City Council Resolution 1976-07~ `~ RESOLUTION TO CONSIDER REGIONAL AIRPORT FACILITY WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is desirous of improving airport facilities within the area WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is interested in a public airport concept WfIIIlf;AS, p~ar:~uant t, c) a mc~~*t,ir-.g~ 174>]d Mar~c:h 4, 1 y76 t, t, t,hr• St.. Yau1 Downtown Airport with Federal Aviation Administ,rat,:ion, Minnesota llepartment of Aeronautics, City of Big Lake, City of Maple Lake, City of Buffalo and City of Monticello officials, a discussion was held relative to consideration of a regional airport serving the communities of Big Lake, Maple Lake, Buffalo and Monticello. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO: that consideration should be given to a regional. airport facility, centrally located to the above communities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: If the feasibility of a regional airport is not possible the City Council of Monticello would pursue the Joint Monticello - Big Lake Airport Development. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 19'76 A~ /~~ // Acting Mayor, Denton Erickson W City dministrator, Gary Wieber Resolution 196-7