City Council Resolution 1970- (6) '' '~~ ~ ~ rr~aanc~ r~acurx~d in the =;.,~t`3.e~ ~f G<-tar~~~.lr~~ ~'~ the• Yi2a~!a~ :~f "=~ntf.t~s2.lo urn thy, a~pc~tntcrssa't ~f ~!r. ~nald ~~~,liaf aa~ r{urn ~n~ ~'R,, ~'~. Rcnald Soy°~ie! ~,ad >>ren3a~ ply stn a:~°~inted to ~iiw thw tTtlr8Xj3'~.2"~-t'~ ~L2'tt! !)f` ~* 4t~~ a~`3~.'..el'~ ur'• C~11.R~ ~.CtifltHd f.n~~.«tl~~ ~.tf TT ~°'~'~ That the Cc~unci3 ~f the 1~i~.la~e ::;f `°cantS.t~rll.d, tiny in relax ssasican ~ this date, ~h 2C1* l~la, dc> hereb~- aiazt 4!r. ~~112fa~ .~andber~- to tha rattiae ~a! C+~cilnsan fc~ the Yill~a~ ~,f '~:cmtiste3lo z'~,~r the r~esratic~n ~: the unex~.zired terxa. T~ of .tf'i.ve t.~a extend until ~eca~rr°:ber ~i, :~97i ar vaatiJ. ~v~l.~r c~ual4f~.ed s;~ccessor is eo installed. Rar~lutio!~ is hsrsb~- made ~ Rid~ard ~~artle and r~ul~r aped; by Counc~#.lren Frstn~a ~wanber~~ dam~,s taus and ~`~or Ronald ~at3k,li~f'. i~~ay-ar ....... Clerk-ireaaurer ??CG /leg