City Council Ordinance 105-010,._... ;
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lU,rj-%10 ~ ~,'~rOR .A.,~~D T~.LT:~T~,~~:5' S =,I "~I 'S
1Q,~-U10 ~~~ayor and Trustrc's s~,l~ries,
a, Estab7_is}nment of sw~la.ry incrP~.scs for m~.~ror ~3.nd trustees.
{l) iyl~~yor's s~.l.~rf is established ~.t X20.00 per month and
X10,00 p-_.r spc~cial council meetin;~;,
(2) Trustees' sal< a.rr. est~aL~lished at a1i.00 per month
and. ~S.pQ per sprci~l council_ mc~-ting.
b. Thm above salarz~ increases will become effective J~.nuar,,r 1, 19~Q.
c. Effective dat-, This Ordinance sh~.11 take effect and be in
force commencing Janu~.ry 1, 197x.
Passrd b~T the council this .11th da.,~,{ of N vcmber, 1q~9.
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t~ublisr~ed. in the ~"onticello Times on 2'7th d~4;,~ of I~~ov~*mber l~~g,