City Council Resolution 1976-05~~ ~ RESOLUTION AMENDING ENGINEERING AGREEMEiJT S~JHEREA5, pursuant to the agreement entered into on Fei~ruary 10, 1975, tae city of Monticello engaged the firm of Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc., (OSM) to provide engineering services to the city of ~4onticello, and ~4HEREA5, the city of Monticello leas applied to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a Step I Facilities Planning Grant by submission of a document entitled "Application For Step I Grant Facilities Planning Report For Monticello, Minnesota, Amended November 6, 1975", prepared by OSM and, WHEREAS, rules and regulations of the EPA, Part 30 of `'t'itle 40 of Federal Regulations, Section 30.235 and Appendix C, published in the May 3, 1975, issue of the Federal Register, requires dis- closure of information under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C 552; NOW THEREFQRE, 13E IT RE5OLVED~BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF I~ONTICELLO, MIT1TVtSO~i'A; That the aforementioned engineering agreement with OSM be amended in Article XII, page 14 to include the following after the last sentence of Article XII, Except that any data, as defined in Appendix C of Part 30, Tithe 40 of the Federal Register dated May 8, 1975, submitted, developed or produced under a project su~ orted ~ the Environmental Protection Agenc the ~;n sneer stall release suc information pursuant to ther'reedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552. Adopted by the City Council this fi~.h day of blarci~, 197b. t ~U ~ Z.,~~ Mayor W U~ City ma~nistrator