City Council Resolution 1969-12~, 4 ~ itlaJ~~J '~7t-~:. l~:,t;.L 4I~`!',t V1.,',?l ~\ .`'~E `;:t_~~~":~1 :.~ ~ ~~.~`lIi`i~_f j~J~' :Ri;:~~, a c,~ntract ha ~ rF:en 7.wt for + h~ im~~ro-•Qmcnt of the a17_e~~ waG~ bct~recn ~•~~alnut ~tr~~': and. :Pine ~trcet in 3lock 35, iJp er 'ontic»7_lo, b;~ resurfacing ~.t =a.n~? the contract price for such improtrP mcnt is 'sh,1N"?~ CEO, a.nri the ex~~-~nscs incurred in th«~ rnakx.n<' of said improv~m~:nt amo~a.nt to ~~1,G4?.16 so th~_t• the to±al cost of the impro~~m~nt Urill ;~,~, `a7,'!•°~O.16, anc3_ of this cost t:~~ 'Jilla~;e c~~il7_ pay `~2,2~k7»9 as its share of cost. ~~~ '.Y ~ i~ ~ n S ' '~ 1 r /'1'l'Y T !''`? T n f '~'l n ~t, i' ,a~~F ~1Ft~--, k3~' IT ?~,5._,T JED 3f ~'''~~ JI:E~L_~.tx~~~~ CG~'~~:Cs.L vI+ i°.;0'`! iI~~LLO, ilr~1~'~,:~SOT~: 1. 1'hc cost of such im;_~ro~-mcn~;, to be speciall~~ a.ssesscd is h•°r~-bf declared to be .~~,2~i2.?_l. 2. The Vills~;e Clerk-Treasurer, small.forthwith calculate the pro;'-r amount to be s;~ecia.7_l~J- ass-seed for such improF:~emcnt against e~Pr~ assessable 7_ot., ;~iccc or ~~arccl of I,~.nci within thA district affcctPd, urith- out rc_drd to cash ,daluation, as provided b~ law, and he shall filr~ a cop~r of such proposed assesampr_t in his office for pt~t~lic inspection. 3, The Clerk_'i"rcasurcr sha.lli upon the completion ot: such proposed a.sscssrn~-nt, notify the council. thereof, adopted b~ the Council this 11th da4~ of i''o~%er!:b~r 1969. 1?ayor _-~, I _~ ~ ~ ` ,' / ~ ~`- ~ ~ ~- ~ z ,,~ ~_ '~fiF,x•k rca ~urcr