City Council Resolution 1973-06I ~ ~ ~~ - ~ ^ Ll ~ 11 ~1'i 14J V+.JJ 11. L 11.1 iUl'+ 1 L/11. y IiJJ T CTr...ti-+•.i Pl /~''l .i. nT TT 1tY ~ll.i~ •jV~ ` Vi~"9',!T L1.i.J x'u+-u.'~aV l Gig iy i~u 111 li:`'dL\ D VL' .:~ 1 x :1'+:.1 ~ilJ. ;~ ACCG°.DA?~Cu .: ~:1H :~II;~AYTLSGiA STATr~ STAiUT~LS t;c;2.3~1 - ~.52.39n. ~~~1~.,~,<1.,~ .'..1.1.n~~Gta S-1.~ vu 1.c'S 52 • 1.- d2 0 -,,-, "~~ -"`- , -~~ `""- -_' ~ 3~~ 4~ 395, the Regional Development ACt :~~ ...9~yy p:^G~T:~dEi5 vY":at a t{E;'~:.Orial 1)E;VP.~O1"~'~~i6'nt COi~Li115SOn i:~ay ~E t~Ut,'olisncd by the State Pla:~n:ing Ci~'icer upon ;.petition of courlt~.es yr :'ii:rilG`~~a.i'_;.7~1~:s i cpi'GSefP. v}.i:g a Ti:a jOr7.'.•y G tr"ie population 7.ri t'Ile e~;l Gn. Or S'7hiCa i:C18 COu:;~liSS lOrl iS prOpOS2G, acid ~~Jf~iS, ~uith.i:'1 vhe area C:es igriated aS 1,G'gi On 7~~~~ by GGVerizGr ~S :~.,c:cut~~re order ~o. 79, September 1, 1971, there e:tista a reed for a coordinated and cooperative effort to see:c solutions to problems w::~c involva r..ore than one unit of goverr.r;~ert, and ...~.~~.Sy ~rVitfiir/ t.iS regiOny reg71011a1 plan'ling iS Ti.eeded tG CGOY'Gl..,ate ey~'orts i-r. suc. areas as transportation plarnirl7, regional park and G~;eri spaco pLannln~, econ.or:~ic deve~opmen.t plann.~.ng, comprerlensive ieult. ~.~la:;.:~nS a.,d cri:r.inal justice, and .+=.~4~n~Jy ',',:^.r; V:i~:.la~;E CO'~IlCi i GS: tiTOiltiCeilO, i;',1_nrleFOta, has CSrelA.l.l~/ s~,~.~ied t,ha erYiona.l Development Act is G~ the opinion that bere~its '~.'O-+,:.~d ve GE;'i'sVei:~rGGi ~iiv eStaJ11S'fi.Y.18nt Oi a FtBg~~.0i7ai DBVeiOp;1"tef:t 1 , ~ ~~_ CG,:~,:is sion G-r ~nis r. E o.~on, ,roil" it R~,O~ it is hereb, resolved that the villa e council of 9 s Y g ~O:t":ii;el.l0y :':i!iiGSG'vc3. iaVG7'S. ti1~: establ~.s ~i1E'rit O a re~;'iOriai u8Vei0~- ;ue: ~ cor;~nission r or Region 7'~y and rlereby petitions the Si;ate ~~ia:l:ing C~icer to esLablisrl such a Regional Development CO'fil:~iiSS:LOn as provided in said Act. I do hereby certify that I am the Village Clem of the Village of :.a«t;cello, l"uri~~~ Co~L~ty, 2+iinresota, and that I am custodian ~~' itsre;cor'ds,° that the aL'ovC is a true and correct copy o.f ~:sGl~ztion adopted by the Village Council of said Village on :June l2, i973. G ~v c~// .~ /i Village Clerk .ayor ''~~ -; on ?`.':~ s~~.all con sist of the counties of Berton, Sherburne, ~.._<,~- ~. Stearns, and l"lrign~,.)