City Council Ordinance 142 (2)
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Vl'~.iilll.rll~.':CLJ l~?o. 1~2
l~i.l+ UiS.~ll.ii.r''vL~ rS.~"- „~1J111:~~ ~J.~u\iT1.rJ1V .~(1) fl~ ~li~~l_~r:.~j`=~1; ivo 1~2 111~~il~.i~l~
Jt~7 26, 1961, .. ~~~`~I"l'LEQ "t13 ~:;~RUI:..~?'~CL T~'.i ~ZL, ~.=!-IZD 1t~ i'?~ 5.~.1t~ITA:rY S ~ ,SLR
i.:U 1?~..'..'L w,:,"T PL.`''~ `T 0' VILL:°~;1~ UF" T•`i01'TTC~L~LO, 1~1' r?~i' COU;:"T'Y, l~llC~?i\'.;~'it;TA-_
ITS Uti,=~~i+~ .`s~~:::D Ci1<~~ES.
ThP Villa4~e Council of 1Niont~. cello arrzains
Section i~(1) of. adc~lted June 26, l~'61, <nci ~:ntitlr.,d "An
Urdin^nce in r:;~ard to the• sanitary seti•?er _~nd treatment plant of Vi11r:.~,c~ of
i~~onticello, `~Jri~ht County, ~~`~innesot~;--Its Us~;e a.nd Ch.xges." is =anendec{.
Section X1(1). Tl1~;i,e h~;r.~-;by impose an annual sc~aer rent:~a-1 clz:::r;e of
$2.00 for sin<~2e f :.~rily dwr^llin, govsrnment:sl builr3~n~;s or church se~frer
connection„ 'I'i1° anl'1uFtl :'3CBTr~f'r r~~:nt3l C;1'?r~'`' f Or I~1ult1 ~i7_:'" d~rT'.'.l i.inxY Unlt~ shall
be G~.t they rate of `~2~k.00 per dwe=_linf; unit ~:nd for ad:titional living
in any ~~in~,lc dcaellin~ unit, thee- is impos4d an adc'~ition.-.l ~~.nnu~:l ch"~r.~e of
$2~:, 00 (exce t in tl;.e ca.s.~ Vh~:re a sin:- le d~,Tellin~:> unit occu i~d b a fr:mil
rents out once or two roo.,s only t1zGt dtaellin:>~ will bs cla.ssifa-ed as a sin::lA
fa?ni.1~ dt~rellinT• how~:ver if a sini~°le~ fa.rail~ dwellin~~ occu~oied b ~~ farr~il- rents
out three or mor~• rooraa tl:e seti~:er cha..r~~~: vain be base~:d an thy; =nnual cor~~~ne:rci~~.l
rate o:f j48.OC). The <~-nnual se~~r'er char;e for f~'.cri camr~•~~rcia-1 est~~:ol.ish;nent is
hPreb~r e3ta.t.;:Lished at `~!-8.00 ;~..~d ~;h~^ r_,.nnu~Ll caarCe~ for ~~ac'rz .:schoolhouse s~:w~•r
connection is he'~~ebyt esta.~~:Lis}zeal. at ~!~f~0,00 far sc:nools haviti~ av«r 30Q ~;u,~ils
>..nd a.t ~10U.OU for- schools A;=_vin~; 3C0 pupils ar i.eys, $600, C0 for a. cr¢amery,
~~2000.00 far a ~~li1k drying; p7_nt, X150.00 for a slaughter house ~96,dU for
butcher shoo `72.00 .far .fi7_lin;° strtions, ~6C,OG :for rest~_ura.n~, `.90.00 for
_xutoma.ticl:.undries, ~8~.00 for haspitals.
Section :1(1). T'1~is ordinr.nce b~:cam~^s effective from «rid after its ;~assa~;e
a.nd publication.
Passed by Council this 10th d<~y of October 197