City Council Ordinance - Planning Commission~~. .: _~. :. a ~ . 2{13• PLtHR~ C~I0~1 203.010. Commission Greats! A Yi~,],aga Planning o~~;ssian for the Village of Monticello is hereby established. 203.020. Meatrerss ADavint~wenti Terms Vacancies. The Comarisaian shall consist of seven voting taea~ers and three ex officio au~ebers, Voting me~ber9 shall br appointed by the eaayor with the approval at the Council. fit officio members shall cronsist of the Village engineer and village attorney to serve during their tenure of office,. and one swmber of the Cvancil tv be appointed at the first sleeting of the Council each year to serve tar one year. Members shall be appointed for a period of three years. Vacancies shall be filled by appointee: to till any portion of an une~cpi~red tera. Mvery appointee, ~rhether a voting member ar a Council representative, shall continue on the Commission until his~suceessor is appointed. A retir#ng appointee may be appointed tv succeed histselt. 203.030. Offi___~-cere_« ,fit the first meeting of each aa~.erndar years voting members shall select a chairman and a vice-chairman each to serve throughout the year and until a successor is chosen. 203,040. Meeti„xnas,. Regular nseetings shall. ~ held monthly on a day to be sat by resolution at the First sleeting during the c~leaw~a= y+sat of the P1as~ng Coaaaission. The ehaix~sass o#' the Cemssissiasp - call st speeial meerting at his discretion and must do so t the s~~tsn request of tour mea~ers. 203.Og0. uoru . For the transaction of business at any sleeting, five voting mes~bers shall constitute a qucsrwd. A majority of voting rs present shall be required tar the adoption of any resolution. 203.060. C at_~ 1 l'2se Qhairsar~ shall preside at s-eetin,~ of the- C~rmssission, call special meetings as provided in 215.030, sgpoint standing and other cvmeittees, arrange meetings with technical advisors and property oxnsrs or others trho have personal interest in proposed receaaseendatianss aoseaunicate pith village officials as occasion requires report pertinent findings and give leader- ship to the Coa~miasion. In the absence of or at the request of the chairman, any ar all at these duties shall be perforaeed by the vf,cs-ch+~irman. 203.tP~'0. ~ecre r~, The 3scrstary shall notits- rsernsbers of the Cvaaaission , preferably by mail and in ample bass, of the tiseer and piece and, it possiblas the purpose of any meeting. `The geeretary shall leap a pers+anent record of the proceedings of every sleeting of the Cosneissivns shall send a sus~mary of his reward to each member of the C~ai.ssion and the sWeyor, and shalt. read his s~inutes at the next follcreing meeting of the Commission for possible correction and final approval... The Secretary shall also transsait to the mayor and the Village Council, a-opie~ of all recoasaendationa tp the Council adopted by the Commission, shall handle the correspondence of the Commission, shall serve as treasurer of such farads as say be in the custody of the Commission, and shall pertoraissther tasks as rioted by the Com~ai.ssion or as directed by its chairmwn. 203.00. Auth~oritp. The authority of the Cosmission shall be limited to rncoaaaer>ciinr~ ''..o the Village Council plans, regulations and strictures .relating to the use of land--sthether tar public, ra-sidential, agricultural, con~araial ar industrial purposes--xithin, ad,~acent to, or near t$e boundaries of the Pillage of Monticello. Reeoamendations to the Caunail may be swde uppn the request at the n`ayor or Council or directly on the initiative of the Commission. While conclusions at the Council are final, it is expesated that sra~or reendations of the Cosmission with the •rhieh the Council shay disagree aeill be returned to the Cosmission with reason for disagree~aent. 203.090. Master Plan. A mayor resonsibilty of the Planning Cv~aission shall be the preparation and revision, based an ccnstant study, of a long-range or asaater plan presented on a sa-p or maps xhose scale shall be not less than l" tv 300*. It is not expected that the Waster plan in its entirety will be adopted by the Council as final, but rather it wi2.1 be a basis for steady and detailed recommendations. Tc- this end. the asap shall be posted conspicuously in the C~suncil chasbar and, iL feasible, be given other publicity. • _. ~ a R s~ 2t~3 1fD0 Doti In t a is Co etistent with the master lan and with . , ,, •a_. sa ar e n p ordinances eaf the Y311age and other goverrmrental regul.atians, it shall be the responsibility of the Co~eiasican tc~ make recomerendatie~ns tp the Council regarding soning of specified ~a.nd areas, laying put the streets and platting of lots, position, ~ri.th refereneYe to streets ax~e3 other surroundings, of buile3irrgs, plantings, ar other features whose location would affect the ~rrrlfare of others, specifying the Course of public atility lines , de~tersd,ning the need, location, and nature of public buildings and public areas, naming of streets, parks, ar other public areas, acrd similar matters relating to the physieia], development of .the Yillage. Recasesendatians of the Car~ai.sslor~ r be general and ffiuitable for enactment into ardinanaese or specific and desi~,ned for guidance in perticul>rr loeaalities or situations. 243.11{x, Noti, ce and Hea~r~. ~itefore raking fin>a~l recea~endations regarding the opening ar alteration pf streets, the sub-divie~ing of areas, the loaating of water conduits ar of stprm or sanitary serer, or other reraamraenda~tions of interest tp residents or property owners in any area, the Cet#.ssion zeayr hold at least one or more public hearings for those concerned. gatioe of the tinmr and place of such hearing may be published in the lacral naers~asper and sent maril to the affected property eawtrers at least ten days befc-re .the day of the hearing. 243.124. Develont of Prr~gertp. 1'he Ccuemissian shall Consider request from pspperty owners, real estate agents, promoters, or others, for perwiasion to develop subdivision ar unplatted areas within the Yillage, ar areas near the Yillsge which are likely to make use of Yillage utilities, tthen presented in four preliminary duplicate Copies, eaeah copy being accompanied by a preliminary plan indicating the nar-m-, extent, and width of abutting ear approaching streets, the lpcation ©f the utility esonnections proposed, the positieax~, the dirsension of ad3acent or nearby property, argil (by d~attsd line:} atny Ple~r 'p~Fos~s or possibility for future street extension: in the neighbonc~ad. Zf the Ceie~ssian finds a re~-st for developing a1s ~rrrtplattetd area appropriate for investigation, it shall t'ile rithaut undue delay` one Copy. ai the request and accompanying map ar reaps With the Yillage Bnginoer, one with the chairsran of the so»l~ng board. of appeal, and one yrith the Yillage Clerk fear the use of the Mayrsr, Yillage Attorney, and sembers of the Council, with the understanding that these eaopies be returned. to the Planning CameRission with questions, suggestions, indications of approval sar diaappreaval, ar other ceammentsnot later than thirty days .after they hhall hats been. rebceiverd, 1lfter reviewing available data., and without undue delay, the Caaseissiart shall report its decision to the Yillage Clerk and tea the. person ar representative of the greaup making the request. 243.134, ~egle~~arees~, Budg„e~. The Ce~eission shall receaaAend te> tyre Council the employment of professional planners, enginerers, or athrr estanpetent advisors„ T'he Gauncil s~:~ll provide a budget eaf pre~possd expenditures for the P1Rnnin$ Ceammissiean in the Villages annna.l budget.: 243.144. gffeestive Dater, ~lris ordinance shall take effect and be in force an ami after its publicstiean. ,~€~sseed by the Ccauneil. 13th der of August 1968.