City Council Resolution 1967-06'+ r~:soLu~r~ol~.- ;r°~.c~TI;3r.1 s:~~~.~~~T r _~ A ~.u'H~'Rt;A5, a c~~rt<~in i:,~tit.on rec;u~~stinr° the vac~tin.:~ of LocizStSitr~=t brtG~s~r~-:n blocs 1" ~,.nd 19, w.~.s fil^d ~a-ith council on Ccto`t,cr ', 1QO"7, by th~A re:;uired per- cr~nta."c of ownAra of prof~srties aff,~ct~d tiier~:by Z~ursu-,nt tc i~innc:sota St~.tutvs, Section till.~l. .''~i~D -,-~-iL, r ;::~; ~ t~~n d -.;ors °aubl ~..sh~:d notice of th= h~;~.~riri~ .throe ''~ two weekly ~ublic~~.tions of the~~ recu~_r~:d notice ti~r<:,.s riven nd tha, '~c~~rz~-~; on~ Octobp.r 17, 1n67, at eahich tirr~e all L~~rsons des:irin:==` to be he~~rd were; i~.~~:n ~.nd. opi~ortunity to b~ h~ ~~rd them ion. r .. .,., - ~~ t~:~tu.I~C~r,i., u? Ii t:?.~~::L`TGD ~:'T :' A::, ttILL.H~a':; CCt."'CIL C't+ Ti`-I~~ VII~I~s_r..~ vF ~i~i,':' ~C'"~LLC, i'C':?''-~ C~~,C, I~~.IIiT°`SSCTA: 19. 1, 'The council ordered t'.ne va.c~:.tir_ of Locust Strmet bet~renn :dock 1£~ a.nc3 2, P.rovidc:~ th~~:,t the Centre. Sot~..DairUr i~.ssoci:°~tion, ~;r~-~.nts a ~ocrpetual e ?.sc- ment to the Vi11a~;e of N:onti_ctillo -end: a. ~~;r~c~s to 2r~~e~nd th:~:ir ori~;in-.l corstructi on of. prc~oseci buile-3.in~~; to include ut Contra Sota':~ ex6~~nse, a Nrotectiv~ ,:iuct to inE~ure t:r~~t the vill~.ge wat~°r m~:;in unuF~;rn:~ath tilt propos~^d. buil..ding be ;,~x°otA.ct~d so t'~-at vill.~~,e c~~n m.~:.int<in said main. b. ~a;ree to ~:r=ent s~~id r is.~:want to village for tn~; purpos•e of ;wing the vill a:;~: a right to mzint win -^n ? r«~;-a.ir srici water ~r~~.in. upon th~^ vaczat~^d _~~rop~rty =;.nd .any re?son°~.~~e area rn~cess.4ry to s^.id. main to TMiaintain same, c. k~rcc to tiv-ithst°nd the cxp=~=nse of maintenance of sa.ic~ Id~terra.~,.in that is located b*:neath s=ici build.in~ -nd in p•rticul•_~r in the event it is nR;e~°ssar°,y to rer~°.ir or ~•xarnine s=aid mein, by vill:~ Vie. d. ~~-,Frees to hold th:~ vill<a~e h~.rml:~ss for ~.ny a.n~?. all damage: tkiat m.=.y rr~sult to ,~Frsons or ~rcA;~rty of Cc~:r:tra Sota D~~.iry t~.ssoci ,tion arising out of th- m~ainten~.rce or use of_ sa;.icti main bens-,.th arid. buil_din;. 3. 1'n~at the Villa-.,_~e Clerk ,cr;~i~.°re and arear.nt the y~roi~~;r notice to the eourty office.°rs purse-.nt to n~iinn~~sot.a. St<=fetes, Section 117.1'x. rdo:.~t€~d by t'ri~: Council t=_is 17th day of Ccto'oer, 1967. ~` iMayor