City Council Resolution 1969-08"V~~ ~ } G ~.~ ~ 1 ~?1"SC~LUTIOP~' CR~~a:RI;' ~ I1 ~''RC?~~".~,~r~~T ~,AT7~ P~:'~?~F,~.TI(~~' C'~ ''t~~;P'S .~?~TD .>-'~~CIr~'IC.~TI~'~'C ;A'r fir'~'~~~',/I;~t^.. ~IJ~~'~tt~ ~'r?7 St^-t~~Clr'~i;~'TICjr.;~ .Pd~) T?=~~t~L[1T'IC?~1 ~CCr~PTIrd_r ~3ID. ri.~~?D °~N~a~.:~~Aa, a resolution adopted. the €3th day of Julp 1a69, fixed.. ? data for a Council hearing on the proposed. i~rprover~ent of the alleyway betT.aeen ~J.ne Street and ~~alnut Street, in dock 35, Lipper r''onticello. ;`en~l~ t~7-~~RE~,~, ten days' published notice of the hearing through two weekly publications of the rer;uired notic-~ w?s given a.nd the hearing was held thereon on the 21st day of July 1968, at which all persons desiring to be heard z~cre miv~n an opportunity to ~ heard thereon, r~1~J '~a~~~,,-'1~;:~iS, pursusnt to a.n advertisement for bids for the imnrovcment of the a.11eyT~_~y between Pine Strut and ~~.lnut Streit in Block 35, Upper Monticello, bids were rec*ivcd, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying ~~rith the advrrtiser~ent: ~?uffa.lo Bituminous, :duffalo - - - - - - $7926.00 k].ma vl=~ck Toopin~;, Annandale - - - - - 6473.QQ Nardrive Inca, St. Cloud - - - - - - - 68Q8.o0 ~,^3~3 ,~~~~~_~S, it appears thf~t ~^3_~na. ~~lack Topping of tinnandalc is the 107~CSt bi ddAr. NJ-~ TH~'Fr~":?R~a, 'w. I:T R~S~',,~~~U BY T,it~ '1II~L~"'~' C"~ai~;CIL. C?P 1. Such improvement is hcr^~by ordered as proposed by Council resolution adopt~^d July 21, 1~6~?. 2, flans and specifications prepared by Thore ~-'Py~^r, engineer for such improvement pursuant to Council resolution, a. cony of which plains and specifications is <a.tta.ched hereto and made a part hereof, are hcreb;,~ _apprcvcd a.nd shall be filed crith the ~!illa~°e Clerk-Trca.surer. 3, The P°`~yc;r and Clerk-Tr~:asurer are hereby authorized and directed. to enter into the ?tta.chcd contract with x~1.ma '~la.ck Topping; of ~nna.ndalc in the n~~.me of the Uilla:~e of ~onta.c~:llo for such improverncnt of resurf~;c3.ng alleyway between dine Street and ~~~alnut Street in Block 35, Upper a~~onta.cello. ~. The Village Clerk-Treasurer is hereby aut?^orized ,and directed, to return fcr~aith to all bid~dcrs the deposits made with their bids exc^~pt that the deacsits of the successful bidd.cr ~~.nd the next lowest bidder shall be rcta.inP;~ until a contract has been si~*necl. f~doptcd bar the Villa~~°e of ''~~onticello Council this 21st day of July l~?69. R,"ayor r~ - ,. erk-Trr~asur-r ~--_ _ 1