City Council Ordinance - Planning Commission (2)~~ r~s 1 ~ 203. PI,~Td~II'ivu CON~~`1'ISSIOPv r ~ ~* 203.010. Commission Created. ~. Village 1lanning Commission fcr the Vi11a.G;e of hionti_cello is hereby established. 203,020. I~lembers; ~~ppointment; Term L Vacancies. The Commission sh=~11 consist of seven voting members and. three ex officio members. Votin~f members shall be appointed. by the mayor yfith the approval of the Council. Ex officio members si~z_11 co~rsist of the Ville ge engineer and Village attorney to serve during their tenure of office, and_ one me~r~uer of the Council to be appoint~~d.'at the first meetin~~~ of the Council each year to serve for one yca.r. ~~~embers shall be appointed for a `period- cf three ,years. Vacancies shill be filled by a.~pointees to fill any portion of an unexpired term. Every appointee, whether ~!. voting member or a Council representative, shill continue on the Commission until his successor is appointed. ~ retir~:ng appointee may be apE~ointed. to sucseed himself. 203.030. Officers. ~t the first meeting of each calendar ,year, votin members shat select a chairman and a vice-chairm=An eac1-, to serve throughout the year a.nd until a successor is chosen. 203.040. =feetin~;s. Regular :re~~tin7s shall be h4-old monthly on a day to be set by resolution at the first meeting, during, the calendar ,year cf the Planning Commission. The chairman of the Commission may call a special meeting at his discretion and must d~ so upon the. written request of .four members, 203.050. ~~~uorum. For the transaction of business at any rreetins, five voting members shall constitute z e~uorum. ~ majority of voting Tnembers present shall be required for the adoption of any resolution, 203.060. Chairman. jhe chairmr-.r. shall preside at meetin}~ of the Commission, call sloecial meetisr~;s as provided. in 2g~.U~O, appoint standing and other committees, arran1;e mee+.i_ngs with technical advisers and. property owners or others who h<:?ve personal interest in proposed recorrrnendations, communicate with village officials as occasion requires, report pertinent findings •=,nd ~~ive leader- ship tv the Commission. In the absence of or at the request of the cli=irman, any or all of these duties shell be uerformed by the vise-chairman. %.03.070. Secretar~,~. The Secretary sh~11 notify members of the Commission , ~~refera.bly by mail and in ample time, of the time and place and, ~_f possible, the purpose of any meeting. The Secretary shall Beep a permanent record of the proceedings of every meeting of the Commission, shall send a s~.unrnary of his record to each mem~~er of the Commission and the mayor, and shall read his minutes at the next follocring meeting of the Cornir~ission for possible correction and final approval. TY~ie Secretary shall also transmit to the mayor a.nd the Villa Ere Council, copies o:~' all. recommendations to the Council adopted by the Commission, shall handle the correspondence of the Commission, shill serve as treasurer of such funds as may be in the custody of the Commission, and shall perform other tasks as voted by the Commission or as directed by its chairman, 20?,OP,O. %uthority, The authority of the Commission shall be limited to recommending to the Village Council plans, regulations and strictures relating to the use of l~.nd--whether for public, residential., agricultural, commercial or industrial purposes--within, adjacent to, or near the boundaries of the Village of Monticello. Recommendations to the Council may be made upon the request of the mayor or Council or directly on the initiative of the Commission. While conclusions of the Council are final, it is expected that major recommendations of the Commission with the which the Council may disagree will be returned to the Commission with reason for disagreement. 203,090. Master Plan, a major resonsibility of the Planning Commission shall be the preparation and revision, based on ecnstant study, of a long range or master plan presented on a map or maps whose scale shall be not less than 1" to 300', It is not expected that the master plan in its entirety will be adopted by the Council as final, but rather it will be a basis for study and detailed. recommendations, To this end, the map shill be posted conspicuously in the Council chamber and, iE feasible, be given other publicitys -: ~ ~rf 203.100. Duties. In so far as is consistent with the. master plan and Taith ordinances of the Village and other governmental regulations, it shall. be the responsibility of the Commission to make recemrrend.ations to the Council regardin{- zoning-of specified .and areas, laying out the streets and platting of lots, position, with reference to streets and. other surroundings, of buildings, plantings, or other features whose locat_~.on would affect the welfare of others, specifying the course of public utility lines, determining the need, location, and nature of public buildings and public areas, naming of streets, p~~.rks, or other public areas, and similar m~~tters relating to the physical development of t?ze Villa;;e. Recommendations of the Commission may be general and suitable for enactment into ordinancesf or specific and designed. for guidance in particular localities o,r situations. X3.110. Notice and Hearing,. Before making final recommendations regarding the openin~7 or alteration of streets, the sub-dividing of areas, the locating of water conduits or of storm or sanitary sewer, or other recommendations of interest to residents ar property owners i.n any area, the Commission may hold at least one or more public hearinLs for those concerned. Notice of the time and place of such. hearing may be ,published in the local net-rspaper and sent by mail to the a.ffectc;d ;7ror,erty owners at least ten da.,~s before the day of the hearing, 203,1~G. Development of Property. iho Commission shall consider request from pz~opert~,~ owners, real estate agents, rromoters, or others, for ?ermission to develop; subdivision or unplatted areas wit~rin the Vill=:.ge, or areas near the Vill.a~;e~ whic'_~ are 7_ikely to make use of Village utili±ies, when ;resented in four prelimin-r~T du;~licate copies, e_-eh copy aein~ accompanied by a -oreliminary plan indicating the n-~.me, extent, and TMidth of abutting- or approacr?ing streets, tine loc.-tiozr of tYze utility connections proposed, the position, t'ne dimension of adjacent or nearby property, and (by dotted lines) any plan, proposal, or possibility for future street extensions in the neighborhood, If t~ze Comrr,f.ssion finds a request for developing an unplatted area appropriate for investigation, it sh211 file without. undue delay, one copy of ~~he request and. accompanying map or maps with the Villa<re Engineer, one with tl~e cha.irmarz of the zonin bo~.rd of appeal, and one with the Village Clerk for tze use of the +~~ayor, Village Attorney, and members of the Couricil~ with the understanding that these copies be re~t.urned to t'_ne Planning Commission with questions, suggestions, indications of approval or disapproval, or other cornrnentsnot later than thirt» da;,Js after they mall have been received. After reviewing, available data, ar,d without undue delay, thk. Commission shall report its decision to the Village Clerk and to the person car representative of the group making tl,e r. e:uest. 203.130. employees; Bz_zdget. Ttre Commission shall recommend to the Council the emplo~nent of professional planners, en~Tineers, cr other competent a~_xvisors. the Co~a.nci l sh= l1 orov?.~?.e a budget of proposed exxx~nditures for the i'lann~_n~; Commission in the Vi L apse annual budget. 203.10. effective Date. Th~_s ordinance shall take effect and be ir. force on arrd after its r~ublication, ,.: ~ t `~ Passed her the Council 13th day of eiU~ust 1968.