale - liquor 1,126.74 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 2796939 resale - wine 1,634.34 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 2796939 freight 36.83 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 2798829 resale - liquor 870.13 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 2798829 freight 10.08 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 2799655 resale -liquor 5,283.39 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 2799655 freight 59.04 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 2800555 freight 14.40 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 2800555 resale - liquor 837.30 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 11,095.14Check Total: Vendor:4060 POP MEDIA NETWORKS, LLC POP MEDIA GROUP, LLC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: True 154232 Pop May 2015 466.35 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 466.35Check Total: Vendor:4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 881099 Nacho cheese sauce 43.52 06/23/2015 226-45127-425410 883650 Freight 7.99 06/23/2015 226-45122-433300 883650 Resale - chips, snacks, pretzels, muffins, hot dogs, cookies, 489.11 06/23/2015 226-45127-425410 540.62Check Total: Vendor:2602 RFD TV Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 2163-1282 RFD-TV May 2015 22.72 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 22.72Check Total: Vendor:4144 ROSENBAUER MINNESOTA, LLC Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True 16731 FireDN- Tender 3 - traffic flow board 9,991.80 06/23/2015 101-42200-424100 16731-01 Labor- Tender 3 - Repair compartment doors 255.00 06/23/2015 101-42200-440500 10,246.80Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: True 06052015 Mileage Reimbursement May 2015 (340 miles) 195.50 06/23/2015 101-42700-433100 6/17/2015 Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,593.75 06/23/2015 101-42700-431200 1,789.25Check Total: Vendor:2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference W4816058 5/23 Plude R2230 140.00 06/23/2015 226-45122-431992 W4821408 5/30 Caponch R2225 147.00 06/23/2015 226-45122-431992 287.00Check Total: Vendor:2301 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 05312015 Showtime May 2015 158.40 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 158.40Check Total: Vendor:2212 SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 05312015 WUCW-TV May 2015 419.65 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 419.65Check Total: Vendor:3688 SOURCEONE SOLUTIONS LLC Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: True 4981 June 2015 billilng - (21) inserts; auto pay 2,030.32 06/23/2015 656-49870-431990 4981 Postage - June 2015 billilng 555.30 06/23/2015 656-49870-432200 4981 June 2015 billilng - (100) print fold 14.96 06/23/2015 656-49870-431990 2,600.58Check Total: Vendor:3309 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MINNESOTA Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 1291981 freight 30.38 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 1291981 resale - liquor 2,851.66 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 1291982 freight 5.40 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 1291982 resale - wine 472.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 1291983 resale - wine 1,234.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 1291983 freight 27.68 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 4,621.12Check Total: Vendor:2564 SPORTS PRO LLC Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: True 369 Labor - Cross over weight machine & treadmill WO#4736 180.00 06/23/2015 226-45122-440800 369 Parts for Cross over weight machine & treadmill WO#4736 816.40 06/23/2015 226-45122-440800 996.40Check Total: Vendor:1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: True 665-837-0005 Voice - non published number charges 108.00 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 665-838-0000 Voice - non published number charges 206.40 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 763-271-3230 TDS 101.02 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 763-271-3257 TDS 90.62 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 763-295-2005 TDS 17.98 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 763-295-3714 TDS 330.03 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 763-295-4054 TDS 46.64 06/23/2015 702-00000-432100 900.69Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: True 756433 resale - beer 12,423.65 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 893832-01 resale - beer - overpayment on invoice 893832 on 6/9/15 -0.33 06/23/2015 609-49750-425200 897709 resale - n/a beer 37.10 06/23/2015 609-49750-425400 12,460.42Check Total: Vendor:2252 TOWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False 438335 WGN America May 2015 195.85 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 195.85Check Total: Vendor:3594 TRIMARK Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 2430310 freight 2.31 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 2430310 lemon cleaner 33.55 06/23/2015 609-49754-421100 2430311 forks; canliners 76.13 06/23/2015 609-49754-421990 2430311 freight - forks; canliners 5.23 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 117.22Check Total: Vendor:1544 US POSTAL SERVICE Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: False 6/5/2015 PI 42 - UB Qtr 1 Deliquent UB Billing (1,018) pcs (1/2) 239.74 06/23/2015 601-49440-432200 6/5/2015 PI 42 - UB Qtr 1 Deliquent UB Billing (1,018) pcs (1/2) 239.74 06/23/2015 602-49490-432200 479.48Check Total: Vendor:2534 VAULTAS ALEXANDRIA LLC Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: True 2284 July 2015 Gigabite Transport/Cross connect to XO 4,400.00 06/23/2015 656-49879-430930 4,400.00Check Total: Vendor:1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV LLC VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATIONS INC Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 00048728 12C003 - Progress Inv# 28 WWTP 451.31 06/23/2015 602-00000-165010 00048765 2014 Reconciliation - Repair & Maint 13,723.83 06/23/2015 602-49480-430800 00048765 2014 Reconciliation - Electricity 23,821.74 06/23/2015 602-49480-430800 00048765 2014 Reconciliation - Polymer 53,027.70 06/23/2015 602-49480-430800 00048765 2014 Reconciliation - Natural Gas 24,784.61 06/23/2015 602-49480-430800 00048765 2014 Reconciliation - Hauling/Landfill 66,186.65 06/23/2015 602-49480-430800 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 181,995.84Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: True 1575718 resale - soda pop 364.25 06/23/2015 609-49750-425400 364.25Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: True 0125806 freight 20.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 0125806 resale - liquor 870.25 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 0125806 resale - wine 400.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 1,290.25Check Total: Vendor:1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: False 7203 Labor- Pump 3 evaluate motor 65.00 06/23/2015 601-49440-431990 7204 Labor- Eval. Generator- Fire 65.00 06/23/2015 101-42200-431990 130.00Check Total: Vendor:1568 WEST SHERBURNE TRIBUNE Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: False 072249 Spring Wine Sale- 5/9/15 176.00 06/23/2015 609-49754-434990 176.00Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: False 7033124 freight 8.05 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 7033124 resale - wine 517.72 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 7033628 freight 4.32 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 7033628 resale - wine 312.00 06/23/2015 609-49750-425300 842.09Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: False 1080332128 resale - liquor 5,114.32 06/23/2015 609-49750-425100 1080332128 freight 57.90 06/23/2015 609-49750-433300 5,172.22Check Total: Vendor:2219 WORLD FISHING NETWORK LTD Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: True 588-1013 World Fishing Network - May 2015 26.27 06/23/2015 656-49879-430920 26.27Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: False 055-15 2015 Assessment Contract 50,465.50 06/23/2015 101-41550-431250 C15 Certificate as to Taxes and Taxes Payable 150.00 06/23/2015 101-41520-431990 50,615.50Check Total: Vendor:1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: True Court Fines & Fess for May 2015 3,311.27 06/23/2015 101-42100-430410 June 2015 June 2015 - Deputies Contract 94,170.00 06/23/2015 101-42100-430500 97,481.27Check Total: Vendor:1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: False 201500000037 Assessment Agreement - Lietzau-Chessen 46.00 06/23/2015 101-41910-431990 201500000037 ZSPCUP - A1288794 46.00 06/23/2015 101-00000-220110 92.00Check Total: Vendor:1583 WRIGHT HENNEPIN COOP ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: True 10710177100 Sunset Ponds/94th Lift Station - 684 kWh useage 5/1-6/1/2015 97.19 06/23/2015 602-49490-438100 10710177100 1645 & 1675 CR 39 - 4/12-5/11/2015 28.64 06/23/2015 602-49490-438100 10710177100 119 E 3rd St - DMV - August 2015 19.95 06/23/2015 217-41990-431900 10710177100 2171 W River St- Parks- August 2015 36.45 06/23/2015 101-45201-431900 10710177100 303 W 6th St.- Fire- August 2015 27.95 06/23/2015 101-42200-431900 10710177100 5980 Jason Ave NE- Water- August 2015 19.95 06/23/2015 601-49440-431900 10710177100 505 Walnut St. - MCC- August 2015 27.95 06/23/2015 226-45122-431900 10710177100 207 Chelsea Rd - Water- August 2015 32.95 06/23/2015 601-49440-431900 10710177100 209 Cedar St. - Water- August 2015 29.95 06/23/2015 601-49440-431900 10710177100 132 E Broadway St.. - Water- August 2015 19.95 06/23/2015 601-49440-431900 10710177100 107 River St W- Parks - August 2015 19.95 06/23/2015 101-45201-431900 10710177100 utx - 454 Hwy 25 N. - Liquor- August 2015 19.95 06/23/2015 609-49754-431900 10710177100 505 Walnut St.- MCC- July 2015 19.95 06/23/2015 226-45122-431900 10710177100 200 Dundas Rd .- Water -July 2015 29.95 06/23/2015 601-49440-431900 10710177100 General Street Lighting- May 2015 1,315.65 06/23/2015 101-43160-438100 15016895866 W 7th St & Adjecent pathway- Labor- knocked down pole on 1/6/15 539.00 06/23/2015 101-43160-431990 15016895866 W 7th St & Adjecent pathway- Pole/Freight 1,672.59 06/23/2015 101-43160-431990 15016895866 School Blvd Fixture - LED 1,988.94 06/23/2015 101-43160-431990 15016895866 Street Light Maintenance Feb-May 2015 479.00 06/23/2015 101-43160-431990 15016895866 14C001-Final: W 7th St & adjacent pathway 10,579.87 06/23/2015 245-43162-458010 15016895866 Street Light Maintc. 239.50 06/23/2015 101-43160-431900 17,245.28Check Total: Vendor:1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 17 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 01160-381 52 Std Specificaions & Design Guidelines - April 2015 542.00 06/23/2015 101-43111-430300 01160-611 74 Traffic Engineering Services - April 2015 612.00 06/23/2015 101-43111-430300 01494-470 27 Second River Crossing Study - April 2015 654.00 06/23/2015 101-43111-430300 01494-700 23 General WWTP - April 2015 5,986.50 06/23/2015 602-49480-430300 01494-710 9 12C006 - Oakwood Sidewalk Extension- April 2015 214.50 06/23/2015 400-43300-459010 01494-720 22 Economic Development & Marketing Match - April 2015 4,000.00 06/23/2015 213-46301-431990 01494-800 16 10C009 - CSAH 75/TH 25 Intersection Improvements - April 2015 12,260.75 06/23/2015 400-43300-459010 01494-850 6 Swan River School Expansion - April 2015 357.50 06/23/2015 101-41310-431990 01494-940 6 BLK034 - Environmental Docs - April 2015 3,091.50 06/23/2015 213-46301-431990 01494-950 8 14C002 - Phosphorus Reduction & Digester Improvements April 2015 62.25 06/23/2015 602-00000-165010 01494-950 8 14C002 - Phosphorus Final Design - April 2015 21,017.25 06/23/2015 602-00000-165010 01494-950 8 14C002 - Phosphorus Bidding - April 2015 612.00 06/23/2015 602-00000-165010 01494-950 8 14C002 - Digester Final Design - April 2015 14,135.75 06/23/2015 602-00000-165010 01494-950 8 14C002 - Digester Bidding - April 2015 612.00 06/23/2015 602-00000-165010 01494-960 7 14C003 - School Blvd Overlay & Trail Improvements - April 2015 14,978.00 06/23/2015 400-43300-453010 01494-970 6 14C003 - Fallon Ave & 85th St Improvements - April 2015 12,495.75 06/23/2015 400-43300-453010 01494-980 6 ZSPCUP - Sunset Ponds 3rd Addition - April 2015 214.50 06/23/2015 101-00000-220110 02596-010 4 General Engineering Services Phase 1- April 2015 2,500.00 06/23/2015 101-43111-430300 02596-010 4 General Engineering Services Phase 1- April 2015 2,500.00 06/23/2015 601-49440-430300 02596-010 4 General Engineering Services Phase 1- April 2015 2,500.00 06/23/2015 602-49490-430300 02596-010 4 General Engineering Services Phase 2 - April 2015 58.50 06/23/2015 101-43111-430300 02596-010 4 XSOLAR - General Engineering Services Phase 2 - April 2015 3,519.00 06/23/2015 101-41910-431990 02596-030 2015 Maps - April 2015 1,056.50 06/23/2015 101-43111-430300 02596-040 4 2015 GIS Support Services - April 2015 575.00 06/23/2015 702-00000-431990 02596-050 3 ZMATRS - Mattress Firm Plan Review - April 2015 143.00 06/23/2015 101-00000-220110 02596-080 3 ZXCELS - Xcel Substation - April 2015 214.50 06/23/2015 101-00000-220110 02596-090 4 Interchange Planning Study - April 2015 1,224.00 06/23/2015 101-43111-430300 106,136.75Check Total: Vendor:1907 XO COMMUNICATIONS LLC Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: True 0275268124 data & internet access - 6/1-30/2015 1,918.42 06/23/2015 656-49879-430930 0275293164 data & internet access - 6/1-30/2015 5,230.12 06/23/2015 656-49879-430930 7,148.54Check Total: Vendor:2076 ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: True 003293 6/15 June1-30, 2015 Private Line; cost recovery surcharge 2,478.33 06/23/2015 656-49879-430910 2,478.33Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 18 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 712,522.03 104 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/17/2015 - 1:37 PM)Page 19 The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 6/22/15 Approved by:_______________________________________ Mayor Brian Stumpf User: Printed:06/11/2015 - 10:38AM Debbie.Davidson Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00201.06.2015 - 201.06.2015 US Bank Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 6/1/2015 June 2015 1,616.44 06/15/2015 101-00000-217066 1,616.44Check Total: Vendor:2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 6/6/2015 CenterPoint - 8235333-5 99.76 06/15/2015 101-41941-438300 6/6/2015 Chatters - ZZZNEP - lunch DW 17.23 06/15/2015 101-42500-433100 6/6/2015 Gradys - pool supplies 43.99 06/15/2015 226-45122-421610 6/6/2015 Holiday - unleaded fuel 7.831 gals @ $2.499 19.57 06/15/2015 217-41990-421200 6/6/2015 Int'l Code Council - code books (4) 422.00 06/15/2015 101-42400-443500 6/6/2015 Monster - job posting FNM 295.00 06/15/2015 656-49870-443990 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - bearings for big vacuum 20.15 06/15/2015 226-45122-422100 6/6/2015 NBP - pens, creamer, adhesive portfolios 56.29 06/15/2015 101-41940-420990 6/6/2015 Nicros - new top climbing ropes 544.39 06/15/2015 226-45127-421710 6/6/2015 Verizon - Mar 21 - April 20 26.04 06/15/2015 101-43120-432100 6/6/2015 Verizon - FIREDN - Mar 221 - April 20 70.02 06/15/2015 101-42200-432100 6/6/2015 USPS - Priority Mail - 11.6 oz 5.75 06/15/2015 101-41800-432200 6/6/2015 USPS - mailings 5.29 06/15/2015 101-41940-432200 6/6/2015 Dakotah Paper - cleaning supplies 399.35 06/15/2015 226-45122-421100 6/6/2015 Dakotah Paper - locker room supplies 399.81 06/15/2015 226-45122-421990 6/6/2015 Home Depot -(8) 96mm Martini pull; 11 gal Sterilite- parks shop 43.18 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Home Depot -(8) 96mm Martini pull; 11 gal Sterilite- return -43.18 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Home Depot -(8) 96mm Martini pull; 11 gal Sterilite- Park shop 42.38 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Runnings- (5) Perennials 42.70 06/15/2015 101-45201-422500 6/6/2015 Runnings- (5) Perennials- return (tx. charged)-42.70 06/15/2015 101-45201-422500 6/6/2015 Runnings- (5) Perennials 39.95 06/15/2015 101-45201-422500 6/6/2015 Gradys - Hanger pipe 1.99 06/15/2015 602-49490-421990 6/6/2015 Cub Foods- resale -Lemons/Limes 60.00 06/15/2015 609-49750-425500 6/6/2015 Cub Foods- resale -Lemons/Limes 4.78 06/15/2015 609-49750-425500 6/6/2015 Gradys - drill bit 4.99 06/15/2015 101-45201-422990 6/6/2015 USPS - mailings 7.46 06/15/2015 101-43110-432200 6/6/2015 Office Max - King Size Marker 8.95 06/15/2015 101-42200-420990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/11/2015 - 10:38 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/2015 Cub Foods- (4) Perennials- Parkside Park landscaping 13.32 06/15/2015 101-45201-422500 6/6/2015 Paypal- Ebay-(2) safety glasses to fit over perscp. glasses 15.90 06/15/2015 101-45201-420650 6/6/2015 Cub Foods- resale -Lemons/Limes 18.41 06/15/2015 609-49750-425500 6/6/2015 Fastenal- Ellison Park Restroom Remodel- parts 20.66 06/15/2015 101-45201-422990 6/6/2015 Red's - fuel for (2) gas cans 22.00 06/15/2015 101-42200-421200 6/6/2015 Monti Chamber - (2) Chamber Lunch- 12/16/14; 1/22/15 24.00 06/15/2015 656-49870-443990 6/6/2015 Home Depot -Fiber Tower- 2 pk alum dual mech lug 2.27 06/15/2015 101-43000-443990 6/6/2015 Marties - Eraser; MDA; Acrra 45.64 06/15/2015 101-43120-422500 6/6/2015 Monti Napa- #113 - Helicoil 45.69 06/15/2015 101-43120-422110 6/6/2015 Fastenal- (20) HCS 1/2-13x3 1/2 YZ8; (25) Sae Thru-hard; etc 46.69 06/15/2015 101-45201-422300 6/6/2015 Home Depot -Fbr Twr- (50) bare copper 1"; (3) bolt connect; etc 49.29 06/15/2015 101-43000-443990 6/6/2015 Gradys -(6) keyblank master 250pk; (4) Padlock 67.90 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Titan Machine- #103 - Headlight 110.00 06/15/2015 101-43120-422100 6/6/2015 Marties - Treflon for weed control center median on Broadway 115.50 06/15/2015 101-43120-422500 6/6/2015 Red's - #112- battery 120.00 06/15/2015 101-42200-421200 6/6/2015 Runnings-2 pc Rainsuit3xl; 2 pc Rainsuit xlg 124.95 06/15/2015 101-45201-420650 6/6/2015 Monti Napa- (2) coupler; whip hose; blade; adaptr, misc shop sup 127.40 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 G & K- inv. #'s 1043156377 & 1043178030 floor mats 163.45 06/15/2015 609-49754-431990 6/6/2015 Safety Kleen-(8) Petroleum Naphtha 193.77 06/15/2015 101-43127-431990 6/6/2015 Dyna - (12) elec. tape; (3) cryobit w/ flats; (50) Fem Blue Nylo 218.51 06/15/2015 101-43127-421990 6/6/2015 Ausco Design- Inv.2051 - (20) Safety Ylw T-shirts 220.00 06/15/2015 101-45201-420650 6/6/2015 Office Max- Heat Seal - 1/2 water 69.98 06/15/2015 601-49440-421990 6/6/2015 Office Max- heat seal 1/2 Sewer 69.97 06/15/2015 602-49490-421990 6/6/2015 Office Max- (10) 12v battery; 40pk book rings; frame 80.35 06/15/2015 101-43110-420990 6/6/2015 Home Depot -(8) 12-PC Bundle Grade Stakes 26.96 06/15/2015 101-43120-422500 6/6/2015 Fastenal-(100) 12x3 1/8 GRK R4 MltPr 40.30 06/15/2015 101-45201-422300 6/6/2015 Arctic Glacier - Resale - inv #421511311;# 421512006 269.10 06/15/2015 609-49750-425500 6/6/2015 Zep - (6) black bags; 1 case Inspect Repellent Wipes 50pk 356.88 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Active911 - (34) 12 month renewal - fire responders app 399.50 06/15/2015 101-42200-421990 6/6/2015 Runnings-Sp. Ord. Prod:Trimmer; chsl. tooth blade;(6) 5.2 oz oil 586.45 06/15/2015 101-43120-421990 6/6/2015 WHCE- 3/16-4/15/2015 (30) lights 4018 School Blvd 415.50 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 WHCE- 3/16-4/15/2015 (14) lights 4489 School Blvd 193.90 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 WHCE- 3/16-4/15/2015 - Chelsea Road East 180.00 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 WHCE- 3/16-4/15/2015 - (9) lights 7th St & Highland Way 90.00 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 WHCE- 3/16-4/15/2015 - Cedar St Dundas to Chelsea 124.65 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 WHCE- 3/16-4/15/2015 - School Blvd Fenning Ave/18 to Edmnson Ave 372.00 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 WHCE- April 2015 HADCO lights @ E 7th St 357.75 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 Verizon - April 04 - May 03 86.94 06/15/2015 602-49490-432100 6/6/2015 Walmart - concession items: zone bars, hot dog buns, bananas, 25.46 06/15/2015 226-45127-425410 6/6/2015 Walmart - cupcakes 18.00 06/15/2015 226-45127-421460 6/6/2015 Walmart - life jackets (7) 100.52 06/15/2015 226-45127-421750 6/6/2015 Walmart - socks 6.24 06/15/2015 226-45127-425490 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - brake pad for MCC van 39.99 06/15/2015 226-45122-422990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/11/2015 - 10:38 AM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/2015 USPS - priority mail (1 pkg) 3 lbs 11.2 oz 7.55 06/15/2015 217-41990-432200 6/6/2015 Mailfinance - qtrly lease payment 3/4/15-6/3/15 564.33 06/15/2015 101-41940-441500 6/6/2015 Monticello Printing - P30 self inking stamp 31.00 06/15/2015 101-41940-420990 6/6/2015 Verizon - April 04 - May 03 101.06 06/15/2015 101-42400-432100 6/6/2015 Verizon - April 04 - May 03 50.53 06/15/2015 101-43115-432100 6/6/2015 Verizon - April 04 - May 03 94.68 06/15/2015 226-45122-432100 6/6/2015 Verizon - April 04 - May 03 104.68 06/15/2015 101-43120-432100 6/6/2015 Verizon - April 04 - May 03 86.95 06/15/2015 601-49440-432100 6/6/2015 Monticello Vacuum - bags for vacuum 19.95 06/15/2015 101-45501-421100 6/6/2015 NBP - shipping labels (1 roll) 29.28 06/15/2015 101-41940-420990 6/6/2015 NBP - paper, file folders, 150.71 06/15/2015 101-41940-420990 6/6/2015 NBP - ink stamp refill, copy paper 38.14 06/15/2015 217-41990-420990 6/6/2015 G & K - Mat service DMV 66.00 06/15/2015 217-41990-421990 6/6/2015 Affordable LED - open/close LED sign 145.00 06/15/2015 217-41990-421990 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - return(6) oil for lift station; Napa Oil (017,516)-39.50 06/15/2015 602-49490-421300 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - (6) oil for lift station 55.20 06/15/2015 602-49490-421300 6/6/2015 Gradys - (4) flat washers 1.07 06/15/2015 602-49490-421990 6/6/2015 Fastenal- (2) H4-12 Blk/Smk Sfty Gl 4.64 06/15/2015 101-45201-420650 6/6/2015 Grady's - (3) Keyblank 5.97 06/15/2015 101-45201-422100 6/6/2015 Grady's -back rack screws/washers 8.04 06/15/2015 101-45201-422100 6/6/2015 Grady's -(2) key ring c-clip 11.58 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Monti Chamber - Chamber Lunch - 5/19/2015 12.00 06/15/2015 656-49870-443990 6/6/2015 Grady's -Misc. Keyblank (7) 16.33 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Monti RV - 20 lbs Propane LP 20.00 06/15/2015 101-43120-421990 6/6/2015 Runnings- East Bridge Garden Club- (2) Peat Moss 25.63 06/15/2015 101-45201-440900 6/6/2015 Home Depot -Router bit 3/8" Round Over Bit- 1/4" shank 29.97 06/15/2015 101-45201-421990 6/6/2015 Kwik Trip - 12.862 gallons diesel @ $2.559 32.91 06/15/2015 656-49877-421200 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - (12) Lift Station Oil- Napa (516,017) 35.88 06/15/2015 602-49490-421300 6/6/2015 Home Depot -Perm Drops- (10) 1 Schedule 40x10'; (3) topsoil; etc 48.62 06/15/2015 656-49877-421990 6/6/2015 Home Depot -Edge Knife; (5) 5 gal Water 60.99 06/15/2015 656-49870-421990 6/6/2015 Super America- 27.908 gallons Unleaded @ $2.569 71.70 06/15/2015 656-49877-421200 6/6/2015 Kwik Trip - 29.195 gallons Diesel @ $2.499 72.96 06/15/2015 656-49877-421200 6/6/2015 M & M Express - #220; #228 - blades (7) 112.82 06/15/2015 101-45201-422100 6/6/2015 Zee Medical - stock First Aid Cabinet 132.96 06/15/2015 656-49870-420650 6/6/2015 Amazon - (30) 12v SLA Battery- for installs 569.70 06/15/2015 656-49877-421990 6/6/2015 Amazon - HDMI Strm. Media Player; Apple TV; Fire TV; Sp Nzl 150.81 06/15/2015 656-49877-421990 6/6/2015 Amazon - Roku 3; Samsung 32" Smart TV 405.00 06/15/2015 656-49877-421990 6/6/2015 Amazon - Rolling TV Cart 179.99 06/15/2015 656-49870-421990 6/6/2015 Moon Motors - #251 - Upper Hose; Lower Hose; Hose B 95.98 06/15/2015 101-45201-422100 6/6/2015 Monti Napa- #105- 4x2 on c plug; (6) screw 7.25 06/15/2015 101-43127-421990 6/6/2015 USPS - water samples Flouride /Nitrates 9.74 06/15/2015 601-49440-432200 6/6/2015 Fastenal- (10) SAE Thru-Hard 5/8YZ;(5) 5/8"-11 FHNyz8; (5) HCS 9.83 06/15/2015 101-43127-421990 6/6/2015 Runnings- Fuel Pump hose 39.99 06/15/2015 101-43127-422100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/11/2015 - 10:38 AM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/2015 G & K- inv. #'s 1043188828 Mat Service 138.66 06/15/2015 609-49754-431990 6/6/2015 Arctic Glacier - Resale - inv 421512709 & #421513413 678.78 06/15/2015 609-49750-425500 6/6/2015 Precision Frame & Align-#113 - (4) Side ball joints; axle, hub; 1,260.44 06/15/2015 101-43120-422110 6/6/2015 Spirit Comm - billing inv. # 43695 - FNM 1,974.96 06/15/2015 656-49870-431970 6/6/2015 All Elements - Roof repairs 250.00 06/15/2015 101-45501-440100 6/6/2015 Spectrum Supply - cleaning supplies 66.80 06/15/2015 226-45122-421100 6/6/2015 Spectrum Supply - locker room supplies 51.48 06/15/2015 226-45122-421990 6/6/2015 NBP - paper bowls 57.51 06/15/2015 101-41940-420990 6/6/2015 Holiday - unleaded fuel 11.216 gals @ $2.659 29.82 06/15/2015 217-41990-421200 6/6/2015 Gradys - replacement keys for nat'l guard kitchen freezer 5.97 06/15/2015 226-45122-420990 6/6/2015 NBP - pens, calculator ribbons, staples, paper, post its, 46.50 06/15/2015 217-41990-420990 6/6/2015 Target - safety bingo prize ; gift card 25.00 06/15/2015 101-41800-421990 6/6/2015 Office Max - markers, glue sticks, wall putty, poster laminate, 34.88 06/15/2015 226-45122-420990 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - belt dressing 4.99 06/15/2015 226-45122-422990 6/6/2015 Wall Street Journal - monthly subscription 28.99 06/15/2015 101-41520-443300 6/6/2015 Holiday - unleaded fuel - 6.809 gals @ $2.699 18.38 06/15/2015 217-41990-421200 6/6/2015 Verizon - 4/11/15 - 5/10/15 25.02 06/15/2015 101-43115-432100 6/6/2015 Verizon - 4/11/15 - 5/10/15 8.34 06/15/2015 601-49440-432100 6/6/2015 Verizon - 4/11/15 - 5/10/15 8.34 06/15/2015 602-49490-432100 6/6/2015 Verizon - 4/11/15 - 5/10/15 8.34 06/15/2015 656-49870-432100 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 32,351.86 06/15/2015 101-43230-431000 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 10,746.84 06/15/2015 101-43230-431010 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 102.81 06/15/2015 656-49870-431000 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 34.34 06/15/2015 656-49870-431010 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 61.54 06/15/2015 101-43127-431000 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 117.94 06/15/2015 101-45201-431000 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 23.87 06/15/2015 101-45201-431000 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 23.87 06/15/2015 602-49480-431000 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 89.52 06/15/2015 602-49480-431000 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 208.87 06/15/2015 226-45122-431000 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 11.93 06/15/2015 101-45501-431990 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 23.87 06/15/2015 609-49754-431000 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 7.03 06/15/2015 213-46522-431000 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - April 2015 94.06 06/15/2015 101-45201-431000 6/6/2015 Fastenal- (14) blue marking paint 34.58 06/15/2015 601-49440-421990 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - (12) Napa - Generators 35.88 06/15/2015 602-49490-421300 6/6/2015 Martie's- Pitch 36.99 06/15/2015 101-45201-422500 6/6/2015 Monti Napa -tire plugs 44.57 06/15/2015 101-43127-421990 6/6/2015 Martie's - (9) accents - 4 1/2 47.61 06/15/2015 101-45201-440900 6/6/2015 DISH - 6/2-7/1/2015 56.64 06/15/2015 609-49754-432500 6/6/2015 Runnings- Conduit Thin Wall 3/4" 3.79 06/15/2015 101-43120-422600 6/6/2015 Gradys - Coupl PVC Snao Fix 3/4" 3.99 06/15/2015 602-49490-422700 6/6/2015 Auto Value -#137 - (1) Industrial/Agriculture 7.99 06/15/2015 101-43120-422100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/11/2015 - 10:38 AM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/2015 Gradys - Tip Soldering Copper 8.49 06/15/2015 101-43120-421990 6/6/2015 Monti Napa -#251- (2) Napagold filter 1365 8.86 06/15/2015 101-43127-422120 6/6/2015 Runnings-7 Way RV to 6 Way Rnd s/Brk Adapter 13.88 06/15/2015 656-49870-421990 6/6/2015 Runnings- Ear Muff Deluxe 14.39 06/15/2015 101-45201-420650 6/6/2015 Monti Napa- Oil filter; fuel filter - Generator 19.08 06/15/2015 602-49490-422100 6/6/2015 Cub Foods- resale -Lemons/Limes 6.84 06/15/2015 609-49750-425500 6/6/2015 Cub Foods- resale -Pine-sol; toilet cleaner; gloves 12.37 06/15/2015 609-49754-421100 6/6/2015 Runnings- weedy whip bottom- 1/2 Water 12.50 06/15/2015 601-49440-422700 6/6/2015 Runnings- weedy whip bottom-1/2 sewer 12.49 06/15/2015 602-49490-422700 6/6/2015 Kwik Trip - 13.288 gal unleaded @ $2.659 35.33 06/15/2015 656-49877-421200 6/6/2015 Monti Napa-Fuel Filters- lift station generators 16.83 06/15/2015 602-49490-422100 6/6/2015 Home Depot - Biff enclosures 74.43 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Home Depot -Sleep for Less install- 60pk AA batt; (2) cordmate k 74.60 06/15/2015 656-49877-421990 6/6/2015 Home Depot -Tape meas; 60pk AA batt; 8pk D; Rags; Ruler; etc 85.62 06/15/2015 656-49870-421990 6/6/2015 Monti Napa- (29) Filters for Stock 271.31 06/15/2015 101-43127-422120 6/6/2015 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning supplies 356.04 06/15/2015 226-45122-421100 6/6/2015 Dacotah Paper - Locker room supplies 407.86 06/15/2015 226-45122-421990 6/6/2015 Dacotah Paper - concession food service gloves 69.00 06/15/2015 226-45127-425410 6/6/2015 Gradys - plugs for vacuum (3) 13.47 06/15/2015 226-45122-422990 6/6/2015 Gradys - pliers (2) 12.98 06/15/2015 226-45122-422990 6/6/2015 Gradys - hooks, anchor - supplies to hang signs 5.94 06/15/2015 217-41990-421990 6/6/2015 Grady's -basketball net - W.B. Park 6.99 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Runnings- (2) Valve ball- crack cleaner 21.98 06/15/2015 101-43120-422100 6/6/2015 Runnings- (15) Tarp Straps 36.85 06/15/2015 101-43120-421990 6/6/2015 Hoglund Bus & Truck - Ladder 1- Solenoid 63.71 06/15/2015 101-42200-421990 6/6/2015 Banners.com- ZPARKS-DOGPARK- full color vinyl banner 105.08 06/15/2015 101-45201-421990 6/6/2015 Game Time- (8) Sp. Mount Casting; (16) ea. bolts; lockwshr; flat 165.58 06/15/2015 101-45201-440800 6/6/2015 Midwest Landscape- Streets- (50) ea. Honeysuckle; sumac 1,360.00 06/15/2015 101-43120-422500 6/6/2015 Midwest Landscape- Parks - 10' Black Hills Spruce 347.46 06/15/2015 101-45201-422500 6/6/2015 Specialty Turf - (200) 50lb bag 22-0-6 Lawn Mntc 3,400.00 06/15/2015 101-45201-421600 6/6/2015 Gradys - acid for spas & hooks for Mississippi room 51.74 06/15/2015 226-45122-421600 6/6/2015 Monticello Vacuum - new floor tool for vacuum 18.95 06/15/2015 226-45122-422100 6/6/2015 NBP - paper 128.01 06/15/2015 226-45122-420990 6/6/2015 Ameripride - unoforms - jeans 34.52 06/15/2015 226-45122-441700 6/6/2015 Ameripride - mops 142.74 06/15/2015 226-45122-431110 6/6/2015 Ameripride - towels 41.60 06/15/2015 226-45122-441710 6/6/2015 AmeriPride - uniforms - jeans 37.52 06/15/2015 226-45122-441700 6/6/2015 AmeriPride - mops 149.06 06/15/2015 226-45122-431110 6/6/2015 AmeriPride - towels 43.45 06/15/2015 226-45122-441710 6/6/2015 Advanced Disposal - credit for parks -40.00 06/15/2015 101-45201-431000 6/6/2015 Hoilday - fuel for van 18.328 gals @ $2.619 48.00 06/15/2015 226-45122-421200 6/6/2015 Gradys - keys (10) 19.90 06/15/2015 226-45122-420990 6/6/2015 SuperAmerica - unleaded fuel 7.055 gals @ $2.619 18.48 06/15/2015 217-41990-421200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/11/2015 - 10:38 AM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/2015 Neopost - sales tax refund on supply purchase from 4/13/15 -6.05 06/15/2015 101-41940-420990 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - (2) battery cables 2.50 06/15/2015 101-42200-440500 6/6/2015 Gradys -(2) Conn butt splice 22-18g; 16-14g 31.98 06/15/2015 101-42200-421990 6/6/2015 Pipeline Supply - (2) Sloan A-37-A 1.5 gal rebuild kit urinal 32.45 06/15/2015 101-45201-422300 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - #130; #112- (4) Batte 48.28 06/15/2015 101-43120-422100 6/6/2015 Applied Maint Supplies - 12 pk ea. Blk Gloss; Red Oxide Prime 236.89 06/15/2015 101-43127-421510 6/6/2015 Midstates - (2) Router Bits w/ Shoulder 634.10 06/15/2015 101-43120-422100 6/6/2015 Burnham - 80 yds Gold Dbl. grind mulch delivered 1,600.00 06/15/2015 101-45201-422500 6/6/2015 Cub Foods- resale -Lemons/Limes 9.41 06/15/2015 609-49750-425500 6/6/2015 Randy's Sanitation - June 2015 Shred 16.81 06/15/2015 656-49870-431990 6/6/2015 Moon Motors - (2) brake cable; starter assy. 33.45 06/15/2015 101-45201-422110 6/6/2015 Runnings- 4' x 6' Flag 50.22 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Grainger.com - (2) aluminum scoop 53.82 06/15/2015 101-43127-421990 6/6/2015 Streicher's - Micro side beam assy; strobe reflector w/pigtail 104.99 06/15/2015 101-42200-421990 6/6/2015 Dyna - (30) var. clamp all hose; (50) butt connec; (3) cryo-max 209.15 06/15/2015 101-43127-421990 6/6/2015 Minncor - State Bid- (3) sani Fresh; (4) Urinal Screens; floor 452.00 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Minncor - State Bid-Glass Clean; Restroom Clean 145.00 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Arctic Glacier - Resale - inv #421514611;# 421514113 498.93 06/15/2015 609-49750-425500 6/6/2015 WHCE- 4/16-5/15/2015 - (30) lights 4018 School Blvd 415.50 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 WHCE- 4/16-5/15/2015 - (14) lights 4489 School Blvd 193.90 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 WHCE- 4/16-5/15/2015 - Chelsea Road East 180.00 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 WHCE- 4/16-5/15/2015 - (9) lights 7th St & Highland Way 90.00 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 WHCE- 4/16-5/15/2015 - Cedar St Dundas to Chelsea 124.65 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 WHCE- 4/16-5/15/2015 - School Blvd Fenning Ave/18 to Edmnson Ave 372.00 06/15/2015 101-43160-431900 6/6/2015 Martie's - (2) Boug-villea basket; (3) flats annuals; combo; etc 166.49 06/15/2015 101-45201-440900 6/6/2015 Martie's - (24 baskets; (6) Fountain grass; (3) annu. flats 644.85 06/15/2015 101-45201-440900 6/6/2015 Martie's - (4) flats annuals 99.80 06/15/2015 101-45201-440900 6/6/2015 Martie's - (25) annual flats; (13) accent; (50 purple fnt. grass 748.10 06/15/2015 101-45201-440900 6/6/2015 Martie's - Broadleaf Spray- Round Up (30gal) 1,944.42 06/15/2015 101-45201-421600 6/6/2015 Martie's - (12) Russian Sage; Preen 173.39 06/15/2015 101-45201-440900 6/6/2015 Gradys - acid for spa's 19.96 06/15/2015 226-45122-421600 6/6/2015 Walmart - clocks (2) & batteries 69.82 06/15/2015 226-45122-421990 6/6/2015 Walmart - cable ties 13.71 06/15/2015 226-45127-420750 6/6/2015 Walmart - zone bars, apples, oranges, bananas 48.77 06/15/2015 226-45127-425410 6/6/2015 Paula Paulson - draping for 2 weddings R2230 & R2225 400.00 06/15/2015 226-45127-431990 6/6/2015 GTS - Solar Garden Workshop 5/21/15 - JO 70.00 06/15/2015 101-41310-433200 6/6/2015 MN ASA - Sanction Fees softball 120.00 06/15/2015 226-45127-431990 6/6/2015 MN ASA - Softballs 400.00 06/15/2015 226-45127-421980 6/6/2015 MN ASA - Softballs 200.00 06/15/2015 226-45203-425490 6/6/2015 Paypal - Letter opener replacement tune up kit 45.95 06/15/2015 101-41940-420990 6/6/2015 GFOA - Annual GFOA Conference 5/31-6/3/15 Philadelphia WO 475.00 06/15/2015 101-41520-433200 6/6/2015 Trusted Employees - Background checks (2) 60.00 06/15/2015 226-45122-431990 6/6/2015 Trusted Employees - Background check (1) WK 37.00 06/15/2015 101-42400-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/11/2015 - 10:38 AM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/2015 Dakotah Paper - plates & napkiins for concession 91.25 06/15/2015 226-45127-425410 6/6/2015 Dakotah Paper - locker room supplies 249.97 06/15/2015 226-45122-421990 6/6/2015 Dakotah Paper - cleaning supplies 175.30 06/15/2015 226-45122-421100 6/6/2015 Dakotah Paper - cleaning supplies 184.60 06/15/2015 226-45122-421100 6/6/2015 Dakotah Paper - locker room supplies 49.56 06/15/2015 226-45122-421990 6/6/2015 NBP - roll paper, flags 9.68 06/15/2015 217-41990-420990 6/6/2015 Jimmy Johns - meals for special meetings 5/26/15 85.00 06/15/2015 101-41110-443990 6/6/2015 Apple Hostels - WO 5/31/15 GFOA Conference Philadelphia PA 44.25 06/15/2015 101-41520-433100 6/6/2015 Apple Hostels - WO 6/1/15 GFOA Conference Philadelphia PA 44.25 06/15/2015 101-41520-433100 6/6/2015 Apple Hostels - WO 6/2/15 GFOA Conference Philadelphia PA 44.25 06/15/2015 101-41520-433100 6/6/2015 Sheraton - WO 5/31/15 GFOA Conference Philadelphia PA 255.26 06/15/2015 101-41520-433100 6/6/2015 Pipeline Supply - (6" PVC Glue Cap- Fire Hall 17.91 06/15/2015 101-43120-421990 6/6/2015 Batteries Plus- cust. batt. pack - alarm systems 23.50 06/15/2015 601-49440-422700 6/6/2015 Batteries Plus - (5) Sla12-9F2 12V; (3) 6vLead 133.60 06/15/2015 601-49440-422700 6/6/2015 Runnings- water tank fill & shut off misc sm. parts 28.14 06/15/2015 101-43120-422100 6/6/2015 Fastenal- Groveland Park- (10) USS Thruhd; Wrench; etc 35.06 06/15/2015 101-45201-440800 6/6/2015 Monti Napa-(2) Oil filters; (2) fuel filters 42.96 06/15/2015 601-49440-421300 6/6/2015 Randy's Sanitation - June 2015 Shred DMV 16.81 06/15/2015 217-41990-431990 6/6/2015 Randy's Sanitation - June 2015 Shred City Hall 16.81 06/15/2015 101-41940-431990 6/6/2015 NBP - log books (3), paper, pouch 73.08 06/15/2015 226-45122-420990 6/6/2015 Walmart - Walk n Roll bikes (3) - round one 74.28 06/15/2015 226-45127-421980 6/6/2015 Cub Foods- plastic flatware;(4) coffee; cleaning prod; etc 83.05 06/15/2015 101-43127-421990 6/6/2015 Runnings- (2) trailer wheels 83.98 06/15/2015 101-45201-422100 6/6/2015 Minncor - State Bid-Glass Clean; (4) gal hand soap 96.00 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Minncor - State Bid-Glass Clean; (2) Wasp/Hornet spray 132.74 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Fastenal- (6) small vehicle First Aid Kits 164.57 06/15/2015 101-45201-420650 6/6/2015 ABM Equipment & Supply- (12) nylon brushing 271.44 06/15/2015 602-49490-422100 6/6/2015 Cub Foods- resale -Lemons/Limes 10.83 06/15/2015 609-49750-425500 6/6/2015 Runnings- (3) Shield Clear Window 16.47 06/15/2015 101-45201-422100 6/6/2015 Cub Foods- resale -Lemons/Limes 21.42 06/15/2015 609-49750-425500 6/6/2015 Fastenal- (200) ear plugs 37.10 06/15/2015 101-43127-420650 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - #204- belt 37.15 06/15/2015 101-45201-422110 6/6/2015 Cub Foods- resale - 1 case Limes 52.00 06/15/2015 609-49750-425500 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - #404- rear brake pads; (2) 1qt oil 68.41 06/15/2015 602-49490-422110 6/6/2015 Oriental Trading Co.- Treats for Walk'n Roll 78.00 06/15/2015 656-49870-421810 6/6/2015 Epic Sports- (4) chain basketball nets 125.89 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Aramark Uniform- Parks (5) April 2015 invoices 133.20 06/15/2015 101-45201-441700 6/6/2015 Aramark Uniform- Sewer (5) April 2015 invoices 103.15 06/15/2015 602-49490-441700 6/6/2015 Aramark Uniform- Water (5) April 2015 invoices 103.15 06/15/2015 601-49440-441700 6/6/2015 Aramark Uniform- Streets (5) April 2015 invoices 185.78 06/15/2015 101-43120-441700 6/6/2015 Aramark Uniform- Shop Towels (5) April 2015 invoices 137.94 06/15/2015 101-43120-421990 6/6/2015 Grand View Golf & Turf- Redexim USA Verti Seeder 1204-used 4,200.00 06/15/2015 101-45201-424100 6/6/2015 Google - Prime membership (to be refunded) 99.00 06/15/2015 101-42200-443300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/11/2015 - 10:38 AM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/2015 Google - Prime membership - credit -99.00 06/15/2015 101-42200-443300 6/6/2015 utx - Google - calander app May 2015 65.00 06/15/2015 656-49870-421990 6/6/2015 Amazon - VGA Monitor Cable - 15ft 9.99 06/15/2015 656-49877-421990 6/6/2015 Amazon -stand up desk work station 169.93 06/15/2015 656-49870-421990 6/6/2015 Amazon -24" monitor; keyboard w/ mouse 187.38 06/15/2015 656-49870-421990 6/6/2015 Amazon - mobil laptop compouter desk 53.38 06/15/2015 656-49870-421990 6/6/2015 Kwik Trip -#3 - 12.852 gallons diesel @ $2.639 33.92 06/15/2015 656-49877-421200 6/6/2015 Kwik Trip -#2 - 20.698 gallons diesel @ $2.699 55.86 06/15/2015 656-49877-421200 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - #404- return core deposits -27.78 06/15/2015 602-49490-422110 6/6/2015 Monti Napa -(2) Napa Red- repair Alligator in Romp & Stomp 11.98 06/15/2015 226-45122-422990 6/6/2015 Home Depot -(5) 2x4-8' #2 Prime Pt/CDR-INE WHRSHLD 22.35 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Home Depot -(2) plastic sheeting; (3) fabric/sod staples- Garden 23.37 06/15/2015 226-45127-421980 6/6/2015 Gradys -(7) sandpaper; (2)hose barb; elbow 1/8" brs LL 25.96 06/15/2015 101-45201-421650 6/6/2015 Super America- 10.625 gallons Unleaded @ $2.739 29.10 06/15/2015 217-41990-421200 6/6/2015 Gradys - For Sale Signs-EDA - (2) Concrte Mix 19.98 06/15/2015 213-46301-421990 6/6/2015 Constant Contact - email program membership fee 55.00 06/15/2015 226-45122-430920 6/6/2015 Beacon Athletics - (3) Base Set - part of bill 60.00 06/15/2015 101-45203-421990 6/6/2015 Beacon Athletics - (3) Base Set - part of bill 399.84 06/15/2015 101-45203-421990 6/6/2015 Amazon -200 ct. markers for F.I. 63.20 06/15/2015 226-45127-421981 6/6/2015 General Rental - 100 lbs propane 68.30 06/15/2015 101-43120-421990 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - #401- (2) U-joint; clamp kit; PTEX THRD (210) 69.96 06/15/2015 602-49490-422110 6/6/2015 Monti Napa - #404- Core Deposit; Caliper w/ hardware 79.77 06/15/2015 602-49490-422110 6/6/2015 Walmart -F.I. supplies - (2) legos; (5) colors pack; (2) craft 92.95 06/15/2015 226-45127-421981 6/6/2015 Walmart -F.I. supplies -(6) buns; (3) sharpie; Tape; etc 93.10 06/15/2015 226-45127-421981 6/6/2015 NBP - correc. tape;(2) doz. pens; dispsr; (5) sharpie;(2) eraser 97.83 06/15/2015 101-41940-420990 6/6/2015 NBP -(2) carton cash reg. tape 109.00 06/15/2015 226-45122-420990 6/6/2015 Stepp Mfg - 3/4" x 180" Hose 189.53 06/15/2015 101-43120-422100 6/6/2015 Amazon - Ergotron Work Fit-S Dual w/ Worksurface 577.11 06/15/2015 656-49877-421990 6/6/2015 NBP - 12 pads Pop-up Refills; 2 doz legal pads; 12 pads 50.31 06/15/2015 656-49870-420990 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -2,749.64 06/15/2015 101-00000-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -58.02 06/15/2015 101-42200-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -178.98 06/15/2015 101-43120-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -46.06 06/15/2015 101-43125-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -213.75 06/15/2015 101-43127-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -103.49 06/15/2015 101-43160-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -193.57 06/15/2015 101-45201-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -10.98 06/15/2015 101-45203-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -3.41 06/15/2015 213-00000-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -24.95 06/15/2015 217-41990-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -590.76 06/15/2015 226-45122-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -89.37 06/15/2015 226-45127-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -67.37 06/15/2015 601-49440-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -123.03 06/15/2015 602-49480-362970 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/11/2015 - 10:38 AM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -29.40 06/15/2015 602-49490-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -63.85 06/15/2015 609-49750-362970 6/6/2015 US Bank Rebate Q1 2015 -169.50 06/15/2015 656-00000-362970 6/6/2015 Gradys - Rule Tape 11.99 06/15/2015 101-45201-421990 85,663.58Check Total: Vendor:2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 00006757621 Vanco - Fitness Rewards - May 2015 76.75 06/15/2015 226-45122-430700 00006760555 Vanco - Gateway Transaction Program Fees - May 2015 36.20 06/15/2015 656-49870-443980 00006760555 Vanco - Gateway Transaction Program Fees - May 2015 34.00 06/15/2015 601-49440-443980 00006760555 Vanco - Gateway Transaction Program Fees - May 2015 34.00 06/15/2015 602-49490-443980 180.95Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 87,460.97 3 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/11/2015 - 10:38 AM)Page 9 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 6/22/2015 Approved by: _____________________________________ Mayor Brian Stumpf CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 2B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Tiffany Hilligoss Fitness Instructor MCC 6/6/2015 PT Johnathan Brockopp Clerk Liquor Store 6/11/2015 PT Name Reason Department Last Day Class Gina Flanigan Voluntary MCC 5/29/15 PT Sadie Pollock Voluntary MCC 5/30/15 PT Amy Conrad Voluntary MCC 5/31/15 PT Nicole Tienter Voluntary MCC 5/31/15 PT NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES New Hire and Terms City Council 2015.xlsx: 6/16/2015 CityCouncilAgenda:6/22/15 1 2C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-050approvingcontributionsfrom varioussponsorsfortheMississippiRampageSoftballTournamentattheCity BallfieldsinJuly (KB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCommunityCenterishostingasoftballtournamentinJuly2015calledthe MississippiRampage.Dependingonthenumberofteamsthatregister,weanticipatethe tournamenttorunSaturday,July11th andSunday,July12th,2015. Thedonationsreceivedwillgotowardsprizemoneyfortheteamsaswellasaberthin theNationaltournaments.Wewillbesellingconcessionsandtakingregistrationfeesto coverthecostsoftheevent. OursponsorsareApolloInsuranceAgency($400),CornerstoneChevrolet($200), Spring-GreenLawnCare($200),BroadwayKwikStop($200),TacoJohn’s($200),and Hawk’sSportsBarandGrill($100)foranoveralldonationtotalof$1,300. Asrequiredbystatestatute,iftheCityacceptsthedonationoffunds,theCityCouncil needstoadoptaresolutionspecifyingtheamountofthedonationanditsuse. A1.BudgetImpact:Thedonationswillbeusedforprizepayoutsfortheteams enteringthetournament.Therewillbeconcessionsalesandregistrationfeesto coverandexpensesofrunningthetournament. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffwillhostthetournamentwhichincludes concessionsandfieldpreparationduringthetournament. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethecontributionandauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. 2.Motiontonotapprovethecontributionandreturnthefundstothedonors. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendationistoadopttheresolutionacceptingthecontributions. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2015-050 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-050 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Cornerstone Chevrolet Cash $200.00 Apollo Insurance Agency Cash $400.00 Hawk’s Sports Bar and Grill Cash $100.00 Spring-Green Lawn Care Cash $200.00 Broadway Kwik Stop Cash $200.00 Taco John’s Cash $200.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city’s jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY RECIPIENT PURPOSE CornerStone Chevrolet Community Center Mississippi Rampage Softball Tournament Apollo Insurance Agency Community Center Mississippi Rampage Softball Tournament Hawk’s Sports Bar and Grill Community Center Mississippi Rampage Softball Tournament Spring-Green Lawn Care Community Center Mississippi Rampage Softball Tournament Broadway Kwik Stop Community Center Mississippi Rampage Softball Tournament Taco John’s Community Center Mississippi Rampage Softball Tournament ADOPTED BY the City Council of Monticello this 22nd day of June, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO ______________________________ ATTEST: Brian Stumpf, Mayor ______________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator CouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 2D.Considerationofapprovingapplicationsfora2-daytemporaryliquorlicenseanda charitablegamblingpermitfortheChurchofStHenry’sfallfestivalonAugust29- 30,2015 (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheChurchofStHenryisrequestingapprovalofanapplicationfora2-daytemporary on-saleliquorlicenseinconjunctionwiththeirannualFallFestivaleventonAugust29- 30,2015.Inaddition,theyarerequestingapprovalofanapplicationforacharitable gamblingpermitforbingo,rafflesandpull-tabsinconjunctionwiththeFallFestival. Theactivitieswilltakeplaceonthechurchparkinglotandgrounds. StHenry’shasalsoprovidedacertificateofinsuranceshowingliquorliabilitycoverage forthetemporaryon-saleliquorlicense. ToreceiveapermitfromtheState,theCitymustapprovetheapplication.Inthepastthe Cityhasnotopposedtheseexemptgamblinglicenseapplicationsforcharitableevents. A1.BudgetImpact:NA A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:MinimalstafftimetoprocessapplicationwithState AlcoholandGamblingDivisionforapproval. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovetheapplicationsforatemporary2-dayliquorlicenseand charitablegamblingpermitfortheChurchofStHenry’sFallFestivaltobeheld onchurchgroundsonAugust29-30,2015. 2.Motiontonotapprovetheapplicationsfortemporaryliquorlicenseandcharitable gamblingpermit. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1forapprovaloftheapplications. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Applicationfortemporaryliquorlicense Applicationforcharitablegamblingpermit CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 2E.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofcitystreetsand relatedassistancefortheDowntownBlockPartyonJuly8,2015.Applicant: MonticelloChamber (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovalofaspecialeventpermitfortheDowntown BlockParty,occurringonWednesday,July8,2015.Aspartoftheapproval,theCityCouncil isaskedtoconsidertheclosureofWalnutStreet,theuseofthe3rd Streetparkinglot,and relatedCityassistanceandequipmentfortrafficcontrolandeventamenities. Inspecific,theapplicationliststhefollowingrequestedCityassistance: •“NoParking”signsplacedonWalnut(July7th) •StreetbarricadesonWalnut(July9th) •BarricadesinThirdSt.parkinglot(July7th) •Pedestriancrosswalkmarkers(July8th) •Trashreceptacles,picnictables,trafficcones(July8th) TheapplicantfortheeventistheChamberofCommerce,onbehalfofthedowntownarea businesses. Similartopreviousyears,therequestincludestheclosureofWalnutStreetbetween BroadwayWestandThirdStreet.Theeventwillutilizetheentirerightofway,including portionsoftheboulevardinfrontofWalnutStreetbusinessesinthatarea.Theapplicant hasrequestedthatthestreetbeclosedbetween7:00AMand10:00PMtoaccommodate volunteerset-upandtake-downbeforeandaftertheevent.Theeventitselfwilloccur from4:30PMto9:00PM. Aspartoftheclosure,“NoParking”signsarealsorequestedalongWalnutbetween BroadwayandThirdbeginningonTuesdayevening,July8th,toensurenocarsareparked inthisareathedayoftheevent. CouncilapprovalisalsorequestedforuseofthemunicipalparkinglotalongThirdStreet foreventactivities.Aswiththe2014permit,theapplicantisrequestingtheabilityto stakea30’x40’tentintheThirdStreetparkinglot.Anyholesinthelotwillrequire patchingtothesatisfactionofthePublicWorksdepartment.Thetentwillbesetup TuesdayandremovedThursday.Therefore,theapplicantisrequestingtheuseofthat portionoftheThirdStreetparkinglotbeginningonTuesday,July7th throughaportionof Thursday,June9th. Aspartofthestreetclosureandparkinglotuse,thegroupisalsoseekingCityassistance forprovidingandplacingpicnictables,deliveryofrequestedbarricadesandtrash containersfortheevent.Theapplicanthaslistedtheeventrequirementsfortheseitems. CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 2 Lastly,theeventorganizershaverequestedpermissiontoplaceatemporarysign promotingtheeventatthewastewatertreatmentplant.Communityeventsignageis allowedatthislocation,subjecttoissuanceofasignpermitthroughtheBuilding Department. Asitemapillustratingtheproposedconfigurationofactivities,includingclosurepoints, isincludedandwaspreviouslydevelopedincooperationwiththeMonticelloStreets Superintendent. PublicWorkswillalsonotifyWrightCountyoftheWalnutStreetclosure,asitisclosed attheintersectionofCountyHighway75.Temporarysignagesignalingthisclosurewill beplacedalongWestBroadway/CountyHighway75duringtheevent. TheSheriff’sOfficehasreviewedthisapplicationandhasindicatedthattheChamber (fortheBlockParty)hashiredanoff-dutydeputytoassistwithanylawenforcement concernsthatmayariseduringtheblockparty.Parkingandtheadditionaltrafficintown willbehandledwiththeon-dutyMonticellodeputies.TheChamberwillalsocoordinate withtheSheriff’sDepartmentfortrafficcontrolandsecuritypurposes. Eventorganizershaveobtainedinsurancetocovertheeventanditsactivitieswiththe Citynamedassecondinsured. ThepropertyandbusinessownersalongthissectionofWalnutStreetwillberequiredto becontactedabouttheBlockParty. TheBlockPartywasdevelopedasawaytopromoteDowntownMonticelloasa communitydestinationforalocaleventthatcanbringpeopleoutoftheirhomesandinto thecoredowntownofthecity,sponsoredbythebusinesscommunityandorientatedto familysocialactivitiesforlocalfellowshipandgathering. A1.BudgetImpact:None. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffimpactsareasnotedaboveandincludedrop-off andpickupofbarricades,placementof“NoParking”signage,picnictablesand trash/recyclingreceptacles.PublicWorkshasnotedthatwhilethemajorityofthe workassociatedwiththeeventpermitwilltakeplaceduringnormalworking hours,approximately2menworking2hoursofovertimewillbeneededto removetrafficcontroldevicesaftertheeventisdone. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheSpecialEventPermitallowingtemporaryclosingof WalnutStreetfrom7:00AMuntil10:00PM.onWednesday,July8th,2015, includingtheuseofpublicparkingfacilities,staffresourcesandamenitiesas describedintheSpecialEventPermitapplication,contingenton: a.ContinuedsitecoordinationwithStreetSuperintendent. CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 3 b.RestorationoftheThirdStreetparkinglottosatisfactionofPublicWorks department. c.Verificationofnotificationofaffectedlocalbusinessesbypermitholder. d.Applicationfortemporarysignpermitforwastewatertreatmentsite. 2.MotiontodenytheSpecialEventPermitfortemporaryclosureofWalnutStreet anduseofpublicfacilitiesandamenitiesasdescribed. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1above. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.DowntownBlockPartyNarrative B.DowntownBlockPartySitePlan/Map C.CertificateofLiabilityCoverage CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 2F.ConsiderationofapprovingSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofEllisonParkand relatedassistanceinconjunctionwithArtinthePark/TasteofMonticelloon Saturday,July11,2015.Applicant:MonticelloChamberofCommerce (AS/PW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovaloftheuseofEllisonPark,aswellas relatedCityassistanceforparkset-up,fortheArtintheParkandtheTasteofMonticello event.TheeventiscoordinatedbytheMonticelloChamberofCommerceandis proposedtooccuronSaturday,July11,2015. Theeventhoursare8AM–3PM.However,theChamberofCommerceisrequesting useoftheparkbeginningat5:00AM.Althoughthenarrativedoesnotrequesttear- downtimeafter3:00PM,thattimeiscustomarilyaccountedforaspartofevent approval.Assuch,theeventapprovalwouldallowuseoftheparkforthiseventfrom 5:00AM–5:00PM. TheChamberhasnotedthatfor2015,additionalnon-profitboothswillbesetuponthe westsideofthewestparkingareaatEllison.Locatedwithinthepark,theorganizations willbegiventheopportunitytoprovideinformationfromtheirboothlocation. TheChamberhasindicatedthatitwillberesponsibleforset-upandtear-downrelatedto theevent,andwillproviderequiredportablesatellitesandwastedisposalservices.The Chambercoversaportionofthecostofthosefacilitiesforthisevent,althoughtheywill alreadybeinplaceaspartoftheRiverfestevent. TheSheriff’sOfficehasreviewedthisapplicationandhasindicatedthatArtinthePark hashiredanoff-dutydeputytoassistwithanylawenforcementconcernsthatmayarise inthepark.Parkingandtheadditionaltrafficintownwillbehandledwiththeon-duty Monticellodeputies.TheChamberwillalsocoordinatewiththeSheriff’sDepartmentfor trafficcontrolandsecuritypurposes. CityPublicWorksstaffhavepreviouslybeeninvolvedwithassistinginparkpreparation, Therequestistoallowsuchassistance,alongwithwaiverofparkrentalfeetocontinue for2015. A1.BudgetImpact:Thereisthepotentialforaminorlossofrevenueforparkrental forthedateArtinthePark/TasteofMonticellooccursatEllison.Noother budgetimpactisanticipated. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:TheParksDepartmentstaffwillassistduringtheweek priortotheeventpreparingforthisactivity,inadditiontootherRiverfest activitiesplannedforEllisonPark. CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 2 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofEllisonParkand relatedassistanceinconjunctionwiththeArtinthePark/TasteoftheTown celebrationonJuly11,2015asdescribedinthestaffreportofJune22nd,2015. 2.MotiontodenytheSpecialEventPermit. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffsupportsAlternative#1infavoroftheSpecialEventpermitforArtinthe Park/TasteofMonticello. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.ArtinthePark/TasteofMonticelloNarrative B.ArtinthePark/TasteofMonticelloMap C.CertificateofLiabilityCoverage CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 2G.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitforoutdoorentertainmentat Chatter’sBar&GrillonFriday,July10th andSaturday,July11th,2015; Applicant:Steffens,Brooke/ChattersRestaurant (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityhasreceivedaSpecialEventpermitapplicationfromChattersRestaurantfor liveentertainmentactivitiesafter10:00PM. SpecialEventpermitsarealsobroughttotheCityCouncilifthereisthepotentialthatthe activityproposedcouldimpacttheCity’sregulationspertainingtonoise. Thezoningordinancewasamendedin2011toallowCounciltoapproveSpecialEvent permitsforrestaurantsspecifictothistypeofactivity. 5.2(F)(25) (b)Restaurantshavingoutdoorseating(including,butnotlimitedto,seatingfordiningor listeningtoliveorrecordedacousticoramplifiedentertainmentoutsideofthebuilding) shallcomplywiththefollowingstandards: (i)Theoutdoorportionsoftherestaurantshallnotoperateafter10:00P.Munlessa SpecialEventPermitforsucheventshasbeenapprovedbytheCityCouncil. SuchpermitsupersedestheprovisionsofCityCode6-1-10(B). (ii)Theoutdoorseatingareashallnotobstructthemovementofpedestriansalong sidewalksorthroughareasintendedforpublicuse. Inthiscase,Chatter’sRestauranthasappliedforaSpecialEventpermitforFriday evening,July10th,2015andSaturday,July11th.Theiroutdooreventsareproposedto takeplacebotheveningsfrom9:00PMto1:00AM.Theapplicantintendstohavelive musicFridayevening,andaDJserviceonSaturdayevening.Asdescribedbythe applicantintheirsiteplanandnarrative,itistheirintenttohavetheactivityoccurinthe westareaoftheirparkinglot. TheChatterspropertyitselfislocatedinaB-3zoningdistrictandislocateddirectly adjacentonitswestpropertylinetoHighway25.Thesiteissurroundedtothenorth,east andsouthbycommercialproperty.Thepropertyislocatedapproximately735feetfrom thenearestresidentialproperty,whichisintheGrovelandneighborhood.TheGroveland neighborhoodisseparatedfromthesitebybothcommercialpropertyandHighway25. Theapplicant’snarrativeindicatesthatthebandwouldbeorientednorthinsidethetent fortheevent.Byorientingthebandtothenorth,therestaurantisintendingtominimize thepotentialthenoiseimpactstotheresidentialarealocatedtothewest.Therestaurant isalsoproposingtoenclosethebandandactivityareawitha30’x60’tent.Theareawill alsobefenced. CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 2 TheWrightCountySheriff’sOfficereceivedacopyofthepermitapplicationforreview. Nonoisecomplaintswerereceivedforthepreviousyear’sevent.TheSheriff’sOffice didreceiveacallforresponsetoadisturbanceatlastyear’sevent,butindicatedthatthere werenoconcernsregardingissuanceofthisyear’spermit. A1.BudgetImpact:None. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Minimalstafftimewasnecessarytoreviewtherequest andpreparethisreport.Noadditionalstafftimeisanticipatedforthisrequest. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheSpecialEventPermitforoutdoorentertainmentat Chatter’sRestaurantBar&GrillforJuly10th and11th,2015,asdescribedinthe applicationmaterials. 2.MotiontodenytheSpecialEventPermitforoutdoorentertainmentatChatter’s RestaurantBar&Grill,basedonfindingstobemadebytheCityCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1above. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Narrative B.EventMap C.CertificateofLiabilityCoverage CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 2H.ConsiderationofapprovingSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofEllisonPark,West BridgePark,PioneerPark,corecitypublicrightofway,CommunityCenter ParkingLotandrelatedassistanceinconjunctionwiththeannualRiverfest communitycelebrationonJuly9-12,2015.Applicant:RiverfestCommittee (AS/PW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovalofuseofMonticelloparkfacilitiesand publicrightsofway,aswellasrelatedCityassistancefortheannualcommunityfestival ofRiverfest. Asinpreviousyears,theRiverfestCommitteeisplanningeventsforThursdaythrough Sundaythroughoutthecommunity.Thisyear’seventswilloccurThursday,July9th throughSunday,July12th.Afulllistingofeventsandactivitieshasbeenprovidedbythe Committee.TheseeventswillincludeactivitiesatPioneerPark,theBridgeParks,the MonticelloCommunityCenterandEllisonPark.Thepermitrequestalsoincludesthe closureanduseofpublicrightsofwayinconjunctionwiththeRiverfestparadeon SundayandclosureanduseofparkinglotoftheMonticelloCommunityCenteron Saturdayevening.RiverStreetwillalsobeusedforthe5KrunoccurringSaturday, althoughnoroadclosureisrequested. CityPublicWorksstaffhavepreviouslybeeninvolvedwithassistinginparkpreparation, eventset-upandtrafficcontrol.TheWrightCountySheriff’sOfficehasbeenprovideda copyofthepermitforreviewandhasindicatedthatoff-dutydeputiesarescheduledto worktheSaturdaynightdanceandactivitiesinEllisonParkonSunday.TheSheriff’s Officealsohasbeenprovidedwithamapfortheparaderouteactivities.Approvalofthe specialeventpermitiscontingentoncontinuedcoordinationwiththePublicWorks Departmentonsiteplanningandtrafficcontrol,aswellascoordinationwiththeWright CountySheriff’sOfficefortrafficandsafetyassistance. TheFireDepartmenthasalsoprovidedassistanceonsceneduringthecommunity fireworks,whichwilloccuronFridaythe10th for2015.TherequestfromtheRiverfest Committeeistoallowsuchassistancetocontinuefor2015. TheRiverfestCommitteecoordinatesotherneededportablesatellites,trashcontainers, andtrashremoval.TheRiverfestCommitteealsoworkstheWrightCountySherriff’s Departmentfortrafficcontrolandsecuritythroughoutthefestival. TheMonticelloLionsClubsubmittedapplicationsfortemporaryon-saleliquorlicenses inconjunctionwithRiverfestactivitiesatEllisonParkonJuly11th and12th andatthe CommunityCenterParkingLotonJuly11th.Thoseapplicationswereapprovedby CouncilonMay26th,2015andhavebeensubmittedtotheStateforapproval.TheLions ClubhasprovidedaninsurancecertificatenamingtheCityasasecondinsuredforthose events. CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 2 EventsatPioneerParkandtheBridgeParkswillalsobecoveredunderaliabilitypolicy tobeprovidedbytheRiverfestCommittee. A1.BudgetImpact:Riverfestfireworksarebudgetedoutofliquorfunds.Insurance costsforthefireworksareincludedintheCity’sinsurancepolicies,andthe fireworksvendorwasrequiredtonametheCityandSchoolDistrictasan additionalinsuredontheirpoliciesaswell. Thereisthepotentialforaminorlossofrevenueforparkrentalduringthedates Riverfestactivitiesoccuratthevariousparks.Nootherbudgetimpactis anticipated. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:TheParksandStreetsDepartmentstaffspendtime duringthefullweekpriortotheeventpreparingforthevariousactivities.In addition,onetotwodaysfollowingthefestivalarespentinclean-upandfollow- updetails. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofEllisonPark,West BridgePark,PioneerPark,CommunityCenterParkingLot,Cityrightsofway andrelatedCitystaffassistanceinconjunctionwiththeannualRiverfest communitycelebrationonJuly9-12,2015,contingenton: i.ContinuedsiteplanandtrafficcontrolcoordinationwithPublicWorksand theWrightCountySheriff’sOffice. ii.LotclosuresignageandnotificationincoordinationwiththeStreet Superintendentasneeded. 2.MotiontodenytheSpecialEventPermit. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffsupportsAlternative#1infavoroftheSpecialEventpermitforRiverfest. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.RiverfestEventApplicationNarrative B.RiverfestInsuranceCertificate C.RiverfestParadeRoute CERTIFICATE HOLDER ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved.ACORD 25 (2010/05) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CANCELLATION DATE (MM/DD/YYYY)CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE LOCJECT PRO-POLICY GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: OCCURCLAIMS-MADE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES (Ea occurrence)$DAMAGE TO RENTED EACH OCCURRENCE $ MED EXP (Any one person)$ PERSONAL &ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ $RETENTIONDED CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR $ AGGREGATE $ EACH OCCURRENCE $UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required) INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)LIMITS WC STATU- TORY LIMITS OTH- ER E.L.EACH ACCIDENT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ $ $ ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below (Mandatory in NH) OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ $ $ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDL WVD SUBR N / A $ $ (Ea accident) (Per accident) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: INSURED PHONE (A/C, No, Ext): PRODUCER ADDRESS: E-MAIL FAX (A/C, No): CONTACT NAME: NAIC # INSURER A : INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. INS025 (201005).01 6/16/2015 Christensen Group Insurance 11100 Bren Road West Minnetonka MN 55343 Nancy Rasmussen (952)653-1000 (952)653-1101 nrasmussen@christensengroup.com LIONS CLUBS OF MINNESOTA, c/o The Christensen Group 11100 Bren Road West Minnetonka MN 55343 Great American E&S Ins Co 1/1/2015 Liquor A X X X Gen Agg Limit-per member X PL1944671 1/1/2015 1/1/2016 1,000,000 100,000 5,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 A Liquor Liability PL1944671 1/1/2015 1/1/2016 Each Occurrence:$1,000,000 Aggregate:$2,000,000 Member Club: Monticello Lions Club Certificate holder is included as Additional Insured as their interest may appear in all club events. Specifically noting events from July 9-12, 2015 Riverfest Street Dance, Monticello Community Center Parking Lot, 505 Walnut St, Monticello, MN 55362 Riverfest Beanbag Tourney, Ellison Park, 811 East River Street, Monticello, MN 55362 Riverfest in the Park, Ellison Park, 811 East River St, Monticello, MN 55362 John Hendrickson/NR City of Monticello Attn: Cathy Schuman 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 55362 7th St W START FINISH PARADESTAGINGAREA PARADESTAGINGAREA CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 2I.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitfortheRelayforLife fundraisingeventonJuly17,2015.Applicant:AmericanCancerSociety (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityhasreceivedaSpecialEventpermitapplicationforthe2015RelayforLife event. Inthepast,staffhasissuedthepermitadministratively,asthepermitdoesnotrequire useofCityresourcesorproperty.However,SpecialEventpermitsarebroughttothe CityCouncilifthereisthepotentialthattheactivityproposedcouldimpacttheCity’s regulationspertainingtonoise. Inthiscase,the2015RelayforLifepermitinvolvesentertainmentafter10:00PM outsideonthegroundsoftheMiddleSchoolproperty.Inpastyears,thebandorDJfor thiseventplayedinsidetheMiddleSchool.However,duetotheconstructionatthe schoolthisyear,RelayforLifewillbehostingtheDJeventoutdoors.TheDJwillplay untilapproximately12:00AM.Inaddition,theeventwillfeaturesoftmusicand activitiesthroughouttheeventuntil6:00AM. TheMiddleSchoolpropertyitselfislocatedinanA-O(AgricultureandOpenSpace) zoningdistrictandislocateddirectlyadjacentonitsnorthpropertylinetoBroadway Street.Theeventwillbeheldprimarilyonthetrackfacility,boundedonthewestbythe schoolitselfandontheeastbypondingandopenspace.TheSt.Benedict’sfacilityis locatedonthenorthsideofthetrackfacility,andtheRelayforLifeorganizerswillbe askedtonotifySt.Benedict’sregardingtheeventactivities.Thereisanelevation changebetweenthetwositesthatmayservetomitigatenoiseissues. StaffhascontactedtheWrightCountySheriff’sOfficeregardingthispermitandwill followupregardinganyconcernsregisteredwiththeOfficerelatedtothe2015event. A1.BudgetImpact:None.Theapplicanthaspaidtherequiredapplicationfee. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Minimalstafftimewasnecessarytoreviewtherequest andpreparethisreport.ThepermitdoesnotrequireuseofCityresourcesor property. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheSpecialEventPermitforoutdoorentertainmentand activitiesattheMonticelloRelayforLifeeventonJuly17th,2015,contingenton theapplicantcontactingSt.Benedict’sfacilityregardingtheeventand submissionofaneventcertificateofliabilityinsurance. 2.MotiontodenytheSpecialEventPermitforoutdoorentertainmentandactivities atfortheMonticelloRelayforLifeeventonJuly17th,2015. CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 2 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1above. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.EventNarrative B.EventMap C.NoiseOrdinance CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/2015 1 2J.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-031Aamendinglanguageandreplacing Resolution2015-031forfilingaloanapplicationwiththePublicFacilitiesAuthority (PFA)forthePhosphorusReductionandDigesterCoverImprovementsatthe WasteWaterTreatmentFacility,CityProjectNo.14C002 (WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: AttheApril13,2015meeting,theCityCounciladoptedResolution#2015-031 authorizingfilingaloanapplicationwiththePublicFacilitiesAuthority(PFA)forthe PhosphorusReductionandDigesterCoverImprovementsattheWasteWaterTreatment Facility,CityProjectNo.14C002.Theresolutiondidnotincludelanguagethatincludes reimbursingconstructionexpendituresmadepriortotherequiredissuanceofaprivate generalobligationbondtothePublicFacilitiesAuthority.Thisbondisusedascollateral forthePFAloantheCityiseligiblefor. ThereimbursementlanguageasproposedinResolution#2015-031AwillallowtheCity tobereimbursedforexpenses,astheCitywillhavetoupfronttheexpensesandthen submitinvoicestothePFAforreimbursement.TheCity’sfinancialconsultant,Martha IngramwithKennedyandGravenrecommendstheCityadoptthisamendedresolution. ThisisahousekeepingmattertokeepthePFAloanprocessmoving.Itisplannedto presentthePFAloanagreement,whichwilldefinethetermsandconditionsoftheloan, forCouncilapprovalonJuly27th. A1.BudgetImpact:TheCityisonthePFA2015IntendedUsePlanforalow interestloanintheamountof$2,982,000.Theloanamountwillbeadjusted upwardordownwardtomeettheCity’sfundingneedsfortheproject. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:BothWSBandCitystaffhavebeeninvolvedwiththe loanapplicationandwillcontinuetobeinvolvedwiththeloanadministration. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2015-031Aamendinglanguageandreplacing Resolution2015-031forfilingaloanapplicationwiththePFAforthePhosphorus ReductionandDigesterCoverImprovements,CityProjectNo.14C002. 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ResolutionNo.2015-031A Copyoforiginalresolution#2015-031 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-031A AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY FOR A LOAN FROM THE CLEAN WATER FUND/DRINKING REVOLVING FUND FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE DRINKING WATER AND MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello hereby intends to apply to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority for a loan from the Clean Water Revolving Fund/Drinking Revolving Fund for improvements to its drinking water system/municipal wastewater treatment system as described in the loan application; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello estimates the loan amount to be $2,982,000 or the as-bid cost of the project; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has the legal authority to apply for the loan and the financial, technical, and managerial capacity to repay the loan and ensure proper construction, operation and maintenance of the project for its design life. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Monticello authorizes submission of an application to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority for a loan from the Clean Water Fund/Drinking Revolving Fund for improvements to the drinking water and municipal wastewater treatment systems. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Monticello hereby expresses its official intent to use proceeds of this loan to reimburse construction expenditures made prior to the issuance of its general obligation bond to the Public Facilities Authority. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council on the 22nd day of June, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO ______________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OFWRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution #2015-031A duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their regularly-scheduled meeting on June 22nd, 2015, and recorded in minutes of said meeting. ____________________________________ Kerry Burri, Interim City Clerk Notary Public: _______________________________ Date: ___________________________ (STAMP) CityCouncilAgenda:6/22/15 1 2K.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-051acceptingbidsandawardinga contractforthePhosphorusReductionandDigesterCoverImprovementsatthe WasteWaterTreatmentFacility,CityProjectNo.14C002 (WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderawardingacontractforthePhosphorusReduction andDigesterCoverImprovements,CityProjectNo.14C002.Bidsfortheprojectwere receivedandopenedonMay28,2015.TheCityreceivedfivebids,withDi-Mar Constructionsubmittingthelowbidforthisprojectintheamountof$2,660,000.The engineer’sestimatewas$3,146,244. Asummaryofthebidresultsareasfollows: Di-MarConstruction $2,660,000 MagneyConstruction,Inc $2,711,286 RiceLakeConstructionGroup $2,788,300 MunicipalBuilders,Inc $3,138,000 Gridor $3,252,441 Engineer’sEstimate $3,146,244 Abidtabulationsummaryandbidabstractareattachedforcouncilreview. PhosphorusReductionImprovements OnJuly28,2014,theCityCouncilauthorizedthepreparationoffinaldrawingsand specificationsforthephosphorusreductionimprovements.Thephosphorusreduction improvementsarenecessarytoenabletheWasteWaterTreatmentFacilitytomeetthe requiredphosphoruseffluentlimitinthecurrentNPDESpermit.Themajorelementsof thephosphorusreductionimprovementsprojectincludethefollowing: •Constructionofachemicalstorage/feedbuilding o LocatedadjacenttoSBRTank2 o Buildingdimensions:26’x36’withaheightof16’ o Architecturalfinishsimilartoheadworksbuilding(burnishedconcrete block) o Willhousetwo3,000gallontankstostoreeitheralumorferricchloride •Accessmodificationstotheexistingserviceroadtoallowfortankertruck deliveryofchemicaltothenewchemicalbuilding.Tankerdeliverywillresultin lowerchemicalcoststhanwoulddeliveryoflesservolumesofchemicalper deliverybystraightaxletruck. •InstallationofachemicalfeedsystemtoSBRtanks CityCouncilAgenda:6/22/15 2 •InstallationoftwomixersineachofthethreeSBRbasinsdesignedtominimize thechemicalbeingaddedwhilemaximizingphosphorusremoval •Replacementofthe16-yearold12,240aerationdiffuserassemblymembranesin thethreeSBRbasinstoallowforamoreefficientprocess DigesterCoverImprovements OnSeptember22,2014,theCityCouncilauthorizedWSBtopreparethefinaldrawings andspecificationsforthedigestercoverimprovements.Themajorelementsofthe digestercoverimprovementsprojectinclude: •Replacementoftheprimarydigestercoverwithafixedsteelcover •Replacementofthesecondarydigestercoverwithafloatingsteelcover •Replacethepipinginternaltothedigestersiffoundtobeinpoorcondition •Repairdeterioratedconcreteportionsofthedigestertanksasnecessaryandre- coat •Overhaulofthesecondarydigestermixer •Installationofat-gradeaccesshatchesforbothdigesters Thephosphorusreductionimprovementsanddigestercoverreplacementprojectswere thencombinedintoasingleconstructionproject. TheCityisonthe2015PFAIntendedUsePlanforalowinterestloanandonthe2015 PFAPointSourceImplementationGrant(PSIG)listforagrantforthePhosphorus ReductionandDigesterCoverImprovementsproject.KatheBarrettofthePFAhas indicatedthatthePFAwillfundthetotalprojectcostthroughalowinterestloananda PSIG. OneoftherequirementsofthePFAloanandPSIGthathasbeenmadeawaretousisthe requirementforfull-timeinspectionandmonthlyreporting.WSB’sproposalstotheCity forthePhosphorusReductionImprovementsandfortheDigesterCoverImprovements constructioninspectiontoobserveonlythemostcriticalelementsofconstruction including,undergroundconstruction,reinforcingbarplacement,andconcretepours. Providingfull-timeconstructioninspectionforthe16-monthconstructionperiodwill increasethenumberofconstructioninspectionhoursbyapproximately2,400hoursata costofapproximately$250,000.ThisisasignificantincreaseincostsandWSBis discussingwiththeMPCAhowtheydefinefulltimeinspectiontopotentiallyreducethe numberofhoursthataninspectorisrequiredonsite.WSBplanstobeonsiteasneeded formajorconstructionelementsoftheprojectandwillconveytotheMPCAthatitnot feasibletohavesomeoneonsiteforminorworkatalltimes.Amorereasonableestimate ofafulltimetypeinspectioncostis$160,000.TheCity’sotherWWTFprojects includingthesludgedewateringfacilityandaerationblowerprojecthavebeencompleted withparttimeinspectionandthesamecouldbeexpectedwiththisproject.Itshouldbe notedthattheproposedinspectorfortheproject,GeorgeBenderhasexperiencenotonly withWWTFprojects,butalsofederallyfundedtransportationprojectsandcould potentiallyassistwiththeTH25/CSAH75intersectionimprovementprojectslatedfor CityCouncilAgenda:6/22/15 3 constructionfromSeptembertoNovember,2015.Thiswillprovidesomeefficiencies withaninspectorlocatedintheCitycoveringtwoprojectsforaperiodoftime.In additionChuckKeyeswillbeonsiteandwouldassistingeneraloversightand coordinationoftheproject. Thefollowingisanestimatedscheduleprovidedbythecontractor: Siteworkandconstructionofthechemicalbuilding forPhosphorusReduction:July–November2015 SBRwork:September-November2015 Interiorworkofthechemicalbuilding:December–March2015 DigesterCoverImprovements:April–October,2016 TheprojectistobecompletebyOctober31,2016. A1.BudgetImpact:TheconstructionbidshavebeensenttotheMinnesotaPollution ControlAgencywhowillcertifythebidstothePFA.Afterreceiptofthecertified bids,KatheBarrettofthePFAwillprocessthelowinterestloanandthePSIG. WSBhascompletedtheattachedPFAForm3forthePSIGwhichestimatesthe totalprojectcost,includingengineering,fulltimeconstructioninspection, constructionadministrationandfinancingcostsforthePhosphorusReductionand DigesterCoverImprovementsprojectat$3,423,526.Ourcalculationsindicate thattheCitymaybeeligibleforaPSIGof$1,236,263withtheremaining $2,187,263ofthetotalprojectcostbeingalowinterestPFAloan.Theoriginal loanamountrequestedwhendesignofthisprojectbeganinJuly2014,was $2,982,000,sotheprojectisstillsignificantlylowerthanoriginallybudgeted. WayneObergspokewithKatheBarrettandsheestimatesanapproximate1.5% interestratefortheloanwhichwillsavetheCityapproximately$500,000in interestcostsoverthe20-yeartermoftheloanascomparedtotheinterestcostof anapproximate3%annualinterestratebondsale.ItshouldbenotedthatKathe BarrettwillmakethefinaldeterminationofPSIGamountandresultingloan amount,howeverhasthusfarindicatedthattheCitywillreceivethePSIGand PFAloanfortheabovenotedamounts.Staffplanstopresenttheloanagreement toCouncilforapprovalattheJuly27meetingalongwiththeconstruction inspectionrequirementtodefinethosecostsmoreaccurately.Itshouldbenoted thatthePFAloanandPSIGarereimbursablecosts,sotheCitywillhaveto upfronttheconstructionpayments,invoicethePFAandwillthenbereimbursed. Theupfrontcostsandloanpaymentswillcomefromthesewerenterprisefund whichhasadequatecashflowtoaccommodatethesepayments. Atthistime,staffisrequestingtheCounciltoapprovecostsfortheconstruction contractawardonly. CityCouncilAgenda:6/22/15 4 A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Constructionadministrationandinspectionwill involveVeoliaWaterandWSBstaff. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS 1.MotionadoptingResolution#2015-051awardingthecontracttothelowest responsiblebidder,Di-MarConstruction,intheamountof$2,660,000forthe PhosphorusReductionandDigesterCoverImprovementsattheWasteWater TreatmentFacility,CityProjectNo.14C002. 2.MotiondenyingadoptionofResolution#2015-051atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1.Thebidswereverycompetitiveand cameinasexpectedforthisneededimprovement.Thecontractorhasahistoryof completingthistypeofprojectandisacceptabletothestaff.Itiscriticaltoawardthe projectnowinordertostartprocessingcontracts,reviewofshopdrawingsandallowing thecontractortostartinJulyinordertocompletethephosphorusreduction improvementsandSBRworkthisfall.AlthoughthePSIGandPFAloanamountsarenot finalized,itisfeasibletoawardtheprojectnowwiththePSIGandPFAloanagreements presentedtotheCouncilattheJuly27meeting. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Resolution#2015-051 B.LetterofRecommendation C.PSIGForm3 D.BidTabulationSummaryandBidAbstract(forcouncil) CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-051 ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE PHOSPHORUS REDUCTION AND DIGESTER COVER IMPROVEMENTS AT THE WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITY CITY PROJECT NO. 14C002 WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the making of improvements for the phosphorus reduction and digester cover improvements at the Monticello Waste Water Treatment Facility, and other necessary appurtenant work, bids were received, opened, and tabulated, and the following bids were found to comply with the advertisement for bids: CONTRACTOR TOTAL BID Di-Mar Construction $2,660,000.00 Magney Construction, Inc. $2,711,286.00 Rice Lake Construction Group $2,788,300.00 Municipal Builders, Inc. $3,138,000.00 Gridor $3,252,441.00 Engineer’s Estimate $3,146,244.00 WHEREAS, Di-Mar Construction of Excelsior, MN with a bid in the amount of $2,660,000.00 for the construction of said improvements, in accordance with the plans and specifications and advertisement for bids, is the lowest responsible bidder and shall be and hereby is accepted; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: 1. The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Monticello. 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been executed. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 22nd day of June, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO ________________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator engineering planning environmental construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:\01494-950\Admin\Construction Admin\LTR RECMMDTN-hmcc-061715.doc June 17, 2015 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: WWTF Phosphorus Reduction and Digester Improvements City Project No. 14C002 City of Monticello, MN WSB Project No. 1494-95 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-referenced project on Thursday, May 28, 2015, and were opened and read aloud. Five bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bid as submitted by DI-Mar Construction of Excelsior, MN, in the amount of $2,660,000. The Engineer’s Estimate was $3,146,244. We recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract in the amount of $2,660,000 to DI-Mar Construction based on the results of the bids received. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Thomas A. Roushar, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Richard Hollatz, DI-Mar Construction rh CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 2L.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinanceNo.617amendingCityCode,Title1,Chapter 5–Councilasrelatedtocouncilmeetingstarttime (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilauthorizedcitystafftoprepareanordinanceamendmentallowingcouncil meetingstostartat6:30p.m.ratherthan7p.m.Councilisaskedtoadopttheproposed ordinance,whichisincludedinthesupportingdata.Citystaffisrecommendingthe startingtimenotbelistedspecifically,butreferencedonthemeetingschedulethatis approvedbyCouncilonanannualbasis.Inalternative#1,themotionalsoincludes approvalofanupdatetotheannualmeetingscheduleforCouncilmeetingstarttimeat 6:30p.m.ThisisinkeepingwithrequirementsofMNStateStatutesformeeting notifications.Inaddition,staffrecommendsaminorchangeinthesameparagraph,1-5- 1(A),toupdatethemeetingsiteas“CityCouncilChambers”ratherthan“CityHall.” Staffnotesthatinpreparingthischange,anumberofoutdatedsectionsandsentences werefoundinthechapteroftheCityCodeforCouncil.Potentialchangescanbebrought toCouncilforamendmentatsomepointinthefuture.Thiswillberecommendedtothe newCityClerk. Beforeanewmeetingtimecanbeputintoplace,theOrdinancemustbeadoptedand published.ThiscanbecompletedpriortotheMonday,July13th councilmeeting,if CouncilshouldchooseAlternative#1. A1.BudgetImpact:Minimalcostforpublication A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:NA B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptOrdinanceNo.617amendingCityCode,Title1,Chapter5– Councilasrelatedtocouncilmeetingstarttimeandmeetingsiteandapprovinga changetotheRegularMeetingScheduleforCouncilandCommissionstoreflecta startingtimeof6:30p.m.inplaceof7p.m. 2.MotiontodenyamendingtheCityCodeasproposedatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: OrdinanceNo.617 ExcerptfromCityCode,Title1,Chapter5–Council(withchangesasproposed) CopyofRegularMeetingScheduleofCouncilandCommissions ExcerptfromMNStatutes13D.04,Subd.1 ORDINANCE NO. 617 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, TITLE 1, CHAPTER 5 – COUNCIL IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED BY the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: Section 1. Title 1, Chapter 5 – Council, shall be amended as follows: 1-5-1: MEETINGS: (A) Regular meetings of the Council shall be held on the second and fourth Monday of each calendar month at seven o’clock (7:00) p.m. at a time to be established and approved annually with the Regular Meeting Schedule of Council and Commissions. Any regular meeting falling upon a holiday shall be held on the next following business day at the same time and place. All meetings, including special and adjourned meetings shall be held in the City Hall City Council Chambers, unless the notice of the special meeting designates a different location. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, and to renumber the chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Monticello City Code as has been adopted. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete City Code are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 22nd day of June, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO _______________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: MONTICELLO CITY CODE TITLE I / CHAPTER 5 / PAGE 1 CHAPTER 5 COUNCIL SECTION: 1-5-1: Meetings 1-5-2: Presiding Officer 1-5-3: Minutes 1-5-4: Order of Business 1-5-5: Agenda 1-5-6: Quorum 1-5-7: Voting 1-5-8: Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions, Petitions, Communications 1-5-9: Commissions 1-5-10: Suspensions, Amendments of Rules 1-5-11: Compensation 1-5-12: Worker’s Compensation – Elected Officials 1-5-13: Mayoral Term 1-5-14: Removal of Appointed Council Members from a Committee, Commission, Board, etc. 1-5-1: MEETINGS: (A) Regular meetings of the Council shall be held on the second and fourth Monday of each calendar month at seven o’clock (7:00) p.m at a time to be established and approved annually with the Regular Meeting Schedule of Council and Commissions. Any regular meeting falling upon a holiday shall be held on the next following business day at the same time and place. All meetings, including special and adjourned meetings shall be held in the City Hall City Council Chambers, unless the notice of the special meeting designates a different location. CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 2M.ConsiderationofauthorizingaLicenseAgreementbetweentheCityofMonticello andEDAforparkingaccessat201EastBroadway(formerCedarStreetGarden Center)(JO/AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderenteringintoatemporarylicenseagreementwith theEconomicDevelopmentAuthorityforpublicparkingpurposes.Thesubjectproperty forthelicenseagreementis201EastBroadway,thewestern-mostparceloftheformer CedarStreetGardenCentersite.TheEDAisthepropertyownerandonJune13th,2015 approvedthelicenseagreementforconsiderationbyCouncil. Overthepastfewmonths,Citystaffhavebeenworkingwithadjacentpropertyownersat 141EastBroadwayand107Cedartoaddressparkingneedsfortheirbusinesses,located alongtheCedarStreetcorridornorthofBroadway.Anaerialsiteimageisattachedfor reference. Thepropertyat107CedarStreethasnoprivateparkingontheparcel.Thepropertyat 141EastBroadwayactuallyhaspartofitsparkingareaintheCedarStreetrightofway. And,aswithmanydowntownpropertiesandbusinesses,existingpropertylinesandlack ofwrittendocumentationregardingcrossparkingagreementshavecreatedasituationin whichthepropertyat107Cedarisexperiencingashortageofparkingforcustomersand employees. Atthistime,theCityandpropertyownersarestillworkingthroughpotentiallong-term parkingoptionsandcosts.TheEDAhasapprovedanallowanceforpublicparkingon theexistingpavedsurfaceonthe201EastBroadwaypropertyuntilsuchtimeassolutions fortheCedarStreetrightofwaycanbepresentedforapprovaltotheCityCouncil. AlicenseagreementbetweentheEDAandCityissoughtinordertocreateapublic parkingoption.Parkingasaprivateprincipaluseofpropertyisnotallowableunderthe zoningordinance.“Publicuses”areallowedasprincipalusesofproperty.Thiswould includeparkinglots.Thepublicparkingconditionwillalsoformalizepastparking arrangementsbetweentheEDAandCouncilforparkingdemandonthissiteforthe slidinghillatEastBridgePark. Inpreviousyears,theCouncilhasauthorizedstafftimeandequipmentformaintenance (snowremoval,etc.)onthepavedarea.Thiswascompletedinordertoprovidefor overflowparkingfortheEastBridgeslidinghill.Theproposedprimarilyweekday businessuseoftheparkingareaandtheeveningandweekenduseoftheparkingareafor theslidinghillwillprovideanoffsetinparkingdemand.Norepairstotheexistingpaved surfaceareplannedunderthisagreement. StaffhassuggestedasunsetdateofDecember31,2016inordertoallowfortimeto developalternatives,seekagreement,andconstructimprovementsassociatedwithany long-termparkingoption.TheEDAhasalsoaskedthataprovisionbeaddedtothe licenseagreementrelatingtoterminationshouldapurchaseanddevelopmentscenario CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 2 becomeviableforthesite.TheEDAalsoaskedthatparkingsignagebelocatedonthe propertyinordertoclearlydelineatetheareaavailableforparking.Noparkingwillbe allowedonthegrass/turfportionofthesite. Ifanylong-termsolutionsweretoimpacttheeastsideoftheCedarStreetrightofwayin thisarea(adjacenttotheEDA’sproperty)orto201EastBroadway,theEDAproperty itself,thisinformationwouldbeprovidedinasecondaryupdateordecision. A1.BudgetImpact:Nofinancialimpactisanticipated.FinanceDirectorhas indictedthatinsuranceandliabilitycoverageareinplace. A2.StaffImpact:CouncilisaskedtoconsiderstaffandCityequipmentimpactfor snowremovalforthepavedareaofthesite.Thisisconsistentwithplowingof theareainpastyearsforparkuse. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoauthorizeaLicenseAgreementasdescribedfor201EastBroadway, withdirectiontostafftopreparealicenseagreementforexecutionbytheEDA ExecutiveDirectorandPresidentandMayor,withaterminationdateof December31,2016. 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative#1.Thelicenseagreementisatemporaryconditionto allowtheCityCouncilandpropertyownerstodevelopalong-termparkingsolutionfor thiscorridor. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.AerialSiteImage B.ParkingRequest Cedarview Office Suites 26 May 2015 107 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 Mr. Jeff O’Neill City of Monticello Sir, I would like to request temporary parking relief for Cedarview Office Suites on behalf of Mr. Dennis Anderson, the business owner. We have recently been using the lot on the corner of Cedar Street and Broadway. I mistakenly understood that it could be used for overflow parking, but that was a winter only situation for the Bridge Park sledding congestion. We currently have submitted a new parking plan for Cedarview and ask for temporary parking use of the lot on Cedar Street until the new parking is completed. Respectfully, Scott Drayna Cedarview Building Manager 763-443-3237 Cedar St reet P arkin g Area Sou rce: E sri, Digita lG lo be , Ge oE ye,Earth star G eo gr ap hics, CNES /Airbu s DS,US DA , US GS, A EX, Ge tmap ping ,Aerog rid , IGN, IGP, swisst opo, and theGIS Use r Co mmu nity City Bou nd ar y Ju ne 4, 20 15 Map P owered b y Data Link from W SB & Associa tes 1 inch = 9 4 f ee t CityCouncilAgenda:6/22/15 1 2N.Considerationofauthorizingnotificationofcontractnon-renewaltoVeoliaWater forwastewatertreatmentplantservices (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: ThecurrentagreementforoperationsandmaintenanceserviceswithVeoliaexpireson December31,2015.Thefiveyearcontractautomaticallyrenewsforfiveyearsunlessa writtennoticeofnon-renewalisprovided120dayspriortoexpiration. Thenoticeofnon-renewalprovidesthecitywithanopportunitytore-negotiateanew contractwithouttimeasaconstraint.Thenon-renewalalsoprovidesthecitywith additionaltimetoresearchotherserviceoptions,includingstaffingtheplantwithcity employees. A1.BudgetImpact:Thenotificationhasnobudgetimpact.Subsequentresearch willrequirestafftimeandpossiblysomeconsultingfees. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Minimal. A3.LegalReview:Notapplicable. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoauthorizenotificationofcontractnon-renewaltoVeoliaforoperations andmaintenanceservicesforthewastewatertreatmentfacilityandtoauthorize stafftoresearchotherserviceoptions,includingstaffingtheplantwithcity employees. ScheduleofTotalWastewaterTreatmentPlantContractedServices Additional Total ReimbursableBudget Year-end Annual Year O&M CostLimits Total Reimbursment Costs 2011 522,281.04 228,000.00 750,281.04 72,913.15 823,194.19 2012 544,788.96 228,000.00 772,788.96 61,476.13 834,265.09 2013 562,361.04 229,500.00 791,861.04 94,609.64 886,470.68 2014 585,096.00 234,504.00 819,600.00 181,544.53 1,001,144.53 2015 582,360.00 375,516.00 957,876.00 ?? ScheduleofReimbursableCosts Year R&M Electricity Polymer Gas SludgeDisposal Total 2011 89,899.16 154,982.64 11,427.06 44,604.29 -300,913.15 2012 91,406.38 145,043.48 16,303.76 36,722.51 -289,476.13 2013 89,620.47 170,537.98 17,453.23 46,497.96 -324,109.64 2014 57,883.83 160,825.74 62,735.70 68,416.61 66,186.65 416,048.53 2015 50,004.00 165,000.00 47,028.00 65,136.00 48,348.00 375,516.00 CityCouncilAgenda:6/22/15 2 2.Motiontoauthorizenotificationofcontractnon-renewaltoVeoliaforoperations andmaintenanceservicesforthewastewatertreatmentfacility. 3.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityStaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 2O.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-041Aamendinglanguageandreplacing Resolution#2015-041asrelatedtoanaffordableworkplacetownhomedevelopment ontheformerRuffproperty(PID155-500-101418)(JO/AS) A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND TheCityCouncilpreviouslyapprovedaresolutionrelatingtosupportofMonarch Development’sproposeddevelopmentofanaffordabletownhomeprojectonaportionof theformerRuffAutoproperty. Instaff’sresearchontheenvironmentaldocumentsfortheformerRuffAutoproperty, theprojectfilesforthissiteindicatethattheCityappliedforandassistedinan investigationandclean-upgrantthroughtheMinnesotaDepartmentofEmploymentand EconomicDevelopment(formerlyDTED).Thelocalmatchforthesetwograntsappears tohavebeenprovidedbytheresponsibleparty,nottheCityitself.Theresponsibleparty wasthepropertyowneratthetime.Thedocumentationinthefilesindicatesthatthe City’sinvestmentwasinthegrantapplicationprocess,aswellasinthefacilitationand administrationofthegrants,notacashmatch. Assuch,theresolutionoriginallyapprovedisproposedtobeamendedtoremove referencetoaCitymatchoffunds.Theletterofsupporthasalsobeenrevisedtoreflect thiscondition. A1.BudgetImpact:None. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Minimalrelatingtodocumentrevision.Thework associatedwithresearchontheenvironmentalwasrelatedtoaFreedomof InformationAct(FOIA)requestreceivedfortheproperty. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2015-041Aamendinglanguageandreplacing Resolution2015-041asrelatedtoanaffordableworkplacetownhome developmentontheformerRuffproperty(PID155-500-101418). 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION StaffrecommendsAlternative#1above.Thisisanecessarycorrectionrelatedtothe actualcontributionoftheCityforthecontaminationclean-upgrantsforthesite. D.SUPPORTINGDATA Resolution#2015-041A Copyoforiginalresolution#2015-041 CityofMonticelloLetterofSupport,Revised CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-041A AUTHORIZING A LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR MONARCH DEVELOPMENT GROUP AS RELATED TO CYGNET LANDING, AN AFFORDABLE WORKPLACE TOWNHOME DEVELOPMENT PID 155-500-101418 WHEREAS, the Monticello City Council, on May 26, 2015, reviewed the Cygnet Landing housing development proposal for 45 new construction townhomes in the City of Monticello; and WHEREAS, the development will meet locally identified housing goals and the proposed housing is in short supply in the local housing market; and WHEREAS, the City has made significant contributions to the proposed site by investments to improve the site; said contributions include application and administration of two Contamination Cleanup and Investigation Grants from the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development; and WHEREAS, following the cleanup project, the site has received a “No Further Action” determination issued by the MN Pollution Control Agency on March 25, 2004. WHEREAS, the proposed site is subject to all land development, subdivision, zoning, code, and ordinance requirements of the City of Monticello and those requirements of any other government entity, as applicable to the proposal. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Monticello City Council endorses the proposal presented by Monarch Development Group for the Cygnet Landing affordable workplace townhome development. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council on the 22nd day of June, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO _________________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution #2015-041A duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their scheduled meeting on June 22nd, 2015 and recorded in minutes of said meeting. ____________________________________ Kerry Burri, Interim City Clerk Notary Public: _______________________________ Date: ___________________________ (STAMP) CityCouncilAgenda:6/22/2015 1 2P.Considerationofapprovingparticipationinaprofessionaldevelopmenttraining seriesforsupervisors,departmentheads,andemergingleaders (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovingaprofessionaldevelopmenttrainingseries throughAnokaTech/Anoka–RamseyCommunityCollege’sProfessionalandWorkforce Trainingdepartment.Thegoalofthetrainingprogramisprovidevaluable,usefultools ontopicsidentifiedbythestaffandadministrationasbeinghelpfulintheirleadership role. Overthepastfewmonths,administrationmetwithatraininganddevelopmentspecialist fromProfessionalWorkforceTrainingwhoassistedintheprocessofidentifyingour organizationaltrainingneeds.Animportantpartoftheoverallidentificationprocess involvedgettingfeedbackfromstafftoseewheretheyfeltadditiontrainingwouldbe helpful.Thefourtrainingopportunitiesidentifiedthroughtheprocessinclude:team- building,resolution-basedproblemsolving,timemanagement/delegation,andcoaching forsuccess.Therecommendedin-housetrainingprogramconsistsoffourhalf-day sessionsoneachofthetopicsidentifiedabove.Othercitieshaveusedthisproviderand havepositivefeedbackregardingthetraining.Thecostofthetrainingisslightlyless thansimilaroff-sitetrainingofferedthroughEnterpriseLearningandDevelopmentand theCenterforPublicAdministrationandLeadershipprogramofferings. A1.BudgetImpact:Thetotalcostofthetrainingseriesis$9,350(15employees) plus,$50foreachadditionalemployee.Staffhasidentified20employeesforthe programforatotalcostof$9,600.Thetrainingseriesisabudgeteditemfor 2015. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapproveparticipationintheprofessionaldevelopmenttrainingseriesas proposedatacostof$9,600. 2.Motiontodenyparticipationintheprofessionaldevelopmenttrainingseries. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffandthePersonnelCommitteerecommendAlternative#1approvingtheprofessional developmenttrainingseries.WhiletheCityhasn’tinvestedinthistypeoftraining programinthepast,thistrainingwasincludedinthe2015budget.Administrationfeels thataninvestmentintheprofessionalgrowthofourorganizationalleadersismoneywell spent. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: CopyofProposal www.proworktraining.com Date: June 10, 2015 Proposal for: Jeff O’Neill and Tracy Ergen, City of Monticello Presented by: Sarah Patnode, Director of Training, Professional & Workforce Training Training: City of Monticello Leadership Academy City of Monticello will experience a highly engaged and dynamic training focused on practical and relevant leadership skill sets. Each class is 4 hours and includes action planning for each session, which will assist the participants to implement their new skills. Team Building - Liz Weatherhead You have a critical role in developing your team and this course will put tools in your management toolbox. The Leadership Behavior Inventory Assessment is included with this class. Discover what makes a great team Explore the elements essential to creating a cohesive efficient-working team Create a resource of team building strategies to use on the job and between departments Leverage individual strengths to drive team collaboration How to use these skills to manage change and conflict well. Essential Conversation Skills to create a Functional Workplace Effective Strategies to Reach Agreement Resolution Based Problem Solving – Michael Monroe Kiefer (Select a title that will work the best with your team.) Learn how to; Handle essential conversation skills with confidence and without fear using a step-wise formula. Understand Robert Rosenthal's amazing research studies on the Pygmalion effect and his four factor theory on how we impact others positively or negatively with our verbal and nonverbal cues. Gain practical use of the “CEDAR” method for giving effective feedback to others without offending anyone. www.proworktraining.com Time Management/Delegation - Tim Neary Managers succeed when their employees do. Effective training, time management and delegation of important work are at the heart of every organization. Learn how to make effective decisions and how to problem solve with winning results Identify employee potential and create work assignments that release it Recognize opportunities to assign meaningful work that drives city success, while building the strengths and confidence of every employee Master the new challenge of getting more done with less people Understand how to create a culture of accountability; everyone stands with their results, every time Learn how to effectively set up, monitor and complete a project and budget on a deadline. Coaching for Success – Liz Weatherhead Utilize meaningful coaching conversations to keep performance on track and build momentum to reach individual and city objectives. Leverage accountability strategies to focus on the job outcomes Discover a simple communication framework to drive effective coaching conversations Practice your skills with real-world scenarios Realize your own bias with coaching Develop coaching patterns for on-the-fly conversations. Recommended Assessment The recommended assessment for the series is the Leadership Behavior Inventory (LBI). Explore the different ways that people approach managing and leading with the *Leadership Behavior Inventory (LBI). The Leadership Behavior Inventory is a 14-point, self-administered survey for assessing the degree to which leaders incorporate different aspects of leadership into their management methods. The LBI is designed to help individuals analyze the patterns of behavior that are most characteristic of their leadership style. The Leadership Behavior Inventory is ideal for a host of training applications, including management skills, teaming, leadership programs, personal development and cultivating the learning organization. www.proworktraining.com Recommended Instructors: Liz Weatherhead travels North America as professional trainer and educator for organizations in a variety of industries. As a certified trainer from St. Thomas University and a Master 4MAT trainer, Liz understands what needs to transpire in the classroom to engage adult learners successfully to make training relevant and actionable. As an in- demand trainer and educator, Liz Weatherhead is a strong advocate for achieving team and organizational growth through personal empowerment. Liz believes the forward moving momentum of an organization directly relates to the energy the employees bring to work on their teams through clear communication. Tim Neary is a professor of Business, as well as, a seasoned executive leader and growth strategist. His Bachelor and Master degrees are in Business Administration with a concentration on Finance, Economics and Marketing. He has experience as a senior leader in fast paced organizations such as; Honeywell, Caterpiller and NMI. Dr. Michael Monroe Kiefer is a psychologist/researcher and national trainer with 20 plus years of experience. He is an adjunct professor at 9 colleges in the upper Midwest. He presents to corporations, government agencies, non-profits, is the author of 3 books and developer of several psychological tests. www.proworktraining.com Estimated investment: $9,350 – this 4 session 4 hour training experience includes the trainer, materials, LBI assessments and certificates of completion for up to 15 participants. (For participants over 15 we will add $50 per person to cover assessment and materials costs.) Maximum student number is 25 for the Leadership Academy. Proposed class schedule is 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on the following dates: July 8 July 22 August 5 August 19 I look forward to connecting with you regarding this learning opportunity. Respectfully submitted, Sarah Patnode Director of Training – Professional & Organizational Development Professional & Workforce Training Anoka Technical College & Anoka-Ramsey Community College spatnode@anokatech.edu (763) 576- 4128 CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/2015 1 3A.PublicHearing-Considerationofapproving2014StormWaterPollution PreventionProgram(SWPPP)AnnualReport (WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: In2005theCityofMonticellowasdesignatedasaregulatedsmallmunicipalseparate stormsewersystem(MS4)underMinnesotaRules,Chapter7090.ThisrequiredtheCity toobtainaNationalPollutantDischargeEliminationSystem/StateDisposalSystem (NPDES/SDS)stormwaterpermitandtodevelopandimplementaStormWater PollutionPrevention(SWPPP)toreducethedischargeofpollutants,includingsediments, fromourstormsewersystemtothemaximumextentpracticable. OnMarch24,2008theMPCAapprovedthedraftSWPPPandtheCitywasgranted generalpermitcoverage. Asrequired,theSWPPPaddressessixminimumcontrolmeasures(MCM’s)asfollowsto reporton: 1.PublicEducationandOutreach; 2.PublicParticipationandInvolvement; 3.IllicitDischargeDetectionandElimination; 4.ConstructionSiteStormwaterRunoffControl; 5.Post-ConstructionStormwaterManagementMeasures;and 6.PollutionPrevention/GoodHousekeepingMeasures. Atotalof40bestmanagementpractices(BMP’s)andmeasureablegoalsassociatedwith thesixminimumcontrolmeasures(MCM’s)areidentifiedintheSWPPPfor implementation.Ashasbeendiscussedbefore,theseBMP’srequireseveralhoursof stafftimeeachyeartoadministerandcompletethetasksidentifiedinourSWPPP.These tasksincludesuchitemsas: •ProvidingarticlesinCitynewslettersandonthewebsite •Educatingthepublicatcommunityevents •Conductinganannualpublicmeeting •Monitoringandreportingonerosioncontrolonconstructionsites •Inspectionsofstructuralstormwaterdevices,pondsandstormseweroutfalls •DocumentationofallinformationassociatedwiththeCity’sMS4program 2014AnnualReport Eachyear,theCityisrequiredtoconductapublicmeetingtopresentinformationand activitiesassociatedwiththeSWPPPforthepreviousyear.TheCityisalsorequiredto submitanannualreportoftheseactivitiestotheMPCAbyJune30th.Thereport summarizestheCity’sSWPPPimplementationeffortsoverthepreviouscalendaryearfor thesixMCM’s.Thedraft2014annualreportisattachedassupportingdocumentation forCounciltoreviewandapprovepriortosubmittingtotheMPCA.ShouldCouncilwish todirectanychangestothe2014AnnualReport,staffwillmakeanychangesnecessary priortosubmittingthereporttotheMPCAbyJune30th. CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/2015 2 AnewpermitwasissuedtotheCityonJanuary16,2014thatwillremainineffectuntil willexpireonJuly31,2018.Thefollowingactivitieswerecompletedin2014as requiredbythenewpermitrequirements: 1.Revisedexistingordinancesrelatedtoillicitdischarge,constructionsiteerosion andsedimentcontrolandpost-constructionstormwatermanagement.The followingordinanceswereupdatedandapprovedbyCouncilonDecember8, 2014. •MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Chapter2,Section4(M)–Grading, Drainage,andErosionControlPermit •MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Chapter4,Section10–Grading,Drainage, andErosionControl •MonticelloCityCodeSubdivisionOrdinance,Title11,Chapter5– SubdivisionDesignStandards •Monticello CityCode,Title5,Chapter10–IllicitDischarge,Detection,and Elimination 2.DevelopedEnforcementResponseProcedures(ERPs)forillicit discharge/connectionsandconstructionsitesthatwilldescribeinternalstaff proceduresforresolvingnon-complianceissuesgeneratedasaresultofa complaintorsiteinspection. 3.ReviewedandupdatedtheCity’sexisting IllicitDischargeDetection& Elimination(IDDE)programcomponentstoincludewritteninternalprocedures foremergencyandnon-emergencyresponsetoreportedspills,illicitdischarges, andconnections.DevelopedinspectiondocumentationtechniquesinwhichCity workerswilluseduringtheirregulardailyactivities. 4.Developedaninspectionmapofhighpriorityareasthatmaycontainthepotential ofincreasedillicitdischargesbasedoncurrentlanduse/zoning,historyof reporteddischarges/spills,andactiveNPDESIndustrialStormwaterPermits. 5.ReviewedtheCity’sexistingconstructionsiteandpost-constructionstormwater managementprogramcomponentsandupdatedasnecessarytomeetnewMS4 permitrequirements.Programupdatesincludedwritteninternalproceduresfor identifyingpriorityconstrictionsitesforinspection,revisingplanreviewand inspectioncheckliststomeetnewNPDESConstructionStormwaterPermit requirements,andupdatingCityinspectionforms. 6.ProvidedarticlesintheCitynewsletter,websiteandfacebookpagerelatedto stormwaterbestmanagementpractices 7.Completedinspectionsofstructuralstormwaterdevices,pondsandstormsewer outfalls CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/2015 3 2015Activities Inadditiontotheannualrequiredactivitiesnotedabove,Citystaffisanticipatingtofocus onthefollowingitemsfor2015: •Developaneducationprogramandcommunicationsprogramtoincrease awarenessofstormwaterbestmanagementpractices.Itisanticipatedthatthe City’scommunicationscoordinatorwillleadthiseffortwithtechnicalassistance fromWSB. •ProvidestafftrainingforPublicWorksandtheBuildingDepartmentonstandard operatingproceduresandrecordkeepingpracticesforitemssuchas,erosionand sedimentcontrolinspections,streetsweepingoperations,outfall,pond,structural stormwaterBMPandquarterlyCityfacilityinspections A1.BudgetImpact:Completingthe2014AnnualReportandmanagingthe activitieshadnodirectimpacttothebudgetandispartofCityEngineerretainer. Approximately$10,000wasbudgetedunderProfessionalEngineeringservices for2015tocompletetheactivitieslistedaboveasrequiredwiththenewpermit. AshasbeendiscussedpreviouslywiththeCouncil,implementationofastorm waterutilityfeewouldbeinstrumentalinfundingtherequiredMS4permit complianceactivities,includingthemaintenanceandrepairofthestormsewer andpondingsystemswithintheCity.CurrentlytheCityhas121pondsandover 300stormwaterstructureswithseveralmilesofconnectingpipestomaintain. TheconceptofastormwaterutilityfeewouldbesimilartotheCity’ssewerand wateruserfeesthataregeneratedtofundoperationsandmaintenancecostsof thosesystems.Staffwillidentifythesecostswiththe2015budgetprocessifso directedbyCouncil. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:CityStaffhasspenttimepreparingthe2014Annual Reportincludingallbackgrounddocumentationtocompletethereport.Ongoing stafftimefromPublicWorks,Building,andCommunityDevelopment departmentswillberequiredtofulfillthepermitrequirements. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethe2014SWPPPAnnualReportaspresentedandauthorize submittaltotheMPCAbytheJune30th,2015deadline. 2.Motionforapprovalandsubmittalofthe2014SWPPPAnnualReporttothe MPCA,pendingrevisionsbasedonCouncilinput. 3.Motionofother. CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/2015 4 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: 2014SWPPPAnnualReport(draft) 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 1/14 You are currently logged in as: Monticello City MS4 If this is correct, click the 'Next' button. If this information is incorrect, contact Cole Landgraf (6517572880, cole.landgraf@state.mn.us) or Rachel Stangl (651757 2879, rachel.stangl@state.mn.us). Before you begin... The MS4 Annual Report for 2014 will automatically save your answers when you hit the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of each page. If you wish to leave the MS4 Annual Report for 2014 and complete the document at another time, you may do so by hitting ‘Next’ at the bottom of your current page to save your progress before exiting the document. Return to the survey by following the previously used web link, and again login using your email and assigned password credentials. Once you successfully log in, your previous answers will appear. You may print a copy of the MS4 Annual Report for 2014 for your records at any time by pressing the ‘Print’ button at the bottom of the page. Additionally, it is possible to save a PDF copy of the MS4 Annual Report for 2014 if you are working on a computer with OneNote (a program often included in Microsoft Office packages). Detailed saving instructions are available at stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/Guidance_for_saving_MS4_annual_reports. MS4 Annual Report for 2014 Reporting period: January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 Due: June 30, 2015 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 2/14 Instructions: Complete this annual report to provide a summary of your activities under the 2013 MS4 Permit (Permit) between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014. You may provide additional explanation and/or information in an email with the subject YourMS4NameHere_2014AR to ms4permitprogram.pca@state.mn.us. MPCA staff may also contact you for additional information. Questions: Contact Cole Landgraf at 6517572880 or cole.landgraf@state.mn.us or Rachel Stangl at 6517572879 or rachel.stangl@state.mn.us. MS4 General Contact Information Last name Bisson First name Shibani Title City Engineer Mailing address 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 C ity Monticello State MN Zip code 55362 Phone 7632713236 Email sbisson@wsbeng.com MCM 1: Public Education and Outreach The following questions refer to Part III.D.1. of the Permit. Q2 Did you select a stormwaterrelated issue of high priority to be emphasized during this Permit term? [Part III.D.1.a.(1)] Yes N o Q3 What is your stormwaterrelated issue(s)? Check all that apply. TMD L(s) Local businesses R esidential BMPs Pet waste Yard waste D eicing materials H ousehold chemicals C onstruction activities 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 3/14 Postconstruction activities Other Q4 Did you begin to educate the public on illicit discharge recognition and reporting? [Part III.D.1.a.(2)] Yes N o Q5 How did you distribute educational materials or equivalent outreach? Check all that apply and provide circulation/audience associated with each item. [Part III.D.1.a.] Brochure N ew sletter U tility bill insert N ew spaper ad R adio ad Television ad C able access channel Stormwaterrelated event School presentation or project Website Other (1) Other (2) Other (3) Q6 Intended audience? Check all that apply. Res idents Local Business es Dev elopers Students Employ ees Other N ew sletter Website Q7 Enter the total circulation/audience (if unknown, use best estimate): N ew sletter 5000 Website 6000 Provide a brief description of each activity related to public education and outreach (e.g. rain garden workshop, school presentation, public works open house) held and the date each activity was held from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. [Part III.D.1.c.(4)] Q8 Date of activity Q9 Description of activity Date (mm/dd/yyyy)4/1/2014 Sping newsletter on residential bmps Date (mm/dd/yyyy)10/1/2014 Fall newsletter on residential bmps 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 4/14 Date (mm/dd/yyyy)10/1/2014 facebook post on preventing storm drains from clogging Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Q10 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your public education and outreach program? [Part IV.B.] Yes No MCM 2: Public Participation/Involvement The following questions refer to Part III.D.2.a. of the Permit. Q11 You must provide a minimum of one opportunity each year for the public to provide input on the adequacy of your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). Did you provide this opportunity between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014? [Part III.D.2.a.(1)] Yes No Q12 What was the opportunity that you provided? Check all that apply. Public meeting Public event Other Q13 Did you hold a standalone meeting or combine it with another event? Standalone C ombined Enter the date of the public meeting (mm/dd/yyyy): 6/23/2014 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 5/14 Enter the number of citizens that attended and w ere informed about your SWPPP: 10 Q16 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you receive any input regarding your SWPPP? Yes No Q18 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your public participation/involvement program? [Part IV.B.] Yes No MCM 3: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination The following questions refer to Part III.D.3. of the Permit. Q19 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you update your regulatory mechanism(s) which prohibits nonstormwater discharges to your MS4? Yes No Q21 Did you identify any illicit discharges between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014? [Part III.D.3.h.(4)] Yes No Q30 Do you have written Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs) to compel compliance with your illicit discharge regulatory mechanism(s)? [Part III.B.] Yes No Q32 Did you train all field staff in illicit discharge recognition (including conditions which could cause illicit discharges) and reporting illicit discharges for further investigations? [Part III.D.3.e.] Yes No Q33 How did you train your field staff? Check all that apply. Email 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 6/14 Pow erPoint Presentation Video Field Training Other Other, describe: Developed IDDE program and inspection documents The following questions refer to Part III.C.1. of the Permit. Q34 Did you update your storm sewer system map between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014? [Part III.C.1.] Yes No Q35 Does your storm sewer map include all pipes 12 inches or greater in diameter and the direction of stormwater flow in those pipes? [Part III.C.1.a.] Yes No Q36 Does your storm sewer map include outfalls, including a unique identification (ID) number and an associated geographic coordinate? [Part III.C.1.b.] Yes No Q37 Does your storm sewer map include all structural stormwater BMPs that are part of your MS4? [Part III.C.1.c.] Yes No Q38 Does your storm sewer map include all receiving waters? [Part III.C.1.d.] Yes No Q39 In what format is your storm sewer map available? Hardcopy only GIS CAD Other Q40 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) program? [Part IV.B.] Yes No 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 7/14 MCM 4: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control The following questions refer to Part III.D.4. of the Permit. Q41 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you update your regulatory mechanism to be at least as stringent as the Agency's general permit to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity (CSW Permit) No. MN R100001 (http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/viewdocument.html?gid=18984) for erosion and sediment controls and waste controls? [Part III.D.4.a.] Yes No Q43 Have you developed written procedures for site plan reviews as required by the Permit? [Part III.D.4.b.] Yes No Q44 Have you documented each site plan review as required by the Permit? [Part III.D.4.f.] Yes No Q45 Enter the number of site plan reviews conducted for sites an acre or greater between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014: 3 Q46 What types of enforcement actions do you have available to compel compliance with your regulatory mechanism? Check all that apply and enter the number of each used from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. Verbal warnings N otice of violation Administrative orders Stopw ork orders Fines Forfeit of security of bond money Withholding of certificate of occupancy C riminal actions C ivil penalties Other Enter the number of verbal w arnings issued: 0 Enter the number of notice of violations issued: 0 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 8/14 Enter the number of stopw ork orders issued: 0 Q47 Do you have written Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs) to compel compliance with your construction site stormwater runoff control regulatory mechanism(s)? [Part III.B.] Yes No Q49 Enter the number of active construction sites an acre or greater that were in your jurisdiction between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014: 3 Q50 Do you have written procedures for identifying priority sites? [Part III.D.4.d.(1)] Yes No Q51 How are sites prioritized? Check all that apply. Site topography Soil characteristics Types of receiving w ater(s) Stage of construction C ompliance history Weather conditions Other Other, describe: Magnitude of construction sites and proximity to water bodies Q52 Do you have a checklist or other written means to document site inspections when determining compliance? [Part III.D.4.d.(4)] Yes No Q53 Enter the number of site inspections conducted for sites an acre or greater between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014: 3 Q54 Enter the frequency at which site inspections are conducted (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly): [Part III.D.4.d.(2)] weekly Q55 Enter the number of trained inspectors that were available for construction site inspections between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014: 1 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 9/14 Q56 Provide the contact information for the inspector(s) and/or organization that conducts construction stormwater inspections for your MS4. List your primary construction stormwater contact first if you have multiple inspectors. (1) Inspector name Tom Bose Organization City of Monticello Phone (Office)7632713275 Phone (Work C ell)6126850543 Email Tom.Bose@ci.monticello.mn.us Preferred contact method phone (2) Inspector name Organization Phone (Office) Phone (Work C ell) Email Preferred contact method (3) Inspector name Organization Phone (Office) Phone (Work C ell) Email Preferred contact method Q57 What training did inspectors receive? Check all that apply. U niversity of Minnesota Erosion and Stormw ater Management Certification Program Qualified C ompliance Inspector of Stormw ater (QC IS) Minnesota Laborers Training Center Stormw ater Pollution Prevention Plan Installer or Supervisor Minnesota U tility Contractors Association Erosion C ontrol Training C ertified Professional in Erosion and Sediment C ontrol (C PESC ) C ertified Professional in Stormw ater Quality (CPSWQ) C ertified Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Inspector (C ESSWI) Other Q58 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your construction site stormwater runoff control program? [Part IV.B.] 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 10/14 Yes No MCM 5: PostConstruction Stormwater Management The following questions refer to Part III.D.5. of the Permit. Q59 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you update your regulatory mechanism(s) to incorporate all requirements as specified in Part III.D.5.a. of the Permit? Yes No Q61 What approach are you using, or planning to use, to meet the performance standard for Volume, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), and Total Phosphorus (TP) as required by the Permit? [Part III.D.5.a.(2)] Check all that apply. Refer to the link http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/viewdocument.html? gid=17815 for guidance on stormwater management approaches. R etain a runoff volume equal to one inch times the area of the proposed increase of impervious surfaces onsite R etain the postconstruction runoff volume on site for the 95th percentile storm Match the predevelopment runoff conditions Adopt the Minimal Impact D esign Standards (MID S) An approach has not been selected Other method (Must be technically defensiblee.g. based on modeling, research and acceptable engineering practices) Q62 Do you have written Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs) to compel compliance with your postconstruction stormwater management regulatory mechanism(s)? [Part III.B.] Yes No Q64 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your postconstruction stormwater management program? [Part IV.B.] Yes No MCM 6: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations The following questions refer to Part III.D.6. of the Permit. 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 11/14 Q65 Enter the total number of structural stormwater BMPs, outfalls (excluding underground outfalls), and ponds within your MS4 (exclude privately owned). Structural stormwater BMPs 52 Outfalls 29 Ponds 121 Q66 Enter the number of structural stormwater BMPs, outfalls (excluding underground outfalls), and ponds that were inspected from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 within your MS4 (exclude privately owned). [Part III.D.6.e.] Structural stormwater BMPs 52 Outfalls 24 Ponds 30 Q67 Have you developed an alternative inspection frequency for any structural stormwater BMPs, as allowed in Part III.D.6.e.(1) of the Permit? Yes No Q68 Based on inspection findings, did you conduct any maintenance on any structural stormwater BMPs? [Part III.D.6.e.(1)] Yes No Q69 Briefly describe the maintenance that was conducted: cleaned them out Q70 Do you own or operate any stockpiles, and/or storage and material handling areas? [Part III.D.6.e.(3)] Yes No Q71 Did you inspect all stockpiles and storage and material handling areas quarterly? [Part III.D.6.e.(3)] Yes No Q72 Based on inspection findings, did you conduct maintenance at any of the stockpiles and/or storage and material handling areas? Yes No 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 12/14 Q74 Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations program? [Part IV.B.] Yes No Partnerships Q83 Did you rely on any other regulated MS4s to satisfy one or more Permit requirements? Yes No Additional Information If you would like to provide any additional files to accompany your annual report, use the space below to upload those files. For each space, you may attach one file. Q85 Click the "up arrow" icon below to upload a file. When it has uploaded successfully, a unique ID will appear in the box. Only files 6 MB or less will upload. Q86 Click the "up arrow" icon below to upload a file. When it has uploaded successfully, a unique ID will appear in the box. Only files 6 MB or less will upload. Q87 Click the "up arrow" icon below to upload a file. When it has uploaded successfully, a unique ID will appear in the box. Only files 6 MB or less will upload. Q88 Optional, describe the file(s) uploaded: Owner or Operator Certification 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 13/14 The person with overall administrative responsibility for SWPPP implementation and Permit compliance must certify this MS4 Annual Report. This person must be duly authorized and should be either a principal executive (i.e., Director of Public Works, City Administrator) or ranking elected official (i.e., Mayor, Township Supervisor). I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete (Minn. R. 7001.0070). I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment (Minn. R. 7001.0540). Yes By typing my name in the following box, I certify the above statements to be true and correct, to the best of my knowledge, and that information can be used for the purpose of processing my MS4 Annual Report. Name: Title: Date: (mm/dd/yyyy) Before you submit... Print or save a copy of your completed MS4 Annual Report for 2014 for your records. The MPCA will not be able to provide you with a copy. You may print a copy of the MS4 Annual Report for 2014 for your records by pressing the ‘Print’ button at the bottom of the page. Additionally, it is possible to save a PDF copy of the MS4 Annual Report for 2014 if you are working on a computer with OneNote (a program often included in Microsoft Office packages). Detailed saving instructions are available at stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/Guidance_for_saving_MS4_annual_reports. If you have any questions, contact MPCA staff Cole Landgraf 6/12/2015 MS4 Annual Report for 2014 https://www.snapsurveys.com /wh/siam/surveylanding/pr interviewer.asp?sid=746D70666D6E757861313433343132353936312E3835 14/14 (cole.landgraf@state.mn.us, 6517572880) or Rachel Stangl (rachel.stangl@state.mn.us, 6517572879). CouncilAgenda:6/22/15 1 3B.PublicHearing-Considerationofadoptinga2015-2020StreetReconstructionPlan (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Astreetreconstructionplanallowsthecitytoissuedebtforimprovementprojectsthat don’tmeetthe20%assessmentrequirement.Currently,thecityhastwoprojectsunder the20%threshold:TH25/CSAH75intersectionimprovements($315,000)andOverlay RuralOutlying,whichincludesthereconstructionofasegmentof85th streetbetweenTH 25andEdmonsonAvenue($125,000).TherearefutureprojectstheCityiscurrently contemplatingthatmaynotmeetthe20%thresholdsuchas:streetreconstructionof Areas5and6andoverlayofotherruraloutlyingstreets.Councilisbeingaskedto approvethe2015-2020StreetReconstructionPlanpriortothereconstructionof85th Street,scheduledforJuly2015.TH25/CSAH75intersectionconstructionwilloccurlater thissummer. Streetreconstructionplansareaptlynamedwithemphasisonreconstructionor bituminousoverlayofexistingcitystreets.Eligibleimprovementsmayincludeturnlanes andotherimprovementshavingasubstantialpublicsafetyfunction,realignments,other modificationstointersectwithstateandcountyroads,andthelocalshareofstateand countyroadprojects.Exceptinthecaseofturnlanes;safetyimprovements, realignments,intersectionmodifications,andthelocalshareofstateandcountyroad projects;streetreconstructiondoesnotincludetheportionofprojectcostallocableto wideningastreetoraddingcurbsandgutterswherenonepreviouslyexisted.Street ReconstructionBondsaresubjecttothedebtlimit.Thecityiscurrently$30million underitsdebtlimit. Theplanandthefutureissuanceofbondsmustbeapprovedbyavoteofallthemembers ofthecouncilpresentatthemeeting.Currently,thecouncilisonlyactingonplan approval,notissuanceofbonds.Theplancanbeamendedatfuturedatesafterpublic notification.Planexpenditurescanoccurinanyofthefiveyears.Theplanissubjectto reversereferendumbypetitionof5%ofthevotersinthelastmunicipalelection. Specialassessment(improvement)bondscanbeissuedforimprovementprojectswhere thecityassessesatleast20%ofprojectcosts.Improvementbondsarenotsubjectto councilunanimityorreferendum. A1.BudgetImpact:Annualdebtservicewhichwillvarywiththesizeofthe project. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Minimal. A3.LegalReview:Notapplicable. CouncilAgenda:6/22/15 2 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: PleasenotethataunanimousvoteofCouncilmemberspresentisrequiredbyMinnesota StatutesforadoptionofthePlan. 1.Motiontoadoptthe2015-2020StreetReconstructionPlanaspresented. 2.Motiontoadoptthe2015-2020StreetReconstructionPlanwiththefollowing modifications:___________________________________. 3.Motiontodenyadoptionofthe2015-2020StreetReconstructionPlan. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityStaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: 2015-2020StreetReconstructionPlan OverallStreetReconstructionMap DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN 2015 to 2020 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PLAN DRAFT AS OF JUNE 8, 2015 City of Monticello 2015-2020 Street Reconstruction Plan Page 2 of 4 City of Monticello , MN 2015-2020 Street Reconstruction Plan Introduction The City of Monticello (the “City”) historically has conducted street maintenance and reconstruction as part of its annual operational budget or as part of a street improvement capital improvement project. The maintenance and reconstruction has included seal coating, mil1 and overlay, complete reconstruction, and other such items incidental to the maintenance of city streets. The City finds that it does not have the resources for reconstructing streets as quickly as required, due to increased need for major reconstruction projects. Due to this fact, the City has decided to finance a portion of its street reconstruction through the issuance of General Obligation Street Reconstruction Bonds. Statutory Authority and Requirements Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.58, Subd. 3b (the “Act”) authorizes Minnesota cities to adopt a Street Reconstruction Plan. The Plan must cover at least a five-year period and set forth the streets to be reconstructed, the estimated costs, and any planned reconstruction of other streets in the municipality over the next five years. Street Reconstruction Bonds can be used to finance the reconstruction and bituminous overlay of existing city streets. Eligible improvements may include turn lanes and other improvements having a substantial public safety function, realignments, other modifications to intersect with state and county roads, and the local share of state and county road projects. Except in the case of turn lanes, safety improvements, realignments, intersection modifications, and the local share of state and county road projects, street reconstruction does not include the portion of project cost allocable to widening a street or adding curbs and gutters where none previously existed. Street Reconstruction Bonds are subject to the debt limit. The Act sets forth specific requirements for the issuance of Street Reconstruction Bonds, which are as follows: The projects financed under this authority must be described in a street reconstruction plan, as described above. The city must publish notice of and hold a public hearing on the proposed plan and the related issuance of bonds. The notice must be published at least ten days but not more than 28 days prior to the hearing date. The plan and the issuance of bonds must be approved by a vote of all of the members of the governing body present at the meeting. The issuance of bonds is subject to a reverse referendum. An election is required if voters equal to 5% of the votes cast in the last municipal general election file a petition City of Monticello 2015-2020 Street Reconstruction Plan Page 3 of 4 with the city clerk within 30 days of the public hearing. If the city decides not to undertake an election, it may not propose the issuance of Street Reconstruction Bonds for the same purpose and in the same amount for a period of 365 days from the date of receipt of the petition. If the question of issuing the bonds is submitted and not approved by the voters, the provisions of section 475.58, subdivision 1a, shall apply (no resubmission for same purpose/amount for 180 days). History and Existing Street Reconstruction Bonds At the time of the approval of this Street Reconstruction Plan, the City has no outstanding Street Reconstruction Bonds issued under Chapter 475 . Net Debt Limits Minnesota Statutes Section 475.53, Subd. 1 states that no municipality, except a school district or a city of the first class, shall incur or be subject to a net debt in excess of three percent of the market value of taxable property in the municipality. Bonds issued under the authority granted by this Plan are subject to the net debt limit restriction described above. The City has the following net debt capacity. Computation of Legal Debt Margin as of June 2, 2015: 2013/2014 Estimated Market Value1 $ 1,285,755,500 Multiplied by 3% x .03 Statutory Debt Limit $ 38,572,665 $255,000 G.O. Improvement and Refunding Bonds, Series 2010A2 155,000 $500,000 G.O. Certificates of Indebtedness, Series 2013A 385,000 $6,595,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2014A 6,595,000 Less outstanding debt applicable to debt limit: ($ 7,135,000) Legal debt margin $ 31,437,665 1 Most current taxes payable year available as certified as final by the County. 2 Includes street reconstruction portion only, does not include special assessment portion of the 2010A Bonds. City of Monticello 2015-2020 Street Reconstruction Plan Page 4 of 4 The City is proposing to issue up to $8,950,000 in new General Obligation Street Reconstruction Bonds between June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2020. (The maximum amount includes $270,000 for estimated cost of issuance of bonds and rounding.) The proposed bond issuance is within the current City's Legal Debt Margin. Proposed Street Reconstruction and Cost Estimate The City’s Street Reconstruction Plan, as detailed in Table A, includes all street reconstructions to be undertaken between years 2015 and 2020 and financed through the issuance bonds. The City reserves the right to adjust the amount of annual spending between years, as long as the overall 2015-2020 Street Reconstruction Plan is not increased. 2015-2020 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PLAN June, 30, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Overlay Rural Outlying St – 85 th Recon Only (STR-13-004)$125,000 Street Reconstruction Area 5 (STR-13-007)$500,000 TH25/CSAH75 Intersection Improvements (STR-14-001)$315,000 TOTAL $940,000 July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 E 7th Street/TH25 Intersection (STR-13-005)$450,000 Street Reconstruction Area 5 (STR-13-007)$4,000,000 TOTAL $4,450,000 July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 Overlay Rural Outlying Streets (STR-13-004)$500,000 Street Reconstruction Area 5 (STR-13-007)$190,000 Street Reconstruction Area 6 (STR-13-008)$1,100,000 TOTAL $1,790,000 July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 Street Reconstruction Other $1,500,000 TOTAL $1,500,000 Julye 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 TOTAL $0 GRAND TOTAL $8,680,000 TABLE A CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 4A.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-052authorizingpreparationofa FeasibilityReportforthe2016StreetReconstructionProject (SB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: StaffisrequestingCouncilauthorizationtoprepareaFeasibilityReportaddressingthe nextphaseoftheCity’sstreetreconstructionprojectasidentifiedintheCity’sOverall StreetReconstructionthatbeganin2003.Enclosedisamapidentifyingpreviousstreet reconstructionprojectsnotingtheyearcompletedalongwiththeproposedstreet reconstructionlocation.ThelastmajorCitystreetreconstructionprojectoccurredin 2011withthereconstructionofEastRiverStreet,fromTH25toeastofWashington Street,andadjoiningsidestreets. Theproposedstreetstobereconstructedhadbeenidentifiedas“Area5”intheOverall StreetReconstructionPlanandhavebeenidentifiedintheCity’sCapitalImprovement Planforreconstructionin2016.Thestreetstotalapproximately3.3centerlinemileswith varyingwidthsbetween33and41feetwide.Thestreetshavedeterioratedovertimeand areinneedofrepair.Thestreetdepartmenthaspatchedspecificareasofpavement deteriorationwithintheroadwaysurfaceoverthelastfewyears.Thistypeofpatchingis atemporaryfixascrackingandpotholeswillbereflectedagainontothepavement surfacewithin2-3years.Itisnotcosteffectivetocontinuallyrepairthesesegmentsover time,butispracticalonatemporarybasisuntiltheroadwayisreconstructed. Ingeneral,itisproposedtoreclaimtheexistingpavementandunderlyingaggregatebase andrepavethestreets.Soilboringsandevaluationwilldeterminethepavementsection needed.Deterioratedcurbwillbereplacedasneededorreplacedasnecessarywith utilityimprovements. Publicworksandengineeringstaffmettodefineageneralscopefortheprojectthatthe FeasibilityReportwilladdressassummarizedbelow: StreetImprovements •3rd Streetand4th StbetweenTH25andWashingtonSt •6th StbetweenTH25andCedarSt •CedarStreetfromCSAH75toitssouthterminus •PalmSt,NewSt,WrightSt,HennepinStbetweenCSAH75and4th St •RamseyStandWashingtonStbetweenCSAH75and7th St •7th StbetweenTH25andWashingtonSt.Improvementsatthe7th Stand WashingtonStintersectionwillbeevaluatedtominimizere-buildingthe roadwaywiththefutureFallonoverpassconstruction •Rightturnlaneonwestbound7th StreetatTH25andassociatedretaining wall/landscapingandsidewalkrelocation. •7th St/TH25leftturnsignalimprovements •7th Streetpathwayimprovements •Evaluateon-streetparkingneedsalong7th Street CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 2 •Sidewalkandpedestrianramp/crossingimprovementswithintheentirearea andpotentialsidewalkextensions •EvaluateaccessandpedestrianconnectionswithSchoolDistrict •4th Stparkinglotimprovements •Treeplantingstofillinexistinggaps •Replaceallsignstomeetretro-reflectivityrequirements •BNSFrailwaycrossingupgrades •Evaluationofstreetlightingneeds UtilityImprovements •Stormsewerpipeandstructureimprovements,addressknowndrainageissues •Evaluatewherefeasibletoimplementstormwaterinfiltrationandtreatment •Sanitarysewerimprovementstoincludemainlinereplacements/lining,sewer servicereplacements,manholecastingandringreplacement •Watermainimprovementsasneededtoaddressmainbreaks/serviceissues •Hydrantandvalvereplacement •Evaluateburyingoverheadpoweron3rd and4th Streets •ConduitcrossingsinstalledwhereneededforprivateutilitiesandFibernet TheFeasibilityReportwilladdressthelocation,abovescope,existingconditions, proposedimprovements,estimatedcosts,availablefundingsources(includingspecial assessments),preliminaryprojectschedule,anddeterminationastothenecessity, feasibilityandcost-effectivenessoftheproposedimprovements. Basedonestimatedperfootcostsfor2015project,anestimatedprojectcostforthe proposed2016StreetReconstructionprojectwasprepared.Theestimatedcostincludesa 25%contingencyandfor22%indirectcost.Thesecostswereidentifiedforbudgeting purposesandwillberefinedintheFeasibilityReport. 2016StreetReconstructionProject–Area5 EstimatedProjectCosts ItemDescription Total StreetandPedestrianImprovements $4,200,000 7th Street/TH25Improvements $450,000 SanitarySewerImprovements $500,000 WatermainImprovements $400,000 StormSewerImprovements $200,000 TotalImprovements $5,750,000 CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 3 Fundingfortheproposedimprovementswilllikelyincludeamixoffundingsources including;specialassessmentstothebenefittingproperties,eligibleStateAidfundsfora portionof4th StandCedarSt,WashingtonStandtheintersectionof7th St/TH25and proposedstreetreconstructionbondsrepaidbyadebtservicetaxlevy.Currently,the debtservicelevyisprojectedtodeclinein2016.Seetheenclosedchart.For2016,the FinanceDirectorwillrecommendduring2016budgetdiscussionsthatthelevybeheld consistentwithprioryearandusedtoprovideupfrontfinancingforthestreet reconstructionprojects,otherimprovementprojectsandcurrentdebtserviceneeds,which arestillimpactedbythelackofdevelopmentrevenues. AssessmentsfortheprojectwillbebasedontheCity’sstandardresidentialandnon- residentialrates,whichwas$4,000perresidentialunitand100%ofthefrontfootcostfor non-residentiallotsforthe2011StreetReconstructionproject.A5%increasetothese rateshasgenerallybeenappliedyeartoyearandwillbeevaluatedwiththefeasibility report. ShouldCouncilchoosetoconstructanysidewalksthefundingwouldbeproposedtobe acquiredthroughanarea-wideassessmentprogram,similartotheprogramsusedtofund sidewalksonpreviousStreetReconstructionprojects.Thisrequiredbenefittingproperty ownerstopayfor25%ofthesidewalkconstruction,withtheCitypayingtheremaining 75%ofthecosts. IftheCouncilmovesforwardwiththisproject,thefollowingscheduleisproposed: AuthorizeFeasibility Report……………………………………………………………….…June22,2015 CompleteBoringsandTopographicSurvey................................July/August,2015 NeighborhoodMeeting..................................................................September,2015 ReceiveFeasibilityReport..................................................................October,2015 PublicHearing/OrderImprovement..............................................November,2015 ApprovePlansandSpecifications/AuthorizeBids............................February2016 ReceiveBids..........................................................................................March2016 AwardContract.......................................................................................April,2016 BeginConstruction...................................................................................May2016 StreetandUtilityConstructionSubstantiallyComplete.................September2016 AssessmentHearing............................................................................October,2016 CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 4 ConstructionComplete.............................................................................June2017 A1.BudgetImpact:Asnotedabove,thepreliminarycostestimateforconstructing theproposedimprovementsin2016is$5,750,000.Thisincludesa25% contingencyand22%forindirectcosts.WSBandAssociateswillcompletethe topographicsurvey,contractwithageotechnicalfirmforthesoilborings, completethecostestimate,drawings,preliminaryassessmentroleandreport preparation.Theestimatedcosttocompletethisworkisreportisestimatedat $120,000. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:WSBstaffwillcompletetheFeasibilityReportwith CityHallandPublicWorksstaffinput. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2015-052authorizingpreparationofaFeasibility Reportforthe2016StreetReconstructionProject. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofResolution#2015-052atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1.TheroadwayswithinArea5have deterioratedovertimeandareinneedofrepair.Thisareaisoneofthelargeststreet reconstructionareasfortheCity.Ifthisprojectistomoveforward,itisimperativeto starttheprocessforthisprojectnowgiventhemagnitudeoftheprojectinordertoallow enoughtimetocompletethefeasibilityreport,publichearingprocess,preparationof plansandspecifications,theStateAidreviewprocess,andbiddingtheprojectso constructioncanbeginearlyinthespringof2016.TheCityhasreceivedvery competitivebidsoverthelastfewyearsduetotheeconomicclimateandweanticipate seeingsimilarcompetitivebidsin2016.Thismakesthisaverycost-effectiveand favorablemarketforcompletingsuchprojects. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2015-052 OverallStreetReconstructionMap DebtServicelevygraph CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-052 AUTHORING PREPARATION OF A FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR THE 2016 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT CITY PROJECT NO. 16C001 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve Area 5 as identified in the City’s Overall Street Reconstruction Program by the reconstruction of streets listed below, including the adjustment, construction, reclamation, removal, and/or repair of existing pavement; curb and gutter; sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water supply systems; pathways; traffic signals; signage; railway crossings; and other necessary appurtenant work, and to assess the benefitting properties for all or a portion of the cost of the improvements, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. 3rd Street and 4th St between TH 25 and Washington St 6th St between TH 25 and Cedar St Cedar Street from CSAH 75 to its south terminus Palm St, New St, Wright St, Hennepin St between CSAH 75 and 4th St Ramsey St and Washington St between CSAH 75 and 7th St 7th St between TH 25 and Washington St. Right turn lane on westbound 7th Street at TH 25 and associated retaining wall/landscaping and sidewalk relocation. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNICL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be referred to WSB and Associates, Inc., for study, and that WSB and Associates is instructed to report back to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 22nd day of June, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO ________________________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator $- $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025 DebtServiceLevy(2011-2025) 2010AImp.2011AImp 2007AImp.2008Sewer 2008AMCC 2014AFiber CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 1 4B.ConsiderationtoauthorizedevelopmentofacontractwithWSB&Associatesfor theBertramChainofLakesAthleticParkPlanningProjecttoincludeamastersite plan,phasingplan,feasibilityreport,schematicgradingplan,andconstruction design,plansandcoordinationforinterimimprovements.(AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: OnApril14th,2015,theCityCouncilauthorizedreleaseofarequestforfirm qualificationsandproposalsforthedevelopmentofamastersiteplan,phasingplanand feasibilitystudyfortheBertramChainofLakesRegionalAthleticPark,aswellas preparationofanAthleticParkschematicgradingplanandconstructiondesign,plans& coordinationforinterimimprovementsattheAthleticPark.Atthistime,theCity CouncilisaskedtoauthorizedevelopmentofacontractwithWSB&Associatesforthe describedproject,basedontherecommendationoftheRFQ/RFPSteeringCommittee. Asaresultoftherankingandevaluationanalysiscompletedforthereceivedqualification andproposaldocuments,aswellastheproposerinterviewprocess,theSteering CommitteehasrecommendedunanimouslythattheCityauthorizedevelopmentofa contractwithWSB&AssociatesfortheprojectdescribedintheRFQ/RFPdocument. TheBCOLAthleticParkplanningprojectisthefirststeptowardimplementationof physicalparkfacilitiesattheathleticcomplexportionofthepark.Theprojectwill provideamasterplanfortheathleticfieldsandtherequiredsupportfacilitiesforthe athleticpark.Importantly,thisplanwillbedevelopedbasedonapublicinputandneeds assessment. TheplanningprojectwillalsoprovidetheCitywithneededinformationontheestimated coststoconstruct,operateandmaintainthefacilities.Additionally,asdescribedinthe RFQ/RFPdocument,theprojectwillyieldconstruction-readyplansfortheinterim improvementsrequiredbytheOutdoorRecreationgrants,whichhelpedtofundthe acquisitionoftheproperty. AcopyofthefullRequestforQualificationsandProposal(RFQ/RFP)documentis includedforCouncilconsideration.TheRFQ/RFPdetailsspecificallythetasksand timelinesassociatedwiththeproject. InSeptember,2014theCouncilestablishedaSteeringCommitteetoguidetheRFP’s development,participateinconsultantreviewandselection,andultimatelysupportand assistinthefullathleticparkmasterplanningprocess. Tofollowisatimelineandbriefdescriptionrelatedtotheposting,receipt,andreviewof proposalsfortheprojectbytheSteeringCommittee. o April15th,2015:RFQ/RFPpostedtoCitywebsite,mailedtopotentialproposers andpostedtoMNAmericanPlanningAssociationwebsiteandAmericanInstitute ofArchitectsnewsletter. CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 2 o April29th,2015:Cityhostedaninformationalquestionandanswersessiononthe RFQ/RFPwithpotentialproposers.Summaryofresponsestoquestionspostedto citywebsite. o May15th,2015:RFQ/RFPsubmittalsduetoCity.Fourqualificationand proposalsubmittalsreceived. o May18th,2015:FirstscheduledreviewbyRFPSteeringCommitteeofsubmitted proposals.Duetolackofquorum,thisreviewmeetingrequiredrescheduling. Postedasanopenmeeting. o May27th,2015:ReviewofsubmittedRFQ/RFPdocumentsbySteering Committee.Postedasanopenmeeting.Qualificationsandproposalsranked separately.Page19oftheRFQ/RFPrequestdocumentdescribescriteriausedfor ranking.Threefirmsselectedforinterviewbasedontherankinganalysis. o June11th,2015:InterviewsofthreefirmsbySteeringCommittee.Parks CommissionandCityCouncilinvitedtoattend.Postedasanopenmeeting. SteeringCommitteerecommendsfirmforcontractdevelopment. TheSteeringCommittee’srecommendationtocontractwithWSB&Associatesisbased onthecompany’sconsistentlyhighrankingthroughouttheevaluationprocess,including teamexperience,projectexperience,clarityandqualityofproposal,understandingof tasks,understandingofprojecttimeline,andprojectcost.Therecommendationisalso basedonWSB’spresentationperformanceduringtheinterviewprocess. ThecontractwithWSB&Associateswillbedevelopedbasedontheprojectdescribedin theRFQ/RFPdocumentandaspresentedinWSB’sproposaldocuments.Adetailed descriptionofeachtaskdeliverableisincludedintheRFPdocument,andincludes: o Task1:Needsanalysisandplanconfirmation o Task2: MasterSitePlan:basedonneedsanalysisandgoals DetailedPhasingPlans:tieredandphasedbasedonacquisition,detailed siteplans,utility,landscaping,signage FeasibilityPlan&Report:Environmental,traffic,ADA,costestimates fordevelopmentandoperationsandmaintenance o Task3:SchematicGradingPlan WrightCountyLandAlterationPermit o Task4:ConstructionDesign,Plans&CoordinationforInterimImprovements Grantrequirements CouncilshouldnotetheRFQ/RFPdidnotrequestconstruction-leveldocumentsforpark improvementsbeyondtheinterimimprovementsdescribedintheOutdoorRecreation acquisitiongrants.However,theconstructioncostestimatecomponentwillincludeboth CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/15 3 theestimatedcostsforconstructionoftheimprovementsaswellascostestimatesforthe preparationofconstructiondocumentsforthosefutureimprovements(suchasconcession andrestroombuildings,additionalaccessroad,parkinglots,trails,stormwaterfacilities andfields). IfCouncilelectstoproceedwithcontractdevelopment,thedraftisanticipatedtobe broughtbacktotheCityCouncilforapprovalatthefirstmeetinginJuly. A1.BudgetImpact:Theanticipatedbudgetimpactisapproximately$85,000and willbefurtherdefinedbythecontractprocess.TheFinanceDirectorhas indicatedthatfundingforthisplanningprojectwillcomefromtheCapital Projectsfund,withfundstransferredintotheParks&Trailsfundforproject payment.Fundingforthisprojectwasdetailedaspartofthe2015budgeting process. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staff,includingtheCommunityDevelopmentDirector, ParksSuperintendent,CityEngineerandMCCDirectorwillbeinvolvedin supportingtheMasterPlanningprocesses. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoauthorizedevelopmentofacontractwithWSB&Associatesforthe BertramChainofLakesAthleticParkPlanningProjecttoincludeamastersite plan,phasingplan,feasibilityreport,schematicgradingplan,andconstruction design,plansandcoordinationforinterimimprovements 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: TheBertramChainofLakesRFPSteeringCommitteerecommendsalternative1above basedontheirreviewandanalysisofqualifications,proposalandinterview.Staffdefers totheSteeringCommitteeonthisitem. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: BertramChainofLakesAthleticComplexRequestforQualifications&Proposal 2 | Page TABLE OF CONTENTS A. PURPOSE STATEMENT P. 3 B. PROJECT VISION P. 3 C. PROJECT BACKGROUND P. 5- 7 D. PROJECT GOALS P. 8-9 E. SCOPE OF WORK: TASK SPECIFICS & DELIVERABLES P. 10-17 F. PROJECT PROCESS PARTICIPANTS P. 18 G. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS P. 19 H. PROPOSED EVALUATION CRITERIA P. 19-20 I: PROJECTED PROJECT TIMELINE P. 20 J: AVAILABLE RESOURCES P. 21 APPENDIX – EXHIBITS Exhibit A: Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park Proposal & Project Dates Exhibit B: Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park Proposal & Project Timeline Exhibit C: Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park Parcel and Phasing Information Exhibit D: Concept Plan, Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park Exhibit E: Current Concept Plan, Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park 3 | Page A. PURPOSE STATEMENT The City of Monticello is requesting firm qualifications and proposals for the development of a master site plan, phasing plan and feasibility study for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park, as well as preparation of an Athletic Park schematic grading plan, and construction design, plans & coordination for interim improvements at the Athletic Park. B. PROJECT VISION The Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park is a 1,200 acre developing regional park located in Wright County, Minnesota. The park is being acquired in a partnership between the City of Monticello and Wright County. Since 2006, Wright County and the City of Monticello have been working with the YMCA of Minneapolis (now the YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities) to acquire approximately 1,200 acres for the regional park. The YMCA was interested in selling the property for development to allow for investment in other facilities. However, as the area represented a tremendous opportunity for both active and passive recreation, as well as the chance to sustain important natural resources, the City and County instead developed a partnership with the YMCA for the gradual acquisition of the land for park purposes. The City and County have designated the property as park land within planning documents and have developed a phased acquisition framework for the full 1,200 acres. The County and City have also developed a mission statement for the regional park: “The mission of the City of Monticello and Wright County is to acquire, develop, operate and maintain a regional park and recreation area which enriches the quality of life for our residents and visitors alike, & preserves a natural resource for future generations.” This mission statement supports the acquisition of parkland within a prime growth corridor for the state and the development of a park which encourages increased outdoor recreation participation, while ensuring that important environmental infrastructure is preserved for the region. The Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park will offer both passive and active outdoor experiences. A concept plan has been developed for the full park which blends the athletic and natural-resource recreation components, and bases overall park design on the natural conditions and amenities of the land itself. The BCOL Athletic Park will be an asset to the larger regional park and a prime opportunity for families, children and visitors taking part in structured activities at the 4 | Page athletic park to experience and enjoy the outdoor activities in the natural resource area of the park. The master planning for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex is intended to illustrate and facilitate the implementation of a premier athletic park facility which serves the community and the region and connects people to the outdoors. Connecting people to their natural environment through the preservation of a high quality natural resource and the related ability to provide a full spectrum of recreational opportunities for outdoor recreation has been, and will continue to be, the driving force for the planning and implementation of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. 5 | Page C. PROJECT BACKGROUND At this time, the City of Monticello is seeking to develop a master site plan and phasing plan for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park portion of the regional park. The proposed project will plan an athletic park developed over an approximately 90-115 acre site, completed as a phased construction project. In addition, the City is seeking a feasibility plan and report for the athletic park, which will analyze project impacts and resources, as well as expected operations and maintenance costs for the athletic park. The City is also seeking the development and approval of permitting plans for grading of the athletic park. Finally, this request for proposal includes the management of an initial phase of interim improvements at the athletic park. The City of Monticello has completed prior planning initiatives which will serve as foundation for the detailed master planning requested within this document. The City has completed three activities to-date as related to preliminary or conceptual planning for the athletic park: 1. Athletic Field Subcommittee Assessment & Concept Plan: As part of the City’s efforts to determine initial need for the athletic park, a sub-committee of stakeholders was brought together to develop a needs assessment for athletic fields and use in 2008. Driven by public input and this needs assessment, the resulting conceptual plan for the full athletic park incorporates softball, baseball, soccer and lacrosse fields, parking areas, walking/bicycling pathways, restrooms, concession buildings, and playgrounds. The field placement and orientations were laid out to address the best design for player use, as well as to maximize available land. A map of the concept plan is included as Exhibit D of this document. For Task 1 of the proposal component, the City is requesting an updated needs assessment and reconfiguration of the concept plan based on the assessment. The new assessment will be used as the basis for the final ultimate design of the park and phasing. The prior concept plan should not be a limiting factor in the design, placement, number, or orientation of fields or other park components and is for reference purposes only. The Task 1 scope of work is further defined in Section E of this document. 2. City Park & Pathway Plan: In 2011, the City of Monticello completed and adopted an update to its Comprehensive Plan specific to the community’s park and pathway system. The plan re-affirmed the City’s goals in acquiring and developing the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Chapter 3 of the plan lists as one of its seven guiding principles “Prioritizing the acquisition and 6 | Page development of Bertram Lakes Regional Park.” The plan then references the planning objectives supporting this principal. These objectives are listed below and should be incorporated as part of master planning efforts for the park. o The unique opportunities provided by the Bertram Lakes facility will dominate Monticello’s park and pathway planning for the foreseeable future. o Focus on Bertram Lakes for many of the community park facilities that might have otherwise been originally planned throughout the community. o Identify and supplement community park facilities with opportunities for neighborhood park experiences. o Ensure extensive pathway connections to both Bertram Lakes and the community parks to mitigate for the lack of true neighborhood park proximity. o Adapt community park facilities over time to ensure a variety of park and recreation experiences for the users of the facilities as they evolve over time due to access, growth, and demographic change. o The connection between natural and active recreation areas is a particular strength of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. This integration will be furthered by attention to transitions and buffers between natural and active areas, and through plan design for sustainability and user accessibility. The regional drawing power of the athletic park also creates the opportunity to introduce new users, especially children taking part in scheduled athletic activities, to the incredible natural resources and activities present at the larger park. 3. City Bio -Solids Property Use Analysis & Concept Plan: In 2014, the City of Monticello completed a preliminary analysis of the use of approximately 26 acres of property lying adjacent to the planned Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, directly to the north. The property is owned by the City of Monticello. The City considered this acreage as a replacement for approximately 11.6 acres of area within the park better suited to natural resource park development and use. The analysis led to a revised conceptual layout for the park, which is included with this document. The concept plan is included as Exhibit D of this document. 7 | Page As part of the planning effort, the selected firm will be asked to evaluate the need for this additional land area and to consider the area as the last phase of development at the athletic park. 4. Bertram Chain of Lakes Master Plan: In 2014, a Master Plan for the park was drafted by the Wright County Parks Department, with support from the City of Monticello. The Master Plan provides an overview of the project as a whole, park history, the governance model for the park, public participation process, cost analysis, and project phasing. The Master Plan also includes as appendix documents a Cultural & Environmental Heritage Study and Phase II environmental analysis. 8 | Page D. PROJECT GOALS: A series of goals for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Athletic Park has been developed to guide both the planning process described within this document, as well as continued future development and management of the athletic park. The desired outcome of the planning process is to yield a project product which meets the following goals. 1. Create a premier athletic park destination for the community and the region. 2. Create a park-like environment over an institutional environment, in recognition of the park’s unique blend of passive and active outdoor recreation resources and opportunities. 3. Create an environment which enriches the outdoor recreation experience for Bertram park users, encouraging the exploration and connection to the larger regional park. 4. Provide for buffering and transition between the natural resource and athletic areas of the park. Orient the uses such that the most intense are separated from the most sensitive natural resources. “Intense” shall include an evaluation of both play/spectator use level and actual infrastructure impact in terms of view, required utilities, parking, etc. 5. Design within context of the athletic park’s potential to serve the needs for both local and regional populations, today and into the future. 6. Provide for sustainability throughout design – including stormwater management and irrigation plans, recycling practices, materials for construction, etc. Consider and incorporate low-impact design elements for noise, light, energy and water consumption, field maintenance, etc. Utilize native landscape materials to the maximum extent practical for all landscapes. 7. Balance the needs of players, spectators and other park visitors in field design and layout, as well as placement and number of parking spaces and other visitor and player amenities. 8. Incorporate connections (pathways, access) within athletic park facility nodes and to the larger regional park which are in concert with the regional park concept. In addition, plan for and incorporate connections to the community consistent with the City’s Park & Pathway Plan and Wright County Trail System Plan. 9 | Page 9. Maximize efficiency in design to achieve phasing which meets needs prioritization and cost effectiveness. 10. Create an attractive regional recreation venue through design considerations. Consider the economic benefit and revenue potential of developing a regional athletic park without compromising a park experience. 11. Accommodate future adaption and evolving trends in outdoor recreation in plan design. 12. Consider programmatic opportunities in design, including partnerships with local recreation providers. 13. Provide the framework for immediate implementation for required interim improvements and a framework to guide future improvements. 14. Comply with all local, state and federal laws, policies and regulations, including but not limited to: grant requirements, environmental review and permitting, and accessibility. 10 | Page E. SCOPE OF WORK: TASK SPECIFICS & DELIVERABLES To facilitate the development of the athletic park, the City of Monticello is seeking a consultant or consultant tea m to provide: a master site plan, phasing plan, and feasibility plan and report for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park. The master site plan will included a full schematic layout for the park based on a needs analysis, the stated project goals, and prior planning efforts. The phasing plan will include detailed plans for each proposed phase of development, including both an interim layout and full-build out layout as later described. The feasibility plan and report will include a detailed environmental analysis, utility plan (for well and septic systems) and irrigation systems. The feasibility report will also include an analysis of development costs and phasing, accessibility compliance, sustainability analysis, and an operations and maintenance framework and cost estimates. The schematic grading plan component of the project will provide for necessary permitting approval for the phased build-out of the park. The City is also seeking construction design and management for the interim phase of improvements as outlined by the revised master plan and grant requirements , including the oversight of required permitting and approval processes. The services shall be structured into the following task components: Task 1: Needs Analysis/Plan Confirmation Task 2: Master Site Plan, Phasing Plan and Feasibility Plan & Report Task 3: Schematic Grading Plan for All Phases (for Land Alteration Permit) Task 4: Construction Design, Plans & Coordination for Interim Improvements 11 | Page Task 1: Needs Analysis/ Plan Confirmation Task Overview This task will reconfirm conceptual athletic park plan elements and park configuration based on an updated needs assessment. The selected consultant/consultant team will review and understand the existing concept plan and background documents including Outdoor Recreation Grant documents, Park & Pathway Plan, Natural Resource Inventory, archeological survey, City of Monticello and regional park system, and other previously developed BCOL park documents. In preparing the needs analysis, the selected consultant/consultant team will meet with stakeholders, including staff, Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council, BCOL Athletic Sub-Committee, Monticello School District, and Monticello Parks Commission to determine current and future needs and capacities. Task Deliverables Detailed needs assessment report including: o Methodology of assessment o Record and summary of stakeholder interviews and meetings o Overview of current needs – school district, City of Monticello, region o Projection of future need – school district, City of Monticello, region o Specific evaluation of local versus regional needs o Statement regarding decommissioning potential of other park facilities o Final recommendation based on above, including description of prioritization of improvements Task Meeting and Public Process Requirements Kick-Off Meeting — Review prior site concepts with City staff, site conditions and design requirements, and receive and/or request project information from the City. Stakeholder Meetings and Interviews - o City and County Park and Community Center Staff o BCOL Athletic Field Subcommittee o Monticello School District Staff o Athletic Organizations (as needed) o Monticello Community Education Staff o Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council 12 | Page o Monticello Parks Commission Final Recommendation Staff Meeting – Review final recommendations with City staff Task 2: Finalize Master Site Plan, Phasing Plan, Feasibility Plan & Report Task Overview Master Site Plan: The selected consultant/consultant team will prepare a final master site plan for the site based on Task 1 outcomes. The plan will show the number, location and orientation of all fields, access drives, trails, parking areas, open spaces and buildings. Phasing Plan: The selected consultant/consultant team will prepare a detailed site plan for each phase of the site as follows. A map of the phases is included as Exhibit C of this document. Phase 1: 49.8 acres a. Interim improvements per Outdoor Recreation Grant b. Full build out per master site plan Phase 2: 40.89 acres a. Interim improvements per Outdoor Recreation Grant b. Full build out per master site plan Phase 3: 26 acres (full build-out only) The consultant will first develop an interim improvements plan layer based on meeting the requirements of Outdoor Recreation Grants. The City has been awarded Outdoor Recreation grant funds through the Department of Natural Resources, which require the development of outdoor recreation facilities on the Phase 1 area no later than June, 2017. In its Outdoor Recreation grant application the City indicated that development of the larger athletic park would be a major endeavor, undertaken over a series of years. However, within the initial three years, the City indicated that it would construct a set of first phase improvements intended to meet the grant’s requirement. The first phase of improvements was to include the placement of a mid-parcel access road with open play fields on the south 20 acres of the 49.8 acres of Phase 1, including a 10’ unpaved trail to the passive recreational area of the park. The second phase of interim improvements is based on a second Outdoor Recreation grant (currently 13 | Page pending award) and was to include the extension of the access road to a gravel parking area and extension of the 10’ unpaved trail to additional open play fields. The interim phasing plan must be developed to harmonize with later full-build out plans. For detailed full build-out phasing plans, the consultant will determine detailed plans for recreational amenities and supporting facilities for each of the three noted phase acreages based on most immediate needs determined via Task 1. Feasibility Plan & Report: The consultant/consultant team will prepare itemized engineer’s estimates/construction cost estimates for all improvements in each phase, including as a separate component the interim improvement plans. The consultant/consultant team will provide projections of operations and maintenance for each phase, including the interim improvements. The feasibility plan/report will include an environmental analysis, utility plan, traffic analysis, ADA compliance detail, and sustainability analysis and recommendations. The feasibility plan/report will also be required to include a statement addressing how each of the goals of the project have been met with the master site plan, phasing plan or the report itself. Task Deliverables Full site Master Plan o 24” X 36” sheets o A full certificate of survey will be provided. o Site topographic survey will be required. o AutoCAD software and the design base drawing. o File must be suitable for input into both City and Wright County GIS. Interim Phasing Plan o 24” x 36” plan sheet for each of two phases o AutoCAD software and the design base drawing. o File must be suitable for input into both City and Wright County GIS. Detailed Phasing Plans, Full Build-Out o 24” x 36” plan sheet for each phase o Show all plan features, as appropriate: 14 | Page Site layout for soccer, football, lacrosse, baseball, softball, and other field or court types, as determined necessary Spectator stands/areas Field and site lighting Concessions/restrooms Storage and maintenance building(s) Trails Natural features, including plazas and open space pavilions Parking lots Playgrounds Picnic and seating areas Site access and utility access roads Conceptual irrigation layout (existing well; future city services) Storm water features (ponds, rain garden, swales, etc.) o Landscape plan, including species and recommended count o Signage and interpretive kiosk plan o Utility plan for electric, well, and septic, as well as future municipal utility connection points and corridors o Plan files must be suitable for input into both City and Wright County GIS. Project Feasibility Plan & Report to include: o Environmental analysis- description of features and impacts, regulatory compliance o Traffic projections o ADA compliance detail and report o Sustainability analysis and recommendations, including low impact design recommendations and best management practices for design, materials and construction, and on-going maintenance o Engineer’s estimates/construction cost estimates for all improvements by phase Statement regarding cost efficiency for phased improvement “clusters” o Projections of operations and maintenance for planned improvements Task Meeting and Public Process Requirements Workshop - Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council, Proposal Steering Committee, Athletic Field Sub-Committee, Parks Commission Public Open House 15 | Page Secondary Workshop - Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council, Proposal Steering Committee, Athletic Field Sub-Committee, Parks Commission, City Council, Planning Commission Parks Commission Review and Recommendation Council Review and Adoption Task 3: Schematic Grading Plan for All Phases Task Overview Selected consultant will prepare a schematic grading plan for all phases of the athletic facility based on the master site plan and phasing plans. The plan must be prepared to meet Wright County Land Alteration Conditional Use Permit requirements. The consultant will submit the plan to permit review and decision authorities and represent the City and park in the review process. Task Deliverables Complete and evaluate site soil borings. Prepare preliminary plan grading, erosion, sediment control and stormwater management sheets using AutoCAD software and the design base drawing. o Plan reviews on 24” X 36” sheets. o City will provide Standard Detail Plates for consultant's use. Prepare for Wright County Land Alteration Conditional Use Permit. Submit application and plans as needed for the required permits. Task Meeting and Public Process Requirements Preliminary Application Meeting – Meet with Wright County Planning & Zoning staff for purpose of understanding requirements and plan detail required for Land Alteration Conditional Use Permit. Preliminary Design Meeting — Review draft plans and specifications. City will review and provide comments in regard to the preparation of final plans and project deliverables. City Council – Present for authorization to submit application to Wright County. Monticello Township Board Meeting. Wright County Planning Commission Meeting. Final Meeting — Review and receive final permit plans and related deliverables. 16 | Page Task 4: Construction Design and Plans for Interim Improvements Task Overview: As previously noted, the City has been awarded Outdoor Recreation grant funds through the Department of Natural Resources, which require the development of outdoor recreation facilities on the Phase 1 area no later than June, 2017. The first phase is to include the placement of a mid-parcel access road with open play fields on the south 20 acres, including a 10’ unpaved trail to the passive recreational area of the park. The second phase is pending award and was to include the extension of the access road to a gravel parking area and extension of the 10’ unpaved trail to additional open play fields. At the time of drafting of this RFP, the consultant/consultant team should plan for construction design, plans and coordination for interim improvements associated with the first two phases noted. This task will require management for the completion of the above-required improvements. Task Deliverables: Prepare preliminary plan sheets using AutoCAD software and the design base drawing. Plan reviews on 24” X 36” sheets. o City will provide Standard Detail Plates for consultant's use. Prepare pre-development and post-development site hydrology calculations using HydroCAD software. Project design should mimic natural hydrologic site conditions to the maximum extent practical. Incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) Best Management Practices (BMP's) such as grass-lined swales, infiltration and rain gardens. Note: Storm water design shall meet the standards of the City of Monticello and Wright County. Design temporary/permanent erosion protection and sediment control BMP's in construction plans and prepare SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) documentation for project as required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to obtain an NPDES Phase 11 Construction Activity Permit. Prepare for City and Wright County storm water permit applications, as applicable. Prepare final construction plans, bid documents and specifications based on comments from City and Wright County. Manage bid process. 17 | Page Preconstruction Meeting — Construction meeting with contractor, utility companies, etc. to review construction plans. Construction staking of improvements. Consult with City on as-needed basis during construction (provide hourly rate and an estimate of hours required). Task Meeting and Public Process Requirements: Bid Opening/Tabulation and Board Recommendation Pre-Construction Meeting On-site construction observation 18 | Page F. PROJECT PROCESS PARTICIPANTS The Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park has been driven by public input from the project’s inception. As such, public involvement will be an important component of the athletic park planning project. Organizations or persons involved in the project process will include: 1. Monticello City Council 2. Monticello Parks Commission 3. Monticello Planning Commission 4. Wright County Board of Commissioners 5. Wright County Planning Commission 6. Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council: Eleven member volunteer board appointed by the Monticello City Council and Wright County Board of Commissioners. The Advisory Council is responsible for studying and providing information on the usage, operation, management and functions of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and to make recommendations to the Wright County Board of Commissioners and the Monticello City Council 7. Athletic Field Sub-Committee of Advisory Council: Sub-committee of the Advisory Council representing athletic stakeholders and organizations throughout the community. 8. Request for Proposal Steering Committee: Seven member team responsible for managing the Bertram Chain of Lakes Request for Qualifications and Proposal process. 9. General public 10. Monticello City Staff and Consulting Planner and Engineer 11. Wright County Parks Department and Planning Staff 12. Monticello School District, Activities Director 13. Monticello Community Education Staff 19 | Page G. PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS The City of Monticello is requesting that proposing firms provide two independent sealed submittal packages. The first sealed package submittal is to include firm qualifications, the second sealed package submittal is to include a proposal based on the information and scope of work described within this document. 1. Request for Qualifications: Detailed submission including education and experience. If proposal includes sub-contractors or a team of consultants, the education and experience for all firms and team members is required. List all consultant project management team members and contact information. Project qualifications must include three past project samples related to athletic parks and client references. a. 15 copies plus one digital copy 2. Request for Proposal: The RFP component of the submittal shall be comprised of a detailed response to the 4 primary tasks and process identified in Section E, with a cost for each task identified. Hourly rates for services beyond scope must be identified, along with specifications for reimburseable expenses. a. 15 copies plus one digital copy H. PROPOSED EVALUATION CRITERIA Proposals will be ranked in two distinct processes. The requests for qualifications will be evaluated based on a series of criteria including, but not limited to: o Team experience relevance o Team qualifications o Relatedness of provided project experience o Integration of proposed firm team members or consultants The request for proposals will be evaluated based on a series of criteria including, but not limited to: o Cost o Integration of proposed firm team members or consultants o Description and understanding of tasks o Demonstration of ability to meet timeline o Demonstration of project management capabilities o Quality of proposal 20 | Page Three to five firms will be selected by the RFP Project Steering Committee for interview based on the combined scores of these two ranking processes. A separate evaluation developed specific to the interview process, as well as rankings from the qualifications and proposal process, will be used as a basis for selection of the final consultant/consultant team. If a proposal is submitted by a team of consultants or contractors, all such firms must have a representative present for interview. The City of Monticello reserves the right to select a consultant/consultant team outside of the stated criteria or other project ranking evaluation. The City of Monticello reserves the exclusive right to reject any and all proposals and to proceed or discontinue the proposal process. The Monticello City Council is the final authority on all project selection decisions. I. PROJECTED PROJECT TIMELINE A proposed schedule with benchmark dates and participant meetings is attached as Exhibit A. A project timeline chart is included as Exhibit B. Proposals are due no later than 2:00 PM (CST) on Friday, May 15th at 2:00 PM to: Monticello City Hall ATTN: Angela Schumann 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 A pre-proposal meeting will be held at the Monticello City Hall (2:00 pm) on Wednesday, April 29th 2015 to discuss scope and answer questions. Questions will be taken until 2:00 P.M. Tuesday, April 28th. The questions and responses will be provided to all firms by email no later than Monday, May 4th, 2015. Any questions after the pre -proposal meeting shall be sent by email to angela.schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us 21 | Page J. AVAILABLE RESOURCES Included in appendix as part of this request for qualifications and proposal: o Exhibit A: Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park Proposal & Project Dates o Exhibit B: Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park Proposal & Project Timeline o Exhibit C: Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park Parcel and Phasing Information o Exhibit D: Concept Plan, Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park o Exhibit E: Current Concept Plan, Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Information available online at www.ci.monticello.mn.us: o Monticello Comprehensive Plan, including: o Monticello Park & Pathway Plan o Monticello Natural Resource Inventory & Assessment o Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council Agenda and Minutes Information provided to the selected consultant at the initial project meeting will include: o Certificate(s) of Survey o Standard Detail Plate drawings o City standard specifications and related files o Bertram Chain of Lakes Master Plan o Wright County Trail & Bikeway Plan EXHIBIT A - BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES ATHLETIC PARK PROPOSAL & PROJECT DATES DEADLINE/ACTION DATE TASK PARTICIPANT(S)DELIVERABLE Request for Qualifications & Proposal Preparation Draft RFQ and RFP document March 13th, 2015 Draft Staff March 17th, 2015 Review by staff Staff April 6th, 2015 Review by Steering Committee Staff, Steering Committee Aptil 6th, 2015 Recommendation for Release by Steering Committee Steering Committee Final draft RFQ and RFP April 13th, 2015 Council approval to post RFP Council Final RFQ and RFP Request for Qualifications & Proposal Submittals & Review April 15th, 2015 Post RFQ/RFP May 15th, 2015 RFQ and RFP package submittals due Consulting firms Week of May 18th, 2015 Review and rank RFQ Steering Committee Week of May 18th, 2015 Review and rank RFP Steering Committee Week of May 18th, 2015 Select 3-5 finalists for interview Steering Committee Selection/Decision for Project Consulting Firm Week of June 1st, 2015 Interview Presentations Steering Committee, Council and Parks Commission invited Recommendation for Award of Contract Steering Committee June 8th, 2015 Approval of firm Council; Steering Committee invited to attend CC meeting June 9th-12th, 2015 Draft contract Staff, consulting firm June 22nd, 2015 Approval of contract City Council 1 Information Gathering & Needs Analysis June 16th, 2015 Project kick-off meeting Selected firm, City and County staff June 15th-On-going Resource document review Selected firm, City and County staff June 15th - July 31st, 2015 Stakeholder meetings and interviews BCOLAC, Parks, Ath Sub-Comm, School District, PC invited Needs Analysis August 17th, 2015 Review of final analysis Selected firm, City and County staff 2 Drafting of Master Plan, Phasing Plan, Feasibility Report August & September, 2015 Preparation of draft master plan, phasing plan and feasibility report Selected firm Draft master plan and phasing August & September, 2015 Preliminary construction costs prepared w/plan Selected firm 2 Review of Master Plan, Phasing Plan, Feasibility Report September 23rd, 2015 Staff review of draft master plan, phasing plan, feasibility report Selected firm, City and County staff October, 2015 Workshop on plans, report Selected firm, BCOLAC, Steering Comm, Ath Sub-Comm; CC October, 2015 Public open house on plans, report Selected firm, City staff, public End of October, 2015 Workshop for recommendation of approval Selected firm, BCOLAC, Steering Comm and Ath Sub-Comm Redraft of master plan & phasing 2 Approval of Master Plan, Phasing Plan, Feasibility Report November, 2015 Parks Commission review and recommendation Selected firm, staff, Parks Commission November 23rd, 2015 Review and adoption of master plan, phasing plan, feasibility report Selected firm, Council, staff, Steering Comm invited Final draft of master plan & phasing TBD Comp plan amendment for Park & Pathway Plan (TBD)Planning Commission, Council December 1st, 2015 Final master plan, phasing plan, feasibility report to City Selected firm Final master plan & phasing 3 Drafting of Grading Plan (Full Complex) November, 2015 Meet with Wright County P & Z Selected firm, City and County staff November, 2015 Preliminary design Selected firm, City and County staff December, 2015 Development of draft grading plan Selected firm Draft grading plan December, 2015 Review of draft Selected firm, City and County staff 3 Approval of Grading Plan December, 2015 Approval by CC for application submittal to P & Z Selected firm, Council, staff January, 2016 Submittal of application to Wright County P & Z Selected firm January/February, 2016 Meeting with Monticello Township Board February, 2016 Wright County review of CUP for Land Alteration Permit Selected firm February, 2016 Final grading plan to City Selected firm Final grading plan 1 MTG 1 MTG PROCESS 1 MTG EXHIBIT A - BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES ATHLETIC PARK PROPOSAL & PROJECT DATES DEADLINE/ACTION DATE TASK PARTICIPANT(S)DELIVERABLE 4 Preparation of Plans & Specifications for Phase 1 January, 2016 Meet with staff Selected firm, City and County staff February, 2016 Authorize preparation of plans and specs Selected firm, Council, City and County staff March, 2016 Prepare plans and specs Selected firm Plans and spec documents March, 2016 Appove plans and specs and authorize bids Selected firm, Council, City and County staff 4 Bid & Construction Coordination April, 2016 Manage bid process Selected firm April, 2016 Bids due Selectef firm, proposing bid firms April, 2016 Accept bids and award contract(s)Selected firm, Council, City and County staff April - August, 2016 Construction coordination Selected firm, WSB & Associates as primary PROCESS RFQ & RFP PROCESS INTERVIEW FIRMS PROPOSAL TASK #1 SELECTION & DECISION/ CONTRACT PROPOSAL TASK #2 PROPOSAL TASK #3 PROPOSAL TASK #3 March April May June July August September October November December January February March April May June RFP & RFQ PREP & REVIEW RFQ & RFP SUBMITTAL AND REVIEW FOR CONTRACT BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES ATHLETIC COMPLEX - PROPOSAL & PROJECT TIMELINE 20162015 APPROVAL OF GRADING PLAN PREP & APPROVAL OF PLANS & SPECS (PHASE 1) BID PROCESS (PHASE 1) CONSTRUCTION PREPARATION & COORDINATION (PHASE 1) INFORMATION GATHERING & NEEDS ANALYSIS DRAFTING OF MASTER PLAN & PHASING REVIEW OF MASTER PLAN & PHASING MASTER PLAN & PHASING APPROVAL DRAFTING OF GRADING PLAN Phase I—49.8 Acres Phase 2—40.89 Acres Phase 3: 26 Acres EXHIBIT C: BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ATHLETIC COMPLEX PARCEL & PHASING INFORMATION Approximate Boundary of BCOL Regional Park WRIGHT COUNTY PARKS 1901 HIGHWAY 25 NORTH BUFFALO, MN 55313 (763) 682-7693 PREPARED BY: BE R T R A M C H A I N O F L A K E S R E G I O N A L P A R K WR I G H T C O U N T Y P A R K S / M O N T I C E L L O P A R K S / B E R T R A M C H A I N O F L A K E S A D V I S O R Y C O U N C I L SHEET: OF: 1 1 MO N T I C E L L O A T H L E T I C C O M P L E X C O N C E P T P L A N DATE: 0'50'100'200' Graphic Scale: NO R T H May 22, 2014 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 (763) 295-2711 COMMISSIONED BY: YB YB YB YB CO PK 188 PK 55 SP Baseball/ Softball PK 45 SF SFSF BC/CO/ST Grandstand PK 170 PK 324 PE - North SH/ST CO CO/ST SO SO SH/ST Water City of Monticello (Owner) Br i a r w o o d A v e n u e N . E . Monticello City Athletic Fields Development YB - Youth Ball Field (6) PE - Park Entrance (2) PL - Play Equipment (2) SF - Softball Field (8) OE - Overflow Exit (2) CE - Ceremonial Space BC - Baseball Complex CO - Concessions (4) SH - Shelter (2) SP - Sports Pavillion (2) ST - Storage (3) SO - Soccer Field (11) PK - Parking (972) SO SO SO SF SO SO SO SO SF SF SF SF SP Soccer PE - Central OE OE YMCA Camp Manitou Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park CE PL Private Property YB YB PK 100 PK 35 PL PK 55 SO SO 1409 WILLOW STREET, SUITE 110 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 (612) 353-6460 CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/2015 1 4C.Considerationofacceptingstatebidandapprovingpurchaseofa2015Case-IH FarmallTractorwithsideandrearflailmowersandsnowwingplow,whichwould replace1987and1999tractors (TM) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Councilisaskedtoconsiderapprovingthepurchaseof2015Case-HIFarmall105U tractorwithaDiamondbrandsideandrearflailmowersandaHLAfrontmountedsnow wingplow.Thistractorwillreplacea1987Ford4610tractorequippedwithrearandside mountedflailmowersanda1999NewHollandsnowplowtractor.In2001,Public Workspurchasedtheused1987Fordtractorforthepurposeofmowingditches,outlots, cityownedlots,pondareas,alongpathwaysandroughareasoftheparks.Thisunitis nowinits28th yearofoperationandonlyoffersuseinthesummermonths.Thisisa well-usedmachineandithasservedausablelife;however,partsarebecomingscarce andbreakdownsarebecomingmorefrequent.Wehavehadinjuriesrelatedtotheopen cab,includingbeestings,particlesintheeyes,andatworstawirefromalocatemarker wasejectedfromtheflailmowerdeckandembeddedintotheoperator’sback.Theneed foraclimatecontrolledcabtominimizedecibelandenvironmentalexposureandto reduceinhalationofdustandparticulatesintotheoperator’slungsarealsoconsiderable safetyfactors. Onceayear,theStateofMinnesotaopensabidprocesstoallvendersacrossthestateto bidonvehicles,equipment,andmanyothersuppliesforstateoperations.TheEquipment Sectionisresponsiblefordepartmentequipmentpurchasing,whichincludesdevelopment ofdetailedtechnicalspecifications.Procurementcontractsarepreparedtonotonlyserve Mn/DOTinternalcustomersbutalsootherunitsoflocalgovernmentthroughout Minnesota.Thissimplifiestheprocessasthebiddingprocessrequirementsaremet, whichinturnsavestheCitymoneywiththepowerofquantitypurchasingthroughthe state.WehavechosentwovendorsfromtheStateBidContract,Trueman-Weltersof Buffalo,MNandDiamondMowersofSiouxFalls,SDasthebestfitforourneedsfor purchasingthetractorandattachments. TheHLAfrontmountedsnowplowwithwingsisnotonthestatebid;however, Trueman-Weltersisonthestatebidandtheyareavendorforthisplow.Thisplowis uniqueinthatitisa12’plowwith3’hydraulicallycontrolledwingsoneachsidewhich cantransformitfromanangleplowtoapuncherplow.SpeakingwiththeCityofElk River,theyhavepurchasedtwooftheseplowsfromTrueman-Weltersandhavebeen verypleasedwiththeefficiencyoftheoperation.Oncewearesetupwiththistypeof plowthemainpurposewillbetoplowcul-de-sacs.Byusingatractorwiththistypeof plowwebelievestaffcanbemoreefficientandcutthetimeofplowingcul-de-sacsby10 minuteseachtimeversususingatruck.Withthenumberofcul-de-sacswithinthecity, thiswillbeasignificanttimesavingsduringplowingoperations. CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/2015 2 ThestatecontractpricefromTrueman-WeltersfortheCase-IHFarmall105Uis $55,529.00.Trueman-Weltersiswillingtotakethetwotractorswithattachmentintrade for$15,000.00,bringingthetotalforthetractordownto$40,529.00.Thestatecontract pricefromDiamondMowersinstalled,withfreightwhichconsistsofshippingthetractor toSiouxFalls,SD,is$30,255.00.TheHLA4200snow/wingplowwhichwouldbe purchasedfromTrueman-Welters(notonthestatebid)is$16,358.10,bringingthetotal priceofthetractor,mowersandplow(includingthetrade-inallowance)to$87,142.10. Stafffeelsthatsellingtheoldequipmentatthenextavailablepublicauctionwillbring thehighestsalepriceratherthantradingtheequipmentintothedealer.IfCouncilchooses togothisroute,areserveamountof$16,000couldbeputonthetwotractorsatthe auction.IfthereserveisnotmetthenwecantradeinthetractorstoTrueman-Weltersfor $15,000. A1.BudgetImpact:Inpreparationforthesepurchases,thePublicWorks DepartmenthasbudgetedfinancingforthetractorintheCapitalEquipmentFund. ThisFundleasesequipmenttotheGeneralFund.Currently,the2015budget includes$9,000forthetractorlease.Futureannualamountscouldincreaseby $3,000,dependingonthefinalpurchaseoption.TheCentralEquipmentFund wasstartedwithproceedsfromtheissuanceof$500,000inequipmentcertificates ofindebtedness.Thetractorwaslistedasoneofthoseitemsforwhichdebt proceedsweretobeused. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thestaffworkloadimpactofthisnewtractorwillbe verypositive.Weareaccomplishingafewgoalsbypurchasingthisnewunit, includingfreeingupspaceatPublicWorksforstoragebyreducingfromtwo tractorstoone,beingmoreefficientbecauseofmorepowerallowingthetractorto mowtallergrasswithlessbreakdowns,andutilizingatractorduringoursnow plowingoperations,allowingstafftobemoreefficient. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoacceptthestatebidpricingfromTrueman-Weltersandapprovethe purchaseofa2015Case-IHFarmall105Ufor$55,529.00withtheattachmentsof theDiamondMowersideandrearflailmowersfor$30,255.00andtheHLA4200 snow/wingplowfor$16,358.10,foratotal$102,142.10. Underthisscenario,the1987Ford4610andthe1999HewHollandTN-55with attachmentswouldbesoldatauctionwithareservepriceof$16,000.Ifthe reserveisnotmet,thenthetwotractorswouldbetradedintoTrueman-Welters for$15,000.Eitheroption(auctionortrade-in)wouldbringthenetpurchase priceto$87,242.10orless. 2.Motiontodenythepurchaseofanewtractorandreplacementofthetwoold tractorsinthePublicWorksfleetatthistime. CityCouncilAgenda:06/22/2015 3 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendstheCityCounciltoauthorizethepurchaseofthe2015Case-IH Farmall105UfromTrueman-Weltersandtoreplacethetwooldtractorsbyputtingthem upforpublicauctionortradingintothedealeriftheauctionreserveisnotmetasoutlined inAlternative#1.ThistractorisessentialtotheefficientoperationsofthePublicWorks Department.Bypurchasingthisequipmentwewillincreaseproductivity,reducestorage spaceandreducethecostofmaintenancewithinthedepartment. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.CopyofstatecontractquotefromTrueman-Weltersforthe2015Case-IHFarmall 105U B.Picturesof2015CaseIHFarmall105u C.CopyofthepricingfortheHLA4200snow/wingplowfromTruemanWelters D.Picturesofsnow/wingplowattachment E.CopyofstatecontractquoteforDiamondmower F.PictureoftheDiamondMower&Specs G.Picturesofthe‘87Ford4610andthe‘99NewHollandtobesoldatauctionortraded in Salesperson: Quote/Order: Quote Date: 4/4/13 1600 Hwy 55 E Buffalo MN 55313 Confirmed: 00/00/00 Phone # 763-682-2200 P.O#: Fax # 763-682-6141 Name: Email - jon@welters.net Phone: Delivery: 4-6 months or locate Tractor Quote - FWD w/Cab, No Loader Terms: Net 30 Model Description List Pricing Case-IH Farmall U Case-IH 4WD Tractor w/ Factory cab $75,733.00 axle Heavy-duty MFD Axle with limited slip differential Loader Ready Hydraulics:2 Mid-mount remotes with joystick control $1,873.00 Engine Horsepower:105 Gross Engine hp $0.00 PTO Horsepower:90 hp @ 2500 rpm's $0.00 Cu. Inch Displacement 274 cu. in. (4.5 L) Displacement $0.00 Transmission:24 x 24 Two Speed powershift, Power Shuttle $2,361.00 25 MPH max. speed $0.00 Number of Cylinders:4 Cylinders Turbocharged diesel Engine $0.00 3 Point Hitch: Category #2, 5745# Lift capacity $0.00 Steering:Hydrostatic Power Steering, tilt & telescoping $0.00 Brakes:Hydraulic Wet - equalizing and self-adjusting $0.00 PTO:540/1000 rpm PTO shaft $0.00 Hydraulics:21.1 gpm (80 l/min) Hydraulic Pump $260.00 Hydraulic Remotes:2 deluxe rear remote valves $0.00 Instrumentation:Power Shuttle Performance Monitor $0.00 Tires: Nokian Brand Front: 14.9-24 $0.00 Tires: Nokian Brand Rear: 18.4R34 $0.00 Front Axle:MFD $0.00 Rear Axle:Heavy duty flanged rear axle $0.00 Radio With CD $0.00 Cab:High visability cab w/heater & air, radio ready $0.00 Cab:(2) Telescoping Wide Adjustable Mirrors $192.00 Seats:air suspension seat w/op switch $1,456.00 Bloack heat $88.00 Wheel Weights $915.00 Fuel Tank:33.5 Gallon (127 liters)Fuel Tank $0.00 Warranty:24 months, 2000 Hours $0.00 Total List Price:82,878.00$ State Contract Discount - ($27,349.00) Trade New Holland W attachments And ford ($15,000.00) Tractor Investment:40,529.00$ SUPPORTING DATA NEW TRACTOR CASE IH FARMALL 105u SUPPORTING DATA Salesperson: Jon Ferris Quote/Order: Quote Date: 4/28/2015 1600 Hwy 55 E Buffalo MN 55313 Confirmed: 00/00/00 Phone # 763-682-2200 Fax # 763-682-6141 Name: Email jon@welters.net Phone: Delivery: 60/90Days Equipment: Snow Wing plow Terms: Invoice Net 30 Model Description List Pricing HLA SB4200W1218 4200 SNOW/WING SERIES 15,380.00 DOUBLE ELECTRIC SELECTOR VALVE KIT Long-Wearing Highway Skid-Shoe 118.00 carbide edges 1,200.00 Total List Price:16,698.00$ Trueman-Welters' Government Discount:(774.90)$ Freight 435.00$ Total Price:16,358.10$ _____________________ _____________ Approve here to accept order Date Thanks Again: Jon Ferris SUPPORTING DATA WING PLOW ATTACHMENT SUPPORTING DATA Quote is good 60 days from quote date OP001228OP tdoyle@diamondmowers.comE-mail (605) 214-0380Phone Tom DoylePrepared By YesState Contract 2015Year New HollandTractor Make 4WD2WD / 4WD $30,255.00Grand Total $1,000.00Freight $29,255.00Total Cost (763) 271-3277Phone TOM MOORESContact Name 909 GOLF COURSE ROAD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Ship To CITY OF MONTICELLO (MN)Ship To Name 909 GOLF COURSE ROAD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Bill To CITY OF MONTICELLO (MN)Bill To Name 6/16/2015 Quote Quantity Product Code Product List Price Cost Ext Cost 1.00 DRF102-OF 102" Offset 3-Point Hitch Flail Mower $11,508.00 $9,206.00 $9,206.00 1.00 DSF075-C 75" Side Mount Flail Mower $20,928.00 $16,742.00 $16,742.00 1.00 165 Factory Mount - Side Flail Mower $4,134.00 $3,307.00 $3,307.00 SUPPORTING DATA SUPPORTING DATA SUPPORTING DATA TRADE-INS 1987 FORD 1999 NEW HOLLAND SUPPORTING DATA