City Council Resolution 1962-01 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~V~1LLA~]E ®~ M®I®TT~~~]LI,® MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA RFSpLUTION C~'TTNG EASEi~FiJT TO OSCAR P~ FL~2 THE PURPOSE OF RUAIl+~G A I~IN LINE 'Q1~ER A VILLAGE S`~ Ti~hareaas A request has bey received by the village cotu~eil of the T3.llage of 1~tticello by Mr do mra Oscar Pierscaa to rtm a drain line tinder and aaroas West R3.v+eT a'tredt and tmde~ th® seat edge of Oak street to the Mi.asiasippi river far the purpose af' ing basement Crater from, their home located dust outside the vide l.im3.ts on West &iver street. Be It 9~erefore Resolveds That the village council of the ir3].1.age of MonticeLl.o~ informed that without the drain line requested water continually stands iri the base- ma~t oi' the above mentioned haste, does herebg great easement to Mr. & Mrs.. Oscar Pierson, their heirs and assigns to install and m93ntain a drain lane as requested ~ti.th the follow3sig conditions being realizeds (1) All. eag>enses iaetnreddin inst. and maintaining such dram line vi11. be boars by the parties requesting the permit,. (2) The '~il.lage of Monticello nor the Village Cotmcil shall not be held liable f ar any damage inetarred in installing acid mai.atai *~ snah gain line, (3) This per~rit grill not bind the village of Monticello fraari, further dev~elopmemt in this area arui any damage to t2~is drain line caused by the village or any part3,es hiered by the village shall be at the expense of the parties requesting this perrrnt. (?~) 411 properties must be restored to their original condition following the installatiaa~ of this drain line, (5) This drain line shall not be used far the pta~pose Of dra.~ni ~; raw sewage into the Mississippi rivet. Adopted the village council of the Village of Monticello, Minr~,esota this ~''~ ~' of ... 1962 Z ic.i P ies requesting p t. ~~~ ~~~ _~