City Council Resolution 1969-05~ ~
l ' }
WHEREAS, x~ursuant to an advertisement for bids for the resurfacing
of Vill?~e Parking lot and storm sewer drain (Lots 1, 2, and 3; Block
35, Upper "~ontiee?1o) and improvement of `Vest River Strut from Ch4st-
nut Avenue to the westerly Village limits. aids ware received, opened
and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received
complying; the advertisement:
Parkin~,Lot Storm Sewer Street. Construction Total
Buffalo Bituminous, ?3uffalo
~7267.So X2837.50 $5822.50 X15927.50
Alma 31sek Topping, Annandale
X6427.50 X2562.50 X6617.00 $15607.00
Hardrives Inc., Einneapolis
X8390.00 X3885.00 X8995.00 ~?_1270.00
AND '~lfi~Rr~,S, it appears that Alma Black Topping; of Annandale is the
lowest responsible bidder,
NC~i~t TFi+c~^:~°~i?~n, B~ IT ~~~.'."QLV?~i BY TH~±: VTZ~L:~~~~ CCUF`~CI%J C!~' '~~C°?`~TIC~LL^,
1. The 1~ayor and Clerk are hereby a.utharized and directed to enter -
into the attached contract with Alma Black Toppine? of Annandale in the
name of Villa&!•e of ~~onticello for the resurfacing of VillapP parkina~ lot
and construction of storm sewer (Lots 1, 2, and 3; Block 35, Upper ~°onti- '•.
cello and `pest River Street from Chestnut Avenue to the 'Jil1aF e wr~sterly
limits according to plans and specification's therefor a?proved by the
Village Council and on file in the office of the ~lilla~e C1erk_Trea.surer.
However the P~ayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to delay sianina
the above st-~ted imnrovornont contract up to twenty nine (29~ days from
this date.
2. The Village Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized not to return
the bid bonds of all bidders the deposit ma,d.e with their bid for twenty
nine (29) days from this date. ~~o=~~~*ve~r, the successful. bidders bond
shall be retained.
Adopted by the ~Ii11aaA Council this 23rd day of June, 1969.
___.. Mayor