City Council Resolution 1976-13• RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INTEREST RATE ON ASSESSMENTS FOR 1975-2 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND SPREADING OF ASSESSMENTS 13e it reso7_ved that the City Council of Mont:icel~o hereby adopts the assessment roll for the 1975-2 Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project as presented July 12, 1976 at the Monticello City Council. meeting. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 429.061 the assessment for the 1975-2 Sanitary Sewer Improve- ment Project shall be prorated over twenty (20) years with equal. installments of principal and interest accrued at seven and one-half percent (72) per year to be paid annually. l Mayor, C. 0. Johnson W C y A i istrator, Gary Weber ~? y~ I)at Res iuti<~ ~ Adopted Resolution # I~