City Council Ordinance 142ORDINANCE NO. 142
Xa 0
Def inj tj n
a. As used In this chapter, certain words and phrases
are defined as follo,ws
2M,e.j*0 Any person, o-mingt harboring or keeping animals. Off the premises of the owner and not under the control
of the ower or a member of his immediate familyt either by a leash or
o ther-wise.
U0jggeR2qu1,.r _d_1 No over shall keep any animal In Monticello
unless a licens—e hasfirstbeen secured, This section shall not apply
to the keeping of small cage -birds or aquatic and amphibian animals
solely as pets, Licenses sh4ll be Issued by the Village Clerk upon the
payment of the applicable fee as follows:
a, $2.00 for each male or spayed dog.,
b. $1,00 for each male or spayed cat.
f o r each no, payed f er:�aj,* - -4
a3r__ OT cat.
0 -
d. 01 for each animal of other ,3pec-.1es.
el $lOoOO for any kennel or pot shop covering all,
kept. f. $10.00 for any livery or riding stable, covering all horses
g® No charge shall be made for a license for a "seeing eye" dog
properly trained to assist blind persons,
An application for a license for a spayed female dog shall. present
a statement from a qualified Veterinarians indicating -that the dos or
oat has been spayed,, giving the date of the operation. Every applica.
tion for a license.shall be accompanied by a certificate from a
qualified Veterj7aarlan showing that the dog, or cat to be licensed, has
been giver, a vaccination against rabies within the preceding three
L12g.,nee ee,, Each owner must pay the license fee imposed in t1lia
Ordinance to thp, Village Clerk on or before July 1, In each year, or
uPor- acquiring ownership or possession of any unlicensed animal or
upon establishing a residence In Monticello,
_,R_eQ eijotg -and- a&g. Upon, payment of the license fee, ti -le Village
Clark shall execute a receipt in duplicate. He shall deliver the
origin,cal, receipt to the peraon who pays the fees retaining the dup14
cote. He shall also procure a sufficient number of suitable tags,,
the shape or color of idiich shall be different for each license year-,
and he shall delive-v., one appropriate tag to the owner when the fee is
fixing Tafra The ov-ner shall cause said tag to be affixed by
a permanent me -161-- astener to the collar of the atimal so licensed in
such a manner that the tag may easily be seen by the officers of the
Villag-eo The owner shall see that the tag is constantly worn by such
BX2gRt?, ong,,, The provisions as aforementioned. shall not apply to
animals vh.ose owners are non-residents temporarily for less than 30
days* within the corporate limits of Monticello, nor to animals
brought into Monticello for participating in any show,
2 -o -u -nam -as -ter... The Council shall appoint a poundmaster and who
shall a-tte--n& the maintenance of the Village dogpoundt, presenting a
proper claim to the Council monthly for the neoeseary expenses i ich
he may incur in doing so, The Mayor in his discretion may appoint one
or more deputy poundmasters,, The duties of any deputy poundmaster
shall be such as may be assigned to him by the poundmaster..
Runninp, at Tamlf No person owning, keepingo maintaining or
harboring an ahim z1 sh 1 allow said animal to run at large at any
time beyond the limits of lands owned or possessed by its ovuer, keeper,
or harborer,, or upon the public streetea sidewalks,, alleys or other
public or private property,, For the purpose of this section the
animal shall not be c6noidered to be running at large whenever it is
under the control of, any person by means of a leash# chain, cordm, or
rope of not more than ten feet in length, or under the Immediate con-
trol of any accompanying person by obedience to said person's com-
mands to such au extent as not to annoy other persons or trespass or
commit a nit sande ,upon private property,
,unlavIal.-Actu, No person shall oi-m or harbor an animal which..,
(a) Habitually trespasses In a damaging way$ or habitually com.
mats a nuisance on the property of persons other than the owner or the
person harboring such animal.,
Shows a vicious temperament or molests passersby who are
lawfully on a publIc street, public park or school grounds, ,Ariether
or not said anims.1 is on a public street,
(c) Habitually rune or barks at pedeetVLans, vehicles, or other
(d) 10 kept 'upon the premises of the over or person harboring
said animal, under such unsanitary conditions t1hat the maintenanoe or
keeping of said animal creates odorto, the annoyance of the public in
the vicinity.
(e) Is not licensed in accord with this Ordinance.
Every fetyiale dog or oat. in heat shall be con.
fined iE—a bud
_ o
,r -secure enclosure in such a manner that it canes
t r
not cone ntoo contact Ath. another animal except for planned breedings
Sales e.D.S sl�nAL-Duoks,
ducklings younger an eight weeks
25 per person,
No pet shop may sell chickens or
of age in quantities of lesis than.
and Any animal found. running at large may be impounded
by the Village Dog Catcher or by the Police Officer and if by a
Police Officer, it shall be turned over to the Village Dog Catoher for
d1sposition as prescribed by the Statutes of the State of Vllinaeaota.,
v_d0mntJ_o_n, Any animal may be redeemed from the pound by the
omner within Tree days by the payment to the Village Clerk oX the
license fee for thol current year it Mn Impounding fee of $7.50
and pound expenses for each day the animal is confined In the pound
as the cost of feeding,,
Releam, Upon presentation of a correct license tag and a re-
ceipt for a current license and for the fees provided as afore.
mentioned the you ndmerste r shall release to any owner the animal
claimed by him,
TaKs, In case a:ay tag is lost, a duplicate. tag ma,,y
be iroue d bi-I'TTIlage Clerk upon the presentation of a reoei-
shoving the p6yment, of the license fee for the current year, A pt
charge=; shall be made for ,each. duplicate tag,
V 0 11
Any person who violates the provisions of the see -
tion _63VIL"t"lle-a-Unjawful &ojg, and who is found guilty of said viola-
tions shall be fined as fo3laws t
a,v lot violation --$10,,00 and costs
b. 2;d violation and subsequent violations -_015.00 per viola.
tion and costs,
Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and
after its publication. I
Passed by the council this 30th day of July 1968.
ruu_L_L5nea in Lne rionTiceiio iimes on the rot day or ugust lqbz�o