City Council Resolutions 1974COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED IN 1974 1. Resolution adopted by the Monticello Fire Dept. Relief A Ssoc. (Change in retirement disability and death benefits). Approved by City Council -- Jan. 21, 1974• --~ 2. Resolution ordering improvement and prep. of plans (Downtown Parking). Feb. 11, 1974• ,~ 3. Resolution ordering "preparation of report on improve- ment (Walnut watermain). Feb. 11, 1974• 4. Resolution substituting attorneys Smith-Pringle in lieu of William Hoffman -- 4th Street case. March 13, 1974• $. Stipulation of Dismissal resolution - 4th St. case. March 13, 1974• 6. Resolution approving Plans & Specs. (Downtown Parking, Imp. Project 1974-1). March 25, 1974 7. Resolution -- Adoption of Dutch Elm ordinance #1311. April 8, 1974• 8. Resolution -- Agreement with School District - 4th Street. April 8, 1974• (SHORT) -- g. Resolution accepting bid - Imp. Pro. 1974-1. $59,183.30 -- Bauerly Bros. April 22, 1974• ~ 10. Resolution receiving report and calling hearing on Walnut watermain (Imp. Pro. 1974-3)• April 22, 1974• • '~ 11. Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans Walnut watermain (Imp. Pro. 1974-3)• May 13, 1974• 12. Resolution Providing for Bond Sale, $162,000 General Facility Bonds of 1974 -- May 13, 1974• 13. Resolution accepting bond sale bid (Downtown Parking). E. J. Prescott -- low bidder. May 30, 1974• 14.. Joint Resolution as to orderly annexation -- City and Town of Monticello. June 4, 1974• -~ 15. Resolution ordering Imp. and Preparation of Plans (Imp. Pro. 1974-2 -- Street work). June 4, 1974• ---a 16. Resolution ordering preparation of Imp. (Curb & Gutter, Hwy. 25) report. June 10, 1974• 17. Amendment to ordinance #1100.048. 18. Adoption of ordinance #104.050. June 10, 1974• 19. Resolution approving plans and specs and ordering adv. for bids (Imp. Pro. 1974-3)• June 24, 1974• 20. Ordinance amendment #1100.060. Sewer rates. June 24, 1974. 21. Resolution adopting Land Use and Control Measures in Flood Plan area. June 24, 1974• 22. Adoption of Ordinance #707. Liquor Control. June 24, 1974• _2- ._._,~ 23. Resolution accepting bid - Impr. Project 1974-2 -- (Blacktop Construction). July 9, 1974• 24. Ordinance amendment $407.020. Taxi drivers. July 9, 1974• 25. Ordinance amendment #703. Feed "Malt Liquor." July 9, 1974• 26. Resolution accepting bid -- Imp. Project 1974-3 (Walnut watermain). July 22, 1974• 27. Resolution - to have all plats and registered land surveys examined by the Wright County ~,irveyor's office. August 26, 1974. 28. Resolution - Deferring legislative development requests in the city of Monticello for a period not to exceed 180 days. October 14, 1974• -3-