City Council Ordinance 303-020~~t <'~ o~ ~,'1 ., a~s.~~NC~ rru.~~~R 303-020 AiJ oRDINAir'CE R~,ZATING TO S4~~E~-LZNG Tl1'`IiS, Ax D ~T:[C T1~'ti2VING A:1iD PRGtTZD111G~ P~:i~AT.TIk:S FOR VYOLATxQr+S Th~a Council of tho Village of.l~onticallo does ordain: Section 1. Squealinw .iron, Grindiza Crca~^s, Baclt~'l.rl.n~,. No porson sha3~. oparate.a vehicle on a public highway, atr~vt, part{ino lot, alloy, or otho~• . public proporty in such mannor as to cause they 'cites to squeal, tha wc~rs to grind, ar tao~motor to backfir©,~ axcopt ~hc~n, an omargesncy crc~at~s ~th© nee©ssity for such oporatiori`" .°,-,, .r ~ .. Soction 2. ~ . ~ Erratic Drivin ;. No ,person s:'~uli driva a dohiclg on a public highway, streat, pax~:xip tot, 313,oy, or ©thc~r public property at csrratic ar irrogular .nd changing:. speeds so as to creai.e a h.:z~,ad to hirasQlf or othar persons or property or wo`` nt'erfdr~ ra3.th sit :er traffic in tho araa. 5®ction 3. Pona].ty. , t,ny person violating this orainarae shall bQ Lfuilty of a mi~dezaeanor and- upon conviction thereof sha11, be yub~ect tv imprisonment for not raQre than 90 days or to paymant cf a firs of n©t ~ox~ ;than X304.00. or both. Section ~. This cz~iinance shall bd in force upon its passa ;~ cad publication. ~~ Passed. November 10 1974 ' • . Atte s Vill:~e Clerk . ~ ~~ Ron 5chliEs'