City Council Resolution 1968-07_,
1T 17'.l `:. Tr'~ ~~ M1r n~rl
RL~v,~I,TTIG., ~~~t'TZ~~91?~lii ~ i ~~~~ I ~'1~i1Y, CC-,L t ! J1;U-, 1;'a 7_-,0-.
:~~ Ii it ~,>C,i'~';D i>>y the ~Iili ~_~e Council of the V~]1 ~.;~ or :':onticell_o, Coup+,r
C.f' lf~r ~ T't~~, i`7 !t';~~SOt~, t'a~~lt t-tile '~OhOh'lIl SUDS Oi ni~~'"(-'~r L,E;' 1€'V7_8C3 ~•OT' tr1~ Cu?"rent
~r~"~,r, collect~_t1e a_n 1~'r`, uonn tax2~?1P ~ro~ertr in said. Vi'_1~~~;e or ~~'~onticello,
for the follo~,rin~_ ~ur~~ase:.
GenPra.l Revenue `$2°OOO.GO
Firemen. Reber t'-_ssoci?tio~l ~oj.00
~. E. n. y. ~j`'00.00
~_udit ~l?~ 0.00
~trc:°t ~l~OGO.00
Recre,tion :~ mark ~nl°OO.GO
Building ~~ ponds:
ucneral Irr,prove:nent of 1cSn ;:L.:~A. ~:~CC?0.="^
':~.ner:+l Ir;~roverlent of 161 ?14000.00
,, ~, r~.~ r - ~ ~~~
l.~uil~~ing ~ ~ ~ A pir,ent . ~pc~, OvO.OG
ThF, ~~Ji'_1;: rr C~~-r•'<~.'irF~:;.iUrC'C l S Y?er2~~~' .nStrUCted i,G t.r?r?SY~1'__t = CE'rt'Li'1P.
co;:~y of t'rl~ s r~solutic;r. to tti3e Count; Auditor or '~riU'ht Countzr, ~ inresota .
aoptec': by the Vi7.l^~~ Cc:,uncil on Ccto:~er 14, L9'`?,
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