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City Council Resolution 1960-05
RESOLUTIEiN Nfl. ~~ `' LUTIt~ OF ~1ILLAt~~ C(3UNGIL CF ~I~; ~L'LAGE QF 2'1'ICET.~t3 TJ ACQUxRE CERTAIN LANDS BY CnldDiATI~t FUR THE FURPOSE OF TFr: C©NSTRL~CTI0~1 4F A SEND LT~tE ANH A SE~1.~ I~ISFdSAL PLANT. t~HE~l13, Additional land for the conatruation axyd extension of a a+ryrer line and a sewage disposal plarit~ is necessary for the completion of the sewer line in the Village ®~ Horiticel.].o and the construction a.t a sewage disposal plant which is to bs constructed on the edge of the V~J.lage of Monticelle; 1~iERFAS, Eae~nte far the entire sewer line have Mwm assured earoept for that portion of the line to ba aanstructed 3.n Black z2, Towr-eite of Lsnrer I~kantiaello, Village of ~"onticel]ai and aJ,.ao aaeaept far the treat des'lg~.t+~+d foY the sewage disposal plant which ~.$ to ae l+eaated in Setation 12, Tewnsh9.p 121, Range' 2~ • N(~- TH~"~'ORE, F.~; IT R~SOLV~i3, That all the parcels of lend designated on the Survey anti Plans aa-p,~~ieh ie to be filed with the Clerk of Court at Buffalo, Mf.nnesota, are necessary and requisite for said sewer lire and sewage disposal plant purposes ar~i that it is necessary that an sa.as~nt be acquired by said Village for the construction of a sewer line, axxi further, that it is necessary to take title is fee simple in lands to be used for the construction cf said sewage disposal plant; and alas that the Village in said proceedings acquire the following right~t to construct and maintain x sEawer line as provided in the sur~v»y and Flans map which is to be filed 1n the office of the Clerk of Court iri the Court House at BuffA].o, DfiS.nnesota and to acquire and obtain exclusive o•~nership of all earth and other material neaesear3.],y e~caavatsd, removed or taken from said laud in the laying of said sower line and also to acquire and obtain excluairre awr~ership of all earth and ether material necessarily excavated in the cronstruetiox~ of the sewage disposal plant and further to take and to have the exclusive control of all trees, shrubs; grass axul herbage now esd.sting and grown upon said lands. The question wse on the adoption of the resolution and the roll being called, there wares ~7CF~'-S ~ND~ NAYS, as follows K7.siaa Ye~i Adr~t ~ Adama~ Yep. H ~~ Chaiacman Anderear~ Yea. Aesolut34n ,,,~,_ _ Pa~se~ed,,,,_,~,~,,,~, ~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~#~~~a~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hereby aart that the above resolution pe.~ee~. ''moils ~~un¢i,l ~aa-e iaa eeeai©a om the 1fltYi day of Maya 196©.