City Council Resolution 1977-09RESOLUTION APPROVING PLA1vTS AND SPECLFICATIDNS AND DIRECTING CITY ADMINISTRATOR 'I'O ADVERTISE FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS FOR THE 1977-1 SANITAKY SEWER, STREET, WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of T1ont_icello, Minnesota, as follows: 1 . Mr. John Bad_alich of the cit;y~ s consulting engineering firm of Orr-Schel en-Mayeron and Associates, has submitted final p:lan~ and specfi..cations for the 1977-1 Sanitary Sewer, Street & Watermain Improvement Project wl~i ch are hereby adopt;ed as submitted. The 1977-1 Sanitary, Street and Watermain Improvement Project consists of: Extension of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, street and appurtenant wort: from the i.ntc:r- section of 4th Street and Wash_ingt,on Avenue, southwesterly along Washi.ngt;on Avenue to Chelsea Road in Oakwood Industr_i_al. Park, t:hc~n west; al one Chelsea Road. to County Road 11%, then north- westerly alor7g County Road 117 to State Hi g~hway ~5• Extension of sanitary sewer, wat,rrmain, storm sewer, street. and appurtenant: work. beginning at a point aLrproximately hO0' S. E. of H:ighwa} 25 on County Road 11~, then easterly apps°oximately 18OOT. Extension of sanitary sewer, water~main and street improvements for Mat;thew Circle, Ritze Manor and sewer and water extensions to a parcel. south of I-94 and west of Highway 25 (Monticello Ford site). The'~City Council reserves the right to make any 'changes in said plans which may hereafter appear to be necessary and expedient. 2. The City Administrator i.s hereby authorized and directed to cause advertisement for bids . for the construction of said improvement to be published by law. Date and time For openir}g of bids shall take place at the Monti.cel.lo City Hall. on Thursday, September 8, 19~%, at 1:00 oocl.ock P. M. The bid security shall be in the amount of 5% of the amount of the bid.. 3. The City Administrator and said. engineer ar'e hereby authoriz~ct and directed to receive, open and tabulate b:i.ds received at said time and p]_ace, and the Council shall. meet at the City Hall in the City of Montice:ll.o an Monday, at 7: 3U o~clock P. M., September 12, 1~?j;, for the purpose of considering such bids and awarding a contract, or else reject:_ing all b.i ds. August ~, 19i i _ Date of Reso1_ut.ic:n Gary Weber City Admi.nistr•ator