City Council Resolution 1976-25• • RESOLUTION NUMBER .S~ Rr~S. OLLTTION APFLYING FOR AIRPORT MASTER PLANNING GRANT '~L~tr;AS, The City of Monticello Desires to prepare a feasibility study fora joint use airport, and l•~~~,?~~.~<,.rJAS, The City Council of the City of Monticello considers +.he preparation of a feasibility study necessary prior to the develop- rnera, of said airport, now therefore EE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of Monticello in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Aeronautics and the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, conduit a feasibility study in conformance with the general criteria agreed to b,y the Cities of Monticello and Maple Lake, MDA and FAA, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVID, That the Mayor of the City of Monticello tie authorized and empowered to sign documents on the behalf of the Cit~,~ of Monticello as may be required for the initiation and execution of the airport master plan study. Dated 1~~3 /?~p ~• / /~, ,~~_~ P~Iayor ~%~1~.. ;l ..