City Council Agenda Packet 08-26-2002 Special . . ... AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 26, 2002 - 5:00 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst. Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson and Bruce Thielen 1. Call the special meeting to order. 2. Review of Preliminary 2003 Budget and Tax Levy 3. Adjourn . 2. Review of Preliminary 2003 Bud!!et and Tax Levv. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Enclosed you will find summary worksheets outlining a proposed 2003 city budget and resulting tax levy. For this workshop. r have only prepared one basic sct of documents for our first discussion and have included all of the individual departments budget requests without any changes at this time. The resulting tax levy shown in the preliminary documents is the maximum allowed by the Department of Revenue at $6,595,253. This year, the City is again under levy limits. The $6.595,253 amount noted above is the maximum allowed which is $97,174 higher than the amount we levied for year 2002 or would be an increase of 1.49%. This increase would be very minimal compared to increases we have experienced in the past, if the Council chose to stay with the maximum levy at this time. Since we can never go higher than the amount we adopt as our preliminary levy, it would be my recommendation that the maximum levy be adopted by September 13,2002. . The maximum levy f(w general operations did increase $361,560 from $4.5 million to a little over $4.9 million. To this amount, the City is allowed to add the levy necessary for covering our general obligation debt and the Community Center debt to arrive at our total levy amount. Because our levy needed for deht payments next year turns out to he $264,000 less than this year our overall levy would only increase $97,000 if we did stay with the maximum allowed. The preliminary budget proposal includes a levy of $500,000 for the second year of funding for the street reconstruction program. This compares to $587,000 that was levied last year. While this amount will still not be sufficient to cover all of the cost of our anticipated Phase I reconstruction Project scheduled r()[ 2003, it will reduce the amount of funding that will be necessary through bond sales. As you may recalL it is likely that the City will encounter $1.5-$2 million worth of street improvements annually for four or five years and this budget does not include any increases in tax levies that may be necessary for future bonding that may be required to do our reconstruction program. Also, the City Council will be asked to consider selling bonds in the near future to cover our cost for various projects we have alrcady started or complctcd, such as the 7th Street project by Perkins done last blL Cedar Street Improvement by Mielke's development and of course, the City's share of Broadway reconstruction. The bond sale will likely be structured to have the first tax levy start in 2004 and should not affect next years budget. -. Although the maximum tax levy was supplied by the Department of Revenue just this week. I have not been able to get any information from Wright County Auditor's office regarding estimated tax capacity values for the City next year. As a result, I am not able to provide the Council with any firm estimates on what individual or commercial properties will pay in taxes next year if we adopted the maximum levy. I do know that our taxable market values f()r the community have risen over $77,000,000 or an 11.7% increase over 2002 values. This doesn't necessarily translate into an II % increase in our tax capacity values sinee commercial, industrial and residential values are calculated differently for tax . Special Meeting - 8/26/02 capacity purposes. Residential properties have a smaller percentage for determining tax capacity values than industrial or commercial properties, so it is hard to know where the $77,000,000 in increased market value is attributable to. As an informational item, new construction market value accounted f(Jr $30,000,000 of the $77,000,000 in increased value with the balance ($47,000,000) attributable to general inflation increase in all property values. This is very similar to the trend we have experienced in the past couple of years with new construction market values accounting f()r 4%-5% increases in our overall values each year. Inflationary increases have ranged from 3 1/2% to 7% this year overall. When you exclude Xcel Energy's utility plant our market value for the entire community has grown 18% in each of the last two years. Although the tax capacity value information will not be available until after our first workshop. since our maximum tax levy is only 1 1I2<X) higher than the amount we levied last year. I would expect that the 11 % growth in our taxable market value should result in a decrease to the average taxpayer for city taxes next year. SUMMARY OF MAJOR BUDGET INCREASE!<JiDECREASES 2002-2003 General Fund Administration - Maintenance agreements on equipment and newsletter costs reallocated to City Halll1udget - Deduct +$667,000 -$ 20,000 . Elections - Off year - Deduct -$ 7,000 Planning & Zoning - Aerial mapping photos of city - Add +$ 17,000 City Hall -Maintenance agreement and newsletter cost reallocated +-$ 20.000 Deputy Registrar - Includes $31,000 for remodeling/enlargement of o11ice space into clothing/food shelf space. 1$ 31,000 Law Enforcement - Additional funding of $26,000 for 4<)10 hourly rate increase and $63,500 for adding 4 hours per day coverage +$ 26,000 +$63,500 Street Department - Larger capital outlay budget for equipment/vehicles over last year ($351,000 vs $132,000). sealcoating program budget of $35,000 added in Street Department instead of capital outlay, $40,000 included for adding a new employee for Street Department. +$219,000 Public Works Inspections - $IS,500 included for new cOlnpact pickup f(n second inspector. +$ IS,500 . Ii.:ngineering - Increased budget by $180.000 to rellect fees paid, but this +$180,000 primarily offset by additional revenue collected hom developers. 2 . Special Meeting - 8/26102 Park Fund - + $121,000 Park fund increases related to additional equipment/vehicle purchases of $70,500 and additional $10,000 for park development with balance for general operational increases. Community Center +$129,000 Operations budget requires additional levy of $9,000 over last year for a total of $292,000 after deducting for the $200,000 transferred from the liquor fund. Debt payment has also increased by $48,000 for a total levy increase of $57,000. '/'he additional $72,000 in operating costs would be covered by additional operating revenue. Debt Service Funds - Levy requirements were reduced for 2003 by $264,000as some debt issues were retired early or paid off. -$264,000 . Salary and Benefits - The budget f()f salaries was increased by 5% for the purpose of providing cost ofliving adjustments and to provide funding for the increase in overall salary schedule if warranted. I have normally included YYo within the budget to provide a little cushion for any salary increases or any new employees that may be added that were not anticipated earlier. This does not obligate the Council to a sex, increase which would be considered later at a separate meeting. As a reference, I have again enclosed a summary of our capital outlay fund reserves and the anticipated uses that have been earmarked {i'om this fund over the past several years. For example. $165,000 has been budgeted in the past for an industrial park land acquisition fund and when we account fl.)r some of the other committed uses, it is estimated that we would have $400,000 remaining at the end of this year. Next years budgeted revenue and proposed expenditures would pretty much deplete the capital outlay fund reserves as proposed. As you will note, I included in the budget an expenditure from the capital outlay fund of $500,000 for expansion of the library. This may not be sufficient to cover the entire cost, but it is assumed that the capital outlay fund would be the primary source of revenue to pay for the library expansion, unless the Council wanted to have a referendum to issue a bond f()r the expansion. Actually the fund may not even have a $500,000 available, but it would be f~1irly close. Some other items the Councils should be aware of that this budget still does not have covered include: . Fallon Avenue/I-94 Bridge Country Road 18/1-94 Interchange costs Community Center Building Reserve Fund for such items as locker replacements, resurfacing the pool, resurfacing parking lot, replacing roof, carpet replacement or other building improvements. 3 . . . Special Meeting - X/26/02 Funding f()r the Fallon Avenue bridge or 1-94 interchange costs will need to be addressed some time in the future, although there may not be many options availahle since we can not issue bonds for these improvements unless we assess at least 20% of the cost. There certainly seems to be merit in the idea of assessing surrounding property near an intercbange for at least part of the cost since their property will certainly benefit in value increases. In regards to tbe Community Center building reserve, if we add funding today, it will have to be done through a levy increase which then has to come from some other department since we arc under levy limits. The shade tree fund proposes a levy of $28,785 to support the Dutch elm disease program. The last few years we were able to eliminate a tax levy to fund the program by using up the tree fund reserves, but it is estimated there will only be $15,000 available at the end of this year so a $28,000 levy is needed to support the $45,000 annual budget. While this will be our first workshop session, the Council will ultimately need to establish a preliminary tax levy and budget by September 13th even though we wil1 not he required to have an actual truth in taxation hearing until later this fall. As always, the preliminary levy cannot be increased once we establish it, but we can always lower it later. Since we are only allowed to increase the levy by $97,000 (1.5<10), the Council may just want to adopt the maximum levy allowed and use future workshops to decide if funding would be reallocated among departments, etc. R SUPPORTING DATA: Budget worksheet documents 4 . . . TAX LEVY SUMMARY 2003 Budget All Funds Net Payable 2002 Net Payable 2003 Adjusted Levy Adjusted Levy After Deducting After Deducting Fund HACA HACA Parks $560,735 $669,525 General $2,975,679 $3,307,330 Library $33,790 $33,790 Transportation $24,950 $0 Shade Tree $0 $28,785 OM $0 $0 HRA $19,790 $20,820 Debt Service $1,394,659 $1,082,048 Capital Imp. Revolvinq $92,600 $88,010 Community Center $808,150 $864,945 Street Reconstruction $587,726 $500,000 TOTAL $6,498,079 $6,595,253 Net Certified Levy Decrease/lncrease Maximum Lev Allowed 1.49% Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2000 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2001 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2002 Tax Capacity Rate Estimated: Payable 2003 Tax Capacity Rate 27.001 35.186 36272 37.146 67.645 Tax Capacity Tax Capacity Value Rate Tax Levy '97/Payable 1998 $14,413,597 27001 $3,883,013 '98/Payable 1999 $13,123,681 35.186 $4,617,725 99/Payable 2000 $13,066,057 36.272 $4,739,325 2000/Payable 2001 $13,641,431 37.146 $5,067,342 2001/Payable 2002 $9,606,212 67645 $6,498,079 2002/Payable 2003 $6,595.25 COMMENTS: *Community Center budget levy includes $573,225 for debt service and $291,720 for operations 2003 BUDGET.XLSTax Levy Sum-All Funds 8/22/2002 . . . LEVY COMPARISONS 2002 CHANGE (+ or -) 2003 Maximum General Levy Allowed $4,578,420 $4,939,980 1361,560 Allowable Additions: GO Debt Levy $1,394,659 $1,082,048 -$312.611 Community Center Debt $ 525,000 $ 573,225 +$ 48225 MAXIMUM LEVY $6,498,079 $6,595,253 +$97,174 Wnrd/l)a\VnIBLldgCljl~\y Comparison: is/22/02 . . . SUMMARY Debt Service Funds 2003 Budget Forecast REVENUE 2002 2003 Current ad valorem: $1,394,659 $1,082,048 Interest: $170,765 $156,510 Special asmt--County: $486,135 $397,037 Transfer in -Tax Increment: $132,250 $142,800 Transfer in--Liquor Fund (community center bond): $525,000 $0 Transfer in--Community Center Fund: $0 $573,225 Transfer inu8ewer Access Fund (WWTP note): $500,000 $500,000 TOTAL REVENUE $3,208,809 $2,851,620 ---------------------------....----...------------- EXPENDITURES 2002 2003 Principal: $2,423,465 $2,237,925 Interest: $1,532,620 $1,411,924 Payinq aqent fees: $7,583 $7,069 Interest exp $8,800 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,972,468 $3,656,918 2003 BUDGETXLS:Debt Service Fund~Forecast:8/21/2002 .~ o Gl m -< X c- UI o o 3 0- UI ID ~ -t 0 ;:1]--1 Gl Gl Gl (fJ Gl 0 0 CD CD CD <1> <1> U <1> ; 3 < 3 :::J :::J :::J CD :::J 3 <1>"0 CD CD CD 0 ~ :::J 0 9l iil iil ill I <:: c ..., ru (fl - :::J CD ru 0 0 0 )> 0 ~. 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SUMMARY OF PROJECTED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES (Cash & Investments) :!: ..'.'.',,',??v. ...,..???CC. ...:::?F ..,.:::iiiiiiiiiii... ::0::,,::: iiiiiiip03 .pu.,:""," ~ ~ :!ji!i;;~, ~ii PRq~i,~CT P~Q,~ECTEEl IA I MId,S!:; :::. ))'!,!"::::,::',.... Fl'tJND ..,:!::)::::)? iii",:'"~ EX~ITUIl!ill " " "l::: .,..,..,., , RE'lENUE Parks Fund $167,000 $669,525 $669,525 $167,000 Park Dedication fund $76,350 $43,400 $60,000 $59,750 General $3,825,000 $4,817,980 $4,817,980 $3,825,000 Library $750 $35,190 $35,190 $750 Tree $15,490 $30,285 $45,775 $0 OM $11,780 $375 $5,000 $7,155 Water $713,765 $420,850 $388,330 $746,285 Water Access $587,385 $234,000 $154,000 $667,385 Sewer $749,325 $867,050 $793,790 $822,585 Sewer Access $2,646,200 $850,200 $60,000 $3,436,400 Transportation $1,025 $87,780 $87,780 $1,025 Liquor $697,500 $3,326,650 $3,132,305 $891,845 Capital Outlav Revolving $818,000 $184,840 $635,000 $367,840 HRA $986,750 $683,070 $481,560 $1,188,260 Minn Investment Fund $98,875 $18,745 $0 $117,620 UDAG $0 $0 $0 $0 EDA $856,415 $50,800 $7,000 $900,215 SCERG $10,480 $480 $0 $10,960 CMIF $1,375 $150 $0 $1,525 Storm Sewer Access $713,900 $181,790 $0 $895,690 Cemetery $22,585 $30,210 $30,685 $22,110 Community Center Fund $81,000 $1,792,395 $1,792,395 $81,000 Street Reconstruction Fund $587,726 $517,700 $0 $1,105,426 SUBTOTALS $13,668,676 $14,843,465 $13,196,315 $15,315,826 Debt Service General Obligation Bonds $1,062,000 $1,676,453 $1,674,593 $1,063,860 Special Assessment Bonds $4,332,000 $992,567 $1,792,275 $3,532,292 Tax Increment Bonds $2,207,000 $182,600 $190,050 $2,199,550 DEBT SERVICE SUBTOTALS $7,601,000 $2,851,620 $3,656,918 $6,795,702 TOTALS $21,269,676 $17,695,085 $16,853,233 $22,111,528 2003 BUDGET.XLS:Summary of Proj Revenue:8/21/2002 . . . REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 2003 Budget ........: ~..2002 ;iE 2003 :::::.... ........ FUND :......:..:... F (JE .:..:.. :::e'XF!IJ!;:t\j.OrrURES.....: VE;:NUe'......EXPENDIIU~e':i .. ...:.......:..:....... General $4,145,470 $4,145,470 $4,817,980 $4,817,980 Parks $549,235 $549,235 $669,525 $669,525 Park Dedication $25,350 $20,000 $43,400 $60,000 Library $34,790 $34,790 $35,190 $35,190 Transportation $103,600 $103,600 $87,780 $87,780 Shade Tree $2,250 $44,810 $30,285 $45,775 Community Center $1,663,300 $1,663,300 $1,792,395 $1.792,395 UDAG $0 $0 $0 $0 OM $1,220 $4,440 $375 $5,000 HRA $575,335 $342,415 $683,070 $481,560 Minn. Investment Fund $46,775 $0 $18,745 $0 EDA $44,915 $8,500 $50,800 $7,000 SCERG $480 $0 $480 $0 CMIF $150 $0 $150 $0 Debt Service $3,212,469 $4,253,543 $2,851,620 $3,656,918 Liquor $2,829,625 $2,722,940 $3,326,650 $3,132,305 Water $383,000 $654,235 " $420,850 $701,270 Sewer $813,900 $1,980,910 ' $867,050 $2,008,425 Cemetery $28,200 $33,115 $30,210 $30,685 Capital Improvements $167,000 $167,000 $184,840 $635,000 Water Access $160,885 $0 $234,000 $154,000 Storm Sewer Access $173,900 $0 $181,790 $0 Sanitary Sewer Access $659,200 $0 $850,200 60000 Streeet Reconstruction Fund $587,726 $0 $517,700 $0 TOTAL $16,208,775 $16,728,303 $17,695,085 $18,380,808 COMMENTS: 'includes $1,214,635 Depreciation -- contributed assets sewer "includes $312,940 Depreciation ~- contributed assets water 2003 BUDGET Revenue &Expend Sum:8/21/2002 . GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2003 Budget REVENUE Taxes CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES MOBILE HOME TAX TIF #1 - KMART FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORT PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 2003 $3,307,330 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,000 $3 310,330 uC!:Nses. & Licenses and Permits - Non-Business BUILDING PERMITS 101,32211 $505,000 VARIANCES/CONDITIONAL USES 101,32212 $2,650 GRADING PERMIT 101,32215 $0 PLUMBING CONNECTION PERMITS 101,32231 $0 ANIMAL LICENSES 101,32241 $225 BINGO LICENSES 101,32261 $0 CABLE FRANCHISE FEE 101,32262 $0 OTHER NON-BUS L1C & PERMITS 10132299 $7,000 TOT AL LIC~NSES& PERMITS . Inter-Governmental FEDERAL GRANTS - CETA 101,33120 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 101,33401 $8,165 $18,194 HOMESTEAD CREDIT HACA 101,33402 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME HOMESTEAD CREDIT 10133403 $0 $0 PERA INCREASE AID 101,33404 $6,740 $6,741 DISASTER AID 101,33408 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVT/ST HWY AID 101,33410 $59,500 $65,000 FIRE DEPT AID 101,33420 $47,750 $53,345 POLICE DEPT AID 101,33421 $25,000 $28,000 STATE GRANTS & AIDS. OTHER 101,33499 $0 $0 COUNTY HIGHWAY GRANTS 10133610 $11,750 $11,750 OTHER COUNTY GRANTS 101,33620 $5,000 $5,000 TOTAL INTER-GQVERNMENTAL $163,905 $188,030 Char es for Services RECYLlNG INCENTIVE 101,33621 $13,500 $13,000 ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEES 101,34103 $5,000 $5,000 SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIONS 101,34105 $400 $200 MV LICENSE SALESIDEPUTY REG 101,34106 $170,000 $205,000 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 101,34107 $6,500 $8,500 INSPECTION FEES 101,34204 $40,000 $160,000 FIRE PROTECTION TWP CONTRACT 10134206 $80,620 $82,760 FIRE EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALLS 101,34207 $0 $2,500 BLIGHT MOWING FEES 101,34210 $0 $300 STREET,SIDEWALK,CURB REPAIRS 101,34301 $0 $0 SPECIAL GARBAGE PROC/RECYCLE 101.34408 $0 $3,000 GARBAGE CHG 101,34409 $53,650 $55,000 GARBAGE CART RENTAL 101,34410 $20,000 $26,000 PARK RENTAL FEES 101.34780 $0 $0 CONSTRUCTION COST REIMB 101,34960 $0 $40,000 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 101,34999 $1,000 $1,200 CHARGES FOR $602;460 . 2003 SUDGEo r,nSGen Fund Sum - RwB/21/2002 . . . GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2003 Budget Miscellaneous Revenue S A. PRINCIPAL - COUNTY S A. PRINCIPAL - DIRECT S A. PENALTIES & INTEREST INTEREST EARNINGS INTEREST EARNINGS-ANDERSON INTEREST EARNINGS-AROPLAX RENTAL OF PROPERTY RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE SALE OF CITY PROPERTY MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE LOCK FIRE BOXES SIGNS & INSTALL NEW PLATS OTHER MISC REVENUE TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 10136101 $0 $0 101.36102 $0 $0 101.36150 $126,000 $128,000 101.36210 $0 $0 101.36215 $0 $6,785 101.36214 $0 $0 10136220 $11,800 $1,500 10136221 $0 $0 101.36230 $0 $0 101.36240 $0 $0 101.36241 $0 $0 101.36242 $450 $500 101.36243 $0 $0 101.36299 $3,700 $4. 000 $141950 $140785 $10.000 $0 $0 $0 Refunds and Reimbursements RE FU N DS/R ElM B U RSEM ENTS IDC CONTRIBUTION (REIMB HACA REIMBURSEMENT DISCOUNT TOTALREEl.!tilDS& REIMBuRSEMe;t!l1l!$ TRANSFERSEROMOTHER TOTAL GEtilERALLFUNO REVENUE 2003 BUDGET.XLSGen Fund Sum. Rev.8/21/2002 . . . GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2003 Budget EXPENDITURES 2002 2003 General Government Mavor and Council $34,380 $34,520 Administration $291,220 $268,500 Finance $164,565 $186,585 Audit $17,000 $21,500 LeQal $64,175 $71,880 Planninq & Zoninq $184,560 $202,530 Assessinq $27,100 $29,925 Deputy Registrar $176,255 $207,365 City Hall $111,215 $132,000 Data Processina $94,490 $99,750 Elections $7,100 $0 National Guard $17,875 $21,870 L\ TOTAL GEIiIERA:l!..Cl'~VERIiIM.~NT ..\.,.. .. ..... :... .. $~,18!:l;!:l35 $~;276,425 Public Safet Law Enforcement Fire Building Inspections Civil Defense Animal Control TOTAL PUBLIC SAFetY' $626,925 $206,520 $196,685 $13,040 $46,175 $~1;11)~9,345 $716,710 $216,855 $211 ,790 $15,665 $42,250 ,203,270 Public Works Inspections $125,105 $144,470 Public Works Administration $194,930 $181 ,760 Streets & Alleys $468,880 $784,055 Snow & Ice $113,920 $70,490 Street Liqhtinq $99,000 $100,500 Parking Lots $13,300 $18,600 Shop & Garaqe $127,895 $125,940 Refuse Collection $351,315 $324,325 Engineerinq $120,000 $300,000 Tc!)fJ1Al!..'::::'~l!lIaLI(J;:WORKS .:::1'::::::::\ ...,...\\:::"..\\. .,<,..,.,\.\\.\ .........,<<\,..,. 'i':\:: $1,614;345 $2,(1'50'1:14Q Health & Welfare Senior Citizens Center YMCA/Community Education Information Center T'~TAl!..I"!'EALTH & WELFARE $75,575 $18,200 $4,000 $97,77'5 $78,465 $18,200 $4,000 $1'1)0,665 Community Celebrations Community Celebrations (Previousl in Parks) TOTAL PARKs & RECREATION $11,800 $11,gOO Economic Development Economic Development TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOl?MENT $55,350 $Mj;350 2003 BUDGETXLS:GenFundSum-Exp8/21/2002 . . . GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2003 Budget Miscellaneous Mise -- Severence Benefits Insurance TOT AL N1IS~'iij"l...ANEOUS l'i[l!l!:lTAL GI;Nj;;B,ALFIJND EXF'!iii~i!rURES 2003 BUDGETXLS GenFundSum-Exp 8/21/2002 $18,500 $78,370 $96:8'ij(! $4,150,~;zOI $32,000 $84,505 $116,505 $\4;817 ,~QQI . . . SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2003 Budget Park Fund REVENUE CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES MOBILE HOME TAX PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES HOMESTEAD CREDIT TEAM FEES PARK RENTAL FEES PARK DEDICATION FEES OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES INTEREST EARNINGS REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS IN OTHER MISC REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS LIE 225.31011 225.31021 225.31031 225.31910 225.33402 225.34770 225.34780 225.34950 225.34999 22536210 225.36290 225.36299 225.39201 225.39203 2002 $540,735 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,600 $0 $0 $6,350 $0 $0 $0 $0 EXPENDITURES Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE INSURANCE U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PAYMT TOT ALPeBIONALSERVICES 2003 BUDGETXLSSpec Revenue Fund-Parks:8/21/2002 225.45201.1010 225.45201.1020 225.45201.1030 225.45201.1031 225.45201.1040 225.45201 .1050 225.45201.1090 225.45201.1110 225.45201.1210 225.45201.1220 225.45201.1250 225.452011310 225.45201.1420 225.45201.1520 $180,600 $2,500 $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $11 ,785 $13,215 $3,090 $38,665 $0 $0 $279,855 2003 $659,825 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $2,000 $0 $0 $2,700 $0 $0 $0 $0 $669,525 $199,550 $2,550 $0 $0 $35,000 $0 $0 $0 $13,115 $14,700 $3,440 $33,820 $0 $0 . . . SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2003 Budget Park Fund Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER SAFETY SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES CHEMICAL PRODUCTS MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS TIRES BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES LANDSCAPING MATERIALS MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT TOTAL SUPPLIES $0 $0 $200 $600 $500 $5,000 $1 ,400 $5,000 $20,000 $3,000 $3,000 $1 ,000 $3,700 $2,000 $5,500 $1 ,000 $0 $2,000 $200 $700 $650 $5,500 $1,400 $7,500 $21,500 $3,600 $3,000 $1,000 $3,500 $4,000 $11,000 $1,500 225.45201.2030 225.45201.2065 225.45201.2099 225.45201.2110 225.45201.2111 225.45201.2120 225.45201.2130 225.45201.2160 225.45201.2199 225.45201.2210 225.45201.2211 225.45201.2220 225.45201.2230 225.45201.2250 225.45201.2299 225.45201.2410 Services & Charges PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 225.452013110 $0 $0 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 225.45201.3190 $0 $0 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 225.45201.3199 $5,000 $5,500 TELEPHONE 225.45201.3210 $2,500 $2,300 TRAVEL EXPENSE 225.452013310 $200 $250 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 225.45201.3320 $1,000 $1,200 FREIGHT 225.45201.3330 $0 $0 ADVERTISING 225.45201.3499 $600 $650 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 225.45201.3520 $500 $500 VEHICLE INSURANCE 225.452013630 $0 $0 ELECTRIC 225.452013810 $8,000 $9,000 GAS 225.452013830 $500 $650 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 225.45201.4010 $3,000 $3,000 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 225.45201.4044 $2,000 $2,000 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 225.45201.4050 $1,500 $1 ,700 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 225.45201.4099 $2,000 $2,000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 225.45201.4150 $300 $500 UNIFORM RENTAL 225.45201.4170 $2,180 $2,800 MISC RENTALS 225.45201.4199 $0 $0 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 225.45201.4330 $700 $400 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 225.45201.4350 $150 $150 TOWING CHARGES 225.45201.4360 $0 $0 LICENSES & PERMITS 225.45201.4370 $0 $0 PRIZES 225.45201.4390 $0 $0 TREE REPLACEMENT 225.45201.4391 $0 $0 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 225.45201.4399 $1,300 $1,500 . ':::::":ii..",', . ....i' ,~ T01ALSERVICES & ..... ..,.... i'.' $31,430 2003 BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund.Parks8/21/2002 . . . SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2003 Budget Park Fund Capital Outla IMPROVEMENTS MOTOR VEHICLES FURNITURE & FIXTURES OTHER EQUIPMENT T~TAL CAPITAL .OI:.fTLA~ $0 $57,000 $0 $63,500 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $5Q;~I)O $ 00 T(ji!llAL..::GENERAL $41Z3;1ii~ $52~.i25 Parks/Improvements ADOPT-A-PARK MAINT/EXP 225452024090 $2,500 $3,200 PATHWAY MAINTENANCE 225452024091 $0 $1 ,000 PARKSfTREE REPLACEMENT 225452024391 $0 $1 ,500 PARK LAND 22545202,5102 $0 $0 CITY BALLFIELDS/NSP IMPR 22545202,5305 $2,000 $15,000 SOCCER FIELDS IMPR 225452025306 $0 $0 PARK ADA/STRUCTURE IMPR 225452025311 $5,000 $10,000 WEST/EAST BRIDGE PARK IMPR 22545202,5312 $33,000 $25,000 PRAIRIE/OTTER CREEK PARK IMP 22545202.5321 $0 $0 CARDINAL HILLS TOT LOT IMPR 22545202_5322 $0 $0 PIONEER PARK IMPR 225452025323 $47,000 $20,000 RIVER MILL PARK IMPR 22545202,5324 $0 $0 4th STREET RINK IMPROVEMENT 22545202,5326 $9,000 $0 WILDWOOD RIDGE PARK 22545202,5327 $0 1_ Playqround Equipment $15,000 $0 2, Landscaping & Gradinq $7,000 $0 3_ Picnic Tables,Benches & Garbaqe cans $2,000 $0 4_ Open Air Shelter $9,000 $0 5 Trees $4,000 $0 GROVELAND PARK IMPROVEMENT $60,000 TOWER PARKNALLEY VIEW IMPROVEMENT $10,000 ..:::i".........,........ .'.:.::::::: . . ~..'.".' !Il(jiTALPARKIMPR~VEMENTS ..... ........ ........:.. $t35,500 $145,700 GRAND TOTAL PAA,K,S $669,52& 2003 BUDGETXLSSpec Revenue Fund-Parks:8/21/2002 . . . SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2003 Budget Community Center REVENUE 2002 2003 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 226.31011 $808,150 $864,945 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 226.31021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 226.31031 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 22631910 $0 $0 HOMESTEAD CREDIT 226.33402 $0 $0 STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER 226.33429 $0 $0 ROOM/SPACE RENTAL 226.34101 $107,000 $107,000 KITCHEN RENTAL 226.34102 $2,400 $0 CONCESSIONS 226.34740 $48,200 $70,000 USER FEES 226.34790 $70,500 $70,500 MEMBERSHIPS 226.34791 $350,000 $400,000 PROGRAM ACTIVITY FEES 226.34792 $40,000 $52,000 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 22634999 $25,000 $17,000 INTEREST EARNINGS 226.36210 $3,000 $1,950 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 22636221 $6,000 $4,000 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 226.36230 $1,050 $3,000 OTHER MISC REVENUE 226.36299 $2,000 $2,000 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 226.39201 $0 $0 TRANSFER FROM LIQUOR 226.39207 $200,000 $200,000 - ---- 1--"-->---- m~mll!;REVE:NUE '" $1_'1\\6i.:iQQ $t;Z~:Z,:3~6 EXPENDITURES Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE INSURANCE U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PAYMT $228,800 $2,000 $265,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,000 $38,400 $7,300 $35,000 $4,000 $3,000 $Sgg,500 $247,500 $2,000 $278,000 $1,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $21,000 $38,400 $7,300 $30,930 $4,000 $6,500 $646,630 22645122.1010 22645122.1020 22645122.1030 226451221031 226451221040 22645122.1050 22645122.1090 22645122.1110 226451221210 22645122.1220 22645122.1250 22645122.1310 22645122.1420 226451221520 2003 BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Comm Ctr8/22/2002 . SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2003 Budget Community Center s r upplles PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 22645122.2030 $0 $750 PROGRAM OPERATING COSTS 22645122.2065 $0 $0 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 22645122.2099 $6,400 $7,500 CLEANING SUPPLIES 22645122.2110 $6,500 $9,500 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 226451222111 $7,000 $7,000 MOTOR FUELS 22645122.2120 $0 $0 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 22645122.2130 $0 $0 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 22645122.2160 $18,000 $12,000 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 22645122.2199 $10,500 $18,000 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 22645122.2210 $0 $3,400 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 22645122.2211 $0 $0 TIRES 22645122.2220 $0 $2,500 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 22645122.2230 $2,500 $9,100 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 22645122.2250 $0 $0 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 22645122.2299 $8,000 $5,000 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 22645122.2410 $5,000 $4,000 COST OF GOODS SOLD 22645122.2998 $0 $0 . ~':>ii:iiiii:i. .,.>.... .::',>....:: ....... .,. TOTAL suP ..'..... .......:.... $Ga,900 $78;:~.$,Q s &Ch . ervlces arges PROFSRV-MANAGEMENTFEE 22645122.3070 $700 $700 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESSING 22645122 3090 $0 $4,000 PROF SRV - WEBSITE/EMAIL 22645122.3092 $400 $400 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 22645122.3110 $500 $500 PROF SVC - LAUNDRY 226451223111 $3,000 $3,000 PROF SRV - BLDG/EQUIP 22645122.3112 $0 $5,000 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 22645122.3190 $15,000 $10,000 PROF SRV - NEWSLETTER 22645122.3195 $0 $0 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 22645122.3199 $700 $9,000 TELEPHONE 22645122.3210 $17,000 $12,000 POSTAGE 22645122.3220 $1,200 $1,000 CABLE/NETWORK SERVICES 22645122.3250 $2,200 $2,200 TRAVEL EXPENSE 22645122.3310 $600 $600 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 22645122.3320 $2,000 $5,000 FREIGHT 22645122.3330 $300 $300 ADVERTISING 22645122.3499 $15,000 $28,000 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 22645122.3520 $6,000 $2,000 BROCHURES 22645122.3560 $10,000 $15,000 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 22645122.3610 $26,300 $20,000 PROPERTY INSURANCE 22645122.3620 $7,000 $5,420 MISC GEN INSURANCE (WORK COMP) 22645122.3699 $0 $12,120 ELECTRIC 22645122.3810 $70,000 $70,000 GAS 226451223830 $76,000 $62,000 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 226451224010 $5,000 $5,000 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 226451224044 $5,000 $5,000 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 226451224050 $0 $0 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 226451224099 $0 $0 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 226451224150 $15,000 $15,000 UNIFORM RENTAL 226451224170 $1,500 $1,800 . 2003 BUDGETXLSSpec Revenue Fund-Comm. Ctr.8/21/2002 . TOWEL RENTAL DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP TOWING CHARGES LICENSES & PERMITS CUSTOMER DISCOUNTS BANK CHARGES MISC OTHER EXPENSE OPENING CELEBRATION EXP SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2003 Budget Community Center 226.45122.4171 226.45122.4330 226.45122.4360 226.45122.4370 226.45122.4379 226.45122.4398 226.45122.4399 226.45122.4429 $0 $500 $0 $700 $0 $2,600 $1,500 $0 $285,700 $750 $500 $0 $700 $0 $4,000 $1,500 $0 TOT AlS12IIiICES & CHA Capital Outlay IMPROVEMENTS MOTOR VEHICLES FURNITURE & FIXTURES OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT mOT Al CAP 226.451225301 226.45122.5501 226.45122.5601 226.451225701 226.45122.5702 226.45122.5801 $42,000 $0 $4,000 $2,000 $3,000 $70,500 $121,500 $29,000 $0 $6,000 $2,000 $2,500 $55,000 $~:4;&OO . Debt Service LEASE PYMT TO HRA - PRINC LEASE PYMT TO HRA - INT TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE FD TOTAL SG'liU SERVICE 226.45122.6040 226.45122.6140 226.451227205 $0 $0 $525,000 $525,000 $0 $0 $573,225 $573,225 Community Center Proqramming RENTAL ROOM SUPPLIES 226.451272075 $1,000 $1 ,000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PROGRAMMING 226.451272099 $0 $500 OPER SUPPLIES - CONCESSIONS 226.45127.2145 $1 ,000 $1,000 PARTY ROOM SUPPLIES 226.45127.2146 $6,000 $7,000 CLIMBING WALL SUPPLIES 226.451272171 $1 ,000 $500 FITNESS AREA SUPPLIES 226.45127.2172 $6,000 $5,000 GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES 226.451272173 $1 ,000 $500 INDOOR PLAY SUPPLIES 226.45127.2174 $500 $500 POOL SUPPLIES 226.45127.2175 $6,500 $2,200 "THE WAREHOUSE" SUPPLIES 226.451272176 $500 $500 WHEEL PARK SUPPLIES 226.45127.2177 $500 $700 GEN PROGRAMMING - OP. COSTS 226.451272198 $0 $5,500 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226.45127.2541 $38,000 $50,000 PRIZES 226.45127.4390 $0 $0 PROF SVC - FITNESS 226.45127.3012 $3,700 $3,000 PROF SVC - PROGRAMINSTR 226.45127.3013 $0 $3,000 PROF SVC - GENERAL PROGRAMMING 226.4512.3199 $0 $4,500 ADVERTISING - PROGRAMMING 226.45127.3499 $0 $7,000 EQUIP RENTAL - PROGRAMMING 226.45127.4150 $0 $3,400 PRIZES 226.45127.5805 $2,000 $1,000 ......." .. ...... ..,>>::,'.:". !,:",>,>::,!:,:'>>'>:"'!::"$67,700 TOTAL G.QMI\IIUNITY CENTE:R~~~REATI.QN>i $~ji,8()() . GRANS>';rOTAl COMI\III"lNITY CENTIZ:8 $1,663,300 $1,788,795 2003 BUDGETXLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Comm. Ctr.:8/21/2002 . CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2003 Budget Data Processing (6) PC's Server,backup,UPS, misc. CCO Multimedia Projector 1'ImmAL INFO,<;: . PW Administration Office Equipment - Laser Printer Office Furniture & Fixtures Front Office Remodel $3,300 $8,000 $11,300 mOTAL PW~'IMINISTRA1'!,!!II~t!l Water Access Fund Improvements: Refurbish Well #1 Watermain Replacement (1/4 core city project) Buildings (1/2) New Bldg for Water/Collections Oept. New Reservoir Roof General General Water Access Water Access Water Access Water Access WA TijiDEPARTMelllm Streets Motor Vehicles: (1/2) Bucket Truck New 1/2 ton pickup (Replace 88 Ford) Replace 88 Ford Plow Truck Replace 89 - 1 ton dump truck Equipment Add'l loader w/plow & wing Replace Rollerr Knuckle boom for post driver Improvements: Sealcoatin Program $12,000 $18,000 $100,000 $30,000 $160,000 $14,700 $8,000 $35,000 TOT ~L..Sm~t:ETS . 2003 BUDGET.XLS.Capital Outlay Items 8/22/2002 General General General General General General General General CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2003 Budget . Sewer Access Fund Improvements: Sewer line replacement (1/4) of core city project Buildings: (112) of new pole bldg for SewerlWater Dept $30,000 $30,000 Sewer Access Sewer Access Fire Department Unallocated TOTAL FIREQEPARTI\Il'li!r-rH Economic Development ECOfllQMIC DEVEIJ:i:'ij;:!IV!ENT . Community Center lmprovments Replace Iron Filter & Shower Motion Sensors Furniture & Fixtures: Replace Mississippi Room Tables (10) Office Equipment: Unallocated Computer Equipment: Unallocated Other Equipment: Kaivac machine for restroom cleaning Pressure washer Pool vacuum Ceiling Fans Gym Divider Curtain Large Tropical Tree (Pool) Lily Pad Walk (Pool) Floatable toy (Pool) $29,000 Communit Ctr Fund $6,000 Communit Ctr Fund $2,000 Community Ctr Fund $2,500 Community Ctr Fund $3,500 Communit Ctr Fund $1,000 Community Ctr Fund $4,000 Community Ctr Fund $5,000 Community Ctr Fund $12,000 Community Ctr Fund $2,500 Community Ctr Fund $25,000 Community Ctr Fund $2,000 Community Ctr Fund $94,SOQ Street Reconstruction Street Reconstr. Reserve (2nd year) - Previously budgeted $587,000 !J!QTAL ST8~E:T RECONS'rRUCTIi:'if;.! HRA Land Industrial Park Land Acquisition Reserve - 5th year (Previously Committed $300,000) $5,000 $~$';OOO . 2003 BUDGETXLSCapital Outlay Items:8/22/2002 . . .' CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2003 Budget Public Works Inspections Motor Vehicle: New 4x4 compact ex\. cab pickup Furniture & Fixtures: Mylar Hanging Files TOT"\lii,:,:::,II?UBLIC WOR Parks Motor Vehicles (1/2) Replacement Bucket Truck 3/4 ton pickup w/plow Replace 83 van Equipment: New Holland tractor attachments Box & tommy lift for 1 ton truck Skid Steer Improvements: County Road 18 Pathway ADA/Park Structure Improvements Pioneer Park Improvement West & East Bridge Park Impr. - Steps City Bailfields Fence Land for future athletic complex Groveland Park Development Tower ParkNailey View Park Development $12,000 $23,000 $22,000 $15,500 $12,000 $36,000 $30,000 $10,000 $20,000 $25,000 $15,000 $30,000 $60,000 $10,000 320,500 2003 BUDGETXLS;Capital Outlay Items 8/22/2002 Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Park Dedication Parks Parks Parks Parks Park Dedication Parks Parks . . .- CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2003 Budget Deputy Registrar Office Equipment: (3) Calculators Vacuum Cleaner Furniture & Fixtures: (5) Office Chairs Floor mats Customer Chairs Buildings: Bldg. Remodeling-Expansion Bldg_ Maintenance: Exterior Painting New Front/Rear Doors TOTAL DEPUTY R Community Celebrations (23) Replacement Banners (27) New Walnt Street Banners TOTAL C.C>I\IIM ELESRA TIONS Capital Outla Fund Land: Industrial Park Land Acquisition - 5th year (Previously Budgeted $265,000) Motor Vehicles: Reseve for future fire truck Buildings: Library Expansion - Phase I TQTA(.;.:CAPI7I'i'AL OUTLAY 2003 BUDGET.XLS;Capital Outlay Items 8/22/2002 General General General General General General General General General General General . CAPITAL OUTLAY FUNDS (Items Budgeted For Or Committed, But Not Yet Spent) Estimated Capital Outlay Reserve Balance as of 12/32/02 2002 Annual Sealcotaing Program (1/3) of City share of new fire truck (2nd year) (1/2) of ISTEA Bridge Funding Gap 2001 (1/3) of City share of new fire truck (1st year) Industrial Park Land Acquisition (4th year) Watermain Replacement - Broadway 1999 Industrial Park Land Acquisition - (3rd year) 1998 Industrial Park Land Acquisition (2nd year) River Front Park Reimbursement to HRA . 1997 Industrial Park Land Acquisition (1st year) Concession Bldg - Meadow Oak Park ESTIMATED 12-31-02 UNCOMMITTED FUNDS 2003 Budgeted Revenues: Taxes and Assessments 2003 Budget Expenditures: Industrial Park Land Acquisition (5th year) Fire Truck Purchase Reserve (3rd year) Library Expansion - Phase I 12-32-03 PROJECTED FUND BALANCE . $990,000 $35,000 $35,000 $87,500 $35,000 $90,000 $75,000 $25,000 $75,000 $35,000 $75,000 $12,000 $410,500 $185,000 ($100,000) ($35,000) ($500,000) ($39,500)