City Council Agenda Packet 09-14-2015AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,September14,2015–6:30p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:BrianStumpf CouncilMembers:CharlotteGabler,LloydHilgart,TomPerraultandGlenPosusta 1.GeneralBusiness A.CalltoOrder&PledgeofAllegiance B.ApprovalofMeetingMinutes •SpecialMeetingMinutesfromAugust24,2015(budget&bond) •RegularMeetingMinutesfromAugust24,2015 C.ConsiderationofAddingItemstotheAgenda D.CitizenComments E.PublicServiceAnnouncements •OpenHouseonBCOLAthleticParkPlan–Sept.17,2015,6:30-8PM •MonticelloWomenofTodayProclamation F.CouncilLiaisonUpdates •IEDC(BS,LH) •PlanningCommission(CG) •BCOL(BS,GP) •EDA(TP,LH) •TransportationAdvisoryCommittee(BS,LH) G.DepartmentUpdates •Workshop/SpecialMeetingReview(Stumpf) •CityAdministrator(O’Neill) •UpdatebyWrightCountySheriffJoeHagerty 2.ConsentAgenda A.Considerationofapprovingthepaymentofbills B.Considerationofapprovingnewhires/departures C.Considerationofapprovingthesale/disposalofsurpluscityproperty SPECIALMEETINGS/WORKSHOPS 5p.m.BudgetWorkshop D.Considerationofapproving2016-2017lawenforcementcontractwithWright CountySheriff’sOffice E.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-065toacceptcontributionsfrom DiamondCityBread,IvyLaneGardenShop,HastyWoodsTreeFarmand Nursery,JT’sSweetBBQSauce,GreenbushFarmsandPopcornPattyfor sponsorshipoftheFramer’sMarket F.ConsiderationofappointingarepresentativetotheIndustrialandEconomic DevelopmentCommittee G.ConsiderationofResolutionNo.2015-066approvingtheissuanceofgeneral obligationstreetreconstructionandimprovementbonds,Series2015B H.ConsiderationofarequestforAmendmenttotheMonticelloZoningOrdinance, Chapter4–FinishingStandards,Section4.3–Fences&Walls,Subsections(G) ProhibitedFencesand(J)AppearanceregulatingPermitRequirementsand allowablematerials.Applicant:CityofMonticelloPlanningCommission I.ConsiderationofOrdinanceamendingZoningOrdinanceSection5.3–Accessory UsesforBulkFuelsSales/Storage J.ConsiderationofadoptingSummaryOrdinance#619A(R2MinimumStandards) andOrdinance620A(SolarEnergySystems)toapprovecondenseordinancesfor publication K.ConsiderationofloweringthefluorideconcentrationinMonticello’sMunicipal WaterSystem L.Considerationofapprovingequipmentspecificationsandauthorizingpurchaseof a2016Ford3504X4truckonStatecontractpricinginaccordancewiththe2013 capitalequipmentdebt M.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-067acceptingworkandapproving finalpaymentfortheWest7th StreetExtension(ElmtoMinnesotaStreet),City ProjectNo.12C002 N.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-068approvingChangeOrderNo.1 andacceptingimprovementsandauthorizingfinalpaymenttoMagney Construction,Inc.fortheaerationblowersystemattheWastewaterTreatment Facility,CityProjectNo.12C003 O.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution2015-069approvingaSchoolSpeedZone of20mphalongMapleStreetfrom5½StreettotheBNSFRailroadTracks 2A.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 3.PublicHearings 4.RegularAgenda A.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitforuseofCityresourceson Sunday,September27,2015(PawsforParks)(Itemwastabledat8/24/15CC Meeting) B.ConsiderationofapprovingcontractforvideoservicesthroughYondoo(RL) ItemwillremainonagendaifreportisreadyandprovidedbyFriday afternoon. C.ConsiderationofResolution#2015-070approvingaHRASpecialBenefitLevy andRatifyingtheEDAbudget. 5.AddedItems 6.Adjournment SUMMARY OF CITY PROPERTY TAX LEVY RESIDENTIAL 2015 What IF Market Value Est Net Tax Net Tax $135,000 $393 $397 $175,000 $549 $554 $225,000 $743 $751 $250,000 $841 $849 $275,000 $938 $947 $300,000 $1,035 $1,046 CityCouncilMinutes–August24,2015 Page1|9 MINUTES REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,August24,2015–6:30p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Present:BrianStumpf,CharlotteGabler,LloydHilgart,TomPerraultandGlenPosusta Absent:None 1.GeneralBusiness A.CalltoOrder&PledgeofAllegiance MayorBrianStumpfcalledthemeetingtoorderat6:30p.m.withaquorum present.Thepledgeofallegiancewasrecited. B.ApprovalofMeetingMinutes •SpecialMeetingMinutesfromAugust10,2015(budget) LloydHilgartmovedtoapprovetheAugust10,2015SpecialMeeting Minutesforthebudgetworkshopaspresented.GlenPosusta secondedthemotion.Motioncarried5-0. •RegularMeetingMinutesfromAugust10,2015 TomPerraultmovedtoapprovetheAugust10,2015regularmeeting minutesaspresentedthateveningwithcorrections.CharlotteGabler secondedthemotion.Motioncarried5-0. C.ConsiderationofAddingItemstotheAgenda •JeffO’NeillannouncedthathewaspullingItem4Coffoftheagenda, D.CitizenComments •None E.PublicServiceAnnouncements •KittyBaltos,MCCDirecotr,announcedthatBlazin’ThruBertramPhillip LaValleeMemorialRunisSaturday,September5,2015.Therewillbea 4milerunanda2.25milewalk.SponsorsoftheeventincludeAll ElementsInk,ApolloInsurance,AskoDesign,Beld3Chiropractic, BernicksBeverage,CargillKitchenSolutions,CentracareHealth Monticello,FosterWhiteAgency,HealthSourceChiropractic,and SchlennerWenner&Co. •KittyBaltosgaveanupdateontheoutdoormovie(Paddington)thatwas playedonAugust21.Therewere265peoplethatattended.Thefinal moviewillbeonOctober30andwillbeinsidetheCommunityCenter. •AnOpenHouse/PublicVisioningSessionontheBertramChainofLakes AthleticMasterPlanisscheduledforThursday,September17from6:30– 8p.m.attheCommunityCenter. CityCouncilMinutes–August24,2015 Page2|9 F.CouncilLiaisonUpdates •PersonnelCommittee BrianStumpfnotedthatthecommitteemetbutitwasabriefmeetingand therewasn’talotofdiscussion. •FiberNetMonticelloAdvisoryBoard -BrianStumpfstatedthattheBoardmetanddiscussedgettingthe10-gig ringupandrunning. -Healsomentionedtherewasdiscussiononcompletingtheremovalof Vaultus.Thistakesa30daynoticesobyOctober1shouldbecompleted. -TheAugustsubscribercountsareholdingsteady. -Staffiscontinuingtorespondtodatarequests. •EDA LloydHilgartcommentedthatmostofthemeetingcenteredonthe potentialofhiringanEDADirector.Therewasalsodiscussiononadding anHRALevy. •MonticelloCommunityCenterAdvisoryBoard BrianStumpfnotedthattheboardmetandapprovedamembershipfee increaseof10%fornewandlapsedmemberships. •FireRelief WayneOberg,FinanceDirector,attendedthismeeting.Thediscussion centeredontheCity’sannualcontributiontothefund.Therearesome concernsthattheamountisn’twhereisshouldbesincethedipinfunding aroundtheyears2008and2009. •TomPerraultcommentedthatanemergencydrillwasheldtheprevious TuesdayregardinganincidentthatcouldtakeplaceattheMonticello NuclearGeneratingPlant.ThoseinvolvedincludedtheCity,Sherburne County,WrightCounty,andtheState. •TomPerraultmentionedthatthenextWasteWaterTreatmentFacility committeemeetingwilltakeplaceSeptember2,2015. G.DepartmentUpdates •BrianStumpfstatedthattherewasabudgetmeetingpriortotheregular CityCouncilmeetingwheretheStreetDepartment,WaterandSewer Department,andEngineeringdepartmentspresented.Hecommentedthat thedepartmentsarerunninglowontimewhenpresentingandthebudget sessionswillbeopenedbackuptogivethemanotheropportunitytofinish theirpresentation. •BrianStumpfnotedthattherewasameetingoftheEDA(CityCouncil invited)beforetheCouncilmeetinganddiscussioncenteredontheEDA Levy.TheEDAmadearecommendationtobringforwardtotheCity Councilforapproval. •JoeKounkel,MontiShuttle,providedanupdateonridership–including monthlyriders,dailyriders,etc.Hementionedsomeproblemstheyare havingwithcertainriders. •KyleOwen(MAMLHockey)gaveareportoftheMoosefestfestival.He notedthattheydidlosealittlemoneybutconsidereditasuccessforbeing CityCouncilMinutes–August24,2015 Page3|9 thefirstyear.Hecommentedthattheyplantohaveitagainnextyearbut willdomorewithentertainmentandmarketing. •CityAdministratorJeffO’Neillprovidedanupdateonthefollowing items: 1.TheCitywillbeupdatingtheirpolicyonprovidinginformationwith theCityCouncilpackets.Additionalinformationhandedoutatthe meetingwillbeputonthewebsitefollowingthemeeting. 2.Thereisa2015LeagueofMNRegionalMeetinginBeckeron October22from1–7p.m. 3.TheCoalitionofUtilityCitieswillbepresentingattheCityCouncil MeetingonSeptember28. 4.ProvidedanupdateontheEmployeeRecognitionpicnicthattook placeonAugust13. 5.Therehasbeensomeprogressondatarequests. 2.ConsentAgenda LloydHilgartmovedtoapprovetheConsentAgenda.GlenPosustasecondedthe motion.Motioncarried5-0. A.Considerationofapprovingthepaymentofbills.Recommendation:THIS ITEMWASREMOVEDFROMCONSENTAGENDA. B.Considerationofapprovingnewhires/departures.Recommendation:Ratify newhiresandterminationsforMCCandParks. C.Considerationofapprovingthesale/disposalofsurpluscityproperty–(not applicablethismeeting)NoreportthisCityCouncilcycle. D.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitforuseofCityresourceson Saturday,September27,2015.Recommendation:THISITEMWAS REMOVEDFROMCONSENTAGENDA. E.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinanceNo.619forAmendmenttotheMonticello ZoningOrdinanceChapter3,Section4(F)–SingleandTwo-FamilyResidential, Chapter4,Section11–BuildingMaterials,Chapter5,Section2(C)–Standards forResidentialUsesandChapter8,Section4–Definitions,forordinance regulatingminimumresidentialstandardsintheR-2District.Recommendation: THISITEMWASREMOVEDFROMCONSENTAGENDA. F.ConsiderationofapprovingpathwaymicrosurfacingimprovementsalongCSAH 75/CSAH18.Recommendation:THISITEMWASREMOVEDFROM CONSENTAGENDA. CityCouncilMinutes–August24,2015 Page4|9 G.ConsiderationforapprovaltorenewcontractwithJakesExcavatingfor excavationsandburialsatRiversideCemetery.Recommendation:THISITEM WASREMOVEDFROMCONSENTAGENDA. H.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution2015-063approvinganamendmenttothe DevelopmentContractforMonticelloBusinessCenter8th AdditionforPhaseIIof theMonticelloCrossingsProject.Applicant:IRETProperties,aNorthDakota LimitedPartnership.Recommendation:THISITEMWASREMOVED FROMCONSENTAGENDA. 2A.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 2A.Considerationofapprovingthepaymentofbills.TomPerraultpulledthisitem. HequestionedoneofthedocumentsrelatingtoTIFdistricts,specificallyMaster’s5th AvenueInc.andBBFPropertiesInc.Hethoughttheywereseparatedistrictsand questionedwhytheywerebilledunder122.AngelaSchumannnotedthattheyare separatedistrictswithinDistrict122. WayneObergnotedthatthisTIFdocumentdoesnotrequireCityCouncilapproval.It wasincludedforinformationalpurposesonly. CharlotteGablermovedapprovalofthepaymentofbillsintotalamountof $322,545.98.TomPerraultsecondedthemotion.Motioncarried5-0. 2D.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitforuseofCityResourceson Sunday,September27,2015. GlenPosustapulledtheitem.Hequestionedwhichvendorswouldbeattheevent. CharlotteGablercommentedthatthevendorsparticipatingarebusinessesthataredogor petrelated.GlenPosustaspecificallymentionedthepartofthememothatstatedthata portionofthevendor’sproceedswouldgothepark.Hewonderedwhatthisamount wouldbe,forinstance,whatpercentwouldgotothepark?Thereisnochargetothe vendortobeatthiseventsohewouldliketoknowwhattheirdonationwouldbe. AngelaSchumann,CommunityDevelopmentDirector,commentedthatthereisn’ta representativefromPawsforParksatthemeetingbutshebelievesthedonationisa percentofsales,however,itisavoluntarydonation.GlenPosustaisconcernedthatthis eventiscostingtheCitythroughuseofparkservicessohewouldliketoknowwhatis goingtobedonatedback. GlenPosustamovedtotabletheitemtothenextmeeting(September14,2015)in ordertoobtainanupdatefromPawsforParksonthementioneddonationamount. TomPerraultsecondedthemotionandnotedthatthedatewasincorrectinthe memowhichshouldbecorrectedbynextmeeting.Motioncarried5-0. CityCouncilMinutes–August24,2015 Page5|9 2E.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinanceNo.619forAmendmenttotheMonticello ZoningOrdinanceChapter3,Section4(F)–SingleandTwo-FamilyResidential, Chapter4,Section11–BuildingMaterials,Chapter5,Section2(C)–Standardsfor ResidentialUsesandChapter8,Section4–Definitions,forordinanceregulating minimumresidentialstandardsintheR-2District. TomPerraultpulledthisitem.HequestionedTable3-6intheOrdinanceunderthe columnMinimumFloorareas.Hewonderedifthatwasaperunitamountoratotal amount.AngelaSchumannnotedthatitwasperunitandthisnotewillbeaddedtothe ordinance.TomPerraultalsoquestionedifunitscouldbebuiltbacktobackwiththe unitsthenhavingoneentrance.AngelaSchumannrespondedthatthosetypesofunitsare consideredmulti-housingandthereisaseparatemulti-housinglistingbutitislimitedto fourunits. CharlotteGablermovedtoadoptOrdinanceNo.619forAmendmenttothe MonticelloZoningOrdinanceChapter3,Section4(F)–SingleandTwo-Family Residential,Chapter4,Section11–BuildingMaterials,Chapter5,Section2(C)– StandardsforResidentialUsesandChapter8,Section4–Definitions,for ordinancesregulatingminimumresidentialstandardsintheR-2District,basedona findingthattheordinanceamendmentsasproposedcontinuetosupportthe ComprehensivePlan,servetoclarifyexistingordinanceregulationsfortheR-2 District,andsupportconsistencywithcurrentCityreviewprocess.LloydHilgart secondedthemotion.Motioncarried5-0. 2F.Considerationofapprovingpathwaymicrosurfacingimprovementsalong CSAH75/CSAH18. GlenPosustapulledtheitem.Hecommentedthathewouldlikestafftotrackthecostsof maintenanceitems.Herequestedthisforthepurposeofreviewingcostsforanyfuture bikepathconstruction/improvementthatcouldperhapsbebuiltwithconcreteinsteadof asphalt.BrianStumpfconcurredwiththisrequest. TomPerraultquestionedalineinthecontract-‘Fullycoveringlabor,andmaterials againstbreakupforaperiodofyear(s)’.Hequestionedhowmanyyears.TomPawelk, ParkSuperintendent,commentedthatitwasfor1year.TomPerraultquestionedthe cracksthatexistedaftermicrosurfacinglastyear.TomPawelkrespondedthatpathswere notmicrosurfacedlastyearwhichcontributedtothecracking. GlenPosustamovedtoapproveAlternate1toacceptthequotefromAsphalt Contractors,Inc.forpathwaymicrosurfacingimprovementsalongCSAH75and CSAH18intheamountof$31,281.90.LloydHilgartsecondedthemotion.Motion carried5-0. 2G.ConsiderationforapprovaltorenewcontactwithJakesExcavatingfor excavationsandburialsatRiversideCemetery. CityCouncilMinutes–August24,2015 Page6|9 GlenPosustapulledtheitem.Hisconcernwaswiththecontract–itincludesacompany namebutnoaddressandhasasignaturebutnoprintedname.Hefeelsthatthecontract istoovague.TomPawelkrespondedthattheformintheCityCouncilAgendaPacketis aproposalformnotacontract.Onceapproved,thecompanywillberequiredtofillouta contractwhichasksforadditionalinformation.GlenPosustacommentedthatthis informationcouldbeincludedontheproposalforminthefuture. GlenPosustamovedapprovalofAlternate1toapproveathreeyearcontractwitha oneyearextensionbeginningDecember1,2015,withJakesExcavationofBuffalo, Minnesota,forexcavationsandburialsatRiversideCemetery.LloydHilgart secondedthemotion.Motioncarried5-0. 2H.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution2015-062approvinganamendmenttothe DevelopmentContractforMonticelloBusinessCenter8th AdditionforPhaseIIofthe MonticelloCrossingsProject.Applicant:IRETProperties,aNorthDakotaLimited Partnership. AngelaSchumannpulledforclarification.Shenotedacorrectionsonpages7and8of theAmendmenttotheDevelopmentContract.TheParkDedicationnumberswere transposed.PhaseIshouldbe$69,554andPhaseIIshouldactuallybe(at$511.43) $33,754.38.ThetotalofPhaseIIwouldthenbe$179,944.38. TomPerraultmadeafewcorrectionstothedocument.Thefirstwasonpage4, paragraphB.Thepriceperunitmultipliedby66unitsshouldread$1,272foratotalof $83,952.Healsohadacorrectiononthetopofpage5.Thefirstsentenceregarding watermainchargeshouldbefor66unitsnot136.Thefinalcorrectionwasonpage66. InthesecondparagraphwhereitreferencesPhaseIitshouldreadPhaseII.Angela Schumannnotedthecorrections. GlenPosustamovedapprovalofResolution2015-063approvingtheAmendmentto theDevelopmentContractfortheMonticelloCommerceCenterEighthAddition, basedonfindingsinsaidresolution,andwiththecorrectionsmentionedatthe meeting.TomPerraultseconded.Motioncarried5-0. 3.PublicHearings None. 4.RegularAgenda A.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinanceNo.620amendingtheMonticelloZoning Ordinance,Chapter5,Section1–UseTable,Section2–Use-SpecificStandards andSection3–AccessoryUseStandardsandChapter8,Section4–Definitions asrelatedtoregulationsforSolarEnergySystems.Applicant:CityofMonticello. SteveGrittman,NorthwestAssociatedConsultants,updatedtheCityCouncilonthe proposedordinanceandcommendedtheworkofthePlanningCommissionoverthelast CityCouncilMinutes–August24,2015 Page7|9 fewmonths.Hecommentedthatthereareaseriesofrelatedordinanceamendmentsthat redefinewhatsolarenergyproductionis.Theproposedordinancewillallowaccessory solarfacilitiesinmostdistrictsandestablishesaseriesofperformancestandards.In addition,theproposedordinancehasregulationsinplacetogivetheCitymore involvementinallowingsuchfacilities. GlenPosustaquestionedtheneedfortheordinancewhentheFederalGovernmentcan comeinanddowhattheywant.SteveGrittmannotedthatthisordinancewouldregulate thoseusersthatarenotunderthejurisdictionofthePublicUtilitiesCommission.Glen Posustainquiredonwhowouldn’tberegulatedbythePublicUtilitiesCommission. SteveGrittmanstatedthatanyoneunder50megawattproductioninnotmonitoredbythe PublicUtilitiesCommission. BrianStumpquestionedwhethertheStatehadmadeanyinterpretationonsolar garden/solarfarm.SteveGrittmannotedthePublicUtilitiesCommissiondidmakea findingthattheywouldconsiderserial1megawattproductionseriesuptoatotalof5 megawatt.GlenPosustaquestionedhowmanyacresthatwouldbe.SteveGrittman notedapproximately40acres.Headdedthatunderthisproposedordinancethistypeof solargardenwouldrequireaPlannedUnitDevelopmentzone. GlenPosustaaskedifanyothercityinMinnesotahadsuccesswiththeseSolarEnergy Systems.SteveGrittmannotedMarshall,MNbutstatedthatthereareothersinprocess. GlenPosustainconcernedthattheentitiesbuildingsuchfacilitiesaregettinggrantsfrom thegovernment.Eventuallythemoneymaystopandtheremaybeproblems.Ifthat happens,whoisresponsibleifsuchfacilitiesareabandoned?SteveGrittmannotedthat isoneofthereasontheCitywantedaproposedordinance–toregulatetheprojects. CharlotteGablercommentedthatweallowtheseprojectsasaPUDtobeabletohave somecontrol. TomPerraultquestionedwhethertheseownerswouldhavetohavemoneysetasidefor decommissioningofthefacilities.SteveGrittmancommentedthattheCitycouldinclude adecommissioningplanrequirementintheordinance.TomPerraultalsoquestionwhy theB2Districtwasincludedinordinance.SteveGrittmanrespondedthatitalreadyhasa utilitiesinstallationwiththeWasteWaterTreatmentPlant. GlenPosustamovedapprovalofOrdinance620basedonthefindingsadoptedby thePlanningCommissionintheResolutionNo.PC-2015-003.LloydHilgart secondedthemotion.Motioncarried5-0. B.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution2015-064acceptingbidsandawarding contractcontingentonMNDOTapprovalandprojectstartdateofnolaterthan 9/14/15fortheTH25/CSAH75Improvements,CityProjectNo.10C009. ShibaniBisson,WSBEngineer,presentedtheitemandnotedandamended recommendation.Sheprovidedinformationonthebidsreceivedfortheproject CityCouncilMinutes–August24,2015 Page8|9 mentioningthatthelowbidcameinat21.6%higherthantheEngineer’sEstimate. MnDOTrecommendsthatthisnotbehigherthan7.8%.Thereareavarietyreasonsfor thehighbids.Theseinclude: •Estimatewasadjustedfornon-typicalitems,howeverbidswereunexpectedly higher. •Lowavailabilityofsubcontractorsisdrivingthecostup. •Mobilizationwas11%ofbidandistypically5%. •Theconfinedarealeadstolackofspacetoworkandmobilize. •Constructionundertrafficandstagedarealengthensthetimelineandefforts. •Smallerquantitiesdrivesupcosts. •Becausetheprojectislateintheseasonthereisaconcernforconcreteand pavementmarkinginstallation. ShibaniBissonthenpresentedasummaryofthefundingwhichcomesfromFederal Funds,CIMSGrant,WrightCounty,andStateAid/City.Theestimated2015Project ConstructionSchedule,inthebestscenario,hastheprojectbeingcompletedinDecember of2015. ShibaniBissonrecommendedthattheCityCouncilrejectallbidsandrebidinthe2016 constructioncycle.Itisassumedthatifaprojectisbidearlyenough,haveflexible timelines,andbetterweathercircumstances,youwillgetlowerbidprices.TheFederal FundsandCIMSmoneywillstillbeavailablenextyear. GlenPosustaconcurredthatthisprojectshouldberebidduetothehighbidprices.Tom Perraultquestionedhowmuchitwillcosttodelay.ShibaniBissonestimateditcould costapproximately$5,000-$10,000butthatisdecidedbyMnDOT. LloydHilgartaskedwhentheCitywouldgooutforbids.ShibaniBissonnotedthat MnDOTtypicallybidsinOctober/Novemberforthenextyearconstructioncyclewhich locksthemintocompletingtheprojectsinthespring.Thisprojectwillberebidmost likelyinOctober. GlenPosustamovedtoapproveResolution2015-064rejectingallbidsandrebidthe projectfor2016construction.BrianStumpfsecondedthemotion.Motioncarried 5-0. C.ConsiderationofapprovingacontractforvideoservicesthroughYondoo.. Itemwasremovedfromtheagenda. 5.AddedItems None. 6.Adjournment CityCouncilMinutes–August24,2015 Page9|9 Themeetingwasadjournedat7:57p.m. Recorder:JenniferBurrowsSchreiber_____ Approved: Attest:_________________________ CityAdministrator CityCouncilSpecialMeetingMinutes–August24,2015 Page1| 3 MINUTES SPECIALMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,August24,2015–4:30p.m. NorthMississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Present:BrianStumpf,CharlotteGabler,LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta Absent:None Others:JeffO’Neill,WayneOberg,Citydepartmentheads:AngelaSchumann,Shibani Bisson,JohnRued,TomMoores,TracyErgen,RachelLeonard,MattTheisen 1.CalltoOrder MayorBrianStumpfcalledthespecialmeetingtoorderat5p.m.intheNorthMississippi Room. 2.PurposeofMeeting: A.PresentationsofDepartmentBudgets WayneObergintroducedthebudgetpresentations.Thefollowingdepartments presented: •TomMoores–StreetDepartment TomMoores,StreetSuperintendent,providedabriefoverviewoftheStreet Department’smissionanddescriptionoftheservicesprovided.Henotedthat theyarerequestinganincreaseof8.74%for2016withmajorincreasesinthearea ofmotorfuel,smalltools&equipment,andvehicle&equipmentparts. TheDepartmenthassixseparatebudgetsthatitadministers: StreetsandAlleys –themajoriteminthisbudgetisforaroadgraderata costof$200,000(thisisausedroadgrader).Thiswouldreplacethe1983 140GCaterpillarroadgrader. IceandSnow –Thereisaprojected13.3%increasewhichincludedsand &salt,smalltools/equipment,andsnowremovalrepairsupplies.Tom PerraultquestionediftheCityisoverbudgetforthe2015year.Tom Mooresnotedthatasofcurrently,theCityisnotoverbudget. ShopandGarage –Thereisaslightincrease–mainlysuppliesand sewer/water. StreetLightingMaintenance –Thereisaproject14.99%increasedueto stoplightpaintingandrepairs.Therewasdiscussionpertainingtothecost ofpaintingstoplights.GlenPosustaaskedwhythishastobecontracted outandwhycan’tcityemployeesdothis?TomMooresnotedthatthey don’thaveemployeesavailabletodothis. CityCouncilSpecialMeetingMinutes–August24,2015 Page2| 3 StormWaterMaintenance –Thisitemhasaslight1%increase. ParkingLots –Thisbudgetisprojectedtodecreaseby2.13% •MattTheisen–WaterandSewerSuperintendent MattTheisenintroducedthedepartment’smissionstatementandservicetrends. HealsocommentedondepartmentFactswhichincludedsuchitemsaswater pumped,watersold,andcostforpumping. ThefutureWaterSystemImprovementshaveaprojectedcostof$150,000. Thepresentationtouchedonwatermeterfacts,flushingwatermains,andWater DepartmentMaintenance. TheSewerDepartmentmission,servicetrends,andfactswerepresentednext. Thisincludedcommentsonmainlinesewermaintenance,sewageliftstations, gravitylines,andsewersystemimprovements. •ShibaniBisson-Engineering ShibaniBisson,CityEngineer(WSB),gaveherbudgetpresentationwhichbegan withamissionstatementandtheservicesthatWSBprovides.Thislistincluded StreetNetwork;Transportation,Wastewater,StormWater,DevelopmentReview; andPermits. Thepresentationtouchedontransportationinitiativeswhichinclude:the TH25/CASH75proposedimprovements(whichwillbediscussedattheregular councilmeeting);theFallonAvenueoverpass(needRightofWayAcquisition fromSt.Henry’s);theTH25Coalition/SecondRiverCrossing(developJoint PowersAgreement). Therewasdiscussiononthepavementmanagementprogramwhichwillcontinue toimplementstreetreconstructionandpavementmanagementprogramsandthe trailsystem.ShibaniBissonnotedthatoverhalfofthestreetsarenewerthan15 years.Shealsomentionedthe2015-2020revisedStreetReconstructionPlan. Themainremainingstreetreconstructionprojectstobecompletedin2016arethe core/downtownarea(whichwasdemonstratedonamap)andtheTH25/7th Street Intersection.Thesewillbeaddressedinafeasibilitystudyalongwithhaving discussionswiththeCityCouncilandholdingneighborhoodmeetings. Duetoatimerestraint,ShibaniBissonbrieflytouchedonInterchangePlanning; majorWastewaterTreatmentPlantprojects;andGISneeds.Inaddition,she providedbudgetinformation,specifically,onwhataWSBCityEngineerprovides intermsofservice.Shealsonotedthattheyarerequestinga3%increasein2016. CityCouncilSpecialMeetingMinutes–August24,2015 Page3| 3 BrianStumpfmentionedthatifdepartmentsdon’tfeelthattheyhadenoughtime todelivertheirbudgetpresentationstherewillbeanotherworkshopwherethey candoso. TherewillbeadditionaldepartmentbudgetpresentationsonSeptember14,2015. B.2015G.O.Bond,SeriesB-$2,605,000Improvement/StreetReconstruction Bonds WayneOberg,FinanceDirector,presentedanoverviewonthebondissueof$2,605,000. InadditiontocoveringtheSchoolBoulevardproject,theamountincludesa$1.4Million dollarinadvanceofthe2016CoreStreetReconstructionproject.Hementionedthatthe lasttimetheywentoutforbidstheyreceivedonebidanditwas1%overwhatanA2 bondratingwouldget.Headvisedagainstgoingoutforacompetitivebidsbecauseof thatreason.HerecommendedanalternativerouteisfortheCitytopassa“trigger” resolutionthatwouldallowtheCitytobinditselftodebtbutitwouldalsoinclude parametersrelatingtowhatactiontheCitycantake.Thisfunctionsasanegotiatedbond saleandtheCityshouldreceivebettercompetitivepricing.BrianStumpfquestioned whetherornottheCitywillgetcompetitivepricingsinceitdefaultedonFibernet. TammyOmdal,FinancialAdvisorfromNorthlandSecuritiesPublicFinance,addressed theCityCouncil.ShenotedthatNorthlandSecuritieswillbebuyingthesebondsand sellingthemandthattheCityshouldgetmarketrate.TheconcerntheCityhasisthat theywon’tgetmultiplebids.WayneObergnotedthattheCitywillbehiringsomeoneto giveapricingopiniontoensurethattheCityisreceivingacompetitiverate. TherewasconsensustoproceedforwardwithanIntent(“trigger”)resolutionandbring backtoCityCouncilforapproval. 3.Adjournment BYCONSENSUSTHEMEETINGWASADJOURNEDAT5:45P.M. Recorder:JenniferSchreiber_________ Approved: Attest:________________________ CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 1 2A.Considerationofapprovingpaymentofbills (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $843,393.50. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters PurchaseCardregisters User: Printed:09/01/2015 - 10:25AM Debbie.Davidson Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00215.08.2015 - 215.08.2015 Xcel /CPE Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 8/31/2015 5828859-8 15.00 08/31/2015 101-41940-438300 8/31/2015 5768542-2 120.93 08/31/2015 101-41940-438300 8/31/2015 8235333-5 16.64 08/31/2015 101-41941-438300 8/31/2015 8235331-9 49.37 08/31/2015 101-41941-438300 8/31/2015 5821009-5 53.74 08/31/2015 101-42200-438300 8/31/2015 5799425-5 61.53 08/31/2015 101-43127-438300 8/31/2015 5799427-5 22.88 08/31/2015 101-43127-438300 8/31/2015 5820786-5 21.00 08/31/2015 101-43127-438300 8/31/2015 5837384-5 75.01 08/31/2015 101-43127-438300 8/31/2015 5863599-6 15.00 08/31/2015 101-42700-438300 8/31/2015 5768542-2 60.46 08/31/2015 101-42800-438300 8/31/2015 5768542-2 45.35 08/31/2015 101-45175-438300 8/31/2015 5804618-6 15.00 08/31/2015 101-45201-438300 8/31/2015 5806932-5 15.00 08/31/2015 101-45201-438300 8/31/2015 5864452-7 58.26 08/31/2015 101-45501-438300 8/31/2015 5843395-5 15.00 08/31/2015 217-41990-438300 8/31/2015 5768542-2 2,796.50 08/31/2015 226-45122-438300 8/31/2015 5788570-9 22.44 08/31/2015 609-49754-438300 3,479.11Check Total: Vendor:1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 08/31/2015 51-9069641-8 1,900.13 08/31/2015 656-49877-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505915-2 542.22 08/31/2015 226-45203-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505905-0 6,384.79 08/31/2015 601-49440-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505915-2- 33% skating rink 25.89 08/31/2015 601-49440-438100 08/31/2015 51-0395766-0 4,348.19 08/31/2015 601-49440-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505915-2- 33% skating rink 27.03 08/31/2015 601-49440-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505906-1 1,755.05 08/31/2015 602-49490-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505906-1 264.76 08/31/2015 602-49490-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505910-7 2,349.87 08/31/2015 609-49754-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505911-8 - MCC 12,013.65 08/31/2015 226-45122-438100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/01/2015 - 10:25 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/31/2015 ZCULPS - 51-0623082-8 - 349 Broadway 17.05 08/31/2015 213-46522-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505909-4 288.86 08/31/2015 217-41990-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505915-2- Bllfld Lts- Sftbl Asso 253.60 08/31/2015 101-45203-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505915-2 - Ballfld Lts- Sftbl Asso. 385.29 08/31/2015 101-45203-438100 08/31/2015 51-4271112-2 1,143.56 08/31/2015 101-45501-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505915-2 924.50 08/31/2015 101-45201-438100 08/31/2015 51-0371645-4 18.96 08/31/2015 101-45201-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505915-2 54.87 08/31/2015 101-45201-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505914-1 1,469.14 08/31/2015 101-43127-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505914-1 751.45 08/31/2015 101-43127-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505911-8 -Nationl Grds 312.04 08/31/2015 101-42800-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505907-2 50.77 08/31/2015 101-43140-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505907-2 44.20 08/31/2015 101-43140-438100 08/31/2015 51-4400193-4 17.05 08/31/2015 101-43160-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505916-3 12,086.00 08/31/2015 101-43160-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505911-8 -Senior Center 624.09 08/31/2015 101-45175-438100 08/31/2015 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM - 51-6505908-3 16.17 08/31/2015 101-42500-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505912-9 107.42 08/31/2015 101-42700-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505913-0 532.28 08/31/2015 101-42200-438100 08/31/2015 51-9391437-3 188.10 08/31/2015 101-41941-438100 08/31/2015 51-7780310-4 30.63 08/31/2015 101-41940-438100 08/31/2015 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 2,652.37 08/31/2015 101-41940-438100 51,579.98Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 55,059.09 2 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/01/2015 - 10:25 AM)Page 2 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 9/14/2015 Approved by _____________________________________ Mayor Brian Stumpf User: Printed:09/03/2015 - 1:24PM Debbie.Davidson Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00202.09.2015 - 202.09.2015 Liquor Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 3049035 resale - beer 29.70 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 3049696 resale - beer 236.50 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 3051444 resale - beer 32.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 298.20Check Total: Vendor:1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 49829700 resale - liquor 1,644.85 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 49829700 freight 27.59 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 1,672.44Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 131733 resale - beer 32.80 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 131734 resale - beer 1,571.71 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 134624 resale - soda pop 129.10 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 134624 resale - juice 16.40 09/03/2015 609-49750-425500 134625 resale - beer 855.55 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 137610 resale -soda pop 83.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 137610 resale -juice 65.60 09/03/2015 609-49750-425500 137611 resale - beer 2,025.15 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 137612 resale - soda pop credit -1.36 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 137613 resale - beer credit -16.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 4,761.95Check Total: Vendor:1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 11647 resale - wine 264.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 264.00Check Total: Vendor:4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 279-13 resale - beer 313.50 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/03/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 313.50Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 113448 resale - beer credit- inv. 113357 correction -16.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 113560 resale - beer 29,733.63 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 113560 resale - beer n/a 242.40 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 113709 resale - beer credit -235.95 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 113759 resale - beer 2,667.25 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 113912 resale - beer 507.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 114034 resale - beer 23,474.92 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 114034 resale - beer N/A 84.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 114114 resale - beer 65.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 114126 resale - beer 103.80 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 114133 resale - beer credit -306.40 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 114366 resale - beer credit -225.85 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 114367 resale - beer 404.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 114368 resale - beer credit -12.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 114511 resale - beer 2,931.50 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 1151081 resale - beer 568.50 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 1167354 resale - beer 16,747.90 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 1167354 resale - beer N/A 106.40 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 76,840.10Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 816670 resale - beer 2,731.95 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 816717 resale - beer 136.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 817488 resale - beer 201.60 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 817742 resale - beer 1,781.86 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 4,851.41Check Total: Vendor:1680 EPIC PRODUCTS INC Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 0482291 resale- (4) cork cage 57.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 0482291 freight 23.30 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 0482292 resale- wine bags; charms; stoppers; openers, etc 547.90 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 628.20Check Total: Vendor:1167 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False W-1253471 resale - root beer 209.40 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/03/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 209.40Check Total: Vendor:4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 780526 resale - beer 584.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 584.00Check Total: Vendor:3356 INDIAN ISLAND WINERY Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 2657 resale - wine 223.68 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 223.68Check Total: Vendor:1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 2398706 resale - beer 770.63 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 2398706 freight 3.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 773.63Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 5235253 resale - liquor 6,709.34 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 5235253 freight 88.91 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5235254 resale -wine 1,962.25 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 5235254 resale -wine n/a 121.09 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 5235254 freight 51.83 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5235255 resale- beer 21.99 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 5236538 resale - liquor 3,016.54 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 5236538 freight 43.19 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5236539 freight 20.88 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5236539 resale - wine 749.13 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 5239207 resale - beer 937.11 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 5239207 freight 19.20 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5239208 freight 8.64 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5239208 resale - wine 268.45 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 5240505 resale - liquor 212.25 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 5240505 freight 2.88 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5240506 freight 33.48 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5240506 resale - wine 1,371.65 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 5240507 resale - beer 43.98 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 5241922 resale - liquor 2,816.30 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 5241922 freight 24.48 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5241923 freight 46.32 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5241923 resale - wine 2,014.20 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 5241923 resale - wineN/A 97.47 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/03/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5241924 resale -beer 78.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 5246024 resale - liquor 2,821.43 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 5246024 freight 35.51 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5246025 freight 76.32 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5246025 resale - wine 2,221.95 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 5246025 resale - wine N/A 32.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 5246026 resale - beer 87.96 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 5247380 resale - liquor 5,235.84 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 5247380 freight 67.92 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5247381 freight 63.36 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 5247381 resale - wine 2,749.95 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 538052 resale - liquor credit -3.33 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 538053 resale - liquor credit -9.65 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 538054 resale - liquor credit -8.95 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 538055 resale - mix -4.75 09/03/2015 609-49750-425500 538056 resale -liquor credit -6.54 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 34,118.58Check Total: Vendor:1303 M AMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 201949 resale - cigarettes 766.80 09/03/2015 609-49750-425500 201949 resale - can coolers; bottle stoppers, cups, etc 523.10 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 1,289.90Check Total: Vendor:1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 8512958 resale - wine 1,254.50 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 8512958 freight 17.50 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 1,272.00Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 2836055 freight 43.19 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 2836055 resale - liquor 3,882.57 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 2836942 resale - liquor 2,101.41 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 2836942 freight 25.92 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 2836943 freight 25.92 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 2836943 resale - wine 839.35 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 2839545 freight 120.96 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 2839545 resale - liquor 6,014.14 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 2839546 resale - wine 813.60 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 2839546 freight 27.36 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 2840446 freight 40.31 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/03/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2840446 resale - liquor 2,729.45 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 2840447 resale - wine 1,150.85 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 2840447 freight 33.23 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 2843075 freight 109.92 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 2843075 resale - liquor 7,268.71 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 2844038 resale - liquor 2,393.20 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 2844038 freight 34.07 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 2844039 freight 31.68 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 2844039 resale - liquor 45.50 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 2844039 resale - wine 1,397.10 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 29,128.44Check Total: Vendor:3309 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MINNESOTA Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 1318396 freight 1.35 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 1318396 resale - mix 38.87 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 1318397 resale - wine 689.08 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 1318397 freight 13.51 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 131895 freight 23.07 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 131895 freightresale - liquor 2,168.15 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 1320711 freight 14.52 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 1320711 resale - liquor 1,365.24 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 1320712 resale - wine 657.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 1320712 freight 10.80 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 4,981.59Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 914425 resale - beer N/A 77.55 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 914426 resale - beer 10,966.01 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 915861 resale -wine 25.10 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 915862 resale -N/A beer 57.30 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 915863 resale - beer 21,373.02 09/03/2015 609-49750-425200 32,498.98Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 1610365 resale - soda pop 355.25 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 1615718 resale - soda pop 290.75 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 1620457 resale - soda pop 277.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 923.00Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/03/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 0131226 resale - wine 224.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 0131226 resale - liquor 184.88 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 0131226 resale - wine N/A 120.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 0131226 freight 18.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 0131687 resale - wine 632.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 0131687 resale - wine N/A 100.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425400 0131687 resale - liquor 1,348.75 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 0131687 freight 25.50 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 2,653.13Check Total: Vendor:4215 WILD MOUNTAIN WINERY, INC.Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 1235 resale - wine 650.16 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 650.16Check Total: Vendor:1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 402147 freight 5.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 402147 resale - wine 104.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 109.00Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 7043527 freight 15.84 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 7043527 resale - wine 682.50 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 698.34Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 1080363062 resale - liquor 6,675.46 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 1080363062 resale - wine 144.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 1080363062 freight 82.25 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 1080365972 resale - liquor 3,868.49 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 1080365972 resale - wine 684.00 09/03/2015 609-49750-425300 1080365972 freight 68.77 09/03/2015 609-49750-433300 2080100727 resale - liquor credit -27.50 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 2080100729 resale - liquor credit -130.01 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 2080100734 resale - liquor credit -152.88 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 2080100735 resale - liquor credit -78.25 09/03/2015 609-49750-425100 11,134.33Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/03/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 210,877.96 24 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/03/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 7 The preceding list of bills payable was review and approved for payment. Date: 9/14/2014 Approved by__________________________________ Mayor Brian Stumpf User: Printed:09/09/2015 - 12:15PM Julie.Cheney Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00203.09.2015 - 00203.09.2015 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:3974 A+ TAXI OF MONTICELLO INC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 20130712 August 2015 - 667 rides 3,333.33 09/15/2015 101-45178-431990 3,333.33Check Total: Vendor:1018 ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 21005 (221) GL Road Oil 718.25 09/15/2015 101-43120-422400 21115 (175.10) GL Road Oil 569.08 09/15/2015 101-43120-422400 1,287.33Check Total: Vendor:4236 ROGER ANDERSON Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 9-15-2015 2010 Bobcat SG60 Stump Grinder (1/2 Streets) 2,650.00 09/15/2015 101-43120-424100 9-15-2015 2010 Bobcat SG60 Stump Grinder (1/2 Shade Tree) 2,650.00 09/15/2015 101-46102-443990 5,300.00Check Total: Vendor:3991 ANOKA RAMSEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 00389692 Leadership Academy (7/16 - 8/26/15) 9,900.00 09/15/2015 101-41800-431960 9,900.00Check Total: Vendor:3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 3052524 resale - beer 133.50 09/15/2015 609-49750-425200 133.50Check Total: Vendor:1186 BDG INC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 19059 Cable for main line sewer camera 447.55 09/15/2015 602-49490-422100 447.55Check Total: Vendor:1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 49112200 resale - liquor 407.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-425100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 49112200 freight 3.60 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 49930600 freight 14.30 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 49930600 resale - wine 126.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-425300 49930600 resale - liquor 830.52 09/15/2015 609-49750-425100 92603200 (2) 6- pack rings to make 6-pack beer 144.00 09/15/2015 609-49754-421990 92603200 freight (2) 6- pack rings 0.66 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 92640300 resale - can coolers; red cups; hi-balls; etc 202.80 09/15/2015 609-49750-425400 92640300 freight 0.93 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 1,729.81Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 132397 Resale - Pop, water, Gatorade 430.55 09/15/2015 226-45127-425410 138260 Parties - Water 12.80 09/15/2015 226-45127-421460 138260 Resale -Pop, water, Gatorade 249.42 09/15/2015 226-45127-425410 18165 Resale - Coffee 168.78 09/15/2015 226-45127-425410 861.55Check Total: Vendor:2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: True 909855120 (10) 50pk RS/Fs MDPLG; (5) 25pk P4c RS/RS Mod 105.82 09/15/2015 656-49877-421990 909878247 (8) WAN Gateway 751.01 09/15/2015 656-49877-421800 909895049 5,000 feet Gray Popbox 705.38 09/15/2015 656-49877-421990 909919166 (8) VDSL2 Combo WAN Gateway 751.01 09/15/2015 656-49877-421800 909943326 (40) 10" Green Blank Hexb 972.75 09/15/2015 656-49877-421990 3,285.97Check Total: Vendor:4224 RONALD & AMBER BROWN Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 090215 FiberNet acct. FNM-001-1091 FINAL credit 34.39 09/15/2015 656-00000-115025 34.39Check Total: Vendor:1086 BURNHAM COMPANIES LLC Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: True 3611 Diseased Elm removal- (4) residents 8-22-15 4,290.00 09/15/2015 101-46102-431990 3620 Diseased Elm removal- (7) residents 8/29 & 30/2015 4,235.00 09/15/2015 101-46102-431990 8,525.00Check Total: Vendor:1749 CALIX NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 10006830 Calix Advantage Prog-1/1-7/26/2016 5,830.40 09/15/2015 656-00000-155010 10006830 Calix Advantage Prog-1/1-7/26/2016 4,164.60 09/15/2015 656-49877-431900 1124052 utx - 20pk - 7-postition power connectr 50.89 09/15/2015 656-49877-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10,045.89Check Total: Vendor:1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000G 156 July 2015 - Planning & Zoning General 375.00 09/15/2015 101-41910-430400 2348-000G 156 July 2015 - Building Dept - Rental Licensing Ord; hazardous bldg 420.00 09/15/2015 101-42400-430400 2348-000G 156 15D002 - July 2015 75.00 09/15/2015 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 156 ZQCSRZ - July 2015 - Quarry Church 150.00 09/15/2015 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 156 ZZBCOL - July 2015 - BCOL Joint Powers 285.00 09/15/2015 101-41910-430400 2348-000G 156 July 2015 - General 3,570.00 09/15/2015 101-41610-430400 2348-000G 156 July 2015 - FiberConnect Legal 1,882.50 09/15/2015 656-49870-430400 6,757.50Check Total: Vendor:1094 CAREFREE LAWN SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 14962 Hillside Cemetary- (2) mowing, litter/debris Aug. 2015 420.00 09/15/2015 101-45201-431050 14962 Riverside Cemetary- (2) mowings Aug. 2015 1,100.00 09/15/2015 651-49010-431050 1,520.00Check Total: Vendor:2213 CBS TV STATIONS Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 083115 WCCO August 2015 1,288.00 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 1,288.00Check Total: Vendor:1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 00048395 Monthly Tank Rental 45.00 09/15/2015 226-45122-441500 00883621 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (427 lbs) 111.40 09/15/2015 226-45122-421600 00886176 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (294 lbs) 84.80 09/15/2015 226-45122-421600 241.20Check Total: Vendor:3789 CENTURY FENCE COMPANY Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 3524-E (32,445) solid wht line; (1,425) broken wht; (10,543) ylw solid; 13,795.60 09/15/2015 101-43120-440990 13,795.60Check Total: Vendor:2960 CLEAR WATERS OUTFITTING CO Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 1072 SUP Classes 7/7, 7/17, 8/3, 8/4, 8/27 927.00 09/15/2015 226-45127-421980 927.00Check Total: Vendor:4158 COMMERCIAL ASPHALT COMPANY Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 150831 89.98 Hotmix Tons Asphalt for various areas in city 5,507.06 09/15/2015 101-43120-422400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5,507.06Check Total: Vendor:1120 CONCRETE PRODUCTS NEW LONDON Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 61964 ZPARKS-HUNTER- (2)Typar Hvy Duty 6'x300'; sod staples 325.21 09/15/2015 229-45202-453010 325.21Check Total: Vendor:3831 RAELYNN COOK Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 8/19/2015 Mileage to Seminar in St.Cloud (53.3 miles) 30.65 09/15/2015 101-41520-433100 30.65Check Total: Vendor:2197 CORPORATE CONNECTION Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 40690 (21) Lime class 3 swtshrt- asst.sz- split PW 199.50 09/15/2015 101-43120-420650 40690 (21) Lime class 3 swtshrt- asst.sz- split Parks 159.60 09/15/2015 101-45201-420650 40690 (21) Lime class 3 swtshrt- asst.sz- split Water 29.92 09/15/2015 601-49440-420650 40690 (21) Lime class 3 swtshrt- asst.sz- split Sewer 29.93 09/15/2015 602-49490-420650 418.95Check Total: Vendor:2476 CSI DIGITAL INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 103209 Sept 2015 - 1 Gbps Fiber Feed 2,700.00 09/15/2015 656-49879-430930 2,700.00Check Total: Vendor:1126 CUB FOODS - MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 08/27/2015 (7) Powerade; (4) 3ct. Water 49.65 09/15/2015 101-42200-421990 49.65Check Total: Vendor:1746 CUSTOM FIRE APPARATUS INC Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: True 16514 Engine 4 - (2) snap roller plunger; (2) enclosure term dstproof 47.67 09/15/2015 101-42200-422110 47.67Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 114332 resale - beer 356.00 09/15/2015 226-45203-425200 114691 resale - beer 659.50 09/15/2015 609-49750-425200 1,015.50Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True 818833 resale - beer 813.75 09/15/2015 609-49750-425200 818833 resale - beer n/a 21.50 09/15/2015 609-49750-425400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 835.25Check Total: Vendor:4233 DI-MAR CONSTRUCTION INC Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False Voucher No 1 14C002-PHOSPH - Pay Voucher #1 66,563.27 09/15/2015 602-00000-165010 66,563.27Check Total: Vendor:4232 DIAMOND MOWERS INC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 0102249 Mower for new Trueman WeltersTractor- CC approv. 6-22-15 meeting 30,255.00 09/15/2015 703-00000-165010 30,255.00Check Total: Vendor:1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: True 243666 FNM- ad # 411153 Monti Hospital Magazine 289.00 09/15/2015 656-49870-434990 249217 PHN - Amend to Zoning Ord - Ad# 436262 110.76 09/15/2015 101-41910-435100 249218 ZZQLTY - PHN - Quality RV/Machholtz Ad# 436273 119.99 09/15/2015 101-41910-431990 252478 Fall Sports Preview- Ad# 435269 20.00 09/15/2015 609-49754-434990 539.75Check Total: Vendor:4191 ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 8/28/2015 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/27/15 216.00 09/15/2015 226-00000-220100 216.00Check Total: Vendor:2222 FOX SPORTS NET INC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True J52407 FSN North August 2015 4,667.66 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 4,667.66Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 083115 WFTC August 2015 206.08 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 083115-2 KMSP August 2015 1,140.80 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 1,346.88Check Total: Vendor:3748 JEFFREY D GARDNER Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: True 8/28/2015 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/27/15 26.00 09/15/2015 226-00000-220100 26.00Check Total: Vendor:3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 8/28/2015 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/20/15 89.00 09/15/2015 226-00000-220100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 89.00Check Total: Vendor:4045 DAN GLESER Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: True 387150 Mankato Networks- August 2015 (3) hr consulting; SMF xcon etc 1,071.25 09/15/2015 656-49870-431990 1,071.25Check Total: Vendor:4090 GOLDEN WEST TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 150800470 August 2015- (33) usage; (490) Helpdesk; (330) Operator 1,068.25 09/15/2015 656-49870-431990 1,068.25Check Total: Vendor:3893 GOPHER STATE EVENTS Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 256 Chip Timers - Blazin Thru Bertram (209) 642.00 09/15/2015 226-45127-421980 642.00Check Total: Vendor:1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: True 145605 August 2015 (199) locates (1/2) 131.23 09/15/2015 656-49877-432770 145605 August 2015 (199) locates (1/2) 131.22 09/15/2015 601-49440-432770 262.45Check Total: Vendor:1206 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 186343 resale - wine 630.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-425300 186343 freight 9.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 639.00Check Total: Vendor:3859 TAMARA HANSON Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: True 8/28/2015 Farmers Market Token Collection Log 8/20 & 8/27/15 175.00 09/15/2015 226-00000-220100 175.00Check Total: Vendor:1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: True 08182015 acct 017-223-399- Fuel slips 7/19-8/18/2015 296.77 09/15/2015 101-42200-421200 08182015-2 acct 003-767-337- FireD- Fuel slips 7/28/15 27.64 09/15/2015 101-42200-421200 324.41Check Total: Vendor:2305 HOME BOX OFFICE Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: True 083115 HBO August 2015 210.33 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 083115 HBO Bulk August 2015 513.05 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 083115 Max August 2015 49.36 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 772.74Check Total: Vendor:1244 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 150817053 Pool Chemicals 1,647.42 09/15/2015 226-45122-421600 1,647.42Check Total: Vendor:4219 HOSPITALITY CONSULTING GROUP INC Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 1505 Fees for updating hotel market study 4,000.00 09/15/2015 213-46301-434600 4,000.00Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 083115 KSTP August 2015 1,472.00 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 083115-2 KSTC August 2015 184.00 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 1,656.00Check Total: Vendor:3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL 49 FRINGE BENE Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False October 2015 October Health Insurance 50,400.00 09/15/2015 101-00000-217061 October 2015 October Health Insurance 13,780.00 09/15/2015 101-00000-217061 64,180.00Check Total: Vendor:1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 2398783 resale - beer 1,387.45 09/15/2015 609-49750-425200 2398783 freight 3.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 1,390.45Check Total: Vendor:3855 JOANNE C JOHNSON Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False Aug1 BLANDN - Billing Period August 2015 3,000.00 09/15/2015 656-00000-220250 3,000.00Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 5250081 freight 20.16 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 5250081 resale - liquor 1,214.09 09/15/2015 609-49750-425100 5250082 resale - wine 528.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-425300 5250082 freight 11.52 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 540451 resale - wine credit inv. 5235254 -9.65 09/15/2015 609-49750-425300 540452 resale - liquor credit inv. 5229799 -6.54 09/15/2015 609-49750-425100 540453 resale - wine credit inv. 5235254 -10.67 09/15/2015 609-49750-425300 540454 resale - wine credit inv. 5239208 -12.41 09/15/2015 609-49750-425300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,734.50Check Total: Vendor:4235 KRWC Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 10592 Ad - Football game Monticello vs Buffalo 40.00 09/15/2015 226-45122-434990 40.00Check Total: Vendor:2626 HARRY LANTTO Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: True 9/2/2015 Planning Commission Meeting Recording 8/4/15 60.00 09/15/2015 101-41910-431990 9/2/2015 EDA Meeting Recording 8/12/15 60.00 09/15/2015 213-46301-431990 9/2/2015 City Council Meeting Recording 8/10/15 & 8/24/15 120.00 09/15/2015 101-41110-431990 240.00Check Total: Vendor:1290 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 9/1/2015 MN Mayors Assoc Membership 9/1/15 - 8/31/16 30.00 09/15/2015 101-41110-443300 30.00Check Total: Vendor:1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 155.00 09/15/2015 101-41310-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 483.00 09/15/2015 101-41520-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 80.00 09/15/2015 101-41800-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 7,907.00 09/15/2015 101-41910-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 28.00 09/15/2015 101-41920-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 1,015.00 09/15/2015 101-41940-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 677.00 09/15/2015 101-41941-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 3,390.00 09/15/2015 101-42200-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 579.00 09/15/2015 101-42400-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 1,013.00 09/15/2015 101-42700-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 2,209.00 09/15/2015 101-43110-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 174.00 09/15/2015 101-43111-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 63.00 09/15/2015 101-43115-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 6,908.00 09/15/2015 101-43120-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 151.00 09/15/2015 101-43125-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 119.00 09/15/2015 101-43127-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 14,608.00 09/15/2015 101-45201-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 40.00 09/15/2015 101-46102-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 2,925.00 09/15/2015 101-49240-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 369.00 09/15/2015 101-45501-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 6,186.00 09/15/2015 226-45122-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 859.00 09/15/2015 217-41990-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 621.00 09/15/2015 213-46301-436100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 4,488.00 09/15/2015 601-49440-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 4,847.00 09/15/2015 602-49480-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 8,983.00 09/15/2015 602-49490-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 899.00 09/15/2015 651-49010-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 6,580.00 09/15/2015 609-49754-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 3,819.00 09/15/2015 656-49870-436100 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 60,046.00 09/15/2015 101-00000-155020 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 8,660.00 09/15/2015 226-00000-155020 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 1,202.00 09/15/2015 217-00000-155020 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 869.00 09/15/2015 213-00000-155020 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 6,283.00 09/15/2015 601-00000-155020 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 19,360.00 09/15/2015 602-00000-155020 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 1,259.00 09/15/2015 651-00000-155020 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 9,211.00 09/15/2015 609-00000-155020 50873/50874 Ins Premium 7/15/15 - 7/15/16 5,346.00 09/15/2015 656-00000-155020 192,411.00Check Total: Vendor:4226 BARRY & AMY LEWIS Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 090215 FiberNet acct. 763-295-6828 FINAL credit 22.33 09/15/2015 656-00000-115025 22.33Check Total: Vendor:4192 KATIE SUE LILLO Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True 8/28/2015 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/20/15 100.00 09/15/2015 226-00000-220100 100.00Check Total: Vendor:3933 CHARLES LONG Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 8/28/2015 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/27/15 66.00 09/15/2015 226-00000-220100 66.00Check Total: Vendor:4211 DAVID MACGREGOR Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 8/28/2015 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/27/15 200.00 09/15/2015 226-00000-220100 200.00Check Total: Vendor:1229 MAJIRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: True 1220 Biz Cards- M.T. & J.S (1/2) 43.00 09/15/2015 601-49440-421990 1220 Biz Cards- M.T. & J.S (1/2) 43.00 09/15/2015 602-49490-421990 86.00Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: True 730920 Unleaded 709 gal @ $1.9696 1,699.20 09/15/2015 101-43120-421200 730926 Diesel 677 gal @ $1.7847 1,507.50 09/15/2015 101-43120-421200 3,206.70Check Total: Vendor:1308 MARCO INC Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: True 285197117 8/10-9/10/15 Contract 5,078.52 09/15/2015 702-00000-441500 5,078.52Check Total: Vendor:1309 MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 78519 Tow Fowl 42.95 09/15/2015 101-42700-443990 42.95Check Total: Vendor:1314 MCDOWALL COMPANY Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 225509 Maintc Agreement Contract C0560 9/1/2015 to 5/31/2016 2,820.00 09/15/2015 609-49754-431900 225542 Maintenance Agreement Contract No C0520 448.00 09/15/2015 226-45122-431900 3,268.00Check Total: Vendor:2215 METRO GOLDWYN MAYER INC Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: True 083115 MGM HD August 2015 97.09 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 97.09Check Total: Vendor:4221 ROBERT MILLER Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 090215 FiberNet acct. 763-295-2363 FINAL credit 76.74 09/15/2015 656-00000-115025 76.74Check Total: Vendor:2179 MINNESOTA 9-1-1 PROGRAM Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: True August-15 August 2015 911 Wright County 756.50 09/15/2015 656-00000-208170 756.50Check Total: Vendor:4216 MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 088463 Seal- part # F65282 21.31 09/15/2015 101-45201-422100 21.31Check Total: Vendor:1343 MN DEPT OF COMMERCE Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 8/24/2015 Unclaimed Property 7/1/11-6/30/12 7.89 09/15/2015 656-00000-208020 8/24/2015 Unclaimed Property 7/1/11-6/30/12 28.50 09/15/2015 101-00000-208020 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 36.39Check Total: Vendor:1349 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False P00004834 14C003 - MNDOT Bituminous Field Inspection 122.31 09/15/2015 400-43300-453010 122.31Check Total: Vendor:1366 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 09-2-2015 ZPARKS-HUNTER- BLDG- Bldy Prmt Hunters Xing Structure 446.94 09/15/2015 229-45202-453010 446.94Check Total: Vendor:1375 MONTICELLO PRINTING INC Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: True 09/1/2015 Fire- (35) Relief Assn By-Law Bklets; (35) By-Law w/ changes 108.70 09/15/2015 101-42200-421990 108.70Check Total: Vendor:1379 MONTICELLO UMPIRES ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True 2015-5 Umpires Thursday Nights Fall Men's League - 8/27-10/1/15 1,176.00 09/15/2015 226-45127-430160 1,176.00Check Total: Vendor:1382 MOON MOTOR SALES INC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 1021233-2 credit sales tax from inv. 1021233 -44.05 09/15/2015 101-45201-422100 103014 labor- 2012 Kawk Mule 4010- check running; ch. oil & filter 118.80 09/15/2015 101-45201-440440 103014 Parts- 2012 Kawk Mule 4010- filter; (2) oil 10w40 22.37 09/15/2015 101-45201-440440 4701519 (88) Picco slim .043 30.80 09/15/2015 101-45201-422100 127.92Check Total: Vendor:2218 MUSIC CHOICE Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 083115 Music Choice August 2015 342.03 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 342.03Check Total: Vendor:2072 NATIONAL TELCO TELEVISION CONSORTIUM Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 3542 August 2015 activity 32,067.39 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 32,067.39Check Total: Vendor:3138 NBC UNIVERSAL Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True 899282 Bravo August 2015 281.70 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899284 chiller August 2015 23.04 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899285 cloo August 2015 23.04 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 899286 CNBC August 2015 500.80 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899288 CNBC World August 2015 25.00 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899289 E! August 2015 275.44 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899291 Esquire August 2015 194.06 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899295 MSNBC August 2015 400.64 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899296 Mun2 August 2015 29.44 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899297 CNBC Olympics August 2015 137.72 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899298 Oxygen August 2015 262.92 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899300 Sprout August 2015 25.00 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899301 Syfy August 2015 325.52 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899303 Telemundo August 2015 44.80 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899304 Universal HD August 2015 177.84 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899306 usa August 2015 1,001.60 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 899307 NBCSN August 2015 250.40 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 8993202 Golf August 2015 325.52 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 4,304.48Check Total: Vendor:2518 NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 9/1/2015 Postage for packages to Dept of Public Safety Aug 2015 (21) 122.53 09/15/2015 217-41990-432200 9/1/2015 Purchase Postage 8/27/15 Acct#7900 0440 6327 5196 1,000.00 09/15/2015 101-00000-155010 1,122.53Check Total: Vendor:2216 NHL NETWORK Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 083115 NHL SD August 2015 216.60 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 216.60Check Total: Vendor:1687 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 4215 2014 TIF Reporting - District 22 990.00 09/15/2015 213-46301-431990 990.00Check Total: Vendor:1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: True 21963 XSOLAR - August 2015 - Tech Assist - Solar Moratorium 710.10 09/15/2015 101-41910-431990 21963 August 2015 - Tech Assist - City Projects 1,844.90 09/15/2015 101-41910-431990 21964 ZQCSRZ - August 2015 - Tech Assist - Quarry/Venture Bank Zoning 2,542.00 09/15/2015 101-00000-220110 21965 August 2015 - Technical Assistance - Meetings 300.00 09/15/2015 101-41910-431990 5,397.00Check Total: Vendor:1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 11776 (14.2) AC Fines mix 915.05 09/15/2015 101-43120-422400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11779 (7.01) AC Fines mix 451.72 09/15/2015 101-43120-422400 11783 (21.05) AC Fines mix 1,356.46 09/15/2015 101-43120-422400 2,723.23Check Total: Vendor:4227 SALLY PATRICK Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 090215 FiberNet acct. FNM-001-0566 FINAL credit 21.25 09/15/2015 656-00000-115025 21.25Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 2845968 resale - liquor 188.36 09/15/2015 609-49750-425100 2845968 freight 4.32 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 192.68Check Total: Vendor:4223 MARY POETZ Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 090215 FiberNet acct. FNM-001-0044 FINAL credit 51.20 09/15/2015 656-00000-115025 51.20Check Total: Vendor:4060 POP MEDIA NETWORKS, LLC POP MEDIA GROUP, LLC Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: True 156584 Pop August 2015 466.35 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 466.35Check Total: Vendor:1455 RED'S MARATHON Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False 07312015 Dump Truck - (3) batteries 360.00 09/15/2015 101-43127-422110 360.00Check Total: Vendor:4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 935263 Credit Memo against Inv# 926297 -25.23 08/11/2015 226-45127-425410 966663 Capri Juice Boxes for Parties 57.87 09/15/2015 226-45127-421460 966663 Freight 7.99 09/15/2015 226-45122-433300 966663 Resale - Snacks, chips, pretzels, hot dogs, muffins, 323.58 09/15/2015 226-45127-425410 982811 Freight 7.99 09/15/2015 226-45122-433300 982811 Pizzas for parties 178.82 09/15/2015 226-45127-421460 982811 Resale - cheese sauce, tortilla chips, pretzels, hot dogs 248.10 09/15/2015 226-45127-425410 982811 Bananas & Snack Bars for Bertrram Run 102.93 09/15/2015 226-45127-421980 902.05Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True 8/25/2015 Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,593.75 09/15/2015 101-42700-431200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9/6/2015 Mileage Reimbursement August 2015 (396 miles) 227.70 09/15/2015 101-42700-433100 1,821.45Check Total: Vendor:2568 PATRICK A SAWATZKE Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 9/3/2015 Movie In the Park - Paddington - 13 day rental in August 2015 75.00 09/15/2015 226-45122-434990 75.00Check Total: Vendor:3935 SCHWAB VOLLHABER LUBRATT SERVICE CORP Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 150721-002 Installed new comm card and comissioned controller 2,087.50 09/15/2015 226-45122-440440 2,087.50Check Total: Vendor:3860 PATRICIA SCOTT Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False 8/28/2015 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/27/15 15.00 09/15/2015 226-00000-220100 15.00Check Total: Vendor:2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False W4906328 8/8/15 - Duske/Torentz R2248 140.00 09/15/2015 226-45122-431992 140.00Check Total: Vendor:1904 SHEBOYGAN PAINT COMPANY Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: False 411079 (4) gal Hydrant Red enamel 212.83 09/15/2015 601-49440-422220 212.83Check Total: Vendor:2301 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: False 083115 Showtime August 2015 132.00 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 132.00Check Total: Vendor:2212 SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: False 083115 WUCW-TV August 2015 404.80 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 404.80Check Total: Vendor:3309 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MINNESOTA Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: False 1323195 resale - liquor 756.46 09/15/2015 609-49750-425100 1323195 freight 6.08 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 1323196 freight 41.85 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 1323196 resale - wine 2,780.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-425300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 3,584.39Check Total: Vendor:2603 SPECIALTY TURF & AG, INC Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: False I44021 ZPARKS-HUNTER - (40) straw bale; (10) grass mat; (3) Pro Ath;etc 1,291.70 09/15/2015 229-45202-453010 I44021 to be billed to Soccer Asso. Pro Athletic mix 137.90 09/15/2015 101-00000-115030 I44021 (160) 50lb 8-9-6 Winterizer 2,690.00 09/15/2015 101-45201-421600 4,119.60Check Total: Vendor:1497 SPECTRUM SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: True 255243 (2) soap dispenser (1/2 ) 28.32 09/15/2015 101-45201-421650 255243 (2) soap dispenser (1/2 ) 28.32 09/15/2015 101-43127-421990 255480 (3) 100ct liner; (5) kitchen towel; (20) Starlite Grey cleaner 303.58 09/15/2015 101-45201-421650 360.22Check Total: Vendor:4213 SCR ST. CLOUD REFRIDERATION, INC Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: False 303878 Replace compressor- Bev Air Cooler 1,572.84 09/15/2015 609-49754-440440 1,572.84Check Total: Vendor:4234 MATHEW STANG Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: True 09/08/2015 Boot Reimbursement - M.Stang 90.00 09/15/2015 602-49490-420650 90.00Check Total: Vendor:4230 RACHEL STRANDE Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: False 090215 FiberNet acct. FNM-001-0309 FINAL credit 16.19 09/15/2015 656-00000-115025 16.19Check Total: Vendor:4229 DAN SWATFAGER Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: False 090215 FiberNet acct. FNM-001-0668 FINAL credit 17.39 09/15/2015 656-00000-115025 17.39Check Total: Vendor:2412 TEE JAY NORTH INC Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: False 24833 Materials- (2) roller; (1) interlock clip 106.00 09/15/2015 609-49754-440100 24833 Labor- 8-19-15 outer entry door- Rep. rollers/interlock; adj.cov 211.60 09/15/2015 609-49754-440100 317.60Check Total: Vendor:2251 TEGNA/GANNETT CO INC Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: False 503-1145 Tegna August 215 1,361.60 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,361.60Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: True 915863-2 resale- liquor- Inv.915863 short paid 9-3-15 86.50 09/15/2015 609-49750-425100 917343 resale- beer N/A 67.90 09/15/2015 609-49750-425400 917345 resale- beer 18,182.50 09/15/2015 609-49750-425200 18,336.90Check Total: Vendor:2252 TOWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: False 458448 WGN America - August 2015 190.14 09/15/2015 656-49879-430920 190.14Check Total: Vendor:3594 TRIMARK Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: False 2482371 asst. bags; 12 oz cups; canliner 371.76 09/15/2015 609-49754-421990 2482371 resale- souffle 2 oz 36.78 09/15/2015 609-49750-425400 2492899 asst bags; toilet tissue; etc. 155.00 09/15/2015 609-49754-421990 563.54Check Total: Vendor:1532 TRUEMAN-WELTERS INC Check Sequence: 108 ACH Enabled: False 06/29/2015 Tractor- State Bid; CC approved 6-22-15 55,529.00 09/15/2015 703-00000-165010 EB14607 Tractor- Snow Wings; CC approved 6-22-15 16,358.10 09/15/2015 703-00000-165010 71,887.10Check Total: Vendor:4222 JIM VALENTINE Check Sequence: 109 ACH Enabled: False 090215 FiberNet acct. 763-295-6575 FINAL credit 51.26 09/15/2015 656-00000-115025 51.26Check Total: Vendor:1548 VEIT AND COMPANY Check Sequence: 110 ACH Enabled: False 150085-1 MG Farm Demo - Final 10% 2,625.30 09/15/2015 213-46522-431990 2,625.30Check Total: Vendor:1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV LLC VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATIONS INC Check Sequence: 111 ACH Enabled: False 00050889 April - June 2015 Cargill Testing 3,332.56 09/15/2015 602-49480-430800 00050973 Oct 2015 WWTP Operation & Maintenance 79,823.00 09/15/2015 602-49480-430800 83,155.56Check Total: Vendor:4228 BROCK & MANDI VERVILLE Check Sequence: 112 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 090215 FiberNet acct. FNM-001-0750 FINAL credit 19.83 09/15/2015 656-00000-115025 19.83Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 113 ACH Enabled: True 0132167 resale - liquor 180.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-425100 0132167 resale - wine 272.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-425300 0132167 freight 10.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 462.00Check Total: Vendor:4225 BARRY & LORA VOIGHT Check Sequence: 114 ACH Enabled: False 090215 FiberNet acct. FNM-001-0645 FINAL credit 24.64 09/15/2015 656-00000-115025 24.64Check Total: Vendor:1555 VONCO II LLC Check Sequence: 115 ACH Enabled: False 29450 (.69) tons dock floats- Indust. Waste 69.73 09/15/2015 101-45201-431990 69.73Check Total: Vendor:1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 116 ACH Enabled: False 5094 Water Testing - Aug. 2015 240.00 09/15/2015 601-49440-422740 240.00Check Total: Vendor:4220 WEBBER RECREATIONAL DESIGN, INC Check Sequence: 117 ACH Enabled: False 497 ZPARKS-HUNTER - (6) Dyna Cushion Mat 1,375.00 09/15/2015 229-45202-453010 529 Covered in part by Ins. Proceeds $9,301.08 rcvd on 8/17/15 11,774.91 09/15/2015 101-45201-440800 13,149.91Check Total: Vendor:4231 MIKE & DONNA WEINZETL Check Sequence: 118 ACH Enabled: False 090215 FiberNet acct. FNM-001-0398 FINAL credit 6.09 09/15/2015 656-00000-115025 6.09Check Total: Vendor:1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 119 ACH Enabled: False 7372 Materials - Org Wire Conn (12) 1.32 09/15/2015 226-45122-431120 7372 Labor - 2 hrs - Changed 2 Ballasts in Locker Rooms 136.00 09/15/2015 226-45122-431120 137.32Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 120 ACH Enabled: False 7045394 resale - wine 1,815.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-425300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 17 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 7045394 freight 31.68 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 1,846.68Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 121 ACH Enabled: False 1080368856 resale - liquor 5,207.17 09/15/2015 609-49750-425100 1080368856 resale - wine 144.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-425300 1080368856 freight 67.39 09/15/2015 609-49750-433300 2080099076 resale - liquor credit -135.00 09/15/2015 609-49750-425100 5,283.56Check Total: Vendor:1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 122 ACH Enabled: True September 2015 September 215 - Deputies Contract 94,170.00 09/15/2015 101-42100-430500 94,170.00Check Total: Vendor:1579 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Check Sequence: 123 ACH Enabled: False 255 14c003 - ROW Permit 15-071 100.00 09/15/2015 400-43300-453010 100.00Check Total: Vendor:2043 WRIGHT COUNTY PARKS Check Sequence: 124 ACH Enabled: False #4-2015 ZZBCOL-EXPENS - Bertram Beach Improv 2015 7,000.00 09/15/2015 229-45202-421990 7,000.00Check Total: Vendor:1583 WRIGHT HENNEPIN COOP ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 125 ACH Enabled: True 10710177100 Sunset Pds/94th- Lift Station7/1-8/1/2015 75.98 09/15/2015 602-49490-438100 10710177100 1645/1675 CR39 6/12-7/1/2015 30.26 09/15/2015 602-49490-438100 10710177100 DMV - Oct 2015 Service 19.95 09/15/2015 217-41990-431900 10710177100 2171 W Rvr St- Parks - Oct 2015 Service 36.45 09/15/2015 101-45201-431900 10710177100 Fire Hall - Oct 2015 Service 27.95 09/15/2015 101-42200-431900 10710177100 5980 Jason Ave NE- Water - Oct 2015 Service 19.95 09/15/2015 601-49440-431900 10710177100 MCC - Oct 2015 Service 27.95 09/15/2015 226-45122-431900 10710177100 207 Chelsea Rd- Water - Oct 2015 Service 32.95 09/15/2015 601-49440-431900 10710177100 209 Cedar St- Water - Oct 2015 Service 29.95 09/15/2015 601-49440-431900 10710177100 132 E Broadway- Water - Oct 2015 Service 19.95 09/15/2015 601-49440-431900 10710177100 107 River St W- Parks- Oct 2015 Service 19.95 09/15/2015 101-45201-431900 10710177100 Hi-Way Liquor- Oct 2015 Service 21.32 09/15/2015 609-49754-431900 10710177100 MCC- Oct 2015 Service 19.95 09/15/2015 226-45122-431900 10710177100 200 Dundas Rd- Water- Oct 2015 Service 29.95 09/15/2015 601-49440-431900 10710177100 909 Golf Course Rd-PW- Oct 2015 Service 19.95 09/15/2015 101-43110-431900 10710177100 Gen. Street Lighting- Oct 2015 Service 1,305.96 09/15/2015 101-43160-438100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 18 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,738.42Check Total: Vendor:2076 ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC Check Sequence: 126 ACH Enabled: True 003293- 9/15 9/1-9/30/2015 Private Line; cost recovery surcharge 2,478.33 09/15/2015 656-49879-430910 2,478.33Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 843,393.50 126 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/09/2015 - 12:15 PM)Page 19 The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 9/14/15 Approved by:______________________________________ Mayor Brian Stumpf CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 1 2B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Betsy Schacht Climbing Wall Attendant MCC 8/31/2015 PT Brielle Nemitz Childcare Attendant MCC 9/8/2015 PT Mackenzie Turner Guest Service 2 MCC 9/11/2015 PT Danielle Berg Fitness Instructor MCC 9/24/2015 PT Name Reason Department Last Day Class Brenden Meyer Voluntary MCC 8/13/15 PT Sarah Renslow Voluntary MCC 8/14/15 PT Richard Kothenbuetel Voluntary MCC 8/21/15 PT Sam Secord Voluntary Water 8/21/15 Seasonal Steven Jundt Voluntary MCC 8/29/15 PT Kayla Clifton Voluntary MCC 9/2/15 PT Levi Zalomsky Voluntary MCC 9/3/15 PT NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES New Hire and Terms City Council 2015: 9/8/2015 CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 1 2C.Considerationofapprovingthesaleordisposalofsurpluscityproperty (WO) ThereisnoreportthisCityCouncilcycle. CityCouncilAgenda:9/14/15 1 2D.Considerationofapproving2016-2017lawenforcementcontractwithWright CountySheriff’sOffice (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Thecurrent2014–2015lawenforcementcontractwiththeWrightCountySheriff’s OfficeexpiresonDecember31,2015.WrightCountyhasthereforepreparedanew contractforthenexttwoyears. Underthenewcontract,thehourlyrateforlawenforcementservicesforcalendaryear 2016willbe$67.00perhour--$2.50or3.8%higherthan2015.This2017ratewill increaseto$69.50--$2.50or3.7%higherthan2016.Thenewrateswereapprovedbythe WrightCountyBoardonJune25,2015. Belowisatablecomparinghourlyrates,contracthoursperday,andthecorresponding budgetforourcontractedlawenforcementservicesfrom2008to2017. Year Hourly Rate Hours perDay Budget Change 2017 $69.50 48 $1,217,640 $43,800 2016 $67.00 48 $1,173,840 $43,800 2015 $64.50 48 $1,130,040 $35,040 2014 $62.50 48 $1,095,000 -$53,290 2013 $60.50 52 $1,148,290 $11,128 2012 $59.75 52 $1,137,162 $17,342 2011 $59.00 52 $1,119,820 $28,470 2010 $57.50 52 $1,091,350 $28,470 2009 $56.00 52 $1,062,880 $77,380 2008(July–December)$54.00 52 $512,460 2008(January–June)$54.00 48 $473,040 Thenewcontractprovidesfornochangeinlawenforcementcoverage,currently48 hoursperdayor17,520hoursannually.Excludedfromtheaboveschedulefor2016is 48extrahoursfortheleapyear($3,216).Thenextleapyearis2020.Adding4hoursper daytothecontractwouldcost$97,820(totaladditionalcosts:$97,820+$43,800= $141,620). TheWrightCountySheriffwillattendthecouncilmeetingtorespondtocouncil inquiries,includingquestionsrelatedtothe2016-2017lawenforcementcontract. A.1BudgetImpact:Seeaboveschedule. A.2StaffWorkload:Approvalofthe2016–2017lawenforcementcontractfor policeserviceswillhavenoimpactonstaffworkload. CityCouncilAgenda:9/14/15 2 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethe2016-2017lawenforcementcontractwithWrightCounty forlawenforcementservicesat48hoursperdayfor$67.00perhourin2016and $69.50perhourin2017. 2.Motiontodenyapprovalforlawenforcementservicesatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternativeAction#1,whichmaintainslawenforcementcoverageat 48hoursperdayfor$67.00perhourin2016and$69.50in2017.Inthepast,thesheriff hasindicatedthatthecitycouldaddhourswithoutmuchnotice.Subtractinghourswould bemoreproblematic.Addinghourscouldbediscussedfurtherasthebudgetprocess progresses. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: 2016-2017LawEnforcementContractasproposedbyWrightCounty MonticelloLawEnforcementActivityReport Monticello Law Enforcement Activity Comparison Report January 1st to August 31st 2014 & 2015 Case Type 2014 2015 Alarm 306 311 Animal Calls 113 123 Assault 23 16 Burglary 18 15 Disorderly 57 28 Domestic Disturbance 134 116 Drugs Total 60 61 Drug Search Warrant 8 3 DUI 35 21 Fight 17 10 Fire calls 36 47 Fireworks 14 19 Fraud- Forgery 72 92 Harassment 74 59 Intoxicated Person 19 16 Juvenile- Complaint 105 141 Juvenile- Runaway 20 23 Medicals 412 513 MVA- Injuries 38 18 MVA- No Injuries 225 189 MVA- Pedestrian 4 1 Neighborhood Dispute 10 12 Noise 38 56 Robbery 1 4 Snowbird 130 149 Snowmobile Complaint 4 2 Soliciting 4 6 Stolen- Vehicle 10 11 Suspicious- Circumstances 150 169 Suspicious- Person- Vehicle 126 139 Theft- From Vehicle 53 41 Theft- Gas Drive Off 87 87 Thefts-Other 213 219 Threats 37 41 Traffic- Complaint 166 165 Unwanted Person 24 31 Warrant- Arrest 45 42 Total for Cases by year 2888 2996 **The above activity does not include all of the cases and calls for service for the time period between the dates of January 1st through August 31st 2014-2015 due to a change in how we categorize and document activity within our new Records Management system. MONTICELLO Law Enforcement Review September 14th, 2015 LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTACTS Sheriff Joe Hagerty 763-682-7616 joe.hagerty@co.wright.mn.us Captain Dan Anselment 763-682-7634 dan.anselment@co.wright.mn.us Lieutenant Todd Sandin 763-684-4508 todd.sandin@co.wright.mn.us Sergeant Dave Anderson 763-238-4340 dave.anderson@co.wright.mn.us Monticello REVIEW OF LAW ENFORCEMENT COVERAGE FOR MONTICELLO… Six shifts daily; 8 hour shifts 6:00 am to 2:00 pm (3210) 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (3220) 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm (3230) 2:30 pm to 10:30 pm (3231) 10:00 pm to 6:00 am (3250) 10:30 pm to 6:30 am (3251) **Two School Resource deputies contracted by the School District Current (2015) Law Enforcement contract rates are at $64.50 per hour Contract rates for 2016 rates were set this summer by the County Board at $67.00 per hour Contract rates for 2017 are set for $69.50 Future and past contracting rates and hours of contracted Law Enforcement services are below: $144.43 $220.76 $135.02 $241.20 $204.02 $212.42 $140.52 $185.48 $86.73 $0.00 $50.00 $100.00 $150.00 $200.00 $250.00 $300.00 Law Enforcement Cost per Capita 2015 City Population 2015 LE Cost LE Cost per Capita Big Lake 10,298 $1,487,379 $144.43 Rogers 11,983 $2,645,395 $220.76 North Mankato 13,439 $1,814,594 $135.02 Brainerd 13,487 $3,253,075 $241.20 New Ulm 13,473 $2,748,709 $204.02 North St. Paul 11,830 $2,512,920 $212.42 Sauk Rapids 13,270 $1,864,700 $140.52 Average 12,540 $2,332,396 $185.48 Monticello 13,029 $1,130,040 $86.73 $84.66 $105.99 $103.56 $66.62 $30.93 $89.99 $86.73 $62.59 $64.84 $64.96 $44.52 $68.24 $73 $0.00 $20.00 $40.00 $60.00 $80.00 $100.00 $120.00 Albertville Clearwater Cokato Delano Hanover Maple Lake Monticello Montrose Otsego Rockford St. Michael Waverly Average Law Enforcement Cost Per Capita 2015 LE Cost per Capita 391 319 467 117 184 140 176 270 276 394 424 451 411 435 601 707 728 631 516 450 452 451 438 444 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 City of Monticello -CFS by Hour -2014 Total RECENT MONTICELLO ACTIVITY… Medical calls top the list for the most common incident the deputies respond to Significant decrease in the number of vehicle crashes Large increase in the number of juvenile complaints reported Deputies stopped 665 vehicles in June, July and August 833 citations issued to date in 2015; including traffic and criminal Theft and Burglaries remain fairly consistent An increase in fraud related complaints; specifically at retail locations -In 2013, our Investigations unit investigated 106 cases -In 2014, our Investigations unit investigated 140 cases -So far in 2015, over 100 cases have been assigned to the Investigations unit -Investigative staffing was increased in 2015 due to the volume of cases being assigned and the complexity of multiple fraud cases. The large retail box stores contributed to 213 cases so far in 2015; an additional 87 convenience store gas drive - off’s were investigated during the same time fame MONTICELLO LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY Comparison Report January 1st to August 31st 2014 & 2015 Case Type 2014 2015 Alarm 306 311 Animal Calls 113 123 Assault 23 16 Burglary 18 15 Disorderly 57 28 Domestic Disturbance 134 116 Drugs Total 60 61 Drug Search Warrant 8 3 DUI 35 21 Fight 17 10 Fire calls 36 47 Fireworks 14 19 Fraud-Forgery 72 92 Case Type 2014 2015 Harassment 74 59 Intoxicated Person 19 16 Juvenile-Complaint 105 141 Juvenile-Runaway 20 23 Medicals 412 513 MVA-Injuries 38 18 MVA-No Injuries 225 189 MVA-Pedestrian 4 1 Neighborhood Dispute 10 12 Noise 38 56 Robbery 1 4 Snowbird 130 149 Snowmobile Complaint 4 2 Case Type 2014 2015 Soliciting 4 6 Stolen-Vehicle 10 11 Suspicious-Circumstances 150 169 Suspicious-Person-Vehicle 126 139 Theft-From Vehicle 53 41 Theft-Gas Drive Off 87 87 Thefts-Other 213 219 Threats 37 41 Traffic-Complaint 166 165 Unwanted Person 24 31 Warrant-Arrest 45 42 Total for cases by year 2888 2996 **The above activity does not include all of the cases and calls for service for the time period between the dates of January 1st through August 31st 2014-2015 due to a change in how we categorize and document activity within our new records management system. CityCouncilAgenda:9/14/15 1 2E.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-065approvingacontributionfrom variousdonorsfortheFarmer’sMarket.(KB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: AsapartoftheFarmer’sMarket,aprogramoftheCommunityCenter’s,weoftenhave music,demonstrationsorotherentertainmenttomaketheshoppingexperienceapleasant one.Thevendorsofthemarketfeelstronglyenoughinthevalueofentertainmentthat theyhavemadedonationstotheCommunityCentertohelpdefraythecost. ThesponsorsareIvyLaneGardenStop-RitaMcCooley,HastyWoodsTreeFarmand Nursery-GrantEverson,JT’sSweetBBQSauce-JeremyTeicher,DiamondCityBread- Garrett,GreenbushFarms-ChuckLong,andPopcornPatty-Pattyforatotalof$330.00. Asrequiredbystatestatute,iftheCityacceptsthedonationoffunds,theCityCouncil needstoadoptaresolutionspecifyingtheamountofthedonationanditsuse. A1.BudgetImpact:Thedonationswillbeusedtopayforentertainmentatthe Farmer’sMarket. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffwillsearchoutandbooktheentertainmentwith thesuggestionsortheFarmer’sMarketvendors. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethecontributionandauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. 2.Motiontonotapprovethecontributionandreturnthefundstothedonors. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendationistoadopttheresolutionacceptingthecontributions. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2015-065 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2015-065 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Diamond City Bread Cash Contribution $100.00 Ivy Lane Garden Stop Cash Contribution $50.00 Hasty Woods Tree Farm and Nursery Cash Contribution $50.00 JT’s Sweet BBQ Sauce Cash Contribution $50.00 Popcorn Patty Cash Contribution $20.00 Greenbush Farms Cash Contribution $60.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city’s jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE/AMOUNT Diamond City Bread Farmer’s Market Entertainment and Demonstrations Ivy Lane Garden Stop Farmer’s Market Entertainment and Demonstrations Hasty Woods Tree Farm & Nursery Farmer’s Market Entertainment and Demonstrations JT’s Sweet BBQ Sauce Farmer’s Market Entertainment and Demonstrations Popcorn Patty Farmer’s Market Entertainment and Demonstrations Greenbush Farms Farmer’s Market Entertainment and Demonstrations Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 14th day of September, 2015. ______________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 1 2F.ConsiderationofappointingarepresentativetotheIndustrialandEconomic DevelopmentCommittee.(AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoconsidertheappointmentofDarekVetschastheMonticello ChamberofCommercevotingrepresentativetotheIndustrial&EconomicDevelopment Committee(IEDC).NewappointmentstotheIEDCmustbeapprovedbyCouncil. TheChamberBoardhasrecommendedMr.VetschofRussell’sontheLakeastheir replacementrepresentative.TheIEDChasunanimouslyrecommendedhisappointment totheCommittee.Mr.VetschisaresidentofMonticello.Mr.Vetsch’stermonthe IEDCisbasedontheChamber’selectedofficercycleandappointment. WithCouncilapprovaloftheappointment,theIEDC’s2015membershipisasfollows. IEDC:1 BillTapper 3yr 2017 (3-yearstaggeredterms)2 JimJohnson 3yr 2017 3 TimO'Connor 3yr 2017 4 MaryBarger 3yr 2015 5 DickVanAllen 3yr 2015 6 LukeDahlheimer 3yr 2015 7 JoniPawelk 3yr 2016 8 ZonaGutzwiller 3yr 2016 9 WayneElam 3yr 2016 10 DonRoberts 3yr 2016 11 PatThompson 3yr 2016 12 SteveJohnson 3yr 2016 13 TimLaitinen 3yr 2015 appointed3/9/15 14 BrianStumpf Councilliaison 15 LloydHilgart Councilliaison 16 VACANT 17 DarekVetsch ChamberRep (voting)2015 18 ChamberDirector ex-officio B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheappointmentofChamberofCommercerepresentative DarekVetschtotheMonticelloIEDCasproposed. 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityStaffrecommendsAlternative#1above. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None CityCouncilAgenda:9/14/15 1 2G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-066approvingtheissuanceofgeneral obligationstreetreconstructionandimprovementbonds,series2015B (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: ThisitemwasdiscussedatacouncilworkshoponAugust24,2015.Theattachedresolution authorizesthemayorandcityadministratortoapprovethesaleof$2,605,000inbondswitha trueinterestcostnottoexceed3.65%. Thebondissueproceedswillfinancestreetreconstructionthroughoutthecity,asdetailedin theStreetReconstructionPlan,andimprovementstoSchoolBoulevard.Thecityhaspassed reimbursementresolutionsforexpendituresmadeinadvanceofthedebtissuance.Further, thecityisissuingdebttocashflowengineeringandotherstreetreconstructioncostsuntilthe nextbondissue--anticipatedforthelatterpartof2016. Debtservicepaymentswillbemadewithamixofpropertytaxesandaspecialassessment (schooldistrict).ThefirstinterestpaymentisdueJune15,2016andthefirstprincipal(plus interest)paymentisdueDecember15,2016.The2016draftbudgetincludesdebtserviceon thisissueandonafuturedebtissueforstreetreconstructioninthe2016corestreetarea. Totalannualdebtserviceisestimatedat$550,000forboththe2015and2016bonds.Each bondissuewillhavea15yearterm. Thisdebtissueissizedtopreservethe$5millionsmall-issuerexceptionfordebtissuedby thecityin2015.Thecityreceiveda$2,391,481MinnesotaPublicFacilitiesAuthorityloan earlierthisyear.Theexceptionallowsthecityavoidcostly,futurearbitragerebate calculationsassociatedwithspenddownrequirementtimelines. Thecityhassecuredtheservicesofapricingopinionprovidertoassessthecompetivenessof thisnegotiatedbondsale.The$2,000costofthisservicewillberolledintothebondissue. A1.BudgetImpact:Detailedabove. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Internalcoordinationofissuance-otherwiselittletono impactonthestaff. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2015-066approvingtheissuanceofgeneralobligation streetreconstructionandimprovementbonds,series2015B. 2.MotiontodenyResolution#2015-066approvingtheissuanceofgeneralobligation streetreconstructionandimprovementbonds,series2015B. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: TheCitystaffsupportsAlternative#1. CityCouncilAgenda:9/14/15 2 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2015-066 2015-2020StreetReconstructionPlanRevised 467699v2 MNI MN190-148 CERTIFICATION OF MINUTES RELATING TO GENERAL OBLIGATION STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2015B ISSUER: City of Monticello, Minnesota BODY: City Council KIND, DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF MEETING: A regular meeting held on Monday, September 14, 2015, at 6:30 o'clock p.m., in the City Hall. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Documents Attached: Extract of Minutes of said meeting. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2015B I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the public corporation issuing the obligations referred to in the title of this certificate, certify that the documents attached hereto, as described above, have been carefully compared with the original records of said corporation in my legal custody, from which they have been transcribed; that said documents are a correct and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the governing body of said corporation, and correct and complete copies of all resolutions and other actions taken and of all documents approved by the governing body at said meeting, so far as they relate to said obligations; and that said meeting was duly held by the governing body at the time and place and was attended throughout by the members indicated above, pursuant to call and notice of such meeting given as required by law. WITNESS MY HAND officially as such recording officer on September ___, 2015. Clerk 467699v2 MNI MN190-148 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, STATE OF MINNESOTA HELD: Monday, September 14, 2015 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council, City of Monticello, State of Minnesota, was duly held on Monday, September 14, 2015, at 6:30 o'clock p.m. Member ___________________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2015B BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello (herein, the “City”), State of Minnesota as follows: 1. The City Council hereby finds and declares that it is necessary and expedient for the City to sell and issue its general obligation bonds (herein, the “Bonds”) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2,605,000. Proceeds of the Bonds will be used to finance the City’s 2015 street reconstruction and improvement projects and to pay the costs of issuing the Bonds. 2. The City desires to proceed with the sale of the Bonds by direct negotiation to Northland Securities, Inc. (herein, “NSI”). NSI will purchase the Bonds in an arm’s-length commercial transaction with the City. The Mayor and the City Administrator are hereby authorized to approve the sale of the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $2,605,000 and to execute a bond purchase agreement for the purchase of the Bonds, provided that the true interest cost of the bond issue is equal to or less than 3.65%. 3. Upon approval of the sale of the Bonds by the Mayor and the City Administrator, the City Council will take action at its next regularly scheduled meeting thereafter to adopt the necessary approving resolutions as prepared by the City's bond counsel. 4. NSI is authorized to prepare and distribute an Official Statement related to the sale of the Bonds. 7. If the Mayor and the City Administrator have not approved the sale of the bonds and executed the related bond purchase agreement by December 31, 2015, this resolution shall expire. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member __________________, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 467245v1 MNI MN190-148 $__________ General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds Series 2015B City of Monticello Wright County, Minnesota We have acted as bond counsel to the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota (the “Issuer”) in connection with the issuance by the Issuer of its General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2015B (the “Bonds”), originally dated as of November __, 2015, and issued in the original aggregate principal amount of $________. In such capacity and for the purpose of rendering this opinion we have examined certified copies of certain proceedings, certifications and other documents, and applicable laws as we have deemed necessary. Regarding questions of fact material to this opinion, we have relied on certified proceedings and other certifications of public officials and other documents furnished to us without undertaking to verify the same by independent investigation. Under existing laws, regulations, rulings and decisions in effect on the date hereof, and based on the foregoing we are of the opinion that: 1. The Bonds have been duly authorized and executed, and are valid and binding general obligations of the Issuer, enforceable in accordance with their terms. 2. The principal of and interest on the Bonds are payable from special assessments levied or to be levied on property specially benefited by local improvements and ad valorem taxes, but if necessary for the payment thereof additional ad valorem taxes are required by law to be levied on all taxable property of the Issuer, which taxes are not subject to any limitation as to rate or amount. 3. Interest on the Bonds is excludable from gross income of the recipient for federal income tax purposes and, to the same extent, is excludable from taxable net income of individuals, trusts, and estates for Minnesota income tax purposes, and is not a preference item for purposes of the computation of the federal alternative minimum tax, or the computation of the Minnesota alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals, trusts and estates. However, such interest is taken into account in determining adjusted current earnings for the purpose of computing the federal alternative minimum tax imposed on certain corporations and is subject to Minnesota franchise taxes on corporations (including financial institutions) measured by income. The opinion set forth in this paragraph is subject to the condition that the Issuer comply with all requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, that must be satisfied subsequent to the issuance of the Bonds in order that interest thereon be, or continue to be, excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes and from taxable net income for Minnesota income tax purposes. The Issuer has covenanted to comply with all such requirements. Failure to comply with certain of such requirements may cause interest on the Bonds to be included in gross income for federal income tax purposes and taxable net income for Minnesota income tax purposes retroactively to the date of issuance of the Bonds. We express no opinion regarding tax consequences arising with respect to the Bonds other than as expressly set forth herein. 2 467245v1 MNI MN190-148 4. The rights of the owners of the Bonds and the enforceability of the Bonds may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium, and other similar laws affecting creditor’s rights generally and by equitable principles, whether considered at law or in equity. We have not been asked and have not undertaken to review the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of the Official Statement or other offering material relating to the Bonds, and accordingly we express no opinion with respect thereto. This opinion is given as of the date hereof and we assume no obligation to update, revise, or supplement this opinion to reflect any facts or circumstances that may hereafter come to our attention or any changes in law that may hereafter occur. Dated November __, 2015 at Minneapolis, Minnesota. 467246v1 MNI MN190-148 $____________ City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds Series 2015B CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE November __, 2015 This Continuing Disclosure Certificate (the “Disclosure Certificate”) is executed and delivered by the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the “Issuer”) in connection with the issuance of its General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2015B (the “Bonds”), in the original aggregate principal amount of $___________. The Bonds are being issued pursuant to resolutions adopted by the City Council of the Issuer (the “Resolutions”). The Bonds are being delivered to _________________ (the “Purchaser”) on the date hereof. Pursuant to the Resolutions, the Issuer has covenanted and agreed to provide continuing disclosure of certain financial information and operating data and timely notices of the occurrence of certain events. The Issuer hereby covenants and agrees as follows: Section 1. Purpose of the Disclosure Certificate. This Disclosure Certificate is being executed and delivered by the Issuer for the benefit of the Holders (as defined herein) of the Bonds in order to provide for the public availability of such information and assist the Participating Underwriter(s) (as defined herein) in complying with the Rule (as defined herein). This Disclosure Certificate, together with the Resolutions, constitutes the written agreement or contract for the benefit of the Holders of the Bonds that is required by the Rule. Section 2. Definitions. In addition to the defined terms set forth in the Resolutions, which apply to any capitalized term used in this Disclosure Certificate unless otherwise defined in this Section, the following capitalized terms shall have the following meanings: “Annual Report” means any annual report provided by the Issuer pursuant to, and as described in, Sections 3 and 4 of this Disclosure Certificate. “Audited Financial Statements” means annual financial statements of the Issuer, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for governmental units (“GAAP”) as prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (“GASB”). “Bonds” means the General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2015B, issued by the Issuer in the original aggregate principal amount of $___________. “Disclosure Certificate” means this Continuing Disclosure Certificate. “EMMA” means the Electronic Municipal Market Access system operated by the MSRB and designated as a nationally recognized municipal securities information repository and the exclusive portal for complying with the continuing disclosure requirements of the Rule. “Final Official Statement” means the deemed Final Official Statement, dated __________, 2015, which constitutes the final official statement delivered in connection with the Bonds, which is available from the MSRB. “Fiscal Year” means the fiscal year of the Issuer. 467246v1 MNI MN190-148 2 “Holder” means the person in whose name a Bond is registered or a beneficial owner of such a Bond. “Issuer” means the City of Monticello, Minnesota, which is the obligated person with respect to the Bonds. “Material Event” means any of the events listed in Section 5(a) of this Disclosure Certificate. “MSRB” means the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board located at 1900 Duke Street, Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22314. “Participating Underwriter” means any of the original underwriter(s) of the Bonds (including the Purchaser) required to comply with the Rule in connection with the offering of the Bonds. “Purchaser” means __________________. “Repository” means EMMA, or any successor thereto designated by the SEC. “Rule” means SEC Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) promulgated by the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as the same may be amended from time to time, and including written interpretations thereof by the SEC. “SEC” means Securities and Exchange Commission, and any successor thereto. Section 3. Provision of Annual Financial Information and Audited Financial Statements. (a) The Issuer shall provide to the Repository, as soon as available, but not later than twelve (12) months after the end of the Fiscal Year commencing with the year that ends December 31, 2015, an Annual Report which is consistent with the requirements of Section 4 of this Disclosure Certificate. The Annual Report may be submitted as a single document or as separate documents comprising a package, and may cross-reference other information as provided in Section 4 of this Disclosure Certificate; provided that the Audited Financial Statements of the Issuer may be submitted separately from the balance of the Annual Report and will be submitted as soon as available. (b) If the Issuer is unable or fails to provide to the Repository an Annual Report by the date required in subsection (a), the Issuer shall send a notice of that fact to the Repository and the MSRB. (c) The Issuer shall determine each year prior to the date for providing the Annual Report the name and address of each Repository. Section 4. Content of Annual Reports. The Issuer’s Annual Report shall contain or incorporate by reference the following sections of the Final Official Statement: 1. Economic and Financial Information – “Valuations,” “Tax Capacity Rates,” and “Tax Levies and Collections” 2. Summary of Debt and Debt Statistics In addition to the items listed above, the Annual Report shall include Audited Financial Statements submitted in accordance with Section 3 of this Disclosure Certificate. 467246v1 MNI MN190-148 3 Any or all of the items listed above may be incorporated by reference from other documents, including official statements of debt issues of the Issuer or related public entities, which have been submitted to the Repository or the SEC. If the document incorporated by reference is a final official statement, it must also be available from the MSRB. The Issuer shall clearly identify each such other document so incorporated by reference. Section 5. Reporting of Material Events. (a) This Section 5 shall govern the giving of notice of the occurrence of any of the following events (“Material Events”) with respect to the Bonds: 1. Principal and interest payment delinquencies; 2. Non-payment related defaults, if material; 3. Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; 4. Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; 5. Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; 6. Adverse tax opinions, the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of proposed or f inal determinations of taxability, Notices of Proposed Issue (IRS Form 5701–TEB), or other material notices or determinations with respect to the tax status of the security, or other material events affecting the tax status of the security; 7. Modifications to rights of security holders, if material; 8. Bond calls, if material, and tender offers; 9. Defeasances; 10. Release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the securities, if material; 11. Rating changes; 12. Bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar event of the obligated person; 13. The consummation of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition involving an obligated person or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the obligated person, other than in the ordinary course of business, the entry into a definitive agreement to undertake such an action or the termination of a definitive agreement relating to any such actions, other than pursuant to its terms, if material; and 14. Appointment of a successor or additional trustee or the change of name of a trustee, if material. (b) The Issuer shall file a notice of such occurrence with the Repository or with the MSRB within ten (10) business days of the occurrence of the Material Event. 467246v1 MNI MN190-148 4 (c) Unless otherwise required by law and subject to technical and economic feasibility, the Issuer shall employ such methods of information transmission as shall be requested or recommended by the designated recipients of the Issuer’s information. Section 6. EMMA. The SEC has designated EMMA as a nationally recognized municipal securities information repository and the exclusive portal for complying with the continuing disclosure requirements of the Rule. Until the EMMA system is amended or altered by the MSRB and the SEC, the Issuer shall make all filings required under this Disclosure Certificate solely with EMMA. Section 7. Termination of Reporting Obligation. The Issuer’s obligations under the Resolutions and this Disclosure Certificate shall terminate upon the legal defeasance, the redemption in full of all Bonds or payment in full of all Bonds. Section 8. Agent. The Issuer may, from time to time, appoint or engage a dissemination agent to assist it in carrying out its obligations under the Resolutions and this Disclosure Certificate, and may discharge any such agent, with or without appointing a successor dissemination agent. Section 9. Amendment; Waiver. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Resolutions or this Disclosure Certificate, the Issuer may amend this Disclosure Certificate, and any provision of this Disclosure Certificate may be waived, if such amendment or waiver is supported by an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel to the effect that such amendment or waiver would not, in and of itself, cause a violation of the Rule. The provisions of the Resolutions requiring continuing disclosure pursuant to the Rule and this Disclosure Certificate, or any provision hereof, shall be null and void in the event that the Issuer delivers to the Repository an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel to the effect that those portions of the Rule which impose the continuing disclosure requirements of the Resolutions and the execution and delivery of this Disclosure Certificate are invalid, have been repealed retroactively or otherwise do not apply to the Bonds. The provisions of the Resolutions requiring continuing disclosure pursuant to the Rule and this Disclosure Certificate may be amended without the consent of the Holders of the Bonds, but only upon the delivery by the Issuer to the Repository of the proposed amendment and an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel to the effect that such amendment, and giving effect thereto, will not adversely affect the compliance with the Rule. Section 10. Additional Information. Nothing in this Disclosure Certificate shall be deemed to prevent the Issuer from disseminating any other information, using the means of dissemination set forth in this Disclosure Certificate or any other means of communication, or including any other information in any Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Material Event, in addition to that which is required by this Disclosure Certificate. If the Issuer chooses to include any information in any Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Material Event in addition to that which is specifically required by this Disclosure Certificate, the Issuer shall have no obligation under this Disclosure Certificate to update such information or include it in any future Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Material Event. Section 11. Default. In the event of a failure of the Issuer to comply with any provision of this Disclosure Certificate any Holder of the Bonds may take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking mandamus or specific performance by court order, to cause the Issuer to comply with its obligations under the Resolutions and this Disclosure Certificate. A default under this Disclosure Certificate shall not be deemed an event of default with respect to the Bonds and the sole remedy under this Disclosure Certificate in the event of any failure of the Issuer to comply with this Disclosure Certificate shall be an action to compel performance. 467246v1 MNI MN190-148 5 Section 12. Beneficiaries. This Disclosure Certificate shall inure solely to the benefit of the Issuer, the Participating Underwriters, and the Holders from time to time of the Bonds, and shall create no rights in any other person or entity. (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.) 467246v1 MNI MN190-148 S-1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed this Disclosure Certificate in our official capacities effective as of the date and year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Mayor (SEAL) City Administrator (Signature Page to Continuing Disclosure Certificate) DESCRIPTION COST June,30,2015throughJune30,2016 OverlayRuralOutlyingSt–85th ReconOnly (STR-13-004)$125,000 StreetReconstructionArea5 (STR-13-007)$500,000 TH25/85th StreetIntersectionImprovements TH25/CSAH75IntersectionImprovements (STR-14-001) $265,000 $315,000 SUB-TOTAL $1,205,000 July1,2016throughJune30,2017 E7thStreet/TH25Intersection (STR-13-005)$450,000 StreetReconstructionArea5 (STR-13-007)$4,000,000 SUB-TOTAL $4,450,000 July1,2017throughJune30,2018 OverlayRuralOutlyingStreets (STR-13-004)$500,000 StreetReconstructionArea5 (STR-13-007)$190,000 StreetReconstructionArea6 (STR-13-008)$1,100,000 SUB-TOTAL $1,790,000 July1,2018throughJune30,2019 StreetReconstructionOther $1,235,000 SUB-TOTAL $1,235,000 July1,2019throughJune30,2020 SUB-TOTAL $0 BondIssuanceCosts $270,000 GRANDTOTAL $8,950,000 2015-2020STREETRECONSTRUCTIONPLANREVISED CityCouncilAgenda–09/14/15 1 2H.ConsiderationofarequestforAmendmenttotheMonticelloZoningOrdinance, Chapter4-FinishingStandards,Section4.3-Fences&Walls,Subsections(G) ProhibitedFencesand(J)AppearanceregulatingPermitRequirementsand allowablematerials.Applicant:CityofMonticelloPlanningCommission (AS) PlanningCaseNumber:2015-034 A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND Request(s):AmendmentstothetextoftheMonticelloZoning Ordinance DeadlineforDecision:Notapplicable. LandUseDesignation:Alllandusedesignations ZoningDesignation:Variouszoningdesignations ANALYSIS TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsideramendmentstotheMonticelloZoningOrdinance fortwoitemsofconsiderationasrelatedtoChapter4,Section3forfences. 1.Amendmenttofenceheightforpermitting:Therecentlyamendedandadopted buildingcoderequiresabuildingpermitforfencesoverseven(7)feet.Priortotherecent amendmenttobuildingcode,fencesover6feetrequiredabuildingpermit.Assuch,an amendmenttosections4.3(C)(4)and4.3(D)(3)ofthezoningordinance(whichreference permittingheightatover6feet)requireamendmentforconsistencywiththebuilding code.TheCitycannotbemorerestrictivethanthebuildingcodeasrelatedtobuilding permitting. 2.Fencematerialsandappearance:AttheJulyPlanningCommissionmeeting,a citizenaddressedthePlanningCommissionrelatedtofencematerialrequirements.The propertyownerat4640CountryCirclehadreceivedaviolationnoticerelatedtothe constructionofafenceconstructedofwoodpostswithwiremeshastheprimaryfencing material.Thezoningordinancecurrentlyprohibitswiremeshfencingasanallowable fencematerial. AttheAugustPlanningCommissionmeeting,theCommissioncalledforapublic hearingtoconsideramendingcurrentstandardsforallowablefencingmaterials. ToaddresstheinformationpresentedduringtheCommission’sAugustmeeting,staff preparedaproposedamendmentwhichwouldallowfencingconsistingofmetal CityCouncilAgenda–09/14/15 2 materialsof14-gaugeorbetterwhentreatedwithweatherresistantcoatingandframedat topandbottomwithpermittedmaterials.Thislanguagewouldpermitwiremeshfencing whencombinedwithpermittedmaterialsandtreatedformaintenancepurposes.Chain linkfencingisnotimpactedbythisamendment;chainlinkfencesarealreadyapermitted materialinresidentialdistrictsandaredescribedinaseparateareaofcodeinChapter 4.3. PlanningCommissionRecommendation ThePlanningCommissionreviewedtheproposedamendmentsandheardpublic testimonyfromthepropertyownerat4640CountryLaneinrelationshiptotheirfencing andtheirintenttoprovideatopandbottomframeandpaintedcoatingforthefence.The Commissionrecommendedunanimouslyinfavoroftheamendments. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS 1.MotiontoapproveOrdinanceNo.622forAmendmenttotheMonticelloZoning Ordinance,Chapter4-FinishingStandards,Section4.3-Fences&Walls, Subsections(G)-ProhibitedFencesand(J)-AppearanceregulatingPermit Requirementsandallowablematerials. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofNo.622forAmendmenttotheMonticelloZoning Ordinance,Chapter4-FinishingStandards,Section4.3-Fences&Walls, Subsections(G)-ProhibitedFencesand(J)-AppearanceregulatingPermit Requirementsandallowablematerials. 3.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION StaffbelievesthecurrentordinancestandardsreflecttheComprehensivePlanand ordinancegoalsforhigheramenitydevelopmentandperformancestandardsforthe community.Wireormetalmeshfencingwilllikelypresentfuturemaintenanceand aestheticissuesovertime.However,consistentwiththePlanningCommission’s recommendation,theCityCouncilmaywishtoallowthistypeofmaterialifcombined withotherallowablematerials. D.SUPPORTINGDATA DraftOrdinanceNo.622 Chapter4,Section3-Fences,excerpt FenceImages ORDINANCE NO. 622 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING CODE FOR THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: SECTION 4.3 - FENCES & WALLS, SUBSECTIONS (C) – PERMITTING, SECTION (G) PROHIBITED FENCES AND SECTION (J) APPEARANCE REGULATING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS AND ALLOWABLE MATERIALS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 4.3(C)(4) – Permit Requirements is hereby amended as follows: (a) A building permit is required for the construction of any fence or wall that will be more than six (6) seven (7) feet in height above grade, or for construction of a retaining wall that is more than four (4) feet in height from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall. Section 2. Section 4.3(D)(3) – Industrial and Business Campus District is hereby amended as follows: (ii) 3. In all side and rear yards, a fence shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height provided a building permit is obtained for any additional height over six (6) seven (7) feet. Section 3. Section 4.3(G) - Prohibited Fences is hereby amended as follows: Fences or walls made of debris, junk, rolled plastic, sheet metal, wire mesh, plywood, wooden landscape lattice or waste materials are prohibited in all zoning districts unless such materials have been recycled and reprocessed for marketing to the general public as building materials that resemble new building materials and are designed for use as a fencing material (e.g., picket fencing made from recycled plastic and fiber). No metal “t” posts shall be permitted. Section 4. Section 4.3 (J) - Appearance is hereby amended as follows: (1) Customary Materials Fences and walls shall be constructed of any combination of treated wood posts and vertically-oriented planks, metal materials of 14-gauge or better treated with weather resistant coating and framed at top and bottom with permitted materials, rot-resistant wood, wrought iron, decorative metal materials, brick, stone, masonry materials, or products designed to resemble these materials. Where wood, masonry, or other opaque materials are specified for particular types of screening or buffering fences or walls, all other fence materials are prohibited. ORDINANCE NO. 622 Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations and diagrams that result from such amendments, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. Revisions will be made online after adoption by Council. Copies of the complete Zoning Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of September, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO __________________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.3 Fences & Walls Subsection (C) General Requirements for Fences and Walls City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 223 4.3 Fences & Walls (A) Purpose and Intent The purpose and intent of this section is to regulate the location, height, and appearance of fences and walls to maintain visual harmony within residential and business districts; protect adjacent properties from the indiscriminate placement and unsightliness of fences and walls; and ensure the safety, security, and privacy of properties. (B) Applicability (1) In General Unless exempted in accordance with Section 4.3(B)(2) below, the provisions of this section shall apply to the construction, reconstruction, or replacement of all fences or walls in the City. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this section and any screening standard in Section 4.1(I), Screening, the latter shall govern. (2) Exemptions The following are exempted from the requirements of this section. (i) Development in the CCD District Development on lots in the CCD district is exempt from the standards of this section. (ii) Recreational Fencing Customary fencing provided as a part of a permitted tennis court, athletic field, or other recreational facility. (iii) Temporary Fencing Temporary fencing established around construction sites, demolitions, or other site conditions unsafe for pedestrians or vehicles, provided it is consistent with the building code. (C) General Requirements for Fences and Walls (1) Location (a) Fences and walls are permitted anywhere on a lot subject to the following restrictions: CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.3 Fences & Walls Subsection (C) General Requirements for Fences and Walls Page 224 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (i) The corner visibility requirements in Section 3.3(D)(2)(b) shall be met. (ii) Fences and walls shall not be located within public right-of-way unless permitted by the Community Development Department by written encroachment agreement. (iii) Fences and walls permitted by the Community Development Department to be within easements are subject to removal without compensation to the property owner if the City must access the area for maintenance or improvement purposes. (iv) Fences and walls shall not be permitted within conservation easements unless specifically permitted by the easement. (b) Fences and walls may be located directly over a property line between two or more parcels of land held in private ownership. (c) A certificate of survey may be required by the Community Development Department to determine the location of fences and walls on a property. (2) Blocking Natural Drainage Flow (a) No fence shall be installed so as to block or divert a natural drainage flow on to or off of any other land. (b) Drainage swales may not be filled to accommodate the construction of fences or walls without alternate storm water provisions being reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. (c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the installation of temporary fencing to protect existing trees, limit sedimentation, or control erosion. (3) Fences and Walls within Buffers Fences and walls shall be installed so as not to disturb or damage existing vegetation or installed plant material. The perimeter fencing or wall for a single development shall be of a uniform style that complies with the standards of this section. (4) Permit Requirements (a) A building permit is required for the construction of any fence or wall that will be more than six (6) feet in height above grade, or for construction of a retaining wall that is more than four (4) feet in height from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall. Section 4.10: Grading, Drainage, Stormwater Management & Erosion Control Section 4.3(F): Perimeter Fences and Walls Abutting Public Right-of-Way CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.3 Fences & Walls Subsection (D) Requirements for Fences and Walls by District Type City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 225 (b) Fences which do not require a building permit under the provisions of Section 4.3(D)(4)(a) above may be constructed without a permit, but shall adhere to all fencing requirements in this ordinance. (D) Requirements for Fences and Walls by District Type All fences and walls shall conform to the following standards. In all cases, heights are measured from finished grade on the highest side of the fence or wall. (1) Residential Districts In residential districts (see Table 3-1: Base Zoning Districts), fences and walls shall conform to the following: (a) Front Yards Fences and walls shall not exceed a height of four (4) feet in front yards and that part of side yards from the front lot line to the front building line. (b) Side or Rear Yards (i) Fences and walls shall not exceed a height of six (6) feet in side and rear yards. (ii) In side or rear yards which abut a public street, fences or walls which exceed thirty-six (36) inches in height must be set back at least six (6) feet from the property line, and the setback area shall be landscaped in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.3(J)(4), Appearance. (c) Transparency Fences or walls located within a front yard or side yard adjacent to a street shall maintain a minimum of 50 percent transparency. (d) Access Where any fence or wall connects to a building used as a dwelling, at least one gate not less than 2 feet 6 inches in width shall be required to allow access around the building. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.3 Fences & Walls Subsection (D) Requirements for Fences and Walls by District Type Page 226 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (2) Business Districts (a) General In business districts (see Table 3-1: Base Zoning Districts), fences and walls shall not be permitted in front setback areas, and shall not exceed a height of four feet in the remainder of front yards and eight feet in side or rear yards, unless the fence in the side or rear yard is located within 15 feet of a public right-of-way, in which case it shall not exceed a height of six feet. If a fence is constructed on top of a retaining or other wall, the combined height of the fence and wall shall not exceed the maximum height that would apply to a fence or wall alone. (b) Major Utilities, Wireless Communications, Government Facilities, and Other Public Safety Uses Fences and walls in front, side, and rear yards of major utilities, wireless communication towers, government facilities, and other public safety uses shall not exceed eight feet. (3) Industrial Districts (a) Industrial and Business Campus District (i) Fences and walls shall not be permitted in front setback areas; (ii) Fences shall adhere to the following yard-based requirements: 1. In all front yards, a fence shall not exceed six (6) feet in height and shall be at least 50% transparent. 2. In all side yards, a fence shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. 3. In all rear yards, a fence shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height provided a building permit is obtained for any additional height over six (6) feet. (iii) In no event shall a fence exceed six (6) feet in height if the fence is located within 15 feet of a public right-of-way. (b) I-1 and I-2 Districts (i) In all front yards, a fence shall not exceed six (6) feet in height and shall be at least 50% transparent. (ii) In all side and rear yards, a fence shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height provided a building permit is obtained for any additional height over six (6) feet. See also Section 3.3(D)(2)(b) Corner Visibility, for additional restrictions on fence placement. See also Section 3.3(D)(2)(b) Corner Visibility, for additional restrictions on fence placement. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.3 Fences & Walls Subsection (F) Perimeter Fences and Walls Abutting Public Rights-of-Way City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 227 (4) Vacant Property Vacant property may be fenced if the fence does not exceed four feet in residential districts and eight feet in business or industrial districts, the fencing maintains a minimum transparency of 50%, and the purpose of the fencing is to discourage unauthorized dumping or unauthorized parking on the property. Fencing of the vacant property shall not be construed to allow use of the property for outdoor storage. (E) Exemption for Security Plan A property owner or tenant or a representative of a public agency responsible for a government facility, public safety use, or other use in need of heightened security may submit to the Community Development Department a site security plan proposing fences or walls taller than those permitted by this section or proposing the use of barbed or concertina wire atop a fence or wall for security reasons. The Community Development Department may approve or approve with conditions the site security plan and its proposed exemption of fences or walls from the standards of this section, upon finding: (1) Taller Fence or Wall Needed for Safety or Security Reasons The condition, location, or use of the property, or the history of activity in the area, indicates the land or any materials stored or used on it are in significantly greater danger of theft or damage than surrounding land, or represent a significant hazard to public safety without a taller fence or the use of barbed or concertina wire atop a fence or wall; and (2) Not Have Security, Functioning Appearance of Adjacent Properties The proposed taller fences or walls or use of barbed or concertina wire will not have a significant adverse effect on the security, functioning, appearance, or value of adjacent properties or the surrounding area as a whole. (F) Perimeter Fences and Walls Abutting Public Rights-of-Way (1) Fences or walls located within 15 feet of a street or public right-of-way shall: (a) Be of a uniform style; (b) Be located outside the public right-of-way; (c) Include breaks, offsets, access points, or other design details in the wall plane at least every 200 feet; CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.3 Fences & Walls Subsection (H) Chain Link Fencing Page 228 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (d) Comply with the standards in Section 4.3(J), Appearance; and (e) Comply with the requirements of Section 4.1(I), Standards for Required Screening (if applicable). (2) New residential developments shall be required to construct conforming fencing along the rear yards of all double frontage lots that back up to collector or arterial roadways. (G) Prohibited Fences (1) Fences or walls made of debris, junk, rolled plastic, sheet metal, wire mesh, plywood, wooden landscape lattice or waste materials are prohibited in all zoning districts unless such materials have been recycled and reprocessed for marketing to the general public as building materials that resemble new building materials and are designed for use as a fencing material (e.g., picket fencing made from recycled plastic and fiber). (H) Chain Link Fencing Chain link fencing shall be allowed, subject to the following standards: (1) All Districts In all districts, chain link fences must have a top rail, and barbed ends must be placed at the bottom of the fence. (2) Residential Districts Chain link fencing is permitted on lots within residential zoning districts provided it does not include opaque slats, and does not exceed a height of four (4) feet. (3) Business Districts Chain link fencing shall not be allowed on lots within a business zoning district unless expressly authorized through approval of a security plan under the provisions of Section 4.3(E). (4) Industrial Districts Chain link fencing shall be allowed on lots within industrial zoning districts provided it does not include opaque slats and is coated with black or dark green vinyl. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.3 Fences & Walls Subsection (J) Appearance City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 229 (I) Barbed or Razor Wire Barbed or razor wire is prohibited except as expressly authorized through approval of a security plan under the provisions of Section 4.3(E). (J) Appearance (1) Customary Materials Fences and walls shall be constructed of any combination of treated wood posts and vertically-oriented planks, rot-resistant wood, wrought iron, decorative metal materials, brick, stone, masonry materials, or products designed to resemble these materials. Where wood, masonry, or other opaque materials are specified for particular types of screening or buffering fences or walls, all other fence materials are prohibited. (2) Finished Side to Outside Wherever a fence or wall is installed, if one side of the fence or wall appears more “finished” than the other (e.g., one side has visible support framing and the other does not), then the more “finished” side of the fence shall face the perimeter of the lot rather than the interior of the lot. (3) Compatibility of Materials along a Single Lot Side All fencing or wall segments located along a single lot side shall be composed of a uniform style and colors compatible with other parts of the fence and with the associated buildings. (4) Landscape Screening All fences and walls exceeding four feet in height and located within 15 feet of a public street right-of-way in all districts, or as otherwise required by this ordinance, shall be supplemented with landscape screening in accordance with the following standards to soften the visual impact of the fence or wall. (a) Shrubs Required One evergreen shrub shall be installed for every fifteen linear feet of fence or wall, on the side of the fence or wall facing the public street right-of-way. Shrubs shall meet the size standards of Section 4.1(C)(2) Planting Standards, and may be installed in a staggered, clustered, grouped, or linear fashion. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.4 Exterior Lighting Subsection (A) Purpose Page 230 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (b) Substitution of Understory Trees One understory or ornamental tree may be substituted for every three evergreen shrubs provided that the tree meets the size standards of Section 4.1(C)(2) Planting Standards. (c) Integration with other Required Landscaping Required landscape screening for fences or walls may be integrated into the landscaping required for vehicular use area screening or perimeter buffers, provided the standards in Section 4.1 Landscaping and Screening Standards, are maintained. (5) Maintenance Required Every fence or wall must be maintained in a condition of reasonable repair and shall not be allowed to become and remain in a condition of disrepair or danger or constitute a nuisance. Fences or walls in a state of disrepair may be removed by the City as provided by Minnesota Statutes. The cost of removing fences may be levied against the property as a special assessment. 4.4 Exterior Lighting (A) Purpose The purpose of this section is to regulate light spillage and glare to ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians, and to ensure lighting does not adversely affect land uses on adjacent properties. More specifically, this section is intended to: (1) Regulate Exterior Lighting to Mitigate Adverse Impacts Regulate exterior lighting to assure that excessive light spillage and glare are not directed at adjacent properties, neighboring areas, and motorists; (2) Ensure Proper Insulation Ensure that all site lighting is designed and installed to maintain adequate lighting levels on site while limiting negative lighting impacts on adjacent lands; and (3) Provide Security Provide security for persons and land. CityCouncilAgenda–09/14/15 1 2I.ConsiderationofarequestforAmendmenttotheMonticelloZoningOrdinance Chapter5-UseStandards,Section5.3-AccessoryUseStandards,Subsection(D) AdditionalSpecificStandardsforCertainAccessoryUsesregulatingaccessoryuse relatedtooutdoorbulkfuelsales.Applicant:QualityRV/Machholz,CraigforVHM Holdings/VonHanson’sMeats (AS) PlanningCaseNumber:2015-036 A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND Request(s):AmendmentstothetextoftheMonticelloZoning Ordinance DeadlineforDecision:September22nd,2015 LandUseDesignation:PlacestoShop ZoningDesignation:B-2(LimitedBusiness),B-3(HighwayBusiness),B-4 (RegionalBusiness),CCD(CentralCommunityDistrict) ANALYSIS TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderrecommendingapprovalofanamendmenttothe MonticelloZoningOrdinancetoaccommodateaccessoryusebulkfuelsales/storage. VonHanson’sMeatsandQualityRV,asco-applicantsforthisamendment,have requestedthattheCityconsiderallowingbulkfuelsalesasanaccessoryusetoprincipal useactivitiesincommercialzoningdistricts.Bothretailersareseekingtodevelopthisas anaccessoryuseontheirrespectivesites.Inspecific,botharelookingtoinstalloutdoor propanefuelcontainersontheirsites. Asproposed,theamendmentwouldallowaccessoryusebulkfuelsales,suchaspropane, aspermittedusesinthreeofthecity’scommercialdistricts,subjecttocertain requirementsrelatedtosize,number,location,andfacilitydesign.Theamendment preparedbystaffwouldallowtheusebyconditionalusepermitintheCCD,subjectto similarregulations.Further,thebulkfueldefinitionhasbeenproposedforamendmentto clearlydistinguishthesalescomponentoftheuse. Councilwillnotethatthereareexistingaccessoryusebulkfuelsalesfacilitiespresentin thecommunity.Thesewerelikelypermittedaspartofthesiteplanreviewfor conditionalusevehiclefuelsales,vehiclesalesorotherretailuses.However,whenthe newordinanceregulationswereadoptedin2010,thisaccessoryusenotclearlycarried CityCouncilAgenda–09/14/15 2 overinthenewprovisions.Forreference,vehiclefuelsalesareconditionalusesinthe B-2,B-3,B-4andCCDdistricts,whichmirrorstheproposedaccessoryuseallowance proposedwiththisamendment.Astheproposeduserelatestosalestoorforthegeneral public,theamendmentdoesnotincludebulkfuelsales/storageaccessoryuseinindustrial districtsatthistime. PlanningCommissionRecommendation ThePlanningCommissionheldapublichearingonthisitemonSeptember1st.The Commissionheardtestimonyfrombothapplicants,aswellasarepresentativefrom FerrellGas.Alldescribedtheneedforthisparticularuserelativetotheirbusinessand thecommunityatlarge. TheCommissiondidraisequestionsregardingthestandardsrequiringscreeningofthe bulkfuelfacility.Staffnotedthescreeningregulationisconsistentwithsimilar requirementsformanyoutdooraccessoryuses,forwhichscreeningfrompublicrightsof wayisrequired.TheCommissionrequestedthatitbenotedthatrequiredscreening wouldneedtobeindividualtothesiteandbasedonfireandsafetyrecommendations relativetotheuse. ThePlanningCommissionrecommendedtheamendmenttotheordinanceasdrafted unanimously. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS 1.MotiontoapproveOrdinanceNo.621forAmendmenttotheMonticelloZoning OrdinanceChapter5-UseStandards,Section5.3-AccessoryUseStandards, Subsection(D)AdditionalSpecificStandardsforCertainAccessoryUsesregulating accessoryuserelatedtooutdoorbulkfuelsales. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofOrdinanceNo.621forAmendmenttotheMonticello ZoningOrdinanceChapter5-UseStandards,Section5.3-AccessoryUseStandards, Subsection(D)AdditionalSpecificStandardsforCertainAccessoryUsesregulating accessoryuserelatedtooutdoorbulkfuelsales. 3.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION Staffrecommendsadoptionoftheamendmentsubjecttotheordinancestandards outlined,basedonafindingthatsuchaccessoryusesalesmaybeassociatedwith conditionallypermittedorpermittedprincipalusesintheB-2,B-3,B-4andCCD districts,suchasvehiclefuelsales. CityCouncilAgenda–09/14/15 3 D.SUPPORTINGDATA DraftOrdinanceNo.621 ApplicantSampleTankImage(s)andNarrativeInformation Chapter5,Section3–AccessoryUseStandards Chapter8,Section4–Definitions,excerpt MonticelloOfficialZoningMap ORDINANCE NO. 621 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING CODE FOR THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: CHAPTER 5, SECTION 3 – ACCESSORY USE STANDARDS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 5.3(C) – Table 5-4: Accessory Uses by District, is hereby amended to add “Bulk Fuel Sales/Storage” as a permitted accessory use in the B-2, B-3 and B-4 districts and as a conditional use in the CCD. Section 2. Section 5.3(D) –– Additional Specific Standards for Certain Accessory Uses is hereby amended as follows: (10) Bulk Fuels Sales & Storage (a) All accessory use bulk fuel storage must be associated with retail sales activity on the site. (b) No more than one (1) bulk fuel tank container shall be located on a parcel. (c) Accessory use bulk fuel sales/storage tank containers shall be limited to 1000 gallons. (d) Accessory use bulk fuel sales/storage may not be located within the required front yard setback. (e) Accessory use bulk fuels sales/storage facilities shall be screened from view of the public right of way in accordance with required safety clearances. (f) Accessory use bulk fuel sales/storage must be located no less than 25’ from all structures and shall be setback 10’ from all property lines and 20’ from any public right of way. (g) Accessory use bulk fuel sales/storage must include a containment structure and bollards for tank protection per applicable fire code or other regulations. (h) Accessory use bulk fuel sales/storage facilities shall comply with all MPCA and State Fire Marshal requirements, all other permit, testing and listing requirements, and all applicable codes and standards such as NFPA 58. ORDINANCE NO. 621 (i) Accessory use bulk fuel sales/storage facilities located within the Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) must comply with the City Engineer’s recommendations for site and containment arrangement. Section 3. Section 8.4 (D) – Definitions shall be amended as follows: BULK FUEL SALES & STORAGE: The commercial storage and/or sale of gasses and fuels in above ground containers. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations and diagrams that result from such amendments, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. Revisions will be made online after adoption by Council. Copies of the complete Zoning Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of September, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO __________________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (A) Purpose Page 360 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (b) All outside storage in such yards shall be enclosed by a sight-obscuring fence of at least eight (8) feet in height, which fence and the materials used to construct it shall be approved of by the City; (c) No vehicles or junk shall be dismantled or stored within the 100-year flood plain. (d) Upon receiving a motor vehicle which will not be repaired, the battery shall be removed and the engine lubricant, transmission fluid, brake fluid and engine coolant shall be drained into watertight, covered containers and shall be recycled or disposed of according to all applicable Federal and State laws, rules, and regulations. No discharge of any fluids from any motor vehicle shall be permitted into or onto the ground. (e) To reduce noise, all dismantling of motor vehicles shall take place during timeframes deemed reasonable by the City; (f) No vehicle or junk shall be dismantled or stored within three hundred (300) feet of any water body or inland wetland, regardless of size; (g) No vehicles or junk shall be stored within three hundred (300) feet from the property line of any school, church, public playground, public park or cemetery or within ordinary view from the public facility. (h) No vehicles or junk shall be dismantled or stored within three hundred (300) feet of a well that serves as a public or private water supply unless such well serves the business; (i) No vehicles, junk or parts of other items shall be stored closer than one (100) feet of any property line. 5.3 Accessory Use Standards (A) Purpose This section authorizes the establishment of accessory uses that are incidental and customarily subordinate to principal uses. The purpose of this section is to allow a broad range of accessory uses, so long as such uses are located on the same site as the principal use, and so long as they comply with the standards set forth in this section in order to reduce potentially adverse impacts on surrounding lands. CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (B) General Standards and Limitations for Accessory Uses and Structures City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 361 (B) General Standards and Limitations for Accessory Uses and Structures (1) Compliance with Ordinance Requirements All accessory uses and accessory structures shall conform to all applicable requirements of this Ordinance. The provisions of this Section establish additional standards and restrictions for particular accessory uses and structures. (2) General Standards All accessory uses and accessory structures shall meet the following standards: (a) Directly serve the principal use or structure; (b) Be customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal use and structure; (c) Be subordinate in area, extent, and purpose to the principal use or structure; (d) Be owned or operated by the same person as the principal use or structure; (e) Be located on the same lot as the principal use or structure; (f) Not be constructed or established prior to the time the principal use or structure is constructed or established; (g) Together with the principal use or structure, not violate any standards of this Ordinance; (h) Not be located within platted or recorded easements or over underground public utilities; (i) An accessory building shall be considered an integral part of the principal building if it is connected to the principal building either directly or by an enclosed passageway. Such accessory buildings shall adhere to requirements for the principal building. (j) If a principal building is proposed to be removed with no immediate replacement, all accessory structures shall also be removed. (k) Not constitute a combination use, which is the combination of two principal uses (combination uses will not meet the above standards in terms of being subordinate or providing service to the principal use). CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (B) General Standards and Limitations for Accessory Uses and Structures Page 362 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (3) Location of Accessory Uses or Structures Except for fences and walls, the following standards shall apply to all accessory structures: (a) All accessory structures, except as may be specifically denoted, shall be located at least six (6) feet from all lot lines, and at least the minimum distance from public rights-of-way as denoted in the individual zoning district regulations. (i) A side yard setback of twenty (20) feet shall be maintained from property lines abutting public streets. (b) Detached accessory buildings shall be six (6) feet or more from any other building or structure on the same lot. (c) Accessory structures shall not be located beyond the front building line established by the principal structure. (4) Maximum Height (a) Detached accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height except in the I-1 and I-2 districts. (b) No accessory structure shall exceed the height of the principal structure unless specifically allowed by this ordinance. (5) Maximum Number of Accessory Structures In all residential zoning districts, the following limitations on accessory structures shall apply: (a) No more than one (1) private, detached major accessory building may be erected for each dwelling; (b) No more than one (1) private, detached minor accessory building may be erected for each dwelling; (c) Additional major or minor accessory buildings may be erected if approved via a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 2.4(D). Section 2.4(D): Conditional Use Permits CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (C) Table of Permitted Accessory Uses City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 363 (C) Table of Permitted Accessory Uses (1) Listed Accessory Uses Table 5-4, lists the allowed types of accessory uses and structures within each zoning district. If a specific accessory use is allowed in a district, the column underneath the district is marked with a "P." If a specific accessory use is conditionally permitted in a district, the column underneath the district is marked with a "C." If the accessory use or structure is not allowed in a district, the column is shaded. If there is a reference contained in the column entitled "Additional Requirements", refer to the cited section(s) for additional standards that apply to the specific accessory use. (2) Interpretation of Unidentified Accessory Uses (a) The Community Development Department shall evaluate applications for accessory uses that are not identified in Table 5-4 on a case-by-case basis using the following standards: (i) The definition of “accessory use” (see Section 8.4 – Definitions) and the general accessory use standards and limitations established in Section 5.3(B); (ii) The additional regulations for specific accessory uses established in Section 5.3(D), Specific Standards for Certain Accessory uses; (iii) The purpose and intent of the base and overlay districts in which the accessory use or structure is located; (iv) Any potential adverse impacts the accessory use or structure may have on other lands in the area as compared to other accessory uses permitted in the district; and (v) The compatibility of the accessory use or structure, including the structure in which it is housed (if applicable), with other principal and accessory uses permitted in the district. (b) The decision of the Community Development Department to permit or deny an unlisted use or structure is final, but may be appealed pursuant to Section 2.4(H). Section 8.4: Definition of “accessory” Section 8.4: Definition of “use” Section 5.3(B): General Standards and Limitations for Accessory Uses and Structures Section 5.3(D): Specific Standards for Certain Accessory Uses Section 2.4(H): Appeal of Administrative Decisions CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (C) Table of Permitted Accessory Uses Page 364 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (3) Table of Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures TABLE 5-4: ACCESSORY USES BY DISTRICT Use Types “P” = Permitted “C” = Conditionally Permitted “I” = Interim Permitted Base Zoning Districts Additional Requirements A O R A R 1 R 2 T N R 3 R 4 M H B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 C C D I B C I 1 I 2 Accessory Dwelling Unit P P P P P 5.3(D)(1) Accessory Building – minor (≤ 120 square feet) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(2) Accessory Building – major (> 120 square feet) P P P P P P P C P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(3) Adult Use – accessory C 5.3(D)(4) Agricultural Buildings P 5.3(D)(5) Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(6) Automobile Repair – Major C 5.3(D)(7) Automobile Repair – Minor C 5.3(D)(8) Boarder(s) P P P 5.3(D)(9) Co-located Wireless Telecommunications Antennae C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 4.13(E) Commercial Canopies P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(10) Commercial Transmission/ Reception Antennae/ Structures C C C C C C 4.13(D) Donation Drop-off Containers P P 5.3(D)(11) Drive-Through Services P P P C P P P 5.3(D)(12) Entertainment/Recreation – Outdoor Commercial C C C C 5.3(D)(13) Fences or Walls P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 4.3 Greenhouse/Conservatory (non-commercial) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(14) Heliports C C C C C 5.3(D)(15) Home Occupations P P P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(16) Indoor Food / Convenience Sales P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(17) Indoor Storage P P P P P P 5.3(D)(18) Incidental Light Manufacturing P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(19) Machinery/Trucking Repair & Sales C 5.3(D)(20) Office P P P P P P none Off-street Loading Space P P C P P P P P P P 4.9 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (D) Additional Specific Standards for Certain Accessory Uses City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 365 TABLE 5-4: ACCESSORY USES BY DISTRICT (cont.) Use Types “P” = Permitted “C” = Conditionally Permitted “I” = Interim Permitted Base Zoning Districts Additional Requirements A O R A R 1 R 2 T N R 3 R 4 M H B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 C C D I B C I 1 I 2 Off-street Parking P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 4.8 Open Sales P C C C 5.3(D)(21) Operation and storage of agricultural vehicles, equipment, and machinery P 5.3(D)(22) Outdoor Sidewalk Sales & Display (businesses) P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(23) Outdoor Storage P P P P P P P P P P Residential 5.3(D)(24)(a) Industrial 5.3(D)(24)(b) Park Facility Buildings & Structures (public) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(25) Private Amateur Radio P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 4.13(B) Private Receiving Antennae and Antenna Support Structures P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 4.13(C) Retail Sales of Goods (as part of an office or industrial use) P P P P P P C C 5.3(D)(26) Shelters (Storm or Fallout) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(27) Sign(s) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(28) Solar Energy System P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(29) Swimming Pool P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(30) Large Trash Handling and Recycling Collection Area P P P P P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(31) Wind Energy Conversion System, Commercial C C C C C 5.3(D)(32) Wind Energy Conversion System, Non-commercial C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 5.3(D)(33) Wireless Telecommunications Support Structures C C C C C C C 4.3(E) 4.3(F) (D) Additional Specific Standards for Certain Accessory Uses (1) Accessory Dwelling (a) Accessory dwelling units are permitted only on lots with single-family detached dwellings. CHAPTER 8: RULES & DEFINITIONS Section 8.4 Definitions Subsection (B) Lots Page 428 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance BOARDING HOUSE: A building other than a hotel where, for compensation and by pre- arrangement for definite periods, meals or lodging and meals are provided to three (3) or more persons, not of the principal family therein, pursuant to previous arrangements and not to anyone who may apply, but not including a building providing these services for more than fifteen (15) persons. BOATHOUSE: A structure designed and used solely for the storage of boats or boating equipment. BUILDABLE AREA: The portion of a lot remaining after required yards have been provided. BUILDING: A structure with a roof, intended for shelter, housing, business, or enclosure. BUILDING, FRONT FAÇADE: A building elevation which fronts on a public street, public parking lot, private parking lot available to the general public, or pedestrian walk where customer access to a structure is available. BUILDING HEIGHT [see section 8.2(B)(5)] BUILDING LINE [see section 8.2(B)(3)] BUILDING, PRINCIPAL: A building in which is conducted the principal use of the lot. BULK FUEL STORAGE: The commercial storage of gasses and fuels in above ground containers. BUSINESS: Any establishment, occupation, employment, or enterprise where merchandise is manufactured, exhibited, or sold, or where services are offered for compensation. BUSINESS DAY: A day on which City Hall is open. BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES: Establishments that engage primarily in rendering services to businesses including but not limited to copy shops, printing services, package and postal services, photo processing, janitorial services, and similar operations. CALIPER: A horticultural method of measuring the diameter of a tree trunk for the purpose of determining size. The caliper inches of a tree shall be determined by measuring the tree’s diameter 4 feet, 6 inches from the ground. CANOPY: A roof-like cover, often of fabric, plastic, metal, or glass on a support, which provides shelter over a doorway. County Hwy 75 Chelsea Rd State Hwy 25 85th St NE 9 0th St N E Linn St Pine St 7th St School Blvd Riverview Dr Cedar St W River St M a r v i n R d Jason Ave Dundas Rd W Broadway St Hart Blvd Country La Haug Ave NE Elm St W 4th St Fenning Ave NE Oakwook Dr Ma ll a r d L a 95th St NE Fallon Ave NE Edmonson Ave NE Mississippi Dr 5th St Country Club Rd Sandberg Rd P e l i c a n L a F a l c o n D r Fenning Ave Walnut St Oak Ridge Dr Oriole La Club View Rd Broadway St Hillcrest Rd E River St Headman La M i l l T r a i l L a Falcon Ave NE Wright StBenton St Elwood Rd Ramsey St 6th St River Mill Dr Wildwood Way Hilltop Dr Mill Run Rd O a k V i e w L a Farmstead Ave Martin Dr 4th St E 3rd St E Red Rock La Gillard Ave NE Maple St Fallon Dr Willow St View La E Grey Stone Ave Marvin Elwood Rd Fieldcrest Cir Fairway Dr Jason Ave NE Vine St M e a d o w L a Jerry Liefert Dr Praire Rd Starling Dr Palm St Un kn ow n o r N o S tree tn ame Fallon Ave Golf Course Rd Falcon Ave Kevin Longley Dr Craig La R e d O a k L a Front St 5th St W Thomas Park D r Locust St M o c k i n g b i r d L a W 3rd St Ea s two o d C i r Bri ar Oa ks Bl v d F a r m s t e a d D r Henipin St E i d e r L a Dayton St Oak La River Forest Dr Meadow Oak Ave Kampa Cir O a k R i d g e C i r M i l l C t R i v e r R i d ge L a Garrison Ave Oakview Ct Dundas Cir Kenneth La Otter Creek Rd Minnesota St Eagle Cir Crocus La Meadow Oak La Stone Ridge Dr Chestnut St 1 2 0 t h S t N E Darrow Ave NE Diamond Dr Pebble Brook Dr Widgeon La Washington St Bunker Cir Homestead Dr Thomas Cir E n d i c o t t T r Center Cir Oak View Cir Sandtrap Cir Countr y Cir Cheyen Ct Old Territoral Rd Tanager Cir Hillcrest Cir Os prey Ct Acorn Cir Balboul Cir S w allo w C ir R iv e r si d e C ir Meadow Oak Ct Matthew Cir E Oak Dr S t o n e R i d g e C ir Oakwood Dr Meadow Oak Ave NE County Hwy 75 Hart Blvd Marvin Rd Marvin Rd Wright St 90th St NE Cedar St Minnesota St 01 City of MonticelloOfficial Zoning Map 10-10-14 :Legend BASE ZONING DISTRICTS Residential Districts -- Low Residential Densities -- Medium Residential Densities -- High Residential De nsities Business Districts Industrial Districts OTHER Water A-O R-A R-1 T-N R-2 R-PUD R-3 R-4 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 CCD IBC I-1 I-2 M-H Mississippi Wild, Scenic & Rec Overlay District OVERLAY DISTRICTS Performance Based Overlay District ! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!!! Shoreland District Special Use Overlay District ! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!!! Freeway Bonus Sign District PUDs Swan River01 CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 1 2J.ConsiderationofadoptingSummaryOrdinance#619A(R-2MinimumStandards) andOrdinance#620A(SolarEnergySystems)toapprovecondensedordinancesfor publication.(AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: AttheAugust28th CityCouncilmeeting,theCityCounciladoptedOrdinances#619and #620.Atthattime,summaryordinanceswerenotincludedforconsideration. Summaryordinanceshavebeennowpreparedandarerequestedforconsiderationof approvalinordertoreducepublicationcoststotheCity. A1.BudgetImpact:Thepublicationofthesummaryordinanceswillreducethecost ofpublishingthetwoordinances. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Minimal;limitedtopreparationofsummaryordinance andsubmittaltotheMonticelloTimesforpublication. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptSummaryOrdinance#619A(R-2MinimumStandards)and Ordinance#620A(SolarEnergySystems)toapprovecondensedordinancesfor publication. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofSummaryOrdinance#619A(R-2Minimum Standards)andOrdinance#620A(SolarEnergySystems)toapprovecondensed ordinancesforpublication. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: SummaryOrdinance#619A SummaryOrdinance#620A SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 619A CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A SUMMARY ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 – CHAPTER 3, SECTION 4 (F), CHAPTER 4, SECTION 11, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2 (C), AND CHAPTER 8, SECTION 4 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING CODE RELATING TO MISCELLANEOUS SECTIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on August 24, 2015, Ordinance No. 619 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance No. 619, the following Summary Ordinance No. 619A has been prepared for publication as authorized by state law. The ordinance adopted by the Council amends Title 10 of the Monticello Zoning Code. The general purpose of the ordinance amendments are to clarify various chapters and sections with changes to the following: 3.4 (F): Table 3-6: R-2 Development Standards 4.11: Residential District Standard Section (2) 5.2 (C): Regulations for Residential Uses: Section (1)(g) Table 5-2 Section (2)(c) 8.4: Definitions A printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the City’s regular office hours. The complete ordinance will be posted on the City’s website following publication. APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, this 14th day of September, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO ____________________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 620A CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A SUMMARY ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 – CHAPTER 5AND CHAPTER 8, SECTION 4 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING CODE RELATING TO SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS AND UTILITIES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on August 24, 2015, Ordinance No. 620 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance No. 620, the following Summary Ordinance No. 620A has been prepared for publication as authorized by state law. The ordinance adopted by the Council amends Title 10 of the Monticello Zoning Code. The general purpose of the ordinance amendments are to clarify various chapters and sections with changes to the following: 5: Table 5-1: Uses by District relating to Utilities-Major Table 5-4: Accessory Uses by District 5.2(D): Use – Specific Standards: Section (9) 5.3(D) Accessory Use Standards Section (29) 8.4: Definitions A printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the City’s regular office hours. The complete ordinance will be posted on the City’s website following publication. APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, this 14th day of September, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO ____________________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: CityCouncilAgenda:-09/14/2015 1 2K.ConsiderationofloweringthefluorideconcentrationinMonticello’sMunicipalWater System.(MT) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoauthorizethelowingofourfluorideconcentrationinourMunicipal WaterSystemfrom1.2mg/Lto0.7mg/LbyapplyingforavariancewiththeMinnesota DepartmentofHealth(MDH).OnApril27,2015theUnitedStatesDepartmentofHealth& HumanServices(HHS)andtheCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention(CDC)finalized newguidancewhichrecommendsasinglenationalfluoridelevelof0.7mg/Latcommunity publicwatersupplies. TheupdatedHHSandCDCrecommendationwasbasedonrecentU.S.Environmental ProtectionAgencyandHHSscientificassessmentstobalancethebenefitsofpreventingtooth decaywhilelimitinganypotentialnegativehealtheffectsofhighfluorideconsumption, specificallydentalfluorosis.Dentalfluorosis,adiscolorationofthetoothsurfacethatmay rangefrombarelydiscernablemarkingstobrownstainstosurfacepitting,mayoccurwhen excessivefluorideisconsumedduringtoothdevelopmentusuallybeforetheageof8. Inlightofthenewoptimalfluorideconcentrationindrinkingwaterrecentlyproposedbythe HHSandCDC,MDHwillbeginaformalrulemakingprocessinthefuturetomakechanges toMinnesotaRule4720.0030,whichstates:FLUORIDECONTENT.Thefluoridecontentof thewatershallbecontrolledtomaintainanaverageconcentrationof1.2mg/L;the concentrationshallbeneitherlessthan0.9mg/Lnormorethan1.5mg/L. Inthemeantime,MDHisallowingsystemstoapplyforavarianceandfromtheletter receivedAugust7,2015,theMDHrecommendsallmunicipalpublicwatersystemssubmit thevariancerequest.Afterapplyingforthevariancethemunicipalpublicwatersupply ownerswillbeabletolowertheirfluorideconcentrationindrinkingwater,atanaverageof 0.7mg/Lwithintherangeof0.5to0.9mg/L. ThecostsavingsfortheCityofMonticellotolowerourfluorideto0.7mg/Linourmunicipal waterwouldbe$10.75permilliongallonsofwaterpumped.In2014wepumped511million gallonsofwater;therefore,atthatratewewouldseeasavingsof$5,493. A1.BudgetImpact:Therewillbeasavingsofover$5,000/yearbyloweringthefluoride concentrationinourwatersystemfrom1.2mg/Lto0.7mg/L. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:None. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoauthorizesigningavariancetolowerMonticello’smunicipalpublicwater fluorideconcentrationfrom1.2mg/Lto0.7mg/L. CityCouncilAgenda:-09/14/2015 2 2.MotiontodenysigningthevariancetolowerMonticello’smunicipalpublicwater fluorideconcentrationatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendstheCityCouncilauthorizesigningthevariancerequesttoMinnesota Rule4720.0030.Thisdiscretionaryvarianceisinresponsetotherecentguidancefromthe HHSandCDCforasinglenationalfluoridelevelof0.7mg/LatcommunityPublicWater Supplies.WeintendtomaintainMonticello’saveragefluorideconcentrationof0.7mg/L,in therangebetween0.5and0.9mg/L. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: May21,2015letterfromMDH:MinnesotaFluoridationLaw–RuleVarianceProcess. August7,2015letterfromMDH:MinnesotaFluoridationLaw-VarianceProcess–Second Notice. CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/2015 1 2L.Considerationofapprovingequipmentspecificationsandauthorizingpurchaseofa 2016FordF3504X4truckonstatecontractpricinginaccordancewiththe2013 CapitalEquipmentDebtBond.(TP,WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Councilisaskedtoconsiderapprovingthespecificationsandauthorizingthereplacement ofPublicWorkstruck#203,a1998FordF250regularcabwithanew2016FordF350 4X4regularcabequippedwithasnowplowpackagefromFord.Thestatecontractprice fromMidwayFordforthe2016F3504X4singlecabtruckfortheParksDepartmentis $27,713.70.AfterthetruckisorderedstaffwillworkwithCrysteelTruckEquipmentto haveaBosssnowplowinstalledwithelectronicplowcontrollerintheamountof $6,154.38,whichisalsostatecontractpricing.Stafffeelsthatsellingtheoldequipmentat thenextavailablepublicauctionwillbringthehighestsalepriceratherthantradingthe equipmentintothedealer. A1.BudgetImpact:Inpreparationforthesepurchases,thePublicWorksDepartment hasbudgetedappropriatefundsintheCapitalEquipmentBondFund. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thestaffworkloadimpactofnewunitwillbevery positive.Whatweareaccomplishingbyupdatingthetrucksisimprovingstaff efficiencieswithfewerbreakdownsandsafertrucks. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovethespecificationsandauthorizepurchaseofaFordF3504X4 fromMidwayFordasfortheParksDepartmentandequippedwiththeBosssnow plowandelectronicsfromCrysteelTruckEquipmentforthePublicWorks Departmentinthetotalamountof$33,868.08,baseduponthestatecontractpricing. Authorizationisalsorequestedtooffertheold1998fordF250forsaleatthenext publicauctionfollowingdeliveryofthecompletedtruckpackage. 2.Motiontodenythereplacementoftruck#203atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1fortheCityCounciltoauthorizethereplacementof theold1998FordF250placetheexistingtruckupforpublicauctionfollowingdeliveryof thecompletedtruckpackage.ThisequipmentisessentialtotheoperationsofthePublic WorksDepartment.Bypurchasingthisequipmentwewillincreaseproductivityandreduce thecostofmaintenanceinthedepartment. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: CopyofstatecontractpricingforthenewFordF350andtheBosssnowplow. Photoofold1998F250tobeputupforpublicauction. CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/2015 2 City CouncilAgenda:09/14/15 1 2M.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution2015-067acceptingimprovementsand authorizingfinalpaymenttoKuechleUndergroundfortheWest7th Street Extension(MinnesotatoCR39)andElmStreet(7th Streettoterminus) Improvements,CityProjectNo.12C002 (WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: ImprovementstoWest7th betweenMinnesotaStreetandCR39andElmStreetfrom7th Streettothesouthterminuswassubstantiallycompleteinthesummerof2014.Final acceptanceandpaymenthadbeenwithhelduntilthecontractorhadsignedoffonthefinal contractamountandsubmittedtheirfinalpaperwork.Thecontractorhadbeencontacted severaltimessincesubstantialcompletiontosubmitthepaperworkinorderfortheCity tomakefinalpayment.Thecontractorrecentlysubmittedallpaperworkwithinthelast week. Thisprojectincludednewstreet,trail,andutilityconstructionofWest7th Streetbetween MinnesotaStreetandElmStreet;pavingofElmStreetfrom7th Streettothesouth terminusandamillandoverlayalong7th StreetbetweenElmStreetandCR39. TheCityCouncilisbeingrequestedtoaccepttheprojectascompleteandapprovefinal paymenttoKuechleUnderground,Inc.intheamountof$46,145.05 Thefinalpaymentrequestrepresentsthefinalquantitiescompletedonthecontractand thereleaseoftheretainageonthecontract.Thefinalconstructioncosttotaled $917,770.94.Theoriginalcontractamountwas$998,881.00reflectingan$81,110.06 reductionintheconstructioncost. Allpunchlistitemsassembledforthisprojecthavebeencompleted,andWSB& Associates,Inc.isindicatingtheprojectiscompleteandreadyforfinalpaymentin accordancewiththecontractandCityofMonticelloEngineeringandConstruction Standards. Thefollowingpaperworkhasbeensubmittedforfinalpaymenttobereleased: 1.Satisfactoryshowingthatthecontractorhascompliedwiththeprovisionsof MinnesotaStatutes290.92requiringwithholdingstateincometax(IC134forms). 2.Evidenceintheformofanaffidavitthatallclaimsagainstthecontractorby reasonsofthecontracthavebeenfullypaidorsatisfactorilysecured(lien waivers). 3.ConsentofSuretytoFinalPaymentcertificationfromthecontractor’ssurety. 4.Two-yearmaintenancebond.Itshouldbenotedthatthemaintenancebondwill startandextendtwoyearsfromthedateoffinalacceptanceoftheprojectbythe CityCouncil. City CouncilAgenda:09/14/15 2 A1.BudgetImpact:Asnotedabove,thefinalpaymentduetoKuechle Underground,Inc.is$46,145.05 TheprojectincludedassessmentagreementswithRiverWoodBank,the MonticelloRVCenterandtheGenungpropertytosecuretheirbenefittingshare oftheimprovementcosts.TheseagreementsweresignedrecordedwithWright Countyin2013.FundingsourcesincludedMunicipalState-AidfundsandCapital ImprovementFunds. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Impactstostaffworkloadwillbeminimalandroutine fortheproject. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-067acceptingimprovementsand authorizingfinalpaymenttoKuechleUndergroundfortheWest7th Street Extension(MinnesotatoCR39)andElmStreet(7th Streettoterminus) Improvements,CityProjectNo.12C002 2.MotiondenyingadoptionofResolution#2015-067atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2015-067 ConstructionPayVoucherNo.6(Final) CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-067 ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROVING FINAL PAYMENT TO KUECHLE UNDERGROUND, INC. FOR THE WEST 7TH STREET EXTENSION (ELM TO MINNESOTA STREET) CITY PROJECT NO. 12C002 WHEREAS, pursuant to a written contract with the City of Monticello, on July 22, 2013, Kuechle Underground, Inc. was awarded, by low bid, for the improvement work for the West 7th Street Extension (Elm to Minnesota Street), City Project 12C002; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA that the work completed under said contract is hereby accepted and approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to issue a proper order for the final payment on such contract subject to receipt of the following: 1) Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC134); 2) Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured (lien waivers); 3) Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor’s surety; 4) Two year maintenance bond to extend two years from the date of acceptance of the project by the City Council. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of September, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO ___________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator Owner: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 55362-1147 Date: 7/21/2015 For Period: 7/1/2014 to 7/21/2015 Request No.:6 & FINAL Contractor: Kuechle Underground 10998 State Highway 55 Kimball, MN 55353 Pay Voucher MONT - 7th Street (Elm to Minnesota Street) Extension Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01627-51 Client Project No.: 12C002 Project Summary 1 Original Contract Amount $998,881.00 2 Contract Changes - Addition $0.00 3 Contract Changes - Deduction $0.00 4 Revised Contract Amount $998,881.00 5 Value Completed to Date $917,770.94 6 Material on Hand $0.00 7 Amount Earned $917,770.94 8 Less Retainage $0.00 9 Subtotal $917,770.94 10 Less Amount Paid Previously $871,625.89 11 Liquidated Damages $0.00 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHER NO. 6 & FINAL $46,145.05 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A FINAL EXAMINATION HAS BEEN MADE OF THE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACT, THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WORK SHOWN IN THE FINAL VOUCHER HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE WORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH, AND PURSUANT TO, THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT IS AS SHOWN IN THIS FINAL VOUCHER. Recommended for Approval by: Construction Observer: WSB & Associates, Inc. __________________________________ __________________________________ Approved by Contractor: Approved by Owner: Kuechle Underground City of Monticello __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Specified Contract Completion Date: Date: __________________________________ Comment: Page 1 Project Material Status Item No. Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Quantity to Date Current Quantity Amount to Date SCHEDULE A - WEST 7TH STREET SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $17,000.00 1 1 0 $17,000.00 2 2101.501 CLEARING ACRE $1.00 1.5 1.5 0 $1.50 3 2101.502 CLEARING TREE $1.00 14 15 0 $15.00 4 2101.506 GRUBBING ACRE $2,000.00 1.5 1.5 0 $3,000.00 5 2101.507 GRUBBING TREE $120.00 14 15 0 $1,800.00 6 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT $3.50 258 293.9 0 $1,028.65 7 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD $3.00 985 1060.4 0 $3,181.20 8 2104.509 REMOVE POST EACH $45.00 2 2 0 $90.00 9 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT $4.50 175 171.6 0 $772.20 10 2104.523 SALVAGE TEMPORARY BARRICADES EACH $200.00 2 2 0 $400.00 11 2104.523 SALVAGE SIGN EACH $45.00 7 5 0 $225.00 12 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (EV) CU YD $2.00 290 0 0 $0.00 13 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CU YD $0.01 290 0 0 $0.00 14 2105.525 TOPSOIL BORROW (CV) CU YD $18.00 50 0 0 $0.00 15 2105.604 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE V SQ YD $1.25 850 0 0 $0.00 16 2106.607 EXCAVATION - COMMON (P) CU YD $2.33 21940 21940 0 $51,120.20 17 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA $200.00 14 14 0 $2,800.00 18 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM) HOUR $125.00 5 2 0 $250.00 19 2130.501 WATER M GALLONS $100.00 50 0 0 $0.00 20 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD TON $18.00 3620 1873.46 0 $33,722.28 21 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $4.50 350 665 0 $2,992.50 22 2360.501 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,B) TON $62.00 880 887.24 0 $55,008.88 23 2360.502 TYPE SP 9.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,B) TON $62.00 1330 1182.99 0 $73,345.38 24 2504.602 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH $380.00 2 2 0 $760.00 25 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT $9.00 2830 2857.2 30 $25,714.80 26 2554.602 PERMANENT BARRICADES (TYPE III) EACH $250.00 2 2 0 $500.00 27 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM $3,800.00 1 1 0 $3,800.00 28 2564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ FT $50.00 25 72.25 0 $3,612.50 29 2564.602 FURNISH & INSTALL SIGN PANEL TYPE D EACH $240.00 4 6 0 $1,440.00 30 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-PAINT LIN FT $0.35 1300 1273.5 0 $445.73 31 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-PAINT LIN FT $0.70 1300 1262 0 $883.40 32 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN FT $0.53 1300 1280 0 $678.40 33 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LIN FT $0.60 1300 1268.5 0 $761.10 34 2564.603 12" SOLID LINE WHITE-PAINT LIN FT $10.00 70 28 0 $280.00 35 2564.603 12" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN FT $10.00 70 48 0 $480.00 36 2565.603 4" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT LIN FT $7.50 200 180 0 $1,350.00 37 2571.502 DECIDUOUS TREE 2.5" CAL B&B TREE $300.00 52 52 0 $15,600.00 38 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN FT $1.60 2800 2595 0 $4,152.00 39 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH $150.00 16 3 0 $450.00 40 2573.602 TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EACH $700.00 2 1 0 $700.00 41 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE $1,500.00 5 5.07 0 $7,605.00 42 2575.502 SEED MIXTURE 240 POUND $3.55 375 409 0 $1,451.95 43 2575.523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQ YD $1.45 100 200 0 $290.00 44 2575.532 FERTILIZER TYPE 2 POUND $0.62 1420 1280 0 $793.60 45 2575.608 HYDRAULIC SOIL STABILIZERS TYPE 5 POUND $0.86 5325 13575 0 $11,674.50 Totals For Section SCHEDULE A - WEST 7TH STREET SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS: $330,175.77 SCHEDULE B - WEST 7TH STREET WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS 46 2104.501 REMOVE WATER MAIN LIN FT $1.00 10 40 0 $40.00 47 2104.509 REMOVE GATE VALVE & BOX EACH $25.00 1 1 0 $25.00 48 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH $1,100.00 2 2 0 $2,200.00 Page 2 Item No. Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Quantity to Date Current Quantity Amount to Date 49 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,300.00 4 4 0 $5,200.00 50 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $2,100.00 5 4 0 $8,400.00 51 2504.602 12" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $3,300.00 3 3 0 $9,900.00 52 2504.602 HYDRANT ASSEMBLY EACH $3,600.00 4 4 0 $14,400.00 53 2504.603 6" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT $33.00 32 27 0 $891.00 54 2504.603 8" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT $39.00 250 164 0 $6,396.00 55 2504.603 12" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT $55.00 1370 1340 0 $73,700.00 56 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQ YD $35.00 70 0 0 $0.00 57 2504.608 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND $4.38 9500 5335 0 $23,367.30 Totals For Section SCHEDULE B - WEST 7TH STREET WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS: $144,519.30 SCHEDULE C - WEST 7TH STREET SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 58 2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (SANITARY) LIN FT $1.00 40 40 0 $40.00 59 2451.602 GRANULAR FOUNDATION AND/OR BEDDING TON $20.00 50 0 0 $0.00 60 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLES (SAN) EACH $1,400.00 2 2 0 $2,800.00 61 2503.603 8" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 26 LIN FT $24.00 320 232 0 $5,568.00 62 2503.603 SANITARY SEWER INSPECTION (TELEVISING) LIN FT $1.00 1380 1276 0 $1,276.00 63 2503.603 8" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 35 LIN FT $22.00 1060 1014 0 $22,308.00 64 2503.603 CONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLE (48") LIN FT $160.00 98 96.37 0 $15,419.20 65 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH $680.00 7 7 0 $4,760.00 66 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING ( SANITARY) EACH $400.00 2 2 0 $800.00 67 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH $140.00 9 9 0 $1,260.00 Totals For Section SCHEDULE C - WEST 7TH STREET SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS: $54,231.20 SCHEDULE D - WEST 7TH STREET STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 68 2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) LIN FT $1.00 140 96 0 $96.00 69 2104.509 REMOVE PIPE APRON EACH $10.00 1 1 0 $10.00 70 2105.604 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE IV SQ YD $1.50 80 80 0 $120.00 71 2451.602 GRANULAR FOUNDATION AND/OR BEDDING TON $20.00 50 0 0 $0.00 72 2501.602 42" RC PIPE APRON W/TRASH GUARD AND SHEET PILING EACH $2,500.00 1 1 0 $2,500.00 73 2501.602 36" RC PIPE APRON W/ TRASH GUARD AND SHEET PILE EACH $2,100.00 1 1 0 $2,100.00 74 2502.541 6" PERF PE PIPE DRAIN LIN FT $10.00 290 0 0 $0.00 75 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V LIN FT $29.00 230 220 0 $6,380.00 76 2503.541 21" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $35.00 60 56 0 $1,960.00 77 2503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $38.00 630 637.5 0 $24,225.00 78 2503.541 30" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $51.00 255 256.5 0 $13,081.50 79 2503.541 36" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $67.00 310 293 0 $19,631.00 80 2503.541 42" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $91.00 30 18 0 $1,638.00 81 2503.602 CONNECT INTO EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH $490.00 2 2 0 $980.00 82 2503.603 STORM SEWER INSPECTION (TELEVISING) LIN FT $1.00 1515 1481 0 $1,481.00 83 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 LIN FT $250.00 43 42.67 0 $10,667.50 84 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 60-4020 LIN FT $300.00 49 47.82 0 $14,346.00 85 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 72-4020 LIN FT $350.00 23 22.47 0 $7,864.50 86 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 84-4020 LIN FT $500.00 10 11.95 0 $5,975.00 87 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 1 EACH $1,600.00 7 7 0 $11,200.00 88 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING ( STORM) EACH $400.00 3 3 0 $1,200.00 89 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (CATCHBASIN) EACH $390.00 6 13 0 $5,070.00 90 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (STORM) EACH $680.00 8 8 0 $5,440.00 91 2511.501 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IV CU YD $68.00 40 40 0 $2,720.00 Totals For Section SCHEDULE D - WEST 7TH STREET STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS: $138,685.50 SCHEDULE E - WEST 7TH STREET SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS 92 2102.502 PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL LIN FT $14.00 90 0 0 $0.00 Page 3 Item No. Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Quantity to Date Current Quantity Amount to Date 93 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT $3.00 32 51.3 0 $153.90 94 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ FT $5.00 275 315.5 0 $1,577.50 95 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT $4.50 20 20 0 $90.00 96 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT $3.22 2000 2094 0 $6,742.68 97 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT $23.00 40 51.3 0 $1,179.90 98 2531.602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH $500.00 4 4 0 $2,000.00 99 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT $38.00 64 20 0 $760.00 100 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE PREASSEMBLED LIN FT $1.60 340 0 0 $0.00 101 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH $150.00 1 0 0 $0.00 102 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE $9,500.00 0.1 0.15 0 $1,425.00 103 2575.502 SEED MIXTURE 240 POUND $3.55 15 12 0 $42.60 104 2582.503 CROSSWALK MARKING-PAINT SQ FT $6.50 440 144 0 $936.00 105 2582.503 CROSSWALK MARKING-EPOXY (GROUND IN) SQ FT $11.00 440 378 0 $4,158.00 Totals For Section SCHEDULE E - WEST 7TH STREET SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS: $19,065.58 SCHEDULE F - WEST 7TH STREET TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS 106 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 3.0" THICK SQ YD $18.00 1400 1407.8 0 $25,340.40 107 2531.602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH $750.00 2 2 0 $1,500.00 108 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT $38.00 40 24 0 $912.00 Totals For Section SCHEDULE F - WEST 7TH STREET TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS: $27,752.40 SCHEDULE G - WEST 7TH STREET POND GRADING 109 2105.607 POND EXCAVATION CU YD $2.50 19060 19060 0 $47,650.00 110 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE $3,900.00 2 1.17 0 $4,563.00 111 2575.502 SEED MIXTURE 340 POUND $3.55 170 100 0 $355.00 Totals For Section SCHEDULE G - WEST 7TH STREET POND GRADING: $52,568.00 ALTERNATE 1 - WEST 7TH STREET MILL AND OVERLAY (CSAH 39 TO ELM ST.) 112 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT $3.00 660 667.7 0 $2,003.10 113 2232.604 BITUMINOUS EDGE MILL (8') SQ YD $1.07 4450 4500 0 $4,815.00 114 2356.505 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR SEAL COAT (CRS-2P) SQ YD $1.00 11750 11293.3 0 $11,293.30 115 2356.604 SEAL COAT AGGREGATE FA-2 SQ YD $1.00 11750 11293.3 0 $11,293.30 116 2360.501 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,B) TON $62.00 1050 1012.6 0 $62,781.20 117 2504.602 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH $190.00 8 8 0 $1,520.00 118 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING ( SANITARY) EACH $230.00 10 8 0 $1,840.00 119 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING ( STORM) EACH $230.00 4 3 0 $690.00 120 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING ( CATCH BASIN) EACH $81.00 12 0 0 $0.00 121 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH $140.00 10 0 0 $0.00 122 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT $15.00 660 734.2 0 $11,013.00 123 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LIN FT $0.60 2450 2414.5 0 $1,448.70 124 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE $9,500.00 0.1 0.1 0 $950.00 125 2575.532 FERTILIZER TYPE 2 POUND $1.25 20 20 0 $25.00 126 2575.560 HYDRAULIC SOIL STABILIZER TYPE 5 POUND $6.25 75 75 0 $468.75 127 2575.608 SEED MIXTURE 240 POUND $3.55 3 3 0 $10.65 Totals For Section ALTERNATE 1 - WEST 7TH STREET MILL AND OVERLAY (CSAH 39 TO ELM ST.): $110,152.00 ALTERNATE 2 - ELM STREET IMPROVEMENTS 128 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD $4.00 230 230 0 $920.00 129 2112.604 SUBGRADE PREPARATION SQ YD $0.95 1975 1527.3 0 $1,450.94 130 2221.501 AGGREGATE SHOULDERING CLASS 2 TON $50.00 50 151.22 0 $7,561.00 131 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $4.71 85 85 0 $400.35 132 2360.501 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,B) TON $65.00 200 203.99 0 $13,259.35 133 2360.502 TYPE SP 9.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,B) TON $65.00 200 247.07 0 $16,059.55 134 2504.602 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH $190.00 1 0 0 $0.00 Page 4 Item No. Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Quantity to Date Current Quantity Amount to Date 135 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING ( SANITARY) EACH $230.00 1 2 0 $460.00 136 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING ( CATCH BASIN) EACH $230.00 1 1 0 $230.00 137 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH $140.00 1 2 0 $280.00 Totals For ALTERNATE 2 - ELM STREET IMPROVEMENTS: $40,621.19 Project Totals: $917,770.94 Page 5 Project Payment Status Owner: City of Monticello Client Project No.: 12C002 Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01627-51 Contractor: Kuechle Underground Contract Changes No. Type Date Description Amount Change Order Totals: $0.00 Payment Summary No. From Date To Date Payment Total Payment Retainage Per Payment Total Retainage Total Payment + Retainage Work Certified Per Payment Total Work Certified 1 8/7/2013 9/3/2013 $121,757.37 $121,757.37 $6,408.28 $6,408.28 $128,165.65 $128,165.65 $128,165.65 2 9/4/2013 9/26/2013 $315,768.31 $437,525.68 $16,619.39 $23,027.67 $460,553.35 $332,387.70 $460,553.35 3 9/27/2013 11/1/2013 $98,834.53 $536,360.21 $5,201.82 $28,229.49 $564,589.70 $104,036.35 $564,589.70 4 11/2/2013 11/30/2013 $107,799.70 $644,159.91 $5,673.66 $33,903.15 $678,063.06 $113,473.36 $678,063.06 5 12/1/2013 6/30/2014 $227,465.98 $871,625.89 $11,971.90 $45,875.05 $917,500.94 $239,437.88 $917,500.94 6 & FINAL 7/1/2014 7/21/2015 $46,145.05 $917,770.94 ($45,875.05) $0.00 $917,770.94 $270.00 $917,770.94 Payment Totals: $917,770.94 $0.00 $917,770.94 $917,770.94 Project Summary Material On Hand:$0.00 Total Payment to Date:$917,770.94 Original Contract:$998,881.00 Total Retainage:$0.00 Contract Changes:$0.00 Total Amount Earned:$917,770.94 Revised Contract:$998,881.00 Page 6 CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 1 2N.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-068approvingChangeOrderNo.1and acceptingimprovementsandauthorizingfinalpaymenttoMagneyConstruction, Inc.fortheaerationblowerinstallationattheWastewaterTreatmentFacility,City ProjectNo.12C003(WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: AttheSeptember22,2014meeting,theCityCouncilacceptedthebidfromMagney Construction,Inc.fortheinstallationoftheaerationbloweraspartofPhase1ofthe WastewaterTreatmentFacilityBiosolidsDewatering,EnergyEfficiency,Headworksand SiteImprovements,CityProject#12C003.TheCityCouncilawardedtheaerationblower installationtoMagneyConstruction,Inc.aslowbidderintheamountof$297,400. MagneyConstruction,Inc.installedtheblowerprovidedbytheCity,withthefollowing relatedinstrumentation: •Newdissolvedoxygen(DO)transmittersineachofthethreeSBRbasins. •NewairflowmetersontheairsupplylinestoeachofthethreeSBRbasins. •Newaerationheaderpressuretransmitter. MagneyConstruction,Inc.’ssubcontractorAutomaticSystemsCompanyprovided integrationservicestointegratethenewblowerandinstrumentationintotheWastewater TreatmentFacility’sSCADAsystem. Inadditiontothefinalpayment,theCityCouncilisaskedtoapprovechangeorderno.1 asdescribedbelowandasdetailedintheencloseddocuments. ChangeOrderNo.1Detail AddedItemsNo.1andNo.2: Aftertheinsulationwasremovedfromtheexistingaerationheadertoallowthetieinfor thenewblower,itwasdiscoveredthattheheaderhadbeenconstructedofstainlesssteel piping.Thisiscontrarytothefiberglassreinforcedpolymerpipingshownontherecord drawings.ThisrequiredthatMagneyConstruction,Inc.furnishandinstallthefollowing items: •Stainlesssteelflangedbyplainendlengthofpiping-$2,487.41 •Weldedstainlesssteelflange-$1,546.61 Thetotalcostoftheaboveitemsis$4,034.02. DeductItemNo.3: HochDOtransmitterswerespecifiedinthebiddingdocuments.Afterbidding,theDO transmitterswerechangedtothosemanufacturedbyInsite.TheInsiteDOtransmitters offeredthesamefeaturesastheHachDOtransmitters,butatasavingsof$1,342.00. CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 2 AddedItemNo.4: AnallowanceinthebiddingdocumentsfortheSCADAsystemintegrationworkthatwas completedbyAutomaticSystemsCompanywasestimatedat$88,725.00.Thefinal billingamountrelatedtotheworkofAutomaticSystemsCompanywas$89,735.63 whichwas$1,010.63morethantheallowanceamountof$88,725.00.Thecomplete salestaxandallowedcontractormarkupwasnotincludedintheinitialestimated allowance.Theprojectspecificationsstipulatedthattheactualcostsshallbepaidtothe Contractor. ThetotalamountofChangeOrderNo.1isasfollows: •Item1and2:Stainlesssteelpipingchanges:+$4,034.02 •Item3:ChangeinDOtransmitters:-$1,342.00 •Item4:AdditionalAutomaticSystemsbilling:+$1,010.63 NetamountChangeOrderNo.1:+$3,702.65 Payvoucherno.3(andfinal)isalsoattachedtothisagendaitem.MagneyConstruction, Inc.hassubmittedthefollowingitemsthatarerelatedtofinalpayment: 1.Satisfactoryshowingthatthecontractorhascompliedwiththeprovisionsof MinnesotaStatutes290.92requiringwithholdingstateincometax(IC134forms). 2.Evidenceintheformofanaffidavitthatallclaimsagainstthecontractorby reasonsofthecontracthavebeenpaidorsatisfactorilysecured(lienwaivers). 3.ConsentofSuretytoFinalPaymentcertificationfromthecontractor’ssurety. 4.Two-yearmaintenancebond.Itshouldbenotedthatthemaintenancebondwill startandextendtwoyearsfromdateoffinalacceptanceoftheprojectbytheCity Council. Thefinalpaymentamountis$18,572.65,whichincludesChangeOrderNo.1andthe releaseofretainage.MagneyConstruction,Inc,hascompliedwiththeproject specificationsandcontractordocumentsandhassuccessfullyinstalledtheaeration blower,therefore,WSBrecommendsthattheCitymakefinalpaymenttoMagney Construction,Inc.intheamountof$18,572.65.Thefinalcontractamounttotals $301,102.65. Itshouldbenotedthattheactualaerationblowerequipmentwaspurchasedbythe CityunderaseparatecontractwithHSIBlowers,Inc.usinganAtlasCopcoblower. Thecostforthepurchaseofthebloweris$141,975.TodatetheCityhaspaidHSI $99,382.50,whichleaves$42,592.50or30%remainingtobepaid.Paymenthasbeen heldduetodamagetopartsupondeliverythathassincethenbeenreplaced, CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 3 howevercurrentlytheinstrumentationhasfaultedmakingtheblowernot operational.VeoliaisworkingwithAtlasCopcotoresolvetheseitems. InstallationoftheaerationblowercompletedbyMagneyConstruction,Inc.is separateandnotcontractuallyrelatedtotheissueswiththeblowerequipment defectssuppliedbyAtlasCopco,thereforeitisrecommendedthatthecontractwith MagneyConstruction,Incbefinalizednow. A1.BudgetImpact:TheCitysold$3millioninbondstofinancePhase1 improvements.Finalpaymentof$18,572.65toMagneyConstruction,Incwillbe madewiththeproceedsofthatbondsale.Theestimatedtotalprojectcosts forthePhase1improvementsareestimatedtobeunderthebondingamount. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Theonlyimpactstostaffworkloadwillbethetime thatittakestoprocessthefinalpayment. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2015-068approvingchangeorderno.1and acceptingtheaerationblowerinstallationandauthorizingfinalpaymentof $18,572.65toMagneyConstruction,Inc.,CityProjectNo.12C003. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofResolution#2015-068atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsselectingAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2015-068 Changeorderno.1 Payvoucherno.3(andfinal) CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-068 APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 AND ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROVING FINAL PAYMENT FOR THE AERATION BLOWER INSTALLATION CITY PROJECT NO. 12C003 WHEREAS, pursuant to a written contract with the City of Monticello, on September 22, 2014 Magney Construction, Inc. was awarded, by low bid, for the installation of the aeration blower as part of Phase I of the Wastewater Treatment Facility Biosolids Dewatering, Energy Efficiency, Headworks and Site Improvements, City Project #12C003; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINESOTA that change order no. 1 and the work completed under said contract is hereby accepted and approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to issue a proper order for the final payment on such contract subject to receipt of the following: 1) Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC134); 2) Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured; 3) Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor’s surety; 4) Two year maintenance bond to extend two years from the date of acceptance of the project by the City Council. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of September, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO ___________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator Owner: Date:September 3, 2015 For Period:3 AND FINAL Contractor: PAY VOUCHER AERATION BLOWER INSTALLATION CITY PROJECT NO. 12C003 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1494-65 SUMMARY 1Original Contract Amount $297,400.00 2Change Order - Addition$3,702.65 3Change Order - Deduction$0.00 4Revised Contract Amount $301,102.65 5Value Completed to Date $301,102.65 6Material on Hand $0.00 7Amount Earned $301,102.65 8Less Retainage0%$0.00 9Subtotal $301,102.65 10Less Amount Paid Previously$282,530.00 11AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHER NO.3 AND FINAL$18,572.65 Recommended for Approval by: WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. Approved by Contractor:Approved by Owner: Specified Contract Completion Date:Date: April 15, 2015 City of Monticello, MN 06/09/15 to 08/03/15 Magney Construction, Inc. MAGNEY CONSTRUCTION, INC.CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN Project Manager/Engineer SEE ATTACHED FOR CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE Request No.: Page 1 of 2 K:\01494-650\Admin\Construction Admin\Aeration Blower Construction\Vouchers\ 1494-65 Voucher No 3 FNL-090315VO 3 FNL Cover PROJECT PAYMENT STATUS OWNER: CONTRACTOR: CHANGE ORDERS No.DateDescriptionAmount 107/01/15 $3,702.65 Total Change Orders $3,702.65 PAYMENT SUMMARY CurrentTotalTotal Amount No.FromToPaymentRetainageEarned 109/22/1403/06/15 203/07/1506/08/15 3 AND FINAL06/09/1508/03/15 Material on Hand Original Contract$297,400.00 Change Orders$3,702.65 Total Amount Earned to DateRevised Contract$301,102.65 Change Order No. 1 $74,385.00$3,915.00$78,300.00 $297,400.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1494-65 MAGNEY CONSTRUCTION, INC. $301,102.65 $0.00 $301,102.65 $208,145.00$14,870.00 $301,102.65 $0.00 $18,572.65$0.00 Total Payment to Date Total Retainage to Date Page 2 of 2 K:\01494-650\Admin\Construction Admin\Aeration Blower Construction\Vouchers\ 1494-65 Voucher No 3 FNL-090315VO 3 FNL Summary CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 1 2O.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2015-069approvingaSchoolSpeedZoneof 20mphalongMapleStreetfrom5½StreettotheBNSFRailroadTracks (SB) A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND: AttheAugust10,2015CityCouncilmeeting,theCityauthorizedatrafficstudyrelated toaestablishingaschoolspeedzoneforMapleStreetalongtheSwanRiverCharter School. Theenclosedmemodescribesthetrafficstudyconductedandrecommendspostingsigns denotingaschoolspeedzonewitha20mphspeedlimitalongMapleStreetfrom5½ StreettotheBNSFRailroadtracks. IfapprovedbytheCouncil,SwanRiverwillfurnishandinstallthesignspertheenclosed drawing.ThesesignswerealreadyincludedwithSwanRiver’splanapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:SwanRiverhadagreedtopayforthetrafficstudyandwillpayfor theschoolzonesignage.Thecostwasestimatedat$500,whichwillbeinvoicedtoSwan River. A2.StaffImpact:TheCityEngineerwillassistSwanRiverismarkingthelocationof thesigns. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2015-069approvingaSchoolSpeedZoneof20mph alongMapleStreetfrom5½StreettotheBNSFRailroadTracks 2.MotiontodenyadoptingResolution#2015-069. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternateNo.1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2015-069 SchoolSpeedZoneStudy CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-069 RELATING TO SCHOOL SPEED ZONE ON MAPLE STREET FROM 5 ½ STREET to the BNSF RAILROAD TRACKS WHEREAS, THIS RESOLUTION; was made this 14th day of September, 2015 by the City of Monticello in Wright County, Minnesota. The Municipal Corporation shall hereinafter be called the “City,” WHEREAS; the “City” has undertaken a Traffic Investigation of Maple Street based on the Minnesota Guide to Establishing Speed Limits in School Zones; and WHEREAS; the “City” has determined based on the Traffic Investigation that a School Speed Zone of 20 MPH in the existing 30 MPH Speed Zone is appropriate; and WHEREAS; the Speed Zone should include the area on Maple Street from 5 ½ Street to the BNSF Railroad Tracks, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: That the “City” shall establish a School Speed Zone on Maple Street from 5 ½ Street to the BNSF Railroad Tracks and install the appropriate Signing as shown in the Traffic Investigation. Adopted by the City of Monticello City Council the 14th Day of September, 2015. __________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator Infrastructure  Engineering  Planning  Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE, Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: September 9, 2015 Re: Swan River Charter School School Speed Zone Review City of Monticello In 1975 the State Legislature, through Minnesota Statute 169.14, gave responsibility to local authorities to establish school zone speed limits. Based on this authorization, the City of Monticello, as the local road authority, may establish school speed limits within a school zone of public or non-public school on a basis of engineering and traffic investigations and follow the following parameters:  The school speed zone shall only be in effect when children are present going to or leaving the school.  School speed zones cannot lower the posted speed zone more than 30 mph and shall not be established below 15 mph.  School zones are defined as a segment of street or highway that abuts school grounds where children have access to the roadway or where a school crossing is in place.  School speed zone signing and stripping must be in accordance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MMUTCD).  Any traffic violations of a school speed limit are subject to a double fine. The proper school speed zoning can reduce vehicle speed differential, provide basis for enforcement, increase driver respect for the speed zoning, and decrease crash potential. However, the school speed zoning will not automatically reduce vehicle speeds or automatically reduce crashes. In fact, improper speed zoning may actually increase crash potential, increase vehicle speed differential, and mislead pedestrians as to the true vehicular speed. Several criteria should be considered in determining if a school speed zone is warranted or needed. These criteria are discussed in detail below: 1. School Route Plan – A school route plan identifies the routes that students are using, or should use, to get to and from school and/or other facilities adjacent to the school. The plan should identify the existing walking area around the school, as well as the typical routes that students walk to and from the school. Swan River School Speed Zone Study September 9, 2015 Page 2 of 3 2. Traffic Volumes – The traffic volumes of the adjacent roadways should be considered in the evaluation. The larger number of vehicles traveling on a roadway creates a potential for vehicle / pedestrian conflicts. 3. Pedestrian Volumes – Similar to the traffic volumes, as the number of pedestrians/ students increase along a particular route, the potential for vehicle/pedestrian conflict also increases. 4. Crash Investigation – A crash investigation will identify any hazardous locations in which vehicle conflicts and/or pedestrian/vehicle conflicts currently exist. 5. Roadway Characteristics / Traffic Control Devices – The existing roadway geometry, including the street width and location of existing traffic control devices (i.e., traffic signalization or all-way stops), is important in determining if pedestrians can be routed to these “safer” locations. 6. Sidewalks / Pathways – The location of sidewalks and/or pathways adjacent to the roadway and leading up to crossings and the school need to be identified to determine if pedestrians and/or students would be walking in the streets. 7. Speed Limits – The existing speed limit of the roadway is an important aspect of the evaluation. The higher the posted speed limit, the more difficult it would be reducing the speed limit through the school zone. People will drive what they feel is a safe and comfortable speed through an area. Based on these criteria and input from the City staff, a School Speed Zone review was conducted for the proposed Swan River Charter School building located along the west side of Maple Street between 5 1/2 Street and the railroad tracks . The current speed limit on Maple Street is 30 mph. adjacent to the proposed school. Currently, there are no pedestrian crosswalks marked or signed in the area adjacent to the School. The traffic and pedestrian volumes on Maple Street will continue to increase in the area. There will be 12 to 28 students crossing every hour primarily from 9am to 3 pm, Monday thru Friday. A mid-block crossing is proposed between 5 ½ Street and the railroad tracks. The crossing was approved by the City Council on August 10, 2015 with the following requirements.  Removal of existing bump-out.  Removal of existing pedestrian ramp at Maple Street and 5 ½ Street per City Engineer  Pedestrian crossing and advanced signage with blinking push button signs.  Installation of colored thermoplastic crosswalk markings  Installation of an in-street portable pedestrian crossing marker in the crosswalk  Swan River Charter School shall provide for school crossing guards between 9am to 3pm at all times when students cross Swan River School Speed Zone Study September 9, 2015 Page 3 of 3 Based on the traffic review a School Speed Zone of 20 mph is recommended. Figure 1 shows the proposed site plan and speed zone signing. Each speed zone should be posted with signs indicating the beginning and end of the school speed zone, and a sign indicating that the speed zone is in affect when children are present. Minnesota Statutes 1979, Section 169.14, defines the enforcement of school speed zones. A draft resolution establishing the Speed Zone is attached. CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 1 4A.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitforuseofCityresourcesonSunday, September27,2015;Applicant:MonticelloPawsforParksCommittee.(AS/PW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityhasreceivedaSpecialEventpermitapplicationrequestingminimalCityassistance fortheWagandWalkFestival,tobeheldonSunday,September27,2015.AttheAugust 28th,2015CityCouncilmeeting,theCouncilrequestedadditionalinformationregardingthe vendorsproposedtoattendtheevent. ThefollowinginformationwasprovidedbythePawsforParksCommittee,asub-committee oftheParksCommission,inregardtothevendors. •TheMonticelloPawsforParksCommitteeisrequestingthattheCityallowlocal businessesorprivatepartiestosetupinformationand/orsaleboothsinMeadowOak Parkaspartoftheevent. •Toencourageawell-roundedeventthatsupportstheparkandresponsiblepet ownership,etc.,lettersweresentouttovariouspet-relatedbusinessesinMonticello andthesurroundingcommunitiesrequestingparticipationviaboothsattheevent (withoutafee).Thebusinessmustprovideallitsownresourcesfortheevent includingtablesandchairs,aswellasasuggestedsponsorshipordonationtotheevent ortotheparkdevelopment. •Todate,thereisalimitednumberofboothparticipantsconfirmed,butthegroupis seekingoutotherswithamaximumof20boothsproposed.Allofthoseconfirmedare planningtoorhavealreadysubmitteddonationstotheparkexceedingthegroup’s expectations. SpecialEventpermitsarebroughttotheCityCouncilifanyCityresourcesarerequiredfor theevent.Priortotheeventday,theParksDepartmentwillprovideadditionalpicnictables andtrashreceptaclesfortheevent.MonticelloPawsforParkswillberunningtheeventwith theirvolunteers;noCitystaffwillberequiredfortheeventday. AsaconditionofthepermitandinaccordancewithCityordinance,dogswillberequiredto beleashedthroughouttheevent. Activitiesareproposedtobeginat12p.m.withwalkregistrationatthepark.Thereisasmall participationfeeperfamilyandadditionalpledgesarerequestedwithprizeincentivestothe toppledgeearners;100%ofthosedollarswillgodirectlytotheparkdevelopment. Participantshavethechoiceoftakingeitherashort-courseorlong-courseroutealongthe pathwaysintheMeadowOaksareaandeventvolunteerswillbecleaningupafterthe walkers.Followingthewalk,additionalassociatedeventactivitieswilloccurintheparkwith theeventconcludingat4p.m. CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 2 CouncilwillnotethatMeadowOakParkdoesnothaveaparkreservationfeesotheparkwill stillbeopentothepublicduringtheevent.Noexclusiveuseoftheparkforthiseventis consideredaspartofthispermit. Aspreviouslynoted,theWrightCountySheriff’sOfficehasreviewedthepermitand indicatedthattheywillhandlethiseventwithexistingon-dutyofficers.Therewillalsobea WrightCountyofficeron-siteperformingaK-9demonstrationfollowingthewalk(asa volunteer).Theanimalcontrolofficerwascontactedandhasnoissueswiththepermit, althoughshewillnotbeabletoattendtheevent. Thecommitteeanticipates50-75attendees.Parkingfortheeventshouldbedirectedtothe existingparkinglotonOakRidgeDriveNorthandtoexistingavailableon-streetlocations. Noseparatecertificateofliabilitycoverageisrequestedasthisisaneventprogrammedbya Citycommittee. A1.BudgetImpact:None. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Minimalstafftimewasnecessarytoreviewtherequestand preparethisreport.AdditionalstafftimeonthepartoftheParksDepartmentfor assistanceasnotedisestimatedat4hoursforthisrequest. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheSpecialEventPermitfortheWag&WalkFestivalbythe MonticelloPawsforParksCommitteeonSeptember27,2015includingallowancefor informationaland/orsaleboothsinMeadowOakParkanduseofminimalCity resourcesasdescribedinthestaffreport,subjecttothefollowingconditions: a.AlldogsmustbeleashedthroughouttheeventinaccordancewithCity Ordinance,Title6,Chapter2–DogsandOtherDomesticAnimals. b.Boothparticipantsapplyforandreceivepermitsasrequiredthroughthe CityClerk’sofficeifnecessary. c.ContinuedcoordinationwithParksSuperintendentandcompliancewith therecommendationsoftheParksSuperintendentregardingtheevent. 2.MotiontodenytheSpecialEventPermitfortheMonticelloPawsforParksCommittee onSeptember27,2015. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsapprovingtheSpecialEventPermitfortheWag&WalkFestivalas outlinedinAlternative#1above.Furthermore,staffrecognizestheeffortsanddedicationof thevolunteersgivingtheirtimeandattentiontothisfundraisingeffortwhichwillbenefitthe Monticelloparksystemwithproceedstofundthefutureoff-leashdogpark. CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 3 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: EventMap Narrative CityOrdinance,Title6,Chapter2,-Dogs&DomesticAnimals Wag&WalkFestivalBrochure MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 1 CHAPTER 2 DOGS AND OTHER DOMESTIC ANIMALS SECTION: 6-2-1: Definitions 6-2-2: Enforcement 6-2-3: Right of Entry 6-2-4: Records 6-2-5: Running at Large Prohibited 6-2-6: Wild or Vicious Animals Prohibited 6-2-7: Animal Control Officer; Animal Wardens 6-2-8: Interfering with Animal Wardens 6-2-9: Vaccination of Dogs Required 6-2-10: Vaccination of Cats Required 6-2-11: Impoundment of Rabies Suspects 6-2-12: Confinement of Animals with History of Biting 6-2-13: Abandonment of Animals 6-2-14: Dog License Required 6-2-15: Dog License Fee and Application 6-2-16: Unauthorized Use of Dog License Receipts, Tags of Inoculation Certificates 6-2-17: Dog Tags 6-2-18: Impounding Dogs 6-2-19: Impounding Stray Dogs 6-2-20: Disposition of Certain Diseased or Dangerous Dogs or Other Animals 6-2-21: Redemption of Dogs and Other Animals 6-2-22: Possession of Nuisance Animals 6-2-23: Dogs: Disturbing the Peace; Enforcement 6-2-24: Cleaning up Litter 6-2-25: Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous Dogs 6-2-26: Permits for Commercial Dog Kennels; Permits for Keeping More than Three Dogs over the Age of Six Months 6-2-27: [deleted] 6-2-28: [deleted] 6-2-1: DEFINITIONS: Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the words, combination of words, terms, and phrases as used in this section et seq. shall have the meanings set forth in the following paragraphs: (A) "Person" shall mean any individual, firm, partnership, or corporation. (B) "Animal Warden" shall mean the person contracted with by the City Council, designated as such by them, to perform the duties prescribed by this ordinance as an independent contractor. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 2 (C) "Commercial Kennel" shall mean a place where more than three (3) dogs of over six (6) months age are kept for purposes of breeding, sale, or boarding. (D) "Citation" shall mean a notice or complaint issue by the Animal Warden to the owner of any animal apprising said owner of one or more violations of this ordinance. (E) "At Large" - A dog is at large when it is off the property of the person owning, harboring, or keeping said dog and it is not under restraint. (F) "Veterinary Hospital" shall mean place for the treatment, hospitalization, surgery, care, and boarding of animals or birds, which place is owned and operated by a licensed veterinarian. (G) "Under Restraint" - A dog is under restraint if it is on the premises of the person harboring or keeping the dog; if it is within a private motor vehicle of a person owning, harboring, or keeping the dog; or if it is controlled by a leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length. (H) "Dog Kennel" shall mean any place, building, tract of land, boat, or vehicle wherein or whereupon dogs are kept, congregated, or confined, such dogs having been obtained from municipalities, dog pounds, dog auction, or by advertising for unwanted dogs, or dogs abandoned or stolen. (I) "Owner" shall mean any person owning, keeping, harboring, or acting as custodian of a dog or other domesticated animal. (J) "Premises" shall mean any building, structure, shelter, or land whereon dogs or other animals are kept or confined. (K) "Public Nuisance Animal or Animals" shall mean any animal or animals which: 1. If dog or dogs is/are repeatedly found at large; 2. Damages the property of anyone other than its owner; 3. Is/are vicious animal(s); 4. Causes fouling of the air by odor; 5. Causes unsanitary conditions of enclosures or surroundings; 6. By virtue of number of types of animals maintained are offensive or dangerous to the public health, safety, or welfare; 7. Excessively makes disturbing noises; MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 3 8. Molests passer(s)by or passing vehicles; 9. Attacks other domestic animals; (L) "Vicious Animal or Animals" shall mean any animal or animals which constitute a physical threat to human beings or other animals by virtue of one or more attacks of such severity as to cause property damage or physical injury, however slight. 6-2-2: ENFORCEMENT: The provisions of this ordinance shall be enforced by the Animal Warden and those officers designated in this ordinance. The Animal Warden may issue citations for violations of this ordinance. 6-2-3: RIGHT OF ENTRY: The Animal Warden shall have the right to enter upon any premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of discharging the duties imposed by this ordinance where there is a reasonable belief that a violation of this ordinance has been committed. 6-2-4: RECORDS: It shall be the duty of the Animal Warden to keep the following records subject to inspection by the Council, City Administrator, or their designated agents as set forth in the following paragraphs: (A) Accurate and detailed records of the licensing, impoundment, and disposition of all animals coming into custody. (B) Accurate and detailed records of all reported bite cases and investigations for a period of three (3) years. (C) Accurate records of all citations issued for violations of this ordinance. (D) Accurate and detailed records of all money collected and expended in the operation of the functions of his office. 6-2-5: RUNNING AT LARGE PROHIBITED: No dog shall be allowed by its owner to run at large, and every owner of a dog shall cause the same to be: (A) Confined to the owner's property by training, fencing, or leashing, and females in heat shall be confined in an enclosure and so kept and confined therein during such entire period and until such dogs shall not attract other dogs on account thereof. (B) While in any public place as a school, playground, or a park to be on a leash, chain, or cord of not more than six (6) feet in length and in the custody of a person of sufficient age to adequately control the dog at all times. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 4 (C) While in all other areas such as on a public street or in an automobile, to be in the custody of a person of sufficient age to adequately control the dog at all times and to have and keep said dog under control. 6-2-6: WILD OR VICIOUS ANIMALS PROHIBITED: No person shall keep or allow to be kept any place in the city an animal of a ferocious or vicious character, habit, or disposition, or any animal which is wild by nature. 6-2-7: ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER; ANIMAL WARDENS: The City Council may appoint or designate an Animal Control Officer to enforce the provisions of this ordinance and to perform such duties in connection with the enforcement thereof as the City Administrator or the code of ordinances may direct. The City Administrator may authorize, at such times as he or she may deem necessary, persons to be designated as Animal Wardens and to purchase equipment for the purpose of capturing and conveying to an animal pound all animals in violation of this code. Such Animal Wardens shall be under the supervision of the Animal Control Officer and the City Administrator. Such Animal Wardens are authorized to issue violation tags and to carry and display appropriate badges or identification. 6-2-8: INTERFERING WITH ANIMAL WARDENS: No person shall in any manner molest, hinder, or interfere with the Animal Warden employed directly or by contract with the City to capture animals and convey them to the animal pound while such person is engaged in such occupation. Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 6-2-9: VACCINATION OF DOGS REQUIRED: No person shall keep, harbor, or maintain care, custody, or control over any dog over four (4) months of age unless said dog has been vaccinated in accordance with the terms of this section. After three (3) months of age and before four (4) months of age, the dog shall be first vaccinated with an approved rabies vaccine. Within twelve (12) months after its original vaccination, the dog shall receive a booster vaccination with an approved rabies vaccine. Thereafter, the dog shall receive booster vaccinations every twelve (12) to thirty-six (36) months, depending on the prescribed frequency of booster vaccinations in the manufacturer's specifications for the vaccine previously used. All rabies vaccinations shall be performed by or under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian, and the dog owner shall obtain a certificate of vaccination. 6-2-10: VACCINATION OF CATS REQUIRED: No person shall keep, harbor, or maintain care, custody, or control over any cat over four (4) months of age unless said cat has been vaccinated in accordance with the terms of this section. After three (3) months of age and before four (4) months of age, the cat shall be first vaccinated with an approved rabies vaccine. Within twelve (12) months after its original vaccination, the cat shall receive a booster vaccination with an approved rabies vaccine. Thereafter, the cat shall receive booster vaccinations every twelve (12) to thirty-six (36) months, depending on the prescribed frequency of booster vaccinations in the manufacturer's specifications for the vaccine previously used. All rabies vaccinations shall be performed by or under the direct supervision of a licensed MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 5 veterinarian, and the cat owner shall obtain a certificate of vaccination. 6-2-11: IMPOUNDMENT OF RABIES SUSPECTS: (A) Any dog or cat not vaccinated in accordance with Sections 6-2-9 and 6-2-10 which has bitten any person and caused an abrasion or puncture of the skin of such person shall be seized and impounded under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian or at the city contract kennel facility for a period of not less than ten (10) days. If, after a complete examination by a veterinarian the dog or cat has no clinical sign of rabies, it may be released to the owner upon the condition that the owner have the animal vaccinated as required by Sections 6-2-9 and 6-2-10 and licensed as required by Section 6-2-13. In the case of a stray, the animal shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable laws. It shall be unlawful for any owner or person having custody or control of any dog or cat not vaccinated in accordance and which has bitten any person to refuse to release such dog or cat and make it immediately available to the Animal Warden for the purpose of quarantine. (B) Any dog or cat vaccinated in accordance which has bitten any person shall be confined by the owner or other responsible person in such manner as the Animal Warden may direct and for a period of not less than ten (10) days. The Animal Warden or authorized representative shall conduct a mid-term and terminal examination of the animal. If no signs of rabies are observed by the Animal Warden, the domestic animal may be released from confinement. It shall be unlawful for any owner or person in custody or control of any vaccinated dog or cat which has bitten any person to refuse or fail to quarantine such dog or cat as required by this subsection. The Animal Warden or his agent shall seize any dog or cat not quarantined in accordance with this subsection. (C) Any other animal which has bitten any person and caused an abrasion or puncture of the skin of such person shall be seized and impounded under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian or at the city contract kennel facility for a period of not less than ten (10) days. If after a complete examination by a veterinarian the animal has no clinical signs of rabies, the animal may, with the approval of the Animal Warden, be released to the owner. In the case of an unclaimed animal, it shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable laws. It shall be unlawful for any owner or person in custody or control of any animal which has bitten any person to refuse to release such animal and make it immediately available to the Animal Warden for the purpose of quarantine. (D) Any rabies suspect impounded or confined under this section which is found to be sick or diseased shall be reported immediately in writing to the Animal Warden by the attending veterinarian or operator of the quarantine facility. The Animal Warden shall then take possession of such animal for the purposes of determining if it is suffering from rabies. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 6 6-2-12: CONFINEMENT OF ANIMALS WITH HISTORY OF BITING: Every fierce, dangerous, or vicious animal, including dogs, that has a history of biting a human or any domestic animal, shall be confined by the owner within a building or secure, covered enclosure. Such animal shall not be taken out of such building or secure, covered enclosure unless muzzled and on a leash. 6-2-13: ABANDONMENT OF ANIMALS: It shall be unlawful to abandon any dog or other animal within this city. 6-2-14: DOG LICENSE REQUIRED: (A) No person shall own, harbor, or keep a dog over six (6) months of age within the city unless a current license for such dog has been obtained. The license shall be issued for a two (2) year period and shall expire on December 31 of the last year of the license issued. A late payment charge, in the amount set by the Council from time to time, shall be assessed for failure to apply for a renewal license by March 1 of the year of expiration of the current license. The City Administrator may pro-rate the amount of the license fee of one who owns, harbors, or keeps a dog over six (6) months of age for less than a full two-year period. (B) The license fee for the keeping of a dog over six (6) months of age may be waived on application by a person who shall certify that he or she is over the age of sixty-five (65) years and has an annual income not in excess of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). 6-2-15: DOG LICENSE FEE AND APPLICATION: It shall be required of each person owning, keeping, or harboring a dog to pay a license fee to the City Administrator or Animal Warden as imposed by this section, except as provided in Section 6-2-13 herein. The license fee for any dog shall be computed at the rate duly set by the Council from time to time. Each application for such license shall include a statement, signed by the person applying for the license, which certifies that the dog has been inoculated for rabies not more than twenty-four (24) months preceding the date of application. Upon receipt of the license fee and the signed application, the City Administrator shall execute the receipt in triplicate, the original of which shall be given to the person who pays the fee. The duplicate shall be given to the Animal Warden, and the third copy shall be retained in the records of the City Administrator. This receipt shall describe the dog as to color, breed, age, sex, and weight. Any owner shall produce for inspection the license receipt upon the request of the Animal Warden. 6-2-16: UNAUTHORIZED USE OF DOG LICENSE RECEIPTS, TAGS OF INOCULATION CERTIFICATES: It shall be unlawful for any person to use for any dog a license receipt, license tag, or a rabies inoculation certificate issued to another person or dog. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 7 6-2-17: DOG TAGS: The City Administrator shall procure a sufficient number of metallic tags for delivery of one such tag to the person paying the license fee. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the dog for which said tag was obtained to permanently attach the tag to the collar of the dog in such manner that the tag may be readily seen. The tag is not transferrable to any other dog or to a new owner of the dog. If a tag is lost or stolen, the owner may obtain a new tag by surrendering the license receipt for the first tag and by paying an additional fee as duly set by the City Council from time to time. 6-2-18: IMPOUNDING DOGS: The Animal Warden shall seize and impound any dogs found in the city without the tag provided for by this ordinance or dogs running at large. To enforce this ordinance, said Animal Warden may enter upon any private premises in pursuit of a dog running at large. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to interfere with the Animal Warden engaged in taking a dog hereunder for impounding or to refuse to surrender a dog to the Animal Warden for confinement as required. Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 6-2-19: IMPOUNDING STRAY DOGS: (A) The Animal Warden may seize or impound any dog found estray on public property or claimed to be estray by the owner of the premises upon which such animal may be found, provided that the owner of the premises demands such seizure or impoundment and agrees in writing to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any claim for damages by the owner of said dog. (B) Disposition of such impounded stray shall thereafter be pursuant to the provisions. 6-2-20: DISPOSITION OF CERTAIN DISEASED OR DANGEROUS DOGS OR OTHER ANIMALS: (A) Any dog or other animal displaying symptoms of being rabid may be seized at any place or time and shall be confined in the city dog pound or other appropriate place designated for such purpose by the Council from time to time at the expense of the owner until found to be free from rabies. (B) If any dog or other animal appears to be diseased, vicious, dangerous, rabid, or has been exposed to rabies, and such dog or other animal cannot be taken up and impounded without serious risk, such dog or other animal my be killed if reasonably necessary for the safety of any person or persons. (C) When any dog or other animal has bitten any person wherein the skin has been punctured or the services of a doctor are required, a report of the incident shall be made to the police department and Animal Warden by the owner or custodian of the biting dog or animal or the person bitten or his parent or guardian within twenty-four (24) hours of the bite. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 8 6-2-21: REDEMPTION OF DOGS AND OTHER ANIMALS: (A) The City, upon the impounding of any dog or other animal, may condition redemption of said dog from impounding upon payment of the required impounding fee as duly set by the City Council from time to time, plus the cost of boarding for each day of said dog or other animal that has been confined in said pound, together with the payment for a current license for said dog if no current license has been issued. The pound keeper shall issue a receipt in triplicate pursuant to the requirements of this section, the original of which shall be given to the person paying the required impounding fee, the duplicate to be furnished to the City Administrator, and the triplicate to be retained by the pound keeper. (B) If at the end of six (6) days after said impounding the dog or other animal has not been redeemed, it may be sold at private sale, or the keeper of the pound may dispose of the dog or other animal in a humane manner or pursuant to the terms of Minnesota Statutes, Section 35.71. 6-2-22: POSSESSION OF NUISANCE ANIMALS: No person shall keep, own, harbor, or otherwise possess within the city an animal which is a public nuisance animal or vicious animal. 6-2-23: DOGS: DISTURBING THE PEACE; ENFORCEMENT: It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, have in possession, or harbor any canine which howls, yelps, or barks to the reasonable annoyance of another person or persons. Any person violating this section who, upon first requested by an Animal Warden or any duly authorized assistant to stop or prevent the annoyance and refuses to comply with the request, will be issued a citation and, if the officer deems it necessary to stop the annoyance, may have the canine taken to the city animal pound. Any canine placed in the pound may be reclaimed by the owner upon payment of the fee prescribed. If not reclaimed, it may be disposed of in the proper manner. 6-2-24: CLEANING UP LITTER: The owner of any dog or any person having the custody or control of any dog shall be responsible for cleaning up any feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner. More than six (6) piles of feces in the yard may result in a violation tag being issued. It is unlawful for any person owning, keeping, or harboring a dog to cause or permit said dog to be on property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her immediate possession a device for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of excrement to a proper receptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person. It is unlawful for any person in control of, causing, or permitting any dog to be on any property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person, to fail to remove feces left by such dog to a proper receptacle located on property owned or possessed by such person. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 9 The provisions of this section shall not apply to the ownership or use of seeing eye dogs by blind persons, dogs when used in police activities by the City, or tracking dogs when used by or with the permission of the City. Any Animal Control Warden or any duly authorized officer or agent authorized by the City Administrator may issue citations. 6-2-25: DANGEROUS AND POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOGS: (A) Adoption by Reference of State Law and County Ordinance. The provisions of Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 347 (§347.50-347.565) and Wright County Ordinance No. 10-01, as they may be amended from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference as fully as if set out herein, and shall be administered and enforced by the City’s Animal Warden and other Animal Control Authorities identified and designated pursuant to that law and ordinance. 1. Conflict of Laws. When any provisions of this ordinance, county ordinance or state laws applicable to dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs are in conflict, the provisions that impose the greater restrictions or protections shall apply. 2. Penalty. Any person who violates this ordinance, county ordinance or state law applicable to dangerous and potentially dangerous dogs shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (#511, 4/12/10) 6-2-26: LICENSING FOR COMMERCIAL DOG KENNELS: (A) Definitions: For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: “Commercial Kennel” means a place where more than three dogs thereof are kept for the business of selling, boarding for a fee, breeding for sale, or some other enterprise intended primarily for profit-making purposes. The term “commercial kennel” shall not include pet stores, pet grooming shops, or animal hospitals. (B) License Required: No person shall own, harbor, or keep upon a premises more than three (3) dogs over the age of six (6) months unless in a commercial kennel duly licensed under this section. No person shall keep or maintain a commercial kennel in the city except upon obtaining a permit from the City Council. Commercial kennel licenses shall only be granted in an agricultural zoning district as a conditional use. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 10 (C) Applications: The application shall be made to the City Zoning Administrator and shall contain the following: 1. The location of the premises of the kennel along with the home and work telephone numbers of the licensee and one other person who could be contacted in the absence of the licensee. 2. The maximum number and species of adult dogs to be kept on the premises. The term “adult” as used herein shall include any animal over six months of age. 3. A site plan showing the location, size, and type of all structures for housing, fencing, and runs for dogs. Separate housing and runs for dogs shall be a minimum of 50 feet from any neighboring habitable dwelling and a minimum of ten (10) feet from any property line. If dogs are kept primarily within a building, the applicant shall so state. 4. Whether the applicant anticipates breeding the animals and, if so, how often and the expected size of the litters. 5. The method to be used to keep the premises in a sanitary condition. 6. The method used to keep the animals quiet. 7. An agreement by the applicant that the premises may be inspected by the animal warden at all reasonable times. An inspection of the premises prior to licensing and during the licensing period shall be required. (D) Issuance and Conditions: The City Zoning Administrator shall refer the application to the animal warden for review and recommendation to the Planning Commission and Council prior to Council and Planning Commission action. The Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing. The issuance of a license shall take into consideration the following: adequacy of housing and runs for the animals; the methods to be used for sanitation and to maintain quiet; the quality and height of the fencing; and, with particularity, any violations during the previous license period, if applicable. The Council and Planning Commission may impose such conditions as it shall deem necessary and appropriate to carry out the intent of this Chapter. (E) Design: 1. Kennels or shelter floors and walls shall be constructed of impervious and easily cleanable materials and all structures, areas, and appurtenances so designed as to facilitate frequent and easy cleaning. With regard to private kennels where dogs are kept indoors, this shall MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 11 apply to the portions of the principal structure to which the dogs are confined, fed, and cleaned. 2. All areas shall be adequately and properly ventilated and have ample light and heat, either natural or artificial. 3. Every kennel or shelter shall be suitably enclosed or fenced in such a manner as to prevent the running at large or escape of the animals confined therein. No dogs may be tethered. 4. Doors, windows, and other openings shall be screened. 5. The premises shall be provided with adequate, safe, and approved sewer, water, and plumbing facilities. 6. Enclosure shall be of sufficient size to allow each dog to turn around fully and stand, sit, and lie in a comfortable, normal position. The floors of the enclosure shall be constructed so as to prevent injury to the dog’s legs and feet. 7. Disposal facilities shall be provided to minimize vermin, infestation, odors, and disease hazards. 8. Adequate storage and refrigeration shall be provided to protect food supplies against contamination and deterioration. (F) Operation and Conditions: All kennels and shelters shall be maintained in a clean, healthful, sanitary, and safe condition so as not to create a health hazard or public nuisance. Kennels shall be operated in a humane manner. (G) Revocation: If a license fails to comply with the statements made in the application or with any reasonable conditions imposed by the Council, or violates any other provision of this Chapter, the licensee shall be notified by mail and given ten (10) days to remedy any defects or defaults. If such condition be not remedied in said ten (10) days, the Council may revoke the license. (H) Tags: Licensees shall affix an identification tag to all dogs owned by or under the control of the license. Such identification tags shall at a minimum contain the name, address, and telephone number of the licensee. (I) Rabies Vaccination: A licensee shall cause every dog in the kennel to be vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian with anti-rabies vaccine. Puppies shall be so vaccinated at or before the age of sixteen weeks and again at the age of one year. Adult animals shall be so vaccinated at least once in every 24- month period or as often as needed under the type of vaccine used to ensure immunity. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chapt 2/Page 12 (J) License Fees: The license is non-transferable. The fee for kennel license shall be at a rate as set by the City Council. (#494, 1/26/09) (K) Penalties: Any person who maintains a kennel without first obtaining a license therefore shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished not more than the maximum penalty for a misdemeanor as prescribed by state law. (#169, 3/13/89),(#277, 3/25/96), (#358, 1/8/01) 6-2-27 DELETED (#277, 3/25/96) 6-2-28 DELETED (#277, 3/25/96) MEADOW OAK PARK 803 Meadow Oak Drive, Monticello Sunday, September 27, 2015 12:00 p.m. – Registration 1:15 p.m. – Start of Walk PRIZES AWARDED TO TOP FUND RAISERS! NAME:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:______________________________________________ CITY:____________________ STATE:_____ ZIP:___________ EMAIL:_________________________________________________________ PHONE:____________________________________ # OF FAMILY MEMBERS ATTENDING:_________________________ # OF DOGS WALKING:________________________ PLEASE BE SURE TO STOP AT THE REGISTRATION TABLE AT 12 P.M. ON WALK DAY TO PICK UP YOUR LURE COURSE TICKETS, T-SHIRTS AND/OR BANDANAS AND YOUR DOGGIE BAG! NOTE: PLEASE REGISTER EARLY ENOUGH TO ENSURE YOUR T-SHIRTS/BANDANAS ARRIVE IN TIME FOR THE EVENT! REGISTRATIONS RECEIVED LATER THAN SEPT 10TH WILL BE MAILED THEIR T-SHIRTS/BANDANAS AFTER THE EVENT! DESCRIPTION COST QUANTITY TOTAL COST PRE-REGISTRATION WALK $10.00/FAMILY $ LURE COURSE TICKETS $5.00/TICKET $ 2015 WAG & WALK DOG BANDANA (COLOR: ROYAL BLUE) $5.00/EACH $ 2015 WAG & WALK T-SHIRT (COLOR: ROYAL BLUE) $10.00/EACH $ IF ORDERING T-SHIRTS, PLEASE LIST QUANTITY NEXT TO SIZE BELOW YOUTH XS S M L ADULT S M L XL 2X 3X FREE WILL DONATION TO DOG PARK (Donations here will count towards pledge total eligible for prize giveaways!) $ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED (MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CITY OF MONTICELLO) $ After you register, complete Pledge Form and turn in pledges at Registration Table on Walk Day ATTACH CHECK AND DROP OFF OR MAIL FORM TO MONTICELLO CITY HALL, 505 WALNUT ST, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED IN PERSON AT CITY HALL OR REGISTER ONLINE AT: tinyurl.com/wag-walk Checks should be made payable to CITY OF MONTICELLO, collecting donations on behalf of Monticello Paws for Parks. Please print clearly. Online donations are preferred. Register at tinyurl.com/wag-walk. Checks and cash should be turned in at the registration table at noon the day of the event. If you are unable to attend, please mail donations to: City of Monticello, Paws for Parks, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362. Raise money for the Wag & Walk Festival and you will walk away with some great stuff! Top fund raisers will be announced at the event and awarded prizes! DONOR’S NAME ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP EMAIL AMOUNT COLLECTED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 TOTAL DONATIONS $ WAG & WALK FESTIVAL Participate in the first annual Wag & Walk Festival to help raise funds to build Monticello’s first off-leash dog park! Collect sponsorships from co-workers, businesses, family and friends, and walk with other dog lovers to support Monticello Paws for Parks. More information at tinyurl.com/wag-walk. MEADOW OAK PARK 803 Meadow Oak Drive Monticello, MN Sunday, Sept 27, 2015 12:00 p.m. – Registration 1:15 p.m. – Start of Walk Come out and enjoy this fun event for the whole family ~ everyone is welcome with or without a canine! All proceeds will benefit Monticello Paws for Parks efforts to build Monticello’s first off-leash Dog Park! Be sure to collect pledges and turn in the Pledge Form (attached) when registering the day of the event. Prizes will be given to the top pledge earners! Participants may enter the Long Course (1.5 miles) or the Short Course (0.8 miles). Long Course walkers will start at 1:15pm with the Short Course walkers to follow. Be sure to stay for the fun events following the walk! SUBMIT YOUR PICS ON THE MONTICELLO PAWS FOR PARKS FACEBOOK PAGE OF YOUR POOCH IN COSTUME AND/OR YOU & YOUR POOCH FOR THE OWNER-PET LOOK-ALIKE CONTEST! PICS WITH THE MOST LIKES WILL WIN! WINNERS ANNOUNCED AND PRIZES AWARDED AT THE FESTIVAL! CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 1 4C.ConsiderationtoadoptResolution2015-070approvingaspecialbenefitlevyby theCityofMonticelloEconomicDevelopmentAuthorityandAcceptingtheEDA 2016budget.(AS/JO/WO) A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND OnAugust24th,2015theEDAandCityCouncilheldajointmeetingtodiscuss authorizationofanEDAorHRAlevyandEDAbudgetfor2016.Attheconclusion ofthatmeeting,theEDAvoted6-1toauthorizeanHRAlevy(alsoknownasa “specialbenefitlevy”)for2016andtoadopta2016budget.Asaresultofthat action,theCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovaloftheHRAlevyandtoaccept theEDA’sbudget.Toestablishthelevyfor2016,theCityCouncilmustapproveor denytheHRAlevy. ApprovaloftheHRAlevywillcreatethefinancialopportunitytocontinueworking towardstheaccomplishmentandsupportofotherstrategicinitiativesassetoutinthe ComprehensivePlanandEmbracingDowntownPlan.IftheHRAlevyweretobe adoptedatthefullallowablestatutorylimitasauthorizedbytheEDA,itwould generateapproximately$280,000in2016.Approximately$155,000ofthatamount wouldbeavailableforadditionalhousingandredevelopmentgoalsbeyondthe EDA’scurrentbudgetarylimits. Initsresearchonthelevyoption,theEDAanalyzeditsavailablefundingsources, operatingexpenses,andthegoalsandobjectivesasidentifiedintheComprehensive PlanandEDAworkplan.TheEDArecognizedthatitsexistingfinancialresources toachievethesegoalshavelimitationsandthattheEDA’savailablefundsare graduallybeingdepletedfordaytodayeconomicdevelopmentexpensesandprojects suchasthoseonBlock34.TheHRAlevyasauthorizedbytheEDAwouldprovide theEDAadditionalfinancialresourcestoaccomplishitsstatedstrategicgoals. Aspartofthedecisiontoadoptalevy,theEDAalsoadoptedabudgetwhich identifiestheuseofthelevyfunds.ThebudgetadoptedbytheEDAonAugust24th, 2015totals$305,000(exclusiveofTIFandloanactivities),whichincludesincreased fundingforadditionalredevelopmentandhousingactivitiesthroughuseofthe maximumallowableHRAlevy.Approximately$155,000isproposedtobeallocated tothelineitemof“redevelopmentandhousingactivities”foraccomplishmentof strategicobjectives. ThebudgetmustalsobefiledandacceptedbytheCityCouncil.Expendituresmay notexceedappropriationsatthefundlevelforgeneralEDAoperations,which excludeTIFandloanactivities.Thebudgetforeachlineitemisasubjective approximationusedincalculatingatotallevelofallowableexpenditures. IftheHRAlevyweretobedeniedbytheCouncil,theEDAbudgetwouldbe proposedforrevisionto$150,000,eliminatingthe$155,000lineitemforadditional redevelopmentandhousingactivities.Withnolevyinplace,thetotalrequestfor CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 2 2016EDAallocationfromtheCitywouldbe$125,000.(TheEDAwouldfundthe balanceofproposedbudgetexpendituresthroughinterestandinvestmentearnings.) AsnotedintheCityCouncilbudgetpresentation,thisamountrepresentsanincrease intherequestedallocationfromtheCityCounciloverrecentyearsduetothe inclusionoftheEDAstaffposition.AnexampleoftheEDAbudgetwithandwithout alevyisprovidedbelow. EDA2016BUDGET WITHLEVY NOLEVY Expenses EDAOperating $150,000 $150,000 AdditionalRedevelopment&Housing $155,000 $0 TOTALEXPENSES $305,000 $150,000 Revenue Levy $280,000 $0 InterestandInvestments $25,000 $25,000 CityAllocation $0 $125,000 TOTALREVENUES $305,000 $150,000 TheHRAlevyoptionmaybeusedasanalternativetothecurrentprocessof allocatingfundsfromtheCity’sgenerallevytotheEDAeachyear.Thelevywould provideaseparatefundingsourcefortheEDAasanalternativetothisfundtransfer eachyear.TheCouncilcouldalsoelecttoadoptalevywhichfundsonlythecurrent levelsofeconomic,redevelopmentandhousingactivitiesbytheEDAproposedat $150,000for2016. TheestimatedindividualpropertytaximpactoftheHRAlevyisshownonthe attachedexhibit. Inregardtoaccountabilityregardingthelevyfunds,Councilwillhaveanumberof pointsofoversightforthelevyand/oruseoflevyfunds.Theseinclude: 1.Filingofannualbudget(required) 2.Jointmeetingsforpurchaseorsaleofproperty 3.EndofyearEconomicDevelopmentActivitiesreport 4.WorkPlanratification(required) 5.Annualconsiderationforadoptionoflevy(required) ShouldtheCouncildecideinfavorofthelevy,thelevyinformationmustthenbe providedtoWrightCountybySeptember15th,2015.TheHRAlevywillbeclearly identifiedonthetaxingstatementasaseparatelevy. A1.BudgetImpact:NorthlandSecuritiesandKennedy&Gravenwereusedto assiststaffintheresearchanddevelopmentofinformationfortheEDAand Councilonthisissue.TheimpactforthisassistancehasbeentotheEDA’s CityCouncilAgenda:09/14/15 3 generalfundbudgetforMiscellaneousProfessionalServicesandtotals approximately$3,000. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:StafftimeonthepartoftheCityAdministrator, FinanceDirectorandCommunityDevelopmentDirectorhasbeenexpended insupportoftheresearchandpresentationofthisinformation. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS TheEDAhasadoptedaresolutionauthorizingtheHRAlevyandadoptingthebudget asproposed.TheEDAdidnotrecommendforanEDAlevy,whichexistswithinthe City’soveralllevy. 1.MotiontoadoptResolution2015-070approvingaSpecialBenefitLevybythe CityofMonticelloEconomicDevelopmentAuthorityandAcceptingtheEDA2016 budget,andtoeliminatetheEDAfundingtransferfor2016. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofResolution2015-070approvingaSpecialBenefitLevy bytheCityofMonticelloEconomicDevelopmentAuthorityandAcceptingthe EDA2016budget. 3.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION StaffrecognizesthisisapolicydecisionfortheCouncil.Thekeyconsiderationin theCouncil’sdecisionisthedesiretoestablishafinancialmechanismtocontinue workingtowardstheaccomplishmentofcomprehensiveplangoalsandobjectivesfor economicdevelopment,redevelopmentandhousing. Inaddition,thelevyoptionisanalternativetothecurrentprocessoftheEDA’s requestforanallocationfromtheCity’sgenerallevyeachyear.Assuch,thefinance directorrecommendsthealternativeadoptingtheresolutionfortheHRAlevy, eliminatingtheannualEDAtransferandretainingallexcessincrementsfornon- currentexpenditures. D.SUPPORTINGDATA Resolution2015-070 ResolutionEDA-2015-008 AdoptedEDABudget2016,withHRALevy Memorandum–Kennedy&Graven,datedMarch23rd,2015 ExampleTaxImpact 466722v1 MNI MN190-101 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-070 APPROVING A SPECIAL BENEFIT LEVY BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1082, as amended (the “EDA Act”), the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the “City”) previously established the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the “Authority”); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the EDA Act, the Authority is authorized to exercise all powers and duties of a housing and redevelopment authority under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the “HRA Act”); and WHEREAS, Section 469.033, subd. 6, of the HRA Act permits the Authority to levy and collect a special benefit tax of up to .0185 percent of taxable market value in the City, levied upon all taxable real property within the City, WHEREAS, the special benefit tax levy authorized by Section 469.033, subd. 6 of the HRA Act is separate and distinct from the City’s levy and is not subject to levy limits; and WHEREAS, the Authority has adopted a budget for fiscal year 2016 that provides for the levy of a special benefits tax in the amount of .0185 percent of taxable market value in the City, to be used for its economic development and redevelopment activities, and has submitted such budget to the City pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6; and WHEREAS, the Authority has adopted a resolution approving the levy of a special benefit tax in the amount of .0185 percent of taxable market value in the City, subject to approval of such special benefit tax by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the “City Council”) of the City of Monticello as follows: 1. The City Council of the City hereby accepts the budget submitted by the Authority for the fiscal year 2016. 2. The City Council of the City hereby approves the levy by the Authority of a special benefit tax pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6, in an amount not to exceed $280,000 with respect to taxes payable in calendar year 2016. Approved by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 14th day of September, 2015. 466722v1 MNI MN190-101 2 Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk 2016BudgetDraft1-EXPENDITURES EDAFUND 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 % EDAGeneral EDA/HRA ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213-46301-410100SALARIES,FULLTIME-REG 18,214$9,883$2,209$4,255$8,727$8,727$65,898$655.10% 213-46301-410200SALARIES,FULLTIME-OT ---66 ------ 213-46301-410400SALARIES,TEMPORARY-REG ---------- 213-46301-410900SALARIES,OTHER ---------- 213-46301-411100SEVERANCEPAY ---------- 213-46301-412100PERACONTRIBUTIONS 1,320 716 160 314 655 655 4,942 654.50% 213-46301-412200FICACONTRIBUTIONS 1,091 590 124 242 541 541 4,086 655.27% 213-46301-412300MEDICARECONTRIBUTIONS 255 138 29 56 127 127 956 652.76% 213-46301-413100HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFEINSURAN 4,984 2,579 594 999 2,754 2,754 17,745 544.34% 213-46301-413500FLEXBENEFITS ---------- 213-46301-421990GENLOPERATINGSUPPLIES -1,170 -36 ------ 213-46301-422990MISCREPAIR&MTCSUPPLIES ---------- 213-46301-424100SMALLTOOLS&EQUIPMENT ---------- 213-46301-430260PROFSRV-CONSTRUCTIONCO ---------- 213-46301-430300PROFSRV-ENGINEERINGFEE 4,533 4,461 -5,379 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00% 213-46301-430400PROFSRV-LEGALFEES 10,931 10,487 6,306 17,724 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 213-46301-430910PROFSRV-MarketMatching --24,000 48,000 48,000 48,000 12,000 -75.00% 213-46301-431990MISCPROFESSIONALSERVICES 6,003 32,936 997 30,874 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 213-46301-432150ITServices 691 1,400 1,416 1,416 1,416 213-46301-432400DELIVERYMAILSERVICE(UPS 1,331 109 46 24 ------ 213-46301-433100TRAVELEXPENSE -290 3 ---500 --- 213-46301-433200CONFERENCE&SCHOOLS 154 148 95 76 --1,000 --- 213-46301-434600MARKETING 17,338 13,047 723 1,144 17,000 17,000 5,000 -70.59% 213-46301-435100LEGALNOTICEPUBLICATION 1,114 274 260 77 500 500 500 0.00% 213-46301-435200GENERALPUBLICINFORMATION 4,998 399 -------- 213-46301-436100Insurance-Liability/Property/Vehicle 2,073 8,026 486 486 486 213-46301-437100PROPERTYTAXES 374 -1,628 1,512 1,700 1,700 1,600 -5.88% 213-46301-438200WATER&SEWER ---------- 213-46301-438300GAS ---------- 213-46301-443300DUES,MEMBERSHIP&SUBSCRI 10,769 4,309 2,373 3,041 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 213-46301-443500BOOKS&PAMPHLETS ---------- 213-46301-443800Redevelopment(accountplaceholder)-260 ----155,000 --- 213-46301-443990MISCOTHEREXPENSE 2,823 658 2,323 2,901 3,244 3,244 2,871 -11.50% 213-46301-451010LAND(orvalueadjusted)--55,800 71,000 ------ 213-46301-453010IMPROVEMENTS ---------- 213-46301-458010OtherEquipment ---------- 213-46301-460300InterfundLoan-Principal ---------- 213-46301-461300InterfundLoan-Interest ---------- 213-46301-461500SAINTPYBL-LANDFORRESAL ---------- 213-46301-472030TRANSFERTOGENERALFUND ---------- 213-46301-472030TRANSFERTODEBTSERVICEF ---------- 213-46301-472030 TRANSFEROUT-TRUNKFEES ---------- TOTALEXPENDITURES 86,232$82,454$100,434$197,146$116,150$116,150$305,000$162.59% 457807v1 MNI MN190-101 Kennedy Offices in Minneapolis Saint Paul St. Cloud 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 telephone (612) 337-9310 fax www.kennedy-graven.com Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer Graven CHARTERED MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Commissioners, Monticello Economic Development Authority FROM: Martha Ingram, Kennedy & Graven, Chartered CC: Tammy Omdal, Northland Securities, Inc. DATE: March 23, 2015 RE: HRA/EDA Tax Levies You have requested an explanation of the authority for the two types of levies available to the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (“EDA”), and some historical background on those levies. The two levies are sometimes referred to as the “HRA levy” and the “EDA levy,” described as follows. 1. HRA levy Under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.091 an economic development authority has all the powers of a housing and redevelopment authority under Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the “HRA Act”), unless those powers are limited by the City’s enabling resolution that established the authority. The enabling resolution that established the Monticello EDA contained no such limitations, and in fact, in about 2008, the City acted to consolidate the functions of the EDA and HRA and to bring all such functions under the purview of the EDA. Therefore, the EDA may essentially act as a housing and redevelopment authority and exercise all powers under the HRA Act, as well as exercising its economic development powers under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081 (the “EDA Act”). Under Section 469.033 of the HRA Act, an HRA may levy a tax on its area of operation for the purposes authorized under the HRA Act, subject to consent by the city council. The levy may not exceed .0185 percent of the taxable market value in the City. The “area of operation” of the authority is the boundaries of the City. Since the EDA has all the powers of a housing and redevelopment authority, the EDA may levy the tax authorized under Section 469.033, subject to the same limitations and procedures that would apply if it were levied by a housing and redevelopment authority. The HRA levy has two important features. First, the proceeds must be used only “for the purposes of [the HRA Act].” Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, subd. 6. Those purposes, broadly, include redevelopment to correct or prevent blight, and development of or assistance to housing for low or moderate income persons. & 457807v1 MNI MN190-101 Second, the HRA levy is technically raised by the EDA (using its HRA Act powers), albeit approved by the City Council. The levy amount is above and beyond any levy limits that apply to the City; the only limit is the .0185% of market value described above. As such, the HRA levy is a reliable source of revenue independent of City revenues. As shown in Exhibit A, attached, the maximum HRA levy authorized for 2015 in Monticello is $280,011. 2. EDA levy Section 469.107 of the EDA Act provides separate authority for a tax levy to benefit the EDA. Under this provision, the City levies the tax at the request of the EDA. The amount levied is limited to .01813 percent of the taxable market value in the City (a higher levy is permissible but subject to reverse referendum). For Monticello in 2015, the maximum authorized EDA levy is $274,410. This levy is different from the HRA levy in two respects. First, it is made by the City for the benefit of the EDA, at the EDA’s request. The amount is within the City’s overall levy limits. As such, it is essentially the same as an appropriation to the EDA from the City’s general funds. In any year in which levy limits apply, the EDA levy would compete with general City needs. As such, the EDA levy is not as stable, and consequently is not frequently used (at least among the cities I work with). Second, the statute does not expressly limit the proceeds to any particular use, but the implication is that they may be used for any activity an EDA is authorized to carry out under the EDA Act. Those uses include housing and redevelopment activities under the HRA Act, but also broader economic development activities. That is, the EDA levy has a slightly higher limit, and fewer restrictions on use; however, these benefits tend to be overshadowed by the City levy limit problem described above. The existence of these two separate levies can be explained by the history of the EDA Act. That statute was enacted in 1986, and was intended (by its proponents) as mechanism to consolidate development and redevelopment powers in a single agency. However, that concept became somewhat controversial, and the powers of economic development authorities were scaled back during the course of the legislative session. The final result was a statute that provides some new powers for economic development authorities, coupled with the cross-referenced powers of housing and redevelopment authorities and cities. In practice, the cross -referenced powers have been more beneficial. The City could, if it chose, use both the EDA levy and the HRA levy, as long as the EDA levy is used for purposes other than housing and redevelopment. Again, this strategy would be no different than simply appropriating City funds to the EDA, in addition to allowing the EDA to raise its own levy (using the HRA levy power). 3. Process If the EDA wishes to levy an HRA levy, the steps required are fairly straightforward. First, the EDA must prepare and file an annual budget (for its housing and redevelopment activities) in accordance with the budget procedures of the City. The EDA must request that the City Council approve a levy based on this budget. The City Council must review the budget and consent to 457807v1 MNI MN190-101 the HRA levy by resolution. No public hearing is required for this process. Once adopted, the HRA levy is included in the City’s preliminary levy certification and is collected by the County in the same manner as general City taxes, but is kept in a separate fund and turned over to the EDA directly. The process is basically the same if the EDA wishes to institute an EDA levy. As previously stated, though, the EDA levy should be considered to be part of the City’s general levy, rather than a special levy independent of City revenues. Once the EDA levy is in place, it may be increased above the statutory limit, but only if the following requirements are met. First, the City Council must adopt a resolution stating the proposed amount of the increase. The resolution and a notice of public hearing must then be published for two successive weeks in the official newspaper of the City, with the first publication taking place at least two weeks before the public hearing. After the hearing, the City Council may (but is not required to) adopt a resolution authorizing the proposed increase or a lesser increase. This resolution must also be published once. If a petition requesting a referendum on the increase, signed by voters equaling at least 5 percent of the votes cast in the most recent general election, is filed with the City Clerk within 30 days of publication, the resolution will not become effective and an election on the increase will be required. 4. Calculation of City Taxes Attributable to Decertified TIF Districts You also requested information on the amount of taxes that will be available to the City upon decertification of various tax increment financing (“TIF”) districts that are nearing the end of their statutory terms. As shown in Exhibit A, there are three TIF districts that will be decertified in the near future: TIF District No. 36 (decertified by end of 2015), TIF District No. 37 (decertified by end of 2015), and TIF District No. 38 (decertified by end of 2017). Upon decertification of these TIF districts, property taxes currently paid over to the City as tax increment from parcels within the TIF districts will instead be distributed by Wright County to the normal taxing jurisdictions, resulting in an increase in tax revenues available for general City purposes. The estimated additional city taxes that will become available as a result of decertifying TIF District No. 36 and TIF District No. 37 at the end of 2015 is $32,028. The additional amount available at the end of 2017 will be approximately $4,887. In total, the annual amount of property tax going to the City’s general fund after the end of 2017 is approximately $37,000. If you have further questions on these points, please let me know. 457807v1 MNI MN190-101 EXHIBIT A SUMMARY OF HRA PROPERTY TAX LEVY IMPACT - $280,000 RESIDENTIAL 2015 What IF Market Value Est Net Tax Net Tax Difference $135,000 $393 $406 $13 $175,000 $549 $567 $18 $225,000 $743 $768 $25 $250,000 $841 $868 $28 $275,000 $938 $969 $31 $300,000 $1,035 $1,069 $34 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL 2015 What IF Market Value Net Tax Net Tax Difference $100,000 $536 $554 $18 $300,000 $1,876 $1,938 $62 $500,000 $3,306 $3,414 $108 $1,000,000 $6,879 $7,105 $226 $3,000,000 $21,174 $21,869 $695 Note: The net tax is calculated using the tax capacity for taxes collectible in 2015. The 2016 tax capacity is not finalized. Early estimates indicate that the tax capacity grew again for collectible 2016 with additional taxable valuation at the power plant. COUNCILCONNECTION SEPTEMBER14,2015 FIBERNETMONTICELLO BandwidthPurchase InJune2015CityCouncilapprovedthefinalimplementationofthe10gigringforFiberNet Monticelloaswellasa50/50costsharingplanbetweenFiberNetandWindomnetforpurchasing bandwidth.UnderthisplanFiberNetwouldcancelitsservicesfromVaultasandbegin purchasingbandwidthfromEnventis,nowcalledConsolidatedCommunications,for$6,000per month. ThefirstinvoiceshavebeenreceivedfromConsolidatedCommunications,andstafffeelsitis necessarytoupdatethecouncil.ThecostforthebandwidthfromConsolidatedis$5,984.50; howevertherearetaxes,fees,andsurchargesalsoincludedonthebillthatfactorintothetotal costeachmonth.Thesewillvaryeachmonthduetoavarietyoffactors,butstaffanticipatesthe additionalamountwillbebetween$1,500and$1,800. ThemostsizableofthefeesandsurchargesisacontributiontotheUniversalServiceFund.This amountwasnotfactoredintotheoriginalrequestforapprovalbecauseWindompaysdirectly intothefunddoesnotpaythisfeeontheirbill.However,FiberNetisdeminimisanddoesnot payintothefunddirectly.Asaresult,FiberNetpaysafeeonthebill.