City Council Ordinance - Licenses and Permits
LIC1~.~:~s u:~'D c'~Pz~il'TS
,~.i•d UR'_7I;.~ C~; n ~Y~r=-L,'I'~G i' •~;_;R~~E'h ~-X05.010 Or Cx~~PTE~?' <kt~~~ Vi~_~L~G:
Oi~.~; ';C's :~~IC; '•`SES ~ ~' t:t 1~;'TTS.
The 'vi11~.g°;~ Council of ilonticcll.o orc~~ine:
1, Repe~_lin Par~.~;raph ~~C5.010 of Ch~:G~ter ~-~Oj of Vil-7.:~.;~e• Ordin~.ncc
Licenses and Permits. Para~r~;?h X05.010 of Chapter 405 of Vill~~;e Ordinance
Licenses ~.nd. Permits is hercb;t' repe~.led.
2. off active dot-. phis ordinance sha.l.l takr_ e~'fect ~:nd b:~ in
force coxf~raencin~ J~.r_u~%r~r 1, 19'0.
Passe°r'. o~T the council this 9th d~,~ of December, 7.99.
s'u'c.?1i:yhed in the i4~cnticello tir~As ors 25th ci~~- of I~cember, 1969.