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City Council Resolution 1969-11
. rG ~i:aOLUTIJN NO. f c~ - RESOLUTION ,~UPi'L71~TING ~'-.Nib ~tPPI~,OVING TfI~ PETITION O~ C~KTAIN PROPERTY O~'g'Ni~RS Of+' Ti~t~: TO{p`rN ©~' l~IO~TTIC~LLO, ~a'~',IGHT CC7X.JNTY, MINNESOTA, rOR THE: ~~~NN,~X.~TION OF UNINCUi~,I'0~,~~,TEB FRUY~:RTY TrJ ! I'. ': ~IIL~I.~F°: x tl C.3 r 1/t0~`y TICELL.C3, '~~' ~~IGfI'T COUN °TY, MI1V'iV1::~SO I'A. ~,~vHERE~IS, cert~.in p.~•op<rty o,un~~r~ of th° Town of ~Ianticello, Vvright County:, :Minnesota, hav6~ anc3 arF~ petitioning far the annexation of unincorporate<3 property '~ describe:? in their petition to the ~'i_llag'ca of Monticello, L~+ri~ht County, rviinnesota; and `,~yHEP,Er'~S, there' ,.ire ~~55 property oivnQrs in tl~~.• uniricorporateal property 33seribe~ 1 in the above-x~~:ntionL.~t pcstitic~n, an l there are 136 p~:titioners, therefore th~~rs~ are 53.33 ~%~ of the property o+n~ners in the unincarpor•a.te.l property petitioning. 'The total number of pr°opc~rty owners was ascertained by going over the tax recorr~s at th,:• it~riyht County Courthouse an l then going to each an~_1 every residence in the area and pf~rscnally questionin~a the resi~3~nts for the information pertinent to ownership; The Village Council en.lors~s and aupports an:l apps°oves the anne:~cation of the unincorporate.l property as ~3escribed in the petition to the village of I1rIonticello, ~~; right Cot.inty, '~~inn~~~uta. T F ~ -v- lt~ayo r ,1 Th;~ motion fox•,r; the a,z:~ption of the fore oing resolution was duly secc.~n.:?c~d ley councilman / i a t,~~x:* . and upon vote bring taken tht~reon, the followins~ vote~-i in favor thereof: f ~ C~~ ,'~ /'~ ,, /~ o / ~~ y~ - ,i f and thEs f+~llowin~: vote+l agaizrst the same: wh~}r^upe%n said. resolution was d~aclarEa.~ duly passe, an~~ adopte:a. i~.'] tP a_ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 1