City Council Resolution 1977-20RESOLUTION APPROVING RAILROAD CROSSING; ON WALNUT STREET WI'T'H BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD BE I`I' HEREBY RESOI_~VED, by the City Council of lion t ~ < r~ E t c~, Minnc~sol;a as follows; 1 . I t, h~:rs been determ=fined by the City Council t ha t a ra.i_lroad crossing at Walnut Street ~,~ou1d be benefic_i_al for Monticello in terms of traffi_c~ i~lo~: bc~i:wec?n i.ts t.wo commercial districts on Broadttiav and Seventh Streets. 'L. Efforts have been made to reach an agreement i.~i th Burlington Northern Railroad to obtain such a crossing. ;~. A letter of December 8, l~a7i has been receiv<.~d from C. D. Archibald of Burlington Northern Rail- road detailing the terms and conditions of an agreement. 4• 'The City Council of Monticello is agreeable to the terms and conditions in the aforement,i onc~d December 8, 197'7 letter with th<, notations made in items 5 and 6 below. 5• City of Monticello obligates X54,848 for the cost involved and mentioned in the December 8, 19^,^ Letter. Any increase in cost must be submitted by Burlington Northern Railroad and approved by the Monticello City Council. 6. The roadway over the railroad tracks is proposed to be 44 feet wide instead of the 3h feet noted on Exhibit A. Adopted by the unanimous vote of the City Council of Monticello the 1Lth day of December, 19i'7. Gi~C~ Gary eber C.i.t:y dmini strator So~~~~