City Council Resolution 1969-04a ...i Rd ~ r ..., L ....R .,~J ~1LU 1 ..T « :~' ~.T%'T /"~ Tr•-n ..~ ~ 1' ~ .L1 T.. r L ~. a ..L I-, .I.~..x nx Ji •~~~lI: ..L..v. ! Vll. J1J ~1~ ;°,_~, Y~ursua.nt to a rnso-_ution~~assec; ~,~,, tht Council on the lath davr of ~:r, ) ^''', +he ',ll I .~~~e ccnsul_tin rn~:ineer ~ia.s 1~rF ;~~red ~i.ars .rd s.>ec~ ~:~_c.^tiors .for the ,_r~~proti :'r~ent of ~Iill_~.~;e park~_nm lot, ? ots 1, 2, :.nd ~3; loci< ~`; ~ peer o zt a c:a1o; an ? 'c s± iRi ver Street ?~etT~,e~n Chestnu+ .~,renue ancr tl~te :westerly Vi?_l-~ ,^ limits 2.nd. has presented. such. ~1_ans and Spt'Ci ~ 1C^t10n5 i,0 the COU~'1C11 f Or f'.+~nrOVal; 'u' 'C _ - T "::~' :"V 1? _, 'f1LI.,a+^~s T..,~.I' ~ Fr.;"'TTC'%I:LC `t, ;, .l 1 ~7l'lJd .~ , 1. Such p7_a.ns an~a speci.fz_cati.ons, a cop~r of cah~_cr is ~,,i~t=;ch.s~ here- to ?nd made apart hereof, ~.re hereb,,r ~?;-:rovF>,d. 2. `r'he '~ih_=; e Clcrl{ shal.l_ ore»are and c~tt.sn +n be ins~:rted. in. the offici~~. ~2.per end in. t'r~e Construction 3u1.1_etin and a.dver. tisement for bids upcn the maki_n~; of such i_iorove~r.:ent under su.eh a.poroved plans and SpeC1flC~.t10T1S. `rite ^c%V~'I"t1Se2~~+:'nt Si1a11 be '~`U~U11S11e(1 ft~r ten (1.0) l~~].VS, shall spedf;y the T:ror'~ to be done, shs.~..l state the b ds Tr.i1 J be opened 3.n.: COn~id~re~'. L?jT COUncil `it 9%CC` t'. ~ On JU.n°+ ~'~, l~?'J~', lY' tl"1e cCUT1C]_~_ -' ~J___, ~nr that no ,~~ cons icier. e~~ unless Ghar~ ~~rs of t'r~e 1>> ll~+ ,c' _T ~ '~' ~s U~i11 ',~ sealed any,. file:-;. Trith the i~lerk anc accor°:~an~_ed b,y a b:ic; bond., certi"ied rhorl: nr n.,..'°t-i~r's check, nayabie to th~~ `~`illa~;e of .°.or.tic~~llo `'or"izre (j; percent o'' the amount o ~: sucn bid :-~s.~2i~~7tC~~ ~V~i0unC1~ ~hl_S 1'111"1 ~''a,1r `v'1• cTL':rie l Cj;'~''.