City Council Resolution 1977-08RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFTCATI~:~wa AND DIRECTING CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO ADS N.:1i t'iS FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS FOR THE 1977-1 San:itary Sewer, Street, Waterma~~,ft0 ~ ;r,r'r ~'~~lr;-.,;C^ BE IT RESOLVED., by the City Council o ~ Mor t.:. s:.=:.1; . Miriz-iesota, as follows: 1. Mr. John Badalich of the city s cons~zi ~,~~t engineering firm of Orr-~Schelerz-Aiayerv,°~. ~a~;~. Associates, has submitted final plans .~,-,; specifications for the _19.77 Sanitary Sewer, Street ~ Watermain Improvement, Pr~~jacu which are hereby adopted as su.bmittf~d. '~Yz~~ Cit;~- Council reserves the right to make ai:y u:.a;,~e;; in said plans which may hereafter appear to be necessary. and expedient. 2. The City Administrator i~ here~~y authorise~. and directed to cause advertisement fr>r :.,id., for the construction of said improveme:~?t to }.~~: published, by law. Date az~zd time for openi.rzg of bids shall take place at the Monticello Gity Hall on l~ur~dav , _~eptember 8s 1 47 7, at ~~00 0 ~ c 1 oc'k P . ~~ The c~id security shall be irz the amount o.f. 5~ of th amount cif the bid. 3. The City Administrator. and said en~~ineer are hereby authorized and directed to receive, open and tabulate bids received at said time and places-and the Council shall meet at t.re City Hall in the City o~ Monticello on Monday , at ~~ ~ c c1z Pr M.. Sept. 12, ].917 , for the purpose o considering such bids and awarding a contract, or else rejecting all bids. W~, Gary ieber City Administrator August 8. 477 Date of Resolution