City Council Resolution 1977-10RESOLI!`I'lON PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON PERMANENT STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that Mr. John Badal:ich with the consulting engineering firm of Orr-Schelen- Mayeron & Associates, Minneapolis, Minnesota, has _ reported. in a preliminary way to the City Council that a local improvement as hereinafter described is feasible and may best be made as proposed at the estimated. cost of $2, 2; 2,000. ''. Said ,improvement consists of the f ollowi.ng: Permanent Street Improvements of Concrete ct.rrb and gutter Bituminous Paving - 211 Wearing Course (Deep Strength) MI Dot 2341 2211 Binder Course Storm sewer Waterrnain reinforcement tiee Exhibit A for areas of improvement. ~;. Tt is proposed to assess 2Uf of the cost aga:i_rist abutting property and areas benefi.tted by the storm sewer system. .l. `The . Counc_i I shall meet at the Morticello Jun.i.or~ High School Auditorium on Wednesday, the 28th day of Sept- e.mber, 1c~77 at 8:00 oicl.ock P. M. for the purpose of holding a prrbl.i_c hearing on the proposed construction or.' said improvement. 5. The C:it~~ Admini_strat,or is aut;horired and direct;ed to cause notice of t}icy time, place and purpose of said rnc~etin~ to be, published twice, a week apart, in the Monticelo Times, the official City of Monticello news- paper. The ast publication shall. not be less t;han 3 days prior to the date of said meet;i_ng, and said notice shall- also be mailed to thc, owners of property in the ar•c~a proposed. to be assessc.:d not less than 10 dad=s prior to the date of said hearing. 2 /`l7 ;,---- Dat,e of esolution i C;~ Garv ldieber City ,~dministrat:or Monticello Proposed Utility Improvements for Permanent Street ~_ ~ ImpfOVement Prnnram ~~ ~:5, ~~ ,~, x.45 ':~ ,, ~, ~. i~ »..«». Storm Sewer ~„ ,. ~Y ''~ ~` •---~ Watermain Reinforcement \,,~,\ ~ ~~, sessment Boundary ~„ ~_ ':; -3 -- ~_ k~Y~ ~J°`0 ea~su~nro erc~rEea ~. ~ ~ : ~?; ~ .~ uro tuevEroat ORR ~ SCHELEN • MAYERON dx .AL~$4CI,AtI*ES~ INC. ?81i EIISt MENNEfIN AYE. suirt zee • ItiMN4APptIS,MINNESOTA S5~{y ,b~,~ 3!! ~r,,,_ ~.~a~~ a, Monticello Proposed Permanent Street ~.r------ - - - ~_ .~~,~s, ~~.. Improvement Pra ram ~~, g ~` ~A A ct .~ ~ '~~ ~~, ~ ~ 1a. ~/~ 1, , .~ . ~~y,1. y~`~°s. ~~ 4 ~ 'r W +s. I , i ~..~-«~« 1978--79 Construction Phase •~i~r 1980--81 Construction Phase a~ r .-r-._ ---= . /f~~ \ ~~ ~c.M~~ ~< __„ -' ~ :~. .. - i > ;} ~._ "' r' 1 ~ ~\ ' r _, ~ ~ ~ f r ~ ~' '~' ~a ~ ~ ,~, ~; 4 z ~\ A J ~~'. ~j` L F,Q ;. ib ~\ ~ ~ (/~ - \_~V ~ .. ~ CONEYtTlR}p ENpNfEEAE '.. ~ ~. ~ t- UIIO tYMiEI'Olq