City Council Resolution 1969-06~_ _t
Fra.SC~LUTZQ~' R~_;CwZYZ'~1C RPO~T ~'D C~LLZ~G Hu' S~ITtG C7?~? ZP ~'17C~t~'~A~NT
w~EI~RE:~, pursuant to resolution of the council adopted
day 13, 1969, a report has been prepared by NIr. Thom ~cyer,
Yillaxe Consultant ~n~ineer, with reference to the improvc-
ment of the alleyway between ~:~alnut Street and Pine Street in
Block 35, Upper ~"onticcllo bar resurfacinff it, and this report
was received by the council on June 10, 1969,
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3~t?l~TZC=~,LLO, ~fZT~Aj:CtiCTA;
1. The council will consider the imr~rovement of such
allcy~ray in accordance with the report and the assessment of
abbuttin~ property for all or a protion of the cost of the
improvement pursuant to ~~linn. Stats., Secs. 429.411 to 429.111
( 1953, Ch, 398, as amended) at an estimated total cost
of the improvement of $6500.00.
2, A public hearing shall b~ held on such proposed im-
provement on the 21st day of July, 196? in the council chambers
of the Villa~r Mall at 8:00 Y. I~., and the clerk shall dive
mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as
required by iaw.
~lopted by the council this 8th day of July, 1969,