City Council Resolution 1970-1ftES(3LUTION Tf3 AP~..~ C~}pNCII.MA~I RE~,S, a vacancy occurred in the offices of Councilman for the Village of ~ontiQello upon the anpointme:~t cf l~r. Ronald Sahliet as Mayor, and WEiER~:AS, ~x. Ronald SehTief had previo~~sly bean ar~pointed to fil3 the unexpired term of ~. TA'. s+~il~er~ Jr. duly elmctad anti insta3.leci in offie~. ~E IT R~ S~ ~ That t~h4 Counttil. of the Yilla;~e of '-'antl~ae110, maetin~r in re~~r session an this data, March !4, 174, do hereby appoint ?~`,r. William 3andber~, to the office of Cronncilsan for the Village ref Monticello for the duration of the unexpired term. Tearm of office to extend until ~ece:?rbsr 91, 1971 or until duly qualified s~ecessor is so installed. Resolution is hereby rude br Richard ~".artie and dull appro^red ~ Councilmen Frans SFanber~, James bus and Mayor Ronald ~cahliaf. Clerk•T insurer ~Ct}/lcp