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City Council Resolution 1970- (2)
I T ~V~1~i L.i.VBY~ J~IS"~ L`tll~ WEtE~, a vacanc)r eeaurre~d in tha Ctfice of Moor of ~~onticellc+ upon the resignation csf Don C. t3acanlund, duly a2e4t~1. and installed as ma;~or, arx! ~E~S, tom. Rcsr~ald Schlief »as appointed on Janaary 6, 197Q as acting mayor,. IT R~S~ ~U that tour Village Ccunei2 in regular session cm thin data, February 10, 19'7'Q, d© harabq- appoint #Sr. Ronald Schlief to sure as Mayor of ~tonticallo Por the duration cif the unexpired term. Term of vffiee to continue until Jecembsr ~1, 1971 or until duly qualified succassor is so installed. Resolution is hereb~r~nade ~ Counailsan Jarm-s Maus, and duty approred b7' Councilmen Frans Swanbei~rg and Richard Mamie. ~~ ~G r Clerk-Tr seater i)G=" /leg