City Council Resolution 1960-09c~~ ;:~t~~,i1'~'I0%~ a ~~^tsh~~.~xr} ;~f~~;.a't,1 r~aee`,:i.~a~ c° t.A~z: ti.lage ~ounci.T of t~~e Vi.Tla~e of Monticello t$11µ' held o~ ~.he ~~, o~ =%~~2 , _?, l~~G~ the f:~1Tor~rtg Reeolation wns- ,r- .l"' ~~e;onded by c~.4,-4-., a^ _. ~ to w'at. iv'l~P_r;;~S: Curin~~ t,Aen:~ ex~r~~atic~n ir: t.~ae uiiTa~,e of t~~onticellc a riunicipall.y owned i.i`'.c;h waA.~~- rr~n rya,- he^z? e~i~~ountet~>d at ar, eievatio.ri which will corafli.ct ~.~th the iA~st.axlatiun of a storm sewer by the Panraesflta JepartmEnt of F~igriWFlyS ?1;C~, ~•7~I~;'~~.5: Minor changes rrvusa be *nacie in said water main in oz~cier to complete the plan= ned stogy sewer cot~st^~ictior:, and. WH~RF.aA.,5: Ccopera*.i.~ A.~rp~-tt No, C'-255 between the State and the Tillage provjdes for °thm ~~~,et~e t;r, ~:n~:~ into ~ sz~:ppT®mernt,~aT agreement providing for such chaz~gen aiid tY~e ctivAsi.;xn of coats bet•~tesmn the State and tillage. I~3W T?~N 3F~ IT` ~ti':.SOLt~ ~.i-tsN ,~ e Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to enter into a suppl.ementa,1. a~;ree~rt to ~'ooperati~~ Agreement No. G--2 i55 between the State c*.f M..ix~nesota and the ~i_1..Tage of Monticello provi.din~; for s~~ch cYzanges alld tt]e di viRi.on of costs, ??pon the ..^a~l o.° the x^0:11 the 1'ollou:i.ng vr~ted in favor. of the Resolutioa. L~d".~" y .-c_ v Tl1e f^iJ.owi.n~~ 4-~...ed against it's adoption. ~ ~ ~ ~..c- k'herP open ..tae r~la,ya: ar;cl ~r.:~,,;7.in~ offici': ~~".eclar~~ca trie ~~tesolUtion ado~ated. Dated .~... ~.. „~ ,~"~'~ a ____ ,~. _.~.~~,~ a ~e ~ 8 r}C STATE OF ~fINNE~QTA County of Wright V1.11age of Mcmticello I de hereby certi f~ '.hat. at a re~~lar meeting ~zt a special meeting of urich due and legalnotice was liven j of ttie Cotmion Council of '~i.llaga o'' "onticello, ?Finn- esota an the ,~ day of ~~«..,~ ~ , 1QC~0 at xhich a rna~ority of the riem- bete of said i:ouncil wer® present, The fore; oing resolution was adopted. Given under rqy hand and seal thi. s ~ -~ day o f~c -LC....y~,~ ~ , 19E~ T`-- ~..a -> ~, City Clerk