City Council Agenda Packet 11-08-1999 Special . . , . / AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 8, 1999 - 5:00 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to Order 2. Discussion of Community Center Debt Refinancing Options and Existing Debt Schedule Mark Ruff - Ehlers & Associates 3. Discussion of Year 2000 Budget and Tax Levy 4. Discussion of Five Year elP Budget 5. Adjourn . 2. Discussion of Communi Center Debt Refinancin 0 tions and Existin Debt Schedules _ Mark Ruff of Ehlers and Associates. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you know, the original financing for the Community Center debt was a two year temporary bond that will be payable February 1, 2001. Although this is a year away, it may be feasible tor the City to look at refinancing this temporary hond in the near future rather than waiting until next fall. Mark RulY of Ehlers and Associates, our financiaJ advisor for this bond issue, has been looking at options the Council may want to consider in setting up the term for the debt repayment. Mark has been looking at our existing debt issues and tax levy requirements for the existing debt and has come up with two ideas that he would like to review with the Council that could pay off the debt in thirteen or fifteen years for the Community Center. Under the shorter term, the combined debt levy for aJI of the current City debt could be structured to be ahout $60,000 annually less than what we are currently levying for the year 2000. By extending the Community Center debt an additional two ycars, our typical annual lcvy could be $150,000-$200,000 less than we arc levying next year. The longer term would allow a little cushion to add new debt in the future for projects that need financing witbout having our levy increase any higher than what it is today. . In conjunction with reviewing options for refinancing the Community Center bond, Mark will briefly review with the Council our existing debt structures and recommendations on early payment of the few bond issues that have surplus funds available. In addition, Mark will briefly review an idea of the City setting up a public improvement revolving fund with some additional surplus money that has been generated in our bond issues over the years. This discussion of our existing debt levy requiremcnts and the refinancing of the Community Center deht may be useful for the Council to consider when we look at our fIve year capital improvement program budget. As we will discuss later, potentiaJ tax levies required for debt to finance the capital improvement projects could range anywhere from $150,000~$300,000 or marc annually to finance all of the crp hudget. The longer we spread out payments on the Community Center debt, the more room we would have to add new debt for other projects without raising our tax levy higher than what it is today. One disadvantage to spreading out the Community Center deht too long is that this is our highest cost debt and we could save more interest cost if we keep the repayment tcrm to a shorter level. Of course the unknown factor is how much additional market value will there be in the future to help pay for any of these tax levy increases that may be needed? If the Council feels comfortable in giving direction to Ehlers on a refinancing length for the Community Center debt, we could give this direction to Ehlers at this time in preparation of proceeding with a hand sale in early January for both the Community Center debt and the general obligation bonds we need to finance our present projects. . rrI ~ 4 VI o (") @' - m :J (") ....... . '0 o 3 3 s::: :J ~ (') ro :J ro ~ . 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(D' III I\) o o o 3: o ::J - o' !!!. 0" :r o I: CIl :;' IrQ Q) ::J Q. ;:0 CD Q. m ~ o "C 3 CD ::J - J> &:: - ~ o ... ~ ~-L 2CA) ~ ~'< ~(1) 6'D.) 2,-, (ij" ~ ..... ~.CD ::J-, J3 -. . MEMO MONTICELLO TO: Mayor and Coul1cilmembers FROM: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator DATE: November 3, 1999 RE: Budget Workshop Meeting - 5 p.m. November 8, 1999 Review of Revised 2000 Proposed Budget Based on om last budget worksbop session, a preliminary levy and budget for tbe year 2000 was adopted that provided for a 5% increase in om levy to a new total of $4,848,611. This amounted to a $230,886 increase in actual dollars to be ca1Jeeted, if the 5% increase remains. At om last workshop, the Council approved adding the additional $230,000 to the budget with the idea of having additional meetings to discuss whether the full amount should remain in our final levy. As you may recall, I noted that the City will need to sell a general obligation improvement bond in early 2000 to COver the City's share of various projects we have initiated in I 999 . My estimate of the ann ual debt payment from property taxes was $125,000 per year wh i ch could be taken from the additional $230,000 added to our preliminary levy. Earmarking the $ I 25,000 for th is future debt payment wou Id leave approxi matel y $1 05,000 uoalloeated at th is time. At our last workshop, the general consensus of the Council was that we may want to consider eliminating funding for the Central Minnesota Initiative Fund tor next year of $6,500 and to consider reducing the MC? contribution by $10,000 to a new total of$25,000. The idea would be to slowly reduce the City's funding of the MCr Over the next few years until the organization could become selt:'sufJicient. The only other change hom our last meeting is that I have added $2,500 under community development to provide funding for public relations and general information advertising that the City may want to do to promote various City functions throughout the year. These changes result in a net reduction of $14,000 in our general fund tax levy reg uirements and when added to the $1 05,886 unalloeated amount of the 5 % increase, the total available funds for other Uses would be $119,886. It would be my suggestion that the final budget and tax levy be Iell at the preliminary amount of $4,848,611 with the $125,000 being earmarked towards covering the cost of issuance or first years intercst payment on the new general obligation bond we wi1J have to se1J and with the bal anee of the funds bei ng unallocated at th is time for nnforseen expenses. Whi Ie there might be a variety of nses the $119,000 could be used for, some that come to mind include having funds available for: . North Anchor Land Acquisition (If a property comes up unexpectedly). . Industrial Park Land Acquisition Funding. 3 Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245. (612) 295-271/ . Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (612) 295-3170 . Fax: (6/2) 271-3272 '. . Reserve for expenditurcs or unexpected costs associated with various lawsuits thc City is currently involved with. At the last workshop, the Council direction was to request that the Parks Commission go hack and look at the list of projects and activities they were proposing lor next year and to prioritize their list of improvements to work within the budget all Owed of $144,500. The spec ifi c cquipment and/or project proposed by the Parks Commission are outlined in the capital outlay summary sheet attached. Many of the capital projects that were not able to be funded in the 2000 budget have been simply added to the capital improvement program budget for the year 200 I. It is Iikcl y that further prioriti7"tion of thesc expend i lures wi II need to be addressed when We discuss the ClP program later. · Reserve for uncertainties or unexpected costs relating to the operation oftlie new community center during Our first year of operation. . The missing information from Our previous workshop related to the City's overall market value and tax capacity value for next year. In a recent cooversation with the County Assessor our total tax capacity val uation for next year will drop sl ightJy from 1999's valuation to $ I 3,850,763. This about a $38,000 reduction. In order to give the Council an idea of what effect our new tax capacity valuation will have on Our tax levy, I have prepared a scliedule of various property market values showiug the taxes they would have paid in 1999 versus the taxes they would pay in the year 2000. For most property owners, the net tax, if their market val Ue stayed the same. would be lower next year than What they were paying in 1999. The same is true for commercial and industrial properties. The schedule also shows What residential property owners would pay for a sim i larval ued home if it Was increased 5% in val uati on. Our 2000 budget and tax levy hearing is scheduled tor 5 p.m. on December 8, 1999. As l noted earl ier, I fee I it is reasonable to propose a linal levy for that hearing of $4,848,61 ! which amounts to the 5% increase in dOllars to he collected. The actual increase to a property OWner would likely be less than a 5% increase, depending on how much their market value may have changed. For those properties that did not have a suhstantia! iocrease io market value, the taxes they pay could actual be less than 1999 taxes. Even with market values of homes going up 5%, the actual increase will be less than 5% hecause of changes in how individual properties tax capacity values are calculated. If the Council needs additional time to discuss and review budget modifications, We can simply schedule an additional meeting workshop prior to December 8th. Attachments: Financial Documents . Parks General Library Transportation Shade Tree OM HRA Debt Service Capital Imp. Revolving Community Center 'fCi>TAE TAX LEVY SUMMARY 2000 BUDGET ALL FUNDS Revised..ft5 $270,039 ~~~<.~.ar1~'~20~Q 1~~~t~~;L~y~ ~fterf)edl,lctihg IiAGA $458,171 $2,266,639 $32,790 $21,722 $0 $4,425 $15,790 $1,264,135 $244,886 $540,053 $14;$\4$,611 . Net Levy Decrease to Cover Debt Net Levy Increase for Non'debt Portion of Budget Net Certified Levy Decrease/Increase Maximum Levy Allowed Remaining Levy Authority Available $86,208 $144,678 $230,886 $5,209,203 $360,592 Payable 1995 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1996 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1997 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2000 Tax Capacity Rate 94/Payab/e 1995 $15,586,930 28.228 $2,841,185 95/payable 1996 $15,792,922 18.509 $2,922,800 96/Payable 1997 $15,993,989 19.136 $3,059,880 97/Payable 1998 $14,413,597 27.001 $3,883,013 98/Payab/e 1999 $13,123,681 35.186 $4,617,725 99/Payable 2000 $13,085,763 37.053 $4,848,611 18.228 18 509 19.136 27.001 35.186 37.053 COMMENTS: 'Community Cemer budget levy includes $562,750 for debt service and $177,303 for operations with a transfer from Liquor Fund of $200,000 (Net Levy Required =: $540,053) 2000 Budgetxls:Tax Levy Summary: 11/03/1999 -1- . REVENUE SOURCES All Funds, 2000 Budget Liquor Sales 17.9% Misc .02% Refunds 0.2% Special Asmts 4.1% Taxes 34.5% Transfers 9.7% Fines 0.1% Charges 19.7% Lic&Permits 2.3% Interest 3.0% . Taxes Taxes - TIF Inter-Gov't (State Aids) Licenses & Permits Charges for Services Fines/Charges Transfers Interest Misc. Liquor Sales Refunds & Reimb. Special Assessments TOTAL $4,848,611 $705,850 $463,909 $318,925 $2,775,892 $22,500 $1,366,622 $417,320 $34,164 $2,522,650 $45,000 $576,713 $14,098,156 . DA WNIBUDGET /CIP ADDNS:Chart-Rev Sources:10128/1999 2 . EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY All Funds 2000 Budget Transfers 9.9% Personal Services 17.8% SUpplies 2.6% Debt Service 28.7% Capital Outlay 3.5% . Salaries & Benefits Supplies Other Services Capital Outlay Debt Service Transfers Liquor Products TOTAL $2,466,692 $354,225 $3,315,552 $478,661 .. $3,977,318 .... $1,366,622 $1,878,075 $13,837,145 -Includes additional $105,BB6that was added to preliminary levy and unallocated at this time. -- Includes addmonal $125,000 that was added to preliminary levy for estimated debt payment On new G.O. Bond to be issued in Jan. 2000. OAWNlBUDGET.CIPAOONS:CHART_EXP BY ACT:10/2B11999 -3- . REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 2000 BUDGET REVISED - #5 . General $3,3/2,425 $3,324,425 $3,5/5,770 $3,515,770 Parks $670,6IW $670,680 $468,17/ $468, / 7/ Lihrary $32,2<)5 $32,295 $32,790 $32,790 Tr<lnSportation $74,900 $74,900 $89,300 $89,300 Shade Tree $8,/60 $67,735 $3,665 $43, /20 Community Center $516,650 $5/6,650 $/,20<),110 $1,209,110 UDJ\G $8,3 70 $0 $10,130 $0 OAA $8,200 $R,200 $5,700 $5,700 HRA $41 <),7<)5 $395,755 $752,480 $4/ /'630 FDA $41,540 $7,120 $37,%0 $7,000 SCl'RG $6,180 $0 $6,805 $0 CMIr $140 $0 $145 $0 Debt Service $3,)06,759 $3,50/ ,33 I $3,222,970 $3,R52,3/8 Liquor $2,080,675 $/,998,570 $2,531,225 $2,345,440 Water $279,500 $464,380 $306,875 $539,<)35 Sewer $6%,115 $1,860,765 $737,080 $/,804,475 Cemdery $23, <)?5 $37,050 $23,090 $3 1 ,2<)0 Capita/Improvements $82,180 $82,000 $356,<)16 $0 W<lter ACcess $104,400 $0 $146,000 $25,000 Storm Sewer Access $/81,450 $0 $/74,760 $0 S,"it"y Sew", Ace", $405,780 1745,800 1698,JOO 1535,(){)0 .. 'TT;WZ';, "IWWii'il"ilWHllNlnnllr'urm'5 f5WHr, TO!l'A,4, il". , · i , 5.1 %" ,g'9j~,~~ * ** COMMENTS: * Includes $1 ,OR8, 185 Depreciation - contrihuted <IS sets sewer **lncJudes .$235,605 Depreci<ltion - contrihuted assets W<ltcr 2000 BUdgetxlsRevnue & Exp, Sum:11/04/1999 -4- . - - . SUMMARY OF PROJECTED REVENUES EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES (Cash and Investments) REVISED #5 . < " .< < ii' >>, ,!':< if Un d . Parks Fund General Library Tree OAA Water Water Access Sewer Sewer Access Transportation Liquor Capital Outlay Revolving BRA UDAG EDA SCERG CMIF > < ,> ... " Storm Sewer Access Cemetery Community Center Fund [;,: ...."....;f';;:;j:,..,: .t;; ) I> ..) ,< .>' .'...i . ~~p!eftf~ < .'! ..,<'! li'i'.') )'!~r ~r ~c:~ " t;.12/3li/4Q~Q ; < $ ] 00 $468,17 J $468, ] 7 J $100 $2,941,900 $3,515,770 $3,515,770 $2,941,900 $2,475 $34,290 $34,290 $2,475 $47,980 $3,665 $43,120 $8,525 $10,530 $5,700 $5,700 $10,530 $271,865 $306,875 $304,330 $274,4 J 0 $567,685 $ 146,000 $396,000 $317,685 $357,280 $73 7,080 $716,290 $378,070 $1,450,480 $698, 100 $535,000 $ 1 ,613,580 $100 $89,300 $89,300 $ ] 00 $214,480 $2,531,225 $2,345,440 $400,265 $877,480 $356,9] 6 $0 $ 1 ,234,396 $139,040 $752,480 $431,630 $459,890 $196,370 $ 10,130 $0 $206,500 $419,420 $37,960 $7,000 $450,380 $157,830 $6,805 $0 $164,635 $540 $145 $0 $685 $333,100 $174,760 $712,850 -$204,990 $2,250 $23,090 $31,290 -$5,950 $0 $1,209,110 $1,209,110 $0 '!L;li~J!iiil"i; ~[1{f~HnH.tm1 !!H~2Enn ''!;r > > .,i . Debt Service General Obligation Bonds Special Assessment Bonds Tax Increment Bonds $2,00 I ,295 $1,124,250 $94,025 ,'.:<...:I..i....~...~.....:.:.:"....' ...'i) $2,078,115 $1,074,601 $1,735,000 $3,009,322 $236,725 $ J 32,388 .ii:ti<i;< .~,F,<'<~!rn;fff-..-'- TOT A LS $13,037,486 $14,327,142 $14,895,131 $12,469,497 2000 BUdget.Xls:Cash&Investments: 11/04/1999 -5- . GENERAL HINO SUMMARY 20110 RUDGET REVISED - #5 . REVENliE 1999 20110 TAXES Current Ad VaJorem $2.100,23S $2.266.639 Penalty/l nterest $ I. 000 $UOO Tax InerementsnKmart $77.900 $0 TC1J0).I;TA.2<E$ ..........i Ii .ii ::ii .ii'i/.i l::f.i'.~~l:1,17:;!, ..Hli .,i....,.,.....f7i $Z:Z{ig,] ~9 LICENSES & PERMITS - BtlSINESS Liquor $25./00 $28.850 Beer $1.025 $775 Setups $300 $50 TC;r~[\1} ~;1 C:E~ S:~S&;PER,MIT$ lBCJSlj\l12sS [ '."'. ..... ..i.... ......... ....,2 m...,. iiii..ii.i.ii/. LICENSES & PERMITS - NON-BlISINESS nuilding Permits $210,000 $2XO.000 Variances/C'onditional Uses $2,100 $3.000 Dog Licenses $250 $250 Others hsoO $6.000 TQ't.At LIC'Ef\jSES &:. PEI$Mr~$ ; NOKl-BUSI , ..,......iii/t21.8,15~ 'i.iii ....... ..... ....... $l:18Q,2$O IN'rER-G()V ERN MENTAl, Fire Department Aid $46,400 $47,450 Police Department Aid $IS,500 $20,000 Slme Highway Aid $43,000 $57.000 State Aids - Other (PERA) $6.740 $6,740 Slate Aids - IIACA $266.562 $270,039 State Aids - IliA $S.162 'tQIAL IN:n:;R;GOVER,KlM~J\fJ;0).I.!. ......i.i ...,......i.i 'i"i'i'. ...........$3$1;7<17 Iii i.'i..i...iii $.40?,39 J CHARGES FOR SERVICES General Ciovernment $1,500 $2.500 Public Safety (Township Contract) $67.355 $71.64) Streets - CS;\l1 maintenance $9,000 $8.700 Deputy Registrar $1 15,000 $120,000 Other $500 $300 Subdivision Fees $7.500 $7.000 Special Processing Fee (Garbage) $50.000 $60,000 Recycling Incentive $7.000 $7,000 Inspection Fees $35.000 $35,000 Garbage Cart Rental $1 1.000 $2S,OOO 1:0:r'<<;L.qf41{~rnSiFORS!;R;Ylt gs I;..:: ff;.::-; ..,...,.....iiiii.i$3~OlI4~ FINES Animal Impoundment $15,000 $19,000 'I'9H:AJ;; elJ\fE$ .......... ..........iiP; iii ..,...... ......... ........ i iiiiii..ii!/; 1< ()O(l""<. iiiiii.ii $1 Qlb<10 MISCELLANEOIIS REVENUE Interest on Investments $128,XSO $/02.370 Sale of Property $475 $500 Other &; Rental &; Property $14.300 $12,300 1'f)'!:AI}IV1I.SQEl}lfA.r\JEOClSRlE\iiEr\Jl!E i .".,.,..ii i/.!/; 143;65$ Ii .i....ii.~II.$.17(). REFIINDS & REIMBlIRSEMENTS Other Reimbursements $45,000 $45.000 tqJ}!LRt;FIJr\J!?S .~ .RI;Il\ifatJaEie:l\iff;~'Fs lii?i>?i> .$4$.;~IJ~I?i?iiii TC)]'{\lyGEKl HR[\IZI:'IJNDRE VElIJ'lJE . 2000 BudgetxlsGeneral Fund SUmmary-Rev 11/03/1999 -6- GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $34,550 $34,065 Administration $300,750 $312,510 Finance $150,805 $157,045 Insurance $67,390 $74,650 Audit $13,500 $13,750 Legal $51,675 $60,425 Planning & Zoning $213,750 $275,840 I nspections--B uild i ng Official $190,470 $169,540 Assessing $19,700 $23,475 Deputy Registrar $118,380 $119,870 City Hall $37,025 $35,890 Computer $86,100 $87,555 Elections $0 $8,325 TOTAL GENl:Rk\L;C?qVERNMENTcci ~Ci I iCCi$1;.<!84,095 I .... ..7$1,372;940 PUBLIC SAFETy Law Enforcement $390,875 $406,830 Fire $185,120 $191,000 Civil Defense $9,620 $8,960 Animal Control $40,675 $41,075 JeJk\~Pl1J~L!Q~AffjP::V Trffffc: it: if. Yf t f t:$1326,2g0 .....i r>$~7,$65 PUBLIC WORKS Inspection $103,965 $119,225 Public Works Administration $128,480 $132,245 Streets & Alleys $320,940 $291,420 Snow & Ice $56,210 $118,890 Parking Lots $4,500 $5,300 Street Lighting $81,600 $94,500 Shop & Garage $127,200 $108,500 Refuse Collection $282,960 $374,565 Engineering $70,000 $100,000 JeTALPUBLlCV\1C)RKS> :>- C--rr>ic-C;ffcTIr .t;.$n75,855 ;T .... $1:344,1349 HEAL TH & WELFARE Senior Citizens Center $37,000 $37,500 YMCA/Community Education $25,000 $25,000 Information Center/Museum $1,695 $1,695 TOTALfll=~CJ~~'~I=!J.FAlRe fifrr ffrrrrfrt.r < ...rr--$~~,6~q 'T--- f /$64,195 PARKS & RECREATION Parks & Recreation/Cemetery (now separate fund) TOTAL PARKS & RECREA TrON $0 $0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development $164,490T $73,625 "!Q1Mi t;!<Wt"lIRir,y l>;;l!'U)~ r j< r , _____________;! C c E: , t1M4~Q l'TTI , $73,625 MISCELLANEOUS M iscella neous--Severance Benefits $10,000 $12,500 reJALMISCl:I::LANEQUS fCTTIT .iii .>.ifCfCf/t'c...r.>iIt77 .rt$1~,000ff;i ---C $' 2, 500 . . ....... GENERAl:: FUND SUMMARY 2000 BUDGET REVISED - #5 :XPENDITURES 1999 200~ TC:lliAlGEN8RP.l: FUNOI=XWENDITl:JaES ...... $,3;3a4;425 2000 BUdget.x/s:General Fund Sum-Exp: 11 /03/1999 -7- REVISED - #5 . PARK FUND SUMMARY 2000 BUDGET EXPENDITURES 1999 2000 Salaries $176,280 $195,355 Benefits $42,200 $44,080 Supplies - Operating $20,950 $27,500 Bldg/EquipNeh Repair Supplies $6,100 $8,000 Pathway Maint Fund $20,000 $20,000 Misc. Professional Services $5,700 $5,500 Telephone $4,000 $4,000 Travel/Co nf/Schoo Is/D ues $1,250 $1 ,400 Public Info/Advertising $1,500 $1 ,500 Utilities $10,800 $10,800 Repair & Maint - Bldg & Equip $7,500 $7,000 Uniform Rental $1,000 $2,300 Misc. & Community Celebrations $900 $6,350 Capital Outlay - Equipment $26,500 $53,000 Capital Outlay - Improvements $316,000 $81,386 TOTAL PARK FUND $640,680 $468,171 . REVENUE Ad Valorem Taxes $458,171 Park Dedication Fees $10,000 $468,171 . 2000 Budgetxls:Park Fund Summary:11/04/1999 -8- . . fi!l:M Broom Attachment Taro Mower ~eopt a-f'dlk ~'lJ91"Ol'A Riverfest Celebration Replacement 1-ton truck with dump Bleacher Retrofitting Snow Blower attachment for John Deer 935 Blower Attachment - Ford Tractor Lighting (2) Fields @ NSP Park Cardinal Hills Tot lot Playstructure & landscaping Prairie/Otter Creek Play Structures - 4th Street Park & Parwest Park $3,500 /j,; r $5,000 $5,000 $35,000 $10,000 $4,500 $6,000 $35,000 $10,000 $2,000 $28,500 $.144,S60 /.:? B.,::oo $397,775 TOTAL - All DEPARTMENTS Note: ReviSion #5 last budget workshop added another $105,886 that could be Used somewhere (Unal/ocated) 2000 BUdget.X/s:Capital Outlay Items: 11/03/1999 -13- General 2000 Community Center Budget - Proposed . REVENUES: . User fees 148.357 Membership Fees 214.100 RoomlSj)aCe Rental 30.000 Concessions 42.000 Other Service Revenue 3.000 Gift Certificate Sales Vending Machine Revenue II 6.000 ,~rcgram Revenue ! 10.000 IChildcare Revenue I 15.000 National Guard Revenue :, 600 Cash Over Grant ApproPriations TOTOAL REVENUe 469.057 EXPENSES: Salaries - Fulltime 144.440 Salaries - Parttlme 168.234 Salaries - Temporary Para Contributions 12.773 FICA Contributions 19.386 Medicare Contributions 4.534 Health/Dental/Ufe Insurance 27.810 U.C. Benefit Payments 500 Worker's Camp Benefit Pmt ProQram Operating costs 2.500 Mise Office sypplies 2.000 Cleaning Supplies 12.000 Chemical Products 10.000 Mise Operating SUPplies Landscaping Materials Prof Services - CustOdial 5.000 Malntenance__agreements Mise Professional Services 1.600 Telephone 8.500 Travel ExjJense 500 Conference & Schools 1.500 Freight Advertising 11.000 General PUblic Information Brochures 4.000 P~ Insurance 14.083 Electrfc 60.000 Gas 66,000 Repair & Mtc - BUilding 2.000 Repair & Mtc ~ Mach & Equip 2.000 equipment Rental 2.000 Uniform Rental 4.000 -9- . . Insurance TOTAL EXPENSES NET Revenues as % of Expen_ 500 1.000 o o 500 4.000 o 5.000 15.000 31.500 2.500 846,360 1n,303 ~ T tJGo~ ~ic f 73% ..:.--' -10- . E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 E19 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27 E28 E29 E30 E31 E32 E33 E34 E35 E36 E37 E38 E39 E40 E41 E42 E43 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 E49 E50 E51 E52 E53 E54 E55 E56 E57 E58 TOTAL EXPENSES NET Revenues as % of Expenses 2000 Community Center Budget - Proposed REVENUES: User fees 148,357 Membershio Fees 214,100 ROOm/Space Rental 30,000 Concessions 42,000 Other Service Revenue 3,000 Gift Certificate Sales Vending Machine Revenue 6,000 Program Revenue 10,000 Childcare Revenue 15,000 National Guard Revenue 600 Cash over Grant ApproPriations TOTAL REVENUE 469,057 EXPENSES: Salaries - Fulltime 144,440 Salaries - Parttime 168,234 Salaries - T empOra,y Pera Contributions 12,773 FICA Contributions 19,386 Medicare Contributions 4,534 HealthlDentallllfe Insurance 27,810 U.C. Benefit Payments 500 Worker's Comp Benefit pmt PrOOram operating costs 2,500 Mise Office supplies 2,000 Cleaning SUpplies 12,000 Chemical Products 10,000 Mise Operating Supplies Landscap/ng- Materials Prof Services - Custodial 5,000 Maintenance aareements Mise Professional Services 1,600 Telephone 8,500 Travel Expense 500 Conference & Schools 1,500 Freight Advertisina 11,000 General Public Infonnation Brochures 4,000 PropertY Insurance 14,083 Electric 60,000 Gas 66,000 Repair & Mtc - Building 2,000 Repair & Mtc - Mach & EQUip 2,000 EciUipment Rental 9,600 Unifonn Rental 4,000 Dues, Mbrships, sUbserip 500 Improvements Fumiture & Fixtures Office EauIDment other Eauioment lease Pmt to HRA - Prine lease Pmt to HRA - Interest Prizes 1,000 Prof Serv - Website/email 0 Prof Serv - Lawn Services 0 Prof Serv - Newsletter 500 Postage 4,000 Radio Units 0 Mise Printlna Generalliabilitv-'nsurance Cash Short Uncollectible Checks Riverfest Walk & Roll Computer Equipment Credit Card % 5,000 Bad Debt Prof Services - laundrv- 15,000 Concessions P-rodUctlsupolies 31,500 Openino Exoenses 2,500 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 . . 653,960 -184,903 72% . SUMMARY DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 2000 BUDGET FORECAST Revised - #5 REVENUE 1999 2000 Current ad valorem: Interest: Special assmt. - County: Transfer in - Tax Increment Transfer in - Liquor Fund (Community Ctr. Bond) Transfer in - Community Center Fund Transfer in - Sewer access fUnd (WWTP Note) Transfer in - 93 Fire Hall Refundng Bond $1,302,927 $106,225 $835,802 $249,850 $200,000 $361,925 $450,000 $0 $1,264,135 $134,355 $457,858 $103,150 $0 $562,750 $500,000 $200,722 EXPENDITURES 1999 2000 . Principal $2,042,455 $2,407,546 Interest $1,430,471 $1,433,598 Paying agent fees $8,730 $7,974 Interest Expense $19,675 $3,200 . 2000 Budget.xls: Debt Service Fund Forecast: 11/04/1999 -11- CAPITAL OUTlA Y INCLUDED UNDER OPTION #5 COST( FUND liTEM . Administration Typewriter Commercial Shredder Dictaphone (Portable) Data Processing 2000 Sheet Tray for Laser Printer Deskjet Color Printer AS 400 Printer (In place of forms burster) Four (4) P.C.'s $1,200 $2,500 $325 $4,025 General $1,300 $400 $4,000 $10,000 $15,700 General PW Inspections Large CADD Printer $6,000 General ShQJ2 Replacement pressure washer $6,000 General Replacement air compressor $4,500 $10,500 Refuse (1000) Garbage carts $62,000 General (450) Sets recycling bins $10,000 . $72,000 .stmet New crack router $8,000 General Overlay 3rd Street Parking Lot $20,000 $28,000 Snowllce Second 1/2 of new plow truck (Original Budget $47,500) $68,000 Library Shelving - Bookcases(Original budget had $12000 for ADA Imp.) $4,350 Library Fire DeDartment (5) Airpacks $7,600 General Balance of video imaging camera $8,100 $15,700 Economic Development MCP Contributions $25,000 General Banners $4,000 $29,000 . 2000 Budget.xls:Capital Outlay Items:11/03/1999 -12- . . . CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND ITEMS BUDGETED FOR OR COMMITTED BUT NOT SPENT YET I Year I Item I Dollar Amount 1999 Library Building/Window Repairs $58,000 MCP Contributions - Matching $35,000 Future Industrial Park Land Acquisition (3rd year) $25,000 Central Minnesota Initiative Fund Request $2,000 1998 Funding for land acquisition along river $35,000 Future industrial park land acquisition (2nd year) $75,000 Klein Farms Park $36,000 Additional ball fields - NSP Park $40,000 River Park enhancements $60,000 1997 River Park enhancements $20,000 Pathways - River Road to Middle School $15,000 Pathways - Ellison Park to Mississippi Drivc $30,000 Concession Building - Meadow Oak Park $12,000 Future industrial park land acquisition (1 s( year) $75,000 1996 Pathway - Meadow Oak (Y;) $15,000 County Road 118 pathway $15,000 Parking lot - Meadow Oak (1/3) $13,000 1996 Sewer interceptor reserve $80,000 1995 Sewer interceptor reserve $60,000 1994 Sewer interceptor reserve $60,000 1993 Sewer interceptor reserve $100,000 Total interceotor reserve $300,000 I I II TOTAL COMMITTED FUNDS I i $861,000 I II OA WN/WORDPROC/fIUOGET X/13/99 -14- . . . 010 .!: 0 "0 0 c: N (\3 - OOM ..... - :J N 0..... gj .!: 0 ... Q) 0 Q) :J 0 cON (tj c: c. .- 0 '(3 Q) 0 c: :J ~ (to C/') C/') w Z o w t- mo OWO ....IO~ ....Iz. W -- uu.C? t-O~ Zt-_ OZO :!:ww u.:!:t) O~w ~~a uC/')C::: O~ w z m :!: o u 1i5 c: 0) Q) "0 Ol Cii 'm m Ea........ (\3 c: C. ,- m '(3 "0 Ol c: .- Ol ._ (\3 ..... c:a.. Olm , !: m "Om c: ..... 12;:: rI) M "SN 0..... "0 C:oo <t: Q) :J ..c: rI) 'S.!!! <t: "0 ~ ~ 0::: rI) rI) Q) c: "0 Q) :c Q) "0 c: "0 Q) "0 c: o [IJ o o 0, 1O '<t <.D fI'T M ..... o o M fI'T o o o o m ..... fI'T ..... 1O ..... o 1O fI'T o o o 1O r-- ..... fI'T o o o 1O M co fI'T o o 0, o r-- ..... '<t fI'T o o 0, 1O o ~ 1O fI'T rI) "0 C o [IJ c: .2 ro .2' :n o ~ Q) c (]) (9 o o 0, o o <.D, r-- fI'T r-- N r--, 1O <.D M fI'T o o o 1O <.D M, ..... fI'T M M 1O ..... r-- ("') fI'T o o 0, o o o ..... fI'T o o o lO' <.D 0) co' fI'T o o o c:O r-- 0) ..0 ..... fI'T o o o ("')' '<t 0) '<t' N fI'T en "0 c: o [IJ C (]) E rI) en Q) en (/J <t: (tj '(3 (]) c. cr; >< (\3 f-- c: o ~ (]) .2' 15 :02 o c ~ (]) (]) ~ a; u (9 c: o fI'T o fI'T o fI'T o fI'T o fI'T o fI'T o o o d M fI'T o o o N' M fI'T >< (\3 f-- c: o (/J ~-g .2' 0 :n [IJ o c ~ ~ ~ ~ (]) U (9 c: o o o o o '<t fI'T ..... ..... <.D cri ("') fI'T o o 0, 1O 0) ..... fI'T ..... M ..... ("') 1O fI'T o o o o M N fI'T o o o lO' 0'> 1O fI'T o o o o o N, N fI'T o o o 1O 0) r-- N fI'T , , (]) 15 2 c o ~ .2' :n o ma.. as f-- c: 5 05 r-- '<t ..... ..0 ..... r--, M ..... fI'T r-- '<t r-- '<t r-- 1O fI'T co 0) ("'), r-- 0) '<t fI'T co ("') co, '<t 0) 1O fI'T 1O 1O '<t r--: co '<t fI'T 1O '<t 1O N ..... N '<t ..... fI'T 1O 1O '<t_ r-- co '<t fI'T o o 0, o o r--, '<t ..... fI'T ....J <t: I- o I- [IJ => cr; r-- '<t ..... o <.D ("') d N fI'T co m o o ..... o ..... fI'T co 0) M r--' '<t N d loA- M 1O <.D 0)' <.D ~ ..... fI'T 1O 1O '<t, N 0) co ..... fI'T 1O '<t U1 r-- o <.D, '<t N fI'T 1O 1O '<t, r-- <.D co d N fI'T o o o ..0 r-- '<t, r-- '<t loA- n c: Cii S C Q) c3 ~ p~ ,- (]) 5 0::: E (]) E rI) o (\3 u~ o o o <n' co ("') r--- fI'T 1O N ("') N M ("') loA- o 1O <n ..... N N fI'T o o o ..0 co M r-- loA- o o o ..0 co M r--' fI'T r-- '<t ..... 1O '<t 1"-:. 0) N tf} M N '<t, N '<t ("'), ..... fI'T co 0'> ("'), r-- '<t N. N fI'T ("') o N, ...... 0) N. ...... loA- 1O 1O '<t d 0'> co ..... fI'T <n '<t 1O d 0'> 0) I Lr1 ...... I ..... ("') loA- <n 1O '<t_ r-- <.D co, N N loA- o o o o <.D co, '<t <n fI'T '0 (]) 1ij .s; tii \;U '" '" " "' iJj ><! f- '" w o z ~ w (') o ::J '" is <( w tr D- U) is z w tr ~ u.. . . . 2000 Budget Comparison of Statistical Data (a) % of total proposed budget representing total compensation for employees (wages, salaries, benefits, etc.) Total budget -- all funds Total budgeted salaries/benefits 17.03% $8,728,958 $1,486,670 17.61% $9,849,651 $1,735,060 14.09% $13,787,656 $1,942,755 16.52% $14,930,049 $2,466,692 (b) Number of Employees - FT (Gent 25 29 31 35 Number of Employees - PT (Gen) 4 5 7 19 Number of Employees - FT (Liq) 3 3 3 3 Number of Employees - PT (Liq) 6 6 6 6 'Classification - Administration ~ Finance - Deputy Registrar - Inspections - Public Works Admin. - Streets - Economic Development - Water - Parks - Community Center 6 3 1 3 2 5 1 3 1 o 6 3 1 4 2 5 1 3 4 o 6 3 1 5 2 5 1 3 5 o 6 3 1 5 2 5 1 3 5 4 (c) Budget data on independent contractors and consultants. City Attorney ~ Dennis Dalen $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 $13,000 Planner - Northwest Consultants $6,000 $25,000 $35,000 $80,000 Engineer (non-project) - WSB $10,000 $10,000 $70,000 $100,000 Police - Wright County Sheriff $323,475 $333,325 $390,875 $406,830 WWTP Operations - PSG Inc $427,000 $440,000 $484,000 $528,145 Animal Control - Patty Salzwedel $27,725 $28,475 $29,450 $30,350 City Hall Cleaning $6,500 $10,000 $5,520 $7,200 Garbage ~ Superior Services $132,500 $105,000 $110,000 $125,000 Recycling - Superior Services $46,000 $56,000 $54,000 $63,000 Assessor - Wright County $15,600 $16,250 $19,550 $23,475 2000BUDGET.XLS:Comparison-statistical data:11/03/1999 -16- . . (/) c: o .~ m <l E 08 -l x -l m wI- oj f- Q) Z E o 13 ~u "<'l LLu o 1!l >-~ f- E o~ ~ c: II.l u 'ifj II.l a:: . II.l E o I <n II.l ::l rn > ~ c: II.l u ifj II.l a:: ., o o o N E 0> 0> 0> o ~ g E N.g <Ii > II.l m~ ~> Qi -.= m ~ .S; II.l '" m II.l o S ~ in m (/) II.l E ::l ~ i'2 ~~~ '-J al (/) m a ~ ~ g .., CijO;R >N", :5 ~ II.l ::l m > ~o 00 OlO <IN m U x m I- ~ II.l -=' m > .f; 0> 00> m 0> <l~ m o x m I- II.l E o I a <1)0> ::l~ ...J~ <( 1-- Q) -.= Z m w~ C u; w 0::: x m I- a o a N Q) Z "'I'" (") 0 "',0> co '<t "'<")<DO> W W 617 (/) II.l ::l m > >, ."=' 0 00 mO <l N m U x m I- o "'coco ONCOCO coo.ri'<l'r--: O><.O'<t<") '<taco'" ~-~-~ N "7 <r.> "7 ..... 0000 L()OL{)l.,{) ....."'.......... o-.".j ~ "" NO>'<tCO ~....~~ <I> "7"7 x m I- o o o N V Z O.....N..... N<.O'<tco "'(")<DCO ..... ..... "" '" 0000 "'0"'''' ('f)~(Y'")("") 00>(")0> '<t.0>..... <") Efl ~- N ..... "7 "7 x ol I- 0> 0> 0> Q) Z ~N<DCO (")....."'0 "'<")<.00> V> <I> ..... ~e;-~~ \,) \'<) ~ ~ 0"'00 (")0.....'" '<t,0......_'<t_ ~~~N <r.> <I> ..... ..... 0000 0000 0000 o.ri'o..o..o ~01('t')t'-- ~V>~~ ..... ..... 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G" ~ Oi >::: <( m '" 0 '" m m E E ."" -" III III ~ !;U ,i I , - I I ., . ..~ ~ MEMO MONTICELLO TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator DATE: November 1, 1999 RE: Third Budget Workshop - November 8, 1999 - 5 p.m. Review of Five- Year Capital Improvement Program Budget As part of the budget process, the five year capital improvement program was started last year in an attempt to outline the expected upcoming expenditures that the City may face for various improvements and equipment replacements. The five year plan has now been updated by one year and reflects the Council's direction from our first budget workshops regarding capital outlay expenditures and includes the department head's best idea of projects and improvements that we . will need to consider through 2004. In addition to providing the Council and staff with an idea of when projects or improvements are being planned in the future, the CIP budget is intended to provide the stafT with a document that can be llsed to begin preparation of capital outlay expenditures for upcoming budgets. If the Council feels that the expenditures proposed in the capital improvement program are unlikely to be funded or completed as planned, it may be better for the Council to modify the ClP in more detail to reflect what funding level may be appropriate for the upcoming year. Although adoption of a five year capital improvement program does not guarantee that the projects can be done in those years, there should be some realistic expectation that the projects can be considered in the years indicated or there may not be a benefit to the CI P program document. Department heads are relying on this document to help them begin preparation of each year's budget, and if it is unrealistic to expect funding to be approved, we need to spend more time in preparation of this document prior to approval. The five year CIP that 1 put together is a continuation of the plan we developed last year and also includes new items department heads may have added to their list. 'rhe capital outlay listed under the year 2000 correlates to the capital outlay included in our 2000 year budget as previously discussed by the Council. Many of the items that were initially planned for in the year 2000 have been delayed for one year and may have been added to the year 200 I budget. This is the reason why the total expenditures in the year 200 I exceed $4.8 million compared to . the proposed $1.4 million in the year 2000. Lf Monticello City Hall. 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245 . (612) 295-2711 . Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Puhlic Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (612) 295-3170 . Fax: (612) 271-3272 . . . Mayor and Councilmembers November 1,1999 Page 2 In an effort to provide a more realistic indication to the Council as to what the actual annual cost of the CIP budget is, I have prepared additional Schedules Band C under the Statement of Sources and Uses which attempt to show the cost of various improvements that might be financed by bonds rather than being paid for in one year through a tax levy. SCHEDULE A Schedule A is a listing of revenue sources from property taxes, assessments and other sources that assume the entire item in the budget is paid for in one year. SCHEDULE B Schedule B assumes that any improvement projects or purchases that require bonds to finance the improvement are spread out over a ten year time frame with interest at 5%. SCHEDULE C Schedule C assumes that projects that need to be financed with bonds are spread out over 15 years at 5% interest. In many cases where it may be unrealistic to fund improvements with tax levies in one year, Schedules Band C would provide a more realistic look at what we could expect if we had to sell bonds and do the projects in the years outlined. Using our 2000 year budget as a base, I also put together a schedule that indicates the amount of additional tax levies the City would need to collect in the year 2001 through 2004 above our base levy proposed for next year if we are to finance all of the improvements included in the CIP budget. For example, an additional $941,000 would be needed above our levy proposed for next year to fund all 0 f the improvements in the 2001 C I P budget. This assumes that bonds for various projects are sold and financed over 15 years and that non-budgeted items were purchased as outlined. As I noted earlier, many of the items that were originally proposed for next year were delayed for an additional year and that is why the year 2001 is higher than normal. For years 2002 through 2004, the additional tax levy would be between $619,000 to $725,000 per year. In order for our tax capacity rate to remain the same at 35.288% and still be able to raise the tax levy by an amount needed to fund the CIP budget as I outlined above, our total tax capacity values must increase to the following totals fex those years. . Mayor and Councilmembers November I, 1999 Page 3 TAX CAPACITY/TAX RATE SUMMARY Total Levy Total Tax Capacity Tax % of Increase "Add' I Levy (2000 Base Levy Tax Capacity Rate Value needed if Rate Capacity over Year 2000 Year Needed and New) (With today's Valuation) remains at 1999 Level Increase Value Required 2001 $9S6,844 $S,S74,S69 42.()() $IS,797,3S0 $2.711,S87 20.70% 2002 $7SII.S38 $S,376,263 41.0X $IS,23S,386 $2, ] 48,623 1640% 2003 $776,396 $5,394.121 41.22 $15,2XS,992 $2,200,229 16.80% 2004 $6113.101 $S,300,826 40.S0 $IS.021.61O $1,93S,X47 14.110% .is does not take into aeeount any levy increases needed for gener,ileity budget inereases only capital outlay items in CIP budget. As you can see from the chart above, our overall tax capacity value would have to rise over 16% to provide enough valuation to allow us to raise the additional taxes without seeing an increase in our tax capacity rate. This percentage increase does not take into account any other levy increases that may be needed for general city budget operations and only covers the capital outlay items from the CIP budget. Expecting a $2,000,000 increase in our tax capacity value in one year may be unrealistic when you consider that 200 new homes at $120,000 market value would only generate about $300,000 in tax capacity value. If you add an inflationary value of 5% to the existing residential properties, that would likely add about $105,000 in tax capacity value and an increase of 5% in commercial and industrial values would amount to an additional $210,000. 'rhis amounts to about 1/3 of the increase that would bc needed to keep our tax capacity rate at the same level we currently have. Because the additional tax levy requirements needed to fund the ClP may not be acceptable in upcoming years, there are some larger projects and improvements that the Council may want to discuss further before adoption of the budget. Some potential areas that could be cut to save future tax levy requirements include: . . . . Mayor and Councilmembers November 1, 1999 Page 4 I. Rebuilding of core city streets - CIP budget includes $1,000,000 each year for the years 2001 through 2003 with half of the cost assumed to be paid by property taxes and the other half assessed to property owners. This might be too ambitious of a project to undertake and we may want to look at reducing this cost by only doing those streets that are in major disrepair and attempt to spread this cost out over a longer time frame. The current estimated tax levy needed for bond debt to do the core streets would be $75,000, $72,500, $70,000 and $67,500 for the first four years if half of the cost is assessed. The same cost is repeated in the years 2002 and 2003 for the second 1/3 of the project and the last 1/3. Ry only doing those streets that are in major disrepair and extending out the life expectancy of the other streets, we should be able to reduce this cost by at least Yz. 2. Eliminate the replacement of the downtown street lights that are currently budgeted at $130,000 spread over ten years. This would save $19,500, $18,850, $18,250 and $17,550 over the years 2001-2004. " .J. Storm sewer and street replacement project is scheduled for year 2002 with $400,000 of city cost and $100,000 through assessments. We may need to look at having a higher percentage of this project paid through assessments and if we had a policy of the cost being split fifty-fifty with the property owners, we could save an additional $22,500 in the year 2002, $21,750 in 2003 and $21,000 in 2004. 4. Eliminate the addition of street lights on South Highway 25 proposed originally in the year 2002 at $150.000 cost. This was all proposed to be funded through a tax levy as part of an improvement bond and if this project was eliminated, it would save $22,500, $21,750, and $21,000 in the years 2002 to 2004. 5. Eliminate or reduce the North Anchor land acquisition fund which is currently proposed at $100,000 a year in the year 2001 through 2004. If you were to cut this funding in half, you could save $50,000 per year. 6. The Park Department budget has proposed a variety of improvements in their five year plan that would require between $300,000 and $525,000 per year in additional tax levies. Ifwe simply reduce the budget requested by one-third in each of the years, the tax savings would amount to between $104,000 and $174,000 per year. . . . Mayor and Councilmembers November I, 1999 Page 5 The potential savings by reductions in the CIP as I outlined above could reduce the tax levy requirements by $280,000 to $340,000 per year. (See potential savings schedule attached). This would reduce the additionallcvy requirements by over one~third. Even with reductions as noted, the Council will need to discuss whether even a reduced CIP budget is realistic without knowing what our market value increases might be in the future. While there is currently no additional changes passed into law redueing the class rate percentages for residential or commercial properties, legislators will tell you that there are still groups of property owners who are interested in seeing the commercial and industrial values reduced even more than they have been in the past three years. If this were to happen, there will be a continued shift of property tax burden to residential properties from commercial and industrial which would make it even more difficult for us to maintain a stable tax capacity rate and still do improvement projects we see forthcoming. The hope is that the tax burden shift does not continue but that our market value in our community continues to grow with the addition of new homes and businesses that will help offset the additional dollars we need to raise for the CIP budget. As I noted at the beginning of this memo, the goal of the staff and Council should be to develop a capital improvement program budget that can realistically be accomplished in the next five years. While it is certainly difficult to predict all of our needs over the next five years, this document would be most useful to both the staff and Council if we can arrive at a budget that can be reasonably attained each year. I believe we need to look at developing a policy on how much of our infrastructure that needs to be replaced can be assessed to abutting property owners before we begin projects. If assessing a larger portion of the improvements to property owners is not feasible or acceptable to the Council, the only other choices are to either not do the project or expect to pay for it with increased property tax levies. Although this CI P budget has been discussed as part of the preliminary budget adoption, it is not necessary that a final CIP budget be adopted as part of the budget hearing process. While they are certainly related, the CIP document could be discussed further after adoption of our 2000 year levy. Attachment: Potential Savings Summary . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I,{) 0 I,{) I,{) 0 0 0 I,{) 0 r-- 0 N I,{) 0 0 0 I,{) 'It ci C"? I.() r.o r-: .,- I.() O'l 0 I,{) C"? C"? (') N N N C"? 0 tF} tF} tF} tF} tF} tF} tF} ....... (') N tF} tF} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I,{) 0 I,{) I,{) I,{) 0 0 0 0 N I,{) N r-- r-- 0 I,{) M ci I,{) r.o r-- 0::> ....... '<;t '<t 0 I,{) (') C"? C"? .,- N N 0 N 0 tF} tF} tF} tF} tF} tF} tF} C"? 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