City Council Resolution 1960-061 of sec r r ~~t! o ,~' Form 2523 Rev • ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s Par .ter RESOLIITION At a (regular) (special) meeting of the Village Council of the Village da of , 1960, the _ of Monticello duly held on the ~ __.__ y _~~2=~--~---"' U , following Resolution was offered by ~~~ ~-~~y.~,,~" i seconded by , a ~~ A ~~~~~.~ ; to-wit: -------- ,._.. WHEREAS the Commissioner of Highways has prepared plane, special provisions and specifications for the improvement of apart of Trunk Aighway No. 129 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 152 and apart of Trunk Highway No. 25 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 25 within. the corporate limits of the Village of Monticello from the West Corporate Limits Eo Mulberry Street and from Great Northern Railroad to Bridge Number 4390; and WHEREAS said plans and special provisions are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S. P. 8609-15 (152=129)• S• P. 8614-0? (152=129)., and S. P. 8605-15 (25=25)• e~ WHEREAS said specifications are on file in the office of the Department of Highways• Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S. P. 5609-15 (152x129), S. P~ 8610..47 (152=129), S. P. 8605-15 (25=25), whi-ch, together with the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated May 1, 1959• on file in the office of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway Number 129 renum- bered as Trunk Highway Number 152 and Trunk Highway Number 25 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 25i and WHEREAS copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Village Clerk; and WHEREAS the term "said plans and. special provisions" as herein- after used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the forego3.ng recitals particularly identified and described. Form 2523 Rev. NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVID that said plans and special provisions for the improvement of firunk Highway Number 129 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 152 and Trunk Highway Number 25 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 25, within the limits of the Village of Monticello be and hereby approved. BE IT FARTHER RESOLVID that the elevations and grades ae shown in said plans and special provisions be and they are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the aonatruction of said Trunk highway Number 129 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 152 and Trunk Highway Number 25 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 2$ in accordance with said plans and special provisions. voted in Upon the call of the roll the following ~ ,~ / favor of the Resolution: The following -~"i~'' voted against its adoption: whereupon the Mayor and presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted. Dated ___L , 1960• 2...... Attests ,'~ ~i4~~r~.~sf ~ ~---- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) ss. VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO ) Village Clerk I do hereby certify that at a regular meeting (at a special meeting oY which. due and legal notic~was given) of the Village Counci19b0Y•M~ttwhiah a Minnesota, on the ~ __,._.,_ nay of ma3ority of the members of said Council were pr ent~ ,the foregoing resolution was adopted. ~j,,~,,~ Given undFr my hand and seal this ~^^~day of -,,,,;s,,,_`„ -,-__.__""'' 1960. Village Clerk S.P. 8609-15 1152=129} S.P. 8610-0? (152=129) S.P. 8605-15 t25.t25) ~ RESOLUTION At a tregular) (special) meeting of the Village Council of the Village --,•-~ of Monticello duly held on the day of ~, ~yt ~ , 1960, the following Resolution was offered by , ,~ ~ ~L~~/y ; seconded by , / ,. -; ,; ; to-wit s WHEREAS the Village of Monticello has approved the plans and specifications for the improvement of that part of Trunk Highway Number 129 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 152, and that part of Trunk Highway Number 25 re- numbered as Trunk Highway Number 25, within the corporate 1lmits of the Village of Monticello from the West Corporate Limits to Mulberry Street and from Great Northern Railroad to Bridge No. 4390; and WHEREAS in order to attain Federal aid in the construction of said Trunk Highway Number 129 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 152, and said Trunk Highway 2,5 renumbered as Trunk Highway ~5, the Bureau of Public Roads requires the assurance that the Village of Monticello will not suffer any encroachment of any nature or kind whatsoever an the right of way of paid Trw.nk Highway Number 129 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 152 and said Trunk Highway Number 25 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 25, within the corporate limits of the paid Village of Monticello; snd WHEREAS the Commissioner of Highways desires 3.n the interest of public safety that all parking of vehicles an said trunk highway be par- allel with the curb and at 1eas~r 20 feet from any crosswalk. NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said Village of Monticello does hereby agree and covenant that it will never permit or suffer, within its cor- porate limits, any encroachment of any kind whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas +~tations, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon the right of way of Trunk Highway Number 129 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 152, and Trunk Highway Number 25 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 25 and to the above end said Village of Monticello hereby agrees that it will never issue any license, permit, or grant, or give any leave or liberty or any other consent of whatever form for the construction or maintenance of any encroachment whatsoever, including curb gas pumps ar_d gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon said right of Wray; and that said Village of Monticello will cooperate insofar as possible to eliminate existing encroachments constituting traffic hazards and will further take any necessary action to eliminate any encroaohment that may hereafter exist on said trunk highway right of way; and BE IT FURTI3ER RESOLVED that said Village of Monticello does hereby agree to require the parking of all vehicles on said trunk highway to be parallel with the ourb and at least twenty (20} feet from arng crosswalks. on all public streets interseoting said trunk highway within the corporate limits of said Vi11a~e of Monticello Upon the call of the roll the f ollawing volted~ in favor of the Resolution: h / The following voted against its adoption: whereupon the Mayor and presiding off ioer declared the Resolution adopted, Dated ~ ~ 19 60 • ~-r ~~ tea. ~6a.yor STATE OF MINNESOT A COUNTY OF WgIGg~,' VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO ss. Attest: ~ ~ C,C~Y,~ Village Clerk I do hereby certify that at a regular meeting (at a special meeting of which due and legal notice wa given} of the Village Council of Monticello Minnesota, on the ~ ~ day of 19 60 , at which a majority of the members of said Council were present, tY; foregoing resolution was adopted. Given under my hand and sea3 this ~9~ day of , 19 60~ i~lage C lerk