City Council Resolution 1969-09
ON Sf,,PROV.yv:ufi
',",'~;i~:AS, it is x~roposed to improve Loc45r. Street ~,etween 6-t}~.St.reet anal 7 ~;:~
;~"~rt3OT, a;'~~a tO ~SSe°~+'£ the ber,P.fiteG property iOr alp. O"~ a portion O file CGS'i,
of tt;a iinorovement pursuant to „innesota State Statutes, Section 1129.O1i to
~ ~-_ 'T `'
~2~ „~.~~ Laws 1953, ~h. 398, as amended),
X0:7 ;".-:~R~.:ORu, BE IT Rt,SOT~VLD BY T:u, ViLi~Alr~, COUNCIL O 1~tONiiCEIL~~, L:1.i~:~:{'SOit'..
a:ic.~v t;:e ~OrOtlGSed i7i~prOVemP,nt be referred t0 ~c~vr-i~Oiilln, InC.~, 'i'Or .~tuQ;'
~.;:Ci t.~at hP iS 1nStruCteC1 t0 report to the Council witl. ail CO:.VeriieXit sy~~: ;c.
euV".S ~n~ t:.e Council in a prali;;iinai~^,~ way as to tivrether the proposea ~:~,~roZ-e-
r.;:::..t ~s fans ibie and as to whether it should best be made as proposeu or in
oo..::ec-~~ion with some other improve~rent, and the esti:aated cost of the improve-
:;:ei;t us reca~.merlded.
kcopte:: by t:~e Council this 12th d4J of June, 1973•
`;/~ ~~ ~ ~
Anuroved June 12. 19'73
1''totion apAroving this resolution was made by ~^lalt Markling, seconded .bq
Dan Blonigen. Voting in favor Blonigen, Markling~ Mamie, Sandberg.
4pposed~ None. Absent: Rowan.
Enclosure 2 -Village Council minutes of June 12, 1973.
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