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City Council Resolution 1963-011
tiVHEREAS, a written ?petition to vacate New Street,
bounded by ~,~ street to the north and the Great Northern
Railt~*ay tracks to the south, signed by the .butting prop-
erty owners, Raymond J. Mamie s.nd Dorothy L. Mamie, and
Alfred Cs.rlson and Christina T. Carlson, we,s properly filEd
with the office of the Pillage Clerk of the Village of
Monticello, Minnesota on the 18th day of Js.nuary, 1963.
tiy'HEREAS, a, hearing, proceeded by two weeks published
and posted notice as prescribed by law, ws_s held on the
4th day of February, 1963.
T~+JIiEREAS, an~Tone ob,~ e c t ing to this resolution had an
opportunity to be heard and wps he~.rd at this he~.ring.
~•~HEREAS, i t appears for the intere s t of the ~ub11c
to grant s~:id petition.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Villa.~;e of
Monticello, tyjright County, Minnesota; that New
Street be vacated and all right, title, interest, or
easement revert to the =.butting landowners. Namely,
the ;pest one half of vacated street to revert to the
fee owners of Lots 5 and 6, Block H, of Riggs addition
to Lower Monticello, Village of Monticello, according
to plat on file in the office of the Register of Deeds
of Wright County and the East one half of vacated
street to revert to the fee owners of Lot 1 and 5, Block
I, of Riggs e.~.dition to Lower Monticello, Village of
Monticello, according to flat on file in the office of
the Register of Deeds of ~~i'right County, innesota.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village Clerk shall
record said rESOlution in the office of the Register of
Deeds, r~~right County, Minnesota as prescribed by law
upon payment by the Petitioners of all costs in connection
with this vacation.
At a regul~.r meeting of the Village Council, held
. _,~
A;oril 1, 1963, the foregoing RESOLUTIQN was moved for
~asgz~e by Couneilnan Adams, seconded by Couneil:nan
Kasr~er, and upon a vote the RESOLiJTION was duly gassed
with Adams, Baker, Kaiser, and Swanson voting in favor
and no votes being recorded ~.gainst the RESOLUTION.
Entered in the transfer record on this ~ 9,~ day
of ~%~-~ ' 1963'
~ ~: -
ounty Au itor ~ ~ .G lG
County of Wright
I hereby certify that the within resolution vacating
~~ ~ ~~
. ` KA
New Street w~.s filed in this office for record on the
day of
,1963, at
M. and wa.s duly recorded in Hook of
e~ister of Deeds
By De}auty